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01x14 - Over the Bit

Posted: 03/08/24 16:45
by bunniefuu
OK, any comments
on Lisa's ride?

She looked great to me.

Me too.

You can tell Prancer
was totally meant for her.

You two make
a great team.


But, you didn't acknowledge
the judge--me--

and the third and fourth
changes are trot, not walk.

A to F,
circle at E,
not K.

And your hands
are all over the place.

You must know
the test by heart.

Who wants to show Lisa
what I mean?



I will!

Come on up, champ.
Show us how it's done.

Max: And you lot

can make sure
she's doing the right test.

You instantly lose
if you do the wrong test.

Salute the judge.

Walk C to M.

Canter M to H.

No, it's not!
It's trot!

Trot K to D.

How could you?

You just wanted
to put her wrong.

Quiet, all of you.

Let her do it
in peace.

She'll have to remember
by herself on the day.

Look ahead.

Hey, who's that?


Transitions at the marker!

Good. Keep him straight.

They look good.

Good, Carole.
Lengthen the stride.

Good work, Carole.
Good work.

Thanks, Max.

[horse galloping]

Andrea: My mom's a sales rep.

She's always
changing territories,

so we move around
a lot.

Sounds like Carole.

Her dad's
in the military,

so they used to move
all the time.


Here she is.

this is Andrea Barry.


I saw your dressage.
You were great.


But you should keep
your shoulders back

a little more
on the trot.

You'll lose points.

Stevie: I've never seen
Carole speechless.

She's usually the one
giving advice.

Guys, I'm not
that bad.

I didn't mean
anything by it.

Doc and I have
just been in a lot
of horse shows.

Lisa: They've cleaned up
at every event this season.

Max: OK.

Now, you all know
the Briarwood Horse Show
is coming up,

and the entry fees
are pretty steep,

and while that's
not a problem
for some of you,

this year Pine Hollow
will be sponsoring
one rider.

Carole, I'm sure
you'll do us proud.

Way to go!

All right, Carole!


I guess we'll be
competing against
each other, then.

You've signed up?

Of course.

What you doing?

Take a wild guess,

Ew, white nail polish!

For your information,

it's called
a French manicure.

It's very hot
and very expensive,

so I'm sure you've never
heard of it before.

Why don't you just use
liquid paper instead?

Excuse me?

It would look the same,

and I bet you
it would be way cheaper.

It would not
look the same at all,
you little--


You broke my hand!

I'm sorry!

How am I
supposed to prepare
for Briarwood now?

I'm really sorry!


Carole: There's so much to do
before Briarwood.

What if Starlight's
not ready?

Stevie: Of course he is.
You'll do fine.


I want to do better
than "fine."

What if
I'm not good enough?

Since when does
the best junior rider

at Pine Hollow
have stage fright?

Ah, I'm just nervous.

I wish you and Lisa
were competing.

It's not like
you'll be alone.

Veronica's competing.

So is Andrea.

Don't you think Andrea's
a bit stuck up?

How can you not like her?

You're practically
the same person.

Name one thing
we have in common.

Oh, I don't know.
You both move all the time.

You're both
totally horse crazy

and amazing riders.

I said,
"Name one thing."

Andrea: Thanks for the lesson,

Max: Anytime, Andrea.

You've got
a beautiful horse there.

I know.

His concentration's
usually better
than it was today.

He always
acts up a bit

after a long ride
in the trailer.

Well, then I can't wait to
see him when he's well rested.

You two looked great
out there.

Andrea: Thanks.

What's the matter,

She may be Max's
favorite rider,

but I'm not gonna
let her win Briarwood
without a fight.

You scared me!

Did I?
I'm so sorry.

How dare I scare
poor little Melanie

when all she did
was break my hand!

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.

Do you want a drink?

No, I don't want a drink.

I want my hand back!

Is it really
that bad?

You crushed it.

[phone rings]

You're lucky
I'm not suing.

Thanks to you,

I'll have limited
for Briarwood.

I was certain
to win before,

but now it will be
a little more


[ringing continues]

Hello? Hello?

Oh. I can't even use
my own cell phone.

I'll help you.

You will?

Sure. I'll do whatever
you want me to do.

Because it's my fault
you can't use
your hand, right?

Good point.

OK, you can start
by cleaning my tack.

Oh, and I think I will
take that drink now.


[Starlight canters]

Carole: Sorry, Max.
Can I try it again?

OK, you need a rest.

Let Andrea have a turn.

You're up, Andrea.

Let's see you do
a flying change.

Well done!

[Max applauds]

I couldn't even do
a flying change.

It was still
a good ride.

Flying changes
are really hard.

Next time,

shift your weight
on the seat bone.

You were good,

It was just
that one--

Not good enough.

Hey, come on.

knock 'em dead
at Briarwood,

with me
as your groom.


Uh, thanks, Stevie...

No thanks,
just gifts.

But I already
asked Lisa.

You did?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

It's just this year,
every minute counts.

And, well, you're great
with the horses,

just not with

Me neither...
that's why I asked Lisa.

