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01x07 - School Horse

Posted: 03/08/24 16:41
by bunniefuu
Stevie: Hey, guys.


Hey. How'd it
go at the dentist?

He made me promise to
give up junk food!

I'll die without


Tell you what,

If you stop eating
junk food,

I'll stop biting
my nails.

See? We can give up our
bad habits together.

It'll be fun.

You have a warped
definition of fun.

That's it, Ashley.

Keep your leg on him.

Don't let him doze off.

[Prancer whinnies]

Shh! Prancer,
calm down.

I hope you installed
brakes on that mare.

You're gonna hurt
her feelings.

She's got
way too much energy.

Not for long.

Well, if you're going
to lunge her,

keep her at the far end.

Dime's trying to sleep
down here.

[girls chuckle]

Come on, Dime. Trot!

Max: Easy there, cowboy.

Use your legs.

Carole: Easy!

[horse whinnying]

Slow down! Easy!



Slow down.

Slow down!


Carole: Heads up!


Max: Whoa, Prancer. Who.

You OK, Ashley?


Girls, if you
can't control her,

she shouldn't be
in here.

I'm sorry, Max.

She tore the lunge line
right from my hands.

Max: It's obvious
Prancer's not cut out

to be a school horse.

You saw what she was lie

when we rescued her
from McLeod.

She's way better now.

Max: She nearly
bit my hand off

when I fed her
this morning.

She won't let anyone
catch her in the paddock,

and here she is
mowing down my student.

She's probably just excited.

I've given her
plenty of chances.

She's left me
no choice.

As of tomorrow,
she's for sale.

Lisa: We can't let
Max sell her!

You just don't know
how to fit in.

Because she doesn't
know how!

We have to teach her

how to be the most
perfect school horse.

What are you doing?

Getting Prancer's tack.

You're not gonna use
a running martingale on her,

are you?

You saw her.

We need the extra control.

No way.

I thought we were gonna
free lunge her.

Oh, yeah, right. Good idea.

So let her run loose?

We'll let her tire
herself out.

Since when does Prancer
get tired of running?

We've got the whole ring
to ourselves.

Don't worry.

You'll be a great
school horse.

Carole and Stevie
are excellent teachers.

Come on, Carole.

Just to take
the edge off her.

Carole: The only way to turn
Prancer into a school horse

is to make
her behave like one.

If we let her run loose
all the time,

what's to stop her
from taking off

in the middle
of a lesson?

Lisa: Shh!

Not in front
of you-know-who.

You're making her nervous.

Ashley: So you're really
gonna sell Prancer?

That's the idea.

But you can't!

I'll make sure she
goes to a good home.

It won't be as good
as Pine Hollow.

I can't keep a horse

that goes around
charging my students,

now, can I?

You want one?

Here you go.
You can't tell Lisa.

[Prancer nickers]


What are you doing?



Ha! Ragged and chewed.

No beans for me,
no nails for you.

Feeding a hyper horse sur

is so not going to help.

You're the problem.

You're pushing
Prancer too hard.

She's a trained horse.

We just need
to channel her energy.

What are you,

a walking horse

What she needs
is a good run

to get rid of
that energy.

Carole: I didn't know
you were suddenly

the expert on training.

I didn't say
I was!

Yeah, but everything
I do is wrong

and everything you do
is perfect.

These are pretty good.

Way better than fingernails.

Red: Hey, Starlight.
You hungry?


You hate being in,
don't you?

Who are you looking
for, eh?

Let me guess.

Yeah, Prancer.

Ahh, poor old Starlight.

Your best friend's getting
all the attention

and you're stuck inside.

It's not fair, is it?


Carole: I told you
not to let her run!

Stevie: You can't
tell me what to do.

Max is gonna be
here any minute.

I promised him
a perfect school horse.

She was miserable!
She had to run.

If Max sees her like this,

he's gonna sell her for sure.

Maybe if you thought
about Prancer

instead of yourself
for a change.

I am thinking of Prancer!

But because of you,

she won't even listen
to me anymore.

All she wants
is jellybeans.

It's not my fault I
found a training aid

that actually works.

Candy is not a training aid.

Lisa: Good. Good girl.

Stevie: Lisa, she's
listening to you!

Max: Looks like
a different horse.

[Prancer whinnying]

Whoa, Prancer! Whoa!


No, Prancer!

Hey, Prancer!

[Prancer whinnying]

[Lisa screams]

Steady now! Prancer,

what are you doing?


Stevie: Prancer, no!

She wants
your jellybeans.


I didn't know
she was gonna do that.

Max: That's it.

Someone's going
to get hurt.

I don't want you
riding Prancer anymore.


Carole: But,
Max, you saw

how good she was
in the ring.

