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01x21 - Double Grubby

Posted: 03/09/24 15:57
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Have you almost finished
that hammering, Tweeze?

It's hurting my brain.

Sorry, L.B.,

I can see that might be
a... small... problem.

Oh, I love it when I'm witty.

Ha ha, very funny.

Where'd you learn to be
a roofer, anyway?

Tweeg: It's part of my
training, L.B.

I once had dreams
of being a cat burglar.

Well, that's pretty stupid.

What are you gonna do
with a bunch of stolen cats?





Oh, hi, there.

Oh! Congratulations.

I'm happy to inform you

you've been
accepted by M.A.V.O.

as a senior apprentice.


Well, that's wonderful.

It is subject to a review
of your checklist of bad deeds

by the M.A.V.O. committee,


-Well, natural--
-And, of course,

here is your latest
bill from M.A.V.O.

Oh! Oh!
As a senior apprentice,

your dues are somewhat
higher, of course.

Oh, of course.

Uh, would you mind
handing it to my assistant?

Oh! With pleasure.

I hate it when people do that.

Once that's paid,
you'll be eligible
for initiation

at the next M.A.V.O.
membership convention.

Oh-ho! Thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Now, I suggest you
get down from there

and get dastardly--
or else!

Oh, I will, I will,
I will! Ha!

Did you hear that, L.B.?

I'm going to be a M.A.V.O.
senior apprentice.





[Tweeg shouting]

Oh! Whoa!

Ow! Ooh!

Oww! Ooh! Ow!

Yikes! Ow! Ooh!




That was great, Tweez.

Do it again!

L.B., you hopping

Get me out of here!

He's so cute
when he's angry.

[both giggling]

Come on, Teddy,
you're way behind.

I--I know, Grubby.

But it's a lot easier
when you've got eight feet.

Uh, Teddy, Grubby?

You're just in time.

Just in time
for lunch, I hope.

No, no, no.

Actually, you're just in time
to help with an experiment.

What do we do, Gimmick?

Uh-oh. Sorry, Gimmick.

We got to go.
But I'll take you up on that
lunch some other time.


Now, Grubby,
let's hear what
Gimmick has in mind.

Well, boys,
I was about to test
my new, uh, invention.

I call it
the multiplication table.

A multiplication table?

You mean like you
memorize in school?

-Like your gezuntas?
-Gezuntas? What's that?

Well, 2 "gezunta" 4 twice,

and 4 "gezunta" 8 twice...


That's division, Grubby.

Come have a look, boys.

This invention
is an entirely
different concept.

It's powered by one
of the crystals we found

in the Hard To Find City.

it's a duplicating device.

A duplicating device?

That's twice as good
as anything you've
come up with yet, Gimmick.

Ha ha.

Why, thank you, Grubby.

Actually, it's designed to
analyze the molecular matrix

of any object placed
in the sensor booth.

And then reformat
an analog using available
stray, uh, molecules.

That's easy
for you to say.

Actually, it wasn't.

But seriously,
it's very simple.

If you're naturally scientific
like me, that is.



Hey, Gimmick,
let's try out
that duplicating thing

on this apple.

Then we'll have two

and it'll be a lot easier
for me to share.

Splendid idea.

And when we're done,
the duplicate apple

will look and taste
exactly like the original.

Well, let's try it.
I'm hungry.

Here we go, boys.

[rapid beeping]

[both gasp]

Wow, that's amazing.

It sure is.

And any moment now,

we should see before us
a perfect replica

or a bright, shiny,




It sure looks like
a banana to be, Gimmick.

Eh, uh, well, uh... yes.

But at least
it's still a fruit.

Heaven's to Grundo.

Something is slightly askew.

Gee, Gimmick,
I was just about to "askew"

what was wrong with it.
Ha ha.

What is wrong, Gimmick?

Uh, perhaps if I adjust
the shape receiver over here,

the citrus focuser over here,

and the color texturizer
next to it,

we'll get
a more representational

matrix, uh, formation.

You mean, it will look more
like an apple next time?

Uh, precisely.

