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03x08 - Where There's a Will

Posted: 03/08/24 16:05
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Family Law...

Obviously, if you knew nothing
about the alleged embezzlement...

- Of course, I didn't know!
- Daniel, she knew.

Nicely done, Danny!

- Thanks, Dad.
- I hope you're free tonight.

We'll grab a drink at the club,
then I'm taking you to Cioppino's.

[ZINA] New evidence has
come to light revealing...

- In that mailbox right there.
- In the alleged embezzlement.

I know you can't say a word,

and we never had this conversation,

but I'm proud of you.

You did the right thing.

[HARRY] He really is a bigamist?

His days on the bench are over.

- What are we celebrating?
- We're getting married!

- I'm so sorry.
- So that was Isabelle?

Why is this so hard? I'm the
one who ended the marriage.

It's not like I want him back.


Didn't Kelly have a
stomach-ache the other night,

- when you went out?
- Headache.

Actually, I think I'm okay now.


[DANIEL] Lucy!

Hey, Luce!


Didn't you hear me?

Traffic's loud.

Yeah. You looked right at me.

Okay. If this is about
what happened at Joanne's...

Oh, you mean when you and Abby
dog-piled on my girlfriend?

To be fair, it was mostly Abby.

I'm sorry. Okay? Can I
have a do-over, please?

- How's Kelly? Is her headache gone?
- Stomach-ache.

Kelly's doing good.

She is writing a paper for a
conference on personality disorders.

She's one of the keynote speakers and...

Enough about my internationally
- acclaimed girlfriend.

What is going on in your world?

Martina and Quinn are getting married.

- Wow.
- Oh, there's more.

Quinn asked me to be the
emcee at their wedding.

Ha! Oh, my God. Could
you imagine if you'd said yes?

Daniel, you didn't!

Quinn said

I'm the only friend
they have in common here.

It would've been weirder
if I didn't say yes.

Would it?


- Please tell me that's the end of them.
- [DANIEL] What are those?

Files from Chip Crombie's old firm.

Why didn't they just send
them over on hard drives?

Not all firms have gone digital, Danny.

Chip Crombie is vile,

but he understood the value
of keeping hard copies.

This is even worse than the last box.

Organizing this will be a challenge...

but I embrace challenges.

This is why we should go digital.

It's more efficient, and
environmentally friendly.

What happens when
there's a power outage?

Paper is reliable!

Give the boys time to clean this up.
Soon, it'll be spic and span.

[PANICS] I just touched a silverfish!

When you're done sanitizing
your hands, Winston,

I'd like you to place
an order with Beaucoup

enough pastries... for the whole firm.

- Can we get salted-caramel blondies?
- Indeed, we can, Cecile!

This is a moment to celebrate.
My suspension... is over.

Wasn't the same without you, sir!

Your suspension isn't
over until tomorrow.

I received the letter on the 24th,

exactly one month ago today.

- Meaning you're still suspended today.
- Potato, potahto.

- Well, I'm happy for you, Dad.
- Thank you, Lucy-Goosey.

Maybe it's time you
stop calling me that.

It's infantilizing.

On the subject of childish nicknames...

Danny, do not start with me.

- Ah, just the person I wanted to see.
- Why?

Among the files we've
inherited is an estate case...

Mr. Ke Leung, Leung Properties.

His beneficiaries are arriving today.

You want me to do a reading of the will?

Since when did I become
the firm's notary?

No job is too small.

And Danny, the firm's been
drumming up some new business,

thanks to your excellent
work on the Bass case.

Glad to hear it.

We'll discuss a bonus
in our partners' meeting.

Don't go spending all that
blood money on new Spandex.


Whatever it is you
think I might have done,

we can at least agree it
was the right thing to do.

You breached lawyer-client privilege.

If anyone found out...

it'd shut down the firm.


- The feather duster, yes!

Remember how Dad would chase
us around the house with it?

What did he used to say?



Uh, should we get started?

Is it weird that I miss him?

Stockholm Syndrome will do that.

But I miss him, too.

Ahem. "Herein set forth is
the Last Will and Testament

of Ke Leung."

"I, Ke Leung, being
of sound body and mind,

willingly and voluntarily
make this decision."

"To my beloved son, Theo Leung,

I bequeath $7 million."

"And to my daughter, Grace Leung,

I leave a gift of $80,000...

and her late-mother's jade brooch."


