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02x11 - One Final Hurdle

Posted: 03/09/24 08:26
by bunniefuu
-This guy is the silent
[echoes] Slaughterer.

-This is not "The Bachelor,"

and I don’t have to kiss
your ass [echoes] for a rose.

I’m a full-on poisonous
[echoes] spider.

[ Screams ]
-Welcome to "The Traitors."

-She’s the traitor!
-You’re a traitor!

-You’re the biggest
[bleep] traitor here.

-I find you highly annoying.


-Welcome to the Dark Side.

[ Screams ]

-Who is the person
that’s doing all this?

-[ Shouting ]

-We are gathered here today

to say good-bye to one of you.

-Oh, my Lord, sweet baby Jesus.

This is not Enkin Su.

-Come on!

We just got them

-I am a traitor.
[ Cheering ]

-There’s a new guest
in my castle.

[ Cheering ]
-Oh, my God, Kate.

-Who do we hate?

-Parvati could well be
a duchess of deception

and a mistress of m*rder.

-I am not a faithful.
I'm a traitor.

[ Cheering ]

-Join me as a traitor, or I’ll
have to m*rder you.

-I accept.

-I will burn this castle

to the ground.

-Previously on "The Traitors,"

suspicion reached fever pitch.

-Honestly, are you a traitor?

-I think that you save Phaedra

and you roll the dice
on Sandra tonight.

-And at The Round Table, the
faithful turned on Phaedra...



-But it was her fellow traitor

that delivered the final blow.

-Phaedra, my vote’s for you.

In this game, you’re more
selfish than skillful.

-More than skillful.


You have received
the most votes

and are banished from the game.

-I am the most fabulous traitor.

-But Kate's actions left her
in the spotlight.

-Kate attacking Phaedra
made me uncomfortable.

Rang alarm bells for me.
It just doesn’t add up.

-In this season’s finale,

who will win up
to a quarter of $1 million?

The faithful or the traitors?

Who do they trust?

-Who do you trust the most
out of all the people

you trust the least?

Who will they betray
and who will emerge victorious?



♪ Oh, you took me for a fool ♪

♪ But the tables
turned somehow ♪

♪ And the power's in my hands ♪

♪ Now ♪

-Phaedra has been banished,

and I am the last
remaining traitor.

When I entered the castle,
I was like, that would be fun.

Try the other side.
Now, I’m by myself.

I don’t know what to do.
This is so hard.

-♪ Oh, the power's in my hands ♪

♪ Now ♪


-Well, the first thing I want
to do is redecorate, obviously.

[ Knocks on door ]

[ Door creaking ]

-So, Kate. The final night.

The final traitor.

The final m*rder.

Does it feel lonely at the top?

-Phaedra brings me out
to the turret of zero plans,

and then, leaves me
to clean up her mess.

-How do you feel
about everybody?

-I love all of them, which is
strange for me, so I’m confused.

M.J. has the shield.

C.T. has the muscle.

-And if people are leaning
more towards Sandra,

I’m going to want
to keep Sandra.

It’s between Shereé.


I think murdering Shereé
would take the suspicion off me,

because she’s in
the Bravo Network club.

Part of me feels so obligated
to keep my loyalty to Shereé.

I mean, Trishelle's...

pretty fearless.

A reason to m*rder Trishelle
is that she was on to Phaedra.

But that’s also a reason
not to m*rder Trishelle.

-Tough one.
-I feel like...

I keep going back and forth.
They’re equal.

-♪ Set my spirit free ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ My mercy ♪

-Please commit
that name to paper.

And seal the fate
of the traitor’s final victim.


-If I’m gonna have
any chance of winning,

this person will not be
in the final five.

There’s no going back now.

-Into the night
for one final time, I will go.

Good night my traitor.


[ Wolf howls ]


[ Birds squawk ]
It’s the final day,

but either traitor or faithful
will get to walk away

with the prize part of up
to a quarter of $1 million.

But after last night’s m*rder,

whose blood was spilled
from the traitor's final act?

[ Door unlocks, opens ]


Okay. Well.

You have made it
to the last breakfast.

I am so freaking proud
of myself.

I’m playing this game very much
like my personality.

I’m genuine, loyal.

And that’s the reason
why I’ve made it so far.

I’m really having
a pinch me moment.

[ Knocking ]

Come on in.

-Whoo! Let's go baby!
-Yes! [ Laughs ]


-We made it to the final.

Made it to the final.
I'm pumped.

[Bleep]. It’s been a while
since I’ve done a show.

And honestly, one of
the best times in my life.

Like, "How Stella Got
Her Groove Back" or something,

but we still have traitors
floating around.

It’s not over yet.
Don’t want to be too excited.

We still got a job to do.

Kate acted funny yesterday.

After the round table, it seemed
like she was so mad at Phaedra.

-She was upset,

and it looked personal.

-She couldn’t hide it either.

Maybe that she got played.

-Yeah, she was like --
-Or something.

It just seemed way
too personal.

Something’s off with that.

-C.T. seemed to think
that Kate is a traitor,

but Kate is giving me
faithful energy.

My gut tells me
Sandra is a traitor.

I mean, she’s a gamer.

She’s a military woman.

There's literally
no better choice.

[ Knocking ]

Oh, come on in.

-Good morning.
-Oh, hi.

-Oh, hello.


Young, fresh, ravaging.
-I'm so happy.

Last time I was here,

I went all the way to the end
and walked away with $0.

But this time I’m a traitor.
Anything is possible.

-The last mission's
going to be really tough.

-So, we would want to be able

to have the strongest
people with us.

-I feel like everybody
is a strong person.

[ Banging ]

-That sounds like Sandra, right?

[ Cheering ]

-We -- We --
We knew it was you, babe.

-I’m at the final,
and I cannot believe it.

I think Kate is a traitor,
at last night’s banishment,

she was being so weird
with Phaedra.

