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02x17 - Balancing Act/Marvelous Marbles

Posted: 03/09/24 13:54
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪
both: what?

- ♪ Come over here ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over ♪

♪ To whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey today ♪

Both: he's coming!

- ♪ Now he's arrived ♪

♪ In the thinga-ma-jigger ♪

♪ The thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat,
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers ♪

♪ Thing two and thing one ♪
- ta-da!

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo!

[All cheering]

- Whoa!

All: ♪ it's the cat in the hat ♪

- ♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
knows a lot about ♪

All: ♪ he knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about that! ♪


- Here we go.

Ladies and gentlemen, watch
nick, the high-wire walker,

And be amazed.

- Yay!

- Oh.




Balancing is a lot harder
than it looks.

- My turn,

Sally the balancing ballerina
thrills the crowd as--

Whoa, oh!

[Grunts, giggles]

She falls.

- Greetings.
- It's the cat!

- The cat in the hat.

- I thought I'd drop in.

Are we having a picnic?

Because if we are, this picnic
table is way too small.

- We're not having a picnic,

- We're playing circus.

And we're trying to walk
like the tightrope walkers

We saw there.

- But we keep falling off.

- If you can't balance
on the beam,

Why not try to balance the beam
on you?


Oh, I should be
in the circus, myself.


- Are you okay?
- Never better.

But you're right,
balancing is tricky.

We should go see my friend
zappa the snow leopard.

- A snow leopard?

- Yes,
he has a great balancing act.

- Cool, where does he live?

- In the snowy blowy mountains,
of course.

Want to go there and find out
his balancing secrets?

- Yes.
- Yes, please.

- Your mother will not
mind at all if you do.

- Mom, can we go with the cat

To the snowy blowy mountains
to learn about balancing?

- Sure, but balancing

In the snowy blowy mountains
sounds like hard work.

I'll have these branberry
muffins ready for you

When you get back.

- Yum, thanks.


Both: we can go!

We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

Buckle up.
[Horn honks]

Flip the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ It's zappa the snow leopard
we're off to meet ♪

♪ To learn how to balance
and stay on our feet ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Here we are,
the snowy blowy mountains.

Going down.

Hm, it isn't very snowy
on the snowy blowy mountains...

[Wind howls]

But it sure is blowy.

- Oh, no. The thinga-ma-jigger.

- Yikes!

- After it.

- Help!



Phew, hm, I'm pretty sure
this is a new parking zone.

- We need to rescue fish.

- Do not leave your bowl.

We're on our way.

Let's go.

- Careful, cat.

- Whoa, this is even harder than
walking on the tightrope.

I can't keep my balance.

- Me neither.
The ground's so rocky.

- And all this ice
makes it slippery too.

- Not to worry,
zappa will help us.


But first, we have to find him.

- Where is he?

- Hm, he should be around here,

- Are you looking for me?
- Huh?

- What?

- There you are, zappa.


I'd like
you to meet my friends,

Nick and sally.

- Why, hello.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- This is amazing.

You look just like the rocks.

- That's why we didn't see you.



- [Grunts]

- [Yelps]

- I'm good at sneaking up
on people and surprising them.

- [Giggles]
you sure did that.

Can you help us, zappa?

We need to get
to the thinga-ma-jigger

Way down there.

- [Moans]

- And the ground's too slippery
for us to walk on.

- I'll help in any way I can.

- Wow.

You sure balance well.

- How do you do it?

- Well, I guess I just put
one foot in front of the other.


- One big foot
in front of the other.

- Your feet are very big, zappa.

- Maybe if we had bigger feet,
we could balance better too.

- Having big, wide feet
is easy peasy.

Would you like round ones,

Low ones,

Polka dots,
or furry?

Both: furry!


Thanks, cat.

- On with the shoe--

I mean, show.

- Now we have big, wide,
furry feet like zappa.

- They'll help
us keep our balance.

- This way.


[Both giggling]

- Hey, do big, wide feet
make it easier?

- They do.
- You're right.

We're staying up.

- Whoa!

[Both grunt]

- Just not long enough.

- How are we going to reach fish

If we can't even stay up
on our own two feet?

- Hey, zappa has four feet,
not just two.

- Right, if we walk like him
on four feet,

Maybe we can keep our balance.

- If you want to turn your hands
into feet,

Big, furry mittens
can't be beat.


- Thanks, cat.

- Hey, you guys, keep up.

- We're coming!

[Both giggling]

- At least
we're not falling now.

- That's because we're already
on the ground.

- Walking like this feels funny.

- And it's...


Not very comfy.

- Four feet work for zappa,
but two feet work better for us.


[Sighs] thanks, zappa,
that was close.

