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01x06 - Buried Treasure!

Posted: 03/08/24 12:52
by bunniefuu

Narrator: This

Narrator: This is

Narrator: This is the

Narrator: This is the

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: Anyone who has
cast a line

into a favorite fishing hole

has more than one good fish
story to tell.

And today's catch would
give Bert Raccoon

a fishing tale he would treasure
for a long time.

Bert: [chuckles]
This is gonna be great!

Cedric: What have
you got there, Bert?

Bert: It's my new
lead bevel. Ha-ha!

Me and this lure will
catch us dinner in no time!

Melissa: I don't think the
fish are biting today, Bert.

We've been here for hours and
we haven't even had a nibble.

Schaeffer: So I wouldn't
count your fishes

before they're caught.

Bert: Ha! Aaah..
just wait, you guys.

Wait'll you see the
size of my catch!

I'm a great angler.

[fishing line squeaks]
Hey, what did I tell you?

Wow, this one's a whopper!


What a bite!

He must have teeth
five feet long! Wow!

Melissa: Don't let it get away!

Cedric: Make sure
you set the hook.

Bert: Ah, don't worry,

this is one fish
that won't get away!

Get the net ready!

Boy, I can taste it now.

Here comes dinner, guys!

Ralph: Well, I
hope you like 'sole.'


Schaeffer: [laughs] Yep, that's
some tasty looking catch, Bert!

And I'd like to take you up
on your dinner invitation,

but I've got to get back home.

Ralph: Me too, Bert. Melissa
and I are planning to go

to the drive-in tonight.
See you later,

Melissa: Bye, boys!

Bert: Don't you have a
lame excuse too, Cedric?

Cedric: No, I couldn't
think one up fast enough.


Bert: [laughs at joke]

Broo: Woo-wooo-woof


Bert: Hey!!

♪ [suspenseful music]
A treasure map!!!



Narrator: After finding
the treasure map,

Bert spirited Cedric and Broo
off to a secluded place,

where they could examine
their catch...secretly.

Bert: What did I tell them?
Ha ha ha!

Bert Raccoon,
ace fisherman!

What a catch! A treasure map!


Good work, Broo!

Cedric: Gee, Bert, are you
sure it's a treasure map?

Bert: Of course it is!

Boy, the look on the
faces of the g*ng,

when we surprise them with
a chest full of gold!

Cedric: When we surprise them?

Bert: Yeah! You, me and Broo.

Broo: Woof-woof!

Cedric: Gee, Bert, I don't

my father would let me go.

Bert: Cedric, by the time
we've made that treasure ours,

you'll have so much money,

your father will be proud

that you're his son.

Cedric: Pop?!
Gee, Pop proud of me!?

But what about the risk?

Bert: Risk-shmisk! Ha!

You'll be traveling with me!

And adventure
is my middle name!

Cedric: Mine is Sydney.

Um, how could we
possibly get there?

It's way down river.

Bert: How can we get there?
Why, it's easy!

We'll build a.. um.. a..

...a battleship!

Cedric: Wouldn't a raft
be more practical?

Bert: Hmm.. yeah, a raft.

That's it! We'll build a raft!

Cedric: Me and my big mouth!

Bert: But we'll need
some building supplies.

I'll get the materials.

Cedric, you get something
to dig the treasure up with.

Broo, you get some food.

And we'll meet back
here at midnight,

Cedric: Midnight? Why midnight?

Bert: So no one will
see us building the raft.

This is our secret. Okay?

Cedric: Okay, Bert!

Broo: Woof-woof!

♪ [dramatic,
suspenseful music] ♪

Cedric: I wonder,
what's keeping them?


[screams out]

Bert: Shhh! Relax, Cedric!

It's me, Bert.

Cedric: Bert, what
happened to your eye?

Bert: It's just a patch, Cedric.

A part of this old Halloween
costume of Ralph's.

I found it in the attic.

