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01x14 - The Lemonade Stand

Posted: 03/09/24 15:52
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Out, out, you darn spot!

Ha! Got it!

When I'm finished,
no one will ever know

I was foolish enough to drink
water from Rainbow Falls.


I just covered that one.

Egad! Not again!

Take this! And that!
And one of these!

Ha! Success!


Hey, Tweek.
A letter came for you.

I thought you might like
to see it right away.

Hey. Who are you?


What have you done
with the boss?


Ah! Stop that, L.B.!

It's me, Tweek!
I mean Tweeg!

It sounds like you,
but it sure don't
look like you.

Well, it is me,
you saw-toothed simpleton.

I thought that leg
tasted rotten.

Now lend me a hand.

Which one, Tweep,
my left or my right?


Never mind. I'll do it myself.

Honestly, L.B.,
you're lucky to have this job.

That's right.
When you don't earn nothing,

you don't have to pay taxes.

Now just look at what
you've done to my face.

Hand me that mirror.

[grunts] "Hand me this.
Go get that."

Would it hurt if you used
the word "please," Tweeze?

Look, L.B.! The spots are gone!

Oh-ho-ho! Joyous day!

What's the big deal?

Gimmick said
they wouldn't last long.

Oh, by the way,
you just got this letter

-from M.A.V.O. Headquarters.

Why didn't you
say so earlier?

Give me that!

"Just a reminder
that the interest on
your overdue account

is compounded hourly."

Uh-oh. Time to desert
this sinking ship.

[grunts] You're not going
anywhere, you red rat.

We've got to think of something,
L.B., and fast.

Gee, too bad nobody caught
the tweezles from you.

You could make a fortune selling
one of your phony antidotes.

L.B., that's the dumbest idea
anyone has ever--

Hmm... if people
did get the tweezles,

I could get rich
selling a phony antidote.

I'm glad I thought of it.

But-But, uh...

No buts, L.B, we've work to do.

Round up the medicine wagon
and get some paint.

And a lemon.

I already got a lemon when
I hooked up with you, Twizzle.


One sip of this lemonade made
with Rainbow Falls water

and everyone in Grundo
will have the tweezles.

And every idiot knows there's
only one cure for the tweezles.

I don't.

Well, I do.

It's my own special
bottle remedy

made with more
Rainbow Falls water.

Ensuring that no one
will ever be cured.

-Clever, isn't it?
-It sure is, Twig.

Except for one small problem.

-What's that?
-Who's gonna buy your lemonade?

Nobody in Grundo trusts you,

Tweeg: Of course I remember.

I worked hard to earn
that reputation.

That's why we'll need to wear
a clever disguise.

I'm tired of getting
dressed up all the time.

Who asked you?
Just put this on.

What's that stuff?

It's a kid's costume.
I'm wearing one, too.

I just knew
this was gonna happen.

He's going through
his second childhood.


It sure is hot today, Twit.

Tweeg: Yes, the perfect weather
for selling lots of lemonade.


Here come our first
customers now.

It's a couple of
Grundo teenagers.

This should be easy.

Excuse me, but could you help
us cute little children

by buying some of
our lemonade?

Sounds radical.

What do you say,
Jana Lee, man.

Sure. Like, I could relate
to a little refreshment.

-What's your name, little boy?

Eh, careful. He bites.
He's only two years old.

Wow! He's sure got a full set
of teeth for a two-year-old.

Well, uh, he drinks
lots of lemonade.

Would you like
to try some?

-How much is it?
-Only five pieces of copper
per glass.

Far out.
We'll take one of them.

-With two straws.

Oh, Manfred.
Like, you're too much, man.

So is the price of the lemonade.

There's a slight extra charge
for takeout.

That will be eight pieces
of copper altogether.

Wow! That's a lot of brass
for a few lemons, man.

What did I tell you, L.B.?

This is gonna be easier
than I thought.

Don't get too excited yet.

Here comes Gimmick and his pals.

Splendid. It will give me
great pleasure to give them
the tweezles.


Look, fellas.
A lemonade stand.

Hmm. Some lemonade
would be most refreshing.

Teddy: What do you say
we help those little boys
and buy some lemonade?

-Can we drink it, too?

Teddy: Hi, kids. We'd like three
glasses of lemonade, please.

Golly, mister. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.

Hurry up with
that lemonade, L.B.

I can't wait to see these
goodie-goodies covered in spots.

And the walls of your tower
papered with money.


-Tweeg: Here you are, mister.
-Thank you.

-How much do we owe you?
-That'll be...


-I'm thirsty.
-Not as thirsty as me.

-Me, too!
-Hey, wait for me!

It's the Fobs.

One at a time, please.
We'll get to all of you.

-Got any straws?
-Wait your turn, fuzzball.

-Give me one.
-Yeah, straws.