♪ You can't prove it ♪

♪ Uh-oh ♪

♪ You got nothing legit ♪

♪ Uh-oh ♪

♪ The glove don't fit ♪

♪ Uh-oh ♪

♪ You got to acquit ♪

♪ Uh-oh ♪

♪ The charges won't stick 'Cause ♪

♪ I ain't no sucker ♪

♪ Ain't your lollipop ♪

♪ But ♪

♪ You can kiss my sweet ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Never gonna stop ♪

♪ Never gonna stop Never gonna
stop Never gonna stop ♪

This is a joke. $80,000?

And Mom's brooch. It's
made of real jade, right?

She won that at the Richmond
Night Market. What do you think?

Are you aware of any
reason why your father

would divide his assets so unfairly?

Things got rocky between
you two after you and Chen...

No. Dad hated me even
before the divorce.

- He doesn't hate you.
- He was a total sexist!

My dad would barely speak to
me except to say "Make dinner."

Meanwhile, Little Prince over here

just got to lie around
and watch Pokémon all day.


But otherwise correct.

It sounds like you have grounds
to contest your father's will.

We live in one of the
few places with a remedy.

Under the Wills Variation Act,

people need to provide valid reasons

for unfair distribution of an estate.

Sexism doesn't count.

Or... simpler solution,

you could re-divide your
inheritance more equitably

with your sister.

I'll talk to Lim... my wife.

I promise, we'll make this right.

Come on.

[DANIEL] Can't say I'm surprised.

He wouldn't be the first guy who
tried to leave everything in his will

to a male heir just
because of cultural beliefs.

- Who said anything about culture?
- Slippery slope, Daniel.

What I mean is...

Sexism is alive and
well across the globe.

Look no further than our father.

I knew you'd find a way to bring him up.

Because it's true!

I have eight years on you at the bar,

but whose name does he put on the door?

The person who's worked
his butt off for this firm

- since he was an articling student.
- Abby's not wrong.

Dad's always been hung
up on gender stereotypes.

Don't you remember that Christmas
he gave you a basketball

and me the "Talking Tallulah" doll,

even though you're the
one who begged for her?

She was an action figure.

And if Dad leaves everything in his will

to just one of his kids,
it's gonna be you, Luce.

Only because he's gonna
leave you the firm.

Uh, excuse me?

Maybe he'll leave everything to me

for, I don't know,
abandoning me as a child?

Or maybe he'll leave
everything to his girlfriend...

my mother.

And she sure as hell won't be

adding either of your names to her will.


- Kelly. What a nice surprise.

I am taking you to
that new Indian place.

Oh, I'd k*ll for a mango lassi,
but I already have lunch plans.

- Oh. Who with?
- An old college friend.

Amber. She was my roommate.

But we haven't seen each other in years.

She's in town visiting her mom.

You never mentioned
you had a lunch date.

It didn't seem important.

Well, then. Have fun with Amber.


Wrapped that up just in
time. Got a client waiting.

So do I.


- Who'd you say you were meeting with?
- Cosmo Papadopoulos.

I'm meeting Cosmo Papadopoulos.

I handled the man's divorce, Danny.

Well, I booked the meeting
while you were suspended.

And now I'm not.


Cosmo, how have you been?

- My dad's suing me.
- Why?

You remember he owns a
restaurant in Maple Ridge.

"Zeus's Hideaway."

Best Greek food this
side of the Rockies!

- Zeus is King of the Gods.
- Yes. I also attended fifth grade.

I helped Dad out for years,

but I got restless, so
I opened my own place.

A new venture. That's exciting!

Yeah, until Dad accused me
of stealing his customers.

And his ideas, which
is... ha! A total reach.



[COSMO] Are there similarities? Yes!

But I-I designed that sign.

And it's not identical.
Mine says "Li'l".

"Zeus's Hideaway".

It doesn't help

that you opened your restaurant
right beside your father's.

Space came up. It was prime real estate.

You said you worked for your dad?

Yeah. And he promised to let
me run the place when he retired,

but years later, there he was...

still breathing down my neck.

Making me count every nickel
in the till before closing.

I'd be, like, "Dad, that's
what this computer's for."

And he'd say... "Cosmo... "

"what if it's lying to us?"


Why are old people so
weird about technology?

In all fairness to your father,

change for the sake of
change is not a virtue.

