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01x11 - Greener Pastures Part 2

Posted: 03/08/24 16:43
by bunniefuu
Your work-study's
been approved.

For the next 2 weeks,
you're a vet in training.


Well, I say
Cobalt and I

could out-jump you
any day.

Prove it.

We'll have
a jump-off.

Thursday. 6:00.


Your mom was one of the best
vets I've ever seen.

It's in your blood.

There's something
I've been wanting

to give you
for quite some time.

It was your mom's.

You might as well
just keep it,

because I'm not
gonna be a vet.

Kristi: You have
to beat 58 seconds.

No problem.

Cobalt can do this
in his sleep.

Stevie: What is
she doing!

Slow down! Pull him up!

Veronica: Aah!

Call Dr. Judy!

[kids speaking excitedl]

Judy: Cobalt's fractured his
sesamoid and his pastern.

Break them, and they
almost never heal.

Your recommendation?

That's it, then.


He won't feel
anything, Carole.

What kind of vet are you?

You're supposed to save
animals, not k*ll them!

Mrs. Reg: Cobalt loved this
field more than any other place.

In the few years
that I had

the privilege
of knowing him,

I could always count
on finding him here.

So, it's on this spot that
we choose to honor him

with this little tree...

a token of our love for..

for a magnificent horse

and a symbol of life to
help us accept his death.

Anyone else want
to say anything?

You knew him better
than anyone, Carole.

Max: Cobalt was
a special horse.

He was brave and proud,


sometimes hot-tempered.

He wouldn't be much of
a stallion if he wasn't.

But he had a gentle soul
and a big heart,

and I have a feeling
if he was here right now,

he'd eat all the leaves
off his tree.

Carole: And did you see
the way Mrs. Reg was looking

right at Veronica

when she was talking
about Cobalt?

That's just because
Cobalt was hers.

She never bothered
to care before.

Yeah, but she did look
really upset.

Carole: Oh, please!

It's like everybody feels
so bad for Veronica.

It makes me feel sick.

I guess most people

don't know
what really happened.

Carole: She deserves to
be banned from Pine Hollow!

Max warned her not to take
that jump at a gallop,

and she did anyway.

[heavy sigh]

Carole: She k*lled Cobalt!

And she's still
at the stables.

There's no way
I can go back there.


It's over. I quit!
[hangs up]

you can't!

Max: Good, Amelia.


Next time, I want to see you
give with your hands.

OK? Good.


I don't think
Pepper's ready.

Well, it's your job to
make him ready. Let's go.

Sam: I just don't
think it's fair.


This--the lesson.
How can you

just pretend like
everything's fine,

like nothing's

[horse whinnies]

Does everyone
feel like that?

But you're all here
for your lesson.

What does that tell me?

That you want to get over
what's happened and move on,

and that's good.

And I assume you want to learn
to be better riders, right?

Max: It's OK if you're not
up to it today, Sam.

You want to sit out
of the jumping?

OK. Who's next?

I'll go.


[horse nickers, neighs]

Stevie: Just in time.

Carole: How was the less?

We didn't go. It didn't
seem the same without you.

I told you, I was fine.

got to come back.

is totally miserable.

We miss you.

I can't.

What about Starlight?

You can't just forget
about him.

You can ride him
if you want.

Come on.

Quitting Pine Hollow

isn't going to
bring Cobalt back.

I know, and I know
he wasn't my horse,

but it felt like it.

I loved him so much!

I just don't want
to do this anymore, OK?


Come on. You have
to eat something.

Is Delilah
giving you trouble?

She won't eat anything.

I think there's something
wrong with her.

She looks fine to me.
Don't worry.

She'll eat when she
gets hungry enough.

I know what's wrong.

You do?

What's your diagnosis?

Delilah misses Cobalt.

Yes, I'm sure she does.

[Delilah nickers]

[Starlight neighs]

Oh, Starlight.

Looks like there's
a lot of lonely horses

at Pine Hollow these day.

[Pepper whinnies]

You lined him up
perfectly, Sam.

You pull him out
of a jump like that,

you'll teach him
to refuse.


Don't apologize to me.

I want to see you
take him over next time.

Maybe later.

How about now?

Looking great, Sam!

Keep going.

Give him his head.

I'll get it next time.


Why don't you lay off
the jumping for a while

till you're ready?

This isn't doing either you
or Pepper any good, OK?

[pats Pepper]

She's been fussy
about her feet lately.

Won't let anyone lift
them without a fight.

Any sign of pain?

No. She's just
being stubborn.