Yeah, me, too.

-I need a straw.
-Mm. Pretty tasty.

[smacking lips] Yep.

You fellas sure do make
a good lemonade.

It's most delightful.

Teddy: Did you boys
make it yourselves?

Golly-gee, mister,
we sure did.

Yeah, Mommy helped us.

-More straws!
-Yeah! More straws!

-Give me some lemonade, too.
-Hey! I was here first!

-Out of the way! I want some!
-What's the price on this thing?

Hey! Get out of my way!

Quit pushing.

Hey, this is almost as good
as Grunge gumbo.

Yeah. Let's take some back
to the village.

[laughs] Good idea.
Maybe we could swipe the recipe.

Hey, kid.

Give me a lemonade on the rocks.




Sure thing, mister.

No! I meant in a glass.

You want the rocks
in a glass?

Sheesh. You sure
meet some loonies in
the lemonade business.

Oh, look. Lemonade.

-May I have some?
-Pardon me, but I was
here first.

-No, me.
-Don't forget me,
if you don't mind.

-I would like some, too.
-I wish you wouldn't keep
fluttering around so.

It's difficult for me
to keep count.

How many lemonades, lady?

I'll have one large
economy-sized glass, please.

Oh, dear!


Here, Leota.
Let me give you a hand.

Or two. Or eight.

Oh, thank you, Grubby.

It was a bit heavier
than I thought.

don't forget me, please.
-Me first.

-I asked first, I believe.
-No way.

Hey, mister,
who's gonna pay for that?

Leota: No! Don't crowd me!

Don't worry. It's on me.

-Look out!

No it ain't. It's on him.

Pretty good haul, huh, boss?

Tweeg: Pretty good?
It's wonderful.

Now I'll finally
be able to pay off

those outrageous
M.A.V.O. bills.

What's my share, Twit?

Your share, L.B.,

based on net sales
at a rate of 23% depreciation,

I'd say it's...
more than you can count.

That should be safe.

My mother told me not to
drop out of nursery school.

Whatever it is, it's only
a fraction of what
we'll make tomorrow

when those fools
get the tweezles.

And when they come running to me
for my special antidote,

I'll really be rich!

Rich, I tell you!

[both laughing]

[birds chirping]


What a lovely day.

Oh, what a lovely color.

Lovely color?

Oh, I must be coming
down with something.


Oh, no!

You look sick.

So do you.

By Grundo,
this is most peculiar.

Gimmick, something terrible
has happened to me.

And to you, too.

Yes, something quite,
eh, strange.

[birds chirping]

[all chuckling]

Gee, Teddy, what's so funny?

Sorry, Grubby, but have you
looked in the mirror yet?

Nope, but maybe you two should.

You're covered in spots.

Oh, my gosh! So am I!

-[helicopter whirring]

Look out below!

It sounds like the paper's here.

Oh, my gosh.
It must be contagious.

Teddy: My, Louie,
you certainly look bright
and cheerful this morning.

And colorful, too.

Same to you, wise guy.

There's your
Grundo Gazette.

Gimmick: Anything interesting
in the paper, Teddy?

Besides the fact that
everybody's covered with spots?

Well, let's see.

King Nogburt is having the
south wing of his castle redone.

Leaky Lake is still leaking.

And the wizard's tourist
season opens today.

Hmm. Just a moment, Teddy.
What's that on the, eh, back?

Teddy: "Are you covered
in colored spots?

You may be a tweezles sufferer.

Get Uncle Arnie's old-fashioned
tweezle remedy."

Well, you don't say.

The tweezles.

I thought you said
there's no such thing as
the tweezles, Gimmick.

Indeed I did, and there isn't.

That's right.

These spots only come
from drinking the water
from Rainbow Falls.

Well, I sure didn't
drink any of it.

Neither did I.

The only thing I drank
was that lemonade

those two kids
were selling.

And yet it would appear
that we have the tweezles.

A most, interesting,
eh, contradiction.

Well, maybe Tweeg did have
the tweezles after all.

Or maybe there was something
peculiar about that lemonade.

Come on, fellas.

I think we have some
investigating to do.

Tweeg: Step right up,
ladies and gentlemen.

Uncle Arnie's old-fashioned
tweezle remedy.

Guaranteed to cure anyone

suffering the heartbreak
of tweezles.

How do we know
it will work?

Will it get rid of
these spots, man?

Like, I can't surf
with these colors, man.

They clash with
my bathing suit.

I assure you this remedy
will cure

any and all
itches, twitches,

spots, dots, blotches,
and splotches

associated with the tweezles.

Isn't that right,
my faithful assistant?

Uh, right, Twee--
I mean, Uncle Arnie.

[groans] Ow!

You there. Feeling strange,
my little flying friend?

A little bit.

