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07x05 - End of the Road

Posted: 03/09/24 08:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT...

You remember Zepp Construction.

Turns out they got the contract
not by bringing the best bid.

They bribed their way into the deal.

- How could this happen?
- You're the one

who signed off on the deal.

Look, Bruce, you can drop the act.

You were the one

who took the bribe
from Zepp Construction,

and then you tried to throw me
under the bus to cover your tracks.

Nichelle... Have a nice day, Bruce.

You Hondo?

Jim Street.

You're cutting it
a little close, Street.

And you're in the wrong uniform.

Sorry, yeah, I, uh...

hit, like, a thousand red lights.

Now, I'm not giving up on you, Street.

But I wouldn't be doing you or this team

any favors if I kept letting you slide.

I don't need you or anybody else.

Hey, I'm here because I care about you.

You got to be a good officer
to do this job.

And an even better human being
to do it well.

It's just been a little tricky

with Street running SWAT
training down in Long Beach.


Gather round, kiddos.

Tonight's winner of the Long Beach

warrant lottery is Cliff Murray,

former biker.

He beat a father of three senseless
this morning in a road rage incident.

Murray's been known to carry,

but he has not had
a prior in over a decade,

so... should be cut and dry.

- So no fun. Got it.
- STREET: Don't forget,

like we say in L.A.,

"You catch 'em, you clean 'em."

The heck does that even mean, Street?


- No idea.
- Wow, Hollywood.

Got any more life-saving
pearls of wisdom?

Oh, I think what you meant to say was

we are grateful to the LAPD
for lending us Officer Street

for the past few months.

Maybe if you actually
listened, Carnegie,

you wouldn't be coming in dead last

in all the drills he's been
putting us through.

You want to take the lead on this one?

Your house. I'm just couch surfing.

Okay, then. 30-Company, tap up.

LBPD! Warrant!

Hands up, Murray.

STREET: g*n!

JONES: Street and Carnegie,
clear the rest of the house.

Give me a two!

CARNEGIE: I got a bogey.

Hey, don't move!

Turn around. Slowly.

Suspect has armor-piercing rounds.

Dude just lobotomized my shield!

JONES: 30-Company, fall back,

do a secondary on the residence.

Street and I in foot pursuit.


LBPD! Hold it right there!

STREET: Damn it.

Hey, our target Cliff Murray,

he used to run with a biker club, right?

Our friend here with the
shotgun's wearing the same vest.

JONES: Murray rode
with the Spine Cutters

back in the day. You remember them?

Yeah. Worst of the worst.

Ran the Long Beach
drug game for a while.

Yeah, they were led
by a real monster Sonny Allen.

Man was merciless.

m*rder*d all his competitors,

- even k*lled a cop.
- STREET: That's what did him in, right?

He k*lled a detective, went on the run?

Spine Cutters fell apart without him.

Feds came down on his whole operation,

but they never found Sonny.

Nobody's seen him in ten
years, till tonight.

The sh**t with the
armor-piercing b*ll*ts who got away?

That was Sonny Allen.


We found another body.


How'd a kid like that
get mixed up in all this?

Doesn't exactly fit in
with the crowd inside.

STREET: He's a cop. JONES: What?

He's not from Long Beach.

He's LAPD.

What the hell was he
doing all the way down here?

Yeah, we... I think we should change it.

- Okay, yeah.


What are you doing here?

I need to talk to you.

I, uh, brought your favorite bagels.

You good, Nichelle?

Oh, yeah.

Bruce and I, uh, used to work together.

Can you take those to the kitchen?

Been a minute, huh?

Last time I saw you,

I was clearing out my desk at the OIG.

I have a busy day, and you didn't
come here just to bring me breakfast.

- Say what you came to say, Bruce.
- Taking that payoff

and forging that contract was
stupid and selfish.

You didn't deserve
to get caught up in my mess.

I just want you to know
how sorry I am. That's all.

You almost cost me my name
and my reputation,

but I accept your apology.

Thank you for coming by.