She's entitled.

I wouldn't worry
about it, Max.

Have you seen
Carole lately?

Not since the memorial
for Cobalt.

I guess she didn't finish
her work-study with you.

No. I've left

a couple of
messages for her,

but I haven't
heard back.

She's taken Cobalt's
death pretty hard.

I know
she loved him,

but I never thought Carole
would quit the stables

or her job with you.

She quit before
Cobalt died.

She did?
Judy: Mm!


Beats me. Maybe
I pushed her too hard.

Sometimes I forget
she's just a kid.

She's so like
her mother.


And some would
say stubborn.

Oh, Karen--she was
so passionate,

wasn't she?

And she really
loved taking care
of the animals.

Just like Carole.

She was really getting
into the job.

Oh, I don't know
what happened.

I wish Karen
was here now.

She'd know exactly
what to say to Carole.

I can deal with
any equine, feline,

or canine you care
to throw my way,

but children--entirely
foreign language.

No. I wouldn't
give up on her

just yet.

[horse neighing]

Dr. Judy, what are
you doing here?

I'm on my way
to an appointment.

I just thought I'd see
how you were doing.


I'm sorry I snapped at you
the other day, Carole.

I know how much
Cobalt meant to you.

You were just
doing your job.

It's never easy
to put an animal down.

If it is, it's time
to change jobs.

But sometimes
saving an animal

only prolongs its pain.

And when that happens,

it's much kinder
to put them to sleep.

And sometimes
you can save them,

but the owners just
tell you not to bother.

There was nothing
else we could do for him.

The diAngelos made
the right decision.

Cobalt died peacefully,

surrounded by the people
who loved him.

Would you rather
he was still suffering?


This isn't just about
Cobalt, is it?

You were becoming such
a great assistant, too.

Your mom would've been
proud of you.


but I don't want
to be a vet any more.


But if you change you mind,
you let me know, all right?


I want you to sell
Starlight for me.

You can't!

You can never
give him up.

I have to.
I quit riding, so...

So you're insane.


Carole: I don't
want to see him.

You have to
sell him for me.

You'll break his heart!

What's the point
of me keeping him?

Stevie: You bought Starlight

with the money
your mom left you.

You can't just sell him!

She knew how much
you loved riding.

Yeah. I used to.

We all feel bad.

Then how come
you're still riding?

Comanche and Patch
and Starlight

shouldn't be punished.

It's not their fault.

Fine! I'll do it myself.

[heavy sigh]

Starlight was
so down today.

He knows
something's wrong.

Of course he does.

Carole's never
been away from him

for more
than a day.

She loves horses.

She doesn't really
want to give it all up.

Lisa: I wish
there was something

we could do to help her.

There is.

We can sell

Stevie! Didn't you
hear what I just said?

Yeah, and I also
heard Carole.

If she says that
she wants to give up

the one thing that's
more important to her

than anything else
in the world--

She's upset.

Why are you
being like this?

I'm just trying to do
what she wants.

We'll sell Starlight
for her...

and I know
just the buyer.

You found
someone already?

Yeah! Isn't that great?

Yeah. It's just so fast.

Well, it's better
for everyone

if we get it
over with soon.

It's perfect. Starlight
really needs a home,

and this person really
needs a horse.

You even know the buyer.




Sorry I haven't come
to see you.

You're mad at me, huh?

Don't worry. I won't let
Veronica buy you.

I'll find someone nice
for you.

Trust me. You don't want
to be around me.

First it was my mom,
then Cobalt.

It's like I'm jinxed.

You're not listening to
a word I'm saying, are you?

[door opens]

What am I gonna do
without you?


Leave me alone.

Ow! Watch my arm!

You're not
getting Starlight.

I don't want
your ugly horse.

I don't know how you can
even look at another horse

after what you did
to Cobalt.

What? How dare you say
something like that!

If it weren't for you,
Cobalt would still be alive.

I'm not gonna let you
k*ll Starlight, too.

I told you--I don't
want Starlight.

I'm not buying
another horse.

Stevie said...

How would she
know anything?


You're really not
getting another horse?


My parents
were looking at

a really
expensive jumper,

but I talked them
out of it.


You were right.

If it wasn't
for me...

Cobalt would
still be alive.

He didn't want

to jump that fence,

but I whipped him.

He didn't want

to let me down.

It's OK.

[TV program running]

Hi, Sam.

You know, there's truth

behind that
old cliche, Sam.

You've got to get

right back on
that horse again.

I've been riding.

If I hadn't
challenged Veronica

to that stupid jump-off,

nothing would have happened.