I'll be right back.

Thank you, folks. Let
me take care of that.


I think I'll order some lunch.



Thank you.

One order of the "Minotaur Moussaka".

One order of "Li'l Minotaur Moussaka".

Apparently adding the word "Li'l"

protects you from
copyright infringement.


Maybe they'll taste different.




We cannot let this case go to court.

- Hey. How was your day?
- Fine.


- How's the paper going?

Did you... finish your edits?

These glasses are right-side up.

- That's how dust gets in!
- I forgot.

- We've been through this.

- Let me flip them over.
- No. Forget it. I-I'll do it later.

It's fine. I'll do it.

- [SLAM]
- Ow!

Oh, my god. Are you okay?

I-It was an accident.




- Hi, Mom.
- Hi!

I thought Dad was picking me up.

It's his day.

Ah, he got caught up at work.

Ah! The elusive Ms. Bianchi.

This is Ms. Goldman, our music teacher.

Principal Tan's told me all about you.

- Only good things, I'm sure.

The senior band recital's coming up.

Have you RSVP'd?

The invite must've gotten
lost in my spam filter.

Our musicians are really
excited to showcase their talent.


But I'm-I'm working
on a complicated case.

That's what Principal
Tan thought you'd say.

[NICO] It's okay, Mom. Dad's
coming. And he's bringing Isabelle.


You know... work has been so stressful.

A school concert might
be just what I need.

- But... what about your case?
- Ah, work can wait.

Family first. Am I right?



That's it. I don't do well with
mess, especially when it's not mine.

I learned this cleaning
up after my roommates.

Calling them "roommates",
doesn't make them not your parents.

It's all a matter of perspective.

You're working against
chaos, try working with it.

Excuse me while I boil my hands.

- Morning, Jerri.
- Lucy?

Oh, that looks painful. What happened?

It got caught in a door.

- Ouch. Are you okay?
- It's not broken.

- Good of you to finally join us.
- It's five to nine.

I arrived an hour ago.

While you were suspended,
I was here every morning at seven.

Guess I'll have to
take your word for it.

Also, I reviewed some
of the cases you closed

this past month.

Why did you agree to
settle for so little

on the Hall-Button divorce?
Our client was robbed.

Great. Great. Let's...

let's do a deep dive into
every single case I closed

while you were away.

You can outline all
the things I did wrong.

Hmm. Excellent idea, Danny.

It'll be a good learning exercise.

Jerri, find an opening in our schedule.


Hubris of youth.

Give them an inch,
they feel like a ruler.

One of these days,

you're gonna backseat-drive
your son right out of this firm.



- Hi. What are you doing here?
- Meeting a client.

- Thanks for picking up Nico yesterday.
- It was fun.

And informative.

Nico told me about his school concert?

The concert is on my week,

and I'm allowed to bring a plus-one.

I assumed you weren't going.


You've always hated school events.

Which is fine.

Just... never been that kind of mom.

- What kind of mom is that, Frank?
- You know what I mean.

The kind who... chaperones field trips,

makes cookies for bake sales.

Has her husband's pipe and
slippers waiting for him

at the end of the day?

This is coming out wrong.

Well, it turns out, I am
going to Nico's concert...

with my plus-one.

- Who?
- Ben Cohen.

- The prosecutor?
- Mm.

You know, I can see it.

So apparently, my idiot brother
hired some dumbass lawyer.


My client wants to
raise Ms. Leung's share.

We are happy to hear that.

To $500,000.

Excuse me? Your client
inherited 7 million!

You said you were
gonna "make this right".

Grace... this is what Dad wanted.

We have two kids.

Your father was probably
trying to ensure we had enough

to take care of them.

Maybe this is also Dad's
way of showing thanks.

We did take care of
him in his last years.

Lim took care of him.

Your client lived across the
street from Mr. Leung in Richmond.

My client works long hours

at her furniture-design
business in Port Moody.

She didn't have time to act
as Mr. Leung's full-time caregiver.

Should she be punished because
she's "not that kind" of woman?

This isn't punitive.

Mr. Leung is prepared to
increase your client's share.

Their father left no codicil

to justify such an inequitable division.

The disparity will look like
blatant sexism to a court.

Our offer stands for 48 hours.


He never said it out loud,
but I could always feel it.

At least now I know.

Dad loved me 1% as much
as he loved my brother.


