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02x03 - Bounce/Timmy Tippy Toes

Posted: 03/09/24 13:40
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪
both: what?

- ♪ Come over here ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey today ♪

Both: he's coming!

- ♪ Now he's arrived ♪

♪ In the thinga-ma-jigger ♪

♪ The thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat,
and he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers ♪

♪ Thing two and thing one ♪
- ta-da!

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo!

[All cheering]

- Whoa!

All: ♪ it's the cat in the hat ♪

- ♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
knows a lot about ♪

All: ♪ he knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about that! ♪


- [Grunts]

- [Grunts]

- Wow, great catch, sally.

- Your turn, nick.


- Got it.

Okay, try to catch this one.


Both: whoa!

- Ahh!
Oh, my!

- Oh, oh!

Hey, thanks for dropping in.

- [Laughs]

That ball
sure has a bouncy bounce.

- It's the cat!
- The cat in the hat.

- I just love ball games.

Can I have a try?
- Sure.

- Here, cat.

- Thanks, fish.

One, two.


- Nice shot!

- What makes that ball
so bouncy, cat?

- That's easy, because it's made
of flubber-ma-bubber,

Or is that mumma-ba-flubber?

I'm not sure.

- You mean it's made of rubber.

- And I suppose you know
where rubber comes from as well?

- Sure.
A tree.

- A tree?

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

That's impossible.

- It's true.

- Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Let's go and ask dr. Twiggles
in jingle jangle jungle.

- He knows all about trees.

- Yeah, let's go find out.

- Oh, your mother
will not mind at all if you do.

- [Laughs]

Mom, can we go with the cat

To jingle jangle jungle

And ask dr. Twiggles
where rubber comes from?

- [Laughs]

Jingle jangle jungle?
Of course.

Just make sure you bounce
right back for dinner.

- Thanks, mom.

Both: we can go!

We can go!

- I know! I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

Rubber from trees?

Whoever heard of such a thing?

- Just wait and see.

- I've never seen
a bouncing tree before.

- That sounds cool.

- Are you ready?
Both: yes, we are.

- Are you steady?
Both: yes, we are.

- Are you sure
you're ready to explore?

Both: yes, we are.

- Then buckle up.
[Horn honks]

Flip the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We're off to see twiggles
who may have a clue ♪

♪ Rubber from trees?
We'll see if it's true ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Whoa, there's a whole lot
of trees down there.

- Well, where there are trees--

- We'll find dr. Twiggles.

- Exactly.

- Hmm, no sign
of dr. Twiggles anywhere.

- Then we're gonna have to
figure this out for ourselves.

Let's think.

- Maybe if we found
something bouncy,

Then we might find out
where rubber comes from.

- Good idea, sally.

How about this?


Not very squishy.


And not very bouncy.

- Hey, look.
He's bouncy.

Maybe he will know
where rubber comes from.

- Hey, mr. Frog.

Do you know
where rubber comes from?

- Ribbit, ribbit.

- Frogs know all about hopping

But not about bouncing.

- Dr. Twiggles,
it's so good

To see your friendly face again.

- Hello!

- Hello.
- Hi.

- I was just checking out

This floppy leaf problem.

Ah, all done.

Now, what could I do
for you all today?

- Our ball is made of rubber.

- And we want to know where
rubber comes from, dr. Twiggles.

- Fish has this crazy idea
rubber comes from trees.

Have you ever heard
such a thing?

- Well, fish is right.

Totally, absolutely,
perfectly correct.

- He is?

- [Chuckling]

Told you so.

- Rubber does come from trees.

How about that?

- Wow.

- But not just
from any old tree.

Oh, no, sirree.

It has to be a rubber tree.

- Do you know
where we could find one?

- I sure do.

I have some rubber trees
near my home.

Want to make some rubber?

- Yeah!
- Can we?

- Run this way!

Whee-ooh, whee-ooh, whee-ooh!

All: whee-ooh, whee-ooh,

- This tree can't be
a rubber tree.

I can't see any rubber balls

- And it doesn't feel
very bouncy.

- Of course not.

You can't see the rubber yet

Because it's not outside
but inside.

♪ Trees, trees,
glorious trees ♪

♪ From roots below
to crowning leaves ♪

♪ This tree's a rubber ♪

♪ It has something to hide ♪

♪ If you want to make rubber,
look inside ♪

Now, stand aside.

- I'm so excited!

- This is what I call

"Tapping the rubber tree."

- You mean like this?

- No, no, no, cat.

Not tap dancing.

We are going to tap the tree.

- Oh, you mean like this.


Anyone home?


- We need to make
a special cut

Right here in the tree trunk.

- It won't hurt the tree,
will it, dr. Twiggles?

- Oh, not at all, sally.

Trees don't feel anything.


- Cool!

It looks like milk
but feels all sticky.

