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01x02 - Pilot – Part 2

Posted: 06/25/13 09:48
by bunniefuu
Man: Like all good stories This one starts with a beautiful woman, young, adventurous, full of life.

[Panicked, ragged breathing]


[Grunts and gasps]


[Begins sobbing]

Screams: Help me!


[She shrieks]

Unfortunately, this story also starts with the end of that life... With her m*rder.

Morning, sir.

Good morning.

Morning, major.

Good morning.

What are you doing here, Louis?

It's Major Daniel, and I'm here because I am a member of the National Police.

Did you send her?


But she's with me.

You are no longer in the 36, major.

I'm in charge now.

When I was in charge, I didn't feel the need to tell everyone.

You were right.

This was the same k*ller.



[Roars and cries out]


I was not in a good way.

The truth is, there were days, I thought about just giving up.

The only thing keeping me alive was anger and morphine.

Commissaire Laveaux.

I need you to keep this scene sealed for a couple of days.

Then you have no authority to seal the scene.

I'm not ordering you.

I'm asking you, because this may not be the first victim.

I've had no notification of any other m*rder.

That's because she's the first French victim.

A serial k*ller is in France.

You have a chance to catch him.


I need a few days, and, at the right moment, I will turn everything over to you.

You'll take no credit?


Two days.

And I want to be kept informed of any progress.

Thank you.

The scene will be kept closed.

Where are you going?


I had no idea how much that poor young girl, dead in a park in the middle of Paris, was about to change my life.

Man: What the hell do you mean, "no"?

Wife: It's okay, darling. We can...

Husband: Guess my wife's weight!

I don't do that.

I paid my money!

Psychic: I read cards.

I can tell you some things about yourself and maybe give you some insight into...

I paid my money.

Now guess her weight!

Hey, why don't you just leave her alone, pal?

Why don't you mind your own business?

Hey, you got a problem?

Go to hell.

You want to know something about yourself?

I'll tell you something about yourself.

You got soft hands and no muscle tone, which mark you for white-collar, but your eyes have no spark of intelligence, and you obviously can't decipher a simple sign, so guess what?

You're not management.

My guess is you're a drone. You're a worker-bee.

Top buttonhole's pulled wide and frayed.

You're fatter than you used to be, and you can't afford a new shirt.

You're not even a successful worker-bee.

But maybe there's another reason that you can't afford a new shirt. Huh?

It's a girlfriend, yeah?


A mistress? Huh?

But not just any mistress. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

A mistress with a baby.

Your baby. Your baby!

Perhaps you know her, madam?

She's got long blonde hair?


You said you wouldn't see her anymore!

And now there's a baby?

No, no. Bette! Let me explain this!

I think it's a boy.

In pounds, I'd say your wife is 140, 145?

I'm not sure what that is in kilos, but...

You bastard!

He is a bastard, but you are not hitting him.

Your wife is getting away.


You haven't lost your way with people.

It'd be a better world without them, yes.

How could you possibly figure the mistress and the baby?

Why are you at a carnival in Amsterdam, Louis?

That's what you're doing with your skills, Carl?

Why are you here?

Do you have somewhere private we can talk?


How many?


Including the one in Paris.

A lot of cutting.

He's a bad one.

Carl, do you miss the job?

Still haven't told me why you're here, Louis.

If you want to feel like a cop again, I have a job for you.


Crossing Lines 01x01
Original Air Date June 23, 2013

Doesn't the I.C.C.

Do w*r crimes and genocides?

For now, we are going to try something.


I chose a team of cops from all over the Eurozone.

Each has a special skill. Like you.

I'm not a cop anymore.

Then I won't have to pay you much.

Where are we goin'?

If you're gonna sh**t me, you could've done that in Amsterdam.

Hell, I'd have loaded the g*n.

Not with your hand.

Good point.

Can't grip anything heavier than my joint without screaming.


You know... Johnson.



Ah... "Braquemard."

You French make everything sound like a sauce.


But you're still able to function?

Depends on your definition of function.

You're very lucky, you know?


That you were born with a light "joint."


Inspector Sienna Pride.

Scotland Yard.

Interrogation specialist.

Investigator Sebastian Berger, tech genius.

Polizei Berlin, Germany.

Eva Vittoria, sergeant, anti-mafia.

Undercover and covert operations.

Louis: Detective Tommy McConnell, Police Services Northern Ireland, weapons and tactical expert.

And Detective Sergeant Anne-Marie San.

Criminal analyst, trafficking crimes specialist.

Team, may I present...

Detective First-Grade Carlton Hickman.

You prefer "Carl."


Former NYPD.

Led the department in arrests six years running.

In convictions, too.

Four years as NYPD liaison in Europol after 9/11.

Then back to New York, where you led the department in arrests again.

Until you were sh*t in the hand.

Chasing a child abduction suspect.

Who got away.

But you saved the child.

Impressive use of Google.

Well, here's one thing I couldn't find on Google.

If you're so bloody good, why'd the NYPD sack you?

I'm only here because...

Louis asked me to come...

If I'm so bloody good...

[Scoffs] You can kiss my ass in Macy's window.

Macy's window?

It's a shop in New York.

You would know that.

Well, it's not just in New York, it's all over America.

Why would his "ass" be in the window?

Waiting to be kissed by Tommy McConnell.


Carl, please.

I don't need this.

NYPD betrayed you.

It's not fair.

I don't see you ending up as a garbage man in a carnival.

