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01x06 - Mystery Weekend

Posted: 03/08/24 16:40
by bunniefuu
Lisa: Wow!
He's incredible!

Absolutely gorgeous.

I know.

We weren't talking
about him.

We were talking about
the horse.


Hey, Phil!

Hey, Greg, come on.

Let's meet the girls.

Hi. I'd like

to introduce you
to someone.

This is Greg Turner.


Phil: His father is one
of our sponsors.

Lisa: This weekend's
gonna be great!

Greg: I hope so.

Our pony clubs get
to split all the money

from the entrance fees.

If we don't raise
enough money,

our pony club
could go under.

I'll do anything
to keep that from happening.

So, "son of sponsor,"

did your dad tell you
where the first clue is?

I wish.

I don't even know what
the clues look like.

Yeah. "You'll know them
when you see them."

That's what Max told us.

I think we're supposed
to follow the trail

and find
clues along the way.

Max: Everyone
stop what you're doing!

A crime
has been committed.

You can say that again.

It's a crime to wear
an outfit like that

in public.


Someone has stolen Nicke,

Pine Hollow's favorite pony.

for the rest of the weekend,

everyone's a suspect

and everywhere's a clue.

So where's the first one?

Well, it wouldn't be a
mystery if I told you that.

So keep your eyes
and your ears open.

Tack up your horses
and hit the trail.

We've got a mystery
to solve.

[excited chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

Girl: We better find
all the clues...

Aren't you riding

I'm not going.

But you helped
organize everything.

I know, but...

I feel really sick.

I'm gonna lie down.

Stevie: Hi, Greg.

Sorry. I didn't see you.

No problem.

Need help
finding anything?

No! I--I mean,
I just got lost,



What's with her?


I'd stay clear of her
if I were you.

She's having the longest
bad mood in history.

Yes, yes,
look, I understand that.

Dad, where's
my snaffle bit?

I'm not walking away
from this.

I can't find it!

Look, not now, Greg.
This is important.

No. How many...
[Greg sighs]

Here, Greg.
You can use this one.

Oh, thanks.

Whose team are you on?

I don't know. I was supposed
to ride with Phil, but--

You can ride with
me and Kristi.

Ah, thanks.

I'll just go tack up Atlas,
and I'll meet you outside.

Ashley: Oh, no!
It's gone!

Carole: Ashley,
what's wrong?

I went to go get it,
and it's new, and it's gone!

OK, slow down.
What's gone?

My new saddle!

Now I can't go on the ri.

Don't worry. We'll get
you another saddle.

And if we don't find it,

we'll report it
to the police, OK?

Lisa: That must be
the first clue!

Ashley was great!

Those looked
like real tears.

And what about Max?

That stuff about
calling the cops

was genius!

Come on. If we're
gonna win this thing,

we'd better get started.

if I were a clue,

where would I be?

Did you see that?


Stevie: There!

It looked like Phil.

I don't see anyone.

Me neither.

Besides, Phil's sick.

Why would he be out here
in the woods?

That's what
I want to know.

It was nice of your dad
to sponsor

the mystery weekend.

Yeah, well, it's
good for business.

But it's not like
he ever comes

to see me ride.

My dad's so busy, I have

to make an appointment
just to talk to him.

Mine wouldn't
notice me

if I painted
myself blue.

What about your mom?

She and my step-dad
just had a baby.

Guess that keeps
them pretty busy.

Parents bite, huh?

I found something!



"You have found a clue.

"To win the prize,

"here's what to do:

"follow the trail,
but you must think,

"where do ponies
take a drink?

"What does this mean?
It's quite a pickle.

"Figure it out,

and you'll soon
find Nickel."

What does that mean?

That somebody needs
a poetry lesson.

Wait! Follow the trail
where ponies drink.

That's the creek!

Cool. Let's go.

Hey, what are
you doing?

We have to leave
the clues

for the other

But then they'll know
where to go!

that's cheating.

Greg's right. Put it back.

OK. Come on.

Come on.
[clicks tongue]


I thought you and Greg
didn't cheat.

What Greg doesn't know
won't hurt him.

I'm not cheating.

I'm maximizing
our chances of winning.

Come on.

How can we find Nickel

if we can't even
find a clue?

Carole: Maybe we should
go back to the start.

Wait! I found


Those could be anyone's.

See the doughnut shape?

Those were
made by egg-bar shoes.

They're pretty unusual.

They must be

Nickel doesn't have
egg-bar shoes.

Lisa: So?

Max made up
the clues.

It's got to be
part of the game.


So we follow these
tracks straight to Nickel.

[bell ringing]

Oh, it can't be time
to head back already.