- Your tail is awesome, zappa.

- Why, thank you.

I don't mean to boast,
but my tail is pretty cool.

Watch this.

- That's it.

Did you see that?

Zappa holds his tail out
while he climbs.

That must be how he
keeps his balance so well.

- I bet we could keep
our balance

If we had tails like his.

- Hm, wiggle-waggle-toggles
should do in a pinch.

- Wiggle-waggle--

- Toggles?
- Cool.

- I believe they are
just the thing.

Try one.

[Both giggling]

- Very nice tails.

- [Laughs]

- Now we have big feet
and tails.

- You mean,

- That should make
it easier for you.

Follow me.

- Whoa, my tail
isn't helping me balance.

- How can we make
our tails stick out?

- Use the

It makes
the wiggle-waggle-toggle

Do everything a real tail can.

- Cool.

- How do we use them
to balance better?

- Watch zappa.

When zappa leans one way,

His tail goes the other way.

- Let's try it.

When zappa moves this way.

- His tail moves that way.

That's how he balances.

- Oh, no.

I stuck my tail out too far.

[Tail clatters]

- I lost
my wiggle-waggle-toggle.

- And I found it.

- You look like
a real tightrope walker, cat.

- Hey, wait a minute.

I've got an idea.

It's hard for us to use
the wiggle-waggle-toggles.

- 'Cause we're not used
to having tails.

- But we can do what zappa
does in a different way.


If I start to fall to one side,

I move my wiggle-waggle-toggle
stick to the other side.

- It's--whoa--working.

It's working.

- We made it.

- Hooray!

What took you so long?

- We had trouble balancing.

- Until zappa showed us how.

- To balance like zappa,
we followed his tip.

Use your feet and tail,
so you don't trip.

If I move this way,
my tail goes that.

And that's why I never fall flat
on my hat.

- Let's go back and try it out
on the tightrope.

- We can't.

The thinga-ma-jigger's stuck
in the snow.

- We'll have to dig it out.

- When digging in snow
is a job to be done,

Who better to call
than thing two and thing one.


Both: hello! Whoo!

[Chattering, grunting]

- It'll take a long time.

- Aha!


- Huh?

- Ta-da!



- Whoo!

- [Yelps]

- Huh?

- [Whimpering]

- Oh.

- [Yelps]


- All right.

Both: ta-da.

- Why, thanks, things.

Both: bye-bye.

- And thanks for helping us,

- [Chuckles]

- All aboard
the thinga-ma-jigger!

- Bye.
- Bye.

- [Grunts, giggles]

We're doing it.

- We're balancing.

- Yay!

- Branberry muffins, anyone?

- Yes, please.

- [Laughs]

Your mom did say
you should have a...


Balanced diet.

Both: yeah!

- Oh, thank you.
- Thanks.

[All chomping]

- I knew we
were having a picnic.

[All giggling]

- Hi there.

Huh? What was that?

Did you hear that?

That sounded like a rattle
to me.

Oh, a rattlesnake
uses a part of its body

To make a rattling noise.

So where is a rattlesnake's


Did you say on its tail?
That's right.

They rattle their tails
as a warning

When they sense danger.

You got it this time,

But next time,
I will stump you for sure.


Aha, I caught you!

- Time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Oh, a puzzle.

I see white fur and claws.

It's a paw.

Is it a polar bear paw?

- That's right, nick.

- Wow, those claws look sharp.

- That's because they
use their sharp claws

And the pads on their feed
to help grip the ice

So they don't slip.

- Great photo.

[Both giggling]

- Nice shot, sally.
- Thanks, nick.

Playing with glass marbles
is fun.

- Now it's my turn
to try and hit your marble

With my extra lucky,
never-miss marble.


- A never-miss marble?
- Huh?

- Ah, this I have to see.

- It's the cat.
- The cat in the hat.

- A hole in one.

What a shot.

- That's not
what I was trying to do.

- That's okay, nick.

You can try again
with a different glass marble.

- I can't.

I need my extra lucky,
never-miss marble.

- How will we finish our game?

- By finding more extra lucky,
never-miss marbles.

I know where we can find lots.
- You do?

- The sandy beaches
of tiki taru.

They're full of marbles.

- Wow, beaches full of marbles?

Can we go?

- Your mother will not
mind at all if you do.

[Both giggling]

- Mom, can we go to tiki taru
with the cat in the hat

To find glass marbles?

- Go with the cat in the hat
to find glass marbles?

That sounds like marble-ous fun.

- Thanks, mom.

Both: we can go!

We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

- I can't wait to hit the beach
at tiki taru.

I must remember to wear a hat.

- I always remember
to wear mine.

I'm the cat in the hat.

