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05x04 - End of the Line!

Posted: 03/08/24 18:57
by bunniefuu
Narrator: This is the
Evergreen forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: The Evergreen
train station

is usually a pretty quiet place

But today, Cyril Sneer is
frantically preparing it

for the arrival of Mr. Mammoth.

He's coming to the forest
in few days time,

looking to do business.

Cedric: I want this place
tip top and in ship shape!

What are you doing?!
Going into hibernation?!

The Bear: Ugh!

Cyril: Mammoth will be
here in three days

and Sneer Industries is
rolling out the red carpet!

Bears: Oooff!

Cedric: Pop, it's going to
take more than a red carpet

to get Mr. Mammoth's business.

Remember what he said last
year when he passed us by?

Sneer Industries have
nothing new to offer.

Cyril: What does that
ridiculous rhino know anyway?!

But don't worry son,

he won't pass us by this year.

Pig: Boss, we've done it!

We've created the product that
will impress Mammoth and also..

Cyril: Cut the blab,
bacon breath.

Let's see what you've got!

Pig 2: It's the start of a
complete line of air fresheners!

Ohoo! We call this one...

Pig 3: The Stink Stomper!

Pig 2: The best part is,
every air freshener

comes in six different boxes,

of which, one is bound to match

the buyer's personal decor.

Pig 1: It's a multitude
of fragrances

somewhat reminiscent of

fresh lilacs on
a spring morning.

Cyril: [sniffs]

I can't smell a thing!

Pig 1: It's uh, subtleness
is sooooo enticing.

Pig 2: Heh heh, the formula

is a carefully guarded secret.

Passed from generation
to generation.

Cyril: You three will
be the last generation,

if you don't tell
me what's in it!

Pig 1: A quarter cup of
water and a breath mint.

Cyril: What?!! Did you think
you could fool someone

with a nose like this?

Get back to the lab and
punch this product up!

Cedric: But Pop, I've been
working on some ideas myself!

Cyril: That's nice son,

but right this minute I've..
Bert: Woooow!

Coming through!!!

Cedric! Have you seen it yet?!

Cedric: Seen what, Bert?

Bert: The train that's coming!

It-it's huge!

Cyril: Mammoth!
He's three days early!!

Pig 2: Three days, four hours

and ten minutes to be exact.

Pig 3: I got ten days,
four hours and...

Cyril: Never mind that now!

It's show time!!!

[train whistle blowing]

[screeching metal]

Cyril: Ahem!

Greetings from Sneer Industries

and welcome to the most
profitable stop

on your long journey!

Who wrote this drivel?


What in blue
blazes is this?!

Bert: It looks like...garbage!


Ahh ahh

Ahh ahh ahhhh!

Ralph: Looks like someone's
finally found a way

to cool off Cyril.
Sid: Hi there, I'm Sid and...

Cyril: I don't care who you are!

You're not Mammoth and this
isn't the Mammoth-mobile!

What's the big idea of dumping
this garbage all over the place?

I want this eyesore out of here!

So move this mess! Capiche?

Cedric: Come on, Pop. We
haven't got much time,

and you wanted to
tour your factories

before Mr. Mammoth gets here.

Sid: Now, that's the most
unfriendly man I've ever met.

Bert: Ah, Cyril only
acts like that

when he gets...dumped on.

Ralph: Actually, he acts
like that all the time.

Where are you headed
with all this garbage?

Sid: Well, according to
my transportation papers,

this is the end of the line.

This garbage is
staying right here.

Melissa: In the
Evergreen forest?!

Cyril: Ha! Ha!
Factory 1-9-8-4!

Made a lot of money
producing this stuff!

Sneer Snake Oil!

Cedric: Guaranteed to prevent
dandruff, aging, arthritis,

hair loss and the common cold!

Pop, no one would
believe all this!

Cyril: That doesn't matter now,
I'm shutting this place down.

The Bears: Huh?!?

Cyril: I've got to
concentrate all my efforts

on new products at
my other factories.

Cedric: It's such a waste to
throw all this stuff out!

There must be something
Sneer Snake Oil can do?

Has it ever been tested?

Cyril: Tested?! No.

Ahh, this brings back memories.

Saved me more than
once from laryngitis!

Cedric: Gee Pop, you
have to test a product.

If a product does one thing well
then you can really sell it.

These are some of my ideas!

Cyril: Hey! These
look pretty good!

But I'm all tied up with this
Mammoth tour right now, son.

I haven't had any time to
run tests or this factory...

Cedric: I could run this place.

Pop, I want a chance
to be in charge

and see if my ideas work.

Pig: Boss, this is it!

The new and improved version
of the Stink Stomper.