And I also got these old tools

and this rope to lash
the raft together.

Broo: Woof-woof!


Bert: Oh, and Broo got us food.

Cedric: And I got what I could
of Pop's gardening tools, Bert.

Just like you asked me to.


I couldn't find the
picks and shovels.

Bert: Well, I don't know
what we'll do with those,

but.. um, we'll make do.

Come on, me hearties!

Let's get to work!

Broo: [barks]

[tumbling sound]

The Pig 1:
The last time I dug this

was to pay off a stack
of parking tickets.

The Pig 2: Stop complaining.
The boss wants to go fishing

in the morning and you
can't fish without worms.

The Pig 1: Uuh, there's one!
You pick it up.

The Pig 2:
Oh no, you pick it

The Pig 3: No wait, it's
not in my job description!

[distant barking]

The Pig 1: Do you hear that?

The Pig 2:
[whispers] Yes.

Let's investigate.


The Pig 2: This looks fishy.

The Pig 1:
I wonder what they're up to?

Cedric: It looks like
we've got everything.

Bert: Yeaaa-hooo!

She's ready for christening.

Cedric: Well,
what do we call it?

Bert: Hmm.. hey,

since we all built it together,

why don't we name her after us?

Broo: Woof-woof!

[panting, happy barking]

Bert: Yeah!

I hereby christen thee

the Companion Ship!

And now me bucko's,

it's off for the big treasure!


♪ Yo-ho-hoo!
And a bottle of pop ♪

Avast ye...
The Pig 1: Did you hear that?

The Pig 2: Treasure?
The Pig 3: Shhh!


The boss will wanna
know about a treasure!

The Pig 2: Let's go tell him!

This digging for worms
is for the birds.

♪ [suspenseful music]

Snag: [gentle snoring]


Cyril: [snoring]

The Pigs: Wake up,
wake up, wake up, Sir!

Cyril: [snoring]

The Pig: [laughs]

Cyril: What you...?

Why aren't you out
finding me worms?

The Pigs: They
have a treasure map!!

Cyril: Who?! The worms?

The Pig 1: No!
Cedric and the Raccoons.

The Pig 2: And they've
just sailed off..

The Pigs: find the treasure!

Cyril: Treasure!? What?
Cedric and the Raccoon

sailing off to find treasure?

Don't just stand around
my bed like you're waiting

for a will to be read!
We've got work to do!

The Pig 1: But, but, but, Sir.

I thought you
wanted to go fishing?

Cyril: Well, I've
changed my mind.

Now I want to go hunting,

hunting for that treasure.

Understand me?

The Pig 2: Yes, Sir!
The Pigs: Yes, Sir!

Cyril: I want that treasure!

Snag: [coughing]

Narrator: For most of that
warm and sunny day,

the Companion Ship drifted
lazily down the river,

giving Captain Bert lots of time
to wonder about

the contents of the treasure
that awaited discovery.

Bert: Just a few
more minutes, Cedric,

and all the gold and that
treasure will be ours!

Cedric: Um, gee, Bert,

what makes you think it's gold?

Bert: Hmm, you're right.

I-it could be...

the King's ransom in diamonds!

Or rubies!

Or savings bonds!

Cedric: Uh.. savings bonds?

Bert: Just think of what
we'll be able to buy with it.

A lifetime supply
of root beer!

All the pizza you can eat!
Broo: Sluuuurp!

Bert: Chocolate pudding.

Cedric: Chocolate pudding?

Gee, that would be
great, wouldn't it?

Bert: Boy, all this talk
about food is making me hungry.

Cedric: Yeah, me too.

Is it lunchtime yet?

Broo: [happy barking]



♪ When everything's
in front of you ♪

♪ And everything is new

♪ I'm just tryin' to
understand ♪

♪ And help to get you through

♪ It's time that you
believed in life ♪

♪ Like it believes in you

♪ I'm talkin' 'bout believin'

♪ Then believe this
'cause it's true ♪

♪ I fear we're missing it


♪ There are so many signs

♪ Why are we missing it?


