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01x13 - Tweeg Gets the Tweezles

Posted: 03/09/24 15:51
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Rise and shine, Tweek!

That's Tweeg! Tweeg,
you blithering bubblehead!

Ah, that's better.

You know, L.B.,
I'm just not myself

until that first insult
of the morning.

Now look outside
and tell me what
sort of day it is.

It's bright, sunny,
and peaceful.

Splendid! A perfect day
to spread evil.

Now then, where is
my M.A.V.O. handbook?

I've got so many nasty
deeds to do today.

-L.B., fetch me that--
-Twank, your face!

I will not twank my face!
What do you mean, L.B.?

Your face is even
worse than usual.

All right, so I don't
look my best

first thing
in the morning,

but who does?

But Tweeze, your face!

Help me find the handbook.

No... No...


That's not it.

[gasps] L.B.!

-You see?

L.B., have you been
walking on here again?

Now you've
covered it with spots.

This is a very
expensive antique.

And I should know--

my mother
sold it to me.

But Tweeg--

Now help me find
that handbook.

Where is that thing?

Handsome young villain.


This mirror needs a good
cleaning too, L.B.

Okay, Tweep,
but it ain't gonna help.

Look at all the spots
you missed. Can't you
do anything right?

Ahh! Those spots!

They're on me!

That's what I've been
trying to tell you!

This is terrible, L.B.

My face looks like
a full bingo card.

I better get out of here.
This could be catching.

Get well soon!

Wait, L.B.! You can't
leave me like this.

Why not?

I'm a very sick individual.

I've known that
for a long time, Tweeg.

I mean physically sick.

I won't be able to swindle
or cheat anybody,

and worse yet,
you'll never get paid.

Good point.

So, what do you
want me to do, Tweez?

Help me into bed, L.B.
I wonder what I've got.

Maybe you've got
the tweezles.


Oh, no, not the tweezles!

-Is it serious?
-I hope so.

I mean, I don't know.

It must be serious
if I look like this.

Oh, L.B.!

Call me a doctor!

Okay, Twib,
you're a doctor.

Grubby, do you remember
what Gimmick

first called
his airship?

Uh, I think he called it
an air-sloop.

You're right-- air-sloop.

And how many Gatang planes
did we knock out of the sky

during out battle
at the Hard To Find city?

Gee, I'm not sure.

But we used up
a whole pot of root stew
sh**ting at 'em.


That's right, we did.

Whatcha writing?

It's my journal.

I'm writing down
all the things that
we've done together

so I won't forget
any of our adventures.

Oh, then I guess
you don't wanna go
for a hike, huh?

Not right now, Grubby.

We'll go after lunch,
I promise.

Oh, okay, Teddy.

[sighs] I guess I'll go see
what Gimmick's doing.

That's a good idea.

See you later.

Eh, let's see--
bread, butter,

knife, eh, fuel,

air compressor--

Whatcha doing, Gimmick?

Oh, hello, Grubby.

I'm about to revolutionize
the sandwich

with the Newton Gimmick
Pneumatic Bread-Butterer.


Well, you see, uh...

Well, that is...

I don't have time
to explain right now.

Oh, that explains it
really well.

Now, according
to my calculations,

the butter should be
scooped out by the knife.

The knife should
butter the bread,

then the bread should be cut
into nice, even slices.

Wouldn't it be easier
to just butter the bread

Why, no!

You see, that takes away
all of the challenge.

And now stand back,

and watch history
in the, uh...


Gee, I was hoping

I was gonna watch
sandwiches in the making.

Get ready!
Here goes!

Grubby: Wow, it's gonna
toast it, too.



Oh, dear.

This is not quite
what I had in mind.

Oh, my!

The slices,

they're too, uh, thick!

Maybe I can help you,

Whoa! Ooh!


Quickly! Run for cover!


Oh, dear.

Sorry, Gimmick.
I was just trying to help.

You should learn to keep
your hands-- er, feet--

well, uh, your limbs--
to yourself

when experiments
are being performed.

Well, it wasn't
working anyway.

Well, it definitely won't
function now.


Are you prepared
to eat those words?

Well, heh, heh, heh,

that was a lucky accident.

Why are you two arguing?

Grubby was...
helping me...

with an important

The thing wasn't working
in the first place.

You know, I think I know
what the problem is.

-Yeah. Him!
-Yeah. Him!

No. I think it's
your attitude.

Yes. Grubby was certainly
in a bad mood when he
came out here.

Yes, Grubby,

you were disappointed
because I didn't
want to play.

I guess so, Teddy,

but Gimmick was
in a bad mood, too.

you do get frustrated
when your inventions

don't work the way
you want them to.

