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01x17 - Found Horse Part 1

Posted: 03/08/24 16:49
by bunniefuu
[Clopping of hooves]

[Horse whinnies]

Feel my jacket.
It's so soft.

It's gorgeous.

Just because we're learning
to ride like rodeo trash

doesn't mean we have
to dress like it.

Stevie and I did
this weekend last year.

it was great!

You'll love it!

Never can tell...

Howdy, everybody.

My name's
John Brightstar.

Me and my daddy
are gonna teach y'all

the ways
of the wild west.

Does he think
he's a real cowboy

or something?

Carole: So, you're gonna teach
us to ride western, right?

John: Well, yeah,
that was the plan.

Well, now,
I need to see Max.

Howdy there, John.

Where's Beau?

Oh, uh...

he had a steer
roll on him yesterday.

That's terrible.

Yeah, I know.

he's doing fine,

Well, I, uh...

I guess we'll have
to cancel the weekend.

[Disappointed groans]

Actually, Max,

my daddy reckons
you could do it.

[Pleading with Max to do it]

Well, I, uh...

[Horse whinnies]


All: Yes!

Max, we were going away
this weekend.

Oh, Deb,
what could I do?

The kids were really
looking forward

to the western clinic.

Max Regnery,

you are the most
unromantic man

I have ever met.

Hi. I'm Megan.

Looks like Megan's
rustling your cowboy.

I've always wanted
to learn western.

We must seem totally
pathetic to you.

I mean, we don't
know anything

about riding western.

Oh, that's all right,
little lady.

It's real easy.

Will you show me?

Isn't it exactly the same
as riding English,

except for the tack?

Megan, what are you
talking about?

They're completely

Max: OK, everyone,
gather round.

Now, this is the western
or roping saddle.

It's based on
the deep seated saddle

brought to America
by the Spanish conquistadors.

It's designed to support
the rider

during fast turns
and maneuvers when he--

Or she.

Yup, or she

is cutting cattle
or calf roping.

Are we gonna ride
on them?

Indeed we are, Megan.

John and I will make sure

you're comfortable
in the saddles

and Mrs. Reg will take you
out on the trail.

And when you get back,

John and I will do our best
to show you

how to be a genuine cowpoke.

So, saddle up!

Mrs. Reg:
Everyone enjoying themselves?

All: Yeah! Yes!

[Horses neigh and whinny]


Do you think
it's lost?

I don't know.

It's all by itself.

It might be wild.

Around here?

Let's go check it out!

[Horses whinny]

[Horses neighing
and grunting]

Where'd it go?

I think we scared it.

Maybe it lives
around here.


He seems like a nice
guy, doesn't he?


John Brightstar,
of course.

Yeah, he does.

Well, he's not!

What do you mean?

He's faking it.

I know guys like that.

He wants you to think
he's really sweet

and then...

And then what?

He'll turn on you.

You can do so much
better, Megan.


Yeah, John!

[Hard whip sound]

[Crowd cheering]

Yes, John!



[Horse galloping]

Girl: C'mon, Max!
You can do it!

C'mon, Max!

[Cheering and applause]

[Horse whinnies]


[Steer moos]

[Steer moos]



[Horses neigh]

John, John...

over here.

[Murmur of indistinct

[Crickets chirping]

[Fire crackling]

Hey, John,
we saw this horse

when we were
out riding today.

It was really wild.

It was scared and jittery.

Do you think it might
be a stray?

Oh, uh...

well, was this up
near, uh, Eagle Crag?

just on the other side.

John: Oh, uh, well,
there's a story

that kinda goes
with that horse.

Uh, Max?

The horse's name
is Belle.

Who's Belle?

The old folk
talk about it--

a phantom horse
who roams the countryside.


Well, the story goes

that the horse belonged
to a beautiful woman.

A princess.

Now, this beautiful woman
fell in love

with someone across
the valley.

But they could never
be together

because their families
were feuding.