It is not
your fault, Sam.

Veronica's the one
who screwed up.

But I pushed her.

You didn't put Cobalt
in danger. She did.

Veronica knew
what could happen

if she rode

Nobody made her do it.

I guess.

Come on.

Pepper's keen
to try again.

And you can take
it real slow.


I'll go get Pepper.

[horse whinnies]

Delilah, stop it!

What's wrong?

I haven't seen Carole
anywhere. Have you?

Earth calling Lisa.

What's wrong
with you?

Are they talking?

To each other?

Dr. Judy!

What is it?

Something's wrong
with Delilah!

Dr. Judy, what's wrong?

Follow me.


Is she OK?
What happened?

Nah, she's just cranky.
They're both doing fine.


We'll have a look
just in case.

What's wrong?

Delilah is pregnant

with Cobalt's foal.

Judy: I wanted to
tell you, Carole,

but they swore me
to secrecy.

We wanted
to make sure

was OK first.

You should have told me!

When is she gonna
have the foal?

About 4 1/2 months.

I can't wait!

Judy: You ready to hear
the heartbeat?

In you go.

Oh! I can hear it!


[inserts videotape]


Go, Carole!

Kids: Whoo! Whoo-hoo!

Yeah, Carole!

Lisa: When Carole's riding

it's like there's no one else
on the planet, except them.

Max: Nice job, Carole.

You must have an excellent
jumping coach.

Yeah, except he has
a humongous ego.

Great. Put me
right after Carole.

No pressure there
or anything.

[Starlight nickers]

Dad, stop it!

You're totally
embarrassing me!

Dad: That's what
dads are for.

Check the manual.

Happy birthday, Carole.

Don't forget to
blow out the candles.

I wish you didn't feel
sick anymore, Mommy.

Don't turn it off.

I think this
next bit is where

you and your mom
had that water fight

in the backyard.

I'm glad you're watching
some of these.

I wanted to watch
the jumping.

Well, no. That's on
the other tape.

I know.

Every time I see Mom,
it's like...

I always think about her
in the hospital.

all the good times

we had together...

before she got sick?

I guess.

Like when she
brought the piglets

home from the hospital

and we had to feed them
a bottle every hour?

Ha ha ha!

Or that time you had
the lemonade stand.

Oh! Mom accidentally
gave me

the clam juice she was
saving in the fridge.

All the neighbors
were complaining

about fishy lemonade.

[Dad laughing]

I wish she was
here now.

Me, too.

So you know
what I do?

I try to imagine
what she would say.

"Stop moping

Ha ha! Maybe.

Or she might ask

why you quit
your job with Judy.

What do you mean?

Your mom would have been
so proud of you, Carole.

But I kept screwing up.

So what?

Look, it doesn't matter

if you're the worst vet
in the world.

Your mom would have
thought you were the best.

You know, there are
some people in this world

who shine so bright

that just being near them
makes you happy.

That was Mom.

And that's you.

You're a lot like her...

whether or not if you

decide to become a vet.

I still want to, but...


Look, you can't stop
loving something

because you're afraid
of being hurt.

It's not that.
It's confusing.

Delilah's having
Cobalt's foal.

Well, that's great!

Look, you should
be excited.

How can I be happy
when Cobalt's gone?

Then don't choose.

Be both.

Be happy for Delilah

and sad because
you miss Cobalt

and excited
about the new foal.

Look, feel it all at once.

But it doesn't mean

you don't love Cobalt.

And I think
if you do that,

you might feel
your mom close by.

Ha ha!



Carole: Veronica.

I thought you might
like to have this.

When did you take that?

At the Open House
last year.

It's not a very good

You're welcome, Veronic.

Dr. Judy.

Hi, Carole.

Um, if you need
any help

with Delilah's

I'm counting on it.

Really? Well,
I could be there
for the birth--

I mean, if it's
OK with you.


But that does
not mean

that I've decided
to be a vet.

Who says you have to?

I kind of
promised my mom.

When you were
how old? 6?

When I was 5,
I wanted to be a cat.

I'm pretty sure
all your mom wanted

was for you to be happy.

Carole: You know
that I'm never, ever

gonna believe
you ever again.

How come?

I can't believe
you guys told me

that Veronica was
gonna buy Starlight.

It worked, didn't it?

I missed
you guys.

[girls giggling]

[music starts]

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy ♪

♪ If you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change
your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me, we'll be free♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

Carole: ♪ Come on, baby♪

♪ Don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up the door
and let me in? ♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