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01x16 - Flying Change

Posted: 03/08/24 16:47
by bunniefuu

Good job.

Girl: Whoo!

Hey, Stevie,
look who's here.

Hi, Phil.

See you
at the barbecue.

It's gross the way
she flirts with him.

I know.
It's pathetic.

What barbecue?

Phil's family's throwing
a big party this weekend.

Very upscale.

Anyone who's anyone
is invited.


Calm down.

It's his parents'

Phil probably had
nothing to do with it.

Yeah, right.

How come he totally
ignored me?

He didn't even
see you.

[Loud whinnying]

[Garnet whinnies]


[Garnet whinnies]

It's OK. Easy, girl.


[Garnet nickers]

What happened?

Veronica left her out
in the riding ring.

Big surprise.

She left Garnet
out there

all by herself?

She didn't even
untack her?

Remember what she
did to Cobalt?

She's gonna do
the same thing to Garnet.

Oh, no,
she's not.

There's no way Veronica's
gonna get away with this.

It's sort of like you're
putting on nail polish.

Yeah, but this
stuff stinks.


Yuck. Are you sure
that's good for him?


What are you
girls doing?

Just doing
Dime's feet.

I appreciate
your help, girls,

but, Ashley,
you know

you shouldn't be working
around the horses

without talking
to me

or one of
the stablehands.

I know, but we--

It's for
your own safety.

But we were just trying
to help with the horses.

Well, there are
plenty of safer jobs

around the stables
that you and Melanie

can do all
by yourselves.

Come along.

Safer. Great.

The paper's probably gonna
cover Phil's party

for the society page.

What are you
going to wear?

I don't know.

My mum's picking me up
to go shopping.

Were you planning
on untacking Garnet,

or were you just gonna
leave her

standing out there
all day?

It's not my problem.

Ask the stablehands.
It's their job.

Carole: We found her running
loose in the riding ring.

She could've been hurt.

Kristi, the Spazzle Club
is mad at me.

Gee, I wonder if it's
because you're invited

to Phil's party
and they're not.

[Veronica and Kristi

[Samson whinnies]

He's so cute.
Can I brush him?

Ah, not right now,

Why not?
What's wrong?

Where's Delilah?

Samson hasn't been
eating properly.

What do you mean?


It hurts Delilah
when Samson feeds,

so she kicks him away.

She's a bad mum.

No. She's sick.

can't help it.

The vet put Delilah
on antibiotics,

and she'll be
better soon.

But what about
poor Samson?

He won't take
any food from us.

We've tried everything.

Dr. Judy's going to
feed him through a tube.

How would you feed
a foal with a tube?

We have to put it
down his throat.


It doesn't hurt him.

That's awful.
You're mean.

He's got to eat,

He'll be fine.
Don't worry.

[Samson whinnies]

You can't just keep
ignoring a horse like that,

or it'll go wild.

But she never spent any time
with Cobalt, either,

and he was perfect.

The only reason
Cobalt was so great

was because Carole
rode him all the time.

I guess I could ride he.


You can't keep on
saving Veronica's butt.

So what if her horse
goes wild?

It's her own fault.

I don't care
about Veronica.

I care about Garnet.

Hey, guys, you busy?

Red's got his hands
full with Samson,

and I promised
to deliver

some portable
horse enclosures today.

I could really use
a few extra hands.

Anyone up
to helping me?



Max: Hey.


No, no, Nomad.
It's all right,
it's all right.

Come on.

That's one
spirited mare.

Well, it's
my own fault.

I haven't had time
to ride her all year.

I think she's
given up on me.

Oh, and thanks
for helping me out

with those
enclosures, Max.

I was
at my wit's end.

Oh, it's no problem.

I did have some help.

Stevie, Carole, Lisa,
this is Dee Marsten.

Hi, girls.

You mean you're--



Hi, Phil.

What are you
doing here?

I mean, you're
helping Max,

I can see that.

How long
are you staying?

You're leaving
soon, right?

Don't try to climb over.

You might hurt Samson.

Open the door.

Forget it.

Looks like you've got an extra
foal on your hands today.



Mrs. Reg?

You're doing just fine,

Melanie: No one's
sticking any tubes

down Samson's throat.

It's not going
to hurt him.

Go away.
I'm taking care of him.

Be careful in there.
He's only a baby.


[Samson whinnies]

See what I mean?
He so doesn't want me here.

He practically
asked us to leave.

He's just acting weird

because he's nervous
around you.

Yeah, right.

He totally
likes you, Stevie.

Of all the jobs
we could've done for Max,

we had to pick the one
that ended up at Phil's house.

Did you see her?
She's perfect.


Yeah, paint a blaze
on her forehead,

groom her properly,

brush out her mane,
and what have you got?

A dead ringer
for Garnet.

Except she's not
a trained horse.