It feels wrong to ask,
and you have every right

to tell me to get lost,

but there is one tiny thing
I could use your help with.

[SCOFFS] Are you for real right now?

I had an interview this week
with an accounting firm.

It's a competitive position,

and there's no way the IG
will give me a good reference.

Is there any way you
can put in a good word?

You and I did some
great things for this city.

That's a lot to ask...

I made a colossal mistake.

But I look around this center,

and I see it's run by someone
who believes in second chances.

I'm just looking for mine. [SIGHS]

Here, they're making
the decision this morning.

Please call them.


I'll think about it.

- Look who's back, Hondo.
- You're a week early, Street.

What happened?
Oh, did you miss us too much?

Eh, he was too big-time.

They couldn't keep up
with him down there.

- I missed you guys, too.

Welcome back, kid.

All good?

I wish it was.

Hondo, this is Sergeant Barry Jones,

Long Beach SWAT 30-Company team leader,

- and my old boss.
- Honored to finally meet the man

- who took this hell-raiser off my hands.

Well, we might have
got off to a rocky start,

but 20-Squad is not

So, what's going on?

Sonny Allen, leader of the
Spine Cutters Motorcycle Group.

At its peak, every drug
in Long Beach ran through them.

STREET: We crossed paths
with Sonny last night.

First time anyone's seen
the psycho in ten years.

The last thing he did
before going off grid was

k*lled the GND detective
running his case,

- a close friend of mine.
- But he got away from you last night.

STREEET: It could have been a lot worse.

Dude was stocked with
armor-piercing rounds.

He put two rounds right through
one of our ballistic shields.

A cop-k*lling biker
with cop-k*lling rounds.

Why are you bringing it
all the way up here?

STREET: Because at that same house,

we found the dead body
of an LAPD officer.

Owen Greene.

Graduated Academy last year,
top of his class.

I met Greene once.
He works out of Wilshire.

Wilshire's a long way from Long Beach.

What's he doing down there
with Sonny Allen?

Selling off LAPD property, it seems.

Officer Greene's been working
the evidence locker

at Wilshire the last six months.

Last night, he walked out
with a supply of black-tipped,

tungsten-core, armor-piercing rounds.

LAPD seized them from the cartel
a couple years back.

That must have been what
Sonny was hauling off

in that truck last night.

Greene sells them, then
gets double-crossed.

Whatever he was doing,

Greene took the LAPD's whole haul.

That's over 700 rounds.

Rounds that can cut through
anything in SWAT's arsenal.

What the hell could he possibly
want with all that firepower?

The only way we're gonna figure it out

is we do it together.
Bad news for Sonny.

Now he's L.A.'s problem, too.

A statewide BOLO's been
issued for Sonny Allen.

Every cop in Long Beach
and L.A. is on high alert.

We need patrols searching all
the old Spine Cutter locations.

Every second that Sonny is
on the street with those rounds,

innocent lives are in danger.

What about Officer Greene?

Any more info on
his connection to Sonny?

There's no record of
an undercover assignment

or any official LAPD reason
why he'd be in Long Beach.

JONES: Digging into a dirty cop

really the best use
for our time right now?

- His involvement raises questions.
- JONES: What questions?

The kid tried to make a quick buck

and found out what happens
when you deal with the devil.

We find the link between Greene
and Sonny, maybe we find out

why he needed all those rounds
from the LAPD lockup.

Might tell us what he's
planning on using them for.

I have an old C.I.
from my Long Beach days

with one ear to the biker world.
I could pay him a visit,

see if he's heard anything about Sonny.

That's a good idea, Street. Take Tan.

I'll get a warrant
on Officer Greene's phone.

It might be able to
tell us something about

- how he spent the day he died.
- JONES: All right, listen,

if Street is gonna go
down to Long Beach,

maybe I'll stay up here.

Hondo, maybe you and I
go have a little chat

with Greene's watch commander?

Yeah, all right.

Hey, um...

you mind if I take Carnegie with me?

