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02x20 - The Skin I'm In/Fishy Washy

Posted: 03/09/24 13:56
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music]

- ♪ Hey ♪
both: what?

- ♪ Come over here ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over ♪

♪ To whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey today ♪

Both: he's coming!

- ♪ Now he's arrived ♪

♪ In the thinga-ma-jigger ♪

♪ The thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat,
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers ♪

♪ Thing two and thing one ♪
- ta-da!

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo!

[All cheering]

- Whoa!

All: ♪ it's the cat in the hat ♪

- ♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
knows a lot about ♪

All: ♪ he knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about that! ♪


[Both giggling]

- Here comes super nick
to save the world, sally.

- Super sally is right
beside you, nick.

[Both giggling]

- I'm super fast.

- I'm super strong!


- I'm super everything!

[Both giggling]


- What's up, nick?
Are you okay?

- I've cut my finger.

- It must have been
that prickly bush.

- Maybe we aren't so super,
after all.

- Well,
I think you're both superrific!

- It's the cat!
- The cat in the hat!

- Whee!
Ah, your finger.

Call a medic!
Call a hospital!

Call anyone.


- It's okay, cat.

It doesn't hurt.

- Oh, well, let me put a boo-boo
patch on it, right away.


All better, now.

- Thanks, cat.

I wish we had super tough skin,
like a superhero.

- But your skin is super.

It's super-duper super.

- It's just skin.

Why is it so super?

- Well,

I can't remember all the things
that make it super,

But I know someone who does.

- Really? Who?

- Why, dr. Giggles, of course.

He knows all about your insides,
your outsides,

And your everywhere-sides.

- Can we go visit him?

- You can.

Your mother will not mind,
at all, if you do.

- Mom, can we go with the cat
in the hat,

To find out how super skin is?

- Go with the cat in the hat,

To find out
how super skin is?


Sounds like a super idea to me.

- Thanks, mom.

Both: we can go!

We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

- Check out my skin,
all shiny and scaly.

- You have great skin,

But there's something
fishy about it.


- Very funny.
Ha, ha.

- Now, buckle up.

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.

Isn't this fun?

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We'll ask dr. Giggles
all about skin ♪

♪ The fantastically super
skin that we're in ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Welcome
to dr. Giggles' house.

- I hope the doctor's in.

- [Guffawing]

- Sure sounds like it.

- Hi, dr. Giggles.

- Why are you laughing?

- I just told myself a joke
I hadn't heard before.


How can I be of help?

- Dr. Giggles, we want to know
why skin is so super.

- Skin has many superpowers.

Would you like to see?
Both: yes.

- You need to see it really
close up to see how super it is.

Both: like this?

- No, no.

You need to be much,
much closer than that.

- Hmm.
- I think dr. Giggles

Means we need to be smaller,
a whole lot smaller.

- How small?

- As small as small can be.

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

- You'll need to be the size
of a tiny flea.


- Press the shrinkamadoodle,

- I shall be following you
with my mega-ma-spotter.

Both: whee!


- Whoo-hoo!

- We're on our way
down dr. Giggles' arm.

- I can see you,

And with my little camera
here, you can see me too.

- We can see you, dr. Giggles.

- Keep heading
on down to my hand.

- We're on our way.

Both: whoa! Yahoo!

- Whoa.

This grass is tall.

- It's not grass.

It's hair.

You are so small
it looks like giant grass.

- But doesn't hair
grow on heads?

- Hair grows
all over our bodies, sally.

Both: whoa!

- This ride
sure is hair-raising.


- Careful, or you'll give
dr. Giggles a haircut.

Whoa! Whoa!

- Here we are.
- Look.

The hairs are growing out
of little openings in the skin.

- Cool.

Hey, check this out.

Skin is kind of spongy.

- It is, nick.

Let's test it,
to see how spongy it can be.


- I see you have found out that
skin has another superpower.

- Whee! It's springy.
- It's bouncy.

- It's stretchy and bendy,
so we can do this.

- When we stretch, like this--

- Our skin stretches too.

Both: yay!

- Skin is pretty slippery too.

- Mm-hmm.

That's because skin
is a little oily.

Oil helps keep
it soft and bendy,

And because of the oil,
skin has another superpower.

I'll show you.

Do you have any water?

- I have some water, right here.

- Wha--wha--hey.

Don't even think about it.

- Oh, sorry, fish.

- Where else can we find water?

- If it's water we need,
then I know what to do.

This is a job
for thing one and thing two.