Oh. You know,
I don't mind bananas.

Well, I appreciate your
taste in comestibles, Grubby,

but for this experiment
I think it makes sense

if we continue
using apples.

Now, if everyone
is ready...

This time,
it should work perfectly.

Any minute now,
you should see

a duplicate apple.

-Before anyone
mentions the obvious,

I'm quite aware
that it's an orange.

Hmm. Did you ever wonder
if they named oranges "oranges"
because they're orange?

Or if they named oranges
"orange" because they look
like oranges.

It's an interesting
philosophical question, Grubby.

Hey, let me have a go
at fixing that machine,
will ya?

Are you sure you know
what you're doing?

Of course I don't.

But it never
stopped me before.

[metal cranking, clattering]

There, I've tuned her up
for you, Gimmick.

Bet you it works
perfectly now.

Well, I can't see why
we shouldn't, uh,
give it a try.

Besides, it's a good idea

to encourage an interest
in science.

Uh, Teddy, you'd better
give me a hand

all these dials.

Okay, Gimmick.

Well, that just about does it.

Uh, I think.

What's that strange
crunching sound, gimmick?

Oh, just a residual effect

of the sonic sensor
being activated.

Nothing to worry about,
I assure you.

Then we're all set?

Everything is perfect.

He he he.

This time, absolutely
nothing can go wrong.

Without a doubt,
we shall soon see

a bright, shiny,

brand new, uh, apple.

He he he he.

[rapid beeping]



I wonder if perhaps
we adjusted it

-a bit too much.
-[alarm blaring]

Oh, dear!

Now, I'm afraid it still
isn't right.

This time it looks like
we've ended up with a pumpkin.

Wait a minute, Gimmick.
That's not a pumpkin! It's--

It's- It's...

All: Grubby!

Did you say something, Teddy?



Oh, no!

Two Grubbys!


[both chuckling]

What recipe you working on
this time, Tweet?

The same old thing, L.B.--
the formula for gold.

I hope you hurry up
and find it.

I ain't been paid
in months.

And from the looks
of this stack of bills
from M.A.V.O.,

I might never get paid.

What are you blabbering about,
you hopping hairball?

Let me put it this way,

if your mother doubled
your allowance every day
for the next 50 years,

you might just cover
what you owe M.A.V.O.

Minus my salary, of course.

Salary? L.B.,
you must be joking.

You're fortunate to be working
for an evil genius like me.

Although asking Mummy
to increase my allowance

isn't such a bad idea.

She might just be
in a good mood.

I doubt it, Tweet,

She's been in a bad mood
since you was born.


Blast it!
I've run out of flour.

Run down to Gimmick's house
and steal some, will you?


He actually said "please"?

Yeesh! The pressure
must be getting to him.

Now, let's see...

"Dearest... Mummy."

No, that makes her
sound too old.

"Dearest, sweetest Mommy."

No! Too sentimental.

Something more masterful,
more commanding.

Ah ha! I have it.

"Now you listen to me,
you hag-faced hideousity!"

No, that won't work either.

She never listens to me.

I'll work on it later.

I wonder if that blithering
Bounder has stolen some
of Gimmick's flour yet.

I'd better keep
an evil eye on him.

There he is.

Playing hide-and-seek
with his own shadow.

I'm betting on his shadow--
it's smarter than he is.

I think I'll spy on Gimmick
just to keep in practice.

Ah ha! There they are now.

Wait a minute. What's this?!

Oh! I must be seeing double.

No, it can't be!

There are two of those
overgrown caterpillars. Oh!

It's a conspiracy.

That Gimmick is producing
an army of Octopedes

to steal my secret for making
gold out of buttermilk.

Imagine all those creatures,
each with eight legs,

running all over Grundo.

This is terrible!

I'm the real Grubby.

You can't be, I tell ya!
I'm the real Grubby.

Look, Grub,
or whatever
your name is,

I was under Gimmick's machine
testing the apple

when you appeared
out of nowhere.


So that makes me
the real Grubby!

-Does not.
-Does too!

-Oh, yeah?