That guy's been giving you grief

ever since you started rolling with us.

I was sent down
to tighten up your squad.

I just feel like I've made
inroads with everyone but him.

To be honest, I don't know
how much longer

Carnegie is gonna be
a part of the squad.

He's on the verge of washing out.

I understand he's coasting right now,

but let me and Tan
spend some time with him,

see if we can figure out
what's holding him back.

If you insist.

- He's all yours.
- Thanks.

Hey, what's the deal
with you and your boss,

always sticking up for strays?

Trust Hondo's instincts.

He was right about me, wasn't he?

How do we know your boy's
gonna be worth our time, Hollywood?

Trust me, my guy is solid.

He's a repair guru.

Bikers from every club come to him

when they can't get
their rides running right.

DINDY: And cops see me when
they want new Ducati parts for cheap,

don't want to know where they come from.


Great to see you, man.

Guys, this is Dindy.

He's probably worked on every
bike I've ever wrecked.

Course, he caused a lot of those wrecks.

No, you would drag me
onto PCH at 3:00 a.m.

Plus, you were a cop...

- I couldn't say no.
- That checks out.

- STREET: So listen, Dindy,

have you heard anything about
Sonny Allen being back in town?

Lot of ex-Spine Cutters been by lately,

asking me to tune up their rides.

Wearing their old cuts, too.

I hate that freaky patch.

Sounds like Sonny's getting
the club back together.

With those black tips,

sounds more like he's
gearing up for a turf w*r.

I just suped up

a purple Harley for a guy
running his mouth

about "black-tip a*mo."

- Called himself Iron Mike.
- CARNEGIE: I've heard of Iron Mike.

He's a black market weapons modifier.

Guy's a legend.

Give him any g*n, any b*llet,
he'll make them dance.

Yeah, Sonny would need special r*fles

for the igniting tungsten
in those rounds.

Dindy, did Iron Mike say
anything else while he was here?

Mentioned that biker dive bar, Rodney's.

Said he wanted to catch up
with some "OG's"

before he left town.

Or maybe he's meeting
with Sonny for one more job.


Thanks for coming by, Sergeant.


Listen, we are trying to get
a clearer picture

as to how Officer Greene came
into possession of the stolen a*mo.

He played all of us.

Look, my department will do
whatever's necessary

to help track down those rounds.

Greene scanned his own badge
to get in and out of Evidence.

He made no effort to avoid the cameras.

He had to have known he'd be caught.

Probably thought he'd be
halfway to Mexico by now.

Greene finished top of his class.

His record's impeccable.

You were his C.O.

Doesn't this story seem off to you?

Yeah, of course it does.

Greene was a perfect rookie.

Great on patrol, well-liked.

Didn't even moan when it was his turn

to ride the Evidence and Property desk.

Sounds like he fooled everyone.

Look, Hondo, I know you
met the kid once, but come on.

I don't know why you're so pressed

to see something that isn't there.

We met at his graduation.

He recognized me
from a recruitment poster.

Told me how he wanted
to be a cop his entire life.

I saw it in his eyes, Jones.

The kid had a real drive.

I know it was only one encounter,

but I was impressed.

I wish I'd met that young man,

but what I see is a bad cop.

Robbing the LAPD,
only looking out for himself.

I'm locking up the center now, Mom.

Tell Viv Mommy will be home for lunch,

and I'm bringing plenty of kisses.



- Bruce, you scared me.
- Firm just called.

I didn't get the job.
Thought you'd like to know.

You know, I asked if anyone
called on my behalf.

They didn't hear a peep.

No, I didn't call them.

I thought a lot about it,
but I honestly don't think

I could recommend you for a
position anywhere right now.

- But you promised.
- I said I'd think about it, and I did.

I don't owe you anything more.

Do you know how hard it was
to even get an interview?

This was my best chance

of getting my head back above water,

and you couldn't bother
to make a simple phone call.

I am not responsible
for fixing your mistake.

You were happy to stand by
and let me take the fall

for your crime, remember?

