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02x02 - The Homecoming

Posted: 07/21/14 10:35
by bunniefuu
The man you asked me about, Philip Genovese?


He's back, too.

Is he the one from New York, the one you were chasing?

When he does get back, we've got something very special planned for him.

I mean his little friend here.

What do you want?

Leave Shari out of it! She's not a part of it!

She is now, sport.

Come on... we both knew it was gonna end this way.

He runs a trafficking ring.



Wait! Arabela, stay with Genovese I'll be back as soon as I can.

He's dangerous, never forget that.

My boss is on his way. I'll be fine.

Inspector Seeger.

Just finishing off my notes.

So everything is all right in here, huh?

Absolutely perfect.

What happened?

It was my boss.

He att*cked me. He helped him.

Hey, garbage boy. Guess who's out of the hospital?

I can't wait for round two.

There's the door.

On me.

Remember, there's supposed to be a dozen girls in that trailer.

If it jumps off, nobody fires at the trailer.

Draw the skels away.

Let's roll.

Two, one, go!


What are we doing?

This is too easy.

Not necessarily.


Cammarata, light that cigar.

Okay, this is a setup.

Come on, back up. Slowly.

Let's get the Boom Squad in here, find out what the hell is going on.

You look like you want to jump.

Out of my skin.

It's only been a few days.

You promised you'd listen to the doctors.

I thought they would be more reasonable.

You need to heal.

Which I could be doing at my desk.

But you wouldn't stay at your desk.

Merci, Monsieur. See?

Even Michel thinks you should stay at home.

No, I just declared that he wouldn't stay at his desk.

I made no assessment beyond that.

If I'd known that would be the response, I would have brought them two weeks earlier.

That's for coming to visit.

He really is going out of his mind.

You're going out of your mind?

I need to ask you something.



Why what?

Trying to k*ll me for stopping a drug operation I understand perfectly.

But I keep thinking about this why did Dimitrov take Rebecca and me hostage?


I'm sorry, Louis.

I... I don't know, yet.

We've cleared all the laser trip beams.

And there's definitely a b*mb?

b*mb is an understatement. There's enough expl*sive in that truck to blow this whole block back to the Stone Age.

This entire thing was a setup. There are no girls at all?

I didn't say that.

One of my guys thought he heard something in one of the trucks.

So we put up the portable x-ray.

Looks like people inside.

The girls are in there?

You took care of all the lasers?

And it seems the plastique is just under the frame of the truck.

And all the doors are safe?

I said "seems."

Aw, dammit, we can't just...


Everybody, find cover or get out of here.

It's really not a good idea.

Yeah, those words will probably be on my tombstone.

But please, not today.

You know, you saved a lot of lives here today.

I got four dead girls and two barely breathing, and no idea who they are.

We haven't saved their lives yet.

I didn't just mean them.


Son of a bitch.


Did you forget to tell me something?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

The last we heard around here, you had Phillip Genovese in custody.


Yeah, but not anymore.

How did you get this number? Wait, wait, why?

He just tried to k*ll me and an entire raid team.



He's in New York, and it looks like he's settling old scores.


You quit?

I was going to call you.

Is this because they're saying your boss was some kind of hero?

That's part of it.

That's not a reason to quit, that's a reason to start screaming, "That's a load of shite" from the rooftops.

It's complicated.

No, it's not.

There aren't that many good cops, Seeger. You can't quit.

I believe my colleagues m*rder*d my boss and called it su1c1de, a man so corrupt he helped another m*rder*r escape.

But what they're saying is a hero died.

None of it is true, but it will be. It will be official, and it will be true.

I'm sorry, Tommy. I just...

I can't devote my life to a system capable of that.

Major, hi!

I do not need help.

Let me give you a hand.

Here, lean on me, mate.

You make me feel very, very old.

Young people don't make you feel old, Louis, it's old age that does that.

Torn ligaments and bruised ribs don't help.

No, I imagine not.

Should you even be here, Sir?

The doctors paroled me.

I promised to only do things with no movement, a promise I can keep since you all created enough paperwork for me to last a month.

I'm sure there's a "Thank you for rescuing me" in there somewhere.

Anyone seen Carl?

Not since we came back.

He's been at the hospital with the injured girl from the carnival.



Thanks for rescuing me.

You're more than welcome, sir.

Oh, you are here.

I wish everyone was less surprised.

No, I mean, I just took a phone call for you, from the States, NYPD, a cop named...


Yeah, Amanda Andrews.


Hold on.

They should be coming through now.

The doctors here say that the four dead girls appear to have suffocated in the trailers after their beatings.

They're not sure why these two even survived.

I appreciate your help IDing them.