- Is it rubber, dr. Twiggles?

- It will be rubber, sally,

But when it's sticky and wet
like this,

We call it latex.

Both: latex?

- La, la, latex.

Don't be late for latex.

- This dripping
takes such a long time,

So here's one
I filled up earlier.

Now for the exciting part.

Follow me.

Both: yay!

All: whee-ooh, whee-ooh,

- Go ahead, nick.

We want to make sure
there are no lumpy pieces left.

- Here we go, go, go!

- Why, nice pouring there,

- Look, I can see
the lumps left behind.

- Now just a few drops

Of a special liquid
that helps it set,

And then I just need someone
to stir.

- Let me, dr. Twiggles.

- Sure thing, sally.

- Allow me to be of assistance
with this.

- Give it a big stir, now.


Let's pour it into this tray
to set.

I have one already set
over here.

This one is ready to flip.

- [Laughs]
it's just like jelly.

- Now all it needs is

A little flattening
to help it dry out.

- It's a little w-w-w-wobbly.

- Oh, things are about to get

A whole lot w-w-w-w-wobblier!

Are you ready?

Both: we're ready!
- Can I go?

Aw, come on, let me go!

- Take it away, cat.

- [Strains]


- Ahh!


- Try again, cat.

- Okay, I'm on it.

- Nick, sally,

Come and help me
on this side now.

- We did it!

- We made our own rubber.

- Let's just go
hang it out to dry.

And we're all done.

- Can I stop now?



- Well done, everyone.

Fantastic job.

- Hmm, but it doesn't
look like our rubber ball.

Our ball is round.

- That's the interesting part.

Once you have rubber
in big sheets,

You can shape it
into all sorts of things.

- Want things made of rubber?

I know that you do.

Time to call for thing one
and thing two.


Both: whee!

- Whoo-hoo.


- [Spluttering]

- [Giggles]

- Wow, that's amazing.

- Rubber hats
and rubber boots keep you dry.

- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.

- Know what else
is made of rubber?


- I never knew balloons
were made of rubber too.

[Both laughing]

- Ta-da!
- Ta-da!

- And things to help you float.

[Both chattering]

[Both murmuring and trilling]

Both: ta-da!

- That's what cars run on.

Rubber tires!

- I never knew so many things
were made of rubber.

- Amazing, isn't it?

- Where's rubber come from?

We wanted to ask.

Deep in the jungle,
we started our task.

Sticky white latex
that drips from a tree,

It dries to make rubber.

Well, that surprised me.

Stir it, then flatten,
and dry in the sun.

That's how to make rubber.

Oh, it's so much fun.


- Thank you for showing us

How to make rubber,
dr. Twiggles.

- My pleasure.

Remember, if you need to know
all about a tree,

Then just call me.

- We will.
- Bye, doc.

- Bye.
- See ya.

- Well, what a surprise.

Who would have guessed
that rubber is all around us?

- It makes so many things,

Like our bouncy ball.

- Like the tires
on the thinga-ma-jigger.

- Oh, and I see
you're even standing on rubber.

Both: huh?

- Look at the bottom
of your shoes, guys.

- Oh!

You mean
the bottom of our shoes

Is made from rubber too?

- Wow.

- Why do you think
you guys are so bouncy?


- Hi, kids.

Today I have
a very hard question for you.

What type of bear is the biggest
in the whole world?

Is it a black bear,

Or is it a polar bear,

Or is it a teddy bear?

So which bear is the biggest
in the world?

[Bear roars]

If you said the polar bear,

That's right!

Polar bears are the largest
of all the bears.

Did you get it this time?

Well, next time
I'll stump you for sure.

Both: time to take a picture

With our snap-o-rama cameras!

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

[Shutter clicks]

This looks like a spider's web
that's made of glass.

- It's too cold and snowy
for spiders.

Guess again.

- Oh, it's a snowflake!

- You guessed it.

When you look at a snowflake
close up,

You can see that

It's an ice crystal
with six points.

- Wow, great photo, nick.

- [Laughs]

- Hey, watch me, sally.

I'm climbing the tallest
mountain in the world!


- I'll reach the top
before you, nick.


- No way.

I'm going to be
king of the mountain.

- And I'm going to be
queen of the mountain.

- Whoa!

I'm right back at the start.

- Whoa!

me too.

- I'll show you how to do it.

Cats are great climbers.

- It's the cat!

- The cat in the hat!

- You'll see.
Nothing to it.


Hmm, how about
we meet a creature

That knows a thing or two
about climbing?

- Who?

- Timmy tippy toes, who lives
on mighty high mountain,

That's who.

He'll show us how it's done.

- Timmy? Who is timmy?

- He's a klipspringer.

- A klipspringer?

- Yes, a klipspringer.

Like a little deer.
- Can we meet him?

- Your mother will not mind
at all if you do.

