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01x09 - Herdbound

Posted: 03/08/24 16:42
by bunniefuu
OK, everyone,

we're going to do
some cross-country toda.

We're going to start
with the log,

then over the double,

around the big tree,
and back down the hill.

Take it easy,
this isn't a race.

One at a time.

Don't start the course
until the other rider

has finished the combo.

OK, Veronica,
go ahead.

Um, Max...

what do you want me
and Patch to do?

Same thing, Lisa.

But those are
really big jumps.

You're ready
for them, trust me.

OK, Stevie,
go ahead.

Hey, jockey girl,
slow it down.

[Comanche whinnies]

You're next, Lisa.
You can do it.

You're gonna
love it, Lisa.

Good boy, Comanche.


Go, Lisa.

Ah. Heh.

[Max applauds]

That was perfect, Lisa.

That was amazing.

I think you're ready to join
the jumping class.

You've got real talent.

You did it.

Thanks, Patch.

Lisa: Mum, I had
the best day.

Max let me do
the cross-country
course, and...

That's wonderful,
but I'm--

I've never learned
to jump before.

I was so scared,

but it's not
a big deal.

I mean, it was still
a huge deal.

I need to talk to you
about something.

Is something wrong?

That's what
I'd like to know.

I found this
in your room.


I was gonna talk to you
about that, Mum--

really, I was--

but I was late
for my lesson.

School work comes
before horses, Lisa.

I thought you
understood that.

No buts.

We're going home.

We've got a lot to
talk about, young lady.

This isn't like you, Lisa.

Your geography teacher said
if you don't get an "A"

for your next project,
you'll fail the course.

Now, what do you have
to say for yourself?

I'm sorry.

Well, sorry
isn't good enough.

Your grades are slipping.

You hardly practice
your clarinet anymore.

I'll work really hard
on my geography project.

I'll pass, I promise.

You're going to have to do
much more than pass.

Now, your father and I
have discussed this,

and we've decided
that next term,

we're going to send you
to Wentworth Academy.

Ugh! Move it
or lose it.

You haven't even
groomed Cobalt yet.

Why do you even
have a horse

if you never spend
any time with him?

If you're so worried
about him,

why don't you
take care of him yourself?

Fine. I will.

If you really wanna
have fun,

when you're done playing

I'll let you
shine my boots.


And you wonder why
she's an only child.

We're going shopping.
Anything you want?

Actually, I wanted
to talk to you about--

about Wentworth.

I know it's a good school
and everything--

One of the best
in the country.


but I wanna stay here
with Stevie and Carole

and Pine Hollow.

Well, you can see them
on the weekend,

and Wentworth
has wonderful stables. Look.

It's great, but--

No buts, Lisa.

The only way you are
not going to Wentworth

is if your grades
improve drastically.

Now, Melanie and I
will be back in an hour,

and I want to see
some improvement

on that geography project
when I get back, all right?

Why are you
making me do this?

I told Kristi I'd meet
her at the mall.

The mall can wait.

You've got dozens of
expensive riding outfits,

and I hardly ever see you
use any of them.

But, Mum--

Veronica, your father and I
pay a lot of money

to keep that horse.

All I'm asking is that
you take an interest

and exercise Cobalt.

I told you,
Cobalt's fine.

I've got someone
looking after him.

Do you mean Carole?

Cobalt looks wonderful.

Carole's so graceful
on him.

I know.

She looks like she was born
to ride that horse.


Get off my horse.

You said I could
ride him.

Changed my mind.

Stay away from Cobalt.
He's mine.

Lisa: I am so not
supposed to be here.

We're going to solve
all your problems.


Your parents won't
send you away

if you pull up
your grades, right?

I guess.

Well, we're gonna help you
get an "A."

How? By making muffins?


By making
the best project

in the history
of Willow Creek:

a model of
Mount Everest.

Aren't you
forgetting something?

Huh? Oh, right.

I was just looking
for that.

I thought you
might be.

After all,

I know you'd never leave
Cobalt hot and sweaty

after a workout
like that,

not without
a good grooming.

But what about Red?

He's supposed to help me.
It's his job.

It's part of
his job, Veronica.

The other part
is helping me out

with chores
around the stables.


My stablehands
aren't here

just to take care
of your horse.

If won't let Carole
help you with Cobalt,

then I expect to see you
around here more often.

More often?

I'm already here twice
a week for my lessons.

And Cobalt's here
seven days a week.

You're right, Max.

You know, I guess
I was just worried

that poor Cobalt
would miss Red.

How thoughtful of you.

