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01x03 - Guests of the Grunges

Posted: 03/09/24 15:37
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

Keep it up, lads,
we're almost there!

Almost where, Gimmick?

Almost, uh--
Well, that is to say,

we're right next to,

You mean,
you don't know?


But we are making
very good time.

Boy, that phony map
of Tweeg's

sure has thrown us
off course.

This chap Tweeg sounds like
quite a wicked fellow.

Oh, that he is,
Prince Arin.

Most decidedly.

Making this airship go
sure is hard work.

I need a drink of water.

I'm sorry, Grubby,

it appears we're down
to our very last drop.

This could be serious.

None of us
can go very long
without water.

Yeah. I hate to admit it,

but it's even more
important than food.

Here, Grubby,
let me take over
for a while.

Hey! Lookee down there!

I see a waterfall.

♪ Ba dum, bad dum ♪

♪ Ba dum, bad dum, ba dum ♪

♪ Ba dum, ba dum ♪

♪ Da da da dum ♪

♪ Ba, da, dum ♪

Hey, what's that thing?

Hmm. I don't know,
but it looks dangerous.

Well, we got to get it
out of there.

♪ Bum bum bum bum...♪

Hey! Excuse me.

♪ Bum, bum, bum... ♪

Huh! What do you want?

D-D-Do you think we could
get some water, please?

No! Go away!

Hey, you!
Get out of there.

What did you say?!

Uh, well, uh--

We've got to be off
on our mission

to find Princess Aruzia

and, um, uh--

well, you're holding us up.

Go on! Scram!


Did you say, "princess"?

Yeah. Princess Aruzia.

The sister
of Prince Arin here.

How come she's lost?

Well, actually,
she's been kidnapped.


Why would anybody kidnap
a princess?

That's bad!

Well, we don't know
who took her or why.

All I know is
I've got to get her back.

Well, then,

what you ought to do
is talk to the wizard.

[stutters] The wizard?

Yeah. The wizard.

He knows everything.

He can tell you
where the princess is.


What are you waiting for?

Let's get going!

Add more fuel, Grubby.

We don't seem to be
getting enough lift.

I can't get any more fuel
in this thing.

It's no use.

We're carrying too much

Okay, I can take a hint.

But how will we
find my sister

without you showing us the way
to this wizard chap?

Well, we'll just
have to walk. Come on.

Why don't we just
fly there and meet ya?

Come on!

It's just through
the jungle over there.

What jungle is that?

The jungle
with no name.

Are we there yet, "Twuz"?

Tweeg: Will you stop
asking me that?

And the name is Tweeg!


Big deal. "D-E-E-L."

We'd probably be at the
Treacherous Mountains now

if you wouldn't keep
getting us lost.

I don't get us lost, Tweeg,
you're driving.

I've got my hands full
reading this map,

and thinking about
running barefoot

through all that treasure.

Barefoot? Yuck!

Forget it.

You can keep my share
of the treasure.


It works every time.

Now hurry up, L.B.

"Hurry up, L.B.
Hurry up, L.B."

Ow! Ooh! Ouch!

Good help is so hard
to find these days.

It's enough to make me
wanna get up there

and pull this thing

Well... almost.

Whoa! Ow!


Ow! Ooh! Ow!

[Tweeg shouting]

Well, if I'd known
we were going swimming,

I would have brought
my bathing suit, Tweeg.


Teddy, I get
the weirdest feeling

that we're being watched.

Watched? By whom?

I don't know.
It's just a feeling.

Well, I don't see a thing.

Nor do I, Grubby.

It's probably just a figment
of your imagination.

They're not figments,

they're Fobs!

That's right!
We're Fobs.

[all laughing]

And where
are you going?

To find the wizard.

Is this the only way
you can get there?
Through the jungle?

Well, it's the only way
I know of.

You're really going through
the jungle? You're brave.

Aren't they brave, Fred?

Yeah, they're brave
all right. Or strong.

Or maybe
they're brave
and strong!

Uh-oh. What do you mean
"brave and strong"?

What do we have to be
brave and strong about?

Hey, everyone.
Look at these brave guys!

-I don't think they're brave.
-I think they're foolish!

I think they're dumb.

-Look at these brave guys.
-Look at these brave, dumb guys!

Are, uh,
are you heroes?

Well, no, we're not.
We're just--

-Modest and brave.

