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01x25 - Through Tweeg's Fingers

Posted: 03/09/24 16:00
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Old Beanly:
That was a wonderful
drink. Hey, thank you!

You're welcome.

Sorry I couldn't help you find
that guy you're looking for.

Guy? Oh, yes,
the Harry Who's-It.

I was sure he lived
around here somewhere.

However, no sense crying over
spilled... uh... spilled...


Oh, no, thank you,
I just had a hot drink.

In any case,
I must be going now.

Well, it was real nice
of you to drop in.

And I hope
you find that fella,
the Harry Who's-It.

Who? Oh! You mean
the Whiskery What-Not.

Oh, how I wish I'd found him.

Princess Aruzia will be
terribly disappointed.


You know Princess Aruzia?

Know her! Why, I'm
practically her uncle.

Uh, or is it... cousin?

In any case, I have served
the royal family as a messenger

for countless years.


What was the message
you were supposed to bring
from the Princess?

Well, I suppose
I could tell you.

Eh, now,
what was the message?

Oh, yes! I was to invite
the Follicled Flibbertigibbet

to King Nogburt's castle
along with Teddy, Grubby,
and Gimmick.

Teddy, Grubby, and Gimmick?!

Say, I know those guys!

We rescued Princess Aruzia

You did? Well, that's
quite a coincidence.

What was your name again?


I'm the Wooly What's-It!

Well, why didn't you say so?

You are hereby invited
to a royal banquet.

Me? Invited to
a bank... bank...

-A banquet!

For helping rescue Princess
Aruzia from the evil Mudblups.

Or was it the evil Gutangs?

In either case,

it'll be held on the fourth day
of the seventh month,

Grundo savings time.

Gee, that was three days ago.

It was?

Oh, well, maybe there will be
some nice leftovers.

I must be off.

Hey! How do you get
to the castle, anyway?

Well, it just so happens
I'm going there now.

I usually remember the way.


Do you mind
if I tag along?

I don't see why not.

That way, when we get there,
you can tell me how we did it.

Father, can you hear me?

Our friends
have asked to see you.

I regret this painful
incident had to occur.

It has rather spoiled
the celebration.

Never mind that,
Your Majesty.

We just want
to see you get better.

Father, Gimmick has
an amazing new invention

which I thought
you'd like to see.

Yes, I call it the portable
duplicating machine.

It, uh, duplicates things.

I'd love to see
a demonstration.

Well, of course.
If you insist.

Now, what shall I,
uh, duplicate?

I have just the thing.

Now, if everyone is ready...

Oh, me! Oh, my!

Grubby: Uh, Gimmick,
don't you think you
ought to turn it off?

-Aruzia: Oh!

it would seem that after
duplicating the peanuts,

-I, uh, neglected to turn off
-Teddy: Whoa!

the a*t*matic repeater switch.

Teddy: I can't find
the switch, Gimmick.


Uh-oh! Hang on, everybody.


Grubby: Yikes!

[all shouting]

Uh, has anyone
seen my spectacles?

Are these them?

[all laughing]

Well, Gimmick,
at least we know for sure
that your machine works.

Yes, and thank you
for showing it to me.

But these duplicate bracelets
will disappear soon,

isn't that right?

Yes, Princess,

but the effects
of the machine

seem to be lasting
longer and longer.

I'm afraid I must ask
everyone to leave now.

The King needs to, uh, rest.

Yes, my friends,
I'm feeling quite tired.

Hey, Twink, would you mind
painting a wall instead of me?

Quiet, L.B.,
or you'll give us away.

Don't worry,
no one would take us.

Never mind the bad jokes.

We must sneak into
the King's chamber.


One side! Royal painters
coming through.

Great gabbing

Look at all that gold!

So, what's that
got to do with us?

Don't you understand,
you chowder-headed chump?

This time we're
going to be rich!

I've heard that before.

You two, what are you
doing, uh, here?

We're, uh--

[French accent]
That is, why, we uh--

Go ahead and tell her, Twiz.
We're gonna be rich!

I'm glad you're here.

haul this stuff away.

-And please hurry.

The King must rest.

You heard the lady,
Tweeze. Move it!


Hurry up, L.B., before
the price of gold drops.

Oh, just wait until
I show Mummy these jewels.

And when Quellor sees them,

he's sure to make me
a member of the Monsters
And Villain's Organization.

If he sees them,
you mean.

After you mother gets
her hooks on them.

Hmm. You may be right, L.B.