So, they used to meet
secretly up on the peaks,

until one day,
a bad snowstorm caught them.

The next day,
the townsfolk found them

huddled in each other's arms.

They died from the cold?

[Horse neighs]

Max: Belle, half dead
from the cold herself,

led the search party
to them,

but it was too late.

And the families buried
the lovers side by side

so they could be together...


And Belle?

Well, Belle went wild.

No one could get near her.

They say that to this day
she wanders the uplands

looking for her
one true rider.

[Ghostly whinny]

I just got a shiver.

Max: They say anyone
who tries to tame her

will be cursed.

Only Belle can choose
the rider

to replace her beloved
first owner.

[Strums the guitar]

♪ Hello world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be... ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

[Playing guitar solo]

Carole: ♪ Every now and then
I'm insecure ♪

♪ Let me show you
life can be so pure ♪

Girls: ♪ Seize the day ♪

♪ Wear a big happy smile
on your face ♪

♪ In every life
a little rain will fall ♪

♪ But that won't change
my attitude at all ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me ♪

♪ We'll be free ♪

♪ Hello world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

That poor horse,

out there all
by herself.

Maybe she ran away.

No. There was something
about her.

Did you see her face?

It was like she wanted us
to follow her.

Are you sure you saw
a real horse?


I mean, what if she's
the phantom mare

in John's story?

Get her!

[All laughing]
[Soft pillow hits]

OK, girls, get some sleep.

I expect you all to be
professional cowgirls

by the end
of the weekend.

Good night, Mrs. Reg.

Good night.

That was a real horse.

I'm going to find her

and prove it.

Stevie, you can't!

You heard what Max said!

"Anyone who tries
to catch her

will be cursed!"

I hope
the phantom horse

isn't creeping around
here somewhere.

Oh, pu-lease.

There's no such thing.

But Max said--

Max was telling
a scary campfire story.

But Stevie saw
the phantom horse.

It's a Saddle Club trick.

Stevie trying to be
the center of attention.

Pathetic as usual.

You mean she didn't
see anything?

Of course not.

But she could be
up to something

and I'm gonna
find out what.

Where are you going?

I told you,
I'm going to find Belle.

What're we supposed
to tell Mrs. Reg?

Don't worry.

I'll be back
before breakfast.

She won't even know
I was gone.

[Wind blowing]

[Whinnies loudly]

That's supposed to be
the mysterious phantom horse?

It's the ugliest thing
I've ever seen!


[Belle whinnies]

[Bell rings]

Good timing!

Mrs. Reg just rang
the breakfast bell.

Did you see the horse?

I got about this close

and then Veronica
scared her off.

What was Veronica
doing there?

Spoiling things.

What else is new?

What did the horse
look like up close?

Well, she was kind of
dirty and straggly,

and all by herself.

I'm going back
to get her.

What? You can't!

Remember the story:

The horse has to choose
her rider,

not the other way around.

Lisa, we're talking about
a real horse out there.

She could be sick.

She needs me

and I'm going
to help her.

Does my hair
look OK?


Remember the plan:

If Megan tries to sit
next to John at breakfast--

I accidentally spill
orange juice in her lap.


What's wrong with you?

I knew we shouldn't be
sleeping in the hayloft.

This place is crawling
with fleas.

I tried to tell,
Mrs. Reg,

but she wouldn't listen.

You're probably cursed.


You know the story.

You followed Stevie

when she went after
the phantom horse.

I think being lovesick

has eaten away your brain.

Oh, yeah?

Well, how come you're covered
in an itchy red rash

and I'm fine?


I told you we shouldn't be
sleeping in the hayloft!

Look at me!
I'm covered
in flea bites!

Those would have to be
pretty big fleas, Veronica.

Yeah? So?

Now, that is a textbook
case of poison ivy,

if ever I've seen one.

You didn't wander off
the trail at all yesterday,

did you?

Don't be silly.

Well, are you gonna
call an ambulance?

I think you'll live.


Ew, gross!