Oh, it's wonderful.
They're so brave.

-The big fuzzy guy is strong.
-And dumb.

The rest must be brave!
Brave heroes!

-Real brave heroes!
-And foolish!

What do you suppose
that was all about?

I don't know.

Isn't that a strange
thing to call this place?

"The jungle with no name."

It appears those Fobs
were exaggerating enormously

with all their warnings.

That's right, Gimmick.

So far I haven't seen
anything to be afraid of.

Except for those guys!

Hey! You're trampling
on our food supply.

Your, uh, food supply?

Yeah! Can't you see

that you're squashing
our vegetables?

Gimmick: Oh, my.
I thought they were

Now, eating roots,
I can understand,

but weeds? Yuck!

Weeds? Are you crazy?

This is the biggest crop
of veggies we've grown
in years.

At least it was,

until you guys
trampled all over it.

Well, really,
we didn't mean to do--

Especially that
overgrown piece of lint.

Those feet of his must have
wrecked two acres of veggies.


Yes, we're all very sorry

for any damage
we might have done.

Oh, yeah?
And who exactly
are you, fuzzface?

My name is Teddy Ruxpin.

I'm an Illiop.

Hey, this guy's...
Teddy Dustpan.

He's a lollipop!


What are you doing here
in Grunge territory?

We're on a mission.
We're going to see
the Wizard of Grundo.

Then we're gonna rescue
a kidnapped princess.

And who is this
potato bug here?

-Grubby: Hey!
-Gimmick: I assure you,

Grubby's no potato bug!

Oh, no?

Then what kind
of bug is he?

He's an Octopede,

a fact that
can be ascertained
by simply counting

his, uh, feet.

I've got eight of them.

Which means he did
four times more damage

than the rest of you.

We'll be happy to pay for
any vegetables we've ruined.

Oh, yeah? With what?

Gee, I don't know.

With the reward
King Nogburt
will pay them

for having rescued
his daughter,
Princess Aruzia.

Oh, yeah? Sure, sure.

And I suppose you know
King Nogburt

personally, huh?

Yes, I do. He's my father.

Your father?

-Then you must be--
-Prince Arin.

Not the Prince Arin?

None other.

-Who's Prince Arin?
-I don't know.

So you're Prince Arin?

Hmm. Well, you must
come back to the village
with us for lunch.

-Thank you, but--
-I won't take no
for an answer.

It's not every day
that Prince Arin
comes to the jungle.


-Hey, who's Prince Arin?
-Beats me.
I never heard of him.

GRUNGES: Prince Arin!
Prince Arin!

Prince Arin!
Prince Arin!

Prince Arin!
Prince Arin...

Wow, Teddy. What strange
looking buildings.

I kind of like them.

How extremely interesting.

So, this is where
you Grunges reside?


Well... have your, uh,


Your lodgings, your--
your, uh--

He means, is this
where you live?

All of them fancy words
just to say that?

Now, why not stay
for our party?

It's to celebrate
the harvesting of our
vegetable crop.

Yeah! And to honor
Prince Arin.

Prince Arin! Prince Arin!
Prince Arin!

You are most hospitable,
but we have no time for

Nothing must keep us
from our mission.

Now, Prince Arin,
we have to stop
and rest sometime.

Why not here?
With these here,
uh, charming Grunges.

Good idea. And maybe
they'll have some food.

Besides, it's only polite
to accept a friendly invitation.

So be it. We'll stay.


We're having
five more guests.

Make sure to prepare
some extra veggies
for the feast.

Oh! You could have at least
given me some warning.

Oh, but what does it matter
if I've got to go through
a whole lot of trouble?

After all, I'm just
the lowly village chef.

GRUNGE: Eh, don't mind him.

All the steam from
the Grunge Gumbo soup
makes him really cranky.

Excuse me, Chef,
but what's that you're
putting in the Grunge Gumbo?

Ah, my secret recipe.

A pinch of Vitamin X,

a touch of Vitamin Y,

and a smidgen of
the special ingredient

Vitamin Z.

GRUNGE: Uh, just a pinch
of Vitamin Z, now!
It's very powerful.

Say, do you think you could
get him to throw in
a couple of roots?


I don't use roots
in my cuisine!

I am an artist!

Hmm! Snob.

You see, this is
no ordinary soup.