Teddy likes me better.

-Does not!
-Does too!

-Oh, yeah?

Grubby, stop that!

You, too, uh... Grubby.


You Grubbys shouldn't
fight between yourselves.

Oh, this is most confusing.

What do we do now,

Uh, well, uh...
I don't know.

Okay, Tweez,
here's your flour.

It's about time!

Gimmick is creating
an army of Octopedes
to steal my gold.

Gold? What gold?

I already told you.

The gold I plan to make
out of buttermilk.

Now help me load this cannon
so I can blast Gimmick

and his clan of caterpillars
to smithereens.

Before it's too late.



Prepare to fire.

Prepare to duck, you mean.


Great shot, dead-eye.

How do you feel
about a skylight
in your tower?

Oh, no! Not my roof!

Anything but that!

Tell me, Twit, did you take
lessons in being stupid,

or were you born with it?

L.B., this is all your fault.


Wait, there's more.


Now that's entertainment.

[L.B. laughing]

I'll entertain you,
you pesky pin-head!

You already are,

Well, Teddy,

it would appear
the multiplication table

certainly does work.

So, smart guy,
what's the best food
in the world, huh?

Well, that's easy:
root stew.

Oh, yeah?
Well, I like it twice
as much as you do.

You two have to stop
this fighting.

We're not fighting,
are we, bug face?

Bug face! Who are you
calling "bug face"?!

Boys, boys, boys.

There is a simple solution
to all of this.

-There is?
-There is?

What is it, Gimmick?

Well, it's, uh--

What I mean to say is--

Well, I'm sure
there's an answer...

uh, somewhere.

Perhaps if I reverse
the orientation of the crystal.

Or maybe I could negate
the shape triangulator.

Hmm, that might not
do it either.

Oh, this is most unexpected.


Gimmick, look!

Heaven's to Grundo!

It's about time he left.

Everything's disappearing.

Uh, this certainly
is peculiar.

Say, Teddy,
am I the one who's gone,
or the one who's still here?

The one who's here, Grubby.

-And I'm glad.
-Me, too.

What happened, Gimmick?

Uh, well,

it would appear that
the molecular bonding

in the duplicate Grubby

was too weak to sustain
itself for long.

Clearly, the second Grubby

was of an unstable nature.

I'll say he was unstable.

Ha ha.

Imagine calling me
"bug face."

Anyway, I'm glad that phony's
not around anymore.

He was just too handsome
for his own good.

[all laughing]

You know something, Teddy?
I like being myself.

Me too.

♪ I like being myself ♪

♪ I'm more like me
than anybody I know ♪

♪ I like being myself ♪

♪ I'm always around
wherever I go ♪

♪ I never have to wonder
where I am or what I'll do ♪

♪ And I must admit I got
a lot in common with me, too ♪

♪ I guess that's why
I'm happy being I ♪

♪ Yes, I like being myself ♪

♪ Me, too ♪

♪ I like being myself ♪

♪ I suppose I would
be you if I were you ♪

♪ And if you were me
then you could be me, too ♪

I see.

♪ That wouldn't be so bad
but what we've got's okay ♪

♪ Well, it's less
confusing anyway ♪

♪ I like being myself ♪

♪ I like being my...♪

♪ I like being myself ♪


Listen to them, L.B.!
They're laughing at me!

Yeah. [laughs]
I know the feeling.

I must stop that army
of Octopedes

from coming up here and
stealing my recipe for gold.

Don't you think that's
too much gunpowder, Twig?

Nonsense! You can never
have too much of a good thing.

Eat hot lead, Gimmick.


There. That wasn't
too loud, was it?

Did you say something, Tweet?


-Speak up, I can't hear you!
-Speak up, I can't hear you!

And let that be
a lesson to you, Gimmick!

That's telling him, Twig!

Too bad you didn't
hit nothing.

It's the thought that counts.


Now, whose idea
of a joke was that?

"Property of Tweeg"?!

Well, well, well!

Note: On Tweeg's next bill,

include the cost of one
M.A.V.O. collection wagon!

[theme music playing]