Come on. We can solve
the mystery tomorrow.

Girl: Did you
find any yet?


[indistinct chatter]

Feeling better?

What? Oh, no.

Not really.

Man, this mystery's toug.

We've hardly
found any envelopes.

What envelopes?

The gold ones.

You know,

the ones with
the clues in them.

We haven't found
any envelopes.

Kristi: We found a coupl.

Greg: Someone stole
my tack!

At Pine Hollow?


Greg: My tack.
It was there,

and now it's gone.

Is this
another clue, Max?

No. This is
serious, Carole.

Ashley and Greg's tack
really has been stolen.

There's a thief
at Pine Hollow?

Can't we talk about

something else
besides Greg?

Didn't you see
how upset he was?

I feel so bad for him.

And his saddle
was really nice.

Nia: who cares if Greg
lost his stupid saddle?

I could buy three

for the price his dad
pays for one.

Do you mind?

This is a private

Mrs. Reg: OK, girls,
it's time to hit the hay.

I'm turning
the lights out.

Can't we leave them on?

The lights might scare
away the tack thief.

Don't worry, Ashley.

The tack room
is locked,

and the police
have been notified.

Now, get some sleep.

We've got another
big day tomorrow.

[girls giggle]

The clues are
in the envelopes?

Stevie: We were
totally off.

Ashley's saddle

and the egg-bar

had nothing to do with
the mystery weekend.

They could be real clues

leading to the tack thie!

You're right.

No one at Pine Hollow
has egg-bar shoes.

when we find them,

we'll find
the tack thief.

I already know
who did it. Phil.

Carole and Lisa:


I told you I saw him
in the woods.

That doesn't mean anything.

look at the facts.

He was alone all day
and had the opportunity.

And he could've gone
into the woods

to stash the tack.

His pony club needs
the money.

He said he'd do anything
to save the club.

Here's another fact:
Phil is rich.

His family's rich.

Maybe they wouldn't
give him the money.

There's only one way
to find out.

We have to catch him
in the act.

Stevie: Shh!

All clear.

The tack room's

Carole, get the spare key.

No way!

Max trusts me
to use that key

for emergencies only.

This is an emergency.

We have to stop the thief.

Well, OK.

Everything here's
safe and sound.

Great. Now can we
get some sleep?

No! We've got
to guard the stables

in case the thief
comes back.


Stevie and Lisa: Shh!

Yes, I'm sure! Lookit,

my tack was there.
It's gone!

Rider: You sure?
Last night.

Did you lock
the door?

Yes, it was. I'm sure!

Rider: Are you sure
it was there?

Veronica: Yes,
I'm sure it was there.

My tack was there.
It's gone!

Are you sure?
Last night--yes!

Rider: Did you look--

Veronica: There they are!
They stole my tack!

Carole: No, we didn't.

I saw them
sneak downstairs.

We were trying
to catch the thief.

You stole my tack

so I wouldn't be able
to ride today.

We were making sure
the tack was safe.

I'm sure
I locked the door.

The door was wide open
this morning, Carole.

I thought
I could trust you.

Stevie: Carole didn't
want to use the key,

but I thought
it was an emergency.

We all did.

Veronica: Hello?

I'm the victim here,

and they broke curfew.

That means you have
to disqualify them.

Max: Veronica's right.

I'm sorry.
I've got no choice.

You're disqualified.

Phil: Hey, Greg,

I thought your
tack was stolen.


But not your bridle?

I know. It's weird.

The thief only took
my saddle.

But that's a really
expensive bridle.

It doesn't make

Who knows what
the guy's thinking?

Maybe he's not doing
it for the money.

I guess.

Max lent me some tack,

so I'm finishing
the mystery weekend.

Guess your little
scheme didn't work.

There was no scheme.

First a thief,
now a liar.

I want my tack returned
in perfect condition.

If I find one scratch,

you'll have to replace

Max: Hurry up, everyone.

Nickel isn't going
to find herself.

Come on.

I hope I can trust you girls
not to leave the stables

until you're done.

He's really mad at us.

We let him down.

We've got to prove
we didn't do anything.

We've got to find

the real thief!

OK. Who are our
main suspects?


What about me?

Stevie: What are you doing?

I thought you were sick.

I am, but I thought

if I took Teddy
for a quick ride,

it might make me
feel better.


I'm really sorry

you guys
got disqualified.

I know you didn't
steal anything.

Stevie: Of course he
knows we're innocent,

because he's
the real thief.

Whatever you
say, Sherlock.

Come on.
We have to find

some real

Lisa: You mean like thi?

Teddy's hoofprints
look like...

Egg-bar shoes!

