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01x12 - Jumping to Conclusions

Posted: 03/08/24 16:44
by bunniefuu
Veronica: Amazing!

The stable hands are
doing their job for once.

Actually, I got
Prancer ready.

Really? Thanks.

Don't thank me.

I'm riding
Prancer today.

You are not!

Max assigned her to me.


Who am I
supposed to ride?

Stevie: If she sticks
her nose up any higher,

she won't be able to
see where she's going.

[Patch whinnies,
Veronica grunts]

Carole: It doesn't matter.

Patch doesn't look like

he wants to
go anywhere anyway.

I'm not going to
waste my time

on a second-rate
school pony!

[Patch whinnies]

Stop, you stupid nag!


You're not good enough
to ride that horse,

and I'm gonna make sure
everyone knows it.

Lisa: Maybe it was just my
turn to ride Prancer today.

No. Max saw how good
you were getting.

Carole: Lisa, it's official.

You've graduated from
push-button Patch.

Stevie: The best part
was the look

on Veronica's face.

Stop it!
You're scaring me.

Come on. Give
Veronica a break.

She's probably still
upset about Cobalt.

Stevie: Whose side
are you on?

All I'm saying is...

maybe she's acting
weird because--

She's not upset.
She's being selfish.

That's Veronica.

I wasn't saying
Veronica should ride...


Can you believe Max
put Lisa on Prancer?

I'm way better
than her.

I've been riding
for longer.

I've got a bookshelf
full of trophies...


a whole wall
covered in ribbons.

[Irish accent]
Oh, hi.

I'm looking
for Red O'Malley.

He was here a second ago.

Veronica: I'm sure he's
around here somewhere.

I think I saw him
in the tack room.

Musician: The what?

Where all the gear for
the horses are kept.

Right next door.

Hey, Jake.

I thought I heard
your voice.

What are
you doing here?

He's so cute!

You can
say that a...

We're not
gonna fight

over a guy,
are we?

No way.

Look, unless we
start practicing

regularly, I mean,

the band's gonna
fall apart, Red.

I don't have any time.

Look, I mean, when you
first came here, the--

the band was the most
important thing to you.

I mean, you know,
what happened?

I've got this job.
More responsibility.

Well, look, we all have
to make sacrifices.

Hey, I'm even prepared
to cut school.

Cut school. What a hero!

Of course,
we could always get

a new lead guitar.

There is this one guy
down at Birchfield.


All right. I'll see
what I can do.

[knock knock]

Come in.

Hi, Max.
How are you doing?

Still fighting
the paper w*r.

You should take
some time off.

I said good-bye to that
when I took over this place.

But if you work
all the time,

you know, you don't
get around

to the other things
in life,

the important things.

Well, I appreciate
the concern, Red,

but are we talking
about me here?

No, just generally.

Which includes you.

Well, yeah.

How much time
do you want off?

Just one day.

Which one?

Oh, not this
Saturday, Red.



Hi, Red.

Hey. Hi.

Great to see you.

You, too.


Uh, look, Red, if you
can find some--

someone to do
some part-time work,

then you can take
this Saturday.

Thanks. I've got
someone in mind.


great to see you.

You, too!


Oh, hi!

I didn't think
you'd still be here.

I'm Kristi.


Is it hard
learning the guitar?

You've just
got to practice.

Could you teach me

Sure. I'm--

I'm working on
something new right now.

No. Get comfortable
with it, right?

Pull the body in closer.


I'm Veronica.

He's Jake.

How you doing, Veronica?


Kristi: Jake's teaching
me one of his songs.

I write songs and poems.

I could let you see them
if you like.

Yeah. Cool.

I'll bring some in.

Come on, Kristi.
Let's go.

My mom's picking us
up early today,

so if you want
a ride home...

But your mom's
never early!

Veronica: It's a very
long walk to your place.

Kristi: Thanks for
the lesson, Jake.

I'm Phil.
You ride here?

No. I'm waiting for Red.



Can I help you?

What's your secret?


Veronica and Kristi--
they were all over you.


So how do you do it?

I don't know.

I'm trying to ask
this girl out,

but it's
not happening.

I know I'm doing
something wrong,

but I don't
know what.

It's just that
you seem like

you're good at
talking to girls.

I was wondering
if you could give
me a few tips.

Tell them
they look good.

You mean,
like, compliments?

Sure. Look, girls love it
whenever you tell them

that their hair looks good
or their clothes, whatever.


It's that simple?

Girls are not complicated.

Trust me.

Prancer, what's wrong?


Are you sick?



Could you look
at Prancer for me?


She doesn't seem
herself, does she?

Will she be OK to ride?

Yeah. I think so.

She'll probably pick up
during the morning.

[horse whinnies]

What's wrong,

If you can't do it,

get out of the way!

[exasperated sigh]

A horse is only as good
as its rider.