Why, yes, I...

suppose I do.

I guess I was kind of
getting in the way.

No, no, no, Grubby,

Teddy's right.

I was getting frustrated.

Why don't you two
shake hands and make up.

Okay by me.

Me too.

Next time, let's try it
without butter.


Where am I gonna find
anybody stupid enough
to wanna help Tweeg?

Besides me, that is.


I think I may
have found them.

Would you like another
sandwich, Gimmick?

Why, thank you, Teddy.

You know, I don't think

my invention will ever

make a sandwich
as good as this one.


Hey, do you fellas
hear a kind of boinging?

[boinging sound]

Hey, look,
a horrid little Bounder.


Gosh, what do you want?

Tweeg needs your help.

He does?
What's the matter?

He's got the tweezles.

Knowing Tweeg,
he probably stole them
from somebody.

Mm. Then he needs a doctor.


But there are no
doctors around here.

Oh, yes.
That's right.

Then I think we should
try to help him.

Why would we want to help
a villain like Tweeg.

Well, bad as he is,
it's the neighborly
thing to do.

Uh, yes,
I suppose we should.

Just to be neighborly.


I'm sure that Tweeg
will repay you, somehow.


Tweeg: I don't know if I can
hold out until L.B. gets back.

Why, I may never
hear the sound

of the gentle boinging
of his bounding feet.

Hmm. It would be just
like that little creep

to bound out on me
at a time like this.

I think I feel
a little weak.

Yes, and I think
I have a fever.

Yes! Oh, if only
I could see his sweet,

smiling face once more.

-[knocks on door]

Just like that idiot L.B.
to forget his keys.


Female voice:
Good afternoon.

You're not L.B.
Who are you, a doctor?

Oh, no!

Then get lost!

Ooh, that's nasty.

Good, very good.

Good? What's good?

a total stranger.

That's worth 26 points.

It says so right here

in the M.A.V.O. handbook.

Oh, no!
You're from M.A.V.O.?

That's right.

Dues collection division.

Have I the pleasure
of addressing Mr. Tweek?

That's Tweeg!

Nobody ever
gets my name right.

Oh, yes, Tweeg.

It's spelled correctly
on this bill

for your annual dues.


Why, this is outrageous!

Oh, yes, isn't it?

Now, while you're
scraping the cash together,

I'll just look over
your checklist.

Your M.A.V.O. handbook,

Ah... my handbook, yes.

To tell you the truth,
I haven't seen it all day.

I'm sure it's around

[humming impatiently]

Mm. Ah, here we are.

What's this?
Only two evil deeds?!

Yes, but they're good ones.

Good ones?

Just what do you think
you're trying to pull here,
spot face?

Item one-- Fired cannon,
almost hit something.

Item two-- Insulted mother
for cutting allowance.

I've seen Fobs with bigger
mean streaks than you.

Watch it, Tweeg!

M.A.V.O.'s not to be
trifled with.

That'll be another

for insufficient progress!

But-- But I've been
sick and--

Oh, dear. Well,
why didn't you say so?

You may deduct one piece
of gold for medical expenses.

How can I pay this?

Oh, we find money
is usually the best method.

But I don't have any money!




Oh, I don't have it,
I tell you!

Late payment.

You're herby fined
an additional

Egad! This is ridiculous!

Criticizing M.A.V.O.--

another 350 pieces of gold.

Please, oh please, stop.

I can't take anymore.

Oh! Oh me, oh my.

Where does the time go?

I must be off, Mr. Tweeg.

Your total debt to M.A.V.O.
now stands at

is calculated hourly.

Oh! Or just whenever
we feel like.

Or whichever comes first.

And may I say,
I've certainly enjoyed
harassing you.

Oh! I'm sure the pleasure
has been all yours.

[laughs] Have a nice day!

Bullying a sick person--

Oh! This is turning into
a wonderful day.

Good afternoon.
Lovely day, isn't it?

My, my, that was
a pleasant person.

I wonder what
she's doing here.

Maybe she's from
the Visiting Nurse Society.


It's about time,
you dimwitted dumb-dumb.

Mind your manners, Twizzle,
you've got company.

L.B., why did you bring
those goody two-shoes?

We've come to help,
Mr. Tweeg.

I'm Teddy Ruxpin,
and this is Grubby, and--

Yes, yes,
I know who you are.

We heard you were ill

and we came as quickly
as we, uh, could.

Have you lost what little
mind you have, L.B.?

It ain't like I got a
lot of choices, Tweed.

How many people do you know
crazy enough to help you?

I must be feverish.

You're actually
beginning to make sense.

We'd better get you into bed.