-Do you have an irritating
pain behind your left ear?

I certainly do now.

Tweeg: Do you feel tired
when you go to bed at night?

-Leota: I usually do.
-Yeah, now that you mention it.

Tweeg: Do you see spots
everywhere you look?

-Yeah, spots.
-Ooh! Everywhere!

Manfred: Right, man.

Short of breath?
No breath at all?

-Feel dizzy and confused?

Gee, Twiz,
even I'm starting
to feel confused.

Never mind that.
Go check on Spike.

Then, my afflicted friends,

you've got the tweezles.

-Yes, sounds like it.
-Manfred: Must be it.

-What else could it be?
-Leota: What do we do?

-Ready, Spike?
-Yeah, sure, boss.

Now, when you go out there,
remember to limp.

Right, boss.

And don't forget to slump
to the floor.

Slump. Got you.

Break a leg.

If you're still wondering
if my remedy is worth
your hard-earned copper,

here before you is one of
the few-- [coughs]

remaining survivors of
the last great tweezle epidemic.

How are you feeling today,
my dear sick friend?

Much better thanks to you,
Uncle Arnie.


And your incredible
tweezle remedy.

Tell us what happened.

As soon as I took the stuff,

the pain behind my left ear
switched to my right ear.

What a relief, Uncle Arnie.

Slump! Slump!

Oh, yeah, Uncle Slump.

We now have something
special we've arranged
for your entertainment

at great expense, I might add.

And here they are,

The Bouncing Bounders.

[music playing]

♪ If you've got itches,
twitches, blotches ♪

♪ Splotches, dots, or spots ♪

♪ There is one cure
which I am sure will cure
what you have got ♪

♪ No water fixer or elixir ♪

♪ Tonic oil or pill ♪

♪ Will make you feel
less sicker quicker ♪

♪ When you're feeling ill ♪

♪ Than Uncle Arnie's
old-fashioned ♪

♪ Tweezle remedy ♪

-♪ Just one ounce
will make you bounce ♪

♪ And keep you tweezle free ♪

♪ So run right back
and bring a sack ♪

♪ Of gold coins to me ♪

♪ And purchase Uncle Arnie's
old-fashioned tweezle remedy ♪

♪ When the tweezles
see it coming ♪

♪ They'll get down
on their knees ♪

♪ It's Uncle Arnie's
old-fashioned ♪

♪ Tweezle remedy ♪


All right.

Thank you, boys.


-That's the spirit.

Step right up, folks.

Buy extra for tomorrow
and the day after.



L.B., just keep selling
that phony remedy,

and I-- I mean,
we are going to be rich.

Hey, Tweed,
look who's headed this way.

It's Gimmick and his pals.

So it is, L.B., so it is.

Oh, and look!
They're covered in spots.

Oh, glorious day!

My plan has worked
to perfection.

Thank you. Thank you.

Come again. Next.

Yes, and how many bottles
for you today?

Teddy: None for us,
thank you, but we'd like
to ask you a question.

Sorry, I don't have time
for idle chitchat.

Move aside and make room
for the cash customers.

Eh, customers?

Hey, do you know
the little boys

who were selling that
lemonade here yesterday?

Lemonade? Here?
Wouldn't know anything about it.

We've been on the road
for weeks.

Hmm. That is strange.

I could've sworn
this was the right place.

Perhaps you ought to
try a bottle

of Uncle Arnie's
old-fashioned tweezle remedy?

-It might help
your ailing memory.
-Teddy: No, thank you.

Your loss,
my speckled friend.

I just don't get it.

I'm sure that lemonade stand
was here yesterday.

Yes. It's as though it
vanished into, thin, eh, air.

Most puzzling.

Wait a minute.
Look at those letters.

Grubby: "A. D. E."

It looks like part of a word.

Well, well, a most
unexpected development.

Teddy: "Lemonade."
Just as I thought.

Oh, my gosh.

I'd better take a peek inside.


Well, L.B., it looks like
we fooled all the fools
we're going to today.

Let's get out of here
before Gimmick and his pals
start nosing around again.

Right, Twink.

Does that mean we can take off
these stupid disguises?

Tweeg: Not here, you
quarter-sized halfwit. Inside.

Teddy: Now it all makes sense.

No wonder everyone's got
the tweezles.

Someone's mixed Rainbow Water
with that lemonade

we bought yesterday.

And that someone
could only be...

Tweeg: It worked perfectly, L.B.

-[gasps] Tweeg!

Those fools couldn't
buy enough of my fake remedy.

What a brilliant idea
I had.

I still say it was my idea.

Never mind, L.B.

Just tidy up the place
while I mix some more remedy.

Oh, dear me.

It looks as though
our diminutive Illiop

may be in some
hazardous peril.

You're right.
Whatever that means.

[theme music playing]