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02x02 - No Night Today/Fun in the Sun

Posted: 03/09/24 13:39
by bunniefuu
[Music playing]

♪ ♪

- Hey!
- What?

- ♪ Come over here ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
is about to appear ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous journey today ♪

- He's coming!
- ♪ And now he's arrived ♪

♪ In the thinga-ma-jigger,
the thing that he drives ♪

♪ He's a cat and he's oodles
of fun with his hairy helpers ♪

♪ Thing two and thing one ♪

- Yoo hoo!

- Whoa!

All: woo-hoo, woo!

- Whoa!
- Whee!

- ♪ It's the cat in the hat ♪

♪ All of our adventures
start like that ♪

♪ Wherever you're going,
wherever you're at ♪

♪ The cat in the hat
knows about a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about ♪

♪ He knows a lot about that! ♪

- 9!
- 10!

Both: 11!
- Catch, sally.

Both: 12!
- Catch, nick.

- 13!

- It's the cat!
- The cat in the hat!

- 13 Is our most catches ever.

- Amazing!
You're the catchiest catchers

I've ever caught sight of.

Can I play too?

- Sure, but it's getting too
dark to see the ball.

- Why does it always
have to get dark

When we're having so much fun?

- Oh, a day that's so much fun
is my kind of day.



Now you can play as long
as you like.

- whoo-hoo!

- Whoa!

- Uh-oh.
Game over.

- Hmm, what if we stopped it
from getting dark?

Then we'd never have
to stop playing.

- Hmm, that's a great idea.

- But how?

- My friend
astronaut audrey would know.

She knows all about night
and day

And everything in between.

- Maybe she knows how to stop
nighttime from coming.

- Let's go ask.

Your mother will not mind at all
if you do.

- [Laughing]
hello, mom?

This is nick.

Are you there?

- Receiving you loud and clear.

- Can we go see astronaut audrey
with the cat in the hat

To find out how to stop
nighttime from coming?

- Stop nighttime from coming?

Okay, just as long
as it doesn't take you all day.

Over and out.
- [Laughs]

Both: we can go!
We can go!

- I know, I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

Are you ready?
Both: yes, we are!

- Are you steady?
Both: yes, we are!

- Are you sure
you're ready to explore?

Both: yes, we are!

- Prepare for blast off!
[Ah-oo-ga horn]

Pull the space-a-ma-racer.

Both: wow!

- This is so cool.

- Get ready for boom-a-blasters
in ten, nine, eight,

Seven, six.

- We're going to blast off
like real astronauts!

- I can't wait!
- Neither can i!

Five, four, three, two, one!

Both: blast off!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go, go,
on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

- ♪ Go, go, go, go,
on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying with the cat in
the hat today! ♪

- ♪ We're gonna ask audrey
if there is a way ♪

♪ That we can stop nighttime
from coming today ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go! ♪

- Welcome to astronaut
audrey's space station.

- Far out!

- Wow!
- I hope someone's home.

- Hello, cat.

- Audrey, good to see you.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- What are you doing out there?

- I was just fixing a few things
around the old space station.

Would you like to join me
on my spacewalk?

Both: yes, please!

- But when I say "spacewalk,"
I really mean "float!"

- Floating's fun.

- Sure is.

[Funny-sounding horn]

- Please remember
to wear your space helmets

At all times
for your protection.

Thanks so much.

[Both laughing]

- Whoa, do we live down there?

- Roger that.

That's a big yes siree.

- But back home it looks flat.

From up here
it's round like our ball.

- That's earth,

And all that blue
is the swirly whirly ocean.

- Why not take a look
through my space zoom-a-rooma?

You can see lots
of places like zoomabooma

You can see splishy splash
splosh and wallamaroo,

And if you look close,
you can see your house too.

- Hi, sally's house.
- [Laughing]

Hi, nick's house.

- That's funny.

One side of the earth's lit up,

And the other side's dark.

- Huh?
Hey, you're right.

The dark side
looks like nighttime,

And the light side
looks like daytime.

- How can it be daytime
and nighttime at the same time?

- That's a great question.

Follow me inside my space
station and I'll try to answer.

Welcome to my space station.