Both: hello!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Okay.

Spray away.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Hey!

- Sorry.


- Look!

The water has bounced off
the skin.

- Just like my raincoat,
when it rains.

- Or my umbrella.

- Skin is so super.

It's waterproof, as well.

- Hmm.
Both: ah!

- I want to show you
one more amazing thing,

So amazing
you won't believe your eyes.

- Show us, dr. Giggles.

- Sure, but you have
to be even smaller, still.

- Back to the thinga-ma-jigger,

Both: yeah!

- Whoo-hoo!
Now you're ready to get going.

- But how much smaller
should we be?

- You'll need to shrink
down to the size

Of a tiny speck of dust.

- That is small.

- That's right.

Now press the super-duper
shrinkamadoodle, sally.

- Wow.

- Cool.

- This place is awesome.

- Are we in the same place?

- We are.

We haven't moved, at all.

We just got smaller.

- The hairs
look like trees, now.

- And the skin isn't smooth,

- This is what skin looks like
when you are very, very small.

- Wow,
it's like an alien planet.

- Look, pieces are floating off.

- Whoa.

They look like cereal flakes.

- They seem to be
breaking off from the ground.

- Hey,
they make great throwing discs.

- Oh, it's kind of crumbly.

- What are they, dr. Giggles?

- It's old skin.

- Huh? Old skin?

- And underneath is new skin
coming through.

The skin is fixing
itself all the time.

- And never stops.
- Wow.

- Cool.

- It must be happening
to my finger too.

- Absolutely.

Your boo-boo bandage
keeps it nice and clean.

- I told you
skin had superpowers.

- I don't know about you two,
but I am super impressed.

- Yeah. Me too.

- Yeah. Me, three.

- Don't you just love the skin
you're in?

Press the bigamaboodle, nick.

- Did you have fun?

I sure did.

- It was awesome, dr. Giggles.
Thank you.

- Yes, thank you very much.

- You're very welcome.

Now you can see
how important your skin is,

So take very good care
of it.

Both: we will.

- Bye, dr. Giggles.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Good-bye!

stop by again soon.

- Skin is so cool.

- Super cool.

- Yes, skin is so super.

It can do many things.

It can stretch.
It can bend.

It's like bouncing on springs.

Skin is important
for me and for you.

Most amazing of all,
it can make itself new.

Let's take a peek
at your finger, nick.

- Go ahead, cat.

- You're very brave, nick.

- It's nothing, really.

Hey, it looks better already.

- The skin
is already fixing itself.

- Now isn't that amazing?

- It's super.

- Super skin.

All: yay!


- Look, an american flamingo.

Flamingoes find their food
underwater, but when

They eat, they do something
funny with their heads.

So what do flamingoes do
when they eat?

Did you say they
turn their heads upside-down?

That's right.

That's how they catch food best.

You got it this time,

But next time I'll stump you,
for sure.

Both: time to take a picture
with our snapperama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

I see dirt and leaves.

It's a plant.

It looks like
a small bamboo plant.

It's so much tinier than
the other bamboo plants here.

- Bamboo is one
of the fastest-growing plants.

In one day, it can grow
almost as tall as you, nick.

- Great photo.


Both: here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure.

The thinga-ma-jigger is--

- Not going anywhere, sally.
- Hmm.

We can't move with
all these toys on the grass.

- We'd better clean up.

- Okay.

- Is it time to play?

Why didn't you say?

- It's the cat.
- The cat in the hat.

- I love to play games.

Which is it today?

- Cleaning up.
- Hmm.

It looks like you could use
some help with that game.

Luckily, I know someone
who's a great cleaner-upper,

Rufus the wrasse.
Both: huh?

- What's a wrasse?

- A wrasse is a small fish

Who lives in the ocean
of deep down under.

- And he likes to clean?

- Boy, does he ever.

He is a cleaner fish.

My friend rufus

Runs his very own
fishy-washy cleaning station.

- Hey, maybe we can go ask rufus
for some cleanup tips.

- Your mother will not mind,
at all, if you do.

- Hey, mom, can we go
with the cat in the hat

To the ocean of deep down under,

To get cleanup tips
from a cleaner fish?

- Get cleanup tips
from a cleaner fish?

Well, that's a great idea.

Fish are very clean.

They're always taking a bath.

- Thanks, mom.

- We can go! We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

- A clean fishbowl is
a happy fishbowl, I always say.

- Nice work, fish.

- Now, buckle up.

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.