So that's what this is, payback?

We were already having
money troubles, okay?

Why do you think I took
the payoff in the first place?

I needed help. I still need help.

Step back, Bruce.

My life is spiraling, Nichelle.

You took away my only chance
at saving it.

You don't care about
helping people at all.



The entire LBPD is kicking in doors

looking for Sonny, and L.A. SWAT
is just sitting here?

Carnegie, get in your car.
You and Grissom are on the back.

If Iron Mike shows up,
we need to be ready.

We're looking for a biker.
This is a biker bar.

Let's go in and get some answers.

TAN: Well,
Iron Mike rides a purple Harley.

See any purple bikes out front?

Boy, they made you
squeaky clean up there, Street.

You forget we do things
our own way down here?

How about the right way?

You think you can handle that, Carnegie?

Please tell me I was never that bad.

So, how's it been being
back in Long Beach?

I know you weren't thrilled
at being sent down here.

I always looked at Long Beach as

this place where bad things happen.

You know, all the hell
my mom put me though,

and everything Nate and I
endured in the foster system.

I think it was just easier
to blame a place

instead of the people who failed me.

But I've been here
these last couple months,

and I gotta say Long Beach is awesome.

For instance, around the corner
down here

there's this burger joint Gold Bun.

And my mom used to take me
every Monday for breakfast.

We'd be the first ones in there.
Best day of the week.

Glad you could find a little
love for this place, Street.

Hey, anytime you're craving
a Long Beach breakfast burger,

and Chris isn't feeling like
a 45-minute drive,

- you know who to call.
- Thanks, man.

DEACON: Jones took a few of his guys

to an old address of Sonny's he dug up.

What are you up to?

I'm going through all of
Greene's arrest reports

from his time on patrol.

Deacon, the Greene I met

wanted to do right by his community.

That person doesn't sell ten crates

of armor-piercing rounds to a criminal.

There's got to be some explanation

for his sudden personality change.

You know, Hondo, your biggest strength

as a leader is the ability
to see the best in everyone.

It's pulled our team together
more times than I can count.

Now, I'm not saying that
your read on Greene is wrong,

but right now we've got a madman
trying to start a biker w*r,

- and no idea how to find him.
- I know, man.

But something's still not
sitting right with me.

I can feel it in my gut.


The warrant on Greene's phone
went through.

Forensics just sent us the data.

All right, these photos
were sent to Greene

from an unknown number
within the last week.

And this text was sent yesterday.

HONDO: "You're out of time,
Officer Greene.

"If I don't have those
black-tips by tonight,

this is the last image
you'll see of your niece."

You were right.

Greene wasn't dirty,
he was being blackmailed.

And whatever Sonny's planning,
it sounds like it's gonna happen soon.


We have eyes on the purple Harley.

It's gotta be Iron Mike.

Let's scoop him up

- and get some answers.
- Carnegie,

stay in your car and cover the road.

Tan and I will handle the suspect.

STREET: Damn it, Carnegie,
what did I just say?

He made you.

- TAN: Hey, stop the bike!

LAPD. I need to borrow this.
Please, move, move, move.

All right, all right.

STREET: 26-David, in pursuit of suspect

going southbound on Shoreline Drive.

TAN: Copy, Street. I'll try to head
him off from the other direction.


STREET: Tan, he just hopped the median.

Damn it. Man, he really
suped up that Harley.


STREET: He's making a break
for the freeway

by cutting through a parking garage.

I can't keep up on this thing.

TAN: There's an exit on
the Ocean Boulevard side.

I'll meet you at the top.



Step away from the bike
and show me your hands. Now!

Does that count as you
catching him or me?

Definitely me. Iron Mike,

we've got a few questions
for you about Sonny Allen.

Deacon and Tan are digging deeper

into Officer Greene's phone.

His sister and her daughter

have been placed in protective custody.

I'm just gonna spit it out.

You were right about Greene.
I was wrong.

Look, Jones,

your gut wasn't far off.