Tell me there was no
codicil in the Leung file.

I don't... think so.

[MOCKINGLY] You don't think so?

I gotta be honest... these
boxes are in rough shape.

Misfiled papers,

documents written in other languages.

Burrito wrappers.

This is the "translation" pile.

We can't file them until
we know what they say.

This one's written in Mandarin.

Can you read it?

It says... "No, I can't...
because I'm not Chinese."

Send it to a translator.

If it has anything to do
with the Leung estate case,

- let me know.
- Yeah. Will do.


Oh! Lucy.

These arrived for you from Kelly!

They're so beautiful.
What's the occasion?

[CHUCKLES WEAKLY] Just 'cause.

When was the last time

your partner got you
flowers "just because"?


Bowen's your typical guy, so... never?


- [HARRY] My client...
- [DANIEL] "Our" client.

[HARRY] ... Agrees to
change the name "Li'l Zeus"

- as well as the logo's design.
- Good start.

Next, he can change the menu
and relocate his restaurant.

My... our... client doesn't
have the money to relocate.

- And why should I change my menu?
- Because those are my recipes!

- That I improved!
- That you tweaked!

[SCOFFS] Typical!

You never appreciated
me, even as a kid...

waiting tables, chopping eggplants.

Yes, yes, you worked hard. That
is why I promoted you to manager.


I couldn't buy a houseplant
without your blessing!

And now that your son wants
to build something of his own,

- you're suing him.
- Of his own?

Same plants. Lamps. Tablecloths.

This is Zeus, and you copied it!

Those are my ideas! I
even paid for some of them!


This? This is classic!

The father, threatened when
his son gains independence!

like when Zeus
swallowed his own children!

- That was Kronos, you malakas.
- I'm a malakas?


Sit, sit. Let's not quibble
over Greek mythology.

Uh, if your client won't comply
with the requested changes,

we'll take you to court,

and Li'l Zeus's will be
shut down permanently.



Hey. Did you get the flowers?

They were lovely. Thanks.

- I finally finished my paper.
- That's great.

So, I've earned a night off.

I found this promo for a true-crime doc I
am dying to watch with you.

- It's been a long day. You go ahead.
- Oh, okay.

Excuse me. I have cucumbers to shred...

for the tzatziki I created.

Cosmo can't afford to relocate.

So, we get him that money by
counter-suing for "unjust enrichment".

Cosmo said he paid

for some of the original
restaurant upgrades.

If Dmitri's business benefited,
Cosmo should be compensated.

Unjust enrichment only applies

if you've contributed
something of value.

Houseplants won't cut it.

Cosmo gave everything to that restaurant

because he thought he'd be running it.

His father dangled the promise
of retirement for years.

Dmitri should be able to
retire whenever he wants,

whether that's 65 or 85!

- 85?
- Besides, you heard Dmitri...

Cosmo wasn't ready to run the business.

So why is Cosmo's restaurant
outperforming his dad's?

He was completely
under-appreciated. No wonder he left.


The disparity is insulting.

Mm. I can relate. I was
my parents' least favourite.

Thought you were an only child.

I could never live up
to Neville and Hermione.

Their corgis.

Do you have plans on Thursday night?

- Not yet. Why?
- Mm.

- I got tickets to a concert.
- Don't tell me it's the Pixies?

No. No.

These guys are more orchestral.

Mm-hmm. Young up-and-comers.

What's their name?

- "The Tamarack Toucans".
- A school band?

No thanks.

Come on. Why not?

You should hear what my
son can do on a French horn.

Oh, the only thing worse

than listening to your
own kids play French horn

is listening to someone
else's kid play French horn.

All right, fine. I'll go alone.

- Oh, it won't be that bad.
- Yes, it will.

A while back, I-I had a bad moment,

- and someone caught it on camera.
- I know. I've seen it.

I may have casually Googled
your name at some point.

Proving everyone's seen it.

Including the parents at Nico's school.

What do you care what they think?

They already judge me for
not being "involved enough".

In committees and bake sales.

I never did that stuff either.

Well, lucky for you, the
baseline's so much lower for dads.


But... speaking as
someone who regularly enters

rooms full of people
who hate him... own it.

Give as good as you get. When
the concert's over... text me.


Your Honor, my client's "gift"

amounts to 1% of her
brother's inheritance.

A person should have a say
in how he divides his assets,

but when the distribution is so unfair,

the law requires justification.

