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01x03 - The Terminator

Posted: 07/02/13 16:14
by bunniefuu
The Lord is my shepherd therefore can I lack nothing.

He shall feed me in a green pasture and lead me forth beside the waters of comfort.

He shall convert my soul and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness.

For His name's sake, Amen.

[Everyone repeats] Amen.

For as much as it hath pleased almighty God in his great mercy to take unto himself the...

[Priest's voice echoes dreamily]

We therefore commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection...

Madame Pride.

We are sorry for your loss.

Thank you all for coming.

Tommy: She wanted me to tell you she did good.

Tommy, not now...

No. No, if he has something to say, I'd like to hear it.

She was a decorated detective.

In most any family, she'd be a hero.

But she died wanting her parents to be told she did good...

Because in hers, it wasn't enough.


Louis, clearing throat: Tommy was with her at the end.

That must have been a very difficult message to deliver.

Thank him for me.

Please excuse me.


[Music pounding]

♪ Ladies and gentlemen threescore and ten ♪

♪ that's the average lifespan for women and men ♪

♪ now, you may live to 100 or be dead by 25 ♪

♪ but make sure you make the most of it ♪

♪ while you're still alive [♪]

Got him.

♪ Life's for the living love's for the giving... ♪

We have him.

He's wearing a wedding ring.

He's a widower.

His daughter's the model in the red.



Like a rotten banana.

You're such a cynic.

A realist.

History of v*olence?

Not that I know of.

Did you check?

Publicly, he's a pillar of society.

Aye, but behind closed doors, he might put me in a pit and send lotion down in a basket.

You're not the one who has to be alone with these creeps.

What can I tell you, Nicole?

There will be risk.

Do we have to do this every bloody time?

Every bloody time.

Where's the painting?

In the living room.

Any more questions?


When do I get paid?


Think she'll get in?

She always does.

Let's go and get ready.

Okay, so now I'm impressed.

[Chuckles] You like?

I love.

Is this her? Your wife?

A year before she died.

You loved her.

I can hear it in your voice.

I still do.


After she died, I moved into the city.

Put myself back out there, you know?

There were too many memories in that house.

I didn't want to become a sad, mad old man.


You're not that old.


I'll be right back.

Van Gogh.

I can see.

I'm not the only one around here with an eye for fine things.

[Clinking glasses]


Ladies room?

It's right there.


Music's nice.

[Light jazz plays]

I like it, the music.

Nice choice.

Thank you.

Oh, I think this one must be yours.

I know, I thought we'd swap.


Well, would you want your daughter coming up to the flat of a man she just met, drinking from a glass he gave her?

You put something in my wine.


You did.

Don't be ridiculous.

There is definitely something in this wine.

It's probably just the power of suggestion.

I own the winery, you little bitch!

I know this wine like the back of my hand.

Now, what have you...

Take a chill pill, granddad.


Old fashioned, I know, but it burns like hell, and, believe me, you don't want to add "blinded" to your list of worries right now, okay?

What? Wait...

If I were you, I'd be more about calling an ambulance.


[Groaning in pain]

[Gasping for air]

[Call rings]

[Starting engine]

[Gasping in pain]


[Sirens approach]

♪ ♪

Crossing Lines
The Terminator
Original Air Date June 30, 2013

As you can see the ICC decided To make this our permanent home, so if you choose to stay, our beat will be the entire E.U.

If you accept, you will all be officially detailed here from your home units.

Tommy: So, that's it, then?

Stick a few TVs on the wall and a new desk, and we just forget about her?


Tonight, a woman won't be butchered in a park because Sienna stopped it...

Because you all stopped it.

This team, for me, will be the way to remember her.

So, are you in or not?

I'm in.

Yeah, all right.

Me too.



All right, then.

So what about you?

Where's the coffee?

Over there.

That means you're staying?

It means I want a cup of coffee.

[Pills rattling]

Are those pills working?

Not as fast as the morphine, or nearly as fun, but...

They're okay.

How are you feeling?

