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01x27 - The Crystal Book

Posted: 03/09/24 16:01
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[birds chirping]

-[door opens]
-Hello, Grubby.

Did you get lots of

Yep. I sure did.

That's good.
I want you to look at something.

What is it?
A cookbook, I hope?

No. It's the crystal book

we found at
King Nogburt's castle.

Take a look at this picture.

Grubby: Gee, those look just
like the crystals we found

in the Hard To Find City.

Except that these have
writing on them.

Right, Grubby,
but so did ours
when we found them, remember?

This one says "imagination."

This one says "honesty."

And this one "bravery."


All: "Freedom!"

Gee, I forgot all about that.

Teddy: Maybe Gimmick
can explain it to us.

Gimmick, we've got something
we want to show you.

Huh? What is it, Teddy?

Well, I was looking at this book
we found at King Nogburt's.

There's a picture of
some crystals in it

just like the ones we found
in the Hard To Find City.


Yeah, except the ones in
the book have writing on them.

That's right, and ours
had writing on them, too,
but now they don't.

Writing, you say?

That's most interesting.

-What do you think
it means, Gimmick?

I haven't a clue, actually.

I'll investigate the phenomenon

as soon as I finish working
on my latest invention.

-Teddy: What's that, Gimmick?
-To be precise,

it's an a*t*matic music machine.

Oh, when do you think
it'll be finished?

Well, science cannot be
hurried, you know.

That means he doesn't know.

-[Teddy chuckles]
-I promise as soon as it's done,

-I'll have a look at
that book of yours.
-Teddy: Thanks, Gimmick.

We can look at
the book ourselves.

Yeah, you're not
the only one around here

good at figuring
things out.

Hmm, now, where was I?

Ah, yes.

Perhaps if I connect
the tuner arm

to the euphonic
balance mechanism,

-and adjust the leverage
to the key selector...
-[xylophone playing]


Huh? Oh! [chuckles]

It's you, Fuzz.
Having a bit of fun, are you?

-How delightful.

A little music to work by

is always pleasant.

Now, oh, yes.

I'll need my Newton-patented

Ah, here it is.

[laughs] Wow!

Thank you, Fuzz, but I could've
lit the lamp myself.


Tweeg: What a bother.

Books on how to lie,
cheat, steal,

and use weapons of destruction,

and I have to read
every one of them.

I wonder if I can hire
someone to do it for me.

But I do look pretty good
with one of these.

-Eleanor: Tweegy, oh, Tweegy!



That's it, Tweep. Hop to it.

Remember, that Quellor guy
made me your supervisor.

Ah! How ridiculous!

I can't image the supreme
oppressor of M.A.V.O.

placing someone like me

at the mercy of a lowly Bounder.

Me neither, but he did.

-Ain't that right, Eleanor?
-That's right.

You wouldn't be calling us
liars, would you?

Me? Why of course not, Mommy.

Are you saying I'm not a liar?

How dare you insult me
that way.

Obviously you haven't read
these books I gave you

on how to become
a successful villain, hmm?

Oh, but I have, Mommy.
Every inspiring word.

How could you?!

I just brought them
this morning.

Er, um, I'm good
at speed-reading.

You're even better at lying.

Well, yes-- I mean, no.
Well, actually...

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

What am I gonna do
with you, Tweeze?

It's times like this
that I feel embarrassed

to be your supervisor.

You couldn't
supervise slime.

That's what I keep telling them,
but they gave me the job anyway.


Now, L.B.,
show a little respect.

I'm already showing
as little as I can.

Enough of this bickering,

You have a long way to go
before you'll catch up

on your list of
M.A.V.O bad deeds.

Now get going!

But I need more time to study.

Oh, please help me, Mommy.
I can't do it alone.

Please, please, please.

Stop that whining at once.

[scoffs] I'm not whining.
I'm whimpering.

This is pitiful.

I thought you wanted
to join M.A.V.O.

That was when I thought
I knew what I was doing.

L.B.: I think it would be
fitting if Tweeg pulled
the wagon for once,

-don't you, Eleanor?
-An excellent idea, L.B.

It might teach him
some humility.

So what are you
waiting for, Twick?

Get up there and start
pulling your load.


Well, at least I completed one
task on the M.A.V.O. checklist.

Really? I'm so proud of you.

-What was it, Tweep?
-Tweeg: [laughs]

Senseless vandalism.

Grubby: It seems kinda funny--

those words appearing
and disappearing like that.

It certainly is
a mystery, Grubby.

It's as though the crystals
and this book

are trying to tell us something.

-[xylophone playing]
-What was that noise?

It came from
Gimmick's laboratory.

Maybe he's finished
with his experiment.

Well, come on.
Let's go see.

How's it going, Gimmick?
Is it finished yet?

Oh, not exactly, Grubby.

I still have a few
minor adjustments to make.

Gimmick, I still can't
figure out something about
these crystals.

-You see, I was remembering
when we found them--
-[xylophone playing]

-Did you see that?
-Huh? See what, Teddy?