I hope no one's afraid
of the dark

Because to understand night
and day

We need to turn down the lights.

- Nighty night.

- Now what do you need
to make it daytime?

- I know!
An alarm clock.

Wakey, wakey!
[Alarm rings]


- Oh!
- That's not right, cat.

You need the sun
that rises every morning.

- Roger that!

Both: cool!

- Actually, the sun's
hot, hot, hot.

Light and warmth from our sun
are what makes it daytime.

- Hey, look.

It's a little earth.

- Just like the one in space.

- Hop on!

[Both laughing]

- I choose the sunny side.

- That means
I get the dark side.

[Both laughing]

I see zoomabooma.

- I see wallamaroo!

- I see splishy splash splosh
and your house too.

- This flag shows where you guys

- Awesome!

- Wow, our earth is
much smaller than your big sun,

Astronaut audrey.

- Copy that.

Out in real space,
the earth's even smaller,

But it's not as small
as the moon.

- Whoa! Whee!
[Both laughing]

- If the sun is so big,
where does it go at nighttime?

- That's easy.

It turns off
and everything goes dark.

- Let's see!

- See, it's all dark
just like nighttime.

- Something's missing.

I can't see the cat
or the moon now.

- Roger that.

The sun lights up the moon
even at night.

- Here I am.

- So where does the sun
go when it gets dark?

- The question
is where does your house go?

- Huh?
- Press the red button

In front of you.

- Look, the earth's moving.

- It's spinning round and round!

- Hey, where'd our flag go?

It was
right here on my sunny side,

And now it's gone.

- Found it.
It spun around to my dark side.

- Hmm, first it was in sunshine,

And now it's in the dark.

- Just like daytime
and nighttime.

- Congratulations, that's right.

It's the earth spinning
that makes it day or night

When your side of the earth
faces the sun, it's daytime,

And when it faces away
from the sun, it's nighttime.

- My,
space is a very spinny place.

- Roger that, cat!
Press your green button.

- Don't you just
love pressing buttons?



I'm going around you.

Both: you're spinning too.

- The moon
spins round the earth,

And the earth
spins round and round.

All: ♪ the moon
spins round the earth ♪

♪ And the earth
spins round and round ♪

♪ Spinning round and round
and round and round ♪

♪ Spinning round and round
and round ♪

♪ The moon spins round
the earth ♪

♪ And the earth
spins round and round ♪

♪ Spinning round and round
and round and round ♪

♪ Spinning round and round
and round ♪

- Only it's big enough that
you never get dizzy at home.

- Isn't that amazing?

And if you want your birthday
to come sooner,

All you need to do
is spin the earth

Faster and the days will fly by.

- That would be great.

- If you want days to fly,
you know what to do.

Whistle real loud
for thing one and thing two.


Both: uh-huh.
- Why, I like it.

[Both laughing]
- [cackles]

- Wah.
- Whoo-hoo.



- Rush, rush, rush, cha.
Ehh, cha!

- Look, there's our flag
and our houses in daytime.

- And now it's nighttime.

- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ee-ooh.

- Ooh, ooh, ooh, skidoo.

- Daytime.
- Nighttime.

- Yeah-ha-ha-whoo!
- Daytime, [laughs]

- Nighttime.

- Yeah-ha-ha-whoo!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Whoa!
- It's spinning too fast!

- I don't know what day it is.


Both: whee!

- That's why the earth
spins around slowly just once

Every day.

- Hey, now we know what makes
daytime and nighttime.

We never have to stop playing!

All we need to do
is stay on the bright side.

- Where it's always daytime.

Both: yay!

- What a great idea.

- Only, the earth's still

We can't run around the world
every day.

- Things never stop spinning
in space.

- Need a ride?
[Honk honk]

[Both laughing]

- Thanks for telling us
about day and night,

Astronaut audrey.

- And everything in between.

- You're welcome.

Come back any time!

- Good day and good-night.

Ready to exit space station
in five, four, three, two, one!

All: whoa!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Look, it's daytime
in wallamaroo.

Ooh, and nighttime
in zoomabooma.

- Spin, spin, whizzy woo.

The earth spins round,
and so do you.

As long
as we live on a spinning top,

Day and night will never stop.