You don't believe
for a second

that the Saddle Club girls
stole Veronica's tack.

No, I don't.

But they did go into
the tack room last night

after curfew,
and they

did leave the door
open. Thank you.

They said
they locked the door.

The thief could
have picked the lock.

and he probably did.

But Veronica's
right, Mom.

If it were
any other students,

I would've
disqualified them.

I can't show them
special treatment.

Mrs. Reg: Of course you can!

They're the most
responsible riders

at Pine Hollow.

Those girls have
got good heads

on their shoulders.

They would never
knowingly break the rules.

Carole: The hoofprints
end here.


So now what are
we gonna do?

[horse whinnies
in distance]

Lisa: Look!


Come on.
He's getting away!

Give it up, Phil.
We know it's you!

Phil: What are you
talking about?

Stevie: We know
you're the tack thief.

What?! I'm not.

Then how come you've been
acting weird all weekend,

faking sick
and sneaking out?

Egg-bar shoes.

Yeah. So?

No one at Pine Hollow
has them.

And these prints showed up
when the tack went missing.


So basically, you're
jumping to conclusions.

Lisa: If you needed the
money for your pony club,

you should've asked.

I can't believe you
stole from us.

I didn't steal anything.

I've been planting clues
for the mystery weekend.

That's why I lied
about being sick.

So you're out here
in the middle of the woods

leaving clues now?

No, I'm trying to clear
your names.

I had a hunch about
the thief but no proof.

But if you're right--

if the thief does
have egg-bar shoes,

then I know who it is.

Lisa: Who?


[horse neighing, hoofbea]

Come on. He's getting away!

You take care of Greg.
I'll get Atlas.


Whoa, boy. It's OK.

Whoa, boy. Easy.
Come on.

Why'd you do it, Greg?

You wouldn't understand.

You're right.
I don't understand

why someone would
steal his own tack.

I can't wait to see
what your dad says about this.

My dad? He's too busy
to care what I do.

He doesn't even know
I exist.

Great way to get
his attention.

Stevie: You had no right
to steal from other people.

And let us take
the blame.

[bell ringing]

That must be Max.

Sounds like someone
won the mystery weekend.

Come on, guys. Let's go.

[indistinct chatter]

Phil: You really
thought I was the thief?

Well, you were
acting so weird.

Why didn't you
just tell us

you were planting
the clues?

Why would
I tell you?

It was supposed
to be a secret.

There's one thing
I still don't get.

Greg was the thief;
Veronica was...

Being Veronica.

Phil was planting clues.
What about Nia?

Why was she acting
so strange?

She was helping me
hide Nickel.

It's not easy taking
care of a pony

without anyone

I told you specifically
to stay at the stables

and muck out the stalls.

We can explain.

We didn't
want to disobey you,

but we had to catch
the tack thief.

You caught him?

where is he?

Greg? But--

[cell phone rings]

Maybe you should talk
to Greg instead.

Mrs. Reg: Did you pick up
the rest of the clues?

Uh, no. Why?

I went out on the trail
to collect them,

and some were missing.

Hmm. Well maybe Phil
or Nia picked them up.


[exhales sharply]

I never liked him

Here we go, girls.

Kristi: Oh!

[indistinct chatter]

Kristi: Come on, Veronica.
We have got to win.

Attention, everyone.

The winners of
the mystery weekend are

Veronica and Kristi!

Yes! Come on!

Oh, yes.


I could handle it
if anyone won,

except Veronica.

Veronica: Ohh...

Max: Well done, girls.

Come on.
It's just a game.

Let's go congratulate th.

Max: Congratulations.

Veronica and Kristi:
Thank you.

You're very clever.


Isn't it shiny?

Look! Don't touch.

Guess the best rider wo,

huh, Stevie?


Is that one of
the clues?


[riders murmuring]

Hey, where did
those come from?

Your pocket.

So that's what
they look like.

Sam: No wonder
we couldn't find any.

Veronica and Kristi
stole them!

You cheated!

We did not.

We were just...
cleaning up.


First a cheater, now a liar.

Max: I know
how strongly you feel

about obeying rules,

So I'm sorry,

but I'm going to have
to disqualify you.


I guess nobody wins.

Stevie solved
the real mystery.

And Carole and Lisa.

You, too, Phil.

Mrs. Reg: Well, I'd say
you all deserve a reward.

Congratulations, girls.

[loud applause
and cheers]

Great job. Great job.

That's not fair!


[music starts]

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy ♪

♪ If you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change
your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me, we'll be free♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

Carole: ♪ Come on, baby♪

♪ Don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up the door
and let me in? ♪

All: ♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Mmm, mm, yeah,
fun for everyone ♪