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01x24 - Secret of the Illiops

Posted: 03/09/24 15:59
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[all exclaiming]


We're under attack!

[both gasp]


Take the king
to the royal bedchamber.

Post two guards
outside the door.


I believe the king
has been adversely affected

by some noxious substance

that was mixed in his
Grundleberry juice.

Well, if you ask me,
he was poisoned.

To the battlements!
We must defend the castle.

Wait, Prince Arin,
why not use the airship,

like we did the last time
the Gutangs att*cked us,

at the Hard To Find City?

Of course! An excellent
tactical decision.

Come, there's not
a moment to lose.

Oh, and Grubby,

bring a big bowl of your
secret w*apon-- root stew.


Hey, fellas, wait for me.

-Come on, Grubby.
-Sure is lucky
I've got so many hands,

or feet, or...
anyway, I sure am lucky.

To your stations, everyone!

Full speed on the,
uh, propeller!

Right, Gimmick.

Oh! Oof!

Thanks, Gimmick.
Ready to load, Grubby?

Yup! Too bad I didn't know
we'd be using the stew
for amm*nit*on.

I wouldn't have put in
so much seasoning.

Fire one!

Ha ha! Got him!

Right on, uh, target, Teddy.

Yup! My root stew really
hits the spot. Ha ha!

Take that, Gutang scoundrel!

Great sh**ting, Princess!

For the kingdom!

For the kingdom!

Attaboy, Grubby.

Look! The rest of the
planes are retreating.

We did it!
We drove them off.

We most certainly did.

And not a moment too soon.
There's hardly enough left
for a snack.

What news of our father?

Now change yet, I fear.

Your Majesty,
I took the liberty

of examining the king's
grundleberry juice.

It most assuredly was, uh,

But with proper care
and a cheerful environment,

he should be himself
in no time.

Well, perhaps a song
would brighten the mood.

♪ Now come and I'll tell you
a story that is true ♪

♪ All about the Illi Illi
Illi Illiops ♪

♪ My friends, sing with me,
and I will sing with you ♪

♪ All about the Illi Illi
Illi Illiops ♪

♪ Long, long ago,
before the age of kings ♪

♪ There lived a noble people
below the land of Ying ♪

♪ Who have vanished now,
so sadly I will sing ♪

♪ Of the Illi Illi
Illi Illi Illiops ♪

♪ Oh, love and joy and peace
were their passion ♪

♪ While wonderful jewels and
crystals they would fashion ♪

♪ And upon their land
grew the most amazing crops ♪

♪ The Illi Illi Illi
Illi Illi Illiops ♪

Gosh, what a pretty song.

It makes me wish
I knew more about
my Illiop history.

Right now we have a problem
with recent history.

I believe the one
who poisoned the king

is right here in the,
uh, castle.

Yes, there is a spy among us.

We must apprehend
the culprit

before he causes
any more trouble.

I know all about catching
sneaks, You Majesty.

I once caught one
in my potato patch trap.

What do you mean, sneak?

I was only kidding, Grubby.

Oh, I knew that.

If you know something about
constructing traps,

by all means,
let's build one.

Meanwhile, I shall
attend to another matter.

When we were aloft
in the airship, I noticed a
gaping hole in our west wall.

This could leave us open
for another Gutang attack.

By all means, Arin,
to your duties.

-And us to ours!

We're off
to catch us a sneak.

What a brilliant idea, L.B.

Disguising ourselves
as painters in order to sneak
into King Nogburt's castle.

Except we were supposed to be
painting the Queen's portrait,

not the King's walls.

Picky, picky, picky.

The secret of being a great
villain is adaptability.

You must be able to change your
thinking at a moment's notice.


And change your color too?

The great treasure
of King Nogburt is hidden
somewhere in this castle.

All we have to do is snoop
around until we find it.

Posing as painters
is the perfect cover!

So how come you ain't doing
your share of the work, Tweet?

That's Tweeg,
you horn-head!

Anyway, I'm certainly
not going to work any harder
than a lowly Bounder like you.

Not for the wages
this job pays.

Pays? This job pays?

Just a figure of speech.

Look, L.B.,
a suit of armor!

Gee, imagine finding
that in a castle.

Every castle has secret
revolving walls,

behind which are stored
all kinds of treasures.

-So, those secret walls
are always activated by a lever.

That arm is the lever.

