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01x19 - Jump Off

Posted: 03/08/24 16:48
by bunniefuu
Come on, Lisa.

You have to tack up

or you're gonna be late
for the lesson.

I know.

I just have to finish
this chapter.

Carole: "What's Under That Rock:
A Guide to Geology"?

Please don't tell me
you're reading that for fun.

Lisa: I have a big test
on Friday.

Stevie: What's more important,
rocks or horses?

And I also have a report
due on Thursday,

a ballet recital
on Saturday

and a clarinet lesson
tomorrow night.

Red: And a riding lesson
in five minutes.

I tacked up
Prancer for you.

Max is already
out there,

so you guys
better hurry up.

Lisa: Thanks, Red.
I owe you one.

Red: Don't burn
yourself out, OK?

Prancer's still
a hot horse

and you need to save
your energy

for the riding ring.

See? Even the barn
gods agree.

Phil: Hey Stevie, look.

[Floor creaking]




Who are you?

I'm Liam,
Red O'Malley's cousin.

What were you doing
in the hayloft?

Uh, just getting a better
look at the stables.

You can see everything
from up there.

with those on.

So, uh, you guys must
like horses, huh?

No. We just hang out
here for the hay.

Does Max know
you're here?

Uh, yeah.

I mean, we haven't
met or anything,

but I've spoken
to him

about buying one
of his horses.

Which one?

Oh, whatever's
for sale.

My parents own
a huge ranch

with a lot of horses,
really big ones,

and so I kind of grew out
of my old stallion.

Too bad.

I don't think Max has
any stallions for sale.

Well, we've gotta go.
We're late for a lesson.

Nice meeting you,

Carole: He was kind of weird,
but he seemed OK.

I don't trust him.

Why not?
I don't know.

I mean, he shows up
out of nowhere,

says he wants
to buy a horse.

Carole: I guess
it is kind of weird

how he was hanging out
in the hayloft,

right, Lisa?

Hello? Earth to Lisa.


What's with you?


I just got a lot
on my mind right now,

that's all.

Come on, Max'll freak
if we're all late.

[Horses neigh]

Oh, yeah.

Red: Hey! Liam?


I was just
looking for you.

What're you
doing here?

I came to see you.
This place is so cool.

Looks just how you
described it on your e-mails.

Where's Aunt Karen
and Uncle Colin?

At home.

They let you come
by yourself?

What's up?

You know what it's like
at Richmond Crossing.

It's totally dead.

I mean, there's
nothing to do.


and I got straight As
on my report card,

so my parents said I could
hang out with you

for a couple of days.

Well, you better
give them a call,

let them know
you got here OK,

so they're not
freaking out.


This is the boss's office.

It's off limits.

Ah! Don't touch that.

That's Max's
prize possession.

Hmm, ugly.

Hi Mum, it's me.

Yeah, I'm in
Willow Creek.

The bus ride
was fine, yeah.

Red says hello.
Yeah, he's great.

Yeah, it's great
to see him again.

Yeah, yeah, a bit thin.

It must be all...

[Pained groan]

What's wrong?

Just got a stitch.

You seemed kind of tired
in the lesson.

Are you OK?
I'm fine.

You should go lie down
in the lounge.

I'll finish Prancer
for you.

Are you kidding?

I don't have time
to lie down,

but thanks, anyway.

Are you sure?

It's only a stitch.

It'll be gone
in a second...

and so will I!

I have to be home
to babysit Melanie.

Slow down.
You're making me tired.

Is this your horse?

I wish.

a school horse,

but I ride him
all the time.

I used to have a horse
just like this,

but we had to sell him
when we moved to China.

I really miss him.

What was his name?


Phil: Oh, yeah? So, how many
hands was your horse, exactly?


Oh, horses don't
have hands, Phil.

They're called

That's not
what I meant--

He knows
what you meant.

He was just

Some people
do that.

It's called
having fun.

Well, I've
gotta run.

I've gotta turn
Comanche out.

Phil: Liam and I can
do that for you, Stevie.

It's no problem,
right, Liam?

Yeah, sure,
no problem.

All right.

Well, knock
yourselves out.

Go ahead,
turn Comanche out.

Uh, all right then,
I'll turn him out.

Come on.

So, you've done this
before, right,

with all those
horses you own?

Yeah, all the time.
Heh heh.

Do you always turn out
horses like that?

Yeah. Why?

You might wanna
untack him first.

Oh. Right, uh...

I was just gonna
do that. Heh.