It’s a dead giveaway.

-So, how many we got left,

-How many what?

-Minimum one. Maximum two.
The worst case scenario.

-Although, I love Sandra
so much, I need her to be next.

Last year, I was like, You can’t
have a strategy in this game.

This year I’m like,
oh, yeah, you can.

So, I’m going to push Sandra.

M.J. already thinks it's Sandra.

I just need to convince
another 1 or 2.

Manipulating starts now.

So, who do you think it’s going
to be coming down to breakfast?

-Oh, my God, it’s so hard,
between Trishelle and Shereé.

-I think Trishelle,
she’s done for.

-I’ve never doubted
Trishelle was a faithful.

I just hope she comes in
that door, it'll make things

a lot easier for me.

We need each other.

[ Knocking ]

-Come in.
-That’s -- That’s Shereé.


[ Cheering ]

-Hi. Good morning.

-We did it.

Oh, Shereé.
-Shereé's gone.

-Oh, my God.


-I think murdering Shereé
would take the suspicion off me,

because she’s in
the Bravo Network club.

It could be a double bluff.

Mm-hm. Confusion and chaos.


Dear Shereé,

by order of the traitors,

you have been m*rder*d.

I’ve been figuring things out,

and what I have figured out
is Kate is a traitor.

Let me talk about
the banishment last night.

Kate came in hot, and it was
written all over her face.

She couldn’t make eye contact
with Phaedra.

She wouldn’t look at Phaedra.

She just sat there with
this pouty face the entire time.

I would absolutely love
the faithfuls

to win the pot,
to take it home.

-Cheers to Shereé.
-Cheers, Shereé.


-They m*rder*d Shereé.

That’s got to be a clue.

This is really giving me
Sandra m*rder energy.

Sandra is a traitor,
and we have to banish her.

-Cheers to the final five.

-And cheers to the prize.
-That too.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

-Good morning,
my fearless five.

Last night, while you were
all dreaming of awaiting riches,

the traitors regrouped
for old times sake.

And for them it was a case of --

Hip hip, Shereé!

The last m*rder victim
in this deadly game.

Poor Shereé, a housewife
who fell at the last hurdle.

But now it’s a sprint
to the finish.

And as you approach that line,
you must ask yourself

this, who do you
really trust here,

who has sown the seeds
of doubt within you?

Later, you will meet at my round
table for one final time.

Those that survive will join me
at the fire of truth.

The banishment will only stop,
and the game will only end

when you decide
that you truly trust

everyone standing next to you.

Enjoy your final breakfast.
You’re going to need the energy.

A lift to your final mission
will arrive shortly.

-In order for me
to get to the end.

My strategy is just to make sure
that I’m in everyone’s ear.

Now, I got to target, Kate.
Take her out.

And be one of the most faithful
of the actual faithfuls.

That in itself
is going to be a prize.


[ Birds chirping ]


-Oh, I'm nauseous.
-You are?

-Yeah. I don’t know
if it’s nerves or what.


-So, how's this going to go?

It's be just such a good look
if the faithfuls win.

-Yeah, absolutely.

We just got to start with Kate.

She’ll ain't been here
long enough.

If she had a bone to pick
with Phaedra.

And then, it trickled
down to Shereé.

It would make sense that she’s a
traitor and took them both out.

-It just doesn’t make sense,
then, she was so upset

with Phaedra when she was
trying to protect her.

Yes, yes. Yeah.
The one thing that stands out --

-One minute you want to save her
and the next minute,

you’re happy she’s gone.

What she said was ugly.

You play a selfish game.
-Selfish game.

All right, so what are we --
Where do we go from here?

-We need to get Kate out,
and that’s it. We’re there.

-Okay. Okay.


-Okay. So, shall we talk about,
like, I mean, the banishment?

So, what do y’all think
about Sandra?

She’s really been like,
a lone player the whole time.

-And she’s won "Survivor."


-She’s brilliant.

-And lovely but brilliant

and a -- and a game player.

-I was like,
if she’s at breakfast today,

then, it’s going
to be zeroing in.

I thought she was a while ago.



[ Bird squawks ]

-Okay, so, tell me
what you’re thinking,

because I trust your opinion.

-What did M.J. say about that?

-They want to vote Sandra.
Both of them are voting Sandra.

Honestly, Kate
could be a traitor.

-That's true.
She acted real funny yesterday.

-So, all we need is three.

Me, you, and Sandra
to vote Kate,

and then, she’s done.

-I’m glad that we are
on the same page with that.

I 100% agree we have to be
on the same page though, are we?

-Yeah, I think so.
-You think? Are you?

[ Indistinct conversations ]
-Okay. I'm 100%.

C.T. and I said that we were
going to be taking each other

to the end of the game.

We have a lot of history.

I’ve known him for 20 years.

I know that I can trust him.

So, the plan is that C.T.
and myself get Kate

out at banishment tonight.

After that,
we’re at the home stretch.

-We have a really good chance
of winning this together.



[ Elk bugles ]


-You guys. You guys.
Guess what I hear?


-You guys, is there
a helicopter coming?

-Where are they gonna take us?

-Oh, my God!
-Let's go! Let's go!

-Oh, my God!
-Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying.

-Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.
-[ Exclaims ]

-Wave to it. Wave.

-And a helicopter flies by,
and my heart just dropped.

I’m a little bit scared,
because I don’t know

what’s going to happen.
-Oh, let's go!

-He’s coming for us.

But I’m gonna enjoy
the helicopter ride

until the fun’s over.

[ Cheering ]

-Alan has taken it
to the next level.

I'm going to the window seat.

This is as epic as it gets,
flying across

the most beautiful
Scottish lands.



[ Laughter ]

-Wave bye to the castle.


This is how I want
to travel from now on.

-[ Chuckles ]

-We went through so much
to get to here.

