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01x08 - Tweeg's Mom

Posted: 03/09/24 15:46
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[L.B. mumbling]

Up this hill.
Down that one.

Hey, Twist,
how come I'm always pulling

and you're always sitting?

Tweeg: Quiet, L.B.
Can't you see I'm concentrating?

Is your mother
as nice as you are, Twink?

-Why, she's just a mean, wicked,
-[wagon bangs]

nasty little troll.

-That's why
I love her like I do.
-[wagon bangs]

♪ Mommy, Mommy ♪

♪ How can I repay ♪

♪ The awful things
you did to me ♪

♪ Each and every day? ♪

♪ The way you would insult me ♪

♪ Yell and make me cry ♪

♪ You made me what I am today ♪

♪ A really rotten guy ♪

♪ I know you can't stand
the sight of me ♪

♪ And think that I'm a klutz ♪

♪ Still I studied at
your feet for years ♪

♪ Yuck,
which took a lot of guts ♪

♪ Mommy, Mommy ♪

♪ I never will forget ♪

♪ How you'd ridicule me
and treat me like a pet ♪

♪ The way you would ignore me ♪

♪ Yell and make me fetch ♪

♪ You made me what I am today ♪


♪ A miserable wretch ♪

There's Mommy's house now.

Home, sweet home.

You wait outside.

Why, afraid
you'll be embarrassed

when she makes fun of you
or something?

Me, embarrassed
in front of a lowly Bounder?


I just happen to be
her favorite son.

Her only son,
you mean.

Now, where did you leave
those diamonds

we stole from Gimmick's house?

There in the wagon, Twiz.

Oh, Mommy, just wait till
you see these little beauties.

Of course, it wouldn't hurt
to keep just one for myself

for safekeeping.

Keep a sharp eye on the wagon
while I'm gone, L.B.

This neighborhood's
full of Villains.

Yeah, too bad you ain't
one of them. [laughs]


Essence of garlic.



-[doorbell rings]

To my house?!


Tell whoever it is to go away!

[doorbell rings]

-[doorbell rings]

Oh, forget it!

I'll handle this myself.

Just a minute. Just a minute.


It's probably one of those
door-to-door salesmen.

Well, I'll fix him.

Now let's see who made
the mistake of bothering me.


-It's worse than I thought.

It's my own son.


Oh, well,
being his mother's a dirty job,

but somebody's has to do it.

Mommy, it's so good
to see you.

Wish I could say
the same.

Well, as long
as you're here,

come inside and let me
have a look at you.

Come on. Come on.
My time is valuable.

And you're not.

You look terrible.

Still that pale shade
of green.

Well, that's what happens

when you mix a troll
with a lowly Grunge.

And I'll bet there's not
a wicked bone in your body, hmm?

Tell me, Tweeg, you done
anything truly rotten lately?

Well, um,
as a matter of fact...

Yes? Out with it.

I brought you these.


Tweeg: They're diamonds
from the Hard To Find City.

I stole them, Mommy,
just for you.

You stole them?

Oh, be still my beating heart.

-Can it be true?
-It is.

-Aren't you proud of me?
-Now, let's not get
carried away.

I better have a closer look
at these hunks of glass.

Do you think they might be
of some use?


I mean, what if
we took them to--

Well, what I mean to say is--

I know what's on your mind.

You were wondering
if you could pay your way

into the Monsters and Villains
Organization with these.


now that you mention it...

Don't press your luck,

But maybe M.A.V.O.
would be interested in these

and you won't turn out like
your good-for-nothing father.

Tweeg: He was such a nice guy.

Eleanor: Yeah, I couldn't
stand him either.

Now, let me see. Hmm.

These aren't diamonds,
you bimbo.

They're not?

No, they're much more
valuable than that.

Does this mean
you'll take me to M.A.V.O.?

Oh, Mommy!

Mommy, say yes!

Stop that at once.
Do you hear me?

Now come along,
and put that ruby back.