I have put them through everything that we have here, but they are so d*sfigured it's impossible.

All the paperwork will be done, and your team will have all the authority they need, Louis.

I will do what I can.

I hope your device is as good as Louis has told me, Kommissar Berger.

Yeah, me too.

See you soon.


Okay, you all know what to do. You have 20 minutes to gear up.

That was quick.

Ensconcing yourself in a new adventure.

Could I say no?

No, you could not.

I need to talk to you, Louis. It concerns Rebecca.

You guys going somewhere?

I'm gonna see New York for the first time.

We have a case.

In New York?

Yeah, Genovese turned up there.

How do you know that?

The Major will explain it.

Is that right?

He doesn't seem happy.

Does he ever?

You okay?


I just...

I told Anne Marie I would show her New York one day.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Why does the team think they're going to New York?

I'll let you get to it, Major.

Thank you, Dorn.

Hickman... good work in London.


Thank you, sir.

The team thinks they are going to New York because they are.

Six European girls were found in New York, victims of a trafficking ring.

Four are dead.

Those two were found so badly beaten they cannot be identified.

NYPD asked us to identify them and get them home.

Amanda is your contact there? Does she... call you about me?


So did she tell you that I'm... I'm going there also?

She told me Genovese tried to k*ll her.

She didn't need to tell me you were going.

The team does not need to be involved with this. This is my fight, Louis.

They don't seem so worried about it.

Yeah, well, they should be.

Your ticket is ready.

Flight is in two hours.

The ICC is not responsible for this, Louis.

The ICC team was requested, not just some of them.

Get out of the way, man! assh*le!

Excuse you, mate! Jeez, it really is ruder.

You're from Belfast and you think New Yorkers are rude?

But when the Irish are rude, we do it with a little twinkle in the eye.

Yeah, like leprechauns.

That's still not funny, man.

Eva likes me.

Yeah, but I don't think you're that funny either.

I think you're funny, Sebastian.

Thank you.

Yeah, when he's insulting me.



She ought to be here.

What's she like?


She's like a cop.

That's what she is. I mean, what's she like?

That's for not calling when Genovese escaped.

You hit me?

I wanted to run you over, but transpo convinced me I don't need another vehicle damage report.

Briefing upstairs in my office, and then we'll get you to the hospital so you can see the girls.

Now, that was funny.

I think I like her.

Yeah, I think we're going to be friends.

Yeah, I missed you, too, Mandy.

They arrived.

All right, stay with 'em.

Let me know when they move again.

Hey, buddy, how you doing?

Hey, you know what they don't have in Europe?

A decent Red Hot.

Run three of them through the garden for me, would ya?

I got a big day planned.

A big day.

I was able to get permission for you to consult on the unidentified girls based on the unique abilities of your machine.

We believe them to be European.

One of them spoke French if that helps.

It cuts it down to 75 million people.

If that's her only language.

She was asking for help.

Well, then, it's probably her native tongue.

29 countries.

Are we sure she isn't Canadian?

Canadians are usually brought into the U.S. in a different place.

Right, Upper Peninsula, Michigan, or Seattle through Vancouver.

They do their research.

What about Genovese?

What about him?

How are we going after him?

You guys are going to handle the women.

City's gonna have an issue with international cops bouncing around as it is.

If anyone asks what you're doing here, these letters should help.

They also have my phone number on them.

g*ns are okay?

Do you have badges?


This is America.

Oh, right, Cops and Robbers, huh?

Cops and Robbers.

What's this?

That is the organizational chart for the trafficking g*ng.

This how we chased Genovese down.

NYPD doesn't have computers.

I prefer old school.

As in pre-electricity.

Any ideas how you're gonna find one tosser in a city of nine-million people?


I have some thoughts.

After Étienne was born, when you left The Hague, the international justice community suffered a loss, you know.

You are one of the most gifted prosecutors I have ever worked with.

Your ability to extract from those victims all the information that we needed without tearing them apart emotionally was remarkable.

Quite, quite remarkable.

Michel, I couldn't.

I don't even know if I'm capable anymore. It's been six years.

My skills...

Your skills.

You haven't lost your compassion, you haven't lost your sense of decency, and those are the qualities that inform your skills to make you a great prosecutor. The rest of it, well, you can brush up on in books, for godsakes.

Well, I must think about it.


Yes, you must.

Is there something else?

Working for the Court, there are... tangential ramifications that you must take into consideration.



And what I'm talking about directly pertains to Étienne's death, and why that happened.


Alexander Dimitrov... assassinated Étienne to get back at you.

You the crew I'm taking to Roosevelt Island?

This is them, they have some gear up front.