Max: You'd better
call it a day, Lisa.

There's something
wrong with Prancer.

I'll ask Red to
check on her feed.


And just
a short cool out
around the yard.

Don't take her up
to the quarry.


I like your shirt.
It's new, isn't it?

It's Chad's.

I wish I had a brother
who could share his clothes.

So do I.

You didn't ask?

He'll never know
I wore it.


You're right.
He'll never notice.

He's gonna k*ll me!

What do you do with sod?

Most people
drink it.


OK. I'll go get
Mrs. Reg.

She knows

Coming through.

Hi, Stevie.

I really like
your shirt.


Your shirt.
It's good.

What's good about it?

Uh, for one thing,
uh, the color.

So I spilled
a little soda on it.

Glad you think it's so funny.

Lisa: Here. This will
keep you warm.

Hey. You OK?

I'm fine,
but Prancer still seems

sick or something.

Well, all horses
have off days.

She'll come around.

She's just
slacking off because

you put a novice rider
on her, Max.

Max: I don't
consider Lisa

a novice anymore,

Compared to me,
she's novice.

Isn't that right, Max?

You are definitely more
experienced, Veronica.

No one could deny that.

Maybe Veronica
is right.

Maybe she should
ride Prancer.

Max: I don't want you to
lose your confidence.

It's all right, Max.

I'm missing
Patch, anyway.

Just tomorrow.

Veronica: Of course.

Unless Prancer
improves dramatically

with me riding her.

And, believe me,
she will.

Carole: Patch
looked so happy

you were gonna
ride him again.

[Lisa sighs]

I love Patch, but--

it's just for one day.

You'll be back on
Prancer in a flash.

Not when Max sees
how different she is

with an experienced ride.

Prancer's not well,
and I know it!

Come on, Lisa!

[pop music on radio]

I like that shirt.

Tell that to someone
who cares, Phil.

Red! Did you check
Prancer's feed?

I double-checked it.

It's fine.

Veronica: I wonder
what it can be, then.

Red: We don't know what's
up with Prancer right now,

but all the horses
have been put

on a carefully planned
feed schedule.

I don't want anybody givg
them anything extra.

Not even carrots?

No. And no jellybeans.

No jellybeans.

We had a girl here who
used to treat a horse

to extra oats, and it
turned into a steeplechaser

who jumped every
fence in sight.

Hey, Red, hold up.

So you help out
work here.

I'll get time off.

We get a band rehearsal.

But I'm--I'm not
interested in horses.

So what are you
doing here, Jake?

Oh, I'm, you know,
hanging around.

Yeah, right. With
Kristi and Veronica?

Aren't they a little
young for you?

What can I say?

I can't help it
if they dig me.

Must be my Irish charm.

Irish blarney.
Ha ha ha!

Take the job,
and hang around here,

get paid for it.

We might get
some rehearsals.

Oh, yuck!

I don't do
horse manure!

Hey, Jake, it's not
working for me--

the compliment thing.

Jake: Really? Well,
try playing it cool.

Play it cool?

Yeah. Ignore her.

Phil: Are you sure?

But she's already
ignoring me.

If I ignore
her, too,

then we might
as well be

on different

Look, you asked for my
advice. You've got it.

Right. Ignore her.

Hello, girl.

I've got
some oats for you.

Come on, Prancer.

Eat up.

You'll be flying

over those
jumps tomorrow.

Excellent, Veronica.

You've either got it
or you don't.

Right, Lisa?

Stevie, you're up.

Veronica: Hey, Lisa,
I know how much

Prancer means to you,

so I'll let you
cool her out.

It's the only way
you'll get to ride her.

Stevie: Lisa doesn't
have to do your chores.

It's OK. I want to.

I'll put Patch away,

and then we'll
take Prancer up

to the quarry
with us.

Why don't you ask
Phil to come?

No way! He totally
insulted me yesterday.

What did he say?

It's not what he said.
It's how he said it.

Which is how?

Well, it's hard to explain.

Go ask him, Stevie.

We're going out
to the quarry trail.

Do you want to come?



Maybe I'm busy.

Busy? Doing what?


Is there something
in that fireplace?

Could be.

Something not visible
to the human eye?


Well, we're going now.


Stevie: It's got to be
something Veronica is doing.

Lisa: Like what?

Something to make her
look good and you look bad.

Carole: You mean she made
Prancer sick!

Veronica wouldn't do
something like that.

think about it.

She's mad
you got Prancer,

and suddenly Prancer
starts acting

all weird when
you ride her?

And perfect
when she rides her.


Or she gets the best
out of the horse

and I don't.

That's what she

wants you
to believe.

We need to go talk
to Veronica.

You don't have any proo.

So we'll find some.

You coming?

Lisa: I'll catch up
with you later.

She's still

There's her
coat and bag.

