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01x07 - Leo

Posted: 03/06/24 11:46
by bunniefuu






♪ There's something in the shadows ♪

[SUNNY] How do you know this guy?

[TESS] Victor?

He's one of my oldest informants.

Quite the character.

He's always looking for an angle.

[SUNNY] So how long
do stakeouts go anyway?

[TESS] Man, they can take all night.

You might as well sign off. I got this.

And miss the shakedown? Not a chance!


And I promise you,

it's not as exciting as the movies.

Well, it's the most exciting thing

I've got going on tonight.

You know, that doesn't
have to be the case,

if you give your concierge
half a chance.

You know, dating an employee
is unhealthy.


That's a terrible excuse.

It's really obvious
that you like him, Sunny.

I did...

until he came into my apartment,
and then things got weird.

"Things," or you?

It takes a lot for me to trust someone.

Well, you trust me, right?

[FORCED] Mm-hmm.

Of course.


Dark-roast drip for you.

- Thank you.
- Americano for me.

What's the difference, anyway?

This is why
we should never dine together.

[TESS] I'm heartbroken.


[LEO] Haven't crossed paths with Victor

since my time in Vice.

Well, apparently, he's upgraded
to m*rder since then.

Well, knifing his own dealer
seems short-sighted,

even for Victor.

He better have a good alibi.
He's one of our best informants.

You're sure this is his hang?

Yeah, it's his girlfriend's place.

Jake and I used to meet him here
all the time, for information.

He's staring.

You're staring.

How did you know?

I get it.

I make you uncomfortable.




That was a pretty sneaky move
you pulled...

getting Jake punted to desk duty

so you could pull all the choice jobs.

- Oh!
- Bravo.

Okay, this is not what I
would call a "choice job."


Anyway, Jake threw himself on his sword

of his own free will.

Oh, that's him.


[TESS] Yeah, Victor loves
his country music.

I'm gonna need you to stay in the car

and let me handle this.

Whoa. This guy's reputation
precedes him.

[TESS] Okay, listen to me.

Victor is a hothead.

You go in there alone,
it's gonna get messy.

He knows me.

That's why Bennett brought me in,

so I can talk him down
and bring him in peacefully, okay?




I'll go around back, cut them off.

[SUNNY] Well, so much for teamwork.


Get over here, Baby.

Get over here.


[SUNNY] She seems fond of him.



Get off.

I gotta do some business.

You good?


[LEO] Lost a little weight, Victor?


What is Leo doing?

Don't move.

- Oh...
- Tess, they're running!

[DISPATCH] Copy, 1209! Car en route.

ETA three minutes.

I think the suspect
is running straight towards you.

- Where? What?
- He's gonna pass your door!

- Now!


Yes! We knocked him out!

I guess, sometimes,
it is like the movies.




[SUNNY] Kye! Hold on.




About, um, yesterday, I...

You know what? I'm sorry.

I... I overreacted.

I get migraines.

I... I shouldn't be...

I... you know...

No, it's fine.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. You're... Well, it's fine.

I-I just wanted to tell you
that the electricians

are gonna be doing some work
on the floor below you,

so there might be some noise...

Well, that's what headphones are for.

- Yeah, right.
- Yeah.

Oh, also, uh, there might be

a small chance of a power outage,

but just a quick one.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- What? What?
- I'm sorry, I just...

- Schmutz.
- Oh.

So, is that it?

Uh... yeah.

You know where to find me.

And you know where to find me. Tch!



Uh... yeah. Okay.


Oh, Kye?

Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah. Of course.

- [MATT] Hey, it's me!

[TESS] It's open.

Smell this.

Roma tomato! Perfectly ripe.

I went to Little Italy
and I got fresh pasta sheets,

which is the trick to getting
that silky texture...

Did you forget
about dinner again, Tess?


got distracted.

Bennett called.

I'm starting to feel like

you might an aversion to my lasagna.

No, come on,
you know I love your lasagna.