Thought you could
fool me, huh?

Hmm. He just might
turn out rotten after all.

Teddy: This is terrible.
Who could've taken them?

Grubby: I'll bet Gimmick
put the crystals somewhere
for safekeeping

and forgot where.

But we've looked everywhere
already, Grubby.

I wonder if someone
stole them.

Hmm. I'll bet Tweeg and
his Bounder friend took them.

You're probably right, Grubby.

The question is,
what do we do now?

Well, I think we should go
to Tweeg's tower and ask him.

[doorbell buzzes]

I don't think anyone's home.

They must've left in a hurry.
The door's wide open.

Wow. Would you just look
at all this stuff?

What do you suppose
Tweeg's up to, Gimmick?

Hmm. Well, it's hard to say.

It looks as though someone has
been trying to make

something from...

[smacks lips] buttermilk.

Hey, Gimmick, look at this.

all Monsters and Villains.

Special membership deal.

One week only.

Fairly-nasty deeds accepted.

Contact M.A.V.O.

The Monsters and Villains

That must be where they've gone.

This advertisement says
M.A.V.O.'s north of here.

Past Mizley Meadows
and near the Great Wall of Ying.

[gulps] Gee, Teddy,
sounds kinda far away.

Maybe we could take the airship.
What do you think, Gimmick?

Well, I don't see why not.

-Except that...
-You're not frightened

by all that talk of Monsters
and Villains, are you?

-Monster and Villains?
-Who, me, frightened?

-No, I love Monsters
and Villains.
-Oh, come on.

I love them.

But we must get
the crystals back.

And the airship is the only way.

All things considered, Teddy,

-you may be right.

-Teddy: It's settled, then.
-It is?

Yes. Besides, Tweeg and L.B.
must almost be there by now.

We can't afford
to waste another minute.

-Come on, Grubby.
-Sometimes there's just
no arguing with an Illiop.

Monsters and Villains, ooh.

Eleanor: Can't you two
go any faster?

That's always been the problem
with you, Tweegy.

No get-up-and-go.

No imagination for evil either.

No hot for crime.

Just like your father.

What an idiot he was.

Why I ever married a Grunge
is beyond me.

Look what happened
as a result-- you.


Now remember,
when we get to M.A.V.O.,

be on your worst behavior.

Pretend that you deserve
to be in the company

of such notorious
Monsters and Villains.

Which I'm sure they won't
believe for a moment.

Yes, Mommy, whatever you say.

Eleanor: Oh, M.A.V.O.

Such fond memories it brings me.

And Quellor, ooh.

The Supreme Oppressor.

Now there's a villain for you.

I shiver when I think
of how evil he is.

I can't wait to see him again.

And I never will if you two
deadbeats don't step on it!

L.B.: Like mother like son.

How touching.


[bird cawing]

-You wait here.

It's a good thing I know the
keeper of the door personally.

His name is Ickly Bognostroclum.

He and I go back
a long, long way.

Now, give me those crystals.


[crystals clattering]


No one will know the difference
if I hold on to one of these.

Ickly, my darling.

It's been years.

If it isn't Eleanor Tweeg.

Well, well.

Now listen,
Mr. Ickly Bognostroclum,

I've come to see Quellor about
some very important business.

And I can't stand around here
all day with you.

-So let us in!
-Sorry, no one sees Quellor.

Paragraph 18,
subsection 24.

I have something
I know he'll want to see.

And what, pray tell,
might that be?

These, Ickly, my sweet.

They're crystals which my wicked
little boy has stolen

from the Hard To Find City.


Well, that might be different.

Stay here.

I'll see if the Supreme
Oppressor will admit you.

Never pass up an opportunity
to steal something.

Paragraph 48, subsection 27.

-[knocks on door]
-Man: Enter.

Thank you,
Your Nastiness.

Get on with it,

-We haven't got all day.
-Of course.

Eleanor Tweeg
is here to see you.

She brought
this crystal with her.