[ Screams ]

-Last mission.

-I think this boat
is something.

-Final mission.
It’s the big one.

This is where I shine.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t
nervous. I always get nervous.

-Oh, there’s Alan, you guys.
-I think that’s a good thing.

If you’re not getting
butterflies in your stomach,

either you’re a sociopath
or you don't care.

And I’d like to think
everybody cares.

Let’s go.

-Welcome to Portknockie
on the stunning Moray Firth.

This is your final chance
to add money to the prize fund

that currently stands
at $158,100.

Out there is
my magnificent traitor ship.

All you have to do is to get to
that ship and raise the mainsail

in 60 minutes to earn $30,000.

However, along the route

to that ship you will
be presented with detours.

These detours
will take you to tasks.

Each task you complete
will earn you a flag,

and every flag you raise
alongside the main sail

will add extra money
to the prize fund.

But be warned, these detours
will consume precious time.

You must evaluate
risk versus reward

and decide just how much
you want that extra cash.

To be clear, to succeed,

you must all make it to my ship
before raising the flags.

If you manage to raise
the mainsail

and collect all additional flags
within 60 minutes,

you’ll add a huge $50,000

to the prize pot.
[ Cheering ]

Not too shabby.

-The mission will start
when you hear

my ship’s horn ring out.

Once more unto the breach,

you happy few.

One last hurrah.

-It’s the final mission.
I hate missions.

The last one is always
the most insane.

And I’m nervous about what
exactly Alan has planned for us.

Whatever it is,
it’s not going to be easy.

And it’s a lot of money
on the line.

-Let’s go, ladies.


[ Horn blows ]

-Go for it! Go, go, go!

-We could just take
the easy route

and just go straight
to the ship.

-Here we go! Stay with me.

-I mean, I don’t know what
these detours are going to be.

-Ah! Yeah.
-Are you okay?

-I’m assuming
they’re not gonna be easy.

-Is that a detour?

-Uh, yeah, it says "$5K."

-Yeah, it says detour
or fastest route to the ship.

-Ready? Come on, come on.

I think all the detours

are worth at least
checking out.

Up to this point,
I mean, we’ve lost some money,

so, why not try to
make up for it?

-Lobster trap?

Oh, there must be
something in the water.

-I’m going in.

-What does the flag look like,
yellow, red?

-Ooh, it's like a rope
or something.

-One of the lobster traps
has a flag.

We got to pull the ropes in.


Is it the flag?

-I don't see a flag.

[ Breathing heavily ]

-Pull the ropes.

Oh, I think I...

[ Grunts ] There’s no flag.

-You can dump them out.
Okay, I’ll just pull 'em out.

-Is this something? No.
I don't know. I can't tell.

-Here, Trishelle.

-This is really, really hard,

and we’re giving it all we got,

but we’re wasting a lot of time.

Go for the farthest one out.
-Looks like that one.

Keep going.

Come on.

You see it?
-That’s it, C.T.

There it is.


That's gonna be the money shot.

-Yup. We got it.
-There it is. Let’s go.

Alright, we got a flag, right?


-Hold on. There’s a detour.

-Uh, yeah, it says...


-Something about a rock. See?

-We’re at the second detour.
-That is the detour. Okay.

-Okay. Should we just
follow the signs? It’s easier.

-You go, and then,
meet us at the next one.

I’m so tired
that I can’t do another detour.

I need to recover.

If C.T.’s going to run through
this whole challenge,

then I need to give myself
the opportunity

to make up some time.

Let’s go to the ship.

And so, I’m up the hill,

and so is Trishelle.

Is C.T. going to be mad
that we left him?

-Well, we’re going to waste time
if we all do detours together.

-Okay. Just like the first one,
could be anywhere.

-What am I doing?

-I don’t know,
it doesn’t tell us.

It’s just a rock.
I have to go look at the sign.

It’s got a crack.
And two little baby rocks.

-And another rock
in front of the crack

that looks like
a computer mouse.

-Let’s be honest. I’m gonna
be doing all the heavy lifting.

Look for a clue. Look for,
like, a rope or something.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Come on, twinkle toes.

[ Exhales sharply ]

-While C.T., M.J., and Kate

attempt to complete detour
number two, Trishelle

and Sandra have gone on ahead,
however, all five of them

still need to get to the boat
in order to win the money,

and with 30 minutes gone,
time is rapidly running out.

-Oh, my God. We're so far.

-Oh, listen, me and you
should be talking.

-The whole thing is that we
have to separate Kate from M.J.,

because no matter what,
everyone’s losing at the end

except for Kate and M.J.

C.T. and I are going to vote
for Kate tonight at banishment.

But we need numbers,

so, I need to get Sandra
on board with that.

Like, do you think
in a million years

there’s a way that
they don’t vote you out?

M.J. and Kate?

-You think they're
plotting against me?

-Honey, they’re plotting
against everybody.

They want to take the money.
Just them two.

You’re not in that group of two.

-Okay, Kate.
And then, we’ll move on.

-Hurry. Go! Go! Go!

Come over here.

-I can’t find the flags.

They’re hidden in this
stainless steel thing.

This is by far
the most strenuous mission.

It feels like
it’s an impossible feat.

-Hey, M.J., are there
lots of rocks over there?

-Come over here.

-Head that way.

Let's go.



-M.J., he got it.
-It's a combination lock.

We need to find numbers.
Hey, what’s a four?

A four number
anything we’ve done?

Is there a code on that?

-There’s no code.

-I come across
another canister,

but this one to open it,

it has a combination lock
we don’t know.

-A code? 2023?

-I appreciate the
girl's enthusiasm,

but the chances of us
just randomly guessing

a combination
on a combination lock...

Slim to none for sure.

-Try 512. Just relax. Try 512.
-All right. You try it.

I’m gonna keep looking
in case there’s a number code.