Isn't this fun?

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ To visit a fishy
who just loves to clean ♪

♪ It really is something
that has to be seen ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Welcome to the ocean
of deep down under.

Time to shrink down to the size
of a little fishy.

Press the shrinkamadoodle.

- And unless you
want to get wet, you better--

pull the submarine lever.

- You are so right.

Both: whoo-hoo!

- Dive, dive.

- Wow, it's so beautiful.

- This is a coral reef.

Let's go swimming.

Both: yay!

- Wow. Deep down
under's a busy place.

- There are so many fish
down here.

- A perfect place
for rufus' cleaning station.

- Cool.

- Let's take a look.

- Do you see your friend?

- Oh. Oh, boy.

Another customer.

Why, if it ain't the cat
in the hat.

- Meet rufus the wrasse.
- Good to see you.

- These are my friends,
nick and sally.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Glad to know you.

What can I do you for?

- We need some cleanup tips,

And the cat says
you're a great cleaner-upper.

- Only the best
in the coral reef area.

- We can tell.

The coral looks great.

- What are you talking about?
No, no, no, no, no, no.

I don't clean the reef.
- Huh?

- Then what do you clean?

- I clean other fishes.

- I've been to a car wash
with my dad,

But I've never been
to a fish wash before.

- I clean all kinds of fishes,
but big ones are best.

- There's a big one, right now.
- Oh, yeah.

That's barry the barracuda,
one of my best customers.

- He's not coming over.

- We need
to get his attention first.

- We can do that for you, rufus.

Both: hey, barry
the barracuda! Yoo-hoo!

- Come on!

- That's not how you get
another fish's attention.

- How do you get
another fish's attention?

- Us wrasse do a dance when
we're ready to do some cleaning.

- A dance?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.


What are you waiting for?

All: whoo!

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

- Huh? Oh.

- It's working.
- Uh-oh.

Maybe a little too well.

- He's coming this way.

Both: whoa!
- Ooh.

Both: whoa!

- A-do. A-do.

- Huh?

- Do-do-do.


- Oh.
- What happened?

- It's like he's sleeping.

- No, he's not having
a catnap.

He's having a fish nap.

- While he's dozy,
we can get busy cleaning.

- Whoa. Barry is going
to take a lot of cleaning.

- Oh, that's not so bad.

I like to clean one bit
at a time.

- Do you use a washcloth?

- No. I use my teeth, see?

- Your teeth?

- Some people use toothpicks.

Rufus picks with his teeth.

- Sea bugs
and dead skin are my favorite.

Both: ew.

- If cleaning with your teeth
is not for you,

Why not try out
these chompy-chompers?

Both: cool.

- This is much better.
- Hmm.

Where should we start to clean?

- Take the other side,

And pick off all the bits
of food, like I do.

- To your cleaning stations.

At the fishy washy,

The fishy washy there's no time
to be wishy-washy.

Pick off those bits,
even though they're squishy.

Get to work,
and clean this fishy!

Both: at the fishy washy.

At the fishy washy.

At the fishy washy.

- Oh, don't throw
any of that stuff away.

It's good to eat.

- We're going
to need a doggy bag.

- Don't you mean a fishy bag?

- Rufus' cleaning station isn't
just a car wash for fishes.

- It's his lunch room.

- The fish get clean,
and I get a meal.

- So everyone gets a good deal.

All: at the fishy washy,
the fishy washy.

Let's have fun
at the fishy washy!

- Whoa. We cleaned all the way
down to barry's tail.

- Oh, nice job.

- Thanks, rufus.

- Barry's a big fish,

But we took our time
and cleaned him a bit at a time.

- But we ain't done, yet.

There's one place left to clean.

Both: oh?

- Hey. Oh,
the best bits are in there.

- Whoa. You even clean
those sharp teeth?

- Lucky barry's asleep.

- Uh-oh. Look out.

Barry's waking up.

Shall I sing a lullaby?

- No. Just tickle his tummy
for me, would you?

So he knows
we're still doing our job.

Both: huh? Okay.

Whoa! Coochie-coochie.

- Works every time.

- Who doesn't love
a tummy tickle?

- Mm-hmm.


- Oh.

I'm all clean.

Oh, ain't I beautiful?

Both: you sure are.

- Well, thanks, guys.

See you!

Both: bye.

- Another happy customer.

- Hey, look.
Looks like they're lining up.

- No, no, no. I'm sorry.

You'll have
to come back tomorrow.

I'm closed.
- Uh, okay.

