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01x13 - Set Up

Posted: 03/08/24 16:45
by bunniefuu
♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

♪ I wanna be
I wanna be ♪

♪ I wanna be
just where you are ♪

That's so romantic.

What?! Max's old rust bucket?

I think she means
Max and Deborah.

He's crazy about her.

You can tell.

[Max's truck makes
loud popping noises]

[Horse whinnies]

Whoa, steady, girl.

She OK?

I think she hurt her le.

Looks like her fetlock.

I'd better take
a look.

Do you mind?

don't be silly.

[Horse neighs
and grunts]

What's wrong?

Don't you like horses?

Oh, they just don't like me.

You just have to
get to know them.

Go on, pet him.

You see?

That wasn't so bad,
was it?




Sorry about that.

You know horses.

More than I ever thought
I would.

Prancer's fine.

Ready to go?

Max, I can't go
looking like this.

Ah, it's not so bad.

You can, uh...

you can cover the stain
with your purse.

Or not.

Look, if you go
all the way home to change,

we'll miss
our reservation.

I know, you can borrow
some of Mom's clothes.

Did he just say...?

Oh, yeah.

This is not going well.

Thanks, but maybe
I'll just go home.

We can do this
another time.

Sure, OK.

when's good
for you?

Um, I'll call you.

"I'll call you"?
"I'll call you"?

Girl: Poor Max!

Even I know that's
the kiss of death.

This is serious.

Max needs major help

in the romance departmen.

[Pop music plays
on a radio]

Romance novels?!

If we're gonna help Max,

we need to do our resear.

You don't need these.

You did your research

when you kissed
Skye Ransom.

Carole and Stevie:
[Imitating kisses]

"Do you and your mate relate"?

Why are we reading
this romance stuff,

instead of
horse magazines?

Horses mean Pine Hollow,
which means Max.

He needs our help.

Oh, OK, OK.

So, what are we
waiting for?

When do I get my surpris?

Soon, dear.


Ready when you are.


there she is.

open your eyes.

Don't you just love her?

Her name's Garnet

and she's
all yours.

[Garnet snorts softly]

what do you think?

Whose horse is that?


Isn't she beautiful?

She's OK,

I guess.

Darling, why don't you te
Garnet for a ride, hmm?

No. I don't want
to ride her.

I hate that stupid hors!

Well, you just said
she was beautiful.

How can you say
you hate Garnet?

She's gorgeous,

and she's
a fantastic jumper.

Well, she should be,
what we paid for her.

Daddy, you said I could
pick my own horse,

and I didn't pick
this one,

so just return her
or something.

You can't just
return her

like she's
a pair of shoes.


For me?

Well, I'll have a word
with the old owner.

I can't promise anythin.

And if we're stuck
with her,

so are you.

[Exhales nervously]

Hi, Deborah,

it's Max.

I'm, I'm fine.
How are you?

Good, good, good.

Look, uh,
about the other day--


ah, hang on,
just one second.

What is it,

I can't find
Dime's saddle.

Did you check
the tack room?


check again.

Sorry about that, Deb.

And look,
I'm really sorry

about Prancer getting mud
on you the other day--

[Knocking on door]

The light's gone out
in the tack room again.

Excuse me, Deb.
Just one more--

so what do you want me
to do about it?

Call an electrician.

I'll get to it--later.

I'm back.

No, no,
don't go!

There won't be any more

I promise.

I wouldn't bother.

It's not the bulb.

The wiring's shot.

Oh, well,
what did Max say?

Same as always--

that he'll
get around to it,

but he never will.

[Sighs] He's already
got estimates,

but it's too

Well, you don't need
an electrician

when you've got me.

Pass me the screwdriver.

Look, I know my life
is pretty much horses

and riders at the momen,

but I want to make time
for other things--

for you.

give me another chance?


Great. Where would
you like to go?

[Electrical sizzle]

What the...?

What? No, of course
I'm listening.

Ah, dinner
and a play.

Sounds good to me.

So, uh, I'll
pick you up at--

[Electrical sizzle]



Hello? Deborah?


[Electrical sizzles and pops]

I was just trying
to fix the light.

I can't afford any more
of your help.

Thanks to you, the cost to fix
the wiring just doubled.

Come on, Max.

It had to be fixed
sooner or later.

I was hoping for later.

This place
is bankrupting me,

and I still have to
fix a broken window,

the--the fence...

And the tractor.

Max: What's wrong
with the tractor?

I was gonna tell you,
but, um...

see, there was this
weird noise,

and I was just trying
to fix it.

Um, Max, you're not goig
out with Deborah

dressed like that,
are you?