- [Laughs]

Mom, can we go with the cat
to the mighty high mountain

And learn from timmy
how to climb?

- [Laughs]
mighty high mountain?

Sure, but don't forget
to watch your step.

- Thanks, mom.

Both: we can go! We can go!

- I know, I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger.

- I remember timmy tippy toe.

He taught me how to stand
on my tippy tail.



- You need to go back
for another lesson.


Are you ready?
Both: yes we are!

- Are you steady?
Both: yes we are!

- Are you sure
you're ready to explore?

Both: yes we are!

- Then buckle up.
[Horn honks]

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer.
- [Laughs]

- [Laughs ]

[Horn honks]

[Instruments play]


- Isn't this fun?

- Yippee!
- Yahoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

Both: ♪ go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying
with the cat in the hat today ♪

- ♪ We're off to meet timmy,
who certainly knows ♪

♪ All about climbing
on his tippy toes ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ ♪

[Horn honks]

- Look, I see something
there on that rock.

- That'll be timmy.

Let's go down and say hello.

Hey, timmy, sally and nick
here want to meet you.

- Hi.
Come on down.

- But it's too steep for
the thinga-ma-jigger to land.

We'll slide
right down the mountain.

- Try the unloada-ma-doders,

- Uh...
Ah, yes, absolutely.

I was gonna suggest
that very thing myself.

- Whoa.


- Hey, wait for me.

Fish, you drive.

- Cat.
[Both laughing]

- Guys, meet timmy tippy toes
the klipspringer,

Climber extraordinaire.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Klipspringer
means rock climber.

I climb rocks.

- You look like you're standing
on your toes.

Is that why they call you
timmy tippy toes?

- Toes?
Oh, you mean my hooves.

These are great shape
for climbing.

- Where are you going, timmy?

- I'm going to meet
my mom and dad

At the top of the mountain

To see something
absolutely amazing.

- What is it?

- Is it an elephant
riding a bicycle?

Perhaps a dancing hippopotamus?

- What can it be?

- If you'll come along with me,
I'll show you.

It's a surprise.

- Oh, I just love surprises.
Don't you?

- Come on, step this way.

Both: wow.

- What are you guys waiting for?

- [Grunting]

- [Grunting]

This is hard to do.

- Why can't I climb the rocks
like timmy?

- It's too steep
and we might fall.

- Don't worry about falling.

When you need to keep safe
and don't want to fall,

Why not give thing one
and thing two a quick call?


Both: hello!


[Laughing and squeaking]

Both: ta-da!

- If anyone falls,
they'll have it covered.

- Thanks, thing one
and thing two.

- Huh?
- Hey, look at timmy!

- Wow, look at him go.

- Oh, my.

What a springy klipspringer
he is.

- How can we climb like him?

- Maybe if we had
different shoes,

We could climb the rocks better.

- Hmm.



Perhaps not.

[Both laughing]

Oh, dear,
these are not right.

- We need feet
just like timmy's.

- Then we could be
great climbers.

- Of course.

Why didn't you say so?

How about these?

- These feel just perfect.

- Klipspringer shoes!

- To the surprise!

[Both laughing]

[All grunting]

- Whoa!

- I have klipspringer feet,

But I still can't seem
to climb like timmy.

- Whoa!

- This is hard.

- Having trouble, guys?

- Hmm, let's see.

Timmy isn't standing like us.

- He's using all four feet.

- That's why he's
such an amazing climber.

- We should use our arms
as an extra set of tippy toes.

- Coming right up.

[Both giggling]

[All grunting]

- Hey, look at me.

I'm a klipspringer.

- It's so much easier
to climb now.

- Isn't this fun?

- These four hooves
are great for balance.

- And the shape is just right
to grip in between the rock.

- Great job, guys.

You're climbing almost like me.

- Why not celebrate with a song?

♪ If you're heading
for the top ♪

♪ You want to reach
the highest height ♪

♪ You need to use your hands
and your tippy toes ♪

That's right!

All: ♪ this is our song,
and this is how it goes ♪

♪ We need tippy, tippy hands
and tippy, tippy toes ♪

- ♪ If the rocks are too slippy
and the mountains are too tall ♪

♪ You need to use your hands
and your tippy toes ♪

That's all!

All: ♪ this is our song
and this is how it goes ♪

♪ We need tippy, tippy hands
and tippy, tippy toes ♪

♪ ♪

- Oh, what fun we are having.

[Both laughing]

- [Grunts]
- [grunts]

Look, I just
jumped like timmy.

- But not as far as timmy.

He's built for jumping.

- [Yells]

Both: uh-oh.

- I'm okay.

First time I ever climbed
in klipspringer shoes before.

- Last one to the top
is a silly egg.

- I'll see you there, nick.

- [Laughing]

[All panting]

- [Gasps]
oh, my.

