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01x08 - Star Quality

Posted: 03/08/24 16:41
by bunniefuu
Lisa: Good, Patch.
Come on, Patch.

[Horses whinny]

Good girl.


Not for long.

Lisa: Good, Patch.

Come on, come on.

[Horse whinnies]

The winner and still champeen!

Lisa: No way!
Patch was so in the lea!


Carole: Yeah, right.
Starlight won by a nose.

OK, we'll call it
a dead heat,

even though we know
who really won.

Right, Comanche?

Patch might not be
the fastest horse,

but he's the smartest.

Look at this!

One, two, three, four!

That's great, Lisa!

Carole: But can
Patch do this?

[Starlight neighs]


Not bad.

Not bad?

But wait till
you see this!

You gotta
catch me first!

Stevie, wait!

Come on, Patch.


Man: Shoshanna, Kim wants
to know if you found it.

Shoshanna: No, I haven't
found a location yet.

The director
is going to k*ll me.

Catch up, guys!

Come on, Starlight.
We can catch her.


I gotta go.

Now, Comanche!

[Comanche whinnies]

Lisa: Whoa! Awesome!

Carole: Stevie!
Did you see that?


Go, Stevie. Wow!

That is so cool!

Ah, there you are.

Here we are.

Oh, sorry. I--I saw you
out in the paddock before.

I'm Shoshanna Greene.

Hi, I'm Carole, and this
is Stevie and Lisa.


That was, uh,
pretty amazing stuff

you were doing
with your horses.

Oh, thanks.

it was pretty good.

Look, I'm a location scout.

We're making a film
in the area.

You might've heard of i,
the, uh...

"The Lone Rider."

Not Skye Ransom's

Yeah. See, tomorrow's
the first day of sh**ting--

Skye Ransom?


Yeah, Skye.

Do you know Skye,

What's he really like?

I've seen all his movie.


Uh, the answers
are yes,

a great guy,
and good to hear.

So this--
this is Pine Hollow?

This is where you all learned
to ride like that?

Yeah, we've got the best
teacher in the world.

The trails are great.

The horses
are the best.

OK, well,
our location fell throuh

for the opening scene,

and I'm looking
for a new one,

so, uh, well, I'll have
to take a look around,

but Pine Hollow
seems perfect.


Ha ha ha!

Lisa: You've got to let them
sh**t the movie here, Max!

It's only one scene!

I'd have to close the stables
during filming.

I'd lose business!

Oh, you'll be

Did I mention
we'll be auditioning

for a small role
in the film?

One of us could be
in the movie?


Please, Max?

All right!
You talked me into it.

I'm gonna meet
the Skye Ransom!

I scored four goals!

Coach says I'm the best player
he's ever seen.

That's wonderful,

And you know
what else?

You found a cure
for the common cold

and ended world hunger
during recess?

Ha ha.

How was your day,

OK, I guess.

I got an OK mark
on my maths test,

Patch and I
did some cantering,

oh, and I'm gonna
meet Skye Ransom.

What? No way!

Eleanor: Who or what
is a Skye Ransom?

He's a screen god!

Lisa: I might even
get a part in the movie.

They're auditioning
at Pine Hollow.

I wanna audition, too!

No way!
Melanie can't come!

Well, I don't
see why not.


Oh, don't
slouch, Lisa.

You'll never get
a part in a movie

with a posture
like that.

[Horse neighs]

Oh! Oh!

I am so sorry.

It's OK.

I mean,
that horse...

it, uh--
it startled me.

I'm actually looking
for Skye Ransom.

You and every other female
within the five-mile radius.

Ha ha!

Well, actually, I'm here
to interview him.

Uh, Deborah Hale,
from the "Daily News."

Max Regnery.
Nice to meet you.

Uh, good luck
with the interview.


OK, Stevie Lake's up next.

Man: Camera's ready.

Hi. I memorized the lin.
Have you?

Veronica: Who are you?
Do I know you?

I'm Melanie.

Do you ride here?

I'm Lisa's sister.

Don't talk to me.

Is Skye going to be
auditioning with us?

Kim: No. He's resting up
for rehearsals.

Girls: Aww!

Kim: "Lone Rider" auditions,
take one.

The Rone Lider's coming.



The Lone Rider's
coming this way!

The Lone Rider
is coming this way.

The Lone Rider's coming..

this way.

I know the line,

Hee hee!

The Lone Rider's coming...

this way.

The Lone Rider's
coming this way.

The Lone Rider
is coming this way.


Do you know who I am?

I know Skye Ransom

The Lone Rider's
coming this way!

No, wait. Hang on.
Let me go. Wait!

I can do it.


The Rone--ha ha!

Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

What do you think?

One of you guys will
get it for sure.

You know what I think?

Did I tell you
you could speak?

Stevie: Well,
it won't be me.