What do you mean?

You desperately
need our help.

What's wrong with
the way I'm dressed?


Have fun.

Mrs. Reg:

See you later.

[Sighs] Everyone else
gets a gorgeous horse

and I'm stuck
with this mule.

Don't you think
that's unfair?

Oh, yeah,

it totally sucks.

I mean, a mare?

My parents knew
I wanted a stallion.

Your life is soo tough.

Tell me about it!

Need any help, Red?

[Sighs] No, thanks.

It looks like you've already
got your hands full.

I wonder how Max
and Deborah are doing?

If I fall asleep
before they come back,

you have to wake me up.

It's so romantic!

Maybe they'll fall in loe

and get married,

and then there'll be little
Maxes and Deborahs

running around Pine Holl,

riding on their little
Shetland ponies.

You've been reading
way too many

of these romance magazines,

I have not!
Give it back!

"Prince or frog?

Take your kissability quz
to find out!"

[Door opens]
Carole: Shh!

Max: Sorry.
It's always acting up.

It'll only take
a few minutes to fix.

We should've taken your car.

Don't worry.

They'll hold
our reservations.

I don't understand how
you can't like horses.

I don't understand

how you get up
at the crack of dawn

to shovel horse manure.

What time do you city folk
shovel your manure?


We try not to do it
at all, actually.


They're holding hands!

Yeah, but they're talkig
about manure.

Is that a good sign?

Shh! I can't hear
what they're saying.

I like you, Max.

The horses I could
do without. [Chuckles]

Me, too,
some days.


look at this place--

the pipes are rusting,

the wiring's shot,

I'm here 7 days
a week.

Do you know
what I would give

to sleep in just once?

He's complaining
about Pine Hollow.

I thought Max loved
everything about this place,

and horses!

Max, I know it means
a lot to you,

but maybe you've
outgrown it.

It happens.

Yeah, I know,

it's just hard.

My father gave it to me.

Max, it's time
to sell up.

You agreed.


I hate to admit it,

but you're right.

OK. I'll sell
to the first buyer.



I don't believe it.

It can't be true!

We all heard it.

Max is going to sell
Pine Hollow!

Max can't sell Pine Holl!

It's all because
of Deborah.

She's the one
who hates horses.


If we hadn't have been
such great match-makers

we never would've
been in this mess.

That's right!

We were such great

so let's be great

Hi, girls.

Have you seen Max?

Oh, hi, Lori.

Her name's Deborah!

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's just I'm not
very good with names,

and it's kind of hard
to remember you all.

Us all who?

Max's girlfriends.


Deborah dropped this off

It sure looks expensive.

I could buy a new tractor
for what this would cost.

And who can take
two weeks off?

Two weeks!

I can't take two days
around here.

That's too bad.

Deborah's always talking
about how much she wants

to get away.


Oh, yeah, travel's like
her favorite thing.

She doesn't like staying
in one place for too long.

Mrs. Sharlow, Max has been
looking all over for you!

He has? Why?

Don't know.

I think it had something
to do with Pandora.

What's wrong?

I was just about to
take her out for a hack.

You'd better talk
to Max first.

It sounded
really important.

He's in his office.

Don't go in there!

Why not?

Uh, because...

Max is sort of busy
right now.


Deborah, wait!

Max has a surprise
for you.


Max is taking you
on a trail ride.

Isn't that romantic?

I'm not sure romantic
is the word I'd use.

Where is Max?

He has to finish
a couple of things firs,

so I'll help you
with Patch.

You want me to get up
on this animal?!

What's wrong?

[Patch snorts softly]

It's just, um,

from this angle,
its nose looks a lot bigger.

You'll love him.

You don't even
have to steer.

Patch knows the way.

Right. OK.

So, I'll just, um,
get on up.

Not a problem.

This is Max's idea
of romance, huh?

[Patch whinnies]

You're not wearing that,
are you?

You guys chose this sui!

I know, it's just...

well, I guess Mrs. Reg
and I were wrong.

Deborah said that outfit
made you look like a...

Like what?!

A backcountry hick.

A backcountry hick!

That's why you've never
met any of her friends.

She didn't think
they'd understand.

Do you have time
to change?

Ah, if this means
so much to Max,

then where is he?

[Patch whinnies]

Whoa! Whoa!

Will someone get me
off this thing!

Whoa, Patch.
Whoa, whoa, Patch.

Here, just swing your lg
over this side

and just hop off.

Deborah: Whoa!

[Patch whinnies]

Oh, no!

My shoes!

My, my cute,

one of a kind

Sartori shoes!

I had to have these
custom made.

