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01x02 - Beware of the Mudblups

Posted: 03/09/24 15:35
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream with me tonight ♪

What's happening
to the airship?

We're out of fuel
and losing altitude fast!

Isn't there anything
we can do, Gimmick?

Yes, we can cross our fingers
and hope for the best.



We made it.

Teddy: I guess crossing
our fingers worked.

Yeah, it's a good thing
you have me along.


I wonder why they call this
the Great Desert?

Grubby: Yeah.
What's so great

about a bunch of rocks
and sand and stuff?

It's called "great"
because it's so big.

Why, this desert
stretches all the way

from Woodley Bog
to the Mushroom Forest.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Oh, my he is
easily impressed.

Impressed nothin'.

My feet are burning
from this sand.

Wow. Wow. Wow.

Ahh. That's better.

-[both laugh]

Teddy: Gimmick,
what's that noise?

Oh, just as I feared.

It's an earthquake!

Quick, Grubby, run for it!

What's going on here?

It's what Gimmick
calls an earthquake.

Let's get back
to the airship!


[Teddy screams]


Grubby, where are you?

Grubby: I'm right here!

We'll save you!
Hang on!

Okay, I'm hanging on.


That was a close call.

Teddy: I'll say.

The whole desert
just cracked wide open.

Gimmick: It's Trembly Fault.

Well, that's a relief.

I was afraid it
was something I did.

No, no, Grubby.

A fault is merely
a topographical phenomenon

brought about by extreme
subterranean geothermal

The important thing is how
do we get out of this desert?

There's only one way.

We need firewood
to fuel the airship

so we can fly out of here.

Teddy, you look
in that direction.

you go that way.

Tweeg: While Gimmick's
following that phony map,

the real one will lead me,

uh, I mean, us,
to the treasure.

How much longer
till we get there, Twink?

I keep telling you,
my name is Tweeg.

Understand? Tweeg!

Sure, Twunk.

So how much longer
till we get there?

I'll tell you
when we get there.

just keep pushing.

How come I'm doing
all the work?

You said we were
equal partners.

We are equal, L.B.

It's just that I'm a little
more equal than you are.

Well, that makes sense.

For a minute,
I thought you were
trying to pull a fast one.

Tell me about
the treasure, Twizzle.

-How are we gonna split it?
-Don't worry.

We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

Whatever you say, partner.

Now quit yapping
and start pushing.

Hey, wait!
No! Stop pushing!


Hey, come back here, Twerk.

If he thinks he's running off
with my share of the treasure,

he's nuts.

[Tweeg screams]

See that?
Cheatin' never pays.

-[birds chirp]
-Of course, neither do you,

Gosh, Gimmick, we've been
searching for hours,

and still no sign
of firewood.

I don't think we're gonna
find much wood around here.

I'm afraid you're right,

-Gimmick, are you all right?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm fine.

I just tripped over this rock.

Hmm. Very interesting.

What's interesting, Gimmick?

[laughs] Yes!

Yes, I thought so.

This isn't just a rock.

It's coal!

You mean the kind
of coal that burns?


And we can use it
for fuel.

If we can find
more of it, that is.

-All: Whoa!

There's enough here

to get us to
the Hard to Find City
and back again.

All we have to do
is dig it out.

I knew there was
a catch to it.

Now, now, Grubby,

nothing is difficult
when you set your mind to it.

Especially if you sing a song
while you're doing it.

It makes the work
go a whole lot faster.

♪ Dig, dig, dig, dig ♪

♪ Dig, dig, dig, dig ♪

Grubby: ♪ I guess this is
what they call work ♪

♪ It isn't all that bad ♪

♪ In an hour or two
when the work is through ♪

♪ Just think
of what we'll have ♪

♪ Well, a bunch
of big black dirty rocks ♪

♪ I think I'd rather
be nappin' ♪

♪ I know a little trick
to make the time go quickly ♪

♪ And amazing things
can happen ♪

♪ When you sing a song ♪


♪ The work won't seem
to take as long ♪

♪ 'Cause when you sing
you're likely to ignore ♪

♪ The kind of work that
seems like such a chore ♪

-[distant shrieking]
-Listen, what was that noise?

-What noise?
-[distant shrieking]

That noise!

Say, you don't suppose anything
lives in here, do ya?

[both scream]



Let's get out of here.