The crystals,
they were just glowing.

-Gimmick: Really, Teddy?
-[xylophone playing]

If the crystals had the power
of spontaneous luminosity,

I'm sure I would've
noticed it earlier.

it's scientifically impossible

for the crystals to glow...

the way they're glowing
right now.

-This is most inexplicable.
-[xylophone playing]

I think Fuzz is doing it.

Gosh, Teddy,
I think you're right.

Hmm. Most fascinating.

-Hey, here we go with
the word stuff again.
-You're right, Grubby.

It says "honesty."

This one says "inventiveness."

Let me try one.

-[xylophone playing]
-This is kind of fun.

What does yours say, Teddy?

-A most fascinating conundrum.

-Wouldn't you say?
-Well, I might if I knew
what it meant.

How do you explain it,

Yeah, you're the expert
on why things do stuff.

Why thank you, Grubby.

It would appear
the crystals have the power

to indicate a characteristic
of their holder.

-In your case, Grubby,

honesty is an accurate
description of your nature.

And generosity certainly
describes you, Teddy.

And you're inventive, all right.

Grubby: Yep. You honestly are.

Very generous of you to say so.


There certainly is something
strange and wonderful

about these crystals.

Teddy: ♪ What is the secret
of the crystals? ♪

♪ Do they somehow mean
something special to me? ♪

♪ What is the secret
of the crystals? ♪

♪ Do they hold
some hidden knowledge ♪

♪ I cannot clearly see? ♪

♪ They are clear and bright ♪

♪ And shiny ♪

♪ In their surface
I see me ♪

♪ They can make things
big or tiny ♪

♪ Or copy the things
that they see ♪

♪ When I touch them,
they can show me ♪

♪ If I'm clever, wise, or kind ♪

♪ It's as though somehow
they know me ♪

♪ And what's going on
inside my mind ♪

♪ What is the secret
of the crystals? ♪

♪ Will they ever share
the knowledge that they hold? ♪

♪ What is the secret
of the crystals? ♪

♪ Is it something I'll discover
before I've grown too old? ♪

♪ But as I try to understand
this mystery ♪

♪ I think I'm learning
something true ♪

♪ The shiny surfaces
reflecting back on me ♪

♪ And I should see myself ♪

♪ I ought to look
inside myself ♪

♪ They want me
just to see myself ♪

♪ As clearly as they do... ♪

And that was when
all my problems

in nursey school
first started.

Tweeg had nothing
but problems in
nursery school.

He never did
anything wrong.

Hey, Twill,
this might be your chance
to do something nasty

and improve
your standing in the Monsters
and Villains Organization.

What are you
blabbering about, L.B.?

Look over there.

[cheering, laughing]

-What am I looking at?
-What do you see?

A bunch of bouncing baby Fobs
with lollipops. So what?

No wonder you're a failure.

Look again, you twit.

This is your chance
to complete

the steal-candy-from-a-baby

on your M.A.V.O. checklist.


Wow! Fun!

Oh, you're right.
Mommy always knows best.

Think you can pull it off,
Tweek? [laughs]

I'll have you know I could write
a book on stealing from babies.

It's in my blood, L.B.
I'm a born burglar.

Eh, that's "bungler," Twit.

It's just like you to quibble
over one little letter.

Now, start me, L.B.

This I gotta see. [laughs]

On your mark...

get set...

and... go!

[grunts, laughs]

I'll take that. Oh, and that.

Hee hee! And that.

-What are you doing?

Those are our lollies.

Tweeg: Not anymore, fuzzball.

Let that be a lesson to you--

never trust a green stranger.

[Wooly jabbering]

-Tweeg: Oops.
-Hey, you big bully!

Give those back!

[chuckles] Of course.

With the greatest of pleasure.

Here's one for you.

And, uh, one for you.

And one for you.

Now, I really must be going.

Hey! Not so fast!

-I'll teach you
not to steal candy

from cute little
baby Fobs!

-Whoa! [screaming]


Nice going, Twick.

Too bad knocking over old ladies
ain't on the checklist.


Oh, get off me,
you numbskull!

Can't you do
anything right?

I thought I was supposed
to do something wrong.

Ever since we found
the crystals,

we've wondered what strange
powers they have.

This morning when Fuzz
started playing music,

words appeared.

I wonder what the secret
of the crystals is.

Gimmick: It's perfect.

-What's perfect, Gimmick?

My latest invention,
that's what.

Does it have anything to do
with food this time?

No, no, Grubby.
It's much better than that.

I call it
my crystal stethoscope.

Grubby: Steth, uh, what?

What happened to
your a*t*matic music machine?

Well, I used part of it
to make the stethoscope.


If you recall,
the crystals told us

something about
our basic attributes.

And this stethoscope
will activate the power
in the crystals,

and in a single word,

reveal the personality
of an individual.

It sounds kind of complicated.

Gimmick's inventions
always sound complicated.