Well, don't worry.

With all the time
you'll be spending
with Cobalt,

he'll forget
all about Red.

What's wrong?

Max is making me
take care of Cobalt.

Where's Red?

That's exactly
what I said.

You know, my parents
pay a lot of money

to keep Cobalt
at Pine Hollow,

and all I'm asking
is that the stablehands

take a little interest.

No, I mean,
where's Red?

I need to talk
to him.

I don't know.

Look. Two tickets
to the Cram concert.

What? Those are
impossible to get.

Even I couldn't
get them.

Yeah, well,

you didn't camp out
all night in line.

It was cold
and disgusting,

but it was totally
worth it.

I got front-row seats,
so, of course,

I came right over
here to ask...

I'd love to go.

Red, if he'd
come with me.

Oh...Red. Sure.

It's his favorite band.
He has to say yes.

Wish me luck.

[Cobalt whinnies]

What are you
laughing at?

We're home.

She's probably studying.

She's not here.

No. She isn't.

I betcha I know
where she is.

So do I.

♪ Lisa's in trouble ♪

♪ You will always be my friend ♪

♪ Through the darkest
days and-- ♪

What's going on?

We're just
taking a break.

Carole and Stevie
were helping me

with my
geography project.

How, by reading
horse magazines?

Stevie: No. By making
the best model ever.

Lisa's gonna get an "A"
on her Nepal project,

no problem.

I hope it wasn't
in the oven.


Oh, no, my Mount Everes!

We must've
baked it too long.

Would you mind leaving us
alone, please, girls?

If you spent as much time
on your geography project

as you did with those girls,
you'd be finished by now.

They were only
trying to help.

You don't seem to understand
the importance of good grades,

but you soon will.

What do you mean?

We're not sending you
to Wentworth next term,

after all.

That's great.

No, we can't wait
any longer.

We're sending you to
Wentworth Academy next week.

You can't leave
next week.

Do I have a choice?

You can come
live with me.

Thanks, but I don't think
your dad would like that.

There's got to be
some way

to make your parents
change their minds.

Did you try talking
to your mom?

Trust me,
it wouldn't work.

I'm going to Wentworth
whether I like it or not.

Poor Cobalt.

Miss me as much
as I miss you?

If you're waiting
for an answer,

you're weirder
than I thought.

I told you to stay away
from him.

I just came to see
if he was OK,

since no one's
taking care of him.

Oh, really?

He looks pretty good
to me.

I guess you're not
the only one who can
take care of a horse.

So if you don't mind...

Ah, look, don't touch.
Got it, Carole?

Got it.

What are you guys
doing here?

My parents will freak
when they get home.

Don't worry.

We just wanted
to drop this off.

We figured

since you can't stay
at Pine Hollow,

we'd give a little bit
of Pine Hollow to you.

What's this?

A lock of Patch's mane.

That's not all.

Here's a picture of us
with Skye Ransom,


some straw from
Starlight's stall.

And my famous
chocolate chip muffins.

You can use those

to keep those Wentworth
girls in line.

You guys
are the best.

We're gonna
miss you.

A lot.

We're never
gonna find another
friend like you.

Why are you guys

You're not leaving
Pine Hollow.

You are.

We can't have
the Saddle Club
without you.

I can't believe
I'm really going.

What are we
gonna do?

I don't know.

[All sobbing]

Hi, Red.

I was looking everywhere
for you the other day.

I had the day off.

Could you move over
a little?

So, did you hear
about the Cram concert?

Yeah, I heard
they sold out in,
like, ten minutes.

People camped
outside all night
just for tickets

and couldn't even
get a seat
in the back row.

Maybe some people
couldn't get tickets...

What a bunch
of geeks.


I mean, Cram was cool
a few months ago,

but now they're in every
commercial you see.

Talk about selling out.

Pretty lame, huh?

Mmm, uh, totally,
uh, lame.

I just knew you would think
it was funny, too,

I mean, all those
people camping out

for--for such
a loser band.

Mum, we have to talk.

If it's about Wentworth,
we called them this morning,

and your room is ready
and waiting for you.

I'm not.
I'm not going.

What? Well of--
of course you are.

Didn't you just hear
what I said?

Yes, but--but...

I don't think
you heard me.

I don't want to go
to Wentworth.

I belong here
with Stevie and Carole

at Pine Hollow.

I don't like your tone,
young lady.

Well I don't like
being told

that I have to leave
Pine Hollow,

and I don't want to go
to boarding schoo,

and you can't make me.

[Patch nickers]

Thanks, Patch.

