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01x15 - The Rainbow Mine

Posted: 03/09/24 15:53
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

I don't see Teddy

Oh, my!

Oh, my!
That salesman!

It's Tweeg!

I see Teddy.

Oh, my. I just hope
Tweeg doesn't see him.

Sometimes my brilliance
astounds even me.


Get in here,
you horn-headed thick-wit!

You squealed, Tweef?

Fetch me some more empty bottles
from that basket in the corner.

Before I tie a knot
in your tail.

L.B., get this,
L.B., get that.

The only thing I don't get
around here is paid.

Heavens to Grundo!

Uh, hello!

Uh, yoo-hoo! Hello!

Hello there,
mister salesman's,
uh, assistant.

I would like
to purchase, uh,

twenty bottles of your
tweezle remedy, please.

You got another
customer, Tweep.

Well, whoever it is,
get rid of them.

Well, can we purchase
our 20 bottles?

Forget it.

The boss can't be bothered
with such a paltry order.

Oh, dear.

That's most, uh,

That's "tweezle-biz."

So, you see, Wooly,

there's really
no such disease
as the tweezles.

It's just
one of Tweeg's tricks
to make money.

Then why are you guys
such funny colors?

Because we drank
some of the lemonade

that Tweeg made

from Rainbow Falls water.

The so-called
tweezle remedy

is made from
Falls water, too.

We need to make Tweeg stop
selling his fake medicine.

And to give back
all the money

he's swindled
from everyone.

Maybe we could, uh, uh--

No, I guess not.

Say, Wooly,

don't you think this ruby
is kind of valuable

to leave lying around
like that?

Ruby? What ruby?


The crystalline structure
is similar.

I can see how you might have
made that mistake, Grubby.

I'm afraid this
is quite worthless.

where did you get this?

Up above Rainbow Falls.

Are there more rocks
like this?

Oh, yeah!

Lots of them!

If my guess is right,

this rock might just be
the answer to our problem.

According to my calculations,

Wooly should be arriving
in about an hour.

[Wooly jabbering]

Here I am, fellas!

Well, you got the day right.

I'm getting pretty good
at climbing up here.

You sure are, Wooly.

Now can you show us
where you found that rock?

I think so. This way.

Teddy, how can you be sure
this play of yours
is gonna work?

Because it's based on
Tweeg's biggest weakness.

You mean his brain?

No, Grubby,
I mean his greed.

From the increase
in size and formation
of these colored stones,

I would say that their
source must be, uh,


That's great, Gimmick.

This cave is the source
of these stones,

and the water
for Rainbow Falls.

All right, Wooly,
find the biggest rock

you can carry
and bring it back here.

We'll use it to block
the mouth of this cave.

Okay, guys.

You can count on me.

One giant-sized rock,
coming up!


Let's go inside.

It's beautiful.

Why, this is most unusual.

The color is actually running.

The stones must account for

the brightly-colored water
of Rainbow Falls.

It's like a room
full of rainbows!

♪ Imagine a room
full of rainbows ♪

♪ Raining colors
like you've never seen ♪

♪ The water is red,
yellow, purple, and gold ♪

♪ And the walls are pink,
silver, and green ♪

♪ And each thing
that you touch ♪

♪ Is a rainbow ♪

♪ Put one in your pocket ♪

♪ Take it with you ♪

♪ Then, when you're home ♪

♪ You'll have something
that's new ♪

♪ A room full of rainbows ♪

♪ Beautiful rainbows ♪

♪ A room full of rainbows ♪

♪ Too ♪

Whoa! Whoa!

Wh-- Whoa!





Get the prettiest ones
you can find.

This looks like a good one.

Hey, isn't this water
getting kind of deep?

Oh, my! It does
seem to be rising.

Maybe we should leave now,
just to be on the safe side.

Uh, yes.

I think we've collected
enough rainbow stones

for your, uh, plan.





No wonder the water
is rising--

The entrance is blocked.

And it's rising
at a rather alarming rate!

Gee, Teddy,
what are we gonna do?

See if you can move
that purple rock.

Eh! Ooh!



Ooh! Ooh!

Something's poking me!

Doesn't this rock
seem kind of hairy?

Why, yes.

It must be some sort of
furry limestone,

a very rare
mineral formation indeed.

I must record this,
uh, discovery.

If we ever get out of here.




What's going on back there?


A water monster!

It's attacking me!

I'll help you, Grubby.

[gasping for air]

Thanks, Teddy.

First, hairy rocks,
and now water monsters.

This is turning into
a really weird day.

A hairy rock?

Wait a minute!


I think a minute's
about all we got left.

It's not a rock
blocking the entrance.

It's Wooly!

Quick, let's tickle him!




Whoa! Whoa!



Whoa! Whoa!

H-- Help!

Hurry up! We gotta help Teddy!

H-- Help!


H-- Help !


Grubby: We're coming, Teddy!


Hang on, Teddy!

Thank goodness for roots.

That's what I always say.

Ha ha!

So far, this plan of yours

has certainly provided
some exciting,

uh, moments, Teddy.

I blocked off the water
with that rock,

just like
you told me to.

He he he. Splendid!

That means Tweeg
won't be able to get
any more water

from, uh,
Rainbow Falls,

unless he has an airship
to get up here.

Or a friend like Wooly.
Thanks for rescuing me.

Oh, that's okay!

There's one more thing
you could do for us, Wooly.

Sure! What is it?

Tell the Grunges
and Fobs about our plan,

and don't forget Leota.

Sure thing, Teddy.

