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01x04 - In the Fortress of the Wizard

Posted: 03/09/24 15:39
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream with me
tonight ♪

Hey, lookie down there.

I see a waterfall.

Hey, what's that thing?

Gimmick: Hmm, I don't know,
but it looks dangerous.

Well, we gotta get it
out of there.

♪ Bom, bom, bom, bomp ♪

Hey, excuse me.

♪ Bomp, ba-bum ♪

Huh? What do you want?

Do you think we could get
some water p-please?

No! Go away!

Hey, you.
Get out of there.

What did you say?!

Uh, well,
um, uh, we've gotta
be off on our mission

to find Princess Aruzia

and, um, uh, well,
you're holding us up.

Go on, scram!

Did you say "Princess"?

Princess Aruzia.

The sister
of Prince Arin here.

How come she's lost?

Well, actually,
she's been kidnapped.


Why would anybody
kidnap a princess?

That's b-a-a-a-d!

Well, we don't know
who took her or why.

All I know is I've got
to get her back.

Well then,
what you ought to do

is talk to the Wizard!

Uh, the Wizard?

Yeah, the Wizard!

He knows everything.

He can tell you where
the Princess is.


What are you waiting for?

Let's get going!

Who's there?

You're right, Wooly.

He sounds real friendly.

Please, sir. You must
help me find my sister,
the Princess.

Did you say "Princess"?

That's the right.
The poor Princess
has been kidnapped.

Poor princess?
Forget it.

No, you don't understand!

She's a rich
but unfortunate princess.

Well, that's a horoscope
of a different color.

But my time
is understandably
quite valuable.

I'm a very busy wizard.

I'm quite willing
to pay.

Then I'm quite
willing to help.

Oh, won't you come in.

Great jumping jim-jam.

What is that?



Why, he's our good friend,
the Wooly Whatsit.

A Whatsit.
What's a Whatsit?

Well, I'm not too sure,
but he's still our friend.

And he still
can't come in.

How come?

Well, he'll get fur
all over my furniture.

Well, okay.
I'm sorry, Wooly.

He wants you
to wait outside.

Oh, that's all right.

It's kinda nice
out here anyway.

Hey, look! Popcorn!

I'll only be a moment.

Feel free to shop
for souvenirs.

Wizard calling Louie.

Wizard calling Louie.

Do you read me?

Uh, what's up, Wiz?

We have visitors.

Return to the fortress
immediately. Over.

Louie: I'm on my way
right now. Under.

Not "under," you dimwit.

Do you understand?

It's "over."

What? Aw, gee whiz,

and I thought we were
getting along so well.

Oh, brother.

Okay, boss.
So who are these visitors?

Louie, we got us
a couple of live ones.

Quick, do we have any footage
on a lost princess?

Oh, a princess, huh?

That sounds kinda familiar.
Uh, what's she look like?

Probably a lot
like her brother,

the one
in the soldier suit.

Hey, I know those guys.

They're the same ones
I took pictures of
in the Mudblup prison.

Never mind them.

What about the Princess?

Yeah, yeah. Here it is.

I got great stuff of her
with the Gutangs.

Huh. Wonder what she was
doing with those guys.

Well, put the film
on the machine

while I take care
of our visitors.

Forgive the delay,

Now, if you'll set yourselves
around this table,

we can begin.

What are all these
letters for?

You'll see in due time.

Please, sir, can we hurry?
Every second is precious.

Have patience,
Your Highness.

The spirits
cannot be hurried.

Spirits? [gulps]

Does he mean like
ghosts and stuff?

Don't worry, Grubby.
Just watch.

Okay. I'll watch,
but I'm gonna keep my eyes
shut while I'm doing it.

I shall need total quiet.

Everyone concentrate
so that we may bring forth

the mystical powers
of communication.


I said concentrate.

I think
we're making contact.

Tell us, great spirit,

where is the Princess Aruzia
being held c*ptive?

Listen. It sounds
like a tambourine.

She must have run off
with a band of gypsies.

Now it sounds like a drum.

Uh-oh. She ran away
from the gypsies
and joined the army.


I'm about
to receive a call
from the mystic messenger.

Quick, what does it say?

I don't know.
It's a collect call.

Thank you.

Now speak,
oh mystic messenger.

Where is the Princess
being held c*ptive?

the arrow is moving!

It's spelling out
a word.

All: G... U... T...

A... N... G.


Of course.

I see it all clearly now.

Your sister
is being held prisoner

by the flying Gutangs.

The flying Gutangs?

Oh, boy, a trapeze act.

But my sister
is afraid of heights.