What? Yow!



Nice going, Twiz.
Now try the other arm!

It's obvious the lever
is somewhere else in the castle.


You were saying?

How did a lifeform of your
astounding simplicity

ever figure that out?

Simple, I read the instructions
on the arm.

It says, "Pull to open
secret door."

Very funny.

It will take more than
your corny jokes to get
the treasure out of here.



"For emergency exit
to moat."


Washing up so early?
It's only 3:00.

[French accent]
Eh, sorry, Your Highness.

My sundial must be running
a trifle fast.

Hmm. This is no ordinary hole.

It's a deliberately
constructed passageway.

I hope that little swim
didn't dampen your spirits,

Quiet, you horn-head!
Here comes the Queen.

It would appear you're mixing
too much water with your paint.

You, on the other hand,
are doing an excellent job.

I wish I could say the same
for your assistant.

Assistant?! Arrgh!

Although I'm not entirely sure
I like these modern designs.

Oh, well, I suppose
that's progress.

Tweeg: Can you imagine?
She thought I was
your assistant!

I kind of like that idea.

In fact,
it's kind of growing on me.

Just like moss
grows on your brain.

Now help me look for that
treasure. L.B.!
Hold the ladder steady.

-What will I use, Twick?
-What you always use!

Your big mouth!

Okay, if you say so.

L.B., you dental dimwit.




Someone built this tunnel
for a reason.

Perhaps it supplies
water to the moat.

No, it's too well-constructed
to merely carry water.

Look, an ancient book!

How do you suppose
it got here, Your Majesty?

I wager it's been here
since the castle was built
in ancient times.

What's the title of it?

It's written in a language
I do not know.

And I'm afraid this clasp
has locked the book tight.

Stand aside, Your Majesty,
my sword will open it.

Hold, Guardsman!

This book is very old
and fragile.

Perhaps Newton Gimmick
will know a way to open it.

The awful drought
we've suffered this year

has caused our people
to go hungry.

We need a miracle.

Teddy, my children told me

of some magic crystals
you obtained.

Yes. They might
be of help, Your Majesty.

Tell me, how did you
come by such treasures?

We found them
in the Hard To Find City

thanks to an ancient map
I brought with me.

And we also found
half a medallion.

That's right, and Teddy
already had the other half.

When I put the two
halves together,

a column rose in the
middle of the room

and one by one,
the crystals appeared.

And what powers do these
crystals possess?

We're not, uh,
entirely sure yet.

However, I've discovered they
infuse some of my, uh,

contrivances with special

What Gimmick means is,
the crystals make
his machines work.

And these machines--
what will they do?

Well, one of them becomes
a reducing-enlarging machine.

Another operates my, uh,
multiplication table.

That's a
duplicating machine.

And the other crystals?

We still don't know
very much about them,
I'm afraid.

You mentioned
a duplicating machine.

What is it
able to duplicate?

Well, so far, bananas, oranges,

and monkey wrenches.

And let's not
forget Octopedes.

I have a portable version of it
here with me somewhere.

Yes, here it is.

Perhaps a demonstration
is in order.

[machine humming]

I'll need something
to, uh, duplicate.

Oh, will this apple do?

And there you have it.

Truly amazing.

This could be the answer
to our food shortage.

The Queen's right!
With Gimmick's
multiplication table,

we can make all the food
the kingdom needs.

There's one slight drawback,
Your Highness.

The effect of the duplication
is of a non-infinite permanency.

He means that after a while,
the duplicate disappears.

Oh, dear.

But I'm absolutely certain
that with a little tinkering,

I can make the effect

Would you try?

Absolutely, Your Majesty.

Heh heh heh.

why don't the rest of us
go to the royal library.

Books are always a good source
of information and answers.

A most sensible
suggestion, Teddy.


Not bad,
if I do say so myself.

It is kind of different.

-[door clangs]
-Someone's coming.

-Quick, L.B., start painting.
-Painting what?

We already
finished the walls.

Then let's start
on the floors.

Just look at this mess.


I've never seen
so many books.

Yeah, I'll bet there's more
information in here
for solving problems

than there are
problems to solve
with all this information.

Or something like that.

Some of these books are almost
as old as the castle itself.

And I'll wager this book
is older than all of them
put together.

Wherever did you find such
a magnificent-looking volume?