She's probably drooling
over that friend of Red's.

There's probably
lots of evidence

in that bag.

But we can't just go
through her stuff.

You're right.


This proves she's been
torturing Prancer.

With an eyelash curler?

She could be.

Carole: All it proves is
that Veronica is vain.

Max: What are
you girls doing

going through
Veronica's things?

Where is everyone else?

Don't you mean,
where's Stevie?

Why would I want
to talk to Stevie?

you like her.

Who says?

Ha ha!
And she likes you.


Looks like it to me.

But every time I try
to talk to her,

she gets angry at me.

And when I ignore
her, she walks off.

Don't ignore her!
She hates that.

And so do I!

That's oleander.
It's poisonous!


[door opens]

[horse whinnies]

Max: You definitely
owe her an apology.

Stevie: We weren't going
through her stuff.

Not really.

Max: Aha.
There you are.

Stevie and Carole
have something they

want to say.

Did you
give her oats?

Just as a treat.

You know you're
not supposed to
give her anything!

But she was hungry!

You gave her oats
to boost her energy.


uh, I thought it might
make her feel better.

Red explained the feed
schedule very carefully.

You're suspended
from lessons

until further notice.

What? You can't do that!

Just watch me.
And if you're lucky,

I might, just might,

let you
ride Patch again.

Lisa: Max! Max!
It's Prancer!

She's been poisoned!

Judy: It's a little distended.

Nothing really serious.

Eyes are a bit glassy.

Hmm. Temperature
is pretty normal.

Well, Prancer didn't eat
very much, so, uh...

I'd say she'll be
all right in about 24 hours.

Thanks, Dr. Judy.

I knew it wasn't
your riding.

Stevie: We took Prancer
up to the quarry

after your first lesson.

She ate the oleander

and was sick
the next day.

Lisa: And I didn't take
her up that day.

Carole: So by the time
Veronica rode her,

she was fine.

Judy: Well, congratulations
to whoever knew

that oleander
was poisonous.

Thanks, Phil.

[Carole and Lisa chuckli]

Another satisfied customer.

What was it?
Playing it cool?


How does that work?

Don't worry.
You had to be there.

Oh, hey, Red, are we
still on for Saturday?

Or are you, you know,
gonna stay here

and clean up
after the horses?

I told you
I have to work.

Why don't you come
help me out?

And let the guys
down? No way.

Oh. Oh, hey, hey!


Watch yourself.


Uh, hi. I'm Jake.

Oh, hi.
Deborah Hale.

Great. Yeah.

Max: Hey. Are you
early or am I late?

Um, I'm late.

Max: Doesn't matter.

You must be
Red's friend.

Hi. I'm Jake,

Jake's going to work
for us part-time.


Of course I am.

Good. Red will
tell you what to do.

Looks like you get
Saturday off.


What's he talking about?
Is it Deborah?

I'm just trying to help.

Jake's not right
for you.

It's more than
just Jake and me.

It's Jake, me,
and the music.

And what about Red?

It was a crush,
but with Jake and me,

it's a relationship.

It's way more

Veronica: So it's
Red yesterday,

Jake today.

Who's it gonna
be tomorrow?

Jake. And the day
after that

and the day after that
and the day after that.

Yeah, yeah!
I get the picture.

But, look,
I'm sorry,

because Jake
had said

some pretty

personal things
to me.

Like what?

When he was
reading my poetry,

you know
what he said?

"Veronica, don't
ever show this
to anyone else

because they
won't understand."

Well, you know what
he said to me?

He said, "Kristi,

music will always
keep us together."



This is what
we're gonna do.

Let him decide.

Right. Let's do it.


Ooh! Nice shirt, Jake.

Jake: Yeah?
Do you like music?

Yeah, very much.

Jake: I'm a musician.

Really? What
instrument do you play?

I play the guitar.

Deborah: I've always wanted
to learn to play guitar.

Jake: Well, I could
teach you, if you want.

I mean, you know,
I'd really love
to teach you. Uh, I...

Deborah: That's really
nice of you, Jake.

Oh, there you are.
You set?

Deborah: We've got to go.

Max: We do.

Jake: All right. Well,
I'll--I'll be here

if you need--need me
for anything.

She's way
too old for him!

He must be
so desperate.

Look, I got--I got to go.

Hey, Red, wait up.

Do you need any
help with anything?

I'm free.


Go, Lisa!
Yeah, Lisa!

Nice job!

Great, Lisa.

Look at that.

Great job.

Great round, Lisa.

Way to go!

Lisa: Prancer's practicay

Stevie: A horse is only
as good as its rider,

right, Veronica?

[horse whinnies]

Max: Great riding, girl!

[music starts]

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy ♪

♪ If you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change
your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me, we'll be free♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

Carole: ♪ Come on, baby♪

♪ Don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up the door
and let me in? ♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