Listen, it's gonna be a short day,

and I will be back in time for dinner.

That's what you said last night,

before your stakeout with, uh, Jake.

No, it wasn't with Jake.
It was with Leo.


[SIGHING] Look, I...

I should have texted.

Okay. I'm just glad

that I actually caught you
before you left this time.

You mind if I stick around
and make the sauce?

It needs at least a couple hours
to get that perfect sweetness.

Yeah! Be my guest. I mean,
you know where everything is.

Okay. Well, dinner's at seven.


[DEEP BREATH] Listen. Uh...

I'm excited about our date.

Our... I mean! Uh...

Date's fine.



[SUNNY] Three paces to Bennett's.


- [BENNETT] Tess.
- Sir.

So, your friend Victor's
been in Holding all night.

He wants to talk,
but only to you and Jake.

He didn't ask for a lawyer?

- Nope.
- That's weird.

Vice are trying to pry him away.

Popular guy.

Well, he's always been a multitasker.

Yeah. Let's get this party started.

Congrats on the collar.

What are you, five?

And a wonderful morning
to you, too, Leo.

I should be getting a run at this guy,

not Tess.

You're making this clown a coffee?

See, this is why you're not
getting the interview, Leo.

- Mm?
- It's little things.

It's the little acts of kindness.

They can go a long way. You know?


Excuse me.


Detective Stott with Vice.

I need you to do us a solid.

Stand down and hand us your case.

And why would I do that?

Victor Palmer is a key informant

for a long-running sting...

the last thing I need
is Homicide derailing it.

He's a person of interest
in a homicide,

so, not happening.

We're two years in.

This could potentially
put away multiple dealers

responsible for countless deaths.


[JAKE] "Potentially."

I'll take the bird in the hand,


Oh! Jake made you a coffee.

Hey. Is that for me?

Um, I'm officially benched
because of you,

so I'm gonna go with no.


I saved you from a stakeout
with Leo last night.

- That doesn't make us even?
- Not by a long shot.

I've been stuck at my desk for a week.

- A whole week?
- Mm-hmm.

One more day and you're back at it.

If it's any consolation,

Leo went totally rogue last night.

Yeah, or as I like
to call it sometimes...

he "pulled a Tess."

[CHUCKLES] I've gotta remember
to use that.

A witness saw you
leave this man's apartment

Saturday, just before five a.m.

The next person who entered

found his body.

So, either you did it

or you know who did.

He looks pretty calm for a m*rder*r.

I've got a headache.

Well... he left quite
a dent in your car.

[JAKE] Quit stalling, Victor.


You won't keep me here.

[TESS] Yeah, what makes you so sure?

[VICTOR] You ever get
a veal Parm from Big Luigi's?

The sauce takes six hours.

It's like tiny, little angels
dancing on your tongue.

It's so good,
it makes your mind wander.

You start to think
about the past, you know?

Mistakes made, things said, regrets.

Stuff you might wanna
get off your chest.


- We're calling a stop to this.
- Whoa.

I'm Detective Caitlin Stott from Vice.

This man is about
to compromise our case.

You just compromised ours!

He was about to give a confession.

A confession?

Is that what that was?

A veal Parm from Big Luigi's?

All right, that's enough.
Take it outside.




Victor knows we're here,
he's sending us a message.

[SUNNY] Like kids in a sandbox!

Okay. The one in charge... Caitlin...

she's... slightly friendlier,

grading on a curve,

and her colleague, Ada,
is younger, great hair...

and I would not want to piss her off.

He's a suspect in a m*rder.

[ADA] All you have is a single witness.

Most investigations begin
with "a single witness."

[ADA] You're wasting your time.
You know,

as well as we do...
Victor isn't a m*rder*r.

Come on, Leo. Help me out here.

I'm the Switzerland of the office.

"Russia" would be a better bet!

[CAITLIN] There are
multiple undercover ops

running through this investigation.

If Victor talks,
their lives could be at risk.