Mr. Leung offered none.

Mr. Bianchi?

Reasoning was provided.

A codicil, handwritten by Mr. Leung.

Uh, objection! Why are we
only hearing about this now?

My client discovered it last night,

while he was cleaning
out Mr. Leung's home.

- We need time to review this.
- You can review it later.

When he was alive,

Mr. Leung gave Grace
part of her inheritance

in the form of various gifts...

on the marital home.

for medical school,

which Grace quit in her final year.

Even if you deducted these
gifts from Grace's share,

it's nowhere near half
of Mr. Leung's estate.

For good reason.

"I leave a smaller share of my
estate to my daughter, Grace Leung,

because of our strained relationship.

She never returns my
calls and rarely visits.

My daughter will receive less
than my son and daughter-in-law,

who, by contrast,

have cared for me in
my declining years."


[ABBY] We'll evaluate
the codicil for authenticity

Don't bother. That's
definitely my dad's handwriting.

Then we'll argue undue influence

or question his mental capacity.

That man was annoyingly
sharp until his dying day.

Then we're running
out of options, Grace.

Your dad's codicil paints the
estrangement as your fault.

After Mom d*ed, I
visited him twice a week.

But he was impossible to be around.

He expected me to wait
on him, hand and foot.

Told me I was getting fat,
and no wonder my husband left.

Still, supporting your daughter
through medical school...

it doesn't exactly scream "sexism".

"A high-profile career means
you'll marry into a good family."

And those other gifts?

The wedding, the-the marital home?

That's not an inheritance,
that's a dowry.

Like, I'm a frickin'
Jane Austen character.

While I can see that...

Judge Hingston won't.

He's a libertarian,

so he's already inclined

to respect your dad's dying wishes.

What do we do?

Much as I hate to suggest it...

we try to settle.


Your Honor, there is no
evidence my client's business

was enriched by his
son's little changes.

Mr. Papadopoulos Junior

clearly filed this suit in retaliation

after my client asked him
to relocate his business.

Which is called "Zeus's Hideaway"?

No, Your Honor. I am Zeus.

What's your business called?

Li'l Zeus's Hideaway.

Oh! Because you're the son.


Though, wouldn't it have made more sense

to call your restaurant Hercules?

Or... Apollo, or...





Anything to add?

Why don't you take this one?

You devised the plan.

Mr. Papadopoulos.

Before you promoted
my client to manager,

- how was your business doing?
- Business was fine.

Even with all those new
restaurants opening up around you?

- Yeah. Objection. Asked and answered.
- Overruled.

More specificity,
please, Mr. Papadopoulos.

Maybe the numbers were a-a bit lower.

[QUIETLY] Ask him what
happened after the upgrades.

After Cosmo's "little
changes" to your restaurant,

did business improve?

He didn't just update the decor.

He created a website,

paid fees to join delivery apps.

[HUSHED] Also added vegan options.

He brought Zeus into the modern age,

out of his own pocket,

because you promised he would run it.

He wasn't ready! That's why I
promoted him, to give him experience!

Did you ever let him hire anyone?

Fire anyone?

- Alter staff schedules?
- With my approval.

It was a false promotion.

You never let Cosmo make any decisions.

You say he isn't ready to lead,

but he never had a chance.
Not with you micromanaging him.

- Objection! Badgering the witness.
- [JUDGE] Overruled.

After my client made

"little changes" to your restaurant,

it led to an 18% increase in revenue.

Cosmo knew what he was doing.


I want the record to show

that was my stomach.

This case has given me
much to think about...

and a craving for souvlaki.

Maybe I'll order my
lunch from Li'l Zeus's?


Or Zeus's.

We'll see.


- Hey.
- Oh.

Uh, can we talk later?
I have a client in ten.

You seemed off last night,

and when I woke this morning,
you were already gone.

Is everything okay?

What do you think?

I'm really sorry about that.

But I told you, it was an accident.

Kelly, it wasn't just the cupboard.

- It was how angry you got.
- You're right.

I shouldn't have escalated things.

I was having lunch with a friend.

- I'm allowed to do that.
- You are.

And I wanted to trust you

when you said she was just a friend.

- But Lucy, given your track record...
- "Track record"?

You were already in a relationship
when you met Maggie,

then you cheated on her.

And didn't you tell Maggie
Asha was "just a friend"?