I saw you today with that man.

Your mind is sharp as ever.

We have a chance to stop a k*ller.

A bad one.

You don't want that?

That's not what you need?


I was sacked because my bosses were bastards who stabbed me in the back.

Also, I'm on permanent heavy meds, and I have a useless right hand, the hand that I write and sh**t with, so I can't fill out a report or hold a g*n.

Any other questions?

Not right now.

Louis: Good.

So let's stop a monster before he kills another woman.

So, the first victim was in Rome seven months ago.

A young girl in Villa Borghese Park, in the woods.

Same thing in Dublin, three months later.

Phoenix Park.

London's Richmond Park, one month ago.

And, night before last, Parc de Saint-Cloud in Paris.

Each k*lled in a large park in a capital city.

He's putting on a show.

Tosser like this always is.

Anne-marie: Three months between the first and second, three months between the second and third, but now only one month before the fourth.

The time between victims is getting shorter.

Have any of the women been identified?

There is nothing to identify them with.

He did so much damage to the faces and jaw lines, it's impossible to compare them with photographs or dental records, and the fingerprints are gone.

Ground off. Like with sandpaper.

Anne-marie: He brings tools.

None of the victims match any open missing-persons report as far as height and hair color.

Sienna: He also removes clothing, jewellery, anything we can use for secondary identification.

He didn't just conceal their identities, he erased them.

He'll mess up. They always do.

Prostitutes sometimes go missing.

These women don't look like, uh...

They're not the street types.

They seem healthy, in relatively good shape.

No signs of drug use.

How can four young girls be dead and no one is looking for them?

Sienna: We've got nothing at all but four faceless, nameless bodies.

That's not necessarily true.

Every fact has a reverse.

Having no identifying information means...

Could mean...

That he went to a lot of trouble to keep them unidentified.


Why do that?

If they were connected to him.

If we I.D. them...

It probably would lead directly to him.

So, job one, who are all these women?

Sienna and Tommy, go to the Paris morgue and follow up with the body.

Straight away, sir.

Anne-Marie, take Hickman to the Parc de Saint-Cloud crime scene.

Sebastian, go as well, and use your new equipment.

Very good, sir.

We should be able to join you all in Paris by nightfall. All right?

Got a ticket in my name?

Pretty confident I'd join up.

Eva, you're with me.


[Exhales deeply]

How much of that do you take?

I follow the directions.

Can we trust your brain on that?

I probably wouldn't.



Irishman refuses a drink.

Alert the media.

A cocky American.

Who saw that coming?


Six Euros.

How much did you win in your last fight?

Or was it just a feud thing?

This your way of impressing me?

You reckon I'll go all chilly 'cause you deduced I bare-knuckle fight?

Broken 51 times, grew back wanky.

Anyone can see it.

Not too many ways that happens, past punching things without gloves on.

My less-than-posh Irish background points to bare-knuckle clan fighting, and my still-pretty face says I usually win.

You're no smarter than me, super-detective.

You're an angry guy, Tommy.

That's gonna get in your way.

You saying you're not angry?

I'm saying the last person in the world you want to end up like is me.

All right.

Sergeant Vittoria of the N.O.C.S. in Rome.

This is...

Mikael Lechnya Dorn.

I'm honored, sir.

I know of your work with the International Criminal Court.


I'm Dorn. Just Dorn.

They refused to sanction your team.


I warned you, Louis.

My hands are pretty much tied.

They're very cautious, those men in there.

They don't seek fame, money, ambition.

They're incorruptible, which means it's very difficult to make a deal with them.

Did they give a reason for refusal?

Yeah. They're concerned that they would be, or would appear to be, usurping the power of sovereign states.

I'm not asking for power, I just want to do my job.


You're going to have to find another way to do your job.

I don't understand.

The workings of the court are very complicated...

Not them.


I don't understand you.

I beg your pardon?

I read something you wrote once, in a report on Kosovo.

"The mothers and wives of missing Serbs are begging for their loved ones to be found, but they never will be.

This court is..."

"Is the only place for them to turn.

We weep for those no one else weeps for."


Four women have been butchered by the same man in four different countries.

That man will never be caught because the authorities in Rome don't talk to Dublin, who don't talk to Paris, who don't talk to London.

I mean, I-it's not their fault, but that's the way it worked until Major Daniel brought us together.

Maybe one day, we won't need it, but right now, this court is the only place for these women to turn.

No one else weeps for them.

No one.

We're adjourned.

It's a crime of aggression that is ongoing, systematic and cross-border.

This is exactly what the I.C.C. does.

Sighs: Sorry.

No. It's fine.

What man doesn't like a woman to tell him how brilliant he is?

[Scoffs regretfully]

Get ready to travel.

Are you sure?


I.C.C. team from The Hague?

Ca va? - Ca va.

Major Daniel said two cars would be sufficient.

C'est les deux-la.



Merci, Detective Moreau.

Avec plaisir.

That's service.

I.C.C. team?

I didn't know we had a name.

It's like we're the Justice League or something.

"Justice League?"

It's an American comic book about a team of super-heroes.

How do you lot not know that?

What did you read when you were kids?



Things with grown-up words.

Guess I didn't get the same books as you Cheltenham Girls' School lot.

Cheltenham "ladies," actually.

All right, ladies, is it?

We'll see you at the crime scene.


Hey, I drive.

Oh, grow up.

Ah, stay, stay, stay.

The magistrate is writing up an order, authorizing you to investigate this crime series.

