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01x21 - Track Record

Posted: 03/08/24 16:51
by bunniefuu
[Horses whinnying]



Just got it baled
in time.

Red: Yeah. Uh, Max
is in the office.


Red: Jake!

Hay's here! Can you
bring it in before it rains?

Yeah, yeah.
Keep your shirt on.

Jake, move it!

[Comanche whinnies]

[Samson whinnying]



It's Samson! Hurry!

[Samson whinnying]

He'll never make it bareback.

[Comanche whinnies]


Come on, Red! Come on!

Do it! Go, Red!

[Both horses whinnying]


I know.

Lisa: Jumping bareback?

Stevie: What did you
use, super glue?

I'd love to ride
like that.

Why didn't you tell us?

It's not important.

Well, at least tell us
where you learned.

Different places.

What, like
correspondence school?

I gave up riding
two years ago,

before I came
to Pine Hollow.

That's all you need
to know.

Why would he quit?

Who knows?

But we have to
find out.


He stopped riding
two years ago.

We could start there.

[Guitar music playing]

[Horses whinny]

That's so beautiful.

Did you
write that?

Yeah. You guys should come
hear the band play sometime.

I'll get you
some tickets.


What are you doing?

Having a break.

From what?

This isn't as easy
as it looks, you know.


the hay needs
bringing in.

what's the big deal?

It'll only take a sec
if we both do it.

I have to go
with Max to collect

a horse
from Bridge Town.

Come on.

[Jake sighs]
Oh, well.

Better make hay
while the sun shines, e?


[Horse whinnies]

[Distant horse neighs]

[Birds chirping]

Oh, hiya.
What are you doing here?

I'm looking for Max.

Oh, oh, right, yeah.

[Horse whickers]

So, have you seen him?


Are you all right?

Yeah, look,

I'm just a bit worried
about you, you know.


and, um, and why
is that?

there's more to life

than just horses
and hay, you know.

There's a big world
out there, full of music

and good times.

I know that. I've just
come from there.

I kind of like
the change of pace.

but you're too young

to lock yourself away,
you know.

They're stables,

Jake, not a convent.

[Both chuckle]

I'm so tired
of these breeches.

I know.

You've worn them
at least five times.

Tell me about it.

I'm gonna go
buy a new pair.

You wanna come?
Uh, you go ahead.

I've got something
to do.

What is it?


I just have to give
Jake something.

"Timeless Love Songs."

Lame alert!

I thought his band

could cover some
of these songs.

When they're 50, maybe.

You've got
no romance in you.

So I was thinking,
you know...

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Looks like Jake has.


Lisa: You guys, I got
the information on Red.

What did you find out?

"Two years ago,

"Redford O'Malley was

"the youngest member
of the team

training for
the nationals."

That'd make him 17 now.

It'd sure explain
why Red rides so well.

But then he just stoppe.

There's no
other record

of him,
no articles.

Lisa: I checked out all
the major horse magazines,

and no one's heard
of him since then.

So what do we do next?

I'm not sure.

There has to be some way
to make him realize

how much he misses riding.

But he already spends
all day around horses.

Yeah, grooming
and feeding them.

You know what they say,

"When you fall off a horse..."

[Horse whinnies]

Hey, Red, could you
do me a favor?

Uh, sure.

What's up?

Comanche has to be ridde,

and I'm going out
on Belle.

Ride him
when you get back.

Look at him.
He's feeling neglected.

And Comanche's
muscles'll waste away

if he's not ridden.

You're the only other
person I can trust.


I saw you jump him
over that fence.

Don't tell me you didn't
love every second of it.


That was an emergency.

No one who rides
as well as you can

can just give it up

I know you're dying
to get back on a horse.

But if you won't
admit it,

don't do it
for yourself...

do it for Comanche.


Jake? Anyone home?



Oh, hey, Max!


Tell Red I'm going
into town

for a few hours with

If anything comes up,
he can reach me

on Deb's cell phone.
Yes, boss.

And that light
in the hayloft is out.

And don't forget
to finish the stalls.

Make sure you spread
new straw.

Got it.
And, Jake,

save the music for
your own time, OK?