That was just...

I have always been honest with you.

And I want to believe you.

But you have to admit,
you have a pattern,

and we both know patterns
are hard to break.

Kelly, I swear,

okay, there is nothing going
on between Amber and me.

Then why didn't you tell
me about your lunch date?

Would you have told me
if I hadn't surprised you?

I don't know why I didn't tell you.

Maybe there was a part of me
that thought you'd be jealous,

and I wanted to avoid conflict.

But you're right.

I should have told you.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, babe.

Come here.

I think we can all agree that
taking this matter to court

has been... emotionally draining.

For all of us.

We propose a settlement.

We're open to hearing your offer.

My client agrees to drop the challenge,

as long as your client

raises his sister's
amount to $1 million.

That's very reasonable, Grace.

Of course, you think it's reasonable.

Six to him, one to me?

Are you serious?


Who got the bigger
room when we were kids?

Because "boys need more space".

Theo got bigger portions at dinner.

Dad even gave him my gold coins.

There were gold coins?

The ones they put in red
packets for Lunar New Year.

Made of chocolate!

If I could get us back on track...

And when that bungalow
across the street from Dad

went on the market,

- guess who he told first?
- Can you stop?

You're not the only one
who suffered because of Dad.

Yeah, I moved in across the street,

because he guilted me into it.

Oh, boo-hoo! Our whole lives,

Dad gave you everything and me nothing!

He gave you freedom!

After your divorce, you
got to travel the world!

Find your... passion!

I had to stay back and take
care of dad's family business.

Real estate. You think
that was my dream?

I never had the option to leave!

As far as I'm concerned, I earned
every cent of that inheritance.

And the judge will agree.


Mr. Leung provided a codicil,

but the reasons he offers

for dividing his assets so unfairly

are laced with hidden sexism.

Ms. Bianchi, I am not interested

in your conspiracy theory.

From what I can see,

- Mr. Leung outlined valid...
- Psst!

Reasons for bequeathing
the bulk of his estate

to his son.

Sorry for the interruption, Your Honor.

What is it?

We got those translations back.




Uh, Counsel?

Any time now.

Your Honor, with your permission,

we'd like to submit new evidence.


A will Mr. Leung drew up 32 years ago,

when he and his wife still
lived in Guangdong, China.

Objection. Counsel never shared
this evidence with us in discovery.

We'll need more time to review it.

You never gave us a chance
to review the codicil.

Your Honor, these documents

only just came back from our translator.

What's good for the gander's
good for the goose, Mr. Bianchi.

"I, Ke Leung, hereby
leave my entire estate

to my beloved son

and sole beneficiary, Theo Leung."

This will was written two
days after Theo was born.

It makes no mention

of Mr. Leung's eldest
child, Grace Leung.

Your Honor, what could
my client have done

to deserve being disinherited
at three years old,

except be born a girl?

This case isn't just
about money to my client.

It's about fairness.

Grace has stated that,

should she get her fair
share of the estate,

she'll leave everything to her
niece and nephew when she dies.

And she promises to divide
their inheritance... equally.

This new evidence demonstrates

that the codicil was merely a cover

for the pre-existing inequity.

Grace Leung is entitled to
half of her father's estate.



You're pretty down for someone
who just inherited $3.5 million.

Just wondering if it was worth it.

Do you have a brother?

Half-brother. We're not close.

I never really understood

when people talk about
their siblings that way.

Yeah, you and your brother
actually like each other.

When Theo and I were kids...

there was this boy on our bus.

He made fun of our accents,

said my lunch looked like worms.

So, I threw it at him.

Sounds like he deserved it.

When I got to class,

there was another Thermos in my bag.

Theo knew I didn't have a
lunch, so he gave me his.

Sometimes, it just felt
like it was the two of us

against everyone,

even when Dad tried to
pit us against each other.

Guess he finally got his wish.

As someone whose father
treats sibling rivalry

like a spectator sport,

I know how easy it is for
someone to drive a wedge.

Doesn't mean you have to let them.


So, I told the driver, "Step on it."

Then I raced up the court steps,

burst through the door, and said,

"Stop the proceedings!
I have new evidence."

Ooh! Okay, I just got chills.

Ms. Bianchi said I saved the day, so.


Well, you know, she said
it with her eyes, but...

[CHUCKLES] I was just
heading out for a late lunch.