This series only.

Thank you, Dorn.

Thank Sergeant Vittoria.

It's always the same.

A woman's mind is... quite extraordinary.


You are doing this for the right reasons, aren't you, Louis?

This is about the women, about the job, yes?

You are not using everyone to further another end, are you?

What do you want me to say?

The truth.

I don't know.


How is Rebecca?

The same.


Thank you.


Your order.

Be wary, my friend.

"Those to whom evil is done... do evil in return."

You quote Auden to me?


Serves you right. You gave him to me.


It also says "We must love each other..."

Both: "...Or die."

I can assure you that those conventional authorities in those countries will not love you.

Probably not.

[Dorn chuckles]

Thank you.


Afternoon, detective.

Bonjour, Officer Laffont.

This is Detective Hickman.

Are the neighbours giving you a hard time?

I can't really blame them.

They just want to use their park.

Yeah. We'll try to finish up by today, okay.

Is it true, ma'am?

Commissaire Laveaux of the crime squad is calling him another ripper, like the one in London.

There's a difference.

This one's gonna be caught.

Merci. Shall we?

Is that a Compass Rose?

Mind your business.

Oh, it's something you want to hide?

Why get a tattoo you need to hide?

You interrogating me?

I'm ready.

We'll finish this. Later.

No. We won't.

Do you really think we'll catch this ripper?

Don't call him that.

Jack the ripper k*lled five women in five completely different locations.

Every scene was more brutal than the last.

He took prizes, body parts.

Everything for him was post-k*ll.

This guy does the same thing every time, in the same type of place.

He seems to have some sort of ritual that plays out before the m*rder.

Everything after is to conceal the crime.

They couldn't be more different.

Any idea how he got her here?

No vehicle tracks, if that's what you mean.

That's what I mean. Footprints?

This park is very well-travelled.

We even tried focusing on only the barefoot prints, but there are just too many.

What's that?

It's a variation on a virtual autopsy device.

It uses light-amplification beams to scan a scene thousands of times so we can recreate it later, holographically.

I call it "Scangen," because it, well, it generates scans.

This guy is very short.

Maybe 5'5", at the most.

How do you know that?

See the blood splatter from the Kn*fe on the bottom of the leaves?


That's the upstroke. Goes way up there, right?

But now look at the tops of the leaves.

The splatter from the downstroke is at six-feet or below.

A man with his arm raised above head usually picks up the length of his lower arm in height.

My height...

His height.

Now, what does this new fact tell you that you didn't know?

Small feet.

Small feet. Yeah.

Rebecca's voice on machine: Hello.

This is the Daniel family.

Please leave a message after the beep.

[Machine beeps]

Louis: Rebecca, it's me again.


I just want to talk.


Are you ready, sir?

Yes. I'm ready.


[Scangen whirs]

Two sets going north.

One barefoot...

One wearing small boots or work shoes.

The strides are fairly long.

They were running.

Well, he was chasing her.

Then, just this set of small tracks goes back South.


Look. There's blood, too.

She was already bleeding when he was chasing her?

Maybe he att*cked her somewhere else, and she escaped.

A secondary crime scene would be valuable.

Oh, hold on. Look. Look.


Why do his return tracks criss-cross like that?

Looks like he was lost after he k*lled her.

Or looking for something.

Something important enough to take the chance of being discovered with a dead body in the clearing.

Important enough to look for, instead of escaping.


There are multiple deep lacerations from a large bladed w*apon, ,, was she dead when her face was damaged?

Oh, probably.

The angle of those wounds indicate she was already prone.

Looks very angry.

But also methodical.

At key points, there are shallow puncture wounds...

At the wrist, in her inner thighs...

On arteries.

He cut her wrists?

Ah, he punctured them.

She bled, but not quickly.

It would be a... A steady ooze.

And these appear to have been the first wounds made.

Why would he do that?

To weaken her.

Like a jab for a fighter.

Bloody him up first before you get in close and finish him off.

Excuse me.

How long have you been a detective in Paris?

I'm not.

I work mainly on border crimes out of offices in Lyon.

It was Major Daniel who brought me here.


That surprises you?

We've talked to two Parisian police officers since we arrived, neither of them had nametags, yet you called them both by name.

Oh, that's... that's something I have.

I remember.

You're eidetic?

My doctors call it hyperthymesia.


Yeah. My mother's a physician.


When I was a child, she thought I might be autistic, so she had an MRI done of my brain, and they found an enlarged temporal lobe and Caudate Nucleus.

That's a mouthful.

It's found in people with O.C.D.

[Phone rings]


Anne-Marie San.

That would make sense with what we're finding here.

Yeah. We're here.

That was Sienna.

The coroner says he might have wounded her first.

Some arteries were nicked.

Started her bleeding, and then...

Then let her run.

Son of a bitch hunted her.

He's a sadist.

She was dead the moment she showed him fear.

Is there something else?

It's just a bit odd for a sadist to put on a show like this.

They're usually...

Usually a bit more...



She had one shoe on...

When she got to this root, and then she was barefoot.

She lost a shoe.



Look at her tracks.

He found it.

He was looking for her shoes?

He found one, maybe not the other.

Just needed some water.

It's not the blood or the damage, it's the smell in these places, you know?

You never hear of olfactory fatigue?

Take a couple of deep breaths. You won't notice it soon enough.

I'm saying the smell bothers me, you're saying suck up more of it?

It works.

What, growing up in Traveller Camps, you never got used to bad smells?