♪ Gimmick,
a dreamer up of dreams ♪

♪ A maker up of mechanisms ♪

♪ Thinker up of schemes ♪

Both: ♪ Schemes that
merely need exploring ♪

♪ Even though some simple facts
just might need ignoring ♪

If a formula is faulty,
I'm not upset for long.

For if the answer isn't right,
the question must be wrong.

♪ So Gimmick keeps on working
at scheming up his schemes ♪

♪ And making up his mechanisms ♪

♪ Dreaming up his dreams ♪

Both: ♪ And when the thing
he's working on ♪

♪ Turns out successfully ♪

♪ Then it might make the world
a little better place to be ♪

[chuckles] Precisely.

It's really
quite simple.

All I have to do is aim
this stethoscope at someone

and, well,

-here, I'll show you.
-[knocks on door]

Heavens to Grundo,
I wonder who that could be.

There's only one way
to find out.

-[L.B. laughing]
-What are you laughing at,

you overstuffed comma?

I was just wondering which of
you looks better in that dress,

Mommy or sonny boy.

-Enough of your lip, shorty.

-You'll miss your cue.
-Oh, yeah.

I wouldn't want to miss Tweet
making a fool of himself again.


What can we do
for you, madam?

[high-pitched] Hello,
you generous-looking men.

I was wondering
if I could interest you

in a remarkable
new product for your home.

What exactly is it?

Why it's Bounder repellent,
of course.

Guaranteed to keep those pesky
little Bounders out of your way.

How do we know
it really works?

Why there's one of those
bothersome Bounders now.


-Watch this.
-[L.B. gasps]



What is that powerful stuff?

Let me out of here.


See that? It never fails.

That's very interesting.

But perhaps you'd like
to participate

in an important
scientific experiment.


Teddy: It says "greedy."

-In that case, I say good-bye.

I disliked doing that,
but my invention never lies.

Oh, drat!

Drat! Drat! And double drat!

Well, did you swindle
and cheat those fools

like you were supposed to?

Or did you goof it up
like you usually do?


They didn't give me a chance
to do either.


Give me my dress back.

I'll show you
how it's done.

Now get out of my way

and get ready to watch
a pro in action.

I oughta sell tickets
for this kind of show.

Hey, that old lady was Tweeg.

Gimmick: Indeed.

Well, that explains everything.

Gee, it's a good thing
we didn't buy any of
that Bounder repellent.

-[knocks on door]
-Sounds like Tweeg has
decided to try again.

Yes, it does. Come on.

It's obvious you fools
don't know a good deal
when you see one.

Now, buy some of this
Bounder repellent at once.

Do you hear me?!

[all laughing]

That's the ugliest disguise
you've come up with yet, Tweeg.

-But it didn't fool us.

You can take it off now.

-We'll even help you.
-Ah! Hey! Ow!

Ooh! Ah! Hey!

Ouch! What do you think
you're doing?

Gimmick: This is indeed quite
a disguise you have on, Tweeg.

It's on so tight

-you'd almost think
it was real.

Ow! Let me go!

You're crazy! All of you!


Gee, Tweek, I guess your mommy
ain't much better

at this evil genius stuff
than you are. [laughs]

One of these days, L.B.,
you'll get yours.

If you're talking about
my salary, I'll take it.

Of all the nerve!
Imagine them thinking I was you.

I've never been so insulted
in my life!

Let me go back, Mommy.

I promise this time
I'll do it right.

Forget it.

Just get up there
and start pulling this wagon.

Yeah, start pulling it, Twizz.

You too, you jumping jellybean!

L.B.: I knew this arrangement
was too good to last.

That's quite a gizmo
you've got there, Gimmick.

It sure was right about
Tweeg being greedy.

Oh, just part of being
inventive, I suppose.


-Now can we eat something?
-I don't see why not.

And I guess we don't need
the crystals to tell us

Grubby's being honest
when he says he's hungry.

Teddy, you said a mouthful.

Grubby: Hey, Teddy, do you mind
being a bit more generous

with those Grundleberries?


♪ I am proud to be me ♪

♪ I'm very proud to be me ♪

♪ If I'm the best me
that I can be ♪

♪ Then I'm proud,
so proud to be me ♪

♪ Fobs are glad to be Fobs ♪

♪ And I am glad
to be me ♪

♪ When I look in the mirror
and like what I see ♪

♪ Then I'm glad,
so glad to be me ♪

-[bell dings]
-♪ I could lose a pound or two ♪

♪ There are things that make me
different than you ♪

-♪ You could be red ♪
-♪ Or pink ♪

-♪ Or green ♪
-Fuzz: ♪ Or blue ♪

-♪ Or big ♪
-Fuzz: ♪ Or small ♪

-Grubby: ♪ Or cute ♪
-Teddy: ♪ Or tall ♪

All: ♪ How about you? ♪

♪ Fobs are glad to be Fobs ♪

♪ And I am glad to be me ♪

♪ When we look in the mirror
and like what we see ♪

♪ Then we're proud, so proud to
be, glad, so glad to be ♪

♪ So proud to be ♪

All: ♪ Me ♪

[theme music playing]