I'm looking for a groom.

Any takers?

Sure, as long as you
don't mind someone


I didn't mean it
that way!

What are you staring at?

Your hair.
It's really pretty.

Hmm. You're not as
horrible as I thought.

Are you sure
you and Lisa are related?

Lisa wishes we weren't

I guess she likes
her "sisters"

from the Saddle Club

You know why
they g*ng up?

Because it takes
the 3 of them

to look as good
as me.

Lisa: You guys, Mom's ordering
pizza for dinner.

Want to come over?

Can we order
the Stevie special?

Sorry, Stevie,
Mum says
no anchovies.



I'm in.

Sounds good to me.


Starlight and I
have to keep

Lisa: We'll be right over, Mom.

Of course
I won't forget

no matter
how hard I try.


How can you eat
baby fish?

Easy: one bite.

[Stevie imitates chomp]

Hey, guys, wait!

I changed my mind.

[Veronica chuckles]

Looks like the Saddle Club
has found a new member:

Andrea Barry,
the new-and-improved Carole.

Carole: Trot H to F.

Circle at E.

Canter E to M.

[horse neighs]

Did you salute the judge?

You must salute the judge!

You must look ahead!

You won't win!

Shoulders back or you lose!

Begin now!

H to B, B to M, M to K!

Walk, trot, circle, canter!

Andrea's so much better
than this!

Andrea's so much better
than this.

Carole, you are pathetic
from start to finish!

Carole, you are pathetic
from start to finish!

H to B, B to M!

Walk, trot, circle, canter!

Salute the judge!

Please stop! Stop!

Shift the weight
onto your seat bone.

Shift the weight
onto your seat bone.

You're not organized!
I could've helped you!

Stop it!

Stevie: You're not organized!
I could've helped you!

Stop it, please!

Max: Andrea!
Lisa: Andrea!
Red: Andrea!

Veronica: Andrea!
Stevie: Andrea!

Stop! Stop!

They're my friends now.

No, that's not true!
Tell them, Stevie!

You like me
more than Andrea, right?

Lisa, I'm your best friend,
aren't I?

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding...


[alarm clock dings]


It was just a dream, boy.

We're gonna be OK.

You're in very early,

Couldn't you sleep?

I'm all right,
Mrs. Reg.

You know,
you look a little pale.

I'm just worried.

I hope I don't
muck up today.

You'll do your best
just like you always do.

But what if that's
not good enough?

Well, that's all anyone
can expect of you,

and all you can expect
of yourself.

I just know
I'm gonna fail
at Briarwood.

You will if that's
what you put your mind to.

Now, remember there are
two of you out there.

Starlight's got to have
faith in you,

and he can't unless
you have faith in yourself.

He'll know if you don't.

I wore this
in all the years

that I rode
in competition.

It brought me luck.

Thank you, Mrs. Reg.

You've done the practice,

you know the course
and so does Starlight.

Have faith in him.

What was the name
of your horse?


Lisa: Mel?

Carole, Veronica's turning
my sister into...


What does Melanie see in her?

Who cares, as long
as she keeps Melanie
out of your hair.

That's what
you wanted, right?

Yeah, I guess so.

Now, come on.
Help me load

I can't win
Briarwood if I
never get there,

and I'm first up.

♪ When I was a little girl,
my mama used to say ♪

♪ "Don't do this,
don't do that ♪

♪ Now, go outside and play" ♪

♪ I'm 17,
right in between ♪

♪ But I know I'm on my way ♪

♪ The mirror tells me,
"You're so fine ♪

♪ You should be having fun" ♪

♪ But I'm standing
on the crossroads ♪

♪ On my highway to the sun ♪

♪ I gotta go for it ♪

Singers: ♪ I gotta go for it ♪

Singer: ♪ I gotta do it myself ♪

Singers: ♪ I gotta
do it myself ♪

Singer: ♪ Ain't gonna
get much help ♪

Singers: ♪ Ain't gonna
get much help ♪

Singer: ♪ From anybody else ♪

Singers: ♪ No, no, no ♪

Singer: ♪ And I do believe ♪

Singers: ♪ And I do believe ♪

Singer: ♪ It's what
I really want ♪

♪ To hang on to myself, baby ♪

Singers: ♪ Hang on to myself ♪

Singer: ♪ Hang on to myself ♪

You right there?

Actually, there's
a couple more
things to come.

I don't like sitting
with juniors anyway.

You never stop talking.

You were a junior once,
big head.

Isn't this enough?

Veronica: You never have enough
riding outfits.

Take those over
to the changing area,

and don't
drop anything.

Those riding outfits
are worth more than you are.

But I'm thirsty.
I want to see
the horses.


Little tip, Mel.

Girls in designer outfits
don't whine.

Besides, you're my groom,
which means what?

I know, I have to do
everything you tell me.

But I still want to
have an ice cream.

Later, if you're good.

And I don't want to see
any of those riding jackets

dragging along the ground.


I want Garnet!

Tighten that girth strap!