I mean, that's the tattoo, right?

The compass rose?

You're an Irish Traveller. Your family are criminals.


We're showing our true colours now, aren't we?

Inspector Pride.


What have you done?

What have you done?


Major Daniel?

Major Daniel?

You okay?



You sure?

Yes, I'm fine now.


She had on both shoes here.


One shoe here.

[Victim cries out]

Okay... okay... this... this...



Hickman! Are you okay?

Oh! [Winces]

Quiet, in pain: I'm fine.

Let's just look.

[Frustrated panting]

It's okay! It's okay. I'll... I'll do it.

Oh, wait.

It says, uh...

"C. G."

That's "Charles Gallant."

A pair of shoes costs more than 1,500 pounds.

That's almost 2,000 Euros.

If she is a pro, she's a good one.

First piece of actual evidence he's left behind.

Hard to believe we're looking at wealthy victims.

Who no one's looking for?


And yet, it's odd.

It's actually a very old style.

Inspector Pride has a fashion criticism for the victim.

What do you mean by "old"?

It looks vintage.

It's unusual for Charles Gallant.

Do you think he sells a lot of these?

I don't know many people who can afford them.


Anne-marie: If I sold shoes like these, I'd want to keep track of who bought them, so I could sell them more.

Which means a database.

The main dealer's here in Paris.

I'll make a call.

Allo, bonjour, this is Detective San.

Do you keep a record of your clients?

Can we come and see you? Now?

Thank you. We'll be right there.

So, not only do they keep track of their customer base, but the shoes are handmade.

There's a serial number in the sole of each shoe that corresponds to the customer.

Which means a name.

Yeah. The store's about to close, but the manager's waiting for us.

Let's go.

You three wait for Louis at the crime scene. We'll go.

Eva, I want to apologize for what happened on the train.

No good cop can sleep well, sir.

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah. Major Daniel.

Hey. Well, it's like I said, Louis.

They're not happy with your change in assignment.

The French are up in arms.

Which French?


Laveaux. Thank you, Dorn.

Can you go faster, please?

Is there something wrong?

36 is angry.

Who's 36?

The Direction Regionale de Police Judiciaire de Paris.

We call it "36" because of their headquarters' address, and they are very territorial.

We have authorization, though.

We do.

But the team doesn't, and they are in the park.

What's going on?

A young boy found a dead dog up there.


What sort of dog was it?


Uh, sorry.

We're almost done here. Merci beaucoup.

So this entire crime scene can be reproduced now?

In holographic form.

That's unbelievable.

We first used it on a case in Sittensen, near Hamburg.

Asian triads k*lled a number of civilians in a Chinese restaurant, a m*ssacre.

We were able to show the jury exactly where each of the sh**t had been standing, and who they actually k*lled.

That's an impressive toy.


We could even use it to find any evidence missed the first time.

Are you saying we missed something?

No, I meant...

Who are you all?

We're police officers with...

We're investigating a mur...


What the hell are three foreign officers doing inside a Parisian crime scene?

Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but Major Daniel will be on his way to...

Good. He can come collect you at headquarters.


Will handcuffs be necessary?


We're here.

Go ahead in. I need a minute.



Probably take 'em a few minutes to look it up, anyway.

I just... I just need a minute.

No trouble. Take your time.



Anybody here?





Where's my phone?

Panting: Where's my phone?

Come on! Come on!


Paris emergency!

Paris emergency...

17! 17... 17.

Keep it quiet.

Are these their phones?

Yes, sir.

Copy their contact names.

How do you turn it on?

I'd really rather you didn't.

I didn't mean Traveller Camps smell.

Quietly: Idiot.

I only meant that you living like that, living in a camp with a lot of other families, you must've...

Come across bad smells.

Is this an apology?

It's meant to be.

You're an only child, right?

Parents like yours, a solicitor and an MP, they don't go in for a mess of kids.

What's your point?

You're a cliche.

I'm proud I grew up Pavee.

Four brothers and three sisters, and we didn't have Jack...

But we had a family.

No! [Pounds] Don't press that button!

I haven't downloaded the images from the park yet.

Images? From my crime scene?

Your crime scene?


His crime scene?

They missed the wounds on the wrists and thighs...

What? They missed the blood spatters in the trees, and they missed the shoe!


Major Daniel can explain.

Major Daniel?

He was supposed to keep me informed. He didn't.

You have every right to be angry.

I am deeply sorry we've offended you.

We should've asked your permission before we entered your jurisdiction, but it was an oversight, not an intentional slight.

What shoe?

If you removed evidence from a crime scene, I'll have you all brought up in front of a judge.

You went through us like we was virgins on our wedding night.

Didja find any evidence?

You put them in the cage?

These foreigners were trespassing.

This is an order from the I.C.C., directing my team to investigate a series of murders.

So, now, Laveaux, you are interfering in my investigation.


Open it.

Hi, guys.

I brought identification and g*ns.

There you go.


Welcome home, girls.

Talking of cliches.

Commissaire Laveaux?


An American is reporting a m*rder*d man in a shoe store and an officer missing.

What shoe store?

Charles Gallant.


Are you okay?

You shouldn't have brought me here, Louis.

I wasn't...

I'm not... I'm not ready.

I'm not right.

What do you mean, you're "not right"?

The dr*gs, my head... I'm not...

I'm not thinking clearly, anymore!

There's nothing wrong with your head.

Carl, listen to me.

