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01x10 - The New M.A.V.O. Member

Posted: 03/09/24 15:47
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

Tweeg: Thank you.

I'm pleased to be
a member of M.A.V.O.,

the Monsters and Villains

I, Tweeg, evil genius...

Yes, that's it. Evil genius.

I like that.

I, Tweeg, evil genius.

"Evil genius"?

Do you know one, Tweeze?

I'd watch
your oversized mouth, L.B.

When I'm master of M.A.V.O.,

you'll be sorry
you ever trifled with me.

Imagine, all I have
to do is deliver

these five tiny crystals
to Quellor

and I'll be an apprentice
member of M.A.V.O.


It's so easy it seems...

well, dishonest.


I gotta hand it to you, Tweek.

It looks like you did
something right for once.

Yes, L.B.

That furry do-gooder
Teddy What's-his-name

and his feeble-minded friends

don't have a chance
against an evil genius.

Oh, Twerp, you shouldn't
flatter me like that.



L.B., you rockhead!

Get me out of here!

-Well, they're still down there.
-That's good, Gimmick.

-How does this look?
-Grubby: Looks great to me,

What about the size, Gimmick?

Well, I'd say
the salt crystal
is precisely,

approximately the same size

as the real crystal.

We'll have the others finished
by the time we get to M.A.V.O.

Provided we're on
the right course, you mean.

Oh, I wouldn't worry
about that, Grubby.

We're okay as long as
we follow Tweeg.

Hey, Twib, your mommy's house
is that way.

You wanna stop
for some tea?

Not on
your miserable life, L.B.

-[L.B. laughs]
-Press on.

Tweeg: These crystals
have a way of disappearing.

Well, if it isn't Eleanor
Tweeg's little boy again

come to visit.

I'm so pleased
you're able to drop by

our humble
headquarters today.

But I'm sorry to tell you that

entrance is permitted
to M.A.V.O. members only!

-M.A.V.O. rules--
page four, paragraph one.
-[both gasp]

Very impressive,
wouldn't you say, L.B.?

But what do you think Quellor
will do when he hears of it?

Better Villains than you
have tried to get past me.

Something horrible,
I'm sure.

Better Monsters, too.

What was that he said, L.B.?

"Anyone who stands in the way

of M.A.V.O. having the crystals
will be made to suffer."

Just M.A.V.O. members.

Why, I remember the time
a giant Drool Beast,

and a non-member
by the way, tried to--

Did you say "crystals"?

Why I believe I did,
didn't I, L.B.?

Now, Mr. Ickly Bognos--

Biggle-- Braggle--

L.B.: Bognostroclum.

Yes, By-gone-stra-clum.

As I was saying,

now may we see Quellor?

It just so happens
I was on my way to see

the Supreme Oppressor
on another matter.

I'll see what can be arranged.

You have done well, Tweeg.

Now tell us,
did you acquire these crystals

by stealing or treachery?

[stammers] Yes.

Excellent. That's the best way.

We shall install the crystals
in Great M.A.V.O. Hall.

Then, Tweeg, you may
become an apprentice.

Thank you, Supreme Oppressor.

Thank you. I, Tweeg--

Go forth, my pets,
and summon all the members.

-We have the crystals
and we must celebrate.

Pets: Celebrate!

-Teddy: Look! That must be
M.A.V.O. Headquarters.
-Gimmick: Indeed.

Although, I must say,

I don't care much for
those winged creatures.

Stand by to land the airship,

Teddy: Right, Gimmick.

So, my son has
gone over my head,

straight to Quellor.

I knew he was a no-good
rotten traitor

the moment I laid eyes on him.

That was two or three weeks
after he was born,

if I remember correctly.

My son...

I remember feeding him.

Once or twice, I believe.

And this is the thanks I get?

Doesn't he know my door
is always open to him?

After I remove
the padlocks that is.

Well, I'll be there.

I think our reconnoitering
has ascertained

the impossibility of access

to the inner sanctum
to this edifice.

Yeah, and we're gonna have
trouble getting in there, too.

Look. There are more of them.

I had no idea there were so many
Monsters and Villains in Grundo.

Say, fellas,
aren't you a bit worried

that one of them
will spot our airship?


That is a most delicate dilemma.

But to tell you the truth,

I don't see any way
of hiding it, do you?

Nope. Not unless you could
put it in your pocket, that is.

That, my boy,
is an excellent idea.

-It is?
-Why certainly.

We'll shrink it down to size

with the reducing machine.