Shall we dance?

Teddy: P-Pardon me, sir.

What is it that we've done?

Hurry up. Keep moving.

Where do you think
they're taking us, Gimmick?

Oh, I haven't
the foggiest notion!

Well, what have we here?

Your Highness.

They were stealing our coal.

Then they shall
be made to suffer.

W-W-We're not intruders,
Your Griminess.

-What's that?
-Um, uh, he means
Your Sliminess.

No, that's not
what he means.

-What he means
is Your Highness.

And we'd be happy
to pay you for the coal.

Too late.
Put that one to work,

and lock those two
in the dungeon.

-Yes, Your Majesty.
-Teddy, Gimmick!

Where are they taking me?

D-D-Don't worry, Grubby,
we'll rescue you!

As soon as we figure out
a way to rescue ourselves.

Get inside.

What strange-looking creatures.

Why are they so unreasonable,

I don't know, Teddy.

What kind of creatures
are they?

Well, they're,
uh, well, no, no, no,

they're more like...

No, they're sort of
a species of...

They're called Mudblups.

Thank you.
They're called Mudblups.

Uh, who said that?

I did.

Who are you?

My name is Prince Arin.

The son of King Nogburt?

I have that honor.
And who are you?

I'm Teddy Ruxpin,

and this is my friend,
Newton Gimmick.

How did someone
of royal heritage

end up here in this prison?

It's a long story with
an unhappy ending, I'm afraid.

-Tell us.

We've got
plenty of time.

You see, I was searching for
my sister Princess Aruzia

when I was captured by
these Mudblup creatures.

I fought a brave battle,
but they outnumbered me

and have kept me
prisoner here ever since.

Gimmick: My, that certainly
is a sad story.

Teddy: But it might have
a happy ending after all.

With three of us thinking
of an escape plan,

we'll be out
that much sooner.

I'm afraid not, Teddy.

I've searched every corner
of these underground tunnels,

and there's no way out.

No, gentlemen,

I'm afraid we're here
for the rest of our lives.

[Gimmick groaning]

Oh, I'm afraid
digging for coal

is for someone
younger than I am.

Teddy: I'm younger than you,
and it's not for me either.

Well, I'm of royal blood,
and it's definitely not for me.

But, nevertheless,
I keep on digging.

So why do you do it,
Prince Arin?

That's why.

Keep working.

Oh, that certainly
is a powerful argument.

Teddy: ♪ Sing a song ♪

♪ The work won't seem
to take as long ♪

Come on, Gimmick.

♪ 'Cause when you sing,
you're likely to ignore ♪

♪ The kind of work that
seems like such a chore ♪

♪ Sing a song ♪

♪ Until the job is done ♪

♪ Hum, sing, or croon
a happy little tune ♪

♪ And the work will be
a lot more fun ♪

Teddy: [laughs]
Come on, Prince Arin.

Why don't you
make up a verse?

Very well.

♪ I hope we can
get out of here ♪

♪ And find
my little sister ♪

♪ But if we aren't
very clever ♪

♪ We may be
in this place forever ♪

Somehow it's just not
the same without Grubby.

Back to your cell.

I wonder what they're
going to serve us.

I'm afraid you won't
be so enthusiastic
once you taste it.

Well, Teddy,
how is it?


It's terrible.

But it does taste
sort of familiar.

Ugh. It's even worse
than usual.

Gimmick: Well,
there's one compensation.

Anything that tastes this awful
has to be good for you.

Look, Prince Arin.
What's that?

I'm not certain, but it's
definitely not a Mudblup.

Oh, dear.

Now he's aiming that
contraption at us.


What's happened to
the Mudblup, Prince Arin?

These creatures spend
all their lives in darkness.

They detest bright lights.

I wonder if that guy knows
a way out of this awful place.

[all screaming]

[all scream]

You fellows climb up,
and then haul me up after you.

Right, Prince Arin.


Wow. I never thought I'd be
so happy to see so much sand.

Gimmick: You can go
sightseeing later, Teddy.

Right now, I need you
to lift me out.

Oh, sorry Gimmick.




I can't believe we escaped!

But there is one
who is still not free.

Yes. What do we do
about Grubby?

Let's go back to the airship
and get some supplies.

I have a very...
clever idea.

[Teddy breathing heavily]

We've been walking
for hours, Gimmick.