-Can I see the map?

Okay, I see --
You guys, I see it.

It’s back at the start.
You have to go backwards.

That’s where it has
the number sign.

You have to go back
to the start.

-Let’s go!

-Long walks on the beach
are overrated.

[Both] This way!

-Yes. Hurry! Good job!

-What happened with C.T.?
-He went back.

He had to go to the start
to get the #combo.

[Bleep] Step on it.

-Alan, what’s our time check?

-There's 18 minutes left.
You need to hurry.

-This mission is
completely falling apart.

Okay, I'm starting
to get worried.

-Oh, [bleep].



-[ Breathing heavily ]


-Alan, what’s our time check?

-There's 18 minutes left.
-Okay. Come on.

-I know better than that.

-[Bleep] Duh.

We’re running out of time.

I’m going to have to
carry everybody on this final.

I just got to get back to detour
three before it’s too late.



-Oh! That’s him!

-Did you find it?
-Yeah, I got it.


You got to hurry.

-Good job, C.T.

-"Abseil 180 Feet."

-Yeah. It looks pretty far.

Cliffs of death is what this is.

-We’re going down that.

-Oh, my God.
I can’t be by the edge.

-I can go first if you want.

-Let’s go. Y’all ready?
-Yeah. Let’s go. Come on.

-Close your eyes and hope
for the best.

-You want me to help you?

I know that abseiling is safe,

but holy shit,
we are so high up.

I’m scared.

-Just don’t look down
or think about it.

-I can’t control
how my body reacts

from a height.
-You girls got this.

-Is it possible for the body

to throw up and pee
at the same time?

-Uh, yes, I can tell you.
[ Laughter ]

-Bye! Whee-hee!


-Some of the girls
have a fear of heights.

But we're gonna stay focused.

-Oh, he’s going fast.
He's doing a jump thing.

-Get the job done.

Made it. Whoo!

-I think that everyone
is pretty scared right now,

but there’s a lot of money
at stake, so I’m like, let’s go.

All right.

Ah, I don’t know that
I needed to watch this.

Shit. Shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit.

[ Breathing heavily ]

-You know, it’s just
one little rope.

Oh, God, I hate that view.

I don’t want to do this.
I don’t like this.

Someone’s punishing me
for something.

Oh, my God.
This is not good.

I am brave, I am safe,
I am strong.

[Bleep] me.

-It’s okay, Kate!
Don’t look down!

You got this. Whoo!

-Hurry up.
Straight legs. Booty out.

-Get that big booty
on that, girl. There you go.

There you go. There you go.
-I hate this for me.

I hate this for me.

-That's it.
Beat it, beat it, beat it.

-Kate, come on. Get out here.

Time is ticking.
-Just get down!

We’re running out of time.

-Just get down!

-Hurry! Good job.

-[ Grunts ]


-Action life figure, Kate.
Very, very limited edition.

A hideous [bleep] idea.

-Good job.

Where’s the detour at?
-It’s right here.

You just got that orange grove.

-All right,
so what are we thinking?

-Are we having
a conversation about it?

-Yeah, but the clock
is running.

-I’m down to do the detour.

So, we're gonna
go orange, right?

-Let’s go for the detour.

-Last flag is inside of a cave.

It’s not going to be
as easy as we thought.

And that’s fine.
That’s why I’m here.

Let's go.

-Hey, Sandra. Just pull
yourself with the rope.


-Okay. I got it.
-Keep going. Keep going.

I'll help her.
-Come on!

-[ Groans ]
-7 minutes!

-Alright, let's go.

I’m so worried.

We’re swimming
against the current.

We’re getting
pushed backwards, forward.

We’re trying to move
as fast as we can,

but it’s practically impossible.

-Come on, guys!

-See it?


[ Shouting ]
-Come on, guys!

Hurry up!

-Come on! Let's go!

-Hurry up!


-Go to the boat!
Go to the boat!

-Oh, shit, M.J.

You guys, stand on this one.
-Get closer.

One at a time. Jesus.
Okay. Okay.

Here we go.
-Come on.

-Let's go. Your turn.
-Reds, listen to me.

The mission is not over yet.

You’ve got to raise
the mainsail.

-Yeah. Let's go.
-Let’s go, let’s go!

-Move, move, move!

-All we gotta do
is get to the big E.

Put up the flags.
Put up the sail.

It’s a race against time.

-Players, you have

-4 minutes. 4 minutes.

-[ Inhales sharply ]

-Open the hatch.

-Go go, go.
-Here. Here. Here. Here.

-3 minutes to --

They're here.
Why am I doing that?

The bank got extra $20,000.

You must place all the flags.
Come on. There’s the 5,000.

There’s the 10,000!
Now just the mainsail!

Honey! The mainsail!
Kate! Come on!

This is the mainsail.

That, but the mainsail goes up.

You got 90 seconds! Pull!

The mainsail!
Come on! Behind him!

-Come on, C.T.!

You're so close!
-[ Grunts ]

Put your backs into it.
Seconds left.

Pull, matey, pull.

-His mainsail is heavy. Okay?

Alan’s counting down the clock.

I may or may not
have shit myself,

and I’m pretty sure
M.J.'s gonna throw up.

-Come on!
-Go, C.T.!

-Give it everything you got.

Oh, my God.
-Bring it back.

-Come on, guys. Come on.
Let’s go.

Last few seconds.
-Keep pulling!

Last push! Come on!

Seconds to go!
[ Players shouting ]

[ Cheering ]

[ Ship bell rings ]
-You did it!

In the nick of time,

[ Cheering ]

-Oh, my God. We did it.

You’ve raised the mainsail
and a further three flags,

making a total of $50,000!

[ Cheering ]

-Good job!
-We did it.

-That means at $208,100.

[ Cheering continues ]

[ Players shouting ]

-Ugh. We did it. We did it.
I’m really proud of us.

