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01x09 - The Surf Grunges

Posted: 03/09/24 15:47
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Teddy: Hmm. I'm a little
confused, Grubby.

According to this map,

we should've crossed
a large stream

before we got
to the mountains.

I see what you mean, Teddy.

I don't remember
crossing any stream.

Hey, Gimmick, are you sure we're
going in the right direction?

Oh, dear me.

Perhaps it is time
we turned north.

-Whoa! Whoa!

[Gimmick grunts]

[all whoaing]

There. That's better.

We should be at M.A.V.O.
Headquarters in no time.

I think.

L.B., you keep losing them.

Can't you do
anything right?

Look, Twiz.

I don't got eyes in the top
of my horn, you know.

Why don't you just tell me
which way to go?

Go that way,
you overstuffed pumpkin.

Do I have to do all
the thinking around here?

I'd be amazed if you did
any thinking at all, Twunk.


Tweeg: We have to catch up to
Gimmick and those other guys

and get that crystal.

Gimmick: Excellent.

We appear to be making
splendid time.

Now, according to
my calculations,

we should be approaching
the mountain range

where M.A.V.O. is based.

Say, fellas, if we're heading
into the mountains,

-how come I hear the surf?
-[waves crashing]

That, my Octopede friend,

could only be
a gentle mountain stream

of the north country.

-I assure you.
-Teddy: Look, Grubby.

-Isn't it beautiful?
-Grubby: Yeah, and big.

It's the biggest
mountain stream I've ever seen.

I don't understand it.

- I made this compass myself.

I understand it.

Teddy: Gimmick,
why don't you turn us around

so we can take a closer look?

Not again!



Whoa! [groans]

Heavens to Grundo!

What we see before us
is apparently

a classic example

of a silicon-based
granular repository.

It's remarkable. [chuckles]

Gee, Gimmick,
it looks like a beach to me.

Well, fellas,
whatever you wanna call it.

let's land on it
and fix that compass thing.

Good idea, Grubby.

[Tweeg laughs]

That hunch of mine
you had was correct, L.B.

They're landing on
the beach for a rest.


We never rest, do we, L.B.?

No rest
for the wicked.

Sheesh. All this M.A.V.O. stuff
has gone to your head, Twitch.

[Tweeg laughs]

L.B., when we get that
sixth and last crystal

from Gimmick and his pals,

Quellor and the others
at M.A.V.O.

will fall down
at my feet.

Then you'd better wash them
before we get there, Twink.


Quiet, L.B.

-[L.B. thuds]
-Why, I can see it now.

I'll be a hero.

They'll make me the leader
of all Monsters and Villains
in Grundo.

And Mother will be so proud

she'll double my allowance.

Two times nothing
is still nothing.

Say, Twizzle, I don't suppose
your evil brain has figured out

how we're gonna get that crystal
from those guys, has it?

Of course it has, melon-head.

Nothing could be easier.

We'll, uh...

that is we'll...

-I mean, we could...
-Wait until dark,

when they're all asleep,
then nab it?

What? Don't be an idiot, L.B.

I'll do the thinking here.

Now then,
we'll wait until dark,

when they're all asleep,
and then we'll nab it.

And I thought you didn't have
a mind of your own.


-Hey, Twist, you hear something?
-[music playing]

Quiet, L.B.

How am I supposed
to concentrate

when you're constantly
interrupting me?

-[broom sweeping]
-[music continues]

Hey, Teddy,
do you hear music?

Yes, Grubby. Look.


Oh, my! Grunges!

♪ You can play a game of
handball on the Great Wall
of Ying ♪

♪ But surfing in Grundo
beats anything ♪

-♪ Have fun ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ In the sun ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ Everyone ♪
-♪ Surf, surf,
surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ Yeah, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ Have fun ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ In the sun ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪


-♪ Everyone ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

♪ Yeah, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ Have fun ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ In the sun ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

-♪ Everyone ♪
-♪ Surf, surf, surfing Grundo ♪

♪ Yeah, surfing Grundo ♪

[grunts, groans]

Like, what is it,
a boat or what?

Well, actually, it's an airship.

-Yeah, like, neat, huh?


-Like, totally awesome.
-Yeah, that too, man.

-What's it doing here anyway?
-Yeah, what she said.

My name is Teddy Ruxpin.

-And this is my friend Grubby.

And this is Newton Gimmick.

Hey. [chuckles]
Hello there.

And isn't this a fine--
Oh, careful with that.

I built it myself, you know.

Well, actually,
Teddy and Grubby here

helped quite a bit
in the final design.


Well, like, hey, man.
This here's, like, Jody,

the gal with the drum is Ginnie,

and my name is,
like, uh, Jethro.

Yeah, and this is, um,

like, man, the rest of the g*ng.