Phil's acting
really weird.

What did he do?

He was actually
nice to me.

Where's Lisa?

She's left already
for homework,


and about a million
other things.

You know your
horse expert, Liam?

What about him?

He was gonna turn out Comanche
without untacking him first.

Yeah, right.

I had to help him.

He didn't even know
how to undo a bridle.

Wait a sec.

You're the one
who volunteered
to help me, right?


So maybe he just didn't feel
like turning Comanche out.

You kind of put him
on the spot.

I'm telling you,

this guy doesn't know
the first thing
about horses.

He's a liar!

Carole: Why are you
picking on him?

Yeah, leave him

Fine. You don't
believe me?

I'll prove it.

Wha-Ch! Wha-Ch!
Wha-Ch! Wha-Ch!

Bing, bing, bing,
bing, bing!


What are
doing here?

You're so dead.

Max: What is going on?
Who are you?

Red: Oh, that's--
that's Liam, my cousin.

I told you about him.

It--it was
an accident.

Phil didn't mean to
break your trophy.

What? Me?
Uh, it was him!

Just say you're
sorry, Phil.

He's lying,

just like he lied
to the girls.

He said he was here
to buy a horse.

Did you break this,

No. I wasn't
even in here.

I just came running in
when I heard the crash.


I saw him
break it!

OK, I've heard enough.

Neither of you
should've been in here.

Out! Out.

Hey, Liam would never
break something

and try to hide it.

And Phil would?

I don't know Phil
very well,

but I know my cousin.

Well, maybe you should just
keep a closer eye on him.

What's that
supposed to mean?

Look, Red,
someone's lying,

and I don't appreciate
anyone in my office, OK?

He's my cousin,
and if he said

he didn't do it,
he didn't do it!

Are you sure
you don't wanna wait

and I'll come
with you?

Oh, I have to study
right after this.

Why don't you
take a break,

and I'll exercise
Prancer for you?

Thanks, but this is
the only fun thing

I get to do today.

[Pained groans]

Come on, Prancer.

Maybe we'd better head home.

[Pained groans]

[Phone rings]

Pine Hollow.

Uh, yes, he is.
One moment.

Red, for you.

[Ahem] Hello?

Aunt Karen.

Calm--calm down.

Liam's here with me.
He got here yesterday.


He called you.

I can't believe
your parents sent you

to a riding camp
in Hawaii.

Just for a month.

Then we moved
to Bermuda.

I thought you said
you lived in China.

Uh, I did,

the year after
we lived in Bermuda.

We travel around
all the time.

I know what it's like.
My dad's in the m*llitary.

Don't you hate it

when you have to leave
all your friends

and then you're, like,
the new kid all the time?

I guess.

I don't really have
any good friends.

Doesn't really


I'd die if my dad took me
away from Stevie and Lisa

and Pine Hollow.

Red e-mails me
all the time,

tells me all
about this place.

It makes me feel
a part of it all.

Guess that's why
I wanted to come here.

And buy the horse.

Yeah, uh...

and to buy
the horse, yeah.

Here's a picture.


It's the one
I really want.

Stevie: I can't believe
you would sink that low.

He broke Max's trophy

and tried
to pin it on me.

You've been
bad-mouthing the guy

ever since
he got here,

and then,

you just happen
to see him

break Max's
favorite trophy?

Are you saying I set
the whole thing up?

You said it,
not me.

It's ready.

They don't just let
anybody ride a horse

along the great
wall of China.


You did that?

No! He didn't!

I was just, uh--

I think the word you're
looking for is "lying."

I told you.

What's going on?


Liam hasn't said a word
of truth since he got here.

Haven't you, Liam?

Well, truth is
a tricky thing.

I'll make it easy
for you.

Liam's never owned
any China,

let alone
been there,

and his parents have
been worried sick

ever since they
found out he ran away.

You ran away?

He said he was shopping
for a horse!

That would be crazy,
since he lives in a condo.

I found these
in Max's office.

I thought you told me
you didn't go in there.

Red, it was
an accident.

You broke the trophy!
You blamed it on Phil!

I trusted you.
I stood up for you!

Sorry, Phil.

Your parents are on
their way to get you.

Pack your bags.

You're in a lot of trouble,


[Horse whinnies]

[Pained moans]

Prancer, you have to take me
back to Pine Hollow.

Come on.

Whoa, girl.
Not so fast.

I don't figure I have
to apologize, Phil.

But you didn't believe me
when I told you about Liam.