But it’s not over.
There's still a bit left to do.

Don’t pop the champagne yet.



-So, last mission, guys.

-That was it.
-We made it.

-It feels good.

-That’s amazing.

-I mean, I forget that we have

to go to banishment tonight,

because we did
such an awesome job as a team.

-Good job today.
-Thanks. You too.

-For a yachtie.
-I’m a gamer.

Get it right.
-That’s what’s up.

-Coming back from this mission,
I’m in the car with C.T.,

and I want to use that
to my advantage.

This could be an opportunity
to frame Sandra.

M.J. told me today,
she said, "Hey, Sandra."

I was like, "I’m down with
that," because I love Sandra,

because she’s so sweet.

It seems.
-She’s also a gamer.

Speaking of which,
[clears throat] gamer.

-Are you a traitor?


-How dare you?
That’s rude. Why?

I was, like, really proud
that I came in

and was able to spot
the traitor so quickly.

And it’s a little bit
annoying to me

that you think
that wasn’t a skill.

You think that was just
because I knew.

I’m really trying
to act so offended.

Like, I still feel like
I’m looking for traitors,

which is a great cover.

It makes it really easy.

-It took us hell to get here.

Well, as soon as I got here.

-Me and Trishelle
talked this morning.

She wants to vote for Kate.

I got to say, though,
Kate is convincing.

I'm starting
to second guess this game.

I’m telling you, this game.
There’s always another twist.


[ Owl hooting ]


-I’m starving.

-[ Groans ]

-My feet are frozen.
-I am beat up.

-My toes are frozen.
-I am beat the hell up.

-My pants are still wet.
-I'm sore.

-I mean, [groans], my ribs hurt.
-That was hard.

-[ Muffled laughs ]

-That was hard.
-With that tomato soup?

I mean, I do like the tomato.

Do we have any, uh,
toasty bread today?

Right there.
-Oh, right here. Let’s go.

-What’s the soup?

-It's like tomato
and red pepper.


-Good morning.

-Do you wanna come in here?

-Yeah. Yeah.


-I'm a big ball of nerves.

-I don’t know, I feel like
I know what I need to do, but...

We need to get
on the same page.

Well, last you told me
you were thinking Sandra.

Are you still thinking Sandra?


-M.J. is a faithful.
I feel it in my bones.

She’s a faithful.

But we do need to separate her
from Kate, that’s for sure.

-When I was in the trunk
with Kate on the way here.

She said that M.J. and Kate
are going for you.

-But no matter
what you guys and me,

we’re all going to be
on borrowed time

if she stays in this game.


[ Slurping ]


-How’s the soup?
-Oh, I’m gonna get some more.

Hey, guys.

-I want to pick your brain.

It’s down to
the nitty gritty now.

-Sure is.

-What do you think is going
to happen, this round table?

-I think there’s
going to be surprises.

-C.T. told me
you brought my name up.

-I don’t think
you’re a traitor at all.

I’d saw a different side of you.

-I’m not the one shopping

your name around.


-I talked to C.T. in the car.

I understand. I wish he hadn’t
said it that way.

I do not want you out.

-Well, when I hear
someone say that,

I think there’s
ulterior motives.

There’s a lot of doubt on you
for coming into the game

when you did.

-If C.T., Trishelle,
and me go for you...

-Mm-hm.’re gone.

We need three votes
on one person.

The best case scenario
would be me, you, M.J.

to vote together against C.T.

And then, either we share it,

or we decide to banish
one more time.

-I cannot believe
what is going on.

I just convinced Sandra
that C.T.'s a traitor.

I might win this money
if I can make these

four lucky players
turn against each other.

I’m doing great. I love
a little chaos in the castle.

-I thought you were avoiding me.

I was like, "Oh, is she
campaigning against me?"

-Well, it sounds like
what you’re doing.

-Oh, yeah?

-Who told you that?

-Because she told me
she was going with you.

-Oh, really? She told me
she’s voting for you.

-She’s voting for me?

Everybody’s telling everybody
what they want to hear.

I just don’t see why she
wouldn’t want to vote for me

unless she was a traitor.


♪ Follow me down
into the valley night ♪

♪ Where all the flowers bloom ♪

[ Fire crackling ]

-I’m at the final again.
Except this time.

I’m the traitor.
The only traitor.

Every time
I start feeling guilty,

I think of my son
and my responsibility,

and I stop feeling guilty
and I start feeling motivated.

-There’s a lot
of money at stake.

This is the most important
banishment of the entire game.

C.T. and I have a plan,
so it should be pretty easy.

-I want to go
into the round table

and just play the game
I’ve always been playing.

And it's this,
who do you trust

the most out of all the people
you trust the least?

Uh, the only one I trust
is Trishelle.

I’m just going to throw it
all out and see what happens.



-Welcome players
to this great hall

of gargantuan lies
and grandiose bluster.

For this is
the final round table.

Your prize fund now stands
at a staggering $208,100.

But who will take home
this gilded nest egg?

By the time we reach
the very end,

if all who remain are faithful,

they will share
the victory spoils.

If, however,
any traitors remain,

they will take everything.

And I do mean everything.

Remember, this is
your last round table.

You are fighting for your place
in the end game

at the fire of truth.

For one final time...

...the floor is yours.


-I’d like to speak first,
if I could.

Uh, you know, I’ve, uh,
I could honestly say

I’ve really tried
to play this game

as open and honest
as I could be.

And I really believe
that’s one of the reasons why,

besides being a workhorse,
I’m still here.

I’ve always played
this strategy bird in the hand,

and I know there
have been suspicions

about specifically you Kate.

It seemed like you
were trying to protect Phaedra.

-Yeah, Kate. Explain that, Kate.
Because I want to know.

-Because I came in mid-season

and felt like relationships
were already formed.