If you can see how much
I love this place,

then why can't
my parents?



Hey, Melanie, what
are you doing here?

I'm looking
for Lisa.

She had a big fight with Mum,
and then she ran off.

Doesn't sound
like Lisa.

Yeah, I know.

She's been acting
really weird

since Mum told her
she had to go to Wentworth.

Hey, that tickles.
Stop it.

I see.

So, if you see her,
could you tell my mum?


All right, Ashley,
dime's ready to go.

I think I can save
your mum some worry.

I've got
a pretty good idea
where your sister is.

Excuse me.

Mrs. Atwood.
What can I do for you?

Have you seen Lisa?

No, I haven't.
Is there a problem?

there's a problem.

Lisa's never spoken to me
like the way she did today.

She ran out of
the house upset.

She must be here.
She's always here.

Mrs. Reg: She is here.
She's out in the riding ring.

I think she's saying good-bye
to a friend of hers.

I don't know what's got
into Lisa lately.

She's usually
such a sweet girl.

Wow. Is that Lisa?

♪ Good-bye ♪

♪ God bless you ♪

♪ Oh, I will rescue you♪

♪ Good-bye ♪

♪ God bless you ♪

♪ Oh, I will rescue you♪

♪ Oh, good-bye ♪

♪ Oh, good-bye ♪

That's so cool.

I've never seen Lisa
ride like that before.

I want to
do that, too.

She's wonderful.


I know.

I shouldn't have spoken
to you like that,

or run away.

I'm sorry.

Stevie: Mrs. Atwood,
please don't make her go.

We want Lisa
to stay here with us.

You said you wanted her
to learn poise and confidence,

but she already has.

That's true.

When Lisa first came
to Pine Hollow,

she'd never have the confidence
to jump like that.

Eleanor: Wentworth Academy
isn't supposed to be
a punishment.

Your father and I
are just concerned

about your

I know.
You're right.

I shouldn't be putting
riding before homework.

I'll study harder,
I promise,

but I can do that
without leaving.


Well, you said yourself
that Wentworth

was a good school
with wonderful stables.

No, you said that.
I just agreed.

I've learned more
at Pine Hollow

than I could ever learn
at any boarding school.

You didn't want to take
riding lessons
here, either,

and now I can't
tear you away.

Exactly. I totally
belong here.

I'll be miserable
at Wentworth.

We only want
what's best for you.

You'll make
new friends, honey.

Not like Stevie and Carole.
They're my best friends.

They're always there for me,
no matter what.

Can she stay?


All right.

on two conditions.


One, that you get
your marks back up.

No problem.

Carole and I will
help her study.

Make that
three conditions.

That Stevie and Carole
will definitely not be

helping you
with your homework.

And what's
the third condition?

That from now on,

you tell me how you're
really feeling, OK?

And you'll
really listen?


Ha ha!

I'm staying.

Let's celebrate.



Ew! Gross.

Tell me something
I don't know.

I hate washing
Cobalt's brushes.

So, are you and Red
going to the concert?

What? Oh, Cram?

Please. They're
so last month.

Then why did you camp out
all night for tickets?

You believed me?
I was joking.

My, uh...

parents got them
for me.

Pretty lame, huh?

Yeah. Still...

it's pretty silly
not to use them.

Well, it might
be fun.

You know, making fun
of all the losers

who like the band.

And the lead singer
is kind of hot.

OK, let's go.

Now? I can't.

we have to get ready,

and you know how long
that takes.

I know, but...

Max is totally
watching me.

I have to ride

Get Carole to do it.

I told her not
to touch him.

Do you wanna
come or not?

I'll be right back.

[quietly] Yes.

Good news, Carole.

I've decided to
let you look after
Cobalt for me.


Wait. You can't just
treat Carole like that

and expect her
to come running back.


No, Stevie's right.
What's in it for Carole?

She gets
to ride Cobalt.


And groom him?


I don't know.

I've gotta go.

So, you're saying

that Carole can ride Cobalt
any time she wants?

Lisa: And hang out with him,
and take him on hacks?

Yeah, yeah.
OK, fine.

And you promise to never ever
kick me off Cobalt ever again?

Do you guys practice this
"Three Musketeers" thing?

It's so annoying.

Melanie, what
are you doing?

I'm gonna learn
how to jump.


Mum's signing me up
for lessons,

and Ashley's gonna help e
tackle Pepper.

Tack up.

That's what I said.

And Mum said we might even be
in the same lesson.

Stevie: Suddenly Wentworth's
not looking too bad,

huh, Lisa?

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