Anyway, man, it's been real.

Come on, fellow Grunges.

Like, enough of this gabbing.

We got some serious surfing
to attend to, like, wow.

Surf's up, man. Gnarly.

Hey, man, like,
anybody seen Jana Lee?

Now it should work perfectly.

You see, this way is south.

And now if I turn
and point it this way,

you'll note that
this way is south, too.

And if I turn it this way,

-you can clearly see
that this way is...
-South again.

Precisely. [chuckles]

Why, uh, oh, dear.

Gimmick, you probably
need the tools

back at your house
to fix it properly.

We could go on
without the compass.

Gee, Teddy, how will
we know where we're going?

Well, Grubby, I'm pretty sure

that right now we're here,

on Ben's Beach.

So that means north is that way.

We could still get lost,
but if we...

Oh, hello again.

Hey, like, Teddy, baby.

I saw you pulling out
that map-a-roo there.

Where would you want to go
on a nice day like this?

Wow, man.

Couldn't be a better place
in the world than right here
on old Ben's Beach.

Like, wow.

Gee, that's awfully
nice of you.

But you see, my friends and I
really should be on our way.

Oh, come on, Teddy, like,
don't be like that, man.

Like, let's party, man.

Ginnie: Let's do some
serious surfing, you know?

Yeah, man,
like we can boogie.

-You know?

You're all very kind.

What do you think?

Well, it would
give me more time

to repair the compass.

And it sure is
a nice day.

Well, okay.
Let's relax for a while.

Grunge: All right!

Ginnie: Like,
let's boogie, like, down.

[Grunges shouting]

♪ The beach is where we're
going, it's the place to be ♪

♪ The be beside yourself
beside the sea ♪

♪ We're gonna party ♪

♪ That's a verb we use ♪

-♪ Describing the way
we like to spend each day ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

-♪ Beach party ♪
-♪ With music and more ♪

-♪ Beach party ♪
-♪ We'll dance on the shore ♪

-♪ Beach party ♪
-♪ Where everything's right ♪

♪ It'll go on all night ♪


-♪ Beach party ♪
-♪ The fun never ends ♪


-♪ Beach party ♪
-♪ So grab all your friends... ♪

Come on, Grubby. This is fun.

Well, I don't know, Teddy.

I don't like getting wet.

It's easy, once you get
the hang of it, Grubby.


They just don't make surfboards
big enough for us Octopedes.


[seagulls calling]

[laughs] I've got an idea.

I'm glad we decided
to stay, Jethro.

Surfing sure is exciting.

Hey, like, you know,
this is nothing.

You should see it when the waves
are really big, man, like, wow.

No! Grubby, don't!
Not the reducing machine!

Whoops. I missed.


Oh, like, totally awesome.


[all shouting]

Like, that was the most radical
wave of the summer.


Slight miscalculation on
the part of our friend here.

I assure you,
it was quite unintentional.

Yes, Grubby was just trying
to make his surfboard bigger.

Yeah, sorry about that.

Next time I'll try
making my feet smaller.

Like, look at the size of
this intense seaweed.


Most fascinating.

-Oh, totally.
-And look at that minnow.

It would seem, Grubby,
that when you enlarged the wave,

you also enlarged everything
that was inside it.

I think you're right.

Look, even the salt crystals

are even much bigger
than they should be.

Like, that was one
awesome wave, man.

Like, you know, Ginnie here
almost rode it, too, like, wow.

No, man, no.
I wiped out.

There was, only, like,
one Grunge ever born

who could've ridden
that wave.

Both: Elroy, man.

Oh, yeah, like, Elroy, man.
Like, for sure.

What a totally
gnarly dude, man.

Whoa. Like, he was Grunge
and a half, you know.

Like, face it, man.

There's no wave in all of
Grundo he couldn't handle.

-He was cool.
-Like, right on, Jethro.

Like, too bad you couldn't say
the same thing about his wife.

♪ Elroy always was in charge ♪

♪ Of every wave however large ♪

♪ He'd ride his surfboard
standing tall ♪

♪ No one ever saw him fall ♪

♪ He was loved by all
his entire life ♪

-♪ That is until
he met his wife ♪

♪ She was some mean
and nasty beast ♪

♪ She wasn't nice
to say the least ♪

♪ He had strange taste
that surfer dude ♪

-♪ The Troll he married
was always rude ♪
-[Eleanor laughing]

♪ She insulted him
the whole day through ♪

♪ But then she knocked
his surfboard, too ♪

♪ She'd gone too far,
he'd just hung ten ♪

♪ And was never,
ever seen again ♪

♪ They say he surfed
across the sea ♪

♪ On the most rad wave
in history ♪

Jethro: Like, all the guys
used to call him

by her last name, you know.