My cheeks are still
sore from laughing.

Ha ha!
It'll probably be you.

You were great, Lisa.

Kim: Great?
She was perfect!

I can't believe
I got the part!


[Sighs] Max,
I have to talk to you.


I was supposed to get
a part in the movie,

and I didn't.

Well, I thought Lisa's sister
got the part.

She doesn't even
ride here!

My parents pay a lot of money
to board Cobalt at Pine Hollow,

and you can't just let people
sh**t a movie here

without talking
to the horse owners.

Um, yeah,
she's, um, probably right.

I mean, we don't want anyone
to be inconvenienced.

I'll talk to the director
and see if we can arrange

a small role for...



Veronica di Angelo.

Heh. OK.


Ahem. Heh.

Kim: Skye Ransom,
how are you doing?

Never been better,
right Skye?


Did you get the chance
to look over those new pages?

What new pages?

I almost forgot.

I love the changes
to the script.

Wait, wait,
I--I have to jump?

Is that a problem?

No. No, no.
It's fantastic,

very dramatic.

The audience
will love it.

Great. I'll see you
in rehearsal, then.

Are you trying
to blow this?

You promised me
no jump.

But the director
changed his mind.

Stop whining.

All you need
is a good horse, OK?

Let me handle it.


I, uh--I spoke
with the director.

Now, it's only
one line,

but it'll
play in a scene
with Skye Ransom.


"Thank you."

I can work with this.

I'm sure you'll
blow them away.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you-oo.

Talk about acting.

I've never
heard Veronica
say that before.

Stevie: Guess who's
gonna be in "Lone Rider."

Melanie. I know.

You don't have
to rub it in.

No, look.

Carole: Comanche's gonna
be a movie star?

That's Skye Ransom!

Come on, let's go watch
the rehearsals.

Kim: OK, Skye, just
ride across the ring

and over
that fence there.

He looks
pretty nervous.

He's probably
just in character.

Slow down, boy.

Not so fast.


What is he doing?

I'm gonna give that poster boy
a piece of my mind.

Looks like somebody's
gonna do it for you.

You said
he could jump.

Ben: You know Skye,
always showing off.

Kim: He looks like
he's never seen a horse!

It's just nerves.
Trust me, OK?

By tomorrow,
He'll be ready.


What were you
doing out there?

I told you,
I--I don't know how to jump.

Then learn.

Look, I pulled a lot of strings
to get you this gig,

and you're not gonna
blow this for me.

I'm sorry.
I--I'll try harder.

You better.

This is our big chance
to get out of kid roles

and make some
real money,

but believe me, Skye,

if you don't learn
to jump, and real soon,

this job'll
be your last.

[Comanche neighs]

Huh. Oh...

He looked so sad.

I almost feel
sorry for him.

He yanked
on Comanche's mouth.

I know,
but you heard him.

He doesn't know
anything about jumping.

Carole: [Sighs] So we either
let him hurt a horse,

or teach him
how to jump.

Look, you've gotta
learn how to jump,

and we're gonna
teach you.

What do you get,

Carole: No. All we want
is for you not to hurt Comanche.

Look, if anyone
finds out-

Yeah, we know.
You'll get fired.

We promise not
to tell anyone.

There's a reporter here
from the "Daily News."

If she finds out
I can't jump,

she'll print it
in her article,

and I'll lose
the movie.

We have
to distract her.

How? We can't
do anything.

But Mrs. Reg can.

Mrs. Reg:
Interesting job,

meeting all sorts
of wonderful people.

Oh, yes, when you--

when you do get
to meet them.

And lots of research
involved, I suppose.

You know,

Well, we get sent

from the
publicity people

from the picture.

Mrs. Reg: And the locations,
like, like Pine Hollow here.

You probably want some
information about the stables

and the--
and the horses.

Yes, right.

Oh, Max,
what a coincidence.

Well, you told me
to wait in the--

Mrs. Reg:
Deborah was asking
for information about

the history and the background
of Pine Hollow.


So, why don't you
show her around?

Uh look,
I'm sure there--

Deborah: I really
don't have time--

Mrs. Reg:
Great, great, have fun!

Heh heh.

So uh, do you ride?

Oh, no, no.
I hate horses.


Watch Stevie

See how Stevie's
setting him up?


Nothing to it.


[Comanche neighs]


Are you all right?

What? That wasn't
a standard dismount?

We've been
at this all day.

Well, maybe we should
practice rearing.

Well, yeah.

I'm--I'm supposed
to jump the fence

and then make the horse rear
and then gallop off.

[Comanche neighs]

I'm that bad, huh?

Well, I guess
that's it.

I might as well
tell Ben it's over.

Maybe not.

Lisa: Don't give up!
You just need a rest.

I make a great

Sounds good to me.

Lisa: So, what's it like,
being a movie star?