I was watching you, when you read that man at the carnival.

You even knew about the mistress and the baby!

I saw him! Okay?

I saw him. The day before.

He was at the carnival with the girl, with the girlfriend.

And the baby!

There was no reading involved, there was no... no deduction or nothin'.

I just... I saw him.

I saw him.

This is not your fault.

I let her come in alone.

I stayed in the car for a few minutes.

Because I had to do something.

I let her come in alone.

We have roadblocks on every major road leaving Paris.

We'll find her.

Patrolman: Diplomatic plates. U.S. Embassy.

Let him through.

Okay, this way. This way. Move on.

Hickman's thoughts echo: I never should have done this.

I wasn't ready.

I let her go in by herself.

I left her alone.

I never should have done this.

I never should have done this...

There she is.



You couldn't have known.

No! I should've known.

And if I were clear-headed, I would have known!

Carl, I need you.

Why do you need a guy who lets his partner walk into an ambush?

What exactly am I...

What am I giving to your team?

So you're running away?

Accepting my limitations isn't running away.

I'm not risking any more cops pretending that I can still do the job again.

You know what?

When this is over, I don't give a damn what you do, but I gave you the authority to be a cop again, so do it!

After, you can crawl back to your carnival.

I don't care, but this is your mess to clean up!

If we find this girl alive...

I'm out.

You understand?


See what he does?

Come here.


He pushed the body way back there, and then he goes to hide.

So, when Anne-Marie comes in, she's drawn towards the body?


Eva: Then he grabs the evidence bag with the shoe and doesn't even look at it.

Like he already knew what was in it.

And who was coming.

He did.

He knew that shoe was out there somewhere.

We found tracks where he was searching for it.

He was there...

Waiting for us to find something, or the scene to open up.

This guy is methodical, thorough and smart.

Smarter than us.

You speak for yourself.

I am.

We have the customers' database. It may be helpful.

Look for male names.


He may have seen us find the shoe...

But how would he have known that this is the store?

This is the very store!

Did he not show up here first?

He bought them.

Tommy: Son of a bitch.

My Scangen.

If he was there the whole time...

I used the lasers at the scene.

Are you saying you might have a picture of him?

Well, not a picture exactly, but an image. It's possible.

I need a face.

Well... scanner's at the crime squad.

That's where we start.

Driver, muffled angst: No... I tried!

It's too fast! Do you understand?

No! I tried! I tried.

I did! I did...

I need time to think, okay?

I just need a little time to th...

[Cell phone rings]

With forced cheer: This is Gerald.

Hi, yes, ma'am.

No, no, no, no, no.

Everything's completely taken care of in Paris.

Yes, you know I never leave things half-completed.

Of course. Of course.

I always have my cell phone with me.

Yes, ma'am. I will.

Thank you.

[Inhales sharply as he beeps the phone off]

Roars: Will I have my phone with me?

Don't I always, you ridiculous bitch?

[Pounding steering wheel]

Have I ever, even once, not had my phone with me when you call, over and over?

Yes! I have my phone! I have my phone!

Where do we go?


Eva, can you bring the blue bag?

Anything from the checkpoints?

Nothing so far, but we'll keep them up as long as it takes.

Uh, you'll say this was your operation, right?

[Prisoner bangs cell wall]

Yeah. It was my responsibility.

You do know the k*ller must've gotten past any checkpoints by now.

This guy can't stop every route out of Paris.

Yes. I know.

He's keeping them up to cover himself.

[Cell phone rings]

Excuse me?


I'm in Paris.

I need to speak with you.

No, I can't.

I didn't say it would be nice to speak with you, I said I need to.


Your son, Etienne.


So the room back there's okay?

To the left.

Can I help you?

Carl, I need to go somewhere.

Meet with a source.

Yeah. Yeah, I got this.


The crime scene photos.



Rome. Dublin. Every scene, every body.

You're Scotland Yard, right?

We call it The Met, but, yeah.

You have access to their databases?


We know this guy is mobile, right?

Four bodies, four different countries.

But what if the women missing aren't from the country they were found in?

What if the missing women are from the previous one?

You mean like the girl we found in Paris could be from London?


Maybe your friends at the Yard could recheck our Paris girl...

With missings from the U.K.?

Yeah. Yeah, that might work.

Mutters under his breath: Hang on, Anne-Marie.


[Tire pops and squeals]

[Tires squealing]

Okay. Okay...

Okay, that happened.

I need to think.

This is what happens, Gerald.

This is what happens without control.


[She shrieks]

I thought you'd be awake.

[Cell phone rings]

Padma! Can you hold on a sec?

Hushed: Hi!


That's sweet of you to remember.

Uh, no, actually, I'm in Paris on a case.

You know I don't really like to celebrate anyway.

Thanks, Padma. I miss you, too.

Cheers. Thanks for the call.

[Beeps phone off]

Okay, guys, it's ready.

Here goes.



Sienna: That is pretty impressive, Sebastian.

In a more controlled environment, we could even look for evidence that was missed.

Right, now what we need is an image of one w*nk*r.

This guy would've gotten as close as possible without attracting attention.

Yeah. Outside the tape, right? That's a good distance.

Let me widen it out to the limit of the scan.


Okay, am I missing something?

If you are, I am, too.


What's that?


Oh, that's the entrance to the crime scene.

Wasn't there a guard there?

Let's have a closer look.


Yeah. I remember him.

Young guy.

And anyone trying...

To get into the scene would've had to talk to him.