Greene might've stole those
rounds to protect his family,

but he still stole them.

My gut is mostly

fire and ulcers these days.

You know, you kept a cool head.

I can see why Street looks up to you.

[CHUCKLING] You know,
I-I almost washed him out?

I just didn't... He drove me crazy,

running around like he knew more

than everyone else, you know?

But right before I could cut him,

Buck Spivey swooped in

and whisked him up here.
Now look at him.

He's training my guys,

teaching us things
that I didn't even know.

You took a chunk of coal

and molded him
into a true diamond, Hondo.

I'm not about to take all the credit.

He got his fire from somewhere.

You must be proud of him.

I am.

You got quite a rep
south of the 710, Mike.

Heard you once rigged
a pump-action to sh**t grenades.

Now, why would anyone need that?

Well, maybe they wanted
to blow something up,

but, you know, Daddy never
taught them how to throw a fastball.

[CHUCKLES] I do aesthetic work
for private collectors.

I don't know what they do
with their pieces

on their own time.

"Aesthetics," that's good.

But it didn't keep you
from taking a little souvenir,

though, did it?

Found that in the bag on your bike.

STREET: We know you
got it from Sonny Allen.

Is he one of your "collectors"?

- Never heard of him.
- STREET: I think he's

more scared of Sonny than
he is of you, sir.

Well, he should be scared of me.

I'm an LAPD commander

looking for the k*ller

of an LAPD cop.

And I can see to it that
every body that drops

because of a g*n you modified

comes right back to your feet.

I guess you'd better call
my lawyer if any bodies turn up.

- Is that right?
- STREET: The M.E. found

something quite interesting, actually,

on Officer Greene's body.

Tungsten residue.

Same stuff in the rounds Sonny stole,

the one we found on your bike.

You know what that means, don't you?

Sonny k*lled Officer Greene
with a g*n you modified.

At the very least, that makes you

an accessory to the m*rder of a cop.

And without Sonny,

the judge is gonna throw
everything he can

at you, Mike.

I told him not to use those rounds

to take out the cop!


he just showed up at my house.

Sonny freakin' Allen.

He told me to modify five r*fles

to fire tungsten-core black-tips.

I made him a test g*n last week.

I delivered the rest this morning.

What does Sonny need the g*ns for?

He said he wants to restart
his entire drug operation.

Told me Spine Cutters would be
up and running by tomorrow.

Like he never left.

The market's been run by
major new players in the decade

Sonny's been MIA.

How does he think he's pulling
a comeback overnight?

I'm not sure,

but other players got product,

and he needs product,

and Sonny takes what he wants.

The Spine Cutters were
one of the largest drug ops

in Southern California.

If Sonny's looking to regain that title,

he's gonna need a lot of dr*gs.

Yeah, and he won't just target
one rival club.

He'll target all of them.

Long Beach is about to become
a w*r zone. Hey.

I saw no mention of tungsten

in the M.E.'s report on Greene's body.

That's 'cause I made it up.

Come on, "Iron Mike"?

That guy wishes he was as hard
as the criminals who hire him.

I could tell he needed
just a little taste

of serious time to crack.

- That was a good read.
- Yeah, well, I learned from the best.

Okay, thank you.

Oh, my God.

Sheila, are you okay? W-What happened?

I'm fine. I-I came back from lunch,

I found the door like this.

The police are on their way.

- Did they take anything?
- No.



Our cameras catch anything?

I checked, but they were
blacked out with spray paint.

Nichelle, who was
that creep from earlier?

[GROANS] An old coworker

who blames me for
his life falling apart.

Thank God you weren't here, then.

Do you think, I mean...

Like, would he do something
like this again?

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

JONES: GND identified six
rival strongholds

that Sonny may be targeting.

Undercover intel confirms that each one

is fortified and may be
housing narcotics.

But there's no way of knowing which one

the Spine Cutters will hit first.

If Sonny's planning a full-scale attack,

he'd need a base of operation
of his own.

We might be able to help with that.