[chuckles] I don't know what
we'd do without you, Grubby.

Come on, Gimmick.
Let's give it a try.


-Both: Whoa!

-[Gimmick chuckles] It worked.
-It sure did.

You know, if we could
shrink down too,

maybe we could get inside
M.A.V.O. Headquarters

and rescue those crystals.

What do you say,
Gimmick, can we do it?

Well, theoretically,
it's possible.

But if we're pocket-sized, too,

we won't be able to operate
the reducing machine

in order to return
to our normal size again.




That might just work.

First, I'll have to enlarge
the airship.


It's perfect. [chuckles]

What do you mean, Gimmick?

Well, it's quite scientific.

The mirror on the reducing

is angled in such a way

that when I activate
the machine,

the ray will reduce the mirror

and reflect in the opposite
direction at the same time.

Thereby shrinking
any objects in its path.

-Like us, you mean.
-Why, yes.

As well as
the reducing machine itself.

[Teddy chuckles]
Brilliant idea, Gimmick.

[Gimmick chuckles] Yes.

Say "cheese."


All: Whoa.

Teddy: Wow. It's fantastic,
isn't it, Grubby?

Grubby: It sure is.

Would you just look at the size
of those berries.

We don't have time
for lunch now, Grubby.

We have to get those crystals.

Let's go.

Stations, everyone.
Prepare to liftoff.

Right, Gimmick.

Full speed on the propeller.
-Grubby: Aye, aye, Gimmick.

Teddy: Bring the airship around
two degrees to starboard,

I think I see a way in.

Steady as she goes, Grubby.

We're right on target.

Grubby: Aye, aye.
Look out, Monster and Villains,
here we come.

Unfortunately. [gulps]

...Barkenfrumpsit, most highly
upset and permanently annoyed.

And Lady Barkenfrumpsit.

Rancid Blottige.

Nice to see you again, sir.

Blotsmere Rogle,
originator of the slime pie.

I see you've had your suit
freshly mildewed, Blotsmere.

And Lord Porflin Stetsup.

Consultant in nastiness, evil,
and exceedingly bad manners.

-Teddy: Faster, Grubby.

We have to get up to the ceiling
before someone sees us.

Grubby: Okie-dokie, Teddy.

Except it's times like this
when I wish I had a few more

arms and legs,
if you know what I mean.

Keep up the good work, lads.

We're almost out of sight now.

Can you believe them,

seating me
all the way over here...

with you?

-Imagine how I feel.
-Thank you.

I'm pleased to be a member--

No. That's no good.

I'm pleased to be a member! No--

Honored Monsters and Villains,

the Supreme Oppressor.

-[crowd murmuring]

And the Understander
of Legends.

-Teddy: Look! It's the crystals!
-Heavens to Grundo! It is!

Fellow Monsters
and Villains,

today is a great day

for all of evildom.

It is written here that M.A.V.O.

will never be free
from the threat of goodness

until these six holes are filled

with the six crystals.

Today evil is free in Grundo,

for we now have
all six crystals.

And never again will they fall
into the hands of an Illiop.

It was nothing, really.

Eleanor: You raise them,
you teach them bad manners

and to show some disrespect
to their elders,

and then you kick them out
into the world.

[crying] Ain't it the truth?

At long last,
the crystals are all in place.

And for this we have to thank
our new apprentice,

who has delivered us from
the threat of goodness forever.

I give you... Tweeg.

We welcome you to M.A.V.O.

♪ We love our M.A.V.O. ♪

♪ M-A-V-O ♪

♪ We love our M.A.V.O. ♪

♪ 'Cause we are
the Monsters and Villains ♪

♪ Organization... ♪

-Teddy: This looks like
our chance, Gimmick.
-Gimmick: Why, yes.

The timing would seem

-Teddy: Get the reducing
machine, Grubby.
-Right, Teddy.

I just hope we have time to
install all the phony crystals.

Teddy: As long as the ceremony
for Tweeg keeps going,
we'll be safe.

Now, all we need
are those salt crystals

-and the net.
-Coming right up.

You know something, Teddy, I'll
bet those Monsters and Villains

will never know the difference.

Teddy: I hope you're right.

♪ M.A.V.O. ♪

-Teddy: All set, Gimmick?
-Gimmick: I think so.

Teddy: Then let's get to work.
Help me with the net, Grubby.

Grubby: Sure thing, Teddy.

Well, if everyone's ready,

here goes.

