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01x22 - King Nogburt's Castle

Posted: 03/09/24 15:58
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪






Wake up! Wake up!

There's someone lying
on our back lawn.

Gee, Teddy,
you're right.


Hello, sir.
Wake up, please.

Yes, come on.
Wakey, wakey.

Uh, perhaps a more scientific
approach is required.

Stand back, Gimmick.
I can handle this.

Wake up!

Oh! Yowza!


En garde!

[shouting continues]

Bring in the cavalry!


Oh! Oh!



Are-- Are they gone?

Are who gone?

The, um-- whoever it was
that att*cked me.

But nobody att*cked you.

You're among friends.

You certainly are.
My name is Teddy Ruxpin.

These are my friends,
Newton Gimmick and Grubby.

Who are you, anyway?

Oof! What are you doing
sleeping on Gimmick's lawn?

Why, I'm, uh--

That is, I, uh--

Ooh. Ooh!
Now I remember.

My name is Old Beanly,

official messenger
to His Majesty King Nogburt.

Oh, my goodness.

Well, not quite.
Sort of.

Uh, where was I?

You were telling us why you were
camping out on Gimmick's lawn.

Oh, yes. Well, you see,

I'm on a very important mission,

sent by King Nogburt himself.

I stopped to rest
on your lovely lawn here

and I must have dozed off.
So sorry!

-What about your
important mission?
-My what?

Oh, yes, my mission.

A secret message--
very urgent!

-That sounds exciting.
-Doesn't it, though?

It would be
even more exciting
if I could remember

what the message was.

You must be hungry,
Mr. Old Beanly.

Maybe a good breakfast
would refresh your memory.

Yes, a good breakfast
might do us all some good.

Great idea, Gimmick.
Let's all grab some grub.

Okay! Grub!

That's it, Biff. Hold steady.

Hey, I know that old guy
from somewhere.

Biff, stand still.
You're making me dizzy.

How come L.B. gets to do
all the looking?

'Cause L.B. does
all the thinking.

Sounds good to me.

Yeah. Actually,
I hate thinking.

It gives me a horn-ache.

Now I know who he is.

He's King Nogburt's messenger.

[snoring softly]


My little Tweegy,
such a nasty boy.

So wicked and evil,

destined to be a leader
of monsters and villains

all over Grundo.


Look at all these jewels!

I'm rich, rich, rich!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, Tweez?
Tweez, wake up.

Rich! Rich!
Ha ha ha ha!

Such a smart boy,

such a bright boy.

Mommy's little villain.

Hey, lady,
can it already.

Of all the nerve!

L.B., mind your manners.

What are you doing
in my dream anyway?

Come on, Twince,
you got to wake up.


What-- Where-- Who--

L.B., why'd you wake me up?

You was having a bad dream.

Bad? I was rolling in gold
and diamonds!

Yeah, but your mother
was in it, too.

Hmm, you're right.
That was no dream,
it was a nightmare.

Anyway, a messenger
from that King Nogburl guy

is visiting

King Nogburt!
A messenger?

Well, why didn't you
say so, L.B.?

I must see this
with my own eyes.

Whoa! Whoa!


That's good.

Hey, Twicks,
could you do that again?

The g*ng here missed it
the first time.


I must say, you fellas
are very hospitable.

Mmm! My goodness!

A most enjoyable,
uh... um...

Yes, indeed.

A most satisfying,
uh-- um-- eh--

Teddy, do you think Gimmick
and Old Beanly are related?


since Mr. Old Beanly
still can't remember
his message,

or who he was
supposed to deliver it to,

maybe he can stay here
for a while.

Uh, yes, that would be nice.

You could have dinner
with us, too.

Dinner? Uh... yes.

Dinner! That was it!

-Teddy: What is it,
Mr. Old Beanly?

Does dinner have something
to do with your message?

It is my message.

Oh, let's see.
It's, um... uh...


Oh, I couldn't,
thanks. I just ate.

No, the message!

You said it was
something about dinner.

Is he always so excitable?

There's no need to shout
like that, Grubby.

I apologize, Mr. Old Beanly.

Only could you tell us
the message now, please?

Uh, certainly.

Here goes.

His Majesty King Nogburt,
ruler of all Grundo,

thanks you for rescuing
his children Prince Arin

and Princess--
uh, don't tell me--


Therefore, he invites you all
to a feast in your honor.

Oh, boy, a feast.
That's even better
than a dinner.

It most certainly is.

See that, Mr. Old Beanly?
You remembered after all.