To my surprise,
that hole I went to investigate
was not a hole at all,

but rather a tunnel.
It led to a chamber that
contained this book.

-It looks very old.
-And look at that fancy lock.

I only hope this book
can help us in some way.

First we must open this lock.

Wait, Prince Arin,
let me try something.


Teddy, I believe you have
just unlocked another
piece of the puzzle.

The writing inside
is the same as on the cover.

Can anyone here read it?

Mm-mm, not me.
I have enough trouble
reading my own writing.

This writing is totally
unknown to me.

It must indeed be ancient.

But I'm afraid this will not
solve our food problems.

Speaking of food,
what are you eating, Grubby?

Oh. Oh, this?
Just some peanuts
I brought along.

Wanna try a few?

If you'd be so kind,
I'd love to.

I don't believe
I know this food.

-What do you call it?
-Teddy: It's a peanut.

They grow all over Rillonia.

I don't think I've ever
seen any growing here, though.

They're quite delicious.
Peanuts, you say?

How odd. They look very
much like this drawing
in the ancient book.

This is the last peanut.
Anyone want it?

Huh? Gee, Teddy,

if you wanted it so badly,
all you had to do was ask.

Sorry, Grubby,
I didn't mean to be rude,

but Queen Lilibet is right
about that drawing in the book.

This peanut may be
an important clue.

-I don't get it, Teddy.
-You will in a minute.

Prince Arin, would you
summon the minstrel?

Certainly, my Illiop friend.

Bring the royal
minstrel hence!

I don't understand

what the minstrel has to do
with any of this.

It's simple, Your Majesty.

We have an ancient book
in a language we can't read,

which is opened by
one of our crystals,

and in it
is a picture of a crop
that doesn't grow here.

You lost me right after,
"It's simple, Your Majesty."

Do you remember the words
of the song the minstrel
sang to us earlier?

Uh, something about
"Illi Illi Illiops"?

That's right, Grubby,
that's the first clue.

You summoned me,
Your Majesty?

Yes, minstrel. Could you sing
the song you sang earlier?

Oh, I'm flattered,
Your Highness.

♪ Oh, love and joy and peace
were their passion ♪

♪ While wonderful jewels and
crystals they would fashion ♪

♪ And upon their land
grew the most amazing crops ♪

♪ The Illi Illi Illi Illi
Illi Illiops ♪


Don't you see, Grubby?
This might be an ancient
Illiop book.

Wow, that sure is amazing.

-[loud thud]
-Listen! What's that noise?

That, Princess Aruzia,
is the sound of a spy
being caught.

Come on, everyone!

[muffled words]

Awfully sorry, everyone!

I was in a rush to tell you
the good news

and I failed to notice

the, uh, entrapment device.

What good news,

Well, I believe
the duplicating machine

is, uh, well... perfected.

That is truly wonderful news.

And I believe we have found
just the thing to duplicate.

Hey, Tweege,

do you think I should
paint over this painting?

I mean, a painting's
already got paint on it,
don't it?

Of course you don't
paint over a painting,
you pointy-headed pinbrain.

Oh, that's good,
'cause I kind of like
this painting.

It says, "We are here."

And it's got a nice picture
of a vault and a moat.

-And a...

What are you babbling
about? That's no painting!

It's a map of the castle.


According to this, the vault
it just down this corridor.

Follow me! Ha ha!

Good work, Gimmick.

There are enough peanuts here
to plant every field.

And I'll show everyone
how to plant them.

First, you make a hole
with a stick.

Then you drop in a peanut
and cover it over.

May I try?


If we all do it,
it'll go much faster.

-Uh, Tweeb?
-Quiet, L.B.!

Can't you see I'm busy?

-Yeah, but--
-Shh! I must have
absolute silence

if I'm ever gonna
pick this lock.

If it were up to me,

I think I'd pick
just opening the door.

Huh? I'm even better
than I thought!

You're a criminal mastermind,
all right.

I'm fabulously rich!

Does this mean
I might get paid?

Paid, L.B.?

You'll be swimming in riches!

Uh-oh. I think somebody
just drained the pool.

It's empty!
All this for nothing!


You win some,
you lost some, Tweek.

That's Tweeg,
you blithering bi-ped!



Oh, well,
there's more money to be made

in house-painting anyway.

-[Tweeg crying]
-[L.B. laughing]

[muffled shouting]

[theme music playing]