They took 8 weeks

and several little
Italian men to make,

and now--ew!--
they're just...

they're ruined!

I guess that's why Lori
always wears riding boots

when she goes riding
with Max.



Great surprise, Max!

Look at me!

I'm covered in mud.

My shoes are ruined!

Well, I'm sorry if you're
too good for this place,

but if you can't stand
a little dirt,

then what are you doing
at a stable?

You know that I'm
afraid of horses.

And then you get mad

when I don't wanna
be around them!

Well, I guess I just
don't get it,

being a stupid farmboy.

Obviously, I'm too dirty
for someone as perfect as you!

Well, obviously,
you're better off

with one of your many
horsey women!


Can you believe
Veronica's parents?

They bought her a horse

without even asking her
what she wanted!

Red: This is
an awesome horse.

Check her out.

She's got great legs.

See her ears?

She's totally listening
to us.

You should see her move.

It's like raw power.

I'd k*ll for a horse
like this.

Isn't he gorgeous?

Garnet's way prettier.

Red says she's
the best horse

he's ever seen
at Pine Hollow.

[Sighs] Not better
than Cobalt.

He thinks you're crazy
not to want Garnet.

I told him I might
buy her off you.

I didn't say
I didn't want her.

Yes, you did,

I just said that
I wanted my parents

to check with me first.

That's all.

Garnet's not for sale!

What are you doing?


Your class
is waiting for you.

Max: Oh,

[Muffled inhale]

Thanks, Mom.

[Phone rings]


Sure, uh...

anytime after 4:00.

I'll be here.

Thanks. Bye.

Not the call
you were expecting?


I didn't know
you owned real shoes.

I'm not a total
backcountry hick.

I do have some...

small element of...

Sure. Whatever.

You still on
for fixing the fence

in the west paddock?

I don't feel like it.

What's up with him?

Sorry to bother you.

Ah, Jake forgot
to turn off the hose

after he watered
the horses this morning.


No, you see, there's
a huge flood in--

in 3 of the stalls.

I'm sure
you can handle it.

Is he OK?


I've never seen him
like this before.

He's miserable.

It's all our fault.

Did you see him
in the lesson?

He didn't even notice

when Comanche got
the wrong lead.

Carole: I know.
It's like Max doesn't cae

about anything anymore.

We have to fix things.

Lisa's right.

We're the ones who wrecked
things with Deborah.

So, we have to get
them back together.

That means we lose
Pine Hollow.

We'll always find
another stable.

But there's only one Ma.

Lisa: Please, Max,
you have to come.

Why don't you get Stevie

or Carole to go with you?

They're busy.

And I need someone to go
on the trail with me.

Prancer's been acting
really spooky.

All right.

I guess it's either that

or get all this
paperwork done.

Let's go.

Mrs. Reg,
are you busy?

No more than
usual, Carole.

We need one of your
famous picnics.

Oh, the Saddle Club
having its meeting

in the field today,
is it?

It's not for us.

Well, it kind of is.

We need to fix

And you need my gourmet
sandwiches to do it, hmm?

Say no more.


She's my horse!

You're not taking
her anywhere!

But you said you
didn't want her.

I love this horse!

I've just spent 3 hours
convincing the old owner

to take her back.


If you don't let me
have Garnet,

I'll die.

Look how much she loves .

Oh, OK,
you can have the horse.

where are we going?

I thought this was supposed
to be a quick interview

for your school project.

It is.

It's just,

you know,
you get a better mark

if you choose
a creative background.

Here we are.

What's this?

[Horses snort softly]


You probably want
to be left alone.

Both: No!

Would someone
like to tell me

what's going on?

Look, I should go.

No, wait!
You can't.

It's all our fault.

Max doesn't really have
lots of girlfriends.

We made that up.

And Deborah
never called you

a backcountry hick.

and Deborah never

dropped off those
travel brochures.

We're really sorry,

but we didn't want you
to sell Pine Hollow.


Who told you that?

We heard you.

You said you were
gonna sell it

to the first buyer
who came along.

I'd never sell
Pine Hollow.

We were talking
about his truck.

It's a death trap!

So, you
never said--

Max: I'd die before
I left this place.

That'll teach you
to eavesdrop.



We should be
going now.

See you back
at the stables.


Hold it.

You think you can
wreck a man's life

and get away with it?

We're really,
really sorry.

I don't think
that's good enough.

You deserve
to be punished.


None of my mother's gourt
sandwiches for you.

That's cruel.

Oh, yeah.


Are we good
or what?

If we hadn't have
broken them up

in the first place...

then they wouldn't've
been as happy

to get back together.

Another excellent
plan from the...

Saddle Club.

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