I'm actually hoping another case will get my mind off the pain.

Don't push yourself.

There's always another case right around the corner.

I... enjoyed learning from you.

I hope I get to do more.

You're an expert in border offenses?

Human trafficking?


Can we talk about that sometime?


We could learn from each other.

[Pills rattling in pocket]

Can you see if this man is in any of your trafficking databases?

Phillip Genovese.

Just look him up?

Just see if he's on your radars.

[Chuckles warmly]

I never imagined a policeman having this many moving boxes.

Most of them are files.

Open cases, ongoing investigations.

And you are the only detective in all of Europe.

They're not mine yet, but they all have some cross-border implication.

We need to create our own cases until locals get comfortable calling us directly.

You haven't asked me about the Russian.

If you have something to tell me, you will.


Well, she spends most of her day in Etienne's room.

I cannot bring myself to go in there.

We barely speak anymore.


Are you all right?

Are you going to be that girl?

"That girl?"

The "I'm going to mother everybody" girl.

[Clears throat] I just asked.

Well, let's agree not to ask each other that, "Are you all right?"

Okay? Ever.

Let's make that deal.

[Quietly] Are you drunk?

I wish.

Tradition in my family.

One shot of whiskey for the dead.

Cheers, Sienna.

[Drops cup]


Is your computer up and running right now?


There was something in the local news.

Today's news?

Yeah, today's news.

A month ago, a millionaire died of a mysterious virus in Dusseldorf.

Poison was suspected, but the post mortem was inconclusive.

Now, take a look at the headlines in the Amsterdam News.

There it is.

Is this the kind of thing the major is talking about?

Same crime, two countries.

Looks like.

You know that guy died already?


Yesterday. Van Gogh.


Yeah, well, usually, it takes a few days.

Nicole must've really upped the dose.

The broad's out of control, man.

Yeah, but she's good.

But this is going to bring heat.

It won't bring any heat as long as we keep changing countries.

Yeah, but it's all over the news, that's not good.

It doesn't matter.

One more job, and we're gone.

So, yesterday in Amsterdam, a real estate developer died of a mysterious illness.

Doctors think it's a virus, but the victim's daughter, a fashion model, insists there was foul play.

Now, in the boxes you asked us look at, I found a case from last month in Germany, and same symptoms, also a rich man, only, in Germany, the family found a vial in the apartment that looks like it could hold poison.

The vial was tested, but the results were inconclusive.

And there was a similar case in Venice five months ago.

I went through the Italian police reports.

Same symptoms.

How did you get into Italian police reports?

It wasn't hard to hack into their computer systems.

Remind me to tell them to do a cyber security check.

I'd still get in.

How does the German family know that the vial wasn't something already there?

He'd had the same cleaning woman for about 30 years, and paid her a fortune so she wouldn't leave.

Have you located her?

That's another odd twist.

She's in the hospital herself.

In Neuss, near Dusseldorf.

Can we at least check it out?

It's definitely cross-border.

I'll have to clear it with Dorn.

In the meantime, Sebastian, I need you to go to the latest scene, in Amsterdam.

What do you want me to do?

I need you and Eva in Germany.

Carl, would you go with Sebastian and take a look at the scene?




Do you know where Anne-Marie is?


Probably she's in the loo.

I'll go and check it out.



There you are.


We may have a new case.

Good. Good...

You okay?

I'm fine. Fine.

[Doorbell rings]


Let me come in.

Maybe another time.

You cannot close yourself off from the world.

Don't tell me what I can't do.

Louis does enough of that.

I'll tell him you stopped by.

I didn't come to see him, and you know it.

I know.

I know, Michel.

But I'm not ready.

For what?

For comfort.

Comfort? From me?


I do not have that ability.

Then what do you want?

I need you to tell me exactly what happened that night.

I'd just put Etienne to bed.

Louis went out for more wine.

It was a normal night.

It was quiet.

And then...

His room is just above the garage.

I tried to go in, but...

The room was gone.

And then I saw him.

But not in the room.