[Music continues]

[Horse whinnies]

[Snorts and whickers]


You've got
an early finish today.

Aren't you glad?

No? Heh heh.

I'll give you a good comb

and turn you loose--whoa!


Look at you. Heh heh!

OK, you win.


[Music playing from headph]


Tell Max I'm going out
for an hour.

[Comanche whinnies]

I don't even think
Deborah likes music.


Jake and I are meant
to be together.

I just know it.

There is a way
we can tell for sure.


Not here. Come on.

It's hot up here.

I know, but we need
total privacy.

I'm going to read
your future.

You can do that?

It's easy.

I've been reading
tarot cards forever.

I don't know about this.

Cut the cards.

So? Are Jake and I meant
to be together forever?

Just a sec.
I can't read these.

Can you turn on
the light?

[Flicking sound]

It's out.


That's better.

A knight!

That must be Jake.

It's more complicated
than that.

But it looks
like Jake.

Even I look like Jake
in this light.

You're just jealous

because the cards
have spoken.

The cards have not spoken.

Hey, Veronica!

But my real knight has.

[Ominous music]

[Horses whinny]

[Comanche whinnies]


Lisa: It's Red!
Stevie: Hey, Red!

Look at him go!

Stevie: Go, Comanche!
Lisa: Hey, Red!

[Horses whinnying]

[Horse snorts softly]

Beats walking,
doesn't it?

"Yes it does, Stevie.

Thank you very much
for reminding me."

Was I right or what?

It feels like a part of me
was missing or something,

and I just got it back.

[Comanche whickers]


Is that Pine Hollow?

[Horse whinnies]

[Distant whinnying]

Ah...are you all right?


Call emergency!
Use your cell phone!

[Weak water spray]

Where's Max?

There's not enough presse
in the water.

Lisa: The horses!

I'll get 'em.

You girls stay here.

You guys get out of her!


[Horses whinnying]

[Coughing and choking]

Come on, Delilah!


Come on, Delilah!

Come on, girl!



Come on, Patch.

[Coughing and choking]

Come on.

[Dime whinnies]

[High-pitched whinnies]

Where's Carole?

She's still inside.

Come on, Delilah!

[Horses whinnying]

Carole: Delilah.


You guys stay here.

[Horses whinnying]

Carole: I can't
get her to move!

Get on that side of her
and keep Samson close.

[Sirens approaching]

Easy, boy.

Come on. That's it.
You all right?

Come on.
Let's get you outta here.

Come on, Samson.

Samson, it's OK.
You can do it.

Good boy.

[Indistinct radio chatte]

Mrs. Reg:
Thank goodness they got
all the horses out.

How's Delilah?

She's very lucky.

The blanket prevented
any burns.

She's still in shock,
so keep an eye on her.

If she goes off her feed,
let me know.

And Barq?

Judy: Oh, it's not deep.

I'll give him
an antibiotic shot

just to be on the safe side.

These girls deserve
a medal,

reacting as quickly
as they did.

Do you know how
the fire started?

Max: Fire chief's
looking into it.

You two,
in my office, now.

What happened?

I don't know. Honest.


I wasn't here.

You weren't here?!

I didn't know
you'd gone to town.

Didn't you tell Red?!

I didn't know
he was going anywhere.

I told you!

Where'd you
get off to, anyway?

Comanche needed

So you just took off!

Like before.

You put people's
lives at risk,

the horses, not to mention
the rest of the property!

Max: I trusted you, Red.

I gave you a second chance
when no one else would.

You promised me
you'd changed,

that it wouldn't
happen again!

I have changed!
It wasn't like that!

I'm really disappointed
in you, Red.

You let me down.

Well, you don't have
to worry about that!

I quit!

[Door slams]


I've never seen
a barn fire before.

I was totally freaked.

I don't know how it
could've gotten started.

You don't think
it was the light

we left on
the hay bale, do you?

No. No, I don't.


Max thinks Red's

Red? How?

I don't know. He--he
said something about

this being Red's second
chance or something.

What does that mean,
that he's done it before?

Red didn't do anything,

but I think we might.

If Max finds out
about that light,

he'll ban us from
Pine Hollow forever.