- I'm thinking Japadog.
- Oh, I love that place.

It's like the little
bonito flakes are dancing.

Have a good time.

Are you coming or what?


Now, my client is distressed

about having to take
his own son to court.

So, we have a proposition.

Let's hear it.

After you left, running
Zeus by myself...

the computer system, the apps, and...

I told you, there are YouTube tutorials.

But then you have to
watch the whole video!

That's how it works.

Truth is, you kept us afloat.

Thanks for acknowledging that.

Uh, what's the offer?

Once I retire, I can't stand the
thought of Zeus shutting down.

I want you... to take over.

- You said I wasn't ready.
- I wasn't ready. Zeus was my life.

Guess I will have to find
another meaningful way

to waste my time.

You do have three grandchildren.

- Meh.

We'll need a clause specifying
a date of retirement.

Ah, sooner than you think.

We'll need a specific
date, Mr. Papadopoulos.

How about the end of this month?

But all this is on the condition
that Li'l Zeus's gets shut down.

Uh, okay, okay.

But... or we could break
down that wall and expand.


[SOFTENING] ... if that's
what you want to do.


He folded... like a cheap suit.

Just walked away from
everything he built.

Or he realized his son
was perfectly capable

of running the business without him.

It sounds like Cosmo's
father had a choice...


or competition.



- Can I have a word?

Are you gonna outline all the ways

I mishandled this case, too?


I thought you handled it well.

How would you feel about being promoted

to equity partner?

I would be open to that.


Jerri will set a partners' meeting

and we'll discuss this further...



Can we keep this between us for now?

I don't know who would

willingly go to a sixth-grade
school band concert?

Frank's taking Isabelle.


Well, in that case...

It's just an hour. Two, tops.

It's not like it's a
courtroom... it's just parents.

And what are they gonna do?

Dis-invite me to the next bakesale?

Don't get too comfortable.
We're going out.

- Where?
- To see our grandson.

- Wonderful! What's the plan?
- School concert.




Is everything okay?

We've hit a rough patch.

So, I've been thinking...

- What's this?
- Open it.

I think you and I need to
take a break from all this.

Explore some place new... together.

It's an all-inclusive
Mexican Riviera cruise.


A cruise?

Uh... that's so thoughtful of you.

Let's take a look at our schedules

and bat around a few destinations.

But I already booked it.

- We leave in two weeks.
- But I have clients. I...

It was a flash sale.
No changes or refunds.

I know it was impulsive,

but I just got a check
for my last keynote.

I wanted to make a
big, romantic gesture.

But I get it, if you can't go.

No. I can.

Of course, I... I'll make it work.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, thank you.

Ooh! We're going to Cancun!




That was the longest hour of my life.

Mm, between the two of you,

I don't know who was
snoring the loudest.

It was Ms. Bianchi.


- _
- Ah!

Well done.

You were amazing.

Did you like it?

Oh, we had a great time.

What was your favourite song?

Oh... I can't pick just one.

Uh, what was yours?

Meghan Trainor... "All About That Bass".

I-I'd give that one the edge, as well.

Great job! [CHUCKLES]


You came.

Where's Ben?

He got tied up with a case.

Double homicide.

Nico, you played "Sweet Caroline"
like a pro. Your practice paid off!

Thank you. I wobbled a bit near the end.

Oh, no one noticed.

Thank you all for coming.
Um, if you'll excuse me,

I need to go clean out my spit trap.


There's Eliza Thorpe.

I love her new lips. I'll be right back.


We're gonna mingle.

- It's nice seeing you again.
- Nice seeing you, too.


Those, uh... lemon bars
look reasonably edible.

Care to try one?

♪ Feels like I'm on the outside ♪

♪ And I'm just looking in ♪

♪ Sort through all the wreckage ♪

♪ To find where this began... ♪

Good for Frank, because, I swear,

that girl must feel like a reward

after all those years
he spent with that woman.

- Hi, Roger.
- [WEAKLY] Abby.

Quick question... what's
Sally's reward for you?


My business card, for
your inevitable divorce.

It's a shame men like that
are allowed to procreate.

I'll meet you at the car.

♪ ... And I will carry on ♪

♪ I will carry on ♪

- _
- ♪ I will carry on... ♪

♪ And the world ♪

- ♪ Is nothing but a broken place ♪
- _

♪ Lift my head up ♪

♪ Fighting the stream ♪