I know you love her,

but she's never going
to be a school horse.

I've had an offer on her,
and I'm taking it.

Lisa: Why won't you
let them say good-bye?

It would break
his heart

to see Prancer
get taken away.


Those were for you.

Starlight needs them
more than I do.

It's hard...losing
your best friend.

You shouldn't
have put

all that pressure
on her, Carole.

Well, you got her
addicted to jellybeans.

Because Lisa wouldn't
let me eat them!

Lisa: I was trying
to help you, Stevie.

Well, Stevie
was a whole lot nicer

when she wasn't
going through

junk food withdrawals.

[Prancer whinnying]

Carole: What's she doin?


[Stevie whistles]

Carole: Prancer!


She doesn't come
when you call her name.


Oh, like she's gonna
come running

when she hears that.

Maybe we should've
taken our horses.

By the time
we tacked them up,

we would've lost Prance.

We lost her anyway.


This is where the old
Willow Creek mine

used to be.

Horses haven't been allowed
on these trails for years.

Doesn't mean
it was Prancer.

This is the only sign
we've seen of a horse.

I'd like to think
it's ours, OK?

Whatever you say.
You're the expert.

Guys, it's getting late.

I don't want to be looking
for Prancer in the dark.



[Starlight whinnies]

Yeah, easy, boy.

What's gotten
into you, huh?

[Starlight snorting
and whinnying]


You're going to see

if we can find her.

The hoofprints
end here.

Maybe she doubled back.

She could be home by no.

I doubt it. She knows Max
is gonna sell her.

That's why she ran away
the first time.

Oh, you can read
horses' minds now, too?

Don't worry.
We'll find her.

No hoofprints, no horse.

We should just go back
to the stables

and tell Max.

So you're just gonna
give up on her?


But we're obviously not
going to find her like this.

Well, I'm gonna keep


What's that
supposed to mean?

Stevie: You think
you know everything.

You never listen
to anyone else.

Carole: Am I the only one
who cares

about what happens
to Prancer?

Stop it!

[wood creaking]

[girls screaming]

[girls groaning]

Everyone OK?

Uh, I think so.

So where are we?

Looks like we found

the old Willow Creek

No kidding.

How are we gonna
get out of here?

The same way
we got in.

Carole: There's no way

we're gonna be able
to get back there.

Oh, so you're the expert
on tunnels, too?

What if it caves
in on us?

The faster we get out
of here, the better.

We can't go into
the tunnel.

It's pitch black in ther.

Present from Dad.

Military special.

Come on.

Red: You sure you don't
want me to go?

Yes, I'm sure.

You stay here in case
Prancer comes back.

I've called everyone
I can think of:

the vet, police,
animal rescue.

The entire town
of Willow Creek

will be searching
for a runaway horse.

She could
be anywhere by now.

I'll check
McLeod's first.

Red: She'd never go back
to that slime ball.

He tried to sell her
to the slaughterhouse.

McLeod's barn
was her home

for the first three
years of her life.

Makes sense she'd go
somewhere familiar.

Did you ask
the girls?

I thought they went hom.

Doesn't it seem a bit
of a coincidence

that Prancer's

just as you've had
an offer on her?

Red: No way.

Where would they stash her?

These are the same girls
who kidnapped Prancer

in the middle of the night
and hid out in our old barn.

Max: That's a good poin.

Maybe I'll
check there first.

Mom, would you mind giving
their parents a call,

see if they know anythin?

Yeah, I'll phone
them. But, uh,
in my experience,

parents are always
the last to know

when their children
are up to something.

You always knew
what I was doing.

I never got away
with anything.

Yes, but that says

more about your
poor planning skills

than it does about
my parental insight.

[Red chuckles]

Stevie: Lisa, you found
a way out!

[Lisa whimpering]

[snake hisses]

[girls whimpering]

No luck?

Nothing. Anyone call?

No one's seen Prancer.

Mrs. Reg called Stevie,
Carole, and Lisa's houses.

Their parents thought they
were still here.

Well, wherever those
girls are, that's

where we'll find
our missing mare.

Yes. Yeah, all right.

Thanks. Hmm, bye.

Has he found her yet?

I'm afraid not.

But don't worry.
She'll turn up.

It's all my fault.

What are you talking about?

If I'd just moved Dime
out of the way in time,

Prancer wouldn't
have scared me,

and then Max wouldn't
have gotten mad,

and then he wouldn't
be selling her.

Don't be silly.
You did nothing wrong.

Max was ready to sell her

long before
your little run-in.

Any sign of her?

Prancer's out there
all by herself.

Don't worry.

Wherever she is,
the girls

will make sure
she's OK.

Lisa: What are we gonna ?

You guys
go for help.