Think about that,

We can't let Red
take the blame.

Jake: Well, he just qui.
He's going anyway.

Oh, no.


How did you find this?

Deborah and I
looked it up

in the newspaper's

You trained at
Greenwood Stables,

then you quit
for no reason...

around the same time
the barn burnt down.

That's what Max meant
when he said he gave you

a second chance, right?

He gave me a chance
when no one else would...

and I let him down.

What happened
at Greenwood?

I was practically part
of the family.

I worked there.
I lived there.

I was training
for the nationals.

We were close
to being selected when

I blew it
in one of the trials.

I wasn't concentrating.

My trainer was really mad,
and we had a huge fight.

It was my job
to check the stables

and make sure everything
was OK for the night...

but I took off.

But you didn't start it.

It doesn't matter.

It was my responsibility,
and I just took off.

Guess some things
never change, huh?

But it was an accident!
Why did you leave?


We didn't get all
the horses out in time.

They were so badly burnt

we had to put two
of them down.


One was mine.

Oh, Red.

Joker was the most
incredible horse.

We had this bond,
you know?

Like we completely
trusted each other.

He would've done
anything for me

and...and look
what I did to him.

Maybe I'm a jinx, huh?

♪ Life will go on ♪

♪ Baby, after you're gone ♪

♪ Maybe it's better this way ♪

♪ Still, I don't... ♪

Mrs. Reg: You're really leaving?

What choice do I have?

I know you didn't
start that fire, Red.

How do you know?

Because there's
not much I don't see.

And in you, I see
a dedicated stable hand,

who'd--who'd rather hurt
himself than hurt a horse.

And you're conscientious.

But according to Max,
I'm irresponsible.

And if he's gonna think
the worst of me

and bring up a mistake
from the past,

I can't work here.

Oh, Red.

♪ Where am I to go ♪

♪ When you're not here ♪


♪ Tell me that it's you,
I need you so... ♪

Um, I was thinking
I should go with you.


Well...I don't know.
You got me this job.

I mean,
you're me mate.

Jake, this has
nothing to do with you.

you like it here...

but thanks.

♪ What am I to do
without you? ♪

Stevie: What are you
doing, Jake?

There must be heaps
to do around the place

now that Red's gone.

Yeah, I was just
thinking about that.

It's sad, you know,
that Red's gone.

I'm feeling a bit guilt.


shoulda been more of
a help to him, you know?

I was goofing off
all the time,

not doing what he told m.

Yeah, he was real cross
with you the other day.

When you were playing music
for Veronica and Kristi,

instead of bringing
the hay in.

Yeah, it was a bad move
for me, too.

By the time
I got the stuff out,

it was drenched
by the rain.

It was twice as heavy.

You didn't bring it in
before the rain?

No. Well, I said I did,
but I didn't.

Jake, hay can catch fire

as it dries out
in a warm place.

Why dredge up something
from way back in the past?

Then why did he quit at
the moment I pointed out

this was the second fire
he'd been involved in?

Oh, Max, I'm surprised
at you, I really am.

What do you tell
your students,

day in and day out,
about getting the best

out of a horse, and more so
for people, surely?

Isn't it trust?
Build trust and confidence,

and the horse will be
your servant and your friend?

No, he should have
been here, Mum.

You didn't listen
to his side of the story.

[Door opens]

Jake has something
he wants to tell you.

[Running footsteps]

Max: Red!


Max: I've gathered you all
here to make a couple
of announcements.

Firstly, Jake has decided
he will be leaving us,

which is a big gain
for rock 'n' roll.

Stevie and Lisa:
Whoo! Good one, Jake!

Way to go! Whoo!

Max: And secondly,

I'd like to publicly apologize
to Red O'Malley

for not having
the absolute confidence

and trust in him
that he deserved...

and to ask him
to please come back to u.

I don't know
what to say.

Now would be a good time
to ask for a raise.

And more time off!

[All laugh]

Max: I have
my head stable hand back?

Yeah, you do.

How about that raise?

[Mrs. Reg chuckles]
Had to try.

I got some chalk out back.
You can have a bag of that.

Ha ha!
Thanks, guys.

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