So this makes this guard potentially our first eye-witness.

Anne-Marie knew him. His name was...


Cadet Antoine Laffont.

All right, well, I'll go and talk to him.

I'll go with you. We should stay paired up.


Hickman: I'm starting to think we need to rely on the worst thing a cop ever has to...


[Sirens approaching]

Bonsoir, monsieur.


Though I warn you, that is close to the limit of my French.


Guilty. I'm with the diplomatic corps.

This is an embassy vehicle.

I see the plates.

I had a flat I fixed, and I'm sort of in a hurry.

Where'd the blood come from?

This is so funny.

I was, uh...

I was tightening the bolts, and my hand slipped, and I hit myself in the face.

My nose is very sensitive.

It bleeds very easily.

See? [Sniffs demonstrably]

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I really should be getting back on the road.



I'll help.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

I... it's... As I said, it's fixed.

Open the trunk.

No! Um...

I'd rather you put it in the back seat.

It will tear your leather.

The... the ambassador's suitcases and personal items are in that trunk.

I cannot allow them to be damaged.

I would rather damage these seats than the ambassador's hat boxes.

The rich cow...

She would have me sacked within the hour.


Thank you so much, officer.

That is very kind of you.

Merci. Merci beaucoup.

Bonsoir. - Bonsoir.

He's a Russian.

An ex-colonel of the army.

Went underground about 20 years ago...

Took an armory and a cadre of very loyal officers with him.


Alexander Dimitrov.

You're sure?

I have known my source for a very long time...

And they are sure.

Do you trust them?


But more than that, Louis...

I trust fear, because, if there is anything in this world that I know anything about, it's fear, and these people fear that man, and they want him stopped almost as much as you do.


I was able to obtain everything you asked me to get for you, but I want you to think about it.

If you let me take this envelope, unopened...

I will use its contents to make him pay for what he did to Etienne, for what he did to you and Rebecca.

I don't understand.

I will find him and I will bring him to justice in the courts.

You've k*lled before, but you won't k*ll him?

Well, I've never m*rder*d anyone.

It's not the same.

So why unopened?

Because it contains everything you need to know to find him, and I will not have you hunting for him while I am.

I need to think about it.

How is your case going?

We'll get him.

I have no doubt.

Sienna: Laffont gets off shift in five minutes.

[Sirens approaching]

Hold on.

You know all that bollocks I said earlier, about how great havin' a big family is?

That was bollocks, was it?

My da...

[Scoffs bitterly]

My da actually has a hit out on me.

[Chuckles dismissively]

A paid-for hit.

[Stops laughing]

You're serious?

10,000 pounds.

I don't even know where he got 10,000 pounds.

But he put it up when I joined the police services.

Now I'm a target for any Traveller who might come across me.

Your family wants you dead?


Why are you telling me this?

Because, if we're to be... gonna be partnered, then... [Takes a breath]

You should know what you're dealing with.

I guess I'm just saying that, you know, having a great, big family's...

[Sighs wearily]

Not always such a good thing.

[Chuckles softly]


Here's our guy.

[Opens door]


Go ahead.

I need a minute.

No trouble. Take your time.

Roars: Anne-Marie!

[Packets crackling]


We'll let you know as soon as we know more.

It's not her.

Thank God.

The body in the woods...

It's an overdose.

A known local junkie.

Let's go back to the beginning.

I've been looking at the crime scenes.

They aren't exact matches, but look at that.

Isn't everything just a bit too similar?

You mean staged?

Chasing them through the woods is part of his thing, right?

The similarities could be coincidence.

I'm thinking that he's recreating something.

We all said that we thought he was putting on a show.

It's not a show. It's a ritual.

He doesn't hide the bodies.

So if she's not found soon, it's a good thing?

She probably survived the night.

Which means he could get back on script, back on ritual.

Which means he will take her to a capital city.

Great. So, by tonight, he could be anywhere from, uh...

Oslo to Athens.

All right. Let me arrange something.

Sienna: He spoke to a lot of people, but can't remember any of them.

Hickman: Look at him.

The way his eyes dart and his eyebrows are raised, his mouth, the corners are pulled back.

You see all that?

He's afraid.

You mean like in "suspect" afraid?


Laveaux bullies all his officers.

There has to be a way to get him past that and remember.

I could try something.

I'm sorry. I've tried.

I can't remember any specific details.

Sienna: Nobody thinks you haven't tried.

Nobody thinks that you haven't told us everything that you consciously know.

Please... sit.

You said "consciously"?

Well, sometimes, attempting to retrieve a memory is almost impossible, in the traditional way.

It could be because of trauma, it could be because of fear, or it could be because we're under so much pressure to get it right, that we freeze up.

But I've told you everything.

Not everything.


You haven't told me if it was warm.

Excuse me?

Was it warm?

How is it related to...?

Just... tell me.

[Takes a breath, sighs]

I think it was around 24 or 25.

No, no, no.

Were you warm?

Don't give me the fact, give me the feeling.

Yes, I was warm.

Voice drifting: Most of the day...

It was cooler when the sun went behind the clouds.


Now what do you smell?


Damp leaves.

And they cut the grass yesterday.

Sienna: Now, what do you hear?


What do you hear?

It's what I don't hear.

I'm sorry?

There should be children in a park.

And there's no children?


They can't play because of the crime scene.

I hear the people complaining.

People want their park back.

And how does that make you feel?

I wish they could have their picnics, and play in the playgrounds and walk their...