[All giggling]

- ♪ Are you ready? ♪
Both: ♪ yes, we are ♪

- ♪ Are you steady? ♪
Both: ♪ yes, we are ♪

- ♪ Are you sure you're ready
to explore? ♪

Both: ♪ yes, we are ♪

- Then buckle up!
[Horn honks]

Flip the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ To tiki taru,
a place covered with sand ♪

♪ To go look for marbles,
now, isn't that grand? ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Welcome to tiki taru.

- Look at those sandy beaches.

- I can't wait to find a new
extra lucky, never-miss marble.

- Then let's roll.

- I'm going to look for glass
marbles along the seashore.

- Good thinking, nick.

- Let's go.

- Yay!

- Coming, fish?
- No, thanks.

You can say what nick and sally
saw by the seashore later.

- What nick and sally
saw by the sea-slore.

Uh, shore. I mean, what nick
and sally slaw by the seesaw.

I'll try,
but it's a real tongue twister.

- Huh, do you see
any glass marbles?

- No, only seaweed
and seashells.

- You saw seaweed and seashells,
by the seashore.


Hm, if those marbles aren't

Then they must be elsewhere.

- Shiver me timbers.

- [Gasps]
- har, har.

- Huh?

- Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of fun.

- It's sharky mcgee the pirate.

- Oh, cat, me old matey,
it's good to see you,

You furry old barnacle.

- Hello, sharky.
- Hello.

- Are you looking for treasure,

- 'Course I am.

I'm a pirate, ain't i?

- Do you have some treasure
in your treasure chest already?

- See for yourselves, mateys.

- Well, I'll be horn-swoggled.

- It's sand?

- Ah,
ain't I the luckiest pirate?

- But there's sand
all around us.

- And you can build
wonderful things with it

And bury your feet.

- Sand is kind of neat.

- Ye can build things
with sand, 'tis true.

But it makes something
even more amazing:


- Glass is made from sand?

- As sure as pirates sail
the seven seas.

- Wow.

- But glass is see-through.

Sand is, well, sandy.

- Aye, not if you look closer.

- All I see
is teeny, tiny bits of sand.

- Try my micro-ma-boodle.

It makes tiny things
much bigger.

- Whoa.

- Wow,
sand isn't just one thing.

It's lots of different things.

- All mixed up together.

Some bits look stony.

- And some bits look shelly.

- And shiver me timbers,
some bits sparkle like jewels.

- Ar, mateys.

That be where the treasure lays.

- You mean, those sparkly bits
in sand make glass?

- Aye, and I'll show you
how it's done.


Welcome to me
glass-making shack.

- Wow, all this is made
from bits in sand?

- It really is a treasure.

- [Gasps]

What's this funny thing do?

- Stand back.

This special heater
is hot, hot, hot.

- Why does sharky need a heater?

- It isn't cold on tiki taru.

- Har-har,
this ain't for warming me bones.

It's for melting sand.


It takes a lot longer
for the rocky and shelly bits

In sand to melt away.

But when they do,
you're left with melted glass.

- Whoa.
- Wow.

- Har! Har!


- It's not hot at this end.

Blow here.
- Okay.


- There she blows.

- Who doesn't love
blowing glass bubbles?


- What's it going to be?

- Glass is like magic.

It can be so many things.

- Ar, I need more wind,
ye swabs.

- I'll do it.

- Hot, melty glass
is soft and stretchy.

- Like toffee.

- Ar, but you have to work fast.

When it cools down,
it gets hard as glass.

- [Gasps]
it's a vase.

- Just like my mom's.

- Isn't glass amazing?

There's nothing else like it.

- Aye, that it be.

- Wait till I tell mom

Her favorite vase is made
from the sparkly bits in sand.

- Just like all the other glass
things in sharky's shack.

- I love to play the name game,
don't you?

Let's name things made of glass.
- Yay!

- Yeah!
- [Laughs]

- How about glass bottles?

- And reading glasses.

- Fantastic.
- Whoa!

- Fishbowls are glass.

- Hey, put me down.

- Glass makes so many things.

We're going to need help
naming them all.

- Why didn't you say?

That's easy to do.

I'll whistle real loud
for thing one and thing two.


[Both yelping]



- Listen up,
you rapscallions.

We're pirates
looking for glass things.

[Both chattering]



- [Yelps]

- A glass made of glass.

- Ar!

- Ar!
- A window's glass too.

- Ooh! Ah!
- Ah! Ar!

- And sparkly glass jewelry.

Both: whoa.

- Glass is useful.

- And beautiful.

- That's not all.

- Ar!

[All giggling]

- Glass can change the way
you see things.

[Both giggling]

Both: ooh!