Well, it's OK,
I guess.

I miss hanging out
with my friends and family.

Everyone wants something
from Skye.

No one wanted
anything from Bruce.


Bruce Krazleson.

my real name.

So, what about you?

You have any
brothers or sisters?

Melanie. She's in
a scene with you.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
She seems nice.

She's great.
It's just...

it's not easy,

having a perfect
kid sister.

I guess I'm
kind of jealous.

Melanie's the one
who should be jealous.

pretty cool, Lisa.

Ha ha! Ha ha!

You make a great shake.

[Horses whinny]

Red, I need you
to turn Cobalt out.

I have to be
in hair and makeup.


I'm doing an important scene
with Skye Ransom today.

They have to do
my hair,

and they'll probably
give me a manicure,

and then there's
still wardrobe.

The movie business
is so glamorous.

Oh, yeah?

I play one
of the women

that the Lone Rider


Skye Ransom's
the Lone Rider.

Uh, don't they usually
hold auditions

months before
a big movie like this?


How'd you get a part
the day before?

I guess I have that
star quality or something.

They wrote a part
just for me, you know.

Must be pretty

It is.

I've done a lot
of acting before.


All my friends
are so jealous.

I better go.

You know what hair and
makeup people are like.

Actually, no.
I don't.

Deborah: Thanks for
the tour yesterday.

Glad to be of help.

Did you get your
interview with Skye?

Oh, no, and I can't
find him today, either.

Well, you better
track him down,

or there won't
be an article.

I think I saw him
near the stables.

There you are.

Yes, Miss Hale
is looking for Skye.

We were just about to--

Mrs. Reg:
Oh, no, no, no,
he's tied up.

He's--he's doing some
acting somewhere.

you can't leave yet.

I can't?

Mrs. Reg:
Absolutely not.

You have to, uh--

uh, you have to see
Max compete.


♪ I see people talking ♪

♪ Saying lines
in the parts they're playing ♪

♪ And I hear people explaining ♪

♪ All the choices
that they're making ♪

♪ But, please, I beg to differ ♪

♪ Humble yourself ♪

♪ You'll learn much quicker ♪

♪ Don't ask me ♪

And action!

And action.

Keep rolling!

How many times
do I have to tell you, kid?

Don't stare
into the camera.

I wasn't!

What's the line?

Um, "Thank you."

So, do you think
you could say that
this time?

Still rolling.

Still rolling.


We're moving on.

What? Wait!

I didn't get
to say my line.

Kim: We're out of time, kid.
Thanks for coming out.

I'm not done yet!

Oh, yes, you are.
Clear the set.

You can't do that!

It's me--Veronica!

Tell them they
can't cut my line!

Do I know you?


I didn't want to be
in this stupid movie, anyway.

Did I miss

Oh, nothing much,

just Veronica getting
kicked off set.

It was so cool.

How can you
be so calm?

What if Skye
doesn't make it?

Where's Stevie?

Don't worry,
we've got it covered.

And action!

The Lone Rider's
coming this way!


I can't look!

Come on, look,
you're gonna miss it!


[Comanche whinnying]

Cut and print!

[Everyone applauds]

Well done!
That's your boy!

Woman: OK, very good.

Lisa: You did it!
You jumped the fence!

Well, not exactly.

What do you mean?

Come on, we'll show you.

But I saw you


You jumped
instead of Skye?

We were gonna tell you,
but there wasn't time.

Don't worry...

I'll still remember
you little people

when I'm a big star.


Would you mind
taking a photo?

Yeah, sure.

Woman: Let's go, guys.
I wanna block it

then send them to the chair
for touch-ups.

Say, "Cheese."


I'm glad everything
worked out.


Ben's been almost nice
to me all afternoon.

What are you gonna do
after "Lone Rider"?

Well, Ben wants me to go
on a big publicity tour

but I'll probably
swing home first.

Do you think you'll
come back to Pine Hollow?

Comanche will miss you.

Only if
you'll be here.

You can count
on it.

Deborah: Oh, Skye,
about that interview?

Oh, yeah, just
give me a second.

Good-bye, Lisa.

Bye, Bruce.

Skye: Now,
where have you been?

I have been looking
for you everywhere.

Deborah: I have so many
questions to ask you.

He kissed you?

Lisa, did you
see my big scene?

I sure did.
You were great.

Kim was right,
you're a natural.

Still talking
about "Lone Rider"?

Only losers
were in that movie.

Lisa: What does that
make the people

who got kicked
off the set?

Good one, Lis.

What's wrong
with Veronica?

or in order of annoyanc?

How was the interview
with Deborah Hale?

Oh, it wasn't so bad.

If you wanted to say good-bye,
you just missed her.

Oh, that's OK.

We, uh--we have a date
next Saturday.


Whoo whoo.
[Wolf whistles]

Max is in love.


♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