So, you're suggesting we let him walk?

[UNIFORM] Medic! Medic! We need help!

Your suspect...
he's losing consciousness!


I don't know! His breathing's shallow!

[SUNNY] He's on the floor.

Victor? Hey, Victor!

Stay calm, breathe.

Make sure his airway's clear.

Oh, he's turning blue.

His pupils are constricting.

[ROARS] We need an E.M.T. in here!

Come on, Victor. Stay with us.


[WEAKLY] Night.

Night? What does that mean?


No pulse.

*** diagnosis from a medical examiner

is our suspect died
from a drug overdose.

Where the hell did he get dr*gs?

Given his personal effects
were removed when he was booked,

working theory
is that the dr*gs were hidden

in a body cavity
or obtained in Holding.

Now, I don't like the optics here.

A suspect dying in custody
is bad enough,

let alone not nailing down how.

He died in your interrogation room.

Which is why it's now a crime scene

and being swept by Forensics.

Let's keep speculation to a minimum

and let them do their jobs.

That's it for now.

Avery. Campbell.




You two knew Victor better than anyone.

You know anybody
who had it out for him?

I mean, he's an informant.

It's a long list.

All right, these are the three men

he was in holding with.

- Any of these names ring any bells?
- We've got Rick Marslick,

Morris Fleurnak,
and Darryl Vanderhoven.

No. But does the word "night"
mean anything to you guys?

It was the last thing
Victor said before he died.

Mm, afraid not.

All right, for now,
let's play the odds.

Someone slipped something to Victor,

and it's likely one of these three.

Who'd you see Victor talking to?

Was there any sign of narcotics?

Who gave Victor the sandwich?

[JAKE] Did he have
a conflict with anyone?


[BLURTS] I didn't rob the place!

I'm pretty sure he did.

I'm tellin' you, they got it wrong.

Look, we just want to ask you

about your time in Holding
last night, okay?


Did you talk to this man?



I hit the joint!

I hit the joint...

but I didn't do the others.

Only the one.


Full marks for owning up, I guess.

'Kay, uh...

I guess let's get
your written statement for that.




You have beautiful eyes.

I'm pretty sure
he wants to put them in a jar.

Let's not do that.

Just tell us about
your conversation with Victor.

Tess! Move your hand.

Uh-uh-uh. No touching. No.

You do that again, we break the hand.


So what'd you two talk about?

He said that, uh, he'd be
outta here within an hour.

Said that he'd never go down...

'cause he had leverage.

What kind of leverage?

Said he knew something.

Guess we'll...

[LAUGHS] ... never find out what.


What you doing after work?


What leverage could Victor have

that would make him think
he could get away with m*rder?

I don't know. I mean,
it's hearsay from a felon.

He might not have had anything.

But let's take a leap and say he did.

Somebody would want
to shut him up, right?


like somebody in Vice.

[HUSHED] Okay, listen.

I will grant you
that they wanted Victor quiet,

but accusing your own?

That is next level.

Which is why we need
to fast-track Forensics

and see what shakes out.

[BENNETT] Listen up!

Forensics just confirmed
the presence of fentanyl

found in Victor Palmer's coffee,

which means

the Special Investigations Unit
will be taking over,

and rest assured,

this department is about
to be put under a microscope.

Until they arrive,

nobody leaves.

That means everyone, including Vice.

Take an empty desk,
if you don't have already one.


He's not joking.

S.I.U. will tear us apart.


[ADA] You made Victor's coffee.

They should start with you.

"The guilty dog barks first."

I heard that once on Happy Valley.

Why would I want to poison Victor?

- You tell us.
- You know what?

I left that cup unattended
to take a call...

from Caitlin.

Let me just remind you...

Victor died after you entered the room.

To be fair...

the coffee was already
in the room when Vice arrived.

Okay, guys?

The staff area doesn't have cameras,

so no one...
no one is in the clear, okay?

All right.

So, let's let S.I.U. do their jobs,

anything you need from us, just ask me.