While doing a deep dive
into Greene's phone,

we found a tracking app
running in the background.

Turns out, it was installed the
morning of his meeting with Sonny.

Whatever Greene was tracking,

he brought it down from L.A.
to Long Beach that night.

It left the Spine Cutters' house
right after SWAT's arrival,

traveled south, until finally
landing in one location.

Hasn't moved since.

STREET: So you guys are thinking
Greene bugged the a*mo crates

he took from the evidence locker?

Well, if that's the case,
he was probably planning

to drop the a*mo,
get his family to safety

and then send the police
straight to Sonny.

DEACON: Greene never stopped
being a cop,

even with his back to the wall.


The tracker is pinging from this
abandoned industrial complex.

It's got the seclusion
to house his soldiers,

and the size to process
the dr*gs he plans to steal.

I mean, this has to be Sonny's
new base of operation.

Let's gear up and
take this bastard down.

Hondo's already prepping both teams.

Sonny's reign of terror ends today.

HONDO: All right, listen up.
The name of the game is speed,

stealth and safety.

The Spine Cutters got
enough armor-piercing rounds

to take out a small country.

We move fast, we move quiet,

we don't let them get a single shot off.

Because our vests and shields
will not protect us if they do.

And if we do see a Spine Cutter
with a modified r*fle?

Then you take him down
before he takes you down.

DEACON: Now, we'll approach
by foot to avoid detection.

us from the south.

Greene's tracker is still live.

- That's our target.
- TAN: Hey, Street.

How's it feel to be rolling
back with 20-Squad again?

Feels like home.

I just wish we were
crashing something fun,

like a pizza party.

[CHUCKLING]: It's good
to have you back, Street.

Powell, now.


Tan, you're up.


Two, one.

Move, move!

The hell is everyone?


take Gill and Post, clear
the rest of the building.

Tan, Powell, cover them. Go.





This is Greene's tracker.

All the a*mo crates are empty.

Black-tip rounds are gone.

Sonny's already on the way
to whatever he needs them for.

That explains why
there's no narcotics here.

Just empty stations to process them.

Found something.

All these paths
end up in the same place.

Where the hell is...

TAN: 25-David. We got a rabbit!

- Single gunman, Spine Cutter colors.
- [g*nf*re]

GRISSOM: 31-Charlie.
Suspect is armed with a modified r*fle,

and is firing wild!

- Cover!
- [g*nf*re]

POWELL: 28-David, suspect is down.

Everybody okay in here?

Jones? Hey!

- Jones!


Carnegie, what are you doing?
Call for a medical unit!

an emergency medical evac.

Hey, it's okay. Stay with me, Jones.

Stay with me.





DEACON: Building's clear.

Sonny and his people must've
left before we got here.

Sent Tan and Powell back to HQ
with photos from the garage.

Maybe they can find
where Sonny's headed.

How's Jones looking?

Round blew right through his vest.

Medics wouldn't say
one way or another, but...

it can't be good.

And you?

How are you holding up?

Fine, I'm just feeling... everything.

I'm worried about Jones,

Sonny's still out there,
and 30-Company...

Carnegie is seeing
nothing but red right now.

He's ranting about knocking down

every biker's door in Long Beach

until someone points us to Sonny.

If he keeps that up,
it'll tear apart the team.

They're all hurting, and vulnerable.

They need someone to pull
them together right now.

Jones was that person to them.

Well, then you got to step up
and do it for him.

I-I wouldn't even know what to say.

We teach you anything up in L.A.?

Leadership doesn't come to everybody,
but it does to you.

We've seen it. Jones sees it.

STREET: The thing is,

Jones hated me when I was on his squad.

That was part of the reason
I was so excited

to go back down, you know?

To show him how much I've changed.

HONDO: Street, he knows.

And right now, he needs you
to pick up his team.

Now, Deac and I are
gonna head back to L.A.,

help track down Sonny.

You stay here, and you make Jones proud.

CARNEGIE: Fine. Sit around,
holding hands, doing nothing.