OK. I bought
four choices.

There's this top
with these pants.

They're totally hot
in New York right now.

They're OK,

but I thought
this party was formal.

It is.

We're talking
big social event.

Ew. That's so
"my mother dressed me."


What about this?

Do you think
it's too ordinary?

That could be OK.

Are you wearing
your hair up or down?

you're right.

I have to figure
that out, too.

How am I ever gonna be
ready by Saturday?

[Horse whinnies]

Here you go.

Nice, warm cow's milk.
It's yummy.

Come on, Samson,
you'll love it.

[Samson whinnies]

Melanie: Hey, that's OK.
I'll make you some more.

That's it. I'm
opening this door.

It's OK, Red.
Just leave her.

But she doesn't

Let her come to it.

Otherwise, she's gonna
get more upset.

So, we put Nomad
in Garnet's stall,

tack her up,

and when Veronica comes
to do her dressage lesson,

she'll learn just how hard
it is to do flying changes

on a horse that won't
listen to her.

But won't she notice
that it's not her horse?

Hey, this is Veronica
we're talking about.

She's gonna be thinking about
what she's wearing,

not what she's riding.

You're right. By the time
she figures it out,

she'll already be making
a fool of herself

in the dressage ring.

And maybe,

once she rides an out of control
horse like Nomad,

she'll realize how lucky she is
to have Garnet.

It's perfect.

But aren't we forgetting
one huge thing?


How are we going
to get Nomad?

Hey, Phil.

No way.

We need to borrow
your horse.

[Nomad whinnies]

Come on, Samson.

You'll love it.

[Samson whinnies]

Just one little sip.

Melanie, can you
let us in please?

Dr. Judy's here
to see Samson.

It's OK.

Delilah's had her shot

and she'll be fine
in a day or two,

but right now,
Samson needs to be fed.

You can help me
feed him if you like.

No way.

It won't hurt him
one bit, I promise.


Come on, Melanie.
Enough is enough.

[Samson whinnies]

We just want to teach
Veronica a lesson,

so she'll start
looking after Garnet.

OK, count me in.

Great. So, we'll see you
tomorrow morning

for Operation
Flying Change.


Max: Sorry to break up
the reunion, guys,

but we should get back.

Yeah, thanks for
all your help, girls.

It was really nice

to finally put some
faces to the names.

Phil talks about you
all the time.

Dee: So, I um, hope we'll
see you all this weekend.

No! I--I mean,

it's just a family thin.

They'd be bored.

Dee: Well, Phil,
it's OK.

We're having a family barbecue
Saturday afternoon,

and you'd all be
more than welcome.

Mum, I told you,
they don't want to come.

Dee: Phil, will you stop it.
You're being rude.

It's OK,
Mrs. Marsten.

We're all busy
on Saturday, anyway.

If Phil's in,
then I'm out.

Come on, Stevie.
He was embarrassed.

He wanted
to rub it in

that he invited Veronica
to his party and not us.

If he really
liked Veronica,

why would he help us
trick her?

I don't know.

He must be planning
to humiliate me again


Forget about Phil.

Think about teaching
Veronica a lesson.

What's more important,

or Phil's stupid party?

Come on, Stevie.
We really need you.

We can't pull off a plan
like this without you.

I'll do it.

But I'm not talking
to Phil ever, got it?

I'll call him.

[Nomad whinnies]


Oh, are you hiding
out here?

A girl just phoned.


Ah, Lisa,
from Pine Hollow.


Were you hoping
it was someone else?


I'm surprised

any of those girls
are calling you

after the way
you acted.


I can't believe
how rude you were.

I told you I didn't
want them to come.

But isn't Stevie
the girl

that you couldn't
stop talking about?


Well, I think that you
hurt her feelings.

She doesn't care.

Well, I think
that she does.

I saw her
looking at you.

She does not.

Look, why don't you just
invite her on Saturday?

I bet she says yes.

And she might even
help you--

I'm not inviting anyone.

She's busy
on Saturday, anyway.


[Horses whinnying]

[Delilah nickers]



Whoa, shh, shh...

What're you doing?

Come over here, huh?
Come on.

I'll take you out.

What are you doing,

Um, I'm trying
to find the secret.

It's got to be
in one of these things.

What secret?

To feeding the foal.

I just don't want them to
put a tube down his throat.

Oh, you know we
wouldn't do anything

to hurt Samson.

But he's only a baby.


you all right?

let's have a look.

We have to hide her before
Veronica gets here.

Shouldn't the creep be here
with Nomad by now?

Looks like your creep's
right on time.

Max: Looking for
something, Stevie?

Nope. I got it.

I don't believe it.

That cupboard looks
like a b*mb hit it.

I'll have to get
that cleaned up

one of these days.

Oh, yeah.
Messy. See you later.