Wizard: High in
the Treacherous Mountains,

the ancient
Hard to Find City

provides a stronghold
for the Gutangs.

The Treacherous Mountains?

Hard to Find City?

Say, isn't that where
the treasure is supposed
to be hidden?


Did you say... treasure?

Huh? Who, me?
Uh-uh. No.

Please, Wizard, you must
give me more details.

You must give me
more coins.

Let us see
what the magic eye
reveals to us.

What exactly
is the magic eye?

Behold and you shall see.

Okay, okay.

Wizard: High atop
the Treacherous Mountains

in a land
that time forgot

lies the ancient
and heavily-guarded

Hard to Find City.

From this
mountain fortress,

the evil Gutangs
maintain a constant vigil.

With their many weapons
and bat-like aircraft,

which can be launched
at a moment's notice,

they stand prepared
to fend off an attack

by even the strongest
of armies.

That's her.

That's my sister,
Princess Aruzia.

hold it down, Prince.

You're ruining the picture
for everyone else.

And so, as the sun slowly sets
on the Hard to Find City,

we bid farewell to those

nasty, little varmints,
the Gutangs.

My sister
is in terrible danger.

We must rescue her.

We certainly must.

Let's make plans
to get underway immediately.

Quickly, Wizard,

how do we get
to the Hard to Find City?


And, uh, what about
the popcorn?

Here, take the last
of my gold.

-Now tell us.

It lies to the northeast
as the crow flies.

Maybe we can trade
our airship in for a crow.

-Just jokin'.

Wish us luck, Wooly.

We're off
to the Hard to Find City.

Be real careful, fellas.

I hear those Gutangs
are mighty tough customers.

Don't worry.
We've got a couple of tricks
up our sleeves ourselves.

You can say that again.
We do?

Let go the bow lines!

Fire up the furnace!

Full speed ahead!

So long, guys!

Be careful!

So long, Wooly!

You take good care
of that princess!

Climb, L.B., climb!

I'm trying to, Twick.

Can I help it
if I'm bottom-heavy?

you're bottom-heavy.

That's where
your brains are!

Oh, that's hitting
below the belt, Tweez.

Not Tweez, Tweeg!

One lousy syllable
and you still don't
get it right.


[both continue shouting]


[birds chirp]

L.B., can't you watch
where you're falling?

I did. I made sure I fell
on something soft--

your head.

At this rate,
we'll never get to the top
of the Treacherous Mountains.

I'll bet
Gimmick and his cronies
are already there.

I don't think so,

Oh, what do you know,
you poor excuse
for a flunky?

But I'm just
trying to tell you that--

Will you stop
interrupting me

while I'm trying
to feel sorry for myself?

If you don't wanna
see the airship,

it's no fur off of my nose.

Airship? What airship?

That airship.

Oh, it's Gimmick
and his crew!

Then he hasn't reached
the Hard to Find City yet.

Why didn't
you say something?


Look, it's landing.

I wonder what for.

To take on supplies
for the trip, of course.


Well, they're in
for a big surprise.

What makes you say that,

Because the supplies
they're taking on

are you and me!


Thanks for bringing
all the wood, Gimmick.

I'll need it for this
root stew I'm cooking.

It's not for you,

This is fuel
for the airship.

We'll need lots
of hot air

to float us to the top
of the Treacherous Mountains.

What are those things

you and Prince Arin
are making, Teddy?

It's a little surprise
for the Gutangs,

just in case
we run into trouble.

Oh, I certainly hope
we don't.

That's why it's best
to be prepared.

Which reminds me,
how's that root stew
coming along, Grubby?

Just fine, Teddy.

I'm glad to see you're
developing a taste
for root stew.

For a while there,

I thought
ya didn't like it.

Me? Why, uh,
certainly I like it.

Well, that's good.

'Cause there's enough here
to feed an army.

I think you're right,

Tweeg: Now, where is
that blasted thing?

I know it's in here

What you lookin' for,

A disguise.

Well, no wonder
you can't find it.

The sky's up there.

Oh, not the sky,
you dimwit!


I'm going to dress up
as something that I'm not.

Oh, yeah?
You got a "nice guy"
costume in there?

No, something even better.


I've found
what I'm looking for.

That ratty old dress?

How dare you
make fun of it?

This happens to have
great sentimental value.

My dear sweet grandmother
sold it to me
on her deathbed.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't know.

L.B., this disguise
is going to get us

a free trip to the top
of the Treacherous Mountains.

It is? How?


Please, sir,
could you help out

a poor, hungry, old lady
with a small cash loan?

Gee, I'd like to,

but my boss Tweek
ain't paid me

since last
Grundo Groundhog Day.