I'll find the monster
behind this on my own.

- Hey.
- Hey! Get lost, Hollywood.

This is family business.
Doesn't concern you.

Just leave me alone.

Look, you said this is
family business, right?

- Jones is family to me.
- You really think

you have any idea what we're
going through right now?

Yeah, I do.

Before that, I lost
my brother on the job.

So I can tell you with certainty,

tearing through every biker bar
in Long Beach

is not going to make that anger
you're holding on to go away.

It's also not going to help us
find Sonny Allen.

I don't even know what
I'm so worked up about.

Jones is going to wash me out.
You know that?

I do. But he doesn't have to.

Don't care either way.

You know I went through
the foster system?

I moved around so much,

it got to the point where
every time I went to a new home,

I just assumed it wasn't gonna last.

Made it easier when
things didn't work out.

I think that you have found

a real family in 30-Company

where you actually fit in.

And you're trying so hard to sabotage it

'cause you think
you're protecting yourself.

But you're not.

How'd you handle all that stuff?

Teammate, brother.

My team came through.

We rallied around each other.

And right now,

your squad is feeling just as frightened

and angry as you are.

And the only way that you're
all gonna make it through...

is together.



Street. I think we know
where Sonny's heading.

STREET: What'd you find?

We dug into the addresses on the map

from the Spine Cutter warehouse.

One of them caught our eye:

Miller's Crematorium.

What the hell's Sonny
want with a crematorium?

HICKS: Well, it turns out they
burn more than just bodies there.

Miller has a contract
with the city of L.A.

for the disintegration
of illegal narcotics.

Once a year, all the seized dr*gs

from the LAPD's evidence locker

get sent to the furnace
for safe disposal.

We're talking coke, meth,
fentanyl, the whole alphabet.

Transported, of course,
in an armored truck

protected by a Metro escort.

And let me guess, that day is today.

That's why Sonny needed
the black-tip rounds.

He was never going
to rob other bike clubs.

He's robbing the LAPD.

When's the truck scheduled to leave?

HICKS: It's already left.

We'll radio the driver,

and I can turn Hondo
and Deacon back your way,

but the truck's already
crossed into Long Beach.

You're closest.

I'm here with 30-Company now.

HICKS: All right,
you're rolling with them.

I already cleared it
with the Long Beach commander.

And Street?

End this.

Sonny's got a head start on us,

so when we land,
our mission is containment.

Keep Sonny and that truck
from going anywhere

until backup arrives.

We'll be under heavy fire,

so we need to minimize
ourselves as targets,

but still move as a unit.

Otherwise, we'll be
picked off one by one.

So stay together while being far apart?

- Sounds like a proverb.
- It'll work.

Long as we have each other's backs,

and trust whoever calls the sh*ts.

We're down Jones.

You guys don't have a second-in-command,

so who's stepping up?

Don't milk it, Hollywood.

You know there's only
one person who we'd trust

to lead us through this.

- Let's do this for Jones!
- OFFICER: That's right.






Grissom, Post, Gill,
get to the hostages.

Carnegie and I will
lay cover fire for you,

push 'em back. Don't stop moving,

- don't stop sh**ting.
- About time.

Let's move!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]


Back to the truck. Let's go. Move!

Take cover behind
the front of the truck.

- I'll draw their fire.
- You'll be a sitting duck.

That's when you'll take the shot.

I trust you. You trust me.

That's the only way this works.










Yeah, that's right, there's
not just one squad after you.



Deacon, move.

- Out of the truck.

On your stomach.





Stay down.

He's all yours, Street.

On your stomach. Give me your hands now.


It took ten years,

but, Sonny Allen, you're under arrest.

Sonny'll be processed here

before being transferred to Long Beach.

He's gonna pay for every crime
he ever committed

in both cities.

[SIGHS] Hell of a day, huh?

Jumping on a runaway truck,
not exactly squeaky clean.

Guess you still have a little Long Beach

in you after all, Hollywood.


You did good out there, Carnegie.