Lighten up,

I wish I could.

What's wrong
with you?

She thinks she's so big!

She's been to Pine Hollow
for, what, one week?

And she thinks
she owns the place!

Oh, I see.

Andrea doesn't act
like she owns the place.

You're supposed to be
on my side!

What side?

Why are you
being so mad at her?

She seems nice.

She is nice...

and smart and pretty

and the best rider
at Pine Hollow.



Well, she is smart
and pretty and a good rider,

but so are you.

Not like her.

Why do you even care?

You don't get it.

I've spent my whole life
moving around.

I've lived in

and been to 8
different schools.

I've never
really had a home

until I came
to Pine Hollow.

And now she's taking
that away from me.

Hey, come on.

Rider 1: Hey!

Rider 2: Look over there.

Can we go over
the test sequence
one last time?


OK. Salute the judge,
then trot to H,

circle to E,
canter to I...

Hey, where are you?

What do you mean?

I started
at the beginning.

But you must have learned
the wrong sequence.

I don't get it.

F to K to E to G.

Have I spent
a week learning
the wrong sequence?

Miss Carole Hanson,

you're required
in the dressage ring.

Miss Carole Hanson...

You'll be great.

You're required immediately.

The clock will begin
in two minutes.

I don't know what's going on.

Andrea: Are you sure
that's the test you got
from the administration tent?

Stevie: Yes!

Andrea: Maybe you picked up
the senior's test.

Veronica: What's wrong?

Andrea: I think I've been given
the wrong test.

This isn't the one
I've learnt.

Can I have a look?
I'll know if it's
the same as mine.

Oh, thank you.

you might save my life.

Sorry to be the bearer
of bad news, Andrea,

but this is the right test.


I can't go out there.

I'll make a fool
of myself in front
of all those people.

Tough break.

You should've
chosen your groom
more carefully.

what did I do wrong?

Andrea: [sighs] I've learnt
the wrong test!

That's the meanest thing
I've ever seen.

Listen, worm, you're the one
who gave me this handicap.

I'm just doing something
to give myself a chance.

Where are you going?

To talk to someone nice.

The clock will begin

for the junior jumping
in one minute.

Sorry for
letting you down, boy.

Announcer: Senior jumpers
in ring number 4,

ring number 4.

Winner of the intermediate
dressage, Samantha Lindsey.

She did something
really awful.




Melanie: She told Andrea that
she's learnt the wrong test,
and she hasn't.


Why'd you do it,

I did it for you.


I did it
for both of us.

I saw your score,

That was
the only way you
were going to win.

I--I don't want
to win like that.

It's unfair.

Oh, yeah?

Was it fair,
all the time
Max spent on Andrea

giving her
one-on-one coaching?

And has she done you
any favors?

From day one she was
trying to turn

the Saddle Club
against you,

buddying up
to Stevie and Lisa,

trying to make
a fool out of you
every moment.

You were
the top rider
at Pine Hollow.

Are you going
to let her
pull you down,

without a fight?

Announcer: Would all riders
for intermediate dressage

please report
to the prep area, please?

You owe me
for that hot dog.

Announcer: Senior jumpers,
one-minute clock warning.

Andrea: Was that trot
from B to M, or was it canter?

Is this after
the third transition?

No, before that.

No, it was circle at K.

Andrea: This is absolutely

I'm going to pull out.

What's going on?

It's awful.

Andrea has learnt
the wrong test.

Bad luck.


But good luck
to you, Carole.

You'll win now,
for sure.

I don't want to
win that way.

Andrea, wait.

Just do
what you practiced.

There's been a mistake.

That's the
senior test.

No, I can't do it.

I just can't.

Have faith in your horse.

He knows
what he's doing.

Knock 'em dead.

Medal count to this stage...


Announcer: Briarwood, 5;
Pine Hollows, 4;
Oakdale, 2.

Veronica: You know what
I can't understand?

Kristi: What?

When you try and help
somebody out,

and they just
throw it back at you
in your face.

Can you understand that?

Not me.

I guess she wanted
to come in second.


Heh, you got that right.

Some people
are afraid of success;

it's wasted on them.

Come on.
Let's go to the mall.

It's never wasted on me.


Hi, Carole.
How did it go?

Hi, Mrs. Reg.
I got beaten.

That's not what I heard.

It was close,
but I wasn't quite
good enough.

The way I heard it,
you were plenty good enough.

Wow, first and second place!

Where did
Veronica come?

She pulled out sick.

Poor thing.

Pine Hollow
really cleaned up.

Thanks to Carole.

I'm happy.

Coming in second to you
is pretty good.

You can say that again.

I'm gonna
miss you guys.

Carole: Don't worry.

We'll see each other at
competitions round about.

Not if I see you first.

I only beat you
by one point,

and I think
I was lucky there.

So you enter the ones
that I'm not in...

And you enter ones
that I'm not in.

Hey, roll back.

That means
we'll never come first.

Sounds good to me.

I don't have
a problem with that.

You can't do that!

That's cheating!


♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