You idiot!

I'm Tweek!
I mean Tweeg!

Hey, you are.

Gee, what a great

If I had hands,
I'd applaud.

Oh, there'll be time enough
for curtain calls later.

-Meanwhile, hop in here.
-Why should I?

Because I'm ordering you to,
you miserable little Bounder!

Okay, now that
you explained it.

That's better.

Gimmick: Gentlemen,
prepare to lift off.

Ready when you are,

Just say the word,

-Let go the lines,
Prince Arin.
-Aye aye, Gimmick.

Wait up, kind sir. Wait.

Can you help
a little old lady
who's in distress?

What, little old lady?
I thought you were
in this dress.

Not "in this dress,"
you dummy.
"In distress"!

Hold everything, Gimmick.
It's a little old lady.

Why, bless my buttons.

So it is.

Kind sir,
would you have room

for one more passenger
to the Treacherous Mountains?

Two, Twizzle. Two.

I doubt if you'd want
to accompany us, Madam.

We're on an extremely
dangerous mission.

That's right. Top secret
and very hush-hush.

Let me tell you
all the details.

Uh, never mind, Grubby.

Arin is right, Madam.

It might prove quite risky
for a delicate person
like yourself.

[crying] Oh!

But I simply must
see my granddaughter.

The poor child is ailing,

and I promised to bring her
this basket of goodies.

By all means, Madam,

please come aboard.

Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

You certainly know
how to cheer up little
old ladies, Gimmick.

Teddy: There it is.
The Hard to Find City.

It wasn't
so hard to find after all.

No, it wasn't.

Arin: Just think,
somewhere down there

my sister Aruzia
is being held c*ptive.

Don't worry, Prince Arin.

We'll help you find her.
And rescue her.

Arin: Thank you all
for being such loyal

and trusted friends.

Gimmick: All right, crew,
prepare to land the airship.

Goodbye, gentlemen,
and thank you for everything.

Oh, it has been
our pleasure, Madam.

Hey, wait, Lady.
You forgot your basket
of goodies.

Why, gracious me.
So I did.


All: Huh?

My lovely little

is simply crazy
about frogs' legs.

Eh, goodbye, Madam.

Hmm. There's something
kind of strange

about that
little old lady.

Arin: I think
you're right, Teddy.

But now we must try
to locate my sister.

♪ We're cruel
and we're nasty ♪

♪ We're ugly
and we're mean ♪

♪ We're bad again,
most evil Gutangs ♪

♪ That you have ever seen ♪

♪ So don't
come near our fortress ♪

♪ Or you will have to pay ♪

♪ A terrible price,
it won't be nice ♪

♪ It could ruin
your whole day ♪

♪ Ruin your whole day ♪

♪ We're cruel, we're nasty ♪

♪ We're ugly
and we're mean ♪

♪ We're bad again,
most evil Gutangs ♪

♪ That you have ever seen ♪

♪ So don't come near
our fortress ♪

♪ Or you will have to pay ♪

♪ A terrible price,
it won't be nice ♪

♪ It could ruin
your whole day ♪

♪ Ruin your whole day ♪



[groans, birds chirp]

cuckoo clock chimes]

[birds chirp]

Arin: Gutang troops,
forward march.

We're right behind you,
Prince Arin.

Look, it's the same
building we saw

in the Wizard's magic eye.

You're right, Teddy.
That's where they took
my sister.

How can you be sure
we're going the right way,

Arin: I can't.
I'm just following
my instincts.

And my instincts
were correct.


-Hey, watch it.
-Pardon me.

It's her.
It's my sister, Aruzia.

Teddy: Oh, yes,
I can definitely see
the family resemblance.

-Grubby: Of course.

You were also
in a prison cell
when we first met ya.

How do we overpower
these two guards?

Like this.

You there, guards,

I'm relieving you both
of your duty.

How you gonna do that?
There's only one of you.

Like this.

[birds chirp,
cuckoo clock chimes]

He's right.
I'm seeing double.

It's all right, Aruzia.

You can come out now.

That voice.
It sounds so familiar.

Why, it should.

You've heard it since
you were a baby.

Arin! You found me!

Yes, with the help
of these loyal friends.

Hello, Your Highness.

I'm Newton Gimmick.

And I'm Teddy Ruxpin.

And I'm Grubby.

I'm pleased
to meet all of you.

And thank you
for helping me escape
from this horrid place.

[Gimmick laughs]
You're welcome, Princess.

But now
we must disguise you
as a Gutang.

Here you are, Princess.

We can get you out of here
if you'll put this on.

What a terrible thing
to look like.


[theme music playing]