- Hey, sally,

How about one more catch
before bedtime?

- Oh, okay!

[Noise from walkie-talkie]
- oh.

- Hello, nick, this is mom.

- Hi, mom, over.

- Time to come in.

It's nighttime.

- Not if we lived in wallamaroo.

It's daytime there.

- Really?

Okay, you can have five more

Over and out.

- Yay!
- All right!

That's just enough time to set
a new record before bedtime.

Get ready, nick!

Both: one,
two, three, four, five.

- [Cackles]
isn't this fun?


- Do I have a stumper
of a question for you.

What bird runs the fastest?

Excuse me, mr. Ostrich,

I am asking
a spellbinding question here.

Can you tell me
which bird runs the fastest?

Yes, the ostrich!

They can't fly,
but they run really fast.

You got it this time,

But next time
I'll stump you for sure.

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras!

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

- Take a guess.

- Wow, it looks like jewels!

Did you find
a pirate's treasure?

- [Laughs]
- oh, it looks like sand.

- You're right, nick.

- But what were all those jewels
I saw?

- Those weren't jewels.

They're really tiny pieces
of rock and shells.

That's what sand is made of.

- That's so cool, sally.

[Both laughing]

You can't catch me, sally.

- Oh, yes I can, nick.

[Both laughing]

- Huh?

- Got ya!
Both laughing]

- Ready to go again?

- Whew!
I'm too hot.

- You know what?
You're right.

It's way too hot to play tag.

- Too hot to play anything.

[Both sigh]

- Too hot to play?

Why, surely not.
- It's the cat!

- The cat in the hat!

- Let me see
how hot your too hot is.


[Bell rings]

Oh, my.
It is hot today.

Even too hot
for my hot-o-mometer.

- I guess we should go
play inside.

- We'll have to wait
'till it gets cooler.

- Wait for fun?

That cannot be done.

There must be a way
to have fun in the sun.

- How?
- We could go to muddy moo river

And ask my friend hilda
the hippopotamus.

- [Laughs]

- Hip-po-po-pot-tamus?

- Why, it's easy
to say "hippopotamus."

You just have to practice
a lot-amus.

Both: hippopotamus!

- You got it,

But you can call her "hippo"
for short.

- Oh, can we meet her?

- Of course you can.

Your mother will not mind at all
if you do.

- [Laughs]

Mom, can we go
to the muddy moo river

To have fun in the sun
with hilda the hippo?

- Fun in the sun
with hilda the hippo?

Why not, and maybe I'll go
have tea with a chimpanzee.

- [Laughs]

Both: we can go!

We can go!

- I know, I know!

To the thinga-ma-jigger!

- Whew, muddy moo river's
too hot for me.

I'd rather chill out
in splishy splashy pond.

- Fish, don't you
like having fun in the sun?

- Me, I'd prefer
to go slow with the flow.

- Sorry, this thinga-ma-jigger
only has one speed,

And that's fast!

Now buckle up!
[Ah-oo-ga horn]

Flick the jigger-ma-whizzer!
[Both laughing]



[Horn music]

- Isn't this fun?

Both: woo-hoo!

- ♪ Here we go, go, go, go,
on an adventure ♪

♪ The thinga-ma-jigger
is up and away ♪

- ♪ Go, go, go, go,
on an adventure ♪

♪ We're flying with the cat in
the hat today! ♪

- ♪ At muddy moo river
in baking hot sun ♪

♪ With hilda the hippo
we'll have so much fun ♪

All: ♪ here we go, go, go,
go on an adventure ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go, go! ♪

- Muddy moo river, right ahead.

Both: yahoo!
- [Laughs]

- Whew, it's even hotter
than it was back home.

- And the sun's even brighter.

I hope we don't get a sunburn.

- Oh, my, how could I forget?

Rule number one for fun
in the sun,

Wear plenty of sunscreen.

- Oh, we forgot to bring some.

- Need sunscreen quick?

Here's what to do.

Have it delivered
by thing one and thing two.


Both: hello!

- Woo hoo hee hee.
- Woo hoo hoo hoo.

[Gears clanking]
- oh!

Oh no!
- Hoo hoo hoo!

Both: uh oh!

[Gears clanking]
- ee, ee, ee...