Pig 2: [laughs]
We added some kick.

It can even be used
as a cleaning fluid.

Pig 3: Oops!

Cyril: You cloven-hoofed
chemical clod hoppers!

I want you to stay
here and help Cedric!!!

And I want you two to
back to the lab pronto!!

Pigs: Ah-oh-ho!

Cyril: Ha ha!
I just love this thing!

Son, you wanted a chance
to run a factory,

and I'm going to give it to you.

I need a new product and
you may be my only hope.

Cedric: Thanks, Pop!
I won't let you down.

I'll have the results of the
tests in a couple of days

and then you can...
Cyril: That's no good, son.

I need a finished product
in a couple of days.

Give me the test
results in 12 hours.


Ralph: I know it's late,

but could you just
check your records?

Yes, I'll hold.

Melissa: According
to these records,

this train has been to every
station along the line.

But who sent it?

Bert: Couldn't we just
ask Sid where it came from.

Ralph: Sid doesn't know,

he only started driving
the train yesterday.


Thanks anyway.

Well, that's one more station
that didn't send the garbage.

Bert: Well, why are people
shipping their garbage anyway?

Melissa: Hey guys! These papers

list the garbage
on the train as cargo,

and the railway's policy is,
'all unclaimed cargo is

to be disposed of
within seven days!'

Bert: Hoo, ha ha! Great!

Ralph: Bert, do you
know where the railway

disposes of unclaimed cargo?

The nearest dump!

Bert: You mean, we get stuck
with all that rotting garbage?


Cedric: Ah-aah!

The chemical make-up
appears to be the same...

Bingo!!! But it has
to be tested on...

[yawns] ...someone.

Oh, I gotta stay awake!

[alarm clock ringing]

Pig 1: Wake up Mr.
Ce-boss, time's up!

Cedric: Oh! Gee thanks.

Are there any results yet?

Wow! This is terrific!

I've got to tell Pop!

Pop! I've got the test results

and Sneer Snake Oil

works as a sun block!

I'll have this factory pumping
out Sneer sun block in no time!

Pig 2: Great work, boss!

Cedric: Ahhhhhh!!!!!

Um.. Hi, I'm Cedric Sneer.

Uh, the new boss?

Anyway, I've got some
really exciting news.

Bear: We're getting a raise?


Cedric: Uh, no! Um..
What I have to say is..

Uh, we're going to start
manufacturing a new product.

We'll all have to work harder,

around the clock if necessary.

This factory is going to turn
out a hot new product

and make a profit again!

[loud whistle]

Bear: It's quitting' time!

Cedric: Wait!
We have to be a team!

Bears: [grunting]

Bert: Hey Cedric!

Gee, this is some
setup you've got here!

Oooh, and you're the boss!

Oooh! A real
captain of industry!

Uh, listen Cedric, I have to
deliver all these notices.

We're having a big meeting
tomorrow to discuss

the garbage problem.

Do me a favor and post
one in your factory.

See you there, captain!

Cedric: Yeah...some captain.

A captain on a sinking ship.


Cyril: Listen,

Cyril: Listen, Mammoth,

Cyril: Listen, Mammoth,

Cyril: Listen, Mammoth,
I'm talking

Cyril: Listen, Mammoth,
I'm talking new!

I'm talking exciting!
I'm talking Sneer Sun Block!

[train machinery clattering]

Great, I've got him primed,

pumped and ready to purchase!

Pig 3: Oh boss, we finally
have it perfected!

Cyril: Forget it! Your
product's low on my list.

Right now I've got to get
over to Cedric's factory,

to make sure that assembly
line is in high gear!

Pig 2: But boss,
Stink Stomper now comes

in an industrial-sized

You can freshen up the
whole forest with this!


Ah, the formula's just
a little unstable, boss.

Cyril: You two are
a little unstable!

Get that out of here!

[loud ka-boom!]

Now bring the limo around front!




Pig 2: You know,
it's such a nice day,

perhaps we should walk?

Pig 1: Pink slips?!!!

Oh, you're giving us
all the big boot?

Cedric: No, they're
stock certificates!

Everyone here now owns a
little bit of this company.

If the company makes a profit,
we all make a profit!

Pig 1: Wow! Profit sharing!

Cedric: I hope everyone
is just as excited,

because that's the kind of
enthusiasm we'll need

to get things really
rolling around here!

Pig 1: Hey boss, come here!

Bears: Hooray, hooray!!!!

Cyril: What's going on here?

Why is everyone laying around
like bearskin rugs!!

Profit sharing!!!

Whose big idea is this?!!!

Cedric: It's my big idea, Pop!

Cyril: Cedric? Sneers
don't share profits!

