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01x29 - Win One for the Twipper

Posted: 03/09/24 16:03
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[all chattering]


L.B., it isn't fair
that I do all the pulling.

I've masterminded
our escape,

gained a trunk-load
of gems,

and I've cheated
one little old lady.

That was no lady, Tweep.
That was your mother.

Precisely, L.B.

Imagine Mummy married
to the Mudblup king.

And they paid me
a fortune in jewels
for her.

Ah, I gotta admit,
you had a good day.

But according
to this checklist

you still got
a long way to go

and so do we, so move it.

Okay, like, I got it,
I got it, I got it.




Hey, guy!

Whoa, like, awesome, man.

I saw what happened,
but how do you call it?

I'm totally safe, man.

Out by a mile.

let's call it both.

All right.
A safe-out.

I was thinking more like
an out-safe.

Hey, nice play, man.

Thanks. Hey, next time,
hold up at third.

Hey, look, man.
Like, it's Tweeg.

This is too intense.

the mean green one.

Like, why don't
you two dudes play with
us for a while, man?

Can we cheat?


Then forget it.

What's the point of playing
if you can't cheat?


Then don't play.

I feel a thought
coming on.



[laughs] L.B.,
this plan is foolproof.

And you're just the fool
to prove it.

I need three things.

One, to assemble
a team of Mudblups,

two, a sure thing to bet
this trunk of gems on,

three, a sucker.

Now, hmm.
Where will I find one?

My prayers are answered.

This'll be fun, Gimmick.

I've never been
to a Grungeball game.

I do enjoy Grundo's
national pastime.


These plants
look delicious.


Grubby, don't!


What's wrong, Gimmick?

Just as I suspected.

Grubby, this is
Tummyosis Painomuchimus.

Tummyosi-- Paino--
What do you say?

The more common name
is bellybomb.

That sounds serious.

One bite of that plant

and Grubby would have had
a very bad stomach ache.

Well, okay.

But the important thing
is do they taste good?


You dudes
wanna join our team?

Play with
the Grunge All Stars?

You bet.

Okay. Like, play ball.

Or something.

Good afternoon,

Oh, hello.
Oh, do I know you?

Of course you do.

I'm Winston Tweeter,
the finest inventor in Grundo.

Really? Well,
I've never heard of you.

Although there is something
very familiar about you.

Well, only professional
inventors have heard of me.

You must be an amateur.

Oh, is that so?

Well, I could invent
circles around you
any day, Mister.

Really? Wanna bet?

Uh, yes.

Then I suggest
a gentlemanly wager.

We'll both invent
new Grungeball equipment

and tomorrow my team,
using my equipment,

will play your team
using yours.

that's fine with me.


I'll bet a whole
trunk-load of jewels.

What will you bet?

Oh, uh, well,
uh, I don't know.

How about
betting your house?

I bet my house.

Until tomorrow then.

The nerve of some people.

Heavens to Grundo!

What have I done?

And the next thing I knew,

I bet my house on
the outcome of tomorrow's
Grungeball game.

Oh, wow, man. Like,
that is totally intense.

Yeah, I guess my pride
just got the better of me.

Hey, dudes, like, wow,
I've got an idea.

You know, like, why don't
we be Gimmick's team?

-No sweat, man.

-Like, we will win.
-We can beat 'em.

Uh, do you really
think so?

Positive, man.

Like, we will wipe them
off the map, man.

Don't worry, Gimmick.

We won't let you
lose your house.

Uh, uh, thank you,

and I promise I'll invent
the best Grungeball gear

you've ever utilized.

♪ Grungeball
is my favorite sport ♪

♪ If I make an out
or get a homerun ♪

Out of the park, man!

♪ From the crack of the bat,
you'll be holding your hat ♪

♪ And you'll
soon discover ♪

♪ That you've never
had so much fun ♪

♪ Grungeball
is my favorite sport ♪

♪ It beats Grundo golf
and Bounder bowling too ♪


♪ No other sport's
quite the same ♪

♪ You know I'd rather
play a game ♪

♪ Of Grungeball with you ♪

♪ So put on
a Grungeball mitt ♪

-Come on!
-♪ Or try to get a hit ♪

For sure!

♪ Pick up a couple
of Grungeballs and toss 'em ♪


♪ There's no way to explain
why it's such a gnarly game ♪

♪ There's just
something about it ♪

♪ That's totally awesome ♪

♪ Totally awesome ♪

♪ Grungeball
is my favorite sport ♪

♪ It beats Villain Volleyball,
Fob Football too ♪

♪ There's nothing else
you can name ♪

♪ That is quite like
a game ♪

-♪ Of Grungeball with you ♪

[all cheer]

I wish I could get
this thing open, L.B.

I'd like to look
at my untold wealth

for a little inspiration.

Never mind that, Twiz.

I think you'd better tell me
about this plan again.

After all,
I am your supervisor.

Oh, it's simple.

We go to the Mudblup caves
to get the unbeatable team,

whip the pants off those
bratty little grunges,

and then Gimmick's house
is mine.

your brain is almost as sharp
as the top of my head.


Come to beg my forgiveness,
have you?

Well, forget it.
It won't work.

Well, Mummy,
how was the wedding?

You actually expected me
to marry that Mudblup king

because of some cheap trick
concocted in your tiny brain?