Are you sure this is the way
to get to the airship?

I'm certain of it.

I recall distinctly
that we were headed

in a north by
northwesterly direction.

Uh, or was it south
by southwesterly?

Uh, or it could have been
west by east northerly.

Well, it certainly is nice
to have all those choices.

Look, Teddy! There it is!

The airship!
We found it!

Gimmick: See that?
And you thought I didn't know
where it was.

Now quickly,
eat this applesauce.

I'm too worried about
Grubby to eat, Gimmick.

Just do as I say, Teddy.

You too, Prince Arin.

And we'll need these candles.

What's this all about...
[gulps] Gimmick?

You'll find out soon enough.

Would you rather we didn't
ask so many questions?

Nonsense, my boy. [laughs]

How else are you ever
going to learn anything?

Aah! My eyes!

Grubby! Grubby!

Gimmick, here come two more.


My eyes!

Teddy: Gimmick, you were right.

The lights do chase away
the Mudblups.

Yes, indeed! [laughs]
Look at 'em run.

But we've still
got to find Grubby.


Grubby: Hey, fellas.
I'm in here.


Psst! Grubby.
You're all right.

Grubby: Ah, hi, fellas.
Sure I'm all right.

We were afraid something
dreadful had happened to you.

Heck no.
I'm enjoying myself.

Makin' this root stew.

Root stew?
So that's what we were eating.

Yeah, these mud guys
love my root stew.

-Then you're the one
who cooked our lunch?
-Grubby: That's right.

I even talked them into
giving ya extra portions.

Oh, uh, thanks a lot, Grubby.

But now it's time to escape
this underground prison.

Right now? But I was just
preparin' dinner.

And you'll never guess
what we're havin'.

All: Root stew.

Shucks. And I wanted it
to be a surprise.

Well, this is no time
to talk about food, Grubby.

We've got to get out of here
before the Mudblups come back.

Well, can we at least take this
pot of root stew with us?

You never know when
you might want a snack.

Gimmick: All right, take it.
But let's hurry!

Arin: I believe this
is the way out.

Teddy: Okay, Prince Arin.


Uh-oh. I think these guys
want more root stew.

The prisoners are escaping!
Stop them!

Look! Up ahead!

It's sunlight!

We'll be safe now,
my friends.

Those Mudblups won't
dare show their faces
in the sunlight.

Gimmick: I'm certainly glad
to be out of that place.

Oh, I don't know.
I was getting kinda used to it.

All right, crew.
Let's take her aloft.

Teddy: Aye-aye, Gimmick.

Aye-aye, Gimmick.

-What's our heading, Gimmick?
-South by southwest.

There must be some mistake.

This treasure you're seeking
lies in the Hard to Find City.

-That's due north.
-[Gimmick laughs]

No, mistake, Prince Arin.

We've talked it over,
and we've decided

to help you find your sister
Princess Aruzia instead.

Arin: You'd give up a treasure
for someone you never met?

Sure, we would.

People are more valuable
than any old treasure.

Besides, there's plenty
of time to find the treasure.

My friends, your friendship
is the greatest treasure
I have ever found.

[L.B. groans]
Listen, Tweed.

I'm getting tired
of pushing this wagon.

Tweeg: You know,
you're right, L.B.

It's not fair I make you
push it all the time.

-That's right.

Why don't you try
pulling it for a while?

Now you're talking.

Tweez, I didn't know you had
this kinda streak in you.

-Tweeg: Ah, blast it.
-What's up?

I don't believe this.

First it's an army,
then it's a navy,

and now it's an air force.

I really underestimated
that guy Gimmick.

L.B.: I thought
that phony map of yours

was supposed to
lose them forever.

Tweeg: It was.

But you must have done
something wrong.

That's right.
Blame it on me.

I just did.

Grubby: Oh, boy.
What a great way
to end an adventure--

with a great big bowl
of roasted root stew.

-But, Grubby--
-Don't say a word.

It's the least I could do
after you guys saved me and all.

Arin: It was nothing.
You really needn't bother.

It's my pleasure.

Now, eat hearty, m'lads.

All: [weakly]
Thanks, Grubby.

Mark my words, L.B.

I'll get the best of that
crackpot inventor yet.

You really think so,
huh, Twuggle?

May I be struck
from above if I don't.

[theme music playing]