Eating it is what makes us
Grunges big and strong.

Wanna try some?

just to be polite.


Hey! I do feel a lot stronger.



Eh, what did I
tell ya?

Can I have
some more?

Uh, better not, pal.

Too much of it can be
downright dangerous.

When is this celebration
of yours going to start?

it better be soon!

The soup
is getting cold.

Okay. Let the music begin!

-[music playing]
-Yeah! All right!

♪ Do it! ♪

♪ Do the Grunge! Do it! ♪

♪ Do the Grunge! Do it! ♪

All right!

-Do the Grunge!

♪ Let your body soak up rhythm
like a sponge ♪

♪ It gets them to shout
and let it all out ♪

♪ So if you're looking
for fun ♪

♪ Do the Grunge! Do it! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Do the Grunge! Do it! ♪

All right!

♪ Now if you're already cool,
you probably know ♪

♪ It's easy to do,
you just get up and go ♪

♪ And do every move
that you ever have done ♪

♪ Eliminate the duds,
keep the groovy ones ♪

♪ Do the Grundo Stroll
and you're on foot patrol ♪

-Do it, do it!
-All right!

♪ Do the Buttonhole ♪

♪ Put your body and soul
on remote control ♪

-Do it!

♪ And join us in the Grungiest
rock and roll ♪

-♪ Do it! ♪
-♪ Do it! ♪

♪ Do the Grunge ♪

♪ Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do the Grunge ♪

♪ Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do the Grunge ♪

-Do it!

♪ Let your body soak the rhythm
like a sponge ♪

♪ Now get your body actin',
till you feel the knack ♪

♪ And eventually you're gonna
find you've done the Grunge ♪

Gosh, Scrubby,
I never knew you could
dance like that.

Me neither, Teddy.

Usually I've got
eight left feet.


♪ Do the Grunge! Do it! ♪

Wooly: Go, Grubby, go!

♪ Do the Grunge!
Do it! Do it! Do it! ♪

♪ Do the Grunge! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it! ♪

♪ Do the Grunge! Do it! ♪

-Ooh! Uh-oh!
-Oh, no!

My-- My masterpiece!

Prince Arin,
are you all right?

Strangely enough,
I feel wonderful.

Look at that.
He's... growing!

And still growing.

We must have put too much
Vitamin Z in the Gumbo.


You're as big as I am!


It also makes you
a lot meaner.

Uh, yes, it--

Hey, Prince Arin,

it's me, the Wooly What's-It.



Oh! First, they take a bath
in my soup,

and now they make a mess!

Who's going to clean this up?

Prince Arin!
Prince Arin!

What's wrong with you?

Grubby: Hey, cut it out!




Take it easy, Prince!

You might hurt somebody.

[thundering footsteps]


I don't know if I can
stop him, Teddy.




[Arin growling]

Oh, my! I must stop this!


Please calm down!

Oh, my. There must be some
scientific explanation
for this.


But I could be wrong.


Oh, uh... thank you.

That's the last time
I invite those guys
to a party.

They're wrecking
our entire village.

This is awful.
Isn't there some way
to stop them?

We just got to wait

till that vitamin soup
wears off.

Gimmick: Oh, dear.

That could take
an extremely long time.

Grunge: It sure could.




Prince Arin!


Are you all right?

I think so.


What happened?

It all started
with some soup.

And it seems
to have worn off.

I-- I feel so strange.

As though I've been off
on some big adventure.


I'd say it was a--

a giant adventure.

[all laughing]

Then you turn left
at the big boulder

and keep going
until you see
the wizard's fortress.

Thank you.

I sure am tired!

Sorry about that
Wooly old boy.

I still can't believe you and I
engaged in combat.

And I can't believe
that you nearly beat me.

As for you, kind sir,

my father, King Nogburt,
will gladly repay you

for whatever damages
I've caused

to your, uh,
charming village.

Good! I'll send him a bill.

But what am I gonna do
about my chef?

He's still plenty mad about
you messing up his soup.

Did somebody mention soup?

[laughs] Coming right up.

Chef: Oh, yes!

Uh, Grubby, did you help
the chef with his soup?


All: Uh-oh.

I call it, "Grubby's
Roasted Root Gumbo."

Mmm. Sounds pretty good.

But will it make you
big and strong?

I hope not.

[all laughing]

[theme music playing]