I told you it was up here

Teddy: We're almost
ready, Gimmick.

I'll be right with you boys.

Whatcha got there,

It's my latest invention--

a portable version
of the duplicating machine.

I thought we might
test it on our voyage.

Old Beanly:
Farewell, I must be off.

You sure you won't come with us,
Mr. Old Beanly?

Uh, no,
thank you, Teddy,

I have an extremely important
message to deliver.


-So long!

Now, who was that message for?

Where am I headed?

I know it's up here somewhere.

Hmm, I wonder where
they're going.

Probably to
King Nogburn's castle.

L.B., use that horn for
something besides a hat rack.

Why would they be going to--

Ooh, wait a minute.

Maybe you have a point there.

Yeah, actually it does
come to a point.

I just figured it out.

They wanna get
King Nogburt's help

in stealing
my gold formula.

Why would a king do that, Twiz?
He's got real gold.

You can never have
too much gold, L.B.

come to think of it,

King Nogburt
has far too much gold.

I think I should do
something about that.

-You mean--?


you and I are about
to pay old King Nogburt

a little visit.


Wooly: Ba-dum,
ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum,





Ah... choo!


Oh, gosh,
I'm sorry about that.

I didn't see you
standing there.

Eh, quite all right,
my dear fellow.

I'm so pleased
to find you at home.

Is there anything
I can help you with?


Oh! Oh, yes.

I wonder if I might
ask you a question.

A question?

You mean, like the kind
they ask you at school?

I ain't very good at those.

Yes, well, uh,
thank you then.



Wait a minute, mister.

Are you looking
for somebody, maybe?

Looking for someone?

Why, yes, I am!

Charged by King Nogburt,
ruler of all Grundo,

I search the length
and breadth of the land

for... just a minute now,

uh, the, uh,
the hairy...

No, no.
No, the, um,

the wiry...

The fuzzy whatchamacalit.

Oh, I never heard of him.

The only feller I know
around these parts

is the Wooly What's-It,

and that's me.

Oh, dear.

Well, I'm sorry
to have disturbed you.

Uh, goodbye.


-[airship whirring]



Huh? What?

Huh? Hooray!

[crowd chattering]

-♪ Welcome! ♪
-♪ How-de-do? ♪

-♪ Hello! ♪
-♪ Salutations! ♪

♪ Greetings, come right in
and make yourselves at home ♪

-♪ Welcome ♪
-♪ How you doing? ♪

-♪ Nice to see you! ♪
-♪ Hi! What's new? ♪

♪ The kingdom of King Nogburt
officially welcomes you ♪

- ♪ We officially... ♪
- ♪ Fishily... ♪

♪ Fishily welcome you ♪

- ♪ We officially... ♪
- ♪ Fishily... ♪

♪ Fishily welcome you ♪

♪ We've spent all week
preparing all the royal
grounds and yards ♪

♪ The royal choir's been
practicing their humming ♪

♪ Hum! ♪

♪ On behalf of all the staff
I'd like to give you our
regards ♪

♪ We even baked a cake when
we heard you were coming ♪

- ♪ Welcome! ♪
- ♪ How-de-do? ♪

- ♪ Hello! ♪
- ♪ Salutations! ♪

♪ Greetings, come right in
and make yourselves at home ♪

- ♪ Welcome ♪
- ♪ How you doing? ♪

- ♪ Nice to see you! ♪
- ♪ Hi! What's new? ♪

♪ The kingdom of King Nogburt
officially welcomes you ♪

- ♪ We officially ♪
- ♪ Fishily ♪

- ♪ Fishily ♪
- ♪ Fishily ♪

♪ Fishily welcome you ♪

- ♪ We officially ♪
- ♪ Fishily ♪

- ♪ Fishily ♪
- ♪ Fishily ♪

♪ Fishily welcome you ♪

♪ Officially welcome you! ♪

-[crowd cheering]
-Gee, Teddy, they seem
really happy to see us.

There's nothing like
a warm welcome, is there?

There certainly isn't.

Hey, fellas, watch me get us
a real hero's welcome.

Hi, everybody!

How's it going down there?

Hello, there!

No, Grubby, be careful!

[Grubby gasps]





[crowd cheering]

-Oh, wow!

-Wasn't that a wonderful dive?
-That was an 8.3.

-Wonderful dive.

-Marvelous technique.

And up-handed

-[Grubby laughing]



Grubby, you sure
had us worried.

It's a lucky thing
you landed in the moat.

It's even luckier
there was water in it.