He was outside, on the grass.

What have you done?

Is there... a possibility that Etienne was the target?

Could they have been aiming for him?


The b*mb was in the car.


Why do you ask?

I'm just trying to get a picture of the person that I am hunting.


He's turned this over to you?

No, actually, I insisted that he let me do it.

Why? Does that make you angry?

I'm not certain I can feel anger anymore, Michel.

I'm not certain I can feel anything.

He knows if he had taken his car that night, Etienne would still be here.

No, he doesn't know that.

He may think that, but he does not know that.

It's hard to go through this alone.

For him, too.

He's trying to obliterate his grief with his work.

It's not his intent to leave you alone.

I don't mean physically.

I'm used to him being gone.

But he hasn't cried.

Not once.

And crying for two, it's... lonely.

This way.

His wife died before he moved in, and his daughter is not around much.

She's a model.

So we heard.

When did you discover that he was sick?

First set of medics said he was poisoned.

"First set?"

Yeah, they were from a private company.

Sebastian: Did you report that?

I'm used to rich people having their own ambulances, private everything, you know.

When the city guys got here, the private guys had already disappeared.


Yeah. They told me they were starting the call for a city crew.

That's why they wanted me to go back down and wait.

We probably missed them on our way up.

Is anything missing?

Not that I can see.

Whoa, that's a van Gogh.


Never mind.

Do you know if that lipstick belonged to his daughter?


He had a lady over that night.

This machine will give us samples of all the fingerprints in the flat, so we can isolate his and anyone else's.

[Scanner beeping]

That's odd.

What's wrong?

This doesn't use radio waves, so it can't be interference.

[Beeping stops]

[Beeping resumes]

Okay, everybody take a big step away from the glass.

Step back now!

What is it, Sebastian?

There's only one thing with the energy to cause this sort of dropout on the scangen.


Louis: - Are you alright?

For now, yeah.

They took Sebastian's blood just now, and now they're taking mine.

You'll find an unusually high amount of opiates in my blood.

I have a prescription.


We're only checking for radiation.

Hazmat just identified it as Polonium 210.

Scientists call it "the Terminator".

Oh, that's comforting.

And did you ingest any of it?

I don't think so.

It's harmless if it stays outside of the body, but once inside, it usually takes days before there's any signs of illness.

Our Amsterdam victim died in a day.

Then he got a huge dose.

What are the symptoms?

Multiple organ failure, lung collapse, internal bleeding.

It cooks your insides like a microwave oven.

You have a terrible bedside manner, you know.

Whatever bedside manner. I'm not a doctor.

[Monitors beep]

I'm Eva Vittoria, he is Tommy McConnell.

We are from the ICC, and we believe your suspicions about your employer being poisoned are correct.

[Struggling to speak]

They said I was crazy.

Do you mind if I sit?

[Coughs] Please.

Do you remember if anyone came to visit your employer recently?


No one?

Do you know if anything is missing from the house?

Nothing was moved or changed, except for that vial.

The vial.

Did you come into direct contact with the liquid inside?

Touch it or drink it?

I smelled it.

You smelled it?


Up close like this, so it touches?


Am I going to die?

No, ma'am.

He's like my first husband.

Good heart, and a bad liar.

Sebastian: Looks like she's wearing a wig.

She probably is.

But you can't disguise bone structure like that.

I'll run it.

What's the database?

Facial recognition software, with access to every police computer in Europe.

Dorn has the power to give you access to every city's files?


I wrote a program... means we don't have to ask.



Nicole Ryan. Irish national.

Dancer, graduated to prostitution.

Been off the radar for a while.

Last Interpol record of her...

She was entering Russia.

[Telephone rings]



Radiation levels have dropped.

You've got clearance to go back into the flat.

[Monitors beeping]

[Gasps her last breath]

[Monitors flatlining]

Got fingerprints everywhere.

Where are the concentrations?

Where you would expect.

Door handles, light switches, tables.

Sebastian, point that thing over here toward the painting.

Do you have ultraviolet?