So, my only way
of having a chance to stay

was to form an alliance
with the people from Bravo,

because that was an easy, "Hey,

let’s just keep the Bravo family
together," that’s why.

-But with Phaedra,
did you think

that she was a traitor
at that point?


And then, I defended her,
because I felt like

it really mattered
which traitor we got out first.

I didn’t come back to play this
game so I could do the missions.

What I do like is round table,

because I’m good at noticing
quirks about people,

and I enjoy...

when I find a traitor.

And that’s why when I got here,
I had fresh eyes.

I could tell Dan
was being defensive.

It’s not because
I was a traitor.

It’s because
he was acting like one.


-Sandra, my gut is telling me
that you’re a traitor,

and then, at some point,
were recruited.

That’s what I think.
I know you’re a gamer.

I know you’ve
won "Survivor" twice.

Um, the stuff
that were suspicious to me

was you and Phaedra

spending a lot of one
on one time together

on Phaedra’s
last couple of days of the --

-I wouldn't change that
for the world.

I’m a faithful.
I’ve always been a faithful.

Let me tell you about
my relationship with Phaedra.

I thought Phaedra or Shereé
were traitors.

-And I honestly believe

they were protecting me.

When Dan got voted out,
I was like, "Oh, my God,

I’ve never been
in the line of fire."

And he could have been
protecting me.

Then, I’m listening
to everyone saying,

"It’s got to be a housewife."
And I’m like, "Shit, I’m good.

I’m with Phaedra,
and I’m with Shereé.

They’re both
going to protect me.

I wouldn’t change that strategy
for anything in the world,

because I think I had
traitor angels all along.

-I don’t like playing
this whole telling everybody

what they want to hear.
It feels dirty to me.

I don’t like it,
so I just figured

I’d throw everything out here
on the table,

and I’ll put my faith
in the faithfuls.

And my concern is, Sandra,
I do think you’re a traitor.

I know you’re coming for me,

so, I’m just gonna have
to return the favor.

-I only said I was
going to vote for you

after Kate told me that,
you said in the car,

"Let’s take out Sandra."
-That’s not true.

-I panicked, and then I said,
"Oh, my God, I need a plan B!"

You only came up because
of my conversation with her.

I regret --
The minute she scared me,

that C.T.’s been saying
your name in the car.

It was panic mode for me.

I was like, "Oh, my God,
here I am.

I’m going to be the only one
writing down Kate’s name."

-You’re allowed to lie
in this game.

-She set me up.
I know she did.

-I didn’t set you up.
-She didn’t set you up.

-I came into today following
the plan we had set in motion.

Her whole outfit
is screaming traitor.

I don’t know what else
to tell you guys.

I’m fighting for my life here,
because I didn’t expect to be

in this situation at all.

And if I get banished,
I’m going to stand over there

like Peppermint and Maks
and everybody else,

and you’re going to say,
"Damn, I [bleep] up.

I thought Sandra was a traitor."

I wish I had been a traitor,
but I didn’t get that privilege.

And all I can give you
is my word. I’m a faithful.

I don’t know how else
to tell you this.

That’s all I have to say.


The time for talk...

is over.

It’s now the time

to vote.


-I thought I could trust C.T.

We had a plan
that Sandra, C.T., and I

were going to vote out Kate,

but then C.T. points
the finger at Sandra,

and I’m like,
"What is happening?

This is not
what we discussed earlier."

I’m just completely shocked.

I’m about to cry right now.
I don’t know what to do.




-The votes are locked.

So, we’re going to begin
with Kate.

Who do you think
is a traitor and why?

-Sandra, I voted for you.

I’m so glad I got to meet you
during this game.

I think you’re brilliant.

I’m sorry.



I hope you’re a traitor.

Because if you’re not...
-I'm not. soul is going
to be crushed.

-You’re going to be crushed.

-This was for sure
the hardest vote.


-Kate, I think you came in
as a faithful

and might have been recruited
by Phaedra.

And I feel like you sowed
the seeds of distrust

within the group
that I was working with.

-So, that’s two votes
for Sandra. One vote for Kate.


If you receive one more vote,
you will have the majority.

And you will be banished
from my castle.


Who do you think
is a traitor and why?





Who do you think
is a traitor and why?





I put Sandra’s name down,

because I just want to be
with the majority vote.



you have received
the most votes

and are banished from the game.

But first...


Can you please reveal
the remaining vote?




I had a lot of, uh,
suspicions about you.

And then,
if I argued against her,

I could say the same about you.

Everything just seemed
to be pointing your way.


-Please come forward
to the circle of truth.




Before you leave
my castle forever.

Please reveal to us.

Are you a faithful
or a traitor?

-My heart is really broken.
I never once doubted you.

I never once doubted you.

I don’t regret anything
I’ve done in this game.


I’m a faithful.

-Oh, Sandra.

-Good luck, guys.
-Thank you, Sandra.


-What a colossal mistake.

-So, our little game
is careering towards a climax,

but it’s not quite over yet.

Once again,
I hand the power to you.

You will each soon
face a choice.

End the game or banish again.

By the end of the night,
we will know

if any traitors remain,
and more importantly,

who is taking the money home?

Who will be crowned the winner?

This is the ultimate act
of self empowerment.

The game only ends when you

make it so.


-I mean...
-Oh, my God.

-I feel so bad.

I feel like I’ve gotten

almost the least amount
of accusations this evening.

How charming am I?

I’m expecting them to next
just storm the castle

and point fingers at
Fergus and Alan.

Could I do that?
Could I say that?

I bet I could convince them.

Guys, the final traitor is Alan.
[ Gasps ]

-Oh, my God.

the plan did not work,

and so, I had to go with
the group and vote for Sandra.

If C.T. has been playing me
this entire game,

I do not know how I’m going
to recover from that.


[ Wolf howls ]



♪ I thought you gave your word ♪

-C.T., how are you feeling?