Roosevelt Island?


I put them in City Hospital off the beaten path.

You ever go back out there?

To the Island?

No, not since my father died.


The funeral.

One day I wasn't backing you up.

A day to remember.

You know I don't blame you for this, right?

You don't have to.

How is it?

Pretty much the same as when I left. I do less morphine, though.

That's probably a good thing.

Everyone is okay with them being here, right? The kids?

They're not gonna step on any toes?

It's the NYPD, we have pretty big toes.

Well, if there's any problem, you know, with anyone, just... you let me know. What?

I've just never... I've never seen this on you, caring about someone else this way.

They're good.


Come on, let's go and mess someone's day up.

Oh, my god.

To plot the assassination of a child, a mind so sick!

What I did to him...

Étienne did not die because of you, Rebecca, there was nothing...

No, Michel, to Louis.

I blamed him for more than a year.

You blamed Louis for what?

From the moment it...

I just assumed it was his work that had caused it.

Does he know?

Does he know it was me?

No, not yet, no.

Oh, I need to...

Oh, my god.

I blamed him.

Major Daniel?

Thanks for coming, Detective.

It's not detective anymore.

Tommy told me. That's a shame.

Please have a seat.

I will find something else to do.

But you have not yet, have you?


Not yet.


The team is in New York trying to identify some injured young women.

If we need to look here in Europe, I will someone to get me there.

You mean, like to drive you?

Yes. You just told me you were free.

Am I crazy to miss the gentle smell of urine?


They're at Rollie's.

Okay, you and the boys get to that other thing.

The van's ready and loaded at the shop.

You're not going to need any help?

For those two? I got all I need, Stosh.

Hey, what the... what the...

Hey, Rollie.

Miss me?

You've loosened a tooth. I think it's a molar.

Quit bitching, Rollie.

What, do you want the street to know you got your ass kicked by a one-armed copper?

He was pretty surprised to see me.

It's always a shock to see a ghost.

I kind of can't believe he tried to take me out.

Well, technically, he just facilitated it.

It was Genovese who made the play.

One day, remind me to tell you how much I hate when you say, "technically".

Why would I remind you to nag me?

Tommy, can you get that table and put it over here?


Get me the stand and the scanner.

Can you tell me how this works again?

Well, they can't be identified because of the bruising and swelling but their bone structure hasn't changed.

Like their cheeks?

Yeah, eye sockets.

The cartilage of their nose may be damaged, but I can usually adjust for that.


I'm basically taking an X-Ray of their bones under the damage, and letting my programs rebuild their muscle and tissue the way an age progression program does.

This is not going to hurt them, right?

It won't even wake them up.

So basically, you're saying you are able to see what they looked like before they were injured?

Close enough so we can run them through an Interpol database, see if they have a record.

Trafficked women might have a prostitution hit.

If we're lucky.

Broads are on the seventh floor.

G says in and out fast and make sure they're dead this time.


She's so beautiful.

She's not in any of the crime bases.


We don't want the NYPD to think we're a bunch of useless wankers.

We could have the doctors secure blood and see if there's any DNA record.

Okay, well, I'll take care of that.

Sounds like an even wilder shot than hoping they've got criminal records.

These girls are, like, 20 years old or something?

Aren't they more likely on Facebook than on a criminal database?


You can get into Facebook?

I don't have to get into it.

It's called social networking.

It's meant to be accessed.

You can run a photo through the site itself and see if it matches any photos already posted?

I'm supposed to know what any of that means?

What, you don't Facebook?

Men don't Facebook.

I check my page about ten times a day.

I'm very disappointed in you sometimes, Berger.

Okay, I'll go and see if I can talk to the doctor.

We should try everything.

Yes... They're sisters.

Marie and Charlotte DuPuis from Mont Saint-Martin in northern France.

You got all that from Facebook?

They're both tagged. Their photos match photos from their walls.

What? Where?

They're walking towards the door, four of them with a*t*matic weapons.

There are four guys with a*t*matic weapons outside the door.

Eva, stall them for 30 seconds.

Are you serious?

Okay, when they start to come in the room, push back on the door.

Might just give us the shock we need. Oh... be careful, mate.

I'm not the one going out of the window.

Oh, God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Amen!

This is a bad idea. Don't look down, don't look down.

Oh, why'd you look down? You're so stupid.

Come on, come on, come on...

Do it, do it.




She's Italian.


Lady, we're working here.


Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons, now! Drop them.

Drop your w*apon now.

Better listen to the lady.

All right, all right.

Where the heck are you cops from?


You didn't fire a shot?

Well, in Europe it's different. Not all cops and robbers.