We'll go straight to M.A.V.O.
headquarters instead.

-Now move it!
-Oh, great.

Now I got to haul this
thing up the mountains.

How very odd.

Those two painters
have left the castle
without asking for payment.

Uh, you certainly do
have loyal subjects,

Your Highness.

Doctor: Excuse me,
Your Majesty.

Ah, Doctor, what news
of my husband's condition?

There is now no doubt
that the grundleberry juice

that the king drank
was, uh, poisoned.

Is there no antidote?

Yes, but we have
less than 24 hours

in which to administer it.


What is the antidote?

Where can it be found?

it is a rare flower

that only grows
in one place.

The Jungle With No Name.

The Jungle With No Name
is much more than a day's
distance from here.

And you said my father
has but 24 hours to live!

I have an idea.
We can take the airship.

That's right, Teddy.
We'd get there in no time
by flying.

And it would be easier
on our feet.

Yes, that's a most
excellent idea.

But if you take the airship,
the Gutangs may attack
the castle again.

There is that possibility.

This sure is getting to be
kind of confusing.

But without the antidote,
Father will die.

Don't worry, Aruzia.

We'll get those flowers
from the Jungle With No Name

and defend the castle
at the same time.

We will?
I mean, we sure will!


How are we gonna
do that, Teddy?

I've got a plan.

If we continue southeast
from the castle,

we should be at
the Jungle With No Name

in just a few hours.

Gee, Teddy,
I hope you're right.

But I think you're wrong.

What do you mean, Grubby?


Princess Aruzia was right!

It would appear
to be another raid.

-More like a full-scale
-Grubby: Yeah.

Grubby: And some of those
Gutang planes are getting
mighty close to the airship.

Indeed. Full-speed
on the propeller.

More fuel in the furnace,

Faster, Grubby!

How fast is faster when
you've already run out of time?


Oh, my. Oh!

Oh, no! We've been hit.

Oh, my gosh,
we're gonna crash.

Hang on, everyone!

[all screaming]

Grubby, Gimmick,
are you all right?

Yup, I think so.

Maybe we should have
walked after all.

Indeed. I believe I have
sustained only minor injuries.

The airship, however, appears
not to have fared as well.

I see what you mean.

Hey, fellas, look.

There's King Nogburt's
army now.

Yes, and just in time, too.


Teddy: Now they've really
got a fighting chance.

Grubby: It's a good thing you
thought of making all those
duplicated soldiers, Teddy.

I just hope they don't
disappear too soon.

Well, if they do, Gimmick
can always make some more.
Right, Gimmick?

I'm afraid that might
be a bit difficult, Grubby.

What do you mean?

It appears that the duplicating
machine suffered some damage

during our crash landing.

Oh, no. This is serious.

IF the duplicate soldiers
disappear before they can
drive off the Gutangs...




Go on, get them!
Hee hee hee!


Ah! Time to bail out!

Huh? What's going on here?

Now I've figured it,
all right.

Those weren't real
soldiers at all.

That Gimmick guy
just duplicated--
or coopelated--

er... made more of them.

There's hardly any real soldiers
here at all.


I've got to signal the Gutangs
to come back.

Where could he be going
in such a hurry?

I haven't
the foggiest notion.

But he's headed for
the top of the tower.

And he's carrying a lantern.

-A lantern!
-A lantern!

I'll wager he's planning
to signal the Gutangs
to resume their attack.

Come! There's not
a moment to lose.

Wait, stop the retreat.

Get ready to launch
a new as*ault.

You there! Stop,
in the name of the king!

Ahh! Ah!


Oh, no! The Gutangs
have returned.

And stronger than ever,
it would appear.

Grubby, do you have any
of that root stew left?

Gee, Teddy, we used it all up
during the last Gutang raid.

Gimmick, are you almost finished
fixing the duplicating machine?

I'm afraid it may
take a while yet.

what do we do now, Teddy?

Wait for a miracle.

Quite a lot of commotion,
wouldn't you say?

Mr. Old Beanly!


And me! Hiya, fellas!

Look out, everybody.


Hey, you guys, cut that out.

You could hurt somebody.

Now I'm getting kind of mad!


-Attaboy, Wooly!




That's no way to make friends.

Wooly: You guys have
to learn to play nice.

That's telling them,

Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Ah, gee.


Once again, my friends,
I am in your debt.

Your duplicate soldiers
confused the Gutang attack.

While Wooly, here, demonstrated
his incredible bravery.