But if our little trick
is going to work,

Tweeg and the Bounders
can't know a thing.

It's got to be a secret.

Is that comfortable,

Feels just fine, Teddy.

Boy, this machine
of Gimmick's

sure looks like
it does something.

It's just the thing
for our trick on Tweeg.

Now all we need
are some disguises

and we can put our plan
into action.

Rich! I'm rich!

Ha ha ha ha!

I already have more than enough
to pay my M.A.V.O. dues.

And tomorrow
I'll sell more remedy.

With every drop
those idiots drink,

the tweezles get worse.

More remedy, more tweezles.

More tweezles, more money!

Soon M.A.V.O.
will be begging me

to become their
Supreme Oppressor.

Perhaps Mommy would enjoy
the gloom of the West Wing.

-L.B., see who's at the door.


Bah! There's never a Bounder
around when you need one.

Who are you?

Permit me
to introduce myself.

My name is, uh, Potts.

Crackatus Potts.

Famed, uh, uh-- explorer.

Doubtless you've heard of me.

No, I haven't. Go away.

That's strange.

All the great
persons of science

uh, have been
familiar with my,

-uh, explorations.

Great persons of science?

Oh, of course.
Now I recognize you.

This is my, uh,
assistant, Otto.

And this is our, uh,

A very useful
beast of burden.



We have come
to discuss a matter

that we believe will be
of interest to you.

It concerns, uh, money.

Why didn't you
say so before?

Come on in!

Are you quite sure
it's safe to, uh,

talk here?

Of course it's safe,
you idiot.

I mean... I believe so.

Professor Tweed,

we are in search
of the colored water

that made Grundo famous.

If you will help us
in our search,

we will make you rich
beyond your wildest dreams.

Would you permit
a small demonstration?


When red water
is placed in this,
uh, funnel...




...a ruby is produced.

That's amazing.


That's not all.

With green water...

We get an emerald.

Absolutely incredible!

Using this machine,

we have made, uh,
all of these.

It's wonderful!
It's marvelous!

It's-- It's... money!


I must have it.

So, you see, Professor,

I was wondering
if you could direct us

to a source of, uh,

of colored water.

Unfortunately, we've run
completely out of it.

Alas, I have some tragic news.

It seems that every drop
of rainbow water

disappeared from Grundo
years ago.

It was a national tragedy.

What? No rainbow water?

Oh, I paid a bundle
for this incredible device

and now...
I have nothing.

-[Teddy laughs]

My apologies, Professor.

I'm afraid
I got carried away.

Perhaps I can help.

You see, I happen to be
a collector of these
useless devices.

Would you consider
selling me this totally
worthless machine?

Well, uh, I don't know.

Come now, name your price.

Uh... four bags of flour,
two bottles of buttermilk,

and ten pieces of copper.


You certainly
drive a hard bargain.

Ha ha ha!

This is a new record
for me.

Two great swindles
in 48 hours.

First I'll make
a mountain of rubies.

Then I'll make a mountain
of emeralds.


The water!

It's gone!

Where is all the water?!


Okay, Fuzz... now!

You there, Fobs.
Where has all the water gone?

Rainbow Falls
has dried up.

Yup, that's right

-All gone.
-Dry as a bone.

That's why
we're leaving.

No more
rainbow water.

Time to move on.

What? No rainbow water?

I paid a bundle
for that stupid device

and now...

I have nothing!



Why, me?


Why is it always me?!

The tweezle remedy.

That's it.

I must buy back
all the tweezle remedy
from the village.

So, you see, folks,
I've decided to, um,

recall Uncle Arnie's
Old Fashioned Tweezle Remedy.

I'll buy it back at
the same price you paid.

Step right up!

Like, why are you
recalling it?

I like calling it
"Uncle Arnie's."

No, I'm taking it back, uh,

because it doesn't work.

sure it does, man.

Like, I washed
this shirt in it,

and look, man.

-Oh, wow!

-Awesome, man.

What? You wasted
that water--

uh, remedy--
on your laundry?

You feeble-minded...

I'll offer twice
what you paid.

No way, man!

Check this out.

Ooh! Wow!

All right, all right.
I'll buy it back

at... triple the price.

[all talking at once]

You're sure
that's everything?

That's it,
the whole ball of wax.

L.B., what's going on?

If you're talking about
the wagon... everything!

What are you doing
with all my furniture?

Since you haven't
paid your dues,

M.A.V.O. is repossessing
your household effects.

You can't take
my things away!

She'd better. Me and the boys
ain't putting it back.

Those stairs are m*rder.

Yeah, you tell them, L.B.

Those are the rules,
Mr. Tweeg.

If you won't pay your dues,
we take everything away!

"Won't pay"?

Watch this,
you lame-brained lackey.

[humming impatiently]

As soon as I'm made
the new Supreme Oppressor,

I'll have you collecting
garbage in Ying.


I-- I don't understand.

It was working perfectly.

L.B., you must have
broken it.

Oh, that's right,
blame it on me.

But I tell you,
it produces emeralds
and rubies

from colored water!

Oh, Mr. Tweeg!

Always the comedian.

Have a nice day.

Wait, look at these.

Those will do nicely,

Mr. Tweeg.

See you at the
next meeting.

Blast it!

These things never work
when you need them.


Gee, Teddy, your plan
really worked.

Looks like Teddy
was right.

Tweeg's greed
got the better of him.

And best of all,

got their money back.

They sure did.

Thanks to that great idea
Teddy dreamed up.

I guess it just
goes to show

it's better to be
a dreamer

than a schemer.

[all laughing]

[theme music playing]