Yeah, but if they'd gave me a reason, I'd have blown their asses all to hell, let the Devil sort them out.

Don't let these guys think they're any tougher than us.

"Blow their asses to hell and let the Devil sort them out"?

I'm pretty sure it's from Die Hard 2. John McClane. Irish.

Ah, Irish-American.

Yeah, but the attitude's all Irish.


Yeah, yeah, we're all fine.

Plus we potentially IDed the two girls.

They may be from Normandy, Mont Saint-Martin.

Yeah, I'll send the information through.


Sorry, I... I have no idea where Hickman is.

Made a big mistake, Rollie.

Are you back on the job?

Pay attention to Andrews.

Is he healed or... ?

What? What mistake?

Trying to set me up.

You sent me to that trucking company and Genovese rigged it to blow.


What... what trucking...

Why... why would I try to hurt you?

I like you.

Did you know that when people lie, their blood pressure goes up?

Is that right?

The pressure rises, blood goes up to the nose, makes the tissue swell. Causes a bad itching sensation.

Like that?

Yeah, mm-hmm.

You're saying that I'm lying.

Well, your nose is awful itchy.

Here's a question for you, Rollie.

Genovese spent the last two years in Europe.

How come you weren't surprised when she said he rigged it?

You okay?

I'm okay.

That's our van.

Was it now?

It just blew up.

Lucky we caught you then, huh?


You were supposed to be back in that thing by now, yeah?

Someone wants you gone, man.

So how'd you know Genovese was back in town?

What, how did I know?

Answering a question with a question.

Another sign of a liar.

I'm just trying to understand what you're saying.

With you, Rollie, if your lips are moving, you're lying. I mean, why would Genovese let a piece of shit like you know anything about his plans?

Give us a second, man.

What are you doing, Tommy?

Wait there.

This is our chance to help Hickman. That's their lorry just blew up.

Genovese tried to k*ll him, too.

Aye, and I bet we can get this fella to tell us where Hickman and Andrews can find him because of it.

Well, we only have authorization to identify the girls.

Since when do you care about authorization?

We could actually find out where Genovese is.

That was your real mistake, Rollie, never asking yourself why.

Like a fish, he... he doesn't ask what the worm is doing hanging in the water there.

He just takes it, and then he's all surprised when there's a hook.

Fish, what fish? What... what the hell are you talking about?

Oh, you got the brains of a fish.

Genovese told you he was bringing those girls through New York so he could k*ll me, right?



Look, I told you, it's just what I heard on the street.

Oh, no, no. You did not hear something that specific on the street, Rollie.

Genovese knows you're a rat. He knew you'd tell Andrews, and then he could set her up. That's what happened.

Whether she dies there or not, either way he knows that I'm coming back to New York to get him.

You got played.

You have any idea what he's going to do to you?

Genovese just tried to k*ll you.


And I thought my boss was bad.

He wouldn't.

He wouldn't?

So you really think he's not going to try to k*ll you again?

Well, here's the thing.

I guess this is the only chance you have to save yourself here.

Tell us where Genovese is so we can lock him up before he gets another shot at you.

Tell her you set her up, confess.

It would make you feel so much better.

But I did not do that. I would not set her up.

It's Tommy, the Irish kid.

Better take that.

Not yet.

Christ, Hickman, answer your phone!

Can we go a bit faster there, man?

What if he doesn't answer?

Well, keep trying.

Come on, Rollie, tell Detective Andrews you set her up.

I told you, I would never set her up.

I told you that.

Oh, Rollie, we are so close.

It'll be okay. Just tell me.

Fine. Okay.

Look, I did not know that he was going to try and k*ll you, okay?

I did not know that. No way.

But, yeah, I knew it was a set up.

Get up, put your hands behind your back.


Stand up, put your hands behind your back.

You said it was going to be okay.

This is okay for me.


I'm good.

I'm not good. You said it was going to be okay.

I'm really good.

You guys are crazy.

You said it was going to be okay.

You just...

You ca... You came here just for this?

Not exactly.


Jesus, Hickman, did you go to an informant's flat?

Yeah, we're there now.

You've got to get out of there now, mate.

Look, I don't have time to tell you how I know this, but it's a set-up.

Genovese knows you're coming.

He knew you'd go to that informant's flat!

Tommy, take it easy.

No, listen to me, man!

Calm down.

Look, Genovese is coming to k*ll you both!

Tommy, stop.

No, but... !

We know.

We know that he's coming.

We want him to.

We are okay.


So far.

You got something for me?

Oh, yeah.

It's small.

Well, size never matters, right?

That's just what girls tell boys to make them feel better.

You ready?