- Maybe next time.
- Aw, shucks.

- Thanks, anyway.

- Why are you closing?

- Is it because
your tummy's full?

- No, it's beginning
to get dark,

And well, I never miss bedtime.

- Where do you sleep?

- In a bed.
What do you think?

- What kind of bed
does a fish sleep in?

- A sea bed, of course.

- Oh, that's nice.

- Good night, rufus.

- Thanks for showing us
your cleaning station.

- Forget about it.

- Cleaning up the garden

Will be easy,
after cleaning a barracuda.

- When you need to get home,
'cause there's cleaning to do,

Just whistle real loud
for thing one and thing two.

Both: whee! Wahoo!

- Uh-oh.
Watch out for that rock.

Turn left!
No, the other left!

That was close.

You almost hit that...
Both: uh-oh.

- Turtle.

- What happened
to the subbery-blubber?

- It's all covered
in sand and seaweed.

- What do you expect when you
ask the things to drive?

- Oh, what can we do?

Rufus' cleaning station
is closed until morning.

- That's okay.
We know what to do.

- Chompy-chompers, please.

- Coming right up.

Both: at the fishy washy,
the fishy washy.

- There's no time
to be wishy-washy.

- Pick off those bits,
even if there's fishy.

Both: get to work,
and clean this fishy.

- If you want to clean up,
be like rufus the wrasse.

His cleaning station
has really gotten class.

He cleans bit by bit,
from the start to the end,

And it's always more fun
when you clean with a friend.

All: at the fishy washy,
the fishy washy.

Let's have fun
at the fishy washy. Yay!

- Can we please go home, now?

- That wasn't so hard.

- It's just like cleaning
a barracuda.

- Or a subbery-blubber.

Both: bit by bit.

- Where to, sally?

- How about my combo car wash
and fast food drive through?

- Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.

- Yeah!

All: yay!

♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

Both: we're flying
with the cat in the hat today!

All: hooray!

- Welcome to hat chat.

- Today, we're going
to interview a squid

And an octopus.

- But which is which?

- You can tell us
apart quite easily.

- Hmm.
You both have eight harms.

- Hmm, that's true,

But I'm a squid, so I also
have these two tentacles here.

They help me to catch my food.

An octopus doesn't have these.

- But I bet you
both swim the same.

- When we want to swim fast,

We can both move by sucking
water into this pocket here,

Then sh**ting it out super fast.


- Whoa.

- But when I want to take
my time,

I can swim using
these two fins here.

- Wow. I guess you
two aren't the same, at all.

Thanks for the interview.
- Bye.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Both: hello.

- We all have two lungs,
and we all have a heart.

We all have a brain
that is wonderfully smart.

These are some of the organs
that are inside of you.

We can go there, with help
from thing one and thing two.

Spongy pink lungs help
us breathe in and breathe out,

And use good things from the air
that they spread all about.

- [Inhales and exhales deeply]

- Your heart is your body's
big beating pump,

Sending blood through your body
with each thumping thump.

Why does the heart beat
again and again?

To answer that,
we must go to the brain.

Your brain tells your body
to work hard for you,

And it's where you
think and remember things too.

We've seen some of our organs,

And now you and I know organs
help bodies to work well

And grow.

[Upbeat harmonica music]

- ♪ Animals have families,
like you and me ♪

♪ They're called many things ♪

♪ Let's get to know three ♪

♪ They love hop-hop-hopping ♪

♪ But when they form a group,
did you know kangaroos ♪

♪ Are known as a troop? ♪

- A troop?

♪ - Here is a creature
that stays up all night ♪

♪ They're really quite shy,
so don't give them a fright ♪

♪ When gathered together,
they're known as a pickle ♪

♪ The porcupine quills--ouch ♪

♪ They don't tickle ♪

- A pickle of porcupines.

♪ - Look at these hippos
splashing and playing ♪

♪ Listen to them call ♪

♪ Can you guess
what they're saying? ♪

♪ A bunch of these beasts
is known as a bloat ♪

♪ They run through the water,
but nope, they don't float ♪

♪ Now,
good-bye to the troop ♪

♪ Good-bye,
pickle and bloat ♪


Both: time to take a picture
with our snapperama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

I see a blue sky with clouds.

Oh, and some rocks.

It looks like a mountain.

There's snow on top of it,

But not on the ground
where we are.

- The higher up you go,
the colder it gets.

That mountain is so tall,
it's cold enough

To have snow way on top.
- Great photo, nick.