It's a fake.

Probably painted over another painting and artificially aged.

They cut the tracker out and took the original.


The first ambulance crew.

The target is Taylor Reed.

Art dealer.

What can you tell me about him?

Well, to begin with, he isn't a he.

She left her billionaire husband two years ago for a younger woman.

But don't worry, she's single now, so you can use your charms on her.

A woman?

Does that bother you?

Women aren't usually predators like men are.

Said by the coldest-hearted bitch I've ever met.

Use what you have properly.

Maybe you and the Russian can finally call it even.

The Russian?

You think I don't know why you've been overdosing these guys?


We have our authorization.

Have we heard anything from the field?

No, not yet, but...

Get Carl on the phone. I need to speak to him.

I'm not your secretary.


Or clerk or assistant.

I'm a detective.

I belong in the field with the team.

I don't want to risk you being hurt again.

All due respect, sir, that's my decision.

I'm here as an equal member, or I'm going back to my unit.

It's the first case after Sienna.

Please, don't... don't make me hide back here.

Okay, then.

We'll go together.

So how is she?

Louis: She has a broken rib.

It caused bleeding in her lung.

That's why they didn't want her to leave the hospital.

She was supposed to be in the hospital?

Yeah. She checked herself out against medical advice.


She's going to be all right.

She needs time.

What about you? The radiation?

Tests are clear.

And we think we know what's going on with the polonium.


The Amsterdam victim had an original van Gogh stolen by fake paramedics.

They answered his call after his glass of wine was drugged.

Carl: There was a metal tracer on the back.

They took it out and replaced the painting with a forgery.

We tracked our main poisoning suspect, an Irish woman, to a fashion show and party where we she met the Amsterdam victim.

We have no lead on her whereabouts, nor the man to her left, who she spoke to repeatedly.

His face could be one of the bogus paramedics who came to the apartment, but there's no facial recognition record of him anywhere.

Meaning no criminal record?

Not that I can find.

But he keeps bad company.

This man...

Is this man...

Marcus Staam, Dutch National.

Foot soldier, career criminal with links to a Russian mob figure named Dimitrov.

Dimitrov? Are you sure?

Yeah, the name mean something to you?

I know who he is.

Well, our best lead so far comes from our dead German's computer files.

He had everything in his house tagged with high-end ceramic tracers, even the non-valuables.

Local police checked the victim's art.

Turns out a Vermeer was stolen and replaced with a fake.

Since they couldn't find the tracer, we tracked the Vermeer to a warehouse about 15 Miles outside of Amsterdam.

The painting spent five days there before being transported to Saudi Arabia.

Local mapping suggests it's derelict, but electrical and gas usage says someone's living there.

Let's go introduce ourselves.

He's got a tech 9, and he sucks at basketball.

I've got eyes on Staam.

Copy, Sebastian.



Inbound car coming your way.

We need to move.


Get your hands in the air!

Get 'em up! Get 'em up now!



I don't think so, man.


[sh*ts blasting]

I know what you're thinking, but you're not going to run over all three of us.

I don't know the girl.


I do a job, I get paid, I go home.

Suitcases are packed.

You going somewhere tonight?


Right now, you'd better get me to a hospital, because if I bleed to death, you're going to jail.

If you bleed to death, you're going in the canal.

What kind of cops are you?

Who says we're cops?

Tommy: You've less than an hour left.


Do I look like James Bond?

Vials full of Polonium...

Are you kidding me?

I'm an art forger.

I'm a thief.

A murdering thief.

There's no blood on my hands.

It's that sick little bitch who's overdosing those guys.

That's on her head.

Hers and the Russian's.

Tell me about the Russian.

Give me your g*n.

Go on, give me your g*n, I'll blow my brains out right here.

That's the Russian!

You're scared of him?

You want to know what the Russian's like?


These people you say are being k*lled by Polonium, well, he's only having her do it to see if it works.

Imagine that?

You're damn right I'm scared of him.

Do you know who sent us?

The Russian.


[Slaps him]

You find that funny?