-Oh, man, my nerves are shot.

[Exhales sharply],
just when you think

you got it all figured out...

All the questions get changed.

But we'll stick to the plan
and vote out Kate.

-Who do you trust now?

-Only Trishelle.

Where’s your head at now?

-I trust Kate, Trishelle,
and C.T.,

but there has to be
a traitor to eliminate,

because Shereé was m*rder*d.

All I want is to end the game

and share the pot
with faithfuls.

-You’re my last traitor
standing, Kate.

You’ve been to my castle before,

but you’ve never entered
the fire of truth.

How do you think
you’re going to fare there?

-I think this next situation

is going to be
the most difficult.

I’m going to lie
and take home the cash.

-And I hope someone cries.

♪ I thought you gave your word ♪

-Trishelle, how are you feeling?

-[ Sighs ] I’m really nervous.

I think the first part
of the fire truth,

I’m going to vote for Kate,

because I think that she’s
the most likely to be a traitor

out of the people left.

And then, hopefully,
if it works out, it’s M.J.,

myself, and C.T. at the end,

and I honestly don’t know
what I’m going to do.

I hope I can get to the end and
I hope I make the right choice.

♪ I thought you gave your word ♪


♪ I thought ♪

welcome to the fire of truth.


By sunrise,
this will all be over.

So, make this evening count.

Oh, yes.
The drama isn’t quite over yet.

If you decide to end the game
now and you are all faithful,

you will split
the $208,100 four ways.

But remember if any traitors
are among you...

They will take it all.


Contained in the chest
next to you

are two ceremonial pouches.

One says "End game,"
the other says, "Banish again."

If you think only faithful
remain, choose "End game."

If you think there is still at
least one traitor in your midst,

choose "Banish again."

Players, the game will only end
when you all agree to do so

or when
only two players remain.


Please pick up your chests

and make your decision.



Have you all made your decision?




-I will now cast your poaches
into the fire of truth.

If all the four pouches
burn green,

that means you’ve all decided
to end the game.

But if just one pouch
burns red,

then all four of you
must vote to banish again.


We start with Kate.


[ Whoosh ]



-Kate, you chose
to end the game.


-I believe that everyone
here is a faithful.




[ Whoosh ]


You chose to banish again.

-I don’t think that we’re done
finding traitors in this game.



[ Whoosh ]

-I, uh -- I just don’t believe
all the traitors are gone.

And it’s so late in the game,
I can’t take a chance.

-And finally, MJ.

[ Whoosh ]


-Shereé was m*rder*d,

so there has to be
a traitor among us.



you have decided
to banish again.

You must now vote.

Take the slates next to you
and inscribe upon them

the name of the player you wish
to banish from the game.




who do you believe
should be banished, and why?

-Uh, Trishelle, I voted for you
because, um,

I had to vote for someone.

And out of the three of you,
you’re the person

I would most think
was a traitor.



-Kate, I voted for you.


-It’s one vote for Kate
and one vote for Trishelle.



-My vote’s for Kate.

Just can’t get a read on her.


-Two votes for Kate
and one vote for Trishelle.

And with the final vote,

M.J., who do you believe
should be banished, and why?


-My dear Kate.


When I think about
all the heart and guts

that Trishelle
and C.T. and I

put in this game
from the beginning,

it’s just the only way
I could go.

I have to be right this time.

Being wrong about Sandra
feels terrible.

I believe Trishelle and C.T.
are faithfuls.

We're gonna banish Kate.
She’s a traitor.

If I’m wrong,
then check on me, okay?

Because I’m not
gonna be okay.


you have received
the most votes

and are banished
from the game.


Before you leave
my castle grounds forever,

please reveal to us.

Are you a faithful...

or a traitor?


-I only know how
to play this game

as a faithful.


I only would like
to win this game

by sharing money

with people
who are my friends.

And I think of you
as all my friends.

But, um...


...I am a traitor.


Good luck, guys.
-[ Laughs ]

-Oh, my God.
Thank God.

-[ Laughs ]


-I am so disappointed.
But you know what?

If I don’t get a chance
at a little bit of money,

but that also means
I don’t have to lie

and backstab people
I care for and respect,

that’s something
I can afford,

because there are three
happy faithfuls down there

sharing some money
that I helped earn.

Drinks on them.

-[ Laughs ]

-Oh, my God.

-Alright, we got
the traitor out.

We’re three faithfuls.

Let’s end the game
and start celebrating.


-So, Kate has been banished,

and she was a traitor.


Once more, you may end
the entire game right here,

right now, if you also wish.


you can banish again.


Look around you.

Is there anyone
standing here

who causes the slightest
flicker of doubt?


Please select
and hand me your pouches.





let the fire of truth
reveal your decision.


[ Whoosh ]


-If I’m wrong
to love these guys,

I don’t want to be right.

I just trust them.




[ Whoosh ]

-[ Gasps ]


-Trishelle, you chose
to banish again.


-There’s 22 pictures
on that wall.

There’s plenty of room
for five traitors,

especially when we got
three, one after another.

There’s someone that I have
a glimmer of doubt about.



[ Whoosh ]

-Red? Oh, my God.



-There's only one person here

that I’m willing to trust
to share that pot of gold with.



C.T. and Trishelle both think

there are traitors
amongst you.


Players, you must now
vote for the final time.

Take the slates next to you
and inscribe upon them

the player you wish
to banish from the game.


-I really don’t want to vote
for Trishelle or C.T.

I believe in the pit
of my stomach

and my heart
that they are both faithfuls.




This sucks.

I-I don't know
what to do.

I don't know
what to do.


-Please vote now, M.J.
-[ Sighs ] Okay.



Alright, I’m just
gonna go with...

a rock and a hard place.

I don't know.
I don't know.

I don't know, I don’t know.
I don’t know what I did.


-We’ll start with C.T.