Since you put it that way,

Well, guess again!

I am Eleanor Tweeg!

I belong to no one--
man or Mudblup.

Is that what
you told the king?

You betcha.

No wonder he was so mad.

I offered to let him
play on my team

and he threw me in jail.

Well, there goes your
brilliant plan, Tweez.


Oh, please, Mumsie.

You must marry him.

Nothing could convince me
to marry that overgrown mudpie.

Nothing, nothing, nothing!

Okay, okay, I'll cut you in
for half my winnings.


I'll just freshen up
a little.

A bride wants
to look her best.

Oh, Mummy!
You've made me the happiest
villain in Grundo.

Uh, Twinz, I just
remembered something.

Those Mudblup guys
can't stand bright light.

How they gonna
play outside?

Rest assured,
that little problem

is already taken care of.


I'm brilliant!
Oh, brilliant!


Extry, extry!

Grunges versus Mudblups!

In the game
of the century!


Peanuts, peanuts, peanuts.

New in Grundo.
You'll love 'em.

Peanuts. Peanuts.

I'll take some.

It's a beautiful day
for Grungeball.

Coming on to the field now,
the challengers,

The Mudblup Mashers.

[crowd booing]

Throw the bums out!
Get 'em off the field!

Now the "champeens."

since their last game,

The Grunge All Stars.

[crowd cheering]

Not till
we're married.

Personally, I don't think
you guys got a chance,

but I want you
to remember one thing.

You may be slow
and you may be lazy,

but you are also
really stupid.

Now get out there
and win one for the Twipper!


Thanks, L.B.

Yeah, it was kind of
inspiring, wasn't it?

Umpiring today's game,
the Wizard of Grundo.

Let's have a good game
and lots of fun.

That's your bat design?

Why, it's just
a Mudblup club.

Wait and see
what it can do,

my undersized friend.



[crowd cheering]

It's The All Stars 14
and The Mashers zip.

With the 'blups
batting next.

The All Stars' lead is due
to the new bat they're using

by Newton Gimmick.

What a swing.

He knocked it
clear out of the park.

Maybe even out of Grundo!

Oh, grody.

What is that
idiot doing?

Beats me, Twink.

You idiot.
It's a game.

You're not supposed
to take prisoners.


Run, you fool! Run!


You're out.

[all cheering]

[bat cracks]

Another Grunge homer.

If I were you, I'd consider
leaving the country, Twig.

Perhaps I can sneak away

through that field
of bellybombs.


That gives me another
brilliant idea.

You really think
this is gonna work, Twiz?

Of course!

These things look
just like hotdogs.

Now get going.

Free hotdogs!

Courtesy of The Mashers!

Wow, free hotdogs.

-They sure are, man.

This certainly is
nice of them.

Yes, Teddy, very, uh,

Oh. Oh.

Wait, stop.
Don't eat those things.

What's wrong, Grubby?

It's a bunch of them

Oh, no.


Strike three.

Ugh, pain, man.


In a surprising turnaround,

The Mashers
now lead 40 to 37.

What's this? The All Stars
are leaving the field.

[laughs] Looks like
the game is over,

in which case, I win.

Hand over the deed
to your house, baldy.

Wait, Mr. Wizard. Can we
use substitute players?

Substitute players?
Definitely not.

I'm the umpire,
thank you.

Substitutions are allowed.

Let the game continue.

Louis: Now pitching
for The All Stars,

Grubby the Octopede.

[crowd cheers]

It's a towering fly ball.

Gimmick'll never
catch this one.

But he does.
What a miracle catch.


Strikes one, two, and three.

You're out.

What a game.
It's the bottom of the ninth.

Next up,
Leota the Woodsprite.

Leota, you're our last chance
to save Gimmick's house.

You can do it.

Run, Leota, run.

Or better yet, fly.

[both grunt]


Hooray, Leota!

Final score, 41 to 40.

The All Stars win!

Well, wait till next year.

Oh, like, great game, man.

Are you all right?

We're still a little queasy,
but we're okay.

Yeah, man.
You know, like, you can't
keep a good Grunge down.

Yeah, man,
it's, like, it's all
the vitamins we take.

Hey, look what I found!

[crowd gasps]

He was trying to get away.

You lost the bet.
Pay up, Professor Tweeter.


Looks like you've got
some explaining to do, man.

Um, uh...

Oh, here. Take it.

Can we borrow
Twank for a while?

His mom would like
a word with him.


His mom?
Well, sure.

Let's do this again real soon.

Oh, please, Mr. Mudblup,

can you open the trunk
before we go?

I'd like to at least
see the gems I just lost.

Oh, yes,
I suppose we should
see what we've won.

Go on, muddy.
Open the box.

Coal? You were
supposed to fill the trunk
with gems, you dolt.

They are gems.

They're the prettiest
black ones we could find.

The bright-colored ones
are ugly...

Blup, blup, blup.

Enjoy your treasure, Gimmick.

[laughs] Imagine Tweeg
thinking this coal
was a pile of jewels.

[laughs] Actually,
it's quite valuable
right now.

It's the best airship fuel
I know.

By the way, Gimmick,
man, like...

Like, what do all these
attachments on your bat
really do?

Actually nothing,

except give our players


[theme music playing]