Both: aw.

- Hoo hoo!


- grr!

- oh!

[Gears grinding]
[both fighting]

- Did I mention
that we need sunscreen


- Oh.
Both: mm-hmm.

Do do do-do, do-do do.

[Both laughing]

- Thanks, thing one.
- And thing two.

Both: ee oh hoo hoo hoo!

- La, la, la.

- Not for me.
I have my own special lotion

For sensitive fur and--wait!



[Both laughing]

- Hilda?
- Hilda?

- Where is she?

- Oh, she'll be
hanging around somewhere.

Maybe I can see her
from up here.

Hippos aren't usually hard
to spot.

- Do you mind, cat?

- Ahh!
Hilda, it's you!

Why, hello!

These are my friends,
nick and sally.

- Very pleased to meet you.

Oh, and what is that?

- It's the cat's sunscreen.

- For sensitive fur.

- It stops the sun
from burning him.

- I have something for that,

Take a look.

Oh, don't be shy.
Come and see.

Come on, cuties, look at this.

- Wow.

It's all sticky.

- [Laughing]

- Ech!
It looks like ketchup.

- Who rubs it on your back,

- Ha!
No one.

My body makes it,

And it oozes out my skin
all by itself.

- How about that?

a*t*matic built-in sunscreen.

Who needs a tube?

- We were wondering how you have
fun when it's so sunny and hot?

- Oh, it's never too hot
to have fun.

- Can you show us how?

- My way to have fun
in the sun

Is to run!

Run, run, run, run, run.

- Wow, hilda is fast.

- Let's go!

[Both laughing]

- ♪ We want fun in the sun ♪

All: ♪ fun in the sun ♪

Both: ♪ yes, we want fun
in the sun ♪

All: ♪ fun in the sun ♪

- ♪ Fun in the sun
can be easily done ♪

All: ♪ fun in the sun ♪

- ♪ So let's run in the sun
with a hippy hoppy... ♪

All: ♪ hippopotamus! ♪

- Ho, ho, ho, ho!

- Oh, I do beg your pardon.

- Why?

You have a beautiful voice.

- Yes, but usually we
only open our mouths wide

When we are disagreeing
with another hippo.

- I'll be the other hippo
and open my mouth wide!

- [Laughing]

are such a pussycat, cat.

This is wide!

- Wow.

- Awesome.

- So, how did you enjoy our run?

- It was fun.

- In the sun.

Phew, but we're even hotter now.

- Hmm.

How about we run in the river
for some real fun?

Come on!

- Follow that hippo!

- Jump in!

Oh, the water's lovely!

- But we didn't bring
our bathing suits.

- I always come prepared.

- Ready for some real
fun in the sun?

Both: yeah!

[both laughing]

- Ah, this is so much cooler.

- I love to go swimming!

- [Laughs]
I don't swim.

I do something much more fun.

I run on the bottom.

- Wait!

We can't stay underwater
like that.

We'd float up to the surface.

- And we can't hold our breath
that long.

- If you want to stay underwater
like a hippo,

You need my full-of-air
hippo helmets

And heavy hippo boots.


- That's great!
- Neat!

[Both laughing]

- My feet are touching
the bottom, sally.

- Yeah, and I'm walking.


- Cool.

- Wow, hilda
can run in the river.

- Hilda may be too big to swim,

But it doesn't stop her
from getting around.

- Go, hilda, go!

- Yay, hilda!

[Both laughing]
- [cackles]

Both: whee!
- Hippo yee-haw!

♪ We want fun in the sun ♪

All: ♪ fun in the sun ♪

Both: ♪ yes, we want fun
in the sun ♪

All: ♪ fun in the sun ♪

- ♪ Fun in the sun
can be easily done ♪

All: ♪ fun in the sun ♪

- ♪ So let's run in the sun
with a hippy hoppy...♪

All: ♪ hippopotamus! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

[All laughing]

- I do beg your pardon.

Let's have some more fun.

Both: whoa!

- I can see your hippo helmet
above the water.

- I can see yours too.

- And I can see
the lovely hilda.


- Cool!

- With these hippo eyes,

We could see you
without coming out of the water.

- And see,
my nose sticks out too.