What is that?!

It's just a little
home remedy

that I've perfected
over the years.

Ah, get that grease
away from me!

The only stuff that
goes on this skin

is bottled in Europe.

this stuff works!

You're welcome,

Aah! Oh...

Oh, come on,

I did tell you

I was gonna show you
my best roping trick.

What are you doing?

John's gonna show us
some more of his stuff.

[Sighs] I'm trying
to call my parents

so they can get me
out of this nightmare.

[Phone beeps]

Something's wrong
with this stupid phone!

It's probably the--

Don't say it!

First it was
the poison ivy,

then that stupid
rope thing.

My clothes are filthy

and my nails are a mess!

And now my cell phone.

It's probably the--

There's no such
thing as a curse!

The battery--

maybe your cell phone's
battery is dead.

It's fine.

Then it's probably
the curse.


[Belle neighs lowly]





Good girl.

[Computer beeps]


How's it going?

This place
is so relaxing.

Isn't that good?

Oh, unless you're
a journalist,

then it's bad.

Well, newspapers are about
things that happen and...

nothing much
happens here.

What about
the phantom horse?

Did that happen, Max?

[Cell phone rings]

Deborah Hale.

Hi. No, I was just
working on it.

Oh, no, not yet,

I've got till
the end of next week.

Tomorrow night?

No, I can--

OK, um...

not a problem.

Um, yeah, on your desk
by 5:00 P.M..

Thanks. Bye.

Max, what am I gonna do?

They've just moved
my deadline forward

and I don't have a single
idea for the story!

Something will come up.

Out! [Claps]


Mrs. Reg:
Well, I hope your dad's back
on his feet real soon, John.

You should come back
and learn

how to ride English
with us sometime.

That would be
so cool!


Whose horse is that?

Keep that horse
away from me,

it's cursed!


She's so sweet!

look at her!


I don't think
she really trusts people.

How'd you catch her?

I didn't really.

She sort of came to me
after awhile.

She chose you?

You're the one!

You can't keep her!

Why not?

Mrs. Reg: Would you mind
giving us a moment?

I'd like to talk
to Stevie.

I named her Belle.
You know,

after the phantom horse
in the story.

She's no phantom

and she's not wild.

She's obviously
been domesticated.

[Belle whinnies]

I'd say she either
got loose, or...

or someone abandoned her.

Who would do something
like that?

Look at her,
she's so sweet.

Stevie, I know
you're trying
to do what's best,

but she's not
your horse.

So whose is she?
Look at her!

She's half starved
to death,

she hasn't been groomed
in forever,

and her hooves are a mess.

Someone just left her
out there all alone!

We don't know
what happened to her

or how long she's
been out there.

I'm going to call
my parents.

They have to
let me keep her!

Stevie, this is
not like the time

you tried to free
the school goldfish.

This horse is going
to need a home,

a vet, food.

This is a huge

She trusts me

and I'm not going
to let her down.

Sshh, sshhh...

Carole: Tell your parents
that you can work off

part of the board.

And tell them I can
look after Belle

when you go on holiday.

Carole: And we can help you
take care of her,

so you won't have to do
everything yourself.


Come on, Stevie.

But what if they say no?

You won't know
till you call.

Yes! This is great!

I can't believe
you're really mine!

I hope you
had a good time.

Oh, I surely did,

Here's my e-mail

If you've got time
to write to me--


I don't have
a computer.

How cute!

Hurry up, John.

I guess
you better go.

You still stuck for
a warm feeling story?

No. I'm just pacing
for the exercise.

Well, you can relax.
I think your story

just walked
into the stable.

Ah, don't tease me.

How does
"Pine Hollow student

saves abandoned horse"


Grab your camera.

Ah, say hello
to the newest member

of the Pine Hollow family.


Don't take it
personally, Max.

She's kind of shy

till she gets
to know you.


can I get a picture
of you and, um...



That looks like front
page material to me.

Well, I'll be.

So that's where
you got to.

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