Hey, hey, listen, I don't care about the broad, but that guy cop, he's mine.

Go, go.

All units, move in.

What's going on? I don't hear anything.

Drop your w*apon!

He's going upstairs!

Perp made it to the roof of 1111 Arthur.

Seal the entire neighborhood.

Start going through every building.


We're here!

You want to finish everything, how about now?

Right now!

You really think he's going to answer you?


What should we do?

You go north, I'll go south.

If I say be careful, will it matter?

Careful would have stayed in Europe.

Drop the g*n. Drop it.

Drop the g*n.

Hey, hey. Hey.

This a familiar sight, huh?

Me, a rooftop, g*n, NYPD. Oh, wait a second.

I'm sorry, I forgot you weren't there that day.

Too bad for your boy.

My boy?

You went pretty far away to hide from him.


I went to Europe because of you.

In my line of work, there's a lot of worry about Detective Andrews, NYPD trafficking specialist.

"Specialist" suggests an assh*le like you is hard to find, or handle.

I do okay.

Pulled your strings pretty easy today.

That's because you're out of options.

I'm out of options?


You really think you're going to walk off this roof?

I do.

You do.

You know why?

I think I've got a major insurance policy right in front of me.

Insurance policy?

Yeah. You're a hostage.

You better have a hell of a lot more than that g*n if you think you're going to scare me into being your hostage.

Is that right?

My dad used to pull a g*n on me and my brother just for fun.

On the weekends, when he was real drunk, he'd add a couple rounds to the mix, pull the trigger now and then.

Didn't take me long to develop a real I don't give a shit attitude about a g*n to my head.


That was amazing.

Now we're going to move.



sh**t me.

Stop moving.


We're going to go now.


sh**t me.

I said move.

Better give up before someone kills you.

She is so right.

Hey, Carl.

How are you, buddy?

sh**t him, Carl.

If you pull that trigger, I'm going to pull mine.

I don't care, Carl. sh**t him.

You know, by the way you sh**t, you got a better chance of hitting this bitch anyway.

Did you just call me bitch?

Yes, I did, bitch. Shut up.

Big mistake.

Carl, sh**t him.

Hey, stop moving, I mean it...

You know what? sh**t me, and then sh**t him! Do it!

Stop moving. Stop moving!

You want to cuff him?

I still haven't figured out how to do that one handed.


All units, suspect is in custody. Let's clean up this mess, get this neighborhood back to normal.

Cuff him.

You all right?

Me? Are you okay?

I did take all the chances, didn't I?

I'm never going to let you forget that.

Your father played Russian Roulette on you?

I didn't know.

Oh, Carl, you gotta stop believing everything you hear.

Can you imagine? Your daughters missing almost one year, not knowing if they are alive or dead?

You wanted me to see that.

When I asked you to help, I could not have known we would actually identify these women.

You know that.


But you wanted to remind me that cops do good things.

That won't make me not quit.

I'm not trying to get you back to your old job.

I understand perfectly why you quit.

You do?


The hardest moment in every cop's life, it's when they realize how scary it is to be the police.


You think it's about fear?

Yes, I do.

And what exactly am I afraid of?

A good cop spends almost every moment of every day afraid.

Afraid of losing their life.

Afraid of taking a life.

Afraid that someone they're responsible for might be hurt or k*lled.

Afraid of taking action.

Afraid of not taking action.

What if you arrest someone and make a mistake on the paperwork?

What if, because of your not doing the job well, someone else is victimized?

What if you might not be good enough to prevent someone from escaping?

Afraid that you might fail.

I let you all down.


If not for you, we would not have Tommy back.

I need a mind like yours on my team.

Excuse me?

Join us, Arabella.

Join the ICC team.

We're all packed.

I'm not surprised.

How's that?

You know how many nights you left and stuck me with the paperwork?

You're better at it.

Anyway, I'll have to do all that extradition stuff on the other side.

No, you'll have one of those kids do it.

Yeah. Definitely.

You doing all right?

I was thinking once the extradition comes through, I could maybe be his escort.

Bring Genovese over there myself.

I think that'd be great.

But move first, though.

I'm sorry?

Louis says you live in a shit hole.

Oh, that's what Louis says, huh?

And I'm not staying in a shit hole.

No, I don't imagine that you would.

You know I...

I know.

Me too.

Be careful out there.

You take care of those kids.



I know I was supposed to stay here.

I only made a notification, I promise.

Rebecca, what's wrong?

I have to tell you something, Louis.

Something terrible.

You can tell me anything. It will be all right.

That's just it.

I'm afraid it won't be all right.

There's nothing you could ever say that would change what I feel for you.

Oh, Louis...