If you're having
problems, try this.

Cedric: No Pop! I told
you, I had new ideas,

and I want to do
things my own way.

I'm the boss.
You said so yourself!

Cyril: Of course I did, son.

Cedric: Don't you trust
me to get the job done?

Cyril: Of course I do, son.

I guess I shouldn't
be horning in.

I'll get out of your way. Boss.

Cedric: Thanks, Pop!

All right team!
Let's get to work!!!


♪ Nobody knows us

♪ when we're coming out


♪ Nobody shows us

♪ what to do


♪ No one can tell you

♪ what growing up

♪ is all about


♪ No one can live
your life for you ♪

Cyril: Agrrr!

♪ Yeaaaah, yeahh

♪ We're growing up,

♪ Growing up,


♪ We will find our way

♪ Growing up,


♪ Showing up


♪ Always knew someday

♪ That growing up,


♪ Growing up

♪ There's a price to pay

♪ For growing up,


♪ Growing up


♪ We are on our...
♪ We are on our way

♪ Growing up


Cedric: Here Pop, you keep the
first bottle as a souvenir.

There'll be plenty
more of these soon.

Pig 1: Oh, I wouldn't be
too sure of that, boss.

The factory is nearly
out of supplies

and I can't order more in,

because the train
station is closed!

Cyril: Closed?!

Why, that means Mammoth
can't get here either!

Cedric: It's the
trash train, Pop.

There's a meeting
today to decide

what should be done with it.

Cyril: There's only one
thing to do...move it!

Ralph: We're holding this
meeting in the Evergreen dump,

so everyone can see just
what the problem is.


I haven't been able
to track down

where the trash train
came from yet,

but it looks like it's going
to be unloaded right here.

We need a new dump.
Crowd: [cross talking]

Cyril: Brilliant idea, Raccoon!

And where do you
propose we put it!?

Ralph: Well, that's
what we have to discuss.

Cyril: How about somewhere
on all that vacant land,

around the Raccoon-Dominium?

Crowd: [grunting]

Cyril: Well, if
that's a problem,

how about the West side?

Bears: Hey!!!!
That's where we live!

Cyril: Someone shipped
this garbage to us,

so we ship it to someone else!

Ralph: But that's not
solving the problem!

That's just passing it along!

Cyril: It solves our problem.

We can take care
of our own trash!

But this forest is
not a giant dump

for everyone else's garbage.

I say, we sent it
back down the line!

Send it home!!!

Bears: [chanting] Send
it home, send it home!

Take the trash
and send it home!

Send it home! Send it
home! Take the trash..

Ralph: Wait! Listen!
This isn't the answer! We..

Cyril: Enough talk. All in
favor? Raise your hand!

Crowd: [mumbling]

Bert: Cedric, you're not
buying this, are you?

Cedric: Well Bert,
I need that train moved,

or I'll have to lay
off all my workers.

They have families to feed.

Cyril: It's settled then!

The train leaves tomorrow!

Ralph: Sending this
train on just isn't right.

Melissa: We did the
best we could, Ralph.

Maybe this story we're doing
will open some peoples' eyes.

Bert: Oops!

Sid: Don't worry about that
Bert, I'll clean it up.

Bert: Hey Melissa,
someone else has good taste!

Heh heh.
My favorite peanut butter!

Melissa: Ralph,
look what Bert found!

Bert: Gee Melissa, it's only an
empty peanut butter container.

Melissa: And it's only
sold in the Evergreen forest.

Do you guys realize
what this means?!

Ralph: Yeah, it means the
garbage on this train

is from the Evergreen forest!

Sid: And that means,
I'm not going anywhere.

Pig 2: And that means the
boss is going to go crazy!


Cyril: What?!

Cyril: What?!

Cyril: What?!
The train

Cyril: What?!
The train isn't

Cyril: What?!
The train isn't leaving?!

What happened?

Pig 2: Uh, well, it seems
that the Evergreen dump

has been shipping garbage
out of the forest for months.

But now, all the dumps are full

and no one wants the trash.

Pig 3: It's the
start of a serious

environmental crisis
that everyone is...

Cyril: It's the start of a
serious monetary crisis for me!

If that train isn't
gone by tomorrow,

Mammoth and all his
money will pass us by!

I don't care what it takes,
or how you do it...

Get rid of that train!!!

Pigs: Ohhhh, yes boss!

Bert: It's all
our garbage, Cedric.

We can't send the train on.

I hope, this doesn't mean,
you'll have to shut down?

Cedric: Don't worry, Bert.

When I thought my supplies
were going to be cut off,

I started rationing.

See these bottles?

I calculated I could make them
thinner and save plastic.