Which she claims her son stole
from the Hard To Find City.

Did you say crystal?

Let me see it.


Yes. Yes, yes.

At long last.

Call an emergency meeting
of the M.A.V.O. Council

to be held in the main w*r room.

Is Eleanor's son
a member of M.A.V.O.?

No, Your Greatness.

Then he shall be.

summon the members.

As you command,
Sire of Villainy.

Where is the son
who stole the crystals
from the Hard To Find City?

He's right over there.

Oh, Tweegy.

Well, thanks to me,

Supreme Oppressor of M.A.V.O.,

has agreed to see you.

And your son might even be made
an apprentice member.

Although, I think that would
be going a bit too far.

Quellor has summoned the members
of the M.A.V.O. Council

to an emergency meeting
in the main w*r room.


Monsters and Villains,

we have in our possession

something that will be of
great significance

to M.A.V.O.

But first, we seek the wisdom

of our Understander of Legends.

Now, great Understander
of Legends,

we request that you
interpret for us

the hieroglyphics inscribed
in these hallowed halls.

As you command, Quellor.

They're a simple message
and a warning.

M.A.V.O. will never be free
from the threat of goodness

until the six holes found
in the ceiling of this room

are filled with
the six ancient crystals.

Fellow members,

we have one of
the crystals here!

[all oohing]


Quellor: Continue.

Understander: At all costs,

M.A.V.O. must
prevent the crystals

from falling into
the hands of Illiops.

That's all.


Twitz, that Teddy Ruxpin guy
with Gimmick all the time,

he's an Illiop.

Are you sure, L.B.?

Um, I've just been informed
by a reliable source

that the crystal came from
Teddy Ruxpin, an Illiop.


What is the meaning of these
interruptions, Bognostroclum?

Well, uh, actually,
Your Rottenness,

I've just been told that
the crystal was in fact
in the hands of...

Teddy Ruxpin, a lollipop.

Illiop. It's Illiop.


If more of these crystals
are in the hands of an Illiop,

the very existence of
M.A.V.O. is threatened.


I will not rest

until all six of the crystals
are brought here!

Anyone who stands in the way of
M.A.V.O. having those crystals

shall be made to suffer.


More fuel, Teddy.

Right, Gimmick.

How are we doing anyway?

Well, according to
my calculations,

we should be making
visual contact

with the edge of
the Mizley Meadows

any time now.

-And then what?
-Uh, why I suppose

we start looking for
something that resembles

M.A.V.O. Headquarters.

Understander of Legends,

install the one crystal
in its rightful place

in the ceiling.

You, son of Eleanor Tweeg,

if you wish to live to
become a M.A.V.O. member,

you will bring me
the remaining crystals.

Now go!


Uh, before you go,

here, take this.

I guess
I misplaced it earlier.

Now get lost!

And don't come back until
you have the crystals,

or you'll be in big trouble.

Paragraph seven,
subsection 29.

Eleanor: We have to find
the other crystals.

This is your last chance, Tweeg.

Don't spoil it!
Now go!

Eh, just a minute.

Here, take this.

It must have got jammed
behind the cheap upholstery

in that wagon of yours.

Now you've only
three more to find.

And don't come back until
you have those crystals!

Better yet,
don't come back at all!

Send that overgrown tomato
back with them.

[blows raspberry]

So where's the crystal
you "misplaced," Twerp?

Why, it's not misplaced, L.B.

It's right here.


Very funny.

Oh, help me, L.B.

Even with
your simple mind,

we know that we have three
crystals and M.A.V.O. has one.

That leaves two more.

And they must be in the hands
of that Illiop-- [grunts]

Teddy what's-his-name.


You never could
add right, Tweeze.

We've got four, counting mine.

What? You've got a crystal?

You thief!


I was saving it for a surprise.


Now we just have to find
that Illiop and his friends.

That shouldn't be
too hard, Twiz.

[airship rumbling]

[theme music playing]