This stuff's gross.

Do you think it'll
stay on long enough?

I hope so.

If it comes off,
we're dead.

Like the new jacket?

What's wrong
with your neck?

He's right
over there.


What's he doing here?

He doesn't have
a lesson today.

Isn't it obvious?

He's come to watch
your private lesson.

Of course.

Hi, Phil.


It was nice of you
to come watch.

I mean, it's just
another lesson, but--

Oh, yeah.
I just wanted to see...

how you're doing
with Garnet.

She's an absolute dream.

It's like we were
made for each other.


My horse better be
tacked up.

My lesson starts
in five minutes.


Get out of my way.

You're going
to make me late

for my private lesson.

[Nomad nickers]

Something's wrong.

The stablehands
did their job for once.

About time people started
paying attention around here.

Come on, Garnet.
Walk on.

She didn't
even notice.

We probably could've
switched Samson and Garnet

and Veronica wouldn't
even know the difference.

Come on. I don't wanna miss
a single second of this lesson.

[Samson whinnies]

Hi, Samson.

Sorry I left yesterday,

but I had to figure out

Are you hungry?


Do you think she'll
try a half-pass?

I hope she tries
a flying change.

This should be good.

I'm just glad
I got to help.

I can't wait to see--

Oh, I get it.

So, I'm good enough
to talk to at Pine Hollow,

but I'm not good enough
to come to your party

and Veronica is?

What? Uh--
That's not it at all.

You're probably planning
on telling her

about the horse switch,
aren't you?

We're so dead.

What's wrong?

Max changed
the schedule.

Veronica's not doing

She's jumping.

I don't think Nomad's
ever seen a jump.

We have to stop her.

OK, small vertical first
and then the combo.

Hey, hold on.
What horse are you ridin?

Garnet. I just
groomed her so well

you didn't
recognize her.

Veronica, wait.

Stop her.
That's not Garnet.

We didn't know
she'd be jumping.

Veronica, wait!

Slow down!

Whoa, Garnet, whoa!




You OK?

this isn't Garnet.

You just noticed
that now?

I don't believe this.

What kind of stunt--

What were you thinking?

It was a stupid
thing to do.

We never meant
to hurt anyone.

We didn't want Veronica
to forget about Garnet.

I know what you were doing,

but this was totally
irresponsible and dangerous.

You're suspended from
Pine Hollow for one week.

Only a week?

They tried to k*ll me.

If you learned to look after
your own horse, Veronica,

instead of handing her off
at every opportunity,

then maybe this
wouldn't have happened.

Delilah's on the mend.

The inflammation's gone.

How'd you get him
to take it?

Oh, I used honey.

I put the honey
on my fingers and the teat,

and then Samson, he--
he licked my fingers.

then I put the bottle up

and he licked
the teat, too.

So, I tipped up the bottle
and in goes the milk, easy.

This is
a good start.

So, you won't have
to put the tube

down his throat,
will you?

If you keep feeding him,
we won't have to.


Every three hours until
Delilah's fully recovered.

It could be
a couple of days.

Every three hours,
even at night?

I'm afraid so.

It's OK, Melanie.

If you show me how to do it,
I'll take the night shift.


Hey, Comanche.

I'm not allowed to see you
for a whole week.

I'm gonna miss you
so much.

I'm sorry you got
into trouble.

It was worth it.

At least Max told Veronica
to take care of Garnet.

I guess, but it's a drag
you won't be able to ride.

Did you just come by
to rub it in?

I just, uh--

I feel pretty bad about
my parents' party this weekend.

I didn't want you
to come--


I didn't want anyone
to come from Pine Hollow.

Yeah, right,
except Veronica.

Phil: No. My parents
invited the di Angelos.

It's kind of

but my mum put me in charge
of the kids' pony rides.

That's what Max's horse
enclosures are for.

It's a charity day
to raise money.

I have to wear
a sheep costume

with the face bit
cut out.

Ha ha! Really?

See? This is why
I didn't tell you

about the party
in the first place.

I'm sorry, Phil.

Anyway, do you guys
wanna come to the party?

I don't know.

We'd love to.

Shouldn't you
be gone by now?

You're banned from
the stables, you know.

We wanted
to apologize first.

We didn't know
you were gonna jump.

That was totally

I knew it wasn't Garnet.

I just went along with it
because Phil was there.


He's from our rival pony club.

The honor of Pine Hollow
was at stake.

Sure, Veronica.

See you guys
on Saturday.

You're not inviting the,
are you?

Yeah. They're
helping out

with the kids'
pony rides.

The what?

Yeah, and we're going
to dress up, too.

There's this great
cow costume.

My mum said she
needs someone

to help out
with the hot dogs.

Uh, actually
I'm really sorry, Phil.

Uh, I completely forgot,

I'm busy on the weekend.

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