- Glass is fun,
but you have to be careful.

Glass breaks easily.

[Glass shattering]

- Oh, dear.

- Keep back.

Broken glass is very sharp
and should not be handled.

[Both chattering]

- I'm very sorry
I broke your vase.

- Never ye mind.

The great thing about glass

Is that you
can use it over and over.

- So long
as you have a special heater

To melt it down
and make something new.

- Oh, like what?

- That's for ye landlubbers
to guess.


- Is it going to be
a glass bowl?

- Or a glass statue
of your favorite cat?

- I'll give you a clue.

It rolls.

- I know. I know.

It's glass marble.

- Indeedy,
it is, matey.

Both: yeah!

- And for guessing right,

You get a prize from me
own special treasure chest.

[Both gasp]

- Oh, boy.


A whole treasure chest
full of never-miss marbles.

Can I really have one?

- Yes, indeedy.

I haves plenty.

How's about this one, matey?

- Wow.

- And one for ye lass,
for being a fine buccaneer.

- Thanks, sharky.

- I knew this beach
was full of marbles,

And I was right.

Because marbles
are made of glass,

And glass is made from sand.

- Thanks for our marbles,

- And for showing us
how glass is made.

- You're welcome, har-har.

- Glass is a treasure
we use every day

All around our houses,
in every way.

The next time you pick up
a glass in your hand,

Remember it's melted
from bits found in sand.

- See you later, sharky.
- Bye, sharky.

- Bye-bye.
- Good-bye.

- Bye-bye, me hearties.

May the wind be at your backs.

- Wow, sharky's glass marble
rolls great, sally.

- Ready to finish our game,

- Sure.

- Can I play too?


- Look out!

- [Yelps]

- Cat, are you okay?

- Sure, I'm not made of glass.

[All laughing]

- Let's play.

Both: yay!


- Welcome to hat chat.

- Today we're going
to interview dr. Twiggles.

- Hello.

- Those are pretty flowers,

But I thought
you were a tree doctor.

- Oh, I am.

Both trees and flowers
are types of plants.

I take care of them all.

- Even this strange-looking

- Oh, especially that.

But it's not a tree.

That's actually a flower.

- But it's so huge.

- This flower is called
a titan arum.

It's one of the largest flowers
in the world.

- [Sniffs]

Um, it kind of stinks.

- Yep, it has that smell because
some kinds of bugs love it.

Those bugs follow the smell

And help to spread the titan's
seeds to help new ones grow.

- Thank you for showing us
all about this neat plant,

Dr. Twiggles.

- You're welcome.

- Come fly with the cat,
way up high into space.

Our planet's called earth.

We live in this place.

There are eight different
planets that circle the sun.

So let's have some fun
and zoom past everyone.

The smallest is mercury,
cloudy venus nearby,

Then earth with its oceans
and mountains so high,

After earth, then comes mars,
a sight to behold,

But mars, the red planet,
is terribly cold.

The four other planets
are big balls of gas,

Giant jupiter
being the largest we'll pass.

Saturn has rings,

So let's look at it twice,

Rings formed by thousands
of small chunks of ice.

Uranus and neptune
are farthest away.

Now we passed every planet
on this space trip today.


♪ Everybody,
get up ♪

♪ Come on and get ready
to move ♪

Both: ♪ move, move,
ready to move ♪

- ♪ You have 600 muscles that
help you run, jump, and groove ♪

Both: ♪ groove, groove,
jump and groove ♪

- ♪ Like the quad muscles
on the front of your thighs ♪

♪ Help you squat down low
and leap up high ♪

- Quadricep muscles?

- Right here.
Look at me jump.

- ♪ We're gonna run real fast,
get your leg muscles moving ♪

♪ Swing your arms,
flex your deltoids too ♪

♪ The muscles in your body help
you do everything you do ♪

- Deltoids?
- These muscles, here.

- ♪ The biceps help you
throw a ball ♪

♪ Lift things over your head
and feel ten feet tall ♪

- Let's see your biceps, nick!
- [Grunts]

- ♪ We're gonna jump up
and down ♪

♪ Get your heart muscle
beating ♪

♪ It's working all the time,
pumping blood through you ♪

♪ The muscles in your body
help you ♪

All: ♪ do everything you do ♪

Both: ♪ do, do everything
you do ♪

- ♪ The muscles in your body
help you do everything you do ♪

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras!

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

- Okay, sally, take a guess.

- A puzzle.

Hm, I see lots of dark fur.

Looks like a gorilla--

Wait, two gorillas.

- Yes, one gorilla's picking
through the fur

Of the other one.

That's how they clean
each other.

- Great photo, nick.

[Music playing]

♪ ♪