I'll distract it.

No way!
What if it bites you?

Don't worry.
I'll be fine.


Carole: Hey, look
at this! Over here!

Hey, like my light?
[imitates hissing]




Come on. We have
to sit her down.

[Lisa moaning]

Ashley: You're here
to buy Prancer.

Prancer's a great horse...

Yes, I thought so, too.

if you don't want to do
any dressage with her

or jumping or endurance.


Max didn't say
anything about that.

Maybe it's because
I told him

I was just looking
for a trail buddy.

Ah, Prancer's great
on the trail

when she's not bucking.

Bucking, huh?

Ah, yeah. Prancer
hates leaving the barn.

Gallops back
as fast as she can.

What else can you tell
me about Prancer?

Can you breathe OK?

Yeah. It just
hurts a lot.


Roll this up and put
pressure on her leg.

Now what?

Um, you need
something to tie it.


[Carole sighs]

Your pulse is pretty fas.

You have to stay
really still, OK?

Are you cold?


and dizzy.

Here. Let's put this
around her.

Stevie: There's anti-venom
back at Pine Hollow.

If we move her,

the poison will run
through her body faster.

We'll never make it
to Pine Hollow

and back in time.

We don't have a choice.
We have to carry her.

How do you know
all this?

My dad made me take
a survival course.

But I don't know how we're
gonna get past that snake.

And Prancer
never kicks you.

Well, hardly ever.


Ms. Chambers, Red
told me you were here.

What's going on?

Chambers: Well, that's
what I'd like to know.

Ashley here
has been telling me
all about Prancer.

She has?

Chambers: Oh, yes.

About how Prancer's
difficult, injured,

and, um, has a tendency
to kick her riders.


Is that Mrs. Reg calling me?

I'm sorry about that.

Level with me, Max.
Is what Ashley said true,

or is this your way

of trying to talk me
out of buying Prancer?

[snaps fingers]

You've had a higher
bid, haven't you?

No, no.

You know all about Prancer's
past health concerns.

She's fine now. You've
seen that for yourself.


Let's see her, then.

Well, there's a, uh,

there's a slight

Prancer's not
exactly here right now.

What do you mean?

Where is she?

I don't know.

I, uh,

I think three of my
riders took her.

I'm sure they'll
be back soon.

They're very
responsible girls.

Stealing is hardly
what I'd call


Oh, no,
you don't understand.

They, uh, they're upset
about me selling Prancer.

They didn't know
what else to do.

They love her
very much.

Oh, please.

We're talking about
a horse, not a person.

What's that supposed
to mean?

Max, you're a businessman.

You know as well as I do

that horses are for
buying and selling,

riding, jumping.

I mean, it's a waste of time
to get attached to them.

The sooner those girls
learn that, the better.

I guess not everyone
sees it that way.

Well, I do.

And that's all
that matters,

because Prancer's
my horse.



Let's get out of here.

Hang on, Lisa.

We'll find a way.

[Prancer whinnying]

Did you hear that?



Come on.

Good girl, Prancer!

She did it!

She wants my jellybeans.

Stevie: Come on.
Let's get out of here.

Stevie: You're gonna
have such a cool scar

on your leg, Lisa.

Thanks for getting
me back in time.

Carole distracted the snake.

That was really brave.

You're the one who left
the trail of jellybeans.

Prancer never
would have found us.

Lisa: You're not
gonna fight over

who's braver now, are you?


I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to be so...

such a know it all.

Me, too.

And, Lisa,
we're both really sorry.

What are you guys
apologizing to me for?

You had to listen to us
fighting all the time.

It was awful.

I never want to fight with
either of you ever again.

Lisa: Sounds good to me.

Stevie: So, Lisa,
what were you doing

with that bag of jellybeans?

You know, the ones you
dropped beside the snake?

I've kind of
become addicted.

But, look, no chewing.

Max: Our fearless
snake stomping horse

is glad to be home.

She and Starlight
are chasing each other

all around the paddock.

You know, Prancer will never
be a laid-back school horse.

I know. And you
tried to tell me that,

but I wouldn't listen.

Max: Well, you should
learn from your friends

once in a while.

Me? But I don't
know anything

about training horses.

Max: Maybe you know more
than you think.

You're the one
who showed me

what a natural jumper
Prancer is.

I think with
a little training,

she's going to make
a great stadium jumper

for my advanced student.


But what about
that buyer you found?

Max: Prancer saved
the Saddle Club.

How could I sell
such a hero?


Max: Hey!
Carole: Hey!

Max: Lisa, help!


Max: Help?

[music starts]

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy ♪

♪ If you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change
your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me, we'll be free♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

Carole: ♪ Come on, baby♪

♪ Don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up the door
and let me in? ♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