- So you can see
and breathe without coming out.

- Hilda has fun in the sun
without being in the sun.

- Anyone for another dip?

- Yes, please.

[All laughing]

- That was so much fun.

- I wish I could hold my breath
underwater as long as you.

- I only need to come up for air
now and again.

- Running in the river with you
is the coolest thing ever.

- And it's given us an idea
for what we can do back home.

- More fun?

What are we waiting for?

- Thanks, hilda.

- Oh, you're welcome.

Come back soon for more fun
in the sun.

- We will.
- Bye.

- Bye-bye.
- See you later.

- Hippos know how to have fun
in the sun.

They're giant creatures
but fast when they run.

They make their own sunscreen
to protect their backs,

And stay in the water
when they want to relax.

[All laughing]

- [Humming]

- Hey, nick,
pass me the sunscreen, please.

It's not hippo goop,
but it does the trick.

- Ready for some more fun
in the sun?

- [Laughs]

- Race you
through the sprinkler, nick.

- You're on!

[Both laughing]

- Walking under water
like hilda the hippo.

Isn't this fun?

- Whee!
- Yay!

- Welcome to hat chat.

Today we're talking
to a puffer fish.

- Hi there.

- So. Why are you called
a puffer fish?

- You don't look very puffy.
- Not yet--see,

We're kind of slow swimmers--
awkward, even.

But we can gulp down
a lot of water really fast.

- Um, and that's a good thing?

- Sure!
If I'm about to be swallowed

By something,
then I just do this.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

Both: whoa!

- Can't swallow me now.

Cool, huh?

- Impressive.

- Very cool.

- And that's why a puffer fish
is called a "puffer fish."

Thanks for the interview.

- My pleasure.

- Can we see you puff out again?

- Sure.
Gulp, gulp, gulp.

[Both laughing]

- ♪ Have you ever seen
a chimpanzee? ♪

♪ He looks a lot
like you and me ♪

♪ He makes funny faces
and funny sounds ♪

♪ He walks like us
to get around ♪

♪ A chimp can climb
he really swings ♪

♪ He plays fun games
like wrestling ♪

♪ Chimps, they see,
chimps, they do ♪

♪ Chimps, they look a lot
like you ♪

♪ Chimps, they do,
chimps, they see ♪

♪ Chimps, they look a lot
like me ♪

♪ If you've ever had an itch
to scratch ♪

♪ A chimpanzee
relates to that ♪

♪ He uses sticks
just like a tool ♪

♪ This chimp
is no one's fool ♪

♪ Most of all
he likes to giggle ♪

♪ Everyone give their tail
a wiggle ♪

♪ Chimps, they see,
chimps, they do ♪

♪ Chimps, they look a lot
like you ♪

♪ Chimps, they do,
chimps, they see ♪

♪ Chimps, they look a lot
like me ♪

♪ Chimps, they see,
chimps, they do ♪

♪ Chimps, they look a lot
like you ♪

♪ Chimps, they do,
chimps, they see ♪

♪ Chimps, they look a lot
like me! ♪

I'm in an african savanna
on a jungle patrol,

Surrounded by green
at this old water hole.

A good place to be,
at least that's what I think,

For so many animals
come here to drink.

The black-and-white zebras
arrive in a crowd.

So do the monkeys,
who are terribly loud.

The elephants plod
down their very worn path.

They drink and they spray.

That's an elephant's bath.

A giraffe braces his legs,
dipping down for a sip

With his extra-long tongue
flipping over his lip,

And there's a small oxpecker
perched on his back.

Eating ticks, eating fleas,
it's his favorite snack.

But all of the animals
step to one side

When the king of the beasts
wants his thirst satisfied.

They're all shapes and sizes,
with fur, skin, or feather.

An african water hole
brings the creatures together.

Both: time to take a picture
with our snap-o-rama cameras!

- I'll take the picture.

- And I'll guess what it is.

- Take a guess.
- Hmm.

It's pink
with lots of bumps on it.

Is it a grapefruit?

- No.

- Nick, is that a picture
of your tongue?

- Sure is.

Those bumps are my taste buds.

They help us taste the flavor
of our food.

- Great photo, nick.

[Both laughing]