Oh, dear.
I'm all tuckered out.

- Well, climbing
is thirsty work.

Drink time!

- But you're eating a leaf.

- Yes, I get all the water
I need from this plant.

It's called a succulent.

- A succulent?

- I get it.

You suck water
from a succulent.

[Both laughing]

- Let's take a peek.

- Look.

I see drops of water inside.

But we can't drink from a bush.

- Can't speak for you guys,

But I certainly like my drink
with a straw.


Both: mmm.
- Good.

Timmy, you said we were going
to have a big surprise.

- Ooh, it's the best ever.

Mom, dad,
these are my new friends.

We just climbed
the mountain together.

- Welcome.
- Hey, look at me.

Top of the mountain.

- Hey, timmy,
I can't wait for the surprise.

- Where is it?

- Why, it's right behind you.

The biggest surprise ever.

All: wow.

- The best sunset...

- I have ever seen.

- And this is the best spot
on the mountain to see it.

- We always enjoy the sunset
just before bedtime.

- [Yawns]

I feel tired.

- Maybe it is time for bed.

- Looks like we're all
too tuckered to climb back,

But we could hitch a ride home.


Both: hello.

All: whee!
- [Laughs]

- Bye, timmy!

- Good-bye! See you soon!

- We learned about climbing
and making feet grip.

How to leap rocks,
timmy gave us a tip.

When animals need a drink,
there's something to try.

A succulent plant
keeps its water close by.

All: whee!

- And at the end of the day,

When the climbing is done,

Watching a sunset
is such glorious fun.

- [Grunting]

- [Exhales deeply]

- We did it!

We made it to the top
of the mountain.

- You did. You did.

- It was because of these.

You need to wear
the right things for climbing.

- And you need
to use your hands and your feet.

- Time to climb the stairs
to bed, guys.

- Coming!

- Maybe it would be quicker
if we slid down.

Both: whee!


- Welcome to hat chat.

Today we are going
to interview an eyed hawk-moth.

- Here I am.

- Hello, mr. Moth.

We didn't see you there.

You blend in with the bark
on the tree.

- Yes, I do.

The color of my body
helps to camouflage,

Or hide me.

- Neat--you're so camouflaged,
I can't even see your body.

Only your big eyes.

- Those aren't my real eyes.

Those are my wings.

- Wow, your wings
look just like a face.

- That's right.

The pattern on my wings
look like big eyes.

This makes me look
much bigger than I am,

So other animals don't try
to pick on me.

- Thanks for teaching us all
about your cool wings, mr. Moth.

- Yeah, and next time we'll know
which face to talk to.

- See you later.

- This is the monarch butterfly.

Let's join her on a journey
through the sky.

♪ The monarch travels
so far and wide ♪

It's called migration.
Let' go for a ride.

Both: ♪ go butterfly,
go butterfly, go butterfly, go ♪

- Where is she going,
and why in such a hurry?

♪ She's flying to warmth
before a snow flurry ♪

'Cause when it turns cold,
the monarch can't fly,

So she leaves in the fall
and takes to the sky.

Both: ♪ go butterfly,
go butterfly, go butterfly, go ♪

- She isn't alone.

She has many friends
who join in her travels

All the way to the end.

All together like a big family,

♪ Huddle up warm on the branch
of a tree ♪

♪ It's only the monarch
who travels so far ♪

They're the best at flying.

They really are.

Both: ♪ go butterfly,
go butterfly, go butterfly, go ♪

All: ♪ go butterfly,
go butterfly, go butterfly, go ♪

- When you get hot,
you start to sweat.

Your forehead gets a little wet.

♪ But what you won't know,
I don't suppose is ♪

♪ Cows sweat
through their noses ♪

Both: ♪ we were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ Now we're not, not, not ♪

♪ We were hot, hot, hot,
but now we're not ♪

- And what about dogs?

When they get hot, do they sweat
through their noses?

No they do not.

♪ When they've been for a run
and spent too long in the sun ♪

♪ They start to pant,
cooling down with their tongue ♪

All: ♪ we were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ Now we're not, not, not ♪

♪ We were hot, hot, hot,
but now we're not ♪

- Well, elephants
cool down in a different way.

Their giant ears
fan the heat away.

♪ A friend, the hippo ♪

♪ He stays cool
by rolling in a muddy pool ♪

All: ♪ we were hot, hot, hot ♪

♪ Now we're not, not, not ♪

♪ We were hot, hot, hot,
but now we're not, not, not ♪

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras.

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.


- Take a guess.
- Hmm.

It looks like a hairy straw.

Oh, hey,
it looks like a feather.

- That's right, nick.

This is a feather
from a sparrow.

- How come the feather
is on the ground?

- Birds will sometimes
lose their feathers

So that new ones can grow in.

- Great photo, sally.
[Both laughing]