♪ There are so many times

♪ When it's so hard to find

♪ Can't keep on missing it


Bert: According to the map,
our treasure should be

just around this bend.

Broo: [excited barking]

Cedric: Um, you know,
Bert, I read somewhere

the treasures are
always guarded by traps.

Bert: Traps-shmaps!

Ha! Any traps that were there,

rotted away years ago.

Cedric: I'm not so sure, Bert.

Bert: Well, I am!
Forget it, Cedric.

Hey! I don't remember seeing
a rock face on this map.

Cedric: The map says,
the river goes on.

Bert: Yeah.

Now, what's a mountain doing
in the way of the river?

Could a wall of rock have grown
since that map was drawn?

Hah! Not one this size.

Cedric: Well, I guess,
we'll have to turn back then.

There doesn't seem to be
anywhere to go.

Bert: Hhm..

Let me think.

Yeee-uh-eh! What the..?

♪ [dramatic music]




Bert: Cedric, Cedric!! Look!

T-t-the river does go on!

Cedric: Well, I guess,
the map was right.

Bert: What have I been
tellin' ya, huh, huh, huh?

Come on! Let's go!

Cedric: I have a feeling
I won't like this!

♪ [slow dramatic music]


Bert: Look, there's
a ledge over there.

We'll have to moor the raft
and go by foot, Cedric.

Cedric: [screams]

I knew I wouldn't like this.

Bert: This way, crew!

Huh, this will be a snap.

Bert/Cedric: [scream]

Bert: [nervous laughter]

This.. must be the place.

Broo: [barks]

Cedric: How much longer?

Bert: We should be
just about there.

[low rumble]

Cedric: Did you
hear the hear that?!

Bert: Hear what?!

Cedric, you're just
imagining things.

Bert/Cedric: [scream]

Bert: Oh.. [nervous laughter]

It's a.. it's just us.

Come on! There's nothing
to be worried about.

Cedric: Sure.. nothing
to be worried about.


Broo: [panting]

[gentle tapping]

Bert/Cedric: Uaaaaah!



Bert: Hey, this is.. this is it!

This.. this is the place!!

Cedric: And this is
where the treasure is

supposed to be buried, Bert.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Come on, let's dig!

Cedric: Dig with what, Bert?
Bert: Huh?

Oh, well.. yeah,

I forgot about that.

Broo: Woof!


♪ [triumphant music]

Bert: Our treasure!


Now we'll find out
just how rich we are!


[squeak.. slam!]

Cyril: I'll take that!


Bert: Cyril Sneer?!
Cedric: Pop!

Cyril: Don't 'Pop' me!

What's the big idea
going after treasure,

and not telling your own father?


Cedric: Um, Pop? It's
just a harmless adventure.

Cyril: Adventure!?

There's no adventure in a
treasure that isn't collecting

twelve and quarter
percent per annum!!

Come on, boys, let's move it!

Bert: Hold it, hose-nose!

You can't take this treasure!

It belongs to us. We found it!

Cyril: I've got news for
you, Lone Ranger face.

This treasure is on my land!


Here's the deed to the property!

And if it's on my land,

this is rightfully mine!

Come on, let's get going!

Cedric: Um.. Pop?
What about us?

Cyril: You boys
stick to your games.

Let me worry about
the financial stuff.

Now, have a good time!

And Cedric, be sure
to be home for dinner.

Cedric: Sure...sure, Pop!

[fast moving hoof steps]

[distant rumbling sound]

Cyril: What in blazes?

[loud rumbling sounds]

Cedric: Oh no!!

Removing the treasure
is setting off the traps!

I thought you said
they wouldn't work!!

Bert: I guess, I can't
be right all the time.

The Pigs: Uaaaaah!