What is it?


There was a man...

He had a dog.

The dog!

The dog?

The dog that was dead later in the park.

He k*lled it!

What do we know about this dog?

There was a dead dog.

We didn't know that someone k*lled him.

Louis: Eva, Sebastian, details.

This man...

Can you describe him?

Only that he was very short.

She's good.

Yeah. You all are.

If Anne-Marie were dead, she would have been found by now.

What does it mean for her?

If he has somewhere to go...

To be alone with her...

To have time to get his ritual back...

Then who and what she is will mean less and less.

She'll just become another of his fantasies...


Until tonight.

Thank you. Thank you.

Paris Animal Control collected the dog corpse.

It had a microchip in it, registered to a local animal shelter.

Eva and Sebastian are headed there now.

Antoine's description's at all the checkpoints now, but I don't hold out much hope.

The distinctive part of the description is his height and he's gonna be in a car, sitting down.

The Met came through.

They identified her?

Sienna: The girl found in Paris appears to be a missing from southeast London, named Sasha Quinn.

Same height, same hair color, and she was reported the very night the Paris body was found.

They're getting DNA information from her parents, but they have to be a bit sensitive, because, it seems, she was an escort.

Try the agency.

They keep information on their clients.

I'm thinking... Her being an escort makes the choice of shoe even more peculiar.

What do you mean?

It's heavy. The heel is short, it's vintage, unflattering.

Not sexy enough?

No, I wouldn't think so.

(Mutters to self) If you don't want them sexy...

Are you dressing them completely?

[Gasps groggily]

Where are we?

In a lovely apartment the diplomatic corps keeps for advanced workers.


It's very cozy...

It's very private.



I'm an officer of the French National Police.

If you let me go, I...

I will speak to the magistrate and I will tell him you were very compassionate.

You know, I'd normally let you do this yourself, but this is all very different, isn't it?

There's still a chance for you!

Completely different.

I don't mean anything untoward, but...

But it's time.

Shakily: Time?

Time to change.

Okay. So we have a name and we may have a picture.

The dog was adopted yesterday by a man called "John Smith."

It's about as anonymous a name as you could use...

But in America.

Yeah, Britain, too.

Yeah, but they have CCTV cameras here.

I think I've got him!

Do you have him?

Sending now.

Got you.

Louis: Get that face to every cop in Europe.

I want it on P.D.A.'s, cell phones, any device anyone might have.

I want to know who he is.

[Anne-Marie grunting and struggling]

I didn't want to do it this way, but...


There's still a chance... there's still a chance to do it right!

I really wish you'd cooperate.

No, no, no, no, no!

[Her cries muffle]

The escort agency says Sasha's last client was a man named...

John Smith. So he's British?

Well, not necessarily. They also said that she only handled international clients.

I just hung up with Interpol.

Tell me you have his name?

And it's been verified through another agency.

Which agency?

The State Department.

His name is Gerald Wilhoit.

He's a traveling advance secretary from the U.S. Diplomatic Corps.

That's how he got around so easily.

Sienna: And why nobody stopped him at any checkpoints.

He's an American?

With diplomatic immunity.

We have a hit on the photo! Highway patrol.

A gendarme pulled over to assist a motorist with a flat tire in the middle of the night.

He says he's sure from the photo it's our guy.


E50, 25 kilometers outside Metz, heading east.

He's going to Germany?

He's taken her to Berlin.

You don't keep one in the pipe?

Had them jam too much that way.

I'll take my chances with a piece that's ready to go.


Wouldn't need to, if you were fast.

Do you even have a g*n?

Never really needed one.



GSG9 is gonna meet us wherever we say.


You say "SWAT."

Tell me about the parks in Berlin.

There are several large ones.

Remember the scene, remember the bad guy.

We're looking for a wooded area.

Busy during the day, but not at all at night.

Somewhere near the center of the city.

Tiergarten's the right kind of park.

But there's also Volkspark Friedrichshain.

Sebastian, we don't have time to be wrong.

Which park is it?

Tiergarten or Volkspark? Which one?


All right. Be cautious with Wilhoit.

He's not only dangerous, he has diplomatic immunity.

So, if you find him, make sure Detective Hickman gets over there, unless you want him to have grounds for b*ating his arrest.

♪ ♪

Stay in your grid.

Stay in contact.

Be ready on my signal. All right?

We move out in two minutes.

Do you know how to use this?

I said I never needed one, not that I didn't know how.

Who's Padma?


It's your birthday, right?

She called you for your birthday?

She's my nanny.

She always calls me for my birthday.

But your parents haven't.

I've been with you for the last two days.

No one else called.

Well, they're... very busy.

They're important people with important jobs.

Sienna. We don't make a big deal... of birthdays in my family anyway.


All I'm saying is, it doesn't matter that they haven't called.

All our families are messed up.

All I'm trying to say is... cheers.

Cheers, and...

Happy Birthday.


Remember what I said outside the morgue?

Take deeper breaths?

[Both laughing]

I said, "We'll finish this... later."

Yes, ma'am, inspector Pride.

We'll finish this later.

Louis, calls out: Come on! Let's go!

[Anne-Marie whimpers groggily]

Don't move, or it'll be too deep.

[Gasps and cries out]

[Anne-Marie sobs]

It's all over, it's done.

What... what's done?

You're dying.

Sobs: No!

You have one chance.


[Whimpers] [Barks] Run!

Son of a bitch hunted her.