I don't believe you
when you tell me anything.

I don't know.

I find that very
depressing, Stevie.

[Horse whinnies]

Good horse.




[Horse whinnies]

[Horse whinnies]

What are you doing
out here alone?

[Lisa crying]



Lisa, what's

It's my stomach,

it hurts so much.


You have to try and get
back to the stables.

I'll try and put you
on your horse.

Oh! I can't move.

You have to go
get help, Liam.

I wanna help,

but I'm in a lot
of trouble.

I can't go back there.

Please, Liam, please.


I'll have someone
here in a flash.

[Horse neighs]


Mum and I are just off
to Willow Creek, OK?

Is something wrong?

Are you kidding?
Everything's perfect.

Back to normal.
Just the way it should be.

[Coughs] Red,

you're supposed
to do that outside.

Yeah, right.

I just got
a lot on my mind.

Well, for the sake
of my lungs,

why don't you
call it a day?

I'm sure you'd like
to spend some time
with Liam.

No, I don't, and even
if I did, I can't.

He's gone.
He's gone? Where?

Probably hiding from me
till his parents get here.

You were so right
about him.

He did break
the trophy,

and he didn't even have the
guts to take responsibility.

He's a pathological

Well, I'm sorry
to hear it.

He's been conning everyone
from the moment he got here.

He looked right into
my eyes and lied to me.

How old is he again?


Try and remember what you
were like at fourteen,

before you dismiss him
altogether, and, Red,

remember, too, that he's
still your cousin, OK?

Liam: Phil! Come quick,
it's an emergency!

Wait, let me guess,

your parents are sending
you to Russia.


No, no, no, really,
it's Lisa.

No, I got it,

your parents
are Russian spies,

sent here
on a secret mission.


Don't wanna hear it,

[Horse neighs]


Isn't anyone coming
to help?

Uh, don't worry,
come on.

You can't carry me!

I've gotta get you
on that horse.

Come on.
Oh, Prancer.

Uh, wow.

Come on.

[Lisa groaning]

Come on, up.


Oww! Ohh, ohh...

Take me home, girl.

Phil was right,

Liam was lying
the whole time.

I'm just glad
he's gone.

I guess,

but I feel kind
of sorry for him.

I don't think
he has any friends.

[Prancer whinnies]

Carole! Stevie! Help!


Anybody, help!

Carole: Oh, Lisa,
what's wrong?

My stomach.

Call an ambulance,


She's all right.

What was wrong?

It was her appendix.

That's pretty serious,
isn't it?

Yes. They operated
just in time.

We were lucky she got
to hospital when she did.

I can't believe everyone
was ignoring Liam.

The one time he was
telling the truth.

He's outside.

I think he wants to see
you girls

before he leaves,
if you want to.

Of course,
we want to see him.

Liam, come in.

Mrs. Reg says
Lisa's going to be OK.

You totally
saved her.

Tell her good-bye
from me.

Will you come back
and visit us, Liam?

But I didn't think
you'd want me to.

You saved
our best friend.

You're welcome any time.


Mrs. Reg said
she's having a foal.


Mum and dad are waiting
for me outside.


Red, I'm really sorry.

About lying
or being caught?

About lying,
especially to you.

You're the best, Red.
Your e-mails are so cool.

Life is so excellent
at Pine Hollow.

I guess I wanted
to be part of it all.

But why lie?

I didn't think they'd
be interested in me.

You didn't even
give them a chance.

You lied to them before
they even knew your name.

Liam, it takes
a long time to fit in

and to make friends.

I wanted them
to like me.

[Sighs] Trust me...

people will like the
real Liam a lot better

than the one
you made up.

So, does this mean you're
not angry at me anymore?

You still have to work
at getting my trust back.

I will,and I'll start
taking responsibility

for my screw-ups.

You already showed
you can be responsible

when you came back here
to help Lisa.

So, can I stay
with you, then?



but you can visit.

Just, next time,

tell someone
you're coming first.


[Car honks]

See ya.

see ya.

Phil: Just saw Liam leaving
with his parents.

He'll probably be grounded
for the rest of his life.

Mrs. Reg told them
how he saved Lisa.

He'll probably be coming
back for a visit

the holidays.


we're really sorry
we didn't believe you.



You're sorry?

For not believing you,
yeah, sorry.

Wait, did I
hear right?

Stevie Lake just
admitted she was wrong?

Can't be!

I didn't say
I was wrong,

I said
I was sorry.

It's completely

Ha ha ha!

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