-Mr. Tweeg.
-[Grunges exclaim]

Excuse me,
gentle Grunges.

But did you say "Tweeg."


Like, that's right, Tweeg.

Eleanor and Elroy Tweeg.

Grunges: Funny couple.

Yeah, but, man, like,
nothing compared to that

funny-looking kid of theirs,
Jack W., like, wow.

All: Jack W.?

Jethro: Anyway, old Elroy
took off so far away

that nobody's heard from him
since, like, wow.

'Cept while I was sitting
up in that tree,

I saw a guy in
the grove over there

who sure did look like
Elroy's little green kid.

Yeah, like, we saw him,
too, like, you know.

What was he doing?

Nothing much, man.

Like, just sitting around
in his bathrobe

yelling at some
round red guy.

Grunge: Surf's, like, up.

Like, sorry, man.
Duty calls, you know.

Teddy, why would Tweeg
and L.B. be following us

-if they already
have the crystals?
-I think I know why.

They don't quite
have all of them.

Don't forget the one inside
the portable reducing machine.

Gee, you're right, Teddy.

Gimmick: That is most assuredly
what Tweeg and L.B. are after.

Grubby: Hmm. Maybe we should
get out of here right now.

Why, I agree completely.

I'll get us ready to cast off.

No, wait. I have an idea.

But we'll have to wait
for nightfall.

In the meantime, here's what
I want the two of you to do.

[crickets chirping]


Oh! Confound it, L.B.

Can't you keep that
pointed little head
of yours out of the way?

You told me to stay
right behind you, Tweezle.

Well, not so close
behind from now on.

Quiet, L.B.
There can be
no room for error.


Drat. They must be
around here somewhere.

Look, L.B. There's Gimmick.

I'll go through his pockets.


Tweeg: Oh!

-Can't you stay out of
my way, you halfwit?

Quiet, Tweeze!

"There can be no room
for error." [laughs]

Look here, Twist,
next to the Illiop.

Tweeg: Quiet, you fool.
Do you want to wake them all up?

If you want to be helpful,

why don't you go
back to the tower

and play inside
the cannon?

Sure, Twinkle,
whatever you say.

Mind if I take
this crystal with me?

I don't care what you take with
you so long as you keep quiet.

Did you say "crystal"?

Give me that, L.B.

Oh, can it be?

Oh, it is!

This is worth a fortune.

[L.B. smacking lips]
Don't taste bad either.

Mm. A little salty maybe.

Come on, L.B.,
before these idiots wake up.


Okay, everybody, they're gone.

Grubby: Gee, Teddy,
that was a great plan.

I sure got to
hand it to you.

Take your pick.

he did fall for it.

[Gimmick chuckles]
He most certainly did,

my imaginative young Illiop.

That phony crystal you made
from the giant salt

looks just like
the real crystals.

Yes, and thanks
to the Grunges,

the real crystal
was safe and sound.

Yeah, it was a great idea to,

like, hide it here
inside my guitar.

Yeah, man, like,
oh, boss, man.

-Totally gnarly.
-[plays note]

Grubby: So, Teddy,
what do we do now?

First, let's pick up a few more
of those salt crystals.

We can use them
when we get to M.A.V.O.

Then let's load up the airship
and head on our way.

But, Teddy, I haven't finished
repairing my compass.

Hey, like,
you could always, like,

navigate by the stars
or something, you know.

Teddy: We won't need a compass
and we won't need stars.

All we have to do
is follow Tweeg.

Remember, he thinks
he has the last crystal.

He'll be heading straight
for M.A.V.O. with it.

A perfectly logical
conclusion, Teddy.

Why thank you, Gimmick.

Come on, everyone.
Let's get back to the airship.

Jethro: Hey, bye,
you all weird dudes.

Like, don't forget to write,
you know.

Ginnie: Like, we can't read,

but we'd, like, sure appreciate
the thought, you know.

-Good-bye, Jethro.
-Gimmick: Good-bye, Jana Lee.

Grubby: So long, Ginnie.
See ya, Jody.

Teddy: Buh-bye. Thanks a lot.

Thanks for all your help.
-Grubby: Happy surfing.

[Gimmick chuckles]

Gimmick: Full speed
on the propeller, Grubby.

Aye, aye, Gimmick.

This time I think we oughta
go that way, Gimmick.

He's definitely headed towards
the headquarters of the Monsters
and Villains Organization.

Gimmick: Yes, Teddy, we're on
our way to M.A.V.O. at last.

But getting those crystals back

will be very, eh,
dangerous indeed.

Gee, we already have
one crystal.

What do we need
all those others for?

Grubby, just imagine
the amazing things

we could do with those crystals.

Each of them has
a wonderful power of its own.

Gimmick: And we wouldn't
want that power

to fall into
M.A.V.O.'s hands.

[theme music playing]