Here come the first ones now.

Bert: Hey! Neat idea Cedric!

Oops! Sorry Cedric.

Cedric: Oh no! They're too thin!

I've got to re-check
my calculations!

Bert: Can I help Cedric?

Cedric: Oh! This has
turned into such a mess!

Bert: C'mon it's
not your fault, Cedric.

These things happen.

Cedric: It is my fault!
I'm the boss!

Bert: Oh sure, Cedric.

I'll just get out of your way.

Cedric: Ouch!

Stupid lights! Stupid
factory! Stupid job!

Pop's going to k*ll me!

[hooves clicking]

Pig 3: Why are we on the roof?

Pig 2: Because we're
fearless commandos

and all commandos
sneak across roofs.

Look! Our primary goal!

I think it's unguarded!

Pig 3: Who would guard garbage?

Pig 2: Commandos never
take unnecessary chances.


Pig 3: Ooh! I think
I pulled a tenderloin!
Pig 2: Shh!

[hooves clicking]

Darn, it's locked!

Pig 3: Oh well.. I guess,
that's the end of this mission.

Pig 2: Commandos never quit!

They just go to plan B.

We can't move this
train off the tracks,

but we can blow it off
with Stink Stomper!

Pig 3: What time should
we set them to blow?

Pigs: Huh?!

Sid: I hope you know,
what you're doing.

Pigs: Run!!!

Pig 3: Oh no! It's leaving!

Cyril: I must say, you
boys did a fine job

of taking out the garbage!

I've got big plans for you two!

Pig 2: Gee, thanks boss!

[train rumbling]

Cyril: Here comes Mammoth!

Let's not make any mistakes.

Bert: Cyril, we've
gotta talk to you.

Cyril: What do you interfering
fur balls want now?

Ralph: We want to know why Sneer
Industries moved the train?

Cyril: I don't know, what
you're talking about!

Melissa: No? We got the records
from the station master.

Last night, Cedric signed
for the cargo on the train.

Cyril: Cedric took the train?

Pigs: Cedric took the train?!

Cyril: What is there,
an echo in here?

Pig 3: No, but there's a
b*mb on that train!

Bert/Ralph/Melissa: A b*mb?
Cyril: A b*mb!!

Sidekick: Mr. Mammoth says..

Cyril: Out of my way,
bird brain!

Bert: Let's go!
Cedric's in real trouble.

Sidekick: Hurumph! I say there!

Cedric: [happy humming]

Bert: There he is!
Catch up to him!

Cedric!!! Get off the train!!

There's a b*mb on board!!

♪ [tense music]

Cyril: I can't keep up with him!

Bert: I've got to get to him!

Cyril: Whaaahh!!


[brakes screech]

Cedric: Bert!!


Cyril: Cedric!!


[loud expl*si*n]

Cedric: Boy, it's a good
thing we jumped, Bert!

Bert: Hooo. Yeah! Are you okay?

Cedric: I'm all right.

Gee. It sure smells
nice around here..

Like breath mints!

Cedric: The factory has
undergone some

last minute changes, gentlemen.

But the heart of my garbage.

Cyril: Garbage?

Cedric: The garbage is
sorted and the plastic,

metal and glass is taken out.

Right now we're only
using the plastic.

Then it's melted down
in this machine,

poured into molds and comes
out as plastic bottles.

Bert: This is great!

You thought of this all
by yourself, Cedric?

Cedric: No. I had some
help from a friend.

Mammoth: [mumbles]

Sidekick: Mr. Mammoth says:

'This is just the sort of
thing he is looking for

and is most eager
to negotiate a deal.'

Cyril: Well Mammoth, you're
going to have your hands full,

because you'll be dealing with

two very shrewd businessmen.


Narrator: Cedric's first venture
into the business world

was a resounding success.

And along the way, he helped
reduce the Evergreen forest's

garbage problem by discovering
that one man's garbage,

is another man's treasure.

Cyril: There's big bucks
in this recycling business!

So, I only think it's fair
that you boys get to do

some profit sharing of your own!

Pig 1: That sounds great, boss!

Cyril: I want you to
go through this dump

and recycle everything you can!

Pig 2: B-b-b-but boss!
What about the profit sharing?

Cyril: You two porkers can
share the work 50/50,

and I'll take all the profits!

Haha! Now get to work!!!

I really love this thing!

♪ [show theme music]


♪ When darkness falls


♪ Leaving shadows in the night


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ Wipe that fear from
your eyes ♪


♪ The desperate love


♪ Keeps on driving you wrong


♪ Don't be afraid


♪ You're not alone


♪ You can run with us


♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us


♪ We are free


♪ Come with us


♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us