-♪ Monsters and Villains
Organization ♪

♪ We all say we're evil,
that's no exaggeration... ♪

Got ya.
Good work, Gimmick.

Yep. This is a real
crystal, all right.

Here's the fake salt ones.
I tasted them to make sure.

Good work, Grubby.
Is the root stew ready?

♪ ...on others
give us a happy glow... ♪

-Grubby: All set.
-Okay, Grubby, fire when ready.


[Gimmick chuckles]
Good shot, Grubby.

Grubby: Careful, Teddy.

Whatever you do,
don't look down.

Okay, Gimmick, your turn.


[Gimmick chuckles]
By Grundo, it worked!

It sure did.
Now let's rescue
the other crystals.

Like I was saying,

it's not that
Tweed's a pushover,

but I can honestly tell you
that I can beat him

in arm wrestling any day.

But one thing you can't
take away from him is,

well, he's green.

Anyway, Tweetch,

and I hope this means
I might get paid soon.



Teddy: Gimmick, get set to
enlarge the final crystal.

Gimmick: Ready, my boy.



All: Whoa!


Grubby: Now, what?
We can't get close enough to
put in the last phony crystal.

I'll try this.

That's it! We did it!

And now,
fellow Monsters and Villains,

let the feast begin!

[chuckles] Indeed.

Teddy, that was
an ingenious plan.

Thanks, Gimmick.

But it wouldn't have worked
without everyone's help.

Grubby: I've got an ingenious
plan-- let's get out of here!


Grubby: Oh!

Gimmick: Oh, my! Look out!

Oh, heavens to Grundo!

-Teddy: Look out!
-[all whoa]

[both grunt]

Gimmick: Whoa!

Teddy: Grubby, the crystals!

-Good work, Grubby.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
-Oh, no! Hang on!

I'm trying,
but the ship keeps moving.

Octopede overboard!


Hey, fella,
watch what you're doing.


Hey, there's a bug in my salad.
I hate bugs.

I don't. Give it here.

Hey, cut that out.

Wow! Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

-Monster: Hey, where'd it go?

We have to do something soon
or that Monster will eat Grubby!

Gimmick: Yes, but what?

I'm afraid quick-thinking
is more your specialty, Teddy.

The reducing machine!

-Quick, press the green button.

Well, okay,
but I can honestly say

I don't see the way...

[Gimmick gasps]


My word, a giant Octopede!

-A most clever solution, Teddy.

[Gimmick chuckles]
And just look at him go!

Teddy: Get 'em, Grubby!

[Grubby growls]

[Grubby growling]


Grab onto the rope, Grubby.

Get ready with the
reducing machine, Gimmick.

This is most exhilarating.


Teddy: Grubby, the rope.

Aw, just one more...

Okay, Teddy, I'm ready.

-Now, Gimmick.

Gee, fellas, I don't know if
I ever mentioned this before,

but... [chuckles]
that sort of tickles.

[Teddy chuckles]
Hang on, Grubby.

Come on, Gimmick.
Let's get the airship
out of here.



Whoa! I never was fond
of heights, you know.

Oh, this adventuring sure is
hard work sometimes.

Hey, where'd it go?

What happened?

Eleanor: Ha! Gate crashers.

Social climbers.

That Ickly just lets
any old Monster in here.

Hey, Twitz,
how does it feel

to be an apprentice
member of M.A.V.O.?

Oh, L.B., it's...


It's a miracle.

I've never been less embarrassed

to have you
in the family... son.

"Son"? Oh!
Did you hear that, L.B.?

L.B.: I heard.

Me, an apprentice member
of M.A.V.O.,

the crystals,
and Mommy calling me "son."

Ha ha!
Such a glorious day!

Hey, Bognostroclum.

Look, I know you
got a job to do,

but let's keep in touch, huh?
What do you say?


All right, all right,
everybody out!

The party's over!

And a fine mess
you made of it, too.

Come on, come on!
I said everybody out!

Well, fellas,
we did it.

Indeed we did.

And now that we have
the crystals back,

I'm going to make
an extra effort

to find out what special powers
they all have.

I wonder what that old lady
at M.A.V.O. meant

about the crystals falling
into the hands of an Illiop.

I don't know, my boy,

but I'd never even
heard of crystals

until you came to Grundo.

Things sure have been
exciting lately.

Well, all this excitement
is making me hungry.

-Let's eat.
-[all laugh]

Teddy: Good idea.

Gimmick: Oh, Grubby.

[theme music playing]