We'd better look
at the, uh, patient.

-Now breathe in...

-and out.

Hmm. Yes. Interesting.

Now open wide and say, "ah."



Hmm-hmm-hmm. Yes.

I see.

I don't.

What is it, Gimmick?

Well, it appears to be
a cross between

a Grunge
and a, uh, Troll.

I mean, uh, do you know
what's wrong with him?

Oh! Oh, oh, absolutely.

I'd say
he's suffering from

a repeated multiple

uh, differential.

You mean he's
covered with spots?

Why, uh, yes.

If you want to get

Well, how
can we cure it?

Well, you know,
a nice steaming bowl

of root soup
never hurt anybody.

I can make some right now.

Hey, L.B., have you got
any roots around here?


What self-respecting

doesn't keep a can
of roots in a cupboard

in case a bunch
of slugs drop in?

Mmm, mmm!


Don't worry, Tweeg,

you'll be your old self
again in no time.

What a shame.

Here you go, Tweeg.

This will fix you
right up.

You expect me
to eat... this?!

It's an old
Octopede recipe.

You want to get rid
of your spots, don't you?

You better do what
the caterpillar says,

Looking at your face
is starting to make me sick.

Well, all right.



What are you trying
to do, poison me?

If I have to consume this--
this slop,

I'd rather be sick. Yuck!

Is that your polite way
of saying you didn't
care for it?

Maybe we should try
something else, Grubby.

I might have used
too much salt.

Perhaps a more scientific
remedy would be in order.

What would that be, Gimmick?

A mustard plaster.
He he he.

I'll have this prepared
in a jiffy.

Ohh. I don't like the sound
of this one, either.

First a pinch of this,

and a little dab of that.

And a smidgen of this.

Sounds delicious!

And now, all we need
is my special ingredient.

That should do it.

He he he.

Remove the blanket, L.B.

Maybe this will make
you better, Tweeg.

Tweeg?! Well, at least
I lived long enough

to hear L.B.
get my name right.

This will start to get
nice, and, uh, warm.

Ah, well,
it is getting warm.

Yes, very warm.

Hot, in fact.

Not just hot, it's burning!


Get it off me!

Ahh, it's stuck!

Heavens to Grundo!

I have may have

the, uh, dosage!

Someone, help!
I'm on fire!

Quick, Grubby.
That bucket over there.

Okay, Teddy.

I'll save you, Tweeg.



Grubby, Gimmick!

Look, that water!

Gosh, it sure is pretty.

That water must have
come from Rainbow Falls!

Of course. Where else
would it come from?

I wash this dishes in it.

But I drank
that water last night.

You drank
our dishwater?

Nice going, Tweed.


Well, that would
certainly account

for the abnormal
coloring of your face.

You mean I'm not sick
after all?

He he! Certainly not.

It happens to anyone
who drinks the water

from Rainbow Falls.

These spots should
disappear by nightfall.

I wonder why I didn't
think of it before.

Did you hear that,

I don't have
the tweezles after all!


I feel wonderful!

I feel healthy.

I feel... I feel...

L.B.: Uh-oh.

I feel a song coming on!

As if living with him
wasn't punishment enough.

♪ You can convince yourself
that you have gotten ♪

♪ A rare disease that is
making you feel rotten ♪

♪ But now I know
it really was a trick... ♪

Yeah, Tweez, you even
make yourself sick.

♪ Now, when I look
into the mirror ♪

♪ I see the same old Tweeg
I've always seen ♪

♪ Your complexion is
getting so much clearer ♪

♪ Yeah, soon I'll be
a healthy shade of green ♪

Ha ha!

♪ A healthy attitude
will always bring out ♪

♪ The color in your cheeks ♪

♪ A healthy glow ♪

♪ A healthy attitude
will make you sing out ♪

♪ Do, Re, Mi,
Fa, So, La, Ti, Do ♪


Wahoo! He he.

♪ A healthy attitude
gives you the power ♪

♪ To change your mood
from bad to good ♪

♪ Have a healthy attitude ♪

♪ And within the hour ♪

♪ I know that you'll
be filled with gratitude ♪

♪ Have a heaping helping
of a healthy attitude ♪

♪ Healthy attitude ♪


What, are you still here?

I'll teach you
to pour that root slop
down my throat.

And putting that
thing on my chest.

Out! All of you!

Boy, what got into him?

Come on.

Some people just feel
uncomfortable saying
"thank you."

Tweeg: And never darken
my doorway again!

Come back soon!

You'll be sorry
for this!

Let's have lunch

L.B., where is that
M.A.V.O. handbook?

Beats the heck
out of me.

That's the best idea
you've had in months.

[theme music playing]