The first thing I'm telling
Jones when I see him

is he needs to keep you on.

If you want that, that is.

I'm not going anywhere.

I don't think my team could
take any more shakeups.

It's time I try putting down some roots.


I just got off the phone
with Long Beach General.

Sergeant Jones did not survive surgery.

We locked horns,

but he never made it personal.

- He was a good man.
- DEACON: He was old-school.

One of the best.

HONDO: How are you gonna
break it to 30-Company, sir?

- Well, I'll just...
- STREET: I will.

Should be me.

All right.



What are you doing
at my house, Nichelle?

Waiting for you.

I didn't want your wife
to hear what I have to say.

- Someone vandalized my center today.
- So?

Wish I could say
I was sorry to hear that.

I know it was you.

You got proof?

Didn't think so.

Now, get off my property
before I call the cops.

The outside cameras were ruined,
but after a break-in last year,

I've kept a private one
running inside my office.

I'd argue it's an even better
view of the crime.

Guess I had it coming, right?

Must be thrilled.

What happens now? You already
send this to the police?

No. You really got to me today, Bruce.

Not because you tried to manipulate me,

but because, for a very brief moment,

you made me feel like I was someone

who didn't believe in second chances,

and that is something I have dedicated

my whole life to offering.

So, let me be clear,

this is your second chance.

I will not show this video
to my husband,

but you will never contact me again.

You will stay away from me,

and you will stay away from my center.

Do you understand?


Bruce, I truly hope that you

land on your feet one day.

No one should be defined
by one bad decision

if they're willing to learn
from it and change.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you still doing hanging around?


You know, just haunting the halls,

thinking about things.

You fired me right here, remember?

That was a long time ago, Street.

Yeah, it felt like the worst day
of my life at the time,

and I had some bad days before that

and worse to come.

I really am sorry about Jones.

He was proud of you, Street.

Told me himself this morning.

I know it doesn't make
his loss any easier, though.


Watching you pick up his team up today,

hold off Sonny on your own,

I'm proud of you, too.

I never thought of myself as someone

who could call the sh*ts
like that, you know?

You've always understood family, Street.

You grew up having to make your own,

so you know the power in it.

Even when you were running off,
ignoring my orders,

you only did it because
you wanted to help your mom

or brother or Chris.

After today,

they feel like family, too.

I'm worried about them.

You taught me

to be a SWAT officer,

and then you taught me to be a leader.

Right now, they need a leader.

You're gonna be staying
down in Long Beach for good,

aren't you?

Yeah, I'm taking the open slot
on 30-Company.

I owe you,

this team,


It saved me.

I'm not sure I-I know how to

leave it behind.

Teams come and go, kid.

They're never perfect forever.

But when 20-Squad was perfect,

- it was perfect.

I know that's right.


I never thought
the screwup I had to fire

would be the one I'd have the
hardest time saying goodbye to.

Will you do me a favor?

Can you just

let the team know for me?

I really, I-I-I don't think I can do

a whole farewell thing.

Can you do that?

As long as you promise me

you'll give 'em hell down in Long Beach.

You show 'em what SWAT's really about.

It's about kicking ass, right?



Where you going with all your stuff?

Saw you packing up your locker,

talking to Hondo,

and we all know what you
and the Long Beach squad

went through together.

It's okay.
SWAT officers don't say goodbye.

Bad luck.

Yeah, I, um...

I figured I'd just bow out of here,

finally give you a chance to shine.

Please. You're only leaving

'cause you'll never
get promoted over me.

When I first came here,

you and I,

we were the team babies.

We could've turned on each other,

fought for Hondo's attention,

but, instead, you became my best friend.

Nothing's ever gonna change that.

We made each other better.


I'm gonna miss you, man.

And, hey, I mean, I still live in L.A.

It's not like we're not gonna
see each other all the time.

This isn't goodbye.

How's this?

Chris and I will have you over
in a few weeks

for the engagement party.

Just don't say anything yet.

Especially to Chris.