We did what we could,
Prince Arin,

but I'm afraid we failed
in our real mission.

with the airship busted,

we can't get to
the Jungle With No Name
in time to save the King.

Tell us, Doctor, how much
longer will my father live?

I'm afraid
he's fading fast.

This is all my fault.

If only I had realized
the Jester was a spy.

Teddy: And if only we'd been
able to get to the Jungle
With No Name in time.

Yeah, we could have
got those flowers that
would have saved the King.

Hey, that reminds me.

Here's some flowers I picked
for you, Princess Aruzia.

Why, thank you, Wooly.

Wooly, where did you
find these?

In the Jungle With No Name.

Uh, may I see those, Aruzia?

Hmm. They appear to be the
species "Floridinas Medisoma."

Uh, do you concur, Doctor?

Yes, Newton, I believe they are.

There's no time to lose.
I'll make the antidote at once.

Oh, Wooly!

-Thank you!

-Thank you.
-Shucks. I only picked them.

I didn't grow them.

[all laughing]

♪ What is a Wooly ♪

♪ What is a Wooly?
What is it? ♪

♪ What is a Wooly? ♪

[jabbering] What's-It!

Teddy: ♪ He's bigger
than a haystack ♪

♪ He's bigger than a house ♪

♪ He looks like a gorilla
or a giant, furry mouse ♪

Grubby: ♪ He doesn't
seem to have a single clue
from where he came ♪

♪ And so "the Wooly What's-It"
became his only name ♪

♪ Now, Wooly's heart is just
about as big as it can be ♪

♪ And I am sure that he is also
great big mentally ♪

♪ So say hello to Wooly
and I think that you will see ♪

♪ He's just a big pushover ♪

♪ And a friend to you and me ♪

...four! Hut, two, three, four!

Hut, two, three, four!

Hut, two, three, four!

Halt! Who goes there?

I have important news
for Quellor.

I must see him at once.

No one sees
the Supreme Oppressor

without my permission.

M.A.V.O. rules and regulations.

Page 16, line 12.

Even if he's carrying... this?


I suppose rules are
made to be broken.

Come with me.

Yes, Bognostroclum,
what is it now?

Treasure, Your Wickedness.

Stolen from right under
King Nogburt's nose

by Tweeg and his pudgy

Treasure, you say?

What can it be?
A handful of paltry jewels?

A measly nugget
of gold, perhaps?

No, no, Your Vileness.

Look in this bag.

Oh, if we must.

Oh, eh...a mildly
interesting haul.

Thank you, thank you!
And there's more outside.

Well, bring it in at once.

You wish is my command.


Well, L.B.,
I hope you've learned
a lesson from this.

Uh, Twist...

Planning, brains,
and wickedness.

That's the way to succeed
in this world.

-Yeah, but Boss--
-Don't interrupt, L.B.

Can't you see I'm gloating?

This treasure has made me feel
as light as a feather.

That's good, because that's
about all it weighs right now.

What are you talking about?
This sack is filled with...



Tweeg, I'm told that your
membership dues remain unpaid.

This paltry treasure of yours
might just cover the expenses.

Hand it over.


Those trinkets you
showed us earlier.

Oh, that treasure. Ha ha.

Yes, well, you see,

-L.B. here took it.
-With what?

The miserable wretch
doesn't even have hands.

[laughs] Nice try, Tweeb.

I'm warning you.
The penalty for lying
to the Supreme Oppressor

is quite severe.

Take them away!

But I didn't lie!

It was here a moment ago.

It just-- just vanished!

Volume 27, Article 23.

Fourth line down.

Anyone interrupting
the Keeper of the Door

while he's reciting
the M.A.V.O. regulations

is liable to an even
stiffer penalty.

Keep it up, Tweez,
you're on a roll.

Too bad it's all downhill.


A bountiful harvest
of nutritious peanuts.

King Nogburt:
This is truly amazing!

Yes it is,
thanks to Gimmick's
duplicating machine.

Grubby: I sure hope these
peanuts don't disappear like
all the other things did.

Uh, now that they've
actually sprouted,

I should think that's, uh,
highly unlikely, Grubby.

I wonder if that means
the duplicating machine

works better on some
things than on others.

It could be.
On the other hand,

it might mean that my
adjustments were correct.

No matter what the
reason, my friends,

this gives us
cause for hope.

For that, even more than for
the gift of my life,

we thank you.

We shall be
eternally grateful.

[theme music playing]