[loud rumbling sounds]

[fast moving hoof steps]


[gate squeaking]

[loud rumbling sounds]

♪ [slow dramatic music]


The Pigs: [struggling]

Cyril: Uaaaaah!

[loud rumbling sounds]


Cedric: I just don't understand.

Pop never said anything about
owning this land before.

[tires squealing]
Bert: What?!

That means the deed
must have been a fake!

We found it fair and square!

And Cyril getting away
with our treasure!

Come on, we might still
be able to catch those guys.

[boat motor humming]

Cyril: Let's get out
of this place. In a hurry!

[boat motor humming]

Bert: There they are!!
Let's hurry!

Cedric: It's hopeless, Bert.
They've got a motor!

We'll never catch them.

Bert: Nonsense! They're
ours for the taking!

Cyril: Who do they think
they are, following us?

The Pig 1: Perhaps they
didn't believe your story

about the deed, Sir?

Cyril: Perhaps,
you'd like a story

like the Three Little Pigs.

Now let's move it!

♪ [dramatic music]

Faster, faster!

This treasure could
be earning interest!!

The Pig 2: But, Sir,
there's danger up ahead!

The Pig 3: Maybe
we should turn back?

Cyril: What?!
And take the chance

of losing the treasure to them?

No!! Keep on course!

That blasted Raccoon
won't dare follow us

on that two-bit tugboat.

[waterfall roaring]



The Pig: We made it, Sir!
Cyril: Ha-Haaa!

Now, the treasure is mine!

[motor humming]

[motor breaking down]

What in blazes is going on?!

[motor breaking down]

The Pig: It appears it's
given up the ghost, Sir.

Cyril: You'll be ghosts if you
don't get this barge moving!

The Pigs: Yes, Sir,
right away, Sir.

[swishing sound]

♪ [dramatic music]

Bert: Hey! Their motor stopped!

Come on, me hearties!

Let's board them!

Cedric: Board them?!

Ship ahoy!
We're closing on them.

Cyril: What?!
It's not possible!!


[rapids roaring]


My treasure!!
Get my treasure!!

Bert: [giggles]
The treasure, it's ours!!

Broo: [barks in panic]
Bert: Hey..

Broo: [whines]
Bert: Oh no!

Cedric, you get the treasure.


Cedric: Oh, okay.



The Pigs: Uaaaaah!

♪ [dramatic music]

[water splashing]


[waterfall humming loud]


Cyril: Cedric, my son!

My only son!!

Hold on!! I'll save you!

Cedric: No, Pop! It's okay.

I can.. Pop? Pop?!?

Cyril: Heeeelp!

♪ [slow dramatic music]




[rapids humming loudly]




♪ [dramatic music]
[waterfall rumbling]

[waterfall rumbling]

Ralph: Hey Bert and Broo!

How'd you like to toss
a line into the lake

with the rest of us?

I've been looking forward to
that meal you promised us.

Broo: [barks]

Bert: Ah...
no thanks,

We're not gonna fish anymore.

Melissa: But Bert, you used to
treasure your fishing trips.

Bert: Yeah, well..

I think I'm going to give
fishing up for something safer.

Like skydiving from a rocket?

Broo: W-woof!


The Pig: No sign of it, Sir.

Cyril: I want that treasure!

I know it's down there

Now find it!

Narrator: Cyril
and his crew searched

for the lost booty in vain.

The treasure and its contents
would remain a secret forever.

And although everyone
was safe and sound,

this was one adventure

Cedric would never hear
the end of.

Cedric: Can I take a break, Pop?

Cyril: Not till we find
that treasure,

Mr. Gold Medallion!

Cedric: Oh, Pop!

♪ [show theme music]


♪ Ooooooh

♪ You can run with us

♪ We've got
everything you need ♪

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free

♪ Come with us

♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us

♪ Oh-oh-oooh, run with us

♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

♪ Run with us