Prince Arin:
Hello! Hello,
my good friends,

and welcome to the castle
of my father, King Nogburt.

He's my father too, you know.

Thank you, Prince Arin
and Princess Aruzia.

We're pleased to be here.

I trust you had
a safe journey.

Well, thanks to your moat,
I did.

Sometimes Grubby gets
a little carried away.

If you would permit us,
we'd like to present

some special
members of our court.

Our royal chefs,
ready to fulfill every whim
your taste buds may desire.

Maybe I could show you guys how
to make my special root stew.

Uh, I'm sure they'd be
honored, Grubby.

This is the royal physician.
If you suffer from even
the slightest ailment,

she will cure you in a flash.

Uh, yes, we've already
had the pleasure.

I mean, I've, uh,
had the pleasure.

Uh, no, no, I mean...

Uh, oh, never mind.

Uh-oh, looks like Gimmick
has a crush on the lady doctor.

It certainly seems so.

Gee, Aruzia,

your clothes sure were prettier
the last time we saw you.

Grubby, that's not polite.

That's all right, Teddy,
Grubby's right.

The explanation is a simple one.

With so little rain this year,
everyone's crops are in danger.

Every able-bodied citizen
in the kingdom, including me,

has been doing their best
to gather every morsel of food
we can.

We had no idea,
Princess Aruzia.

Uh, no. You should have
contacted us earlier.

We might have been
able to help.

Perhaps you can still help.

Anyway, I love
this kind of work.

It's much more fun than
the usual princess chores.


How many Mudblups
does it take

to light a lantern
after dark?

Ha ha ha! None!

Mudblups don't care
if it's dark.

Ooh-hoo! Funny stuff!

And that, need I tell you,
is the court jester.

A clown who will raise
even the most downcast
of spirits.

He certainly raised mine.

What a wonderful world
you live in, Prince Arin.

We're here to enjoy it
only because you three,

along with
the Wooly What's-It,

saved us from those evil
Mudblups and Gutangs.

Where is Wooly, by the way?

We've been expecting him, too.

We haven't seen him for
a while, Princess Aruzia.

How odd. My father sent
Old Beanly to deliver
the invitation.

Oh, no. In that case,
we might not see Wooly at all.

Stop here a moment, L.B.

-[distant singing]
-Where's that noise coming from?

From over there, Twank.
King Nosebleed's castle.

That's Nogburt.

And from now on,
I'll thank you to address me

as "Monsieur Le Tweeg."

"Miss Sewer"?

Wouldn't you prefer
"Mr. Sewer"?

Oh! The help
I have to work with.

This tower is the highest
in all of Grundo.

It is called
Illipers' Lookout.

What's an Illiper?

Why, I'm an Illiper, as are
most citizens of the kingdom.

Arin: Others are Perloons,
like Gimmick and our
court physician.

This, of course,
is the royal moat,

a body of water you're now
very familiar with, eh, Grubby?

Yeah, I'll say.

Here we have the royal stables.

Every kind of farm animal you
can imagine is represented here.

This is my favorite place
in all of Grundo.

-Grubby: Hey!

Be careful, Grubby.

The structural integrity
of this particular edifice

does not seem quite sound.

If that means
it's falling apart,
I already figured that out.

I'm afraid you are
correct, Grubby.

My father's kingdom
has fallen on hard times.


Our castle, once a grand palace,
does look a little threadbare,
I'm afraid.

I don't think that matters,

The good spirit of everyone
in your kingdom is plain to see.

And that's what counts.

Thank you, Teddy.
Now come along, everyone,

-we must prepare
for the feast.

[French accent]
You there, good fellow.

State your name and business,
and whether you're friend, foe,

or just another
bill collector.

Do you not recognize
the supremo artiste--

de artiste
Monsieur Le Tweeg?

And my trusted associate
"La Bee"?

"Lah" what?

We have traveled
a great distance

to paint a portrait
of the Princess Aruzia,

whose beauty is famous
all over Grundo.

She had one done last week.

Great plan, La Twerp.

Oh, did I say Aruzia?

I meant Prince Arin.

-Last month.
-What about the king?

Isn't there any painting
I could do?

Well, we do have
a few rooms

that could stand
a couple of coats.

I don't suppose,
being a supreme artiste
and all--

Consider it done! Ha ha!

Now open the gate,
my good man.

[gate rumbling]

-You mean
we're gonna paint rooms?
-Yes we are, "Lah Bee."

Starting with
the royal vault.


[theme music playing]