-I chose M.J.


It’s nothing personal.

I just wouldn’t trust
anybody in this castle

unless it’s her.




-[ Sighs ]

I don’t believe anyone
here should be banished.

I voted for you, Trishelle.

It was a Sophie’s Choice.
That's it.


-So, one vote for M.J.

and one vote for Trishelle.


who do you believe
should be banished, and why?

-This is a hard one.



-Oh, my God.




we have arrived at a draw.

You will now vote
one more time

in an attempt
to break this deadlock.

-We have to vote again?

-[ Sighs ]

-You must all plead your case
before the vote.

We’re going to start
with Trishelle.

-I'm a faithful.
I think both of you know that.


there’s nothing I can say.

They know that I’m a faithful.


-You guys don’t know me

as long as you’ve known
each other,

but I’ve been open, transparent.

I wasn’t chosen as a traitor.
I wasn’t recruited as a traitor.

Nothing. I was just here
as a faithful the whole time.


-C.T., please plead your case
as to why you should be saved.

-Uh, I’ve been
a good faithful.

Yeah, absolutely.

I’d like to finish
what we started.


For real this time.

-We had a plan to vote out Kate.

And then, whenever we got
to the banishment room,

you were, like, defending her
all of a sudden

and then, you know, saying
that Sandra was a traitor.

And it just didn't align.

-Yeah, I was just trying
to save you and protect you.

When you were in the tunnel,
I'm the one

that let you get that shield.

I've been following your
game plan ever since.

-[ Sighs ]




-I forgive you, and I’m sorry

if I made you doubt
how, uh, I felt about you.


I’ve never doubted you.


-I can't stop thinking
about the sacrifice

whenever you saved John
over me.

And when you did that,

I-I was like,
"Something's up here."

-Well, I think John --
-"Either he's a traitor

or he doesn't care
about my game."

-I could say
the same thing, though.

But you're not
acknowledging my feelings

about the situation either,
and I did come talk to you.


-By the way, you voted for me.
I’m a faithful.


So whatever doubt you
have in me is wrong.


-You must now vote for
the player you wish to banish.




-It sucks.

-Are the votes locked?




-We start with C.T.

-I voted for M.J. again.

-M.J., who do you believe
should be banished, and why?

because we’re faithfuls.

But, Trishelle.

-One vote for M.J.

One vote for Trishelle.

With the deciding vote...
-[ Sighs ]

-...and to see if we have broken
the deadlock...



...who do you believe...

should be banished
from the game?




-♪ Trust is a cruel friend ♪

-I don’t want you
to be banished,

but it was so hard for me
to write his name down

the first time,
I couldn’t do it twice.

-♪ Cruel as a friend can be ♪

-M.J., you have received
the most votes

and are banished
from the game.


Before you leave my
castle grounds forever,

please reveal to us...

are you a faithful...

or a traitor?


-I’m a faithful.

-♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪


-♪ Trust is a cruel friend ♪

-I’m so heartbroken.

-♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

-I hope that makes you
guys feel great.

-♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Trust is a cruel friend ♪

-[ Sighs ]

It shouldn’t have ended
this way.

That’s a plot twist
of a lifetime.

I mean,
I hope they regret it.

We could have been celebrating,
all three of us together.

We all deserved it.
I guess they don’t care.

It’s not just.
[ Chuckles ]

It's not fair


-From 22, we have
just 2 players standing.

C.T. and Trishelle,

you’ve gone through so much.

And now you stand
at the finish line.

But you still need to cross it.


Now we must find out
who you truly are.






Faithful, faithful,
faithful, faithful, baby.

Let’s go!

-[ Sobbing ]


please reveal if you are
a faithful or a traitor.

-I’m a faithful, obviously.



You have won "The Traitors"!

[ Both laughing ]

-Oh, my God!

-Come on over here,
looking like a [Laughs]

-Oh, my God!

-[ Laughing ]

-Oh, my God. Oh!

[ Laughter ]

Oh, my God.

-Let’s go. Huh? Huh?

Fellas? [ Chuckles ]

-I can’t believe it!
[ Laughs ]

-Well done, both of you.

-Thank you.

-C.T. and Trishelle.


[ Laughter ]

-You've wills of iron,

strength of titanium,

and nerves of steel.

You’ve now both
won $104,050 each.

-[ Laughs ]
This is amazing.

-How do you both feel

about banishing M.J.,
a fellow faithful?

-I just wasn’t willing to take
a chance on anybody.

I’m sorry.

-I feel terrible.

I mean, I love M.J.,
but we did say

we were going to go,
us two, till the end.

And it was a rocky road
to get there,

but here we are.

[ Laughter ]

-Did you believe that he was
a traitor when you wrote that?

-For a minute, yeah.
You know what?

Whenever he started talking
and I saw his face,

I was like,
"I made a mistake."

But we’re hot and cold
like that.

-Yeah, it’s like
brother and sister.


-I can tell.

It’s transparent.

-If you would have told me

that I would not only
get along with C.T.,

but I would be
working with C.T.,

and then that we won
this amazing game together.

I mean, I would
never have believed it.

And here we are.
I’m just so happy.

-Did you always believe
that Trishelle was faithful?

-I never doubted her once.


It was kind of obvious,
I think.

-Whew! I don’t know.

I don’t even know what to say.

-[ Laughing ]

-I didn’t know what to expect,

and I didn’t think it was
gonna last that long --

I’ll be honest with you --
because it's been a while

since I’ve done a show,
and I’m like,

"I won this thing."

You know? You know?

[ Laughing ]

-Well done.
[ Chuckles ]

-Aw, man.

I just feel like, uh --
I don’t even know.

Oh, man, it just means so much.

It does. It just does.

More than
I could possibly express.

Really. I really mean that.

-Oh, come on.
I could m*rder a drink.

[ Laughter ]