[Steadying her breath]

She was dead the moment she showed him fear.

[Starts controlling her breath]


What did you say?

I said run!


I'll k*ll you right here!

I'm not afraid of you.

Roars: Run!

Louder: No!



Run, you bitch!

[Groaning weakly]

[Takes a steadying breath]


I am in charge here!

Who am I supposed to be, Gerald? Huh?

Who did you think you were talking to, when you were alone in the front seat, Gerald?


He seems to have some sort of ritual that plays out... before the m*rder.

No! It's all a fantasy...

The park, the... the hunting!

He didn't just conceal their identities, he erased them.

You dressed me up! Who am I? Who am I supposed to be?





You bitch.


You do what I say. Yes!

You do it, and you do it now! Okay? Run!

It's odd, it's actually a very old style.


Gerald, please.

Is it your mother?

Is it your mother?

The older shoes, the older dress?

I'm not your mother!

I'm a detective in the French National Police.

You've taken a police officer.

Hickman: Anne-Marie!

Gerald, they know who you are.


The police.


I am Detective San.

You are sick, and I can help you, and I can...

[Anne-Marie cries out]

I am not sick!

You filthy bitch!

Hickman: Anne-Marie!

Anne-marie: Over here!


Are you okay?

Get her up! Get her up!

She's bleeding!

Medic! Medic!

Over here!

Anne-marie: I wouldn't run. I wouldn't show fear.

You did good. You did really good.

You got her? Hold her!

Come on, get her.

Over here.

Give me your g*n.

Give me your g*n.



Do you need this?

No... no!


Careful with that little thing.

It might raise a nasty bruise on me.

It's your g*n.

You kind of look cute with it, though.


Louis: Tommy, come in. We have Anne-Marie.

Repeat. We have Anne-Marie. She's safe.

She's alive!

Roars: Sienna!

[sh*t rings out]


Didn't see him... I didn't see him...

Officer down! Officer down! Help me now!


She's fine, she's fine.

She's safe. She's safe.

Roaring: Help me!

We did good. We did good.

Shh, don't talk now. Just shush. You'll be fine.

Weakly: Tell them... I did good?

You did so good. You did amazing.

No, no, no, no, no!

No. Wait, wait, wait!



He stabbed her! He came from nowhere.

I couldn't do anything!

Where did he go?

Tommy! Where did he go?

That way! He went that way!

Stay here.

I'm gonna k*ll him!

Do not leave her alone!

[Tommy sobs]


Sienna... Sienna! Sienna?

Anne Wilhoit.

Found 28 years ago in Central Park.

Someone chased her and stabbed her over a hundred times.

You don't know anything about her.

They could never prove it was you.

You were the prime suspect, they just couldn't close it.

Why would I k*ll my mother?

Why do guys like you ever k*ll their mothers?

She belittled you and made you clean your room, do your homework.

You're done now. Don't move your hands.

I'm a member of the United States Diplomatic Corps.

Put your hands on top of your head.

I have immunity! I demand to see... the ambassador!

Put you hands on top of your head!

[g*n misfires, Carl's gasps]

You don't keep one in the pipe?

They jam too much that way.

[Gasping in panic]

[Laughs mockingly]

I saw you in the Paris park!

You're a cr*pple, aren't you?


She liked to be called "Annie," not Anne.

I hated that.

What kind of mother calls herself "Annie"?

It's so inappropriate.

Sometimes, even k*lling someone doesn't shut them up.

You say hello to her for me, would ya?

[sh*t rings out]

[Body thuds]


Let me take it.

[Discharges a sh*t]

I took the sh*t.

I took the sh*t.


Anne-Marie, we'll come by the hospital when we finish here.

Thank you, major.

I told you before, call me Louis.

Did you know he was an American?

Is that why you needed me?

To avoid the international incident?

Only one person in the world could've figured it out.

Thank you.



Would you come with me?


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Knock at door]

George said you were back.

Please. Please. Come in.

Sorry about the mess.

Listen. The man you asked me about?

Phillip Genovese?


He's back, too.

Did he have any kids with him?

I didn't see any. Not this time.

Is he staying in the same trailer?


Did he do this to you?

Is he the one from New York?

The one you were chasing?

I knew a man like you doesn't just show up one day to clean garbage.

A man like me?

A man of substance.

Cleaning up garbage is something I've always been good at.

Garbage like Genovese?

Just like that.

Are you going to k*ll him for it?

No. Not for this.

I never thanked you properly for coming to my defense the other day.

Not necessary.


Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Story of my life.

♪ ♪

Dorn: I'm not going to feed you.

It's against the law here.

Those upon who you depended for sustenance have turned against you and deemed you a toxic blight upon society.

And that means empty bellies for you chaps.

You're talking philosophy to pigeons.

And they don't listen.

Well, I'm beginning to know how that feels.

I'm sorry about Inspector Pride.

Thank you.

They're not very subtle, your team.

Pictures, headlines...

Everything, everywhere.

[Wings b*ating]

An American diplomat sh*t and k*lled by a former American policeman.

Lucky you had him with you.

Lucky. Yes. Very.

You think of everything, don't you, Louis?

It's unopened.

I can see that.

You asked me about Rebecca. She's not good, you know.

[Laughs sadly]

We may never be...

I'm sorry.

Go home, Louis. Be with her. Be together.

Dorn: You still here?

So much for the wise words of an old man.

Well, maybe some old lady will come by and feed you.

Me... I have no bread.