The Russian? Okay.

How do you think we found this place?

The girl... who's overdosing them.

[Whispering] He wants her stopped.


Okay, all I know is that it's an art gallery in Prague tomorrow night.

That's all I know, I swear!

You'd better not be lying.

Sebastian: She'll probably be wearing a disguise again.

That's why you have that attached to your ear piece.

It's a geiger counter.

She carries polonium, she'll be radioactive.

If you get close, you'll hear a beeping in your ear piece.

How close?

There's going to be a lot of people in a not so big space.

I have the sensitivity turned down.

You need to be within a couple of feet.

If I get too close to that woman, the hardest thing will be not ripping her head off immediately.

Just remember what she's carrying, what it can do to someone.

Believe me, I won't forget.


She's set.

I'll watch from the roof across the street.

I'm in.

Want to stop talking to yourself and move your ass, princess?

Sorry, madam.

It's going to be a very long, long night.

[Hum of bustling crowd]

I've been close to every person in the room.

None of the guests is radioactive.

Not even a bit of a reading on the geiger.

If she's here, she must be carrying the polonium in a lead container.

Eva, do any of the guests seem like they could be candidates?

Beautiful women who could be Nicole in disguise?

All of them.

She'll have to get close to the owner before the night is over.

Stay on the owner and see who pays her too much attention.

There's a long list.

[Carl]: Yeah, but only one of them wants to k*ll her.

[Hum of conversation]

Maybe she was warned that we knew.

If she was, we may never see her again.

I know.

Eva, get ready to shut it down.

Okay, major.

Sebastian, can you turn off the wire, please?

I'm sorry?

I have business to attend to.

Personal business?

What did she mean?

I think she needs to visit the ladies'.

[Quietly] Hey, guys?

We have a suspect.

I'm following her into the loo.

Pull... yourself... Together.

Are you okay, miss?

Are you all right?

Yes. [Sniffling]

[Geiger counter clicking rapidly]

It's over, Nicole.

How do you know my name?

I'm a cop.

Frankie and Marcus are already in custody.

I'm gonna have to say I don't know who you're talking about.

I think you do.

Do you know what's in this glass?


And no one else needs to die from it.

Well, then, you'd better stay the hell back, or we're both not going to make it to Sunday.

Put this glass down.

There's a team of officers out there.

Nice try.

It's true.

A whole team, with g*ns. Now, put this glass down.

I think I'll take my chances.

That's far enough, Nicole!

Far enough.


I don't think so.

I do.

It's their fault, you know.

Every one of them would be alive today if they hadn't tried to get a young girl into bed.

No, you pursued them.

They could have said no.

You're all the same.


You're animals.

You're going to be okay, all right?

[Crying] No.

Give me the glass, Nicole.

It's their fault.

Their fault!

Okay, now, you give him the glass...

Louis: - Give me the glass...


Get back!

All of you!

I'll break it. I'll k*ll you all.

You know the polonium won't hurt anyone unless it's ingested.

Give it to me.

No, he's right. He's right.

It has to be ingested.

And I never was one for jail.


Help me.

[Nicole sobs]

Some night, huh?

So this Russian... those guys are pretty damn scared of him.

There's a lot of scary bad guys in the E.U.

That's why we need special cops to go after them.

I'll see you in the morning.

Dorn: He's a Russian. Dimitrov.

I will make him pay for what he did to Etienne...

What he did to Etienne...

I'd ask if you're all right, but...

We're not going to be those kind of people, right?

I never held someone's hands while they...

No family?

My parents are both gone...

But I didn't get the chance to say goodbye.

I saw it on her chart.

Her name was Shirley.

Shirley Doris Potempa.

Cheers, Shirley.

I can't believe you creeps tried to listen to me when I went to the bathroom.



Well, how did you know I was with her?

I asked Sebastian to turn off my wire.

I think it was the geiger counter.

The geiger counter?


Shirley was right, you're a terrible liar.

I'm not lying.

You are...


Good night.

[Door opens]