You have our full cooperation. Right?



Okay. I'm in.

All right. Let's assume
Victor did have leverage.

I bet we can dig something up.
Let's start with his police file.

That's weird.

I don't seem to have access to it.

S.I.U. must have blocked it already.

All right, what other files flag
when you search his name?

[SUNNY] Lots. Drug arrests, mostly.

The guy was like Teflon...
nothing stuck.

Oh, informants have to really screw up

before we take 'em off the street.

Oh, here's something.

Victor provided witness testimony

on a m*rder case two years ago.

Is that normal?

No. Not at all.

What are you seeing
in the public court records?


It was an unsolved m*rder.

The victim was shot execution-style

and Victor provided
a description of the sh**t.

That's a death wish.

What was the jurisdiction?


That's not us.

Who was the victim?

Some guy by the name of "Turner Knight."



That was Victor's last word.

That cannot be a coincidence.

No, it is not.

Turner Knight was rumoured

to have shot an undercover officer,

and that officer was in Vice.

The Turner Knight m*rder
was Victor's leverage.

Just because he gave witness testimony?

I mean, that's not exactly
a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Well, it is if his statement is false.

So someone else k*lled Turner Knight?

That's what Victor was pointing to...

somebody with real motive,

and I can't think of anyone
with bigger motive than Vice.


are we saying
what I think we're saying?

This is about a dirty cop.

What can you tell me
about your friends from Vice?

Haven't seen them in years.

Come on, Leo. We know you were tight.


They jokingly called us
the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,"

and it stuck...

me, Caitlin, Ada,

and the rookie, my boy Mikey, until...

... Until Mike was k*lled
by Turner Knight.

"Knight." Victor's last word.

[LEO] Victor, the
drug-dealing m*rder*r?

That Victor?

[BENNETT] Ada was near
the coffee that k*lled him,

and both she and Caitlin
wanted Victor silenced.

Are those coincidences, too?

Are you suggesting Vice k*lled Victor

because he knew they k*lled Knight?

I hope to God I'm wrong,

but it's a theory
I'll be sharing with S.I.U.

Are you kidding me?

Well, Ada used to work
with Special Investigations.

She'll play that unit like a fiddle.

Then find me something
before they arrive.

We have two hours.


[TESS] If Victor fabricated

the testimony that convicted Knight,

we need to find the holes.

If Vice coerced Victor
into covering for them,

why k*ll him now?

Maybe he was asking

for something they couldn't give him...

like immunity from a m*rder charge.

Well, it's hard to prove
anything, now that he's dead.

The dead always leave something behind.

Pull his file again.


Got it.

What did he have on him
when he was processed?

Um, one package of mints...

wallet, four credit cards,

moist towelettes from the "Wing Dude,"

and mirrored shades... that's it.

You're sure that's everything?

Yeah, that's all that's listed.

We need Jake.

What is this about?

You know what, Tess,
if you're crossing the line

on something else,
I don't want to hear about it.


Victor's cellphone is missing.

What do you mean, it's missing?
Missing from evidence?

When I frisked him, I felt a phone.

Somewhere between his booking
and arrest,

it disappeared.

Who booked Victor in?


This is not good.


Oh, Tess!

Jake doesn't look so good.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.


[TESS] Ugh, there's
a lot of that going around.

All right, so listen,
I think I need to tell Bennett...

Tess. Tess! He's going sideways.

Jake? Jake.

I can't breathe.

Tell me you didn't drink
Victor's coffee!



It's the sugar!


[TESS] Oh, my God!
Hey! Hey! Talk to me.

Tess! We need to get help!

Tell me what he looks like!

His pupils are constricted,
his lips are blue.

Uh... help!

Help! We need some help here!

Okay, it's okay.

He needs Narcan.

Sunny, get me to a cruiser!

To your right! 20 paces, there's a car.

Driver's side door.

Oh, come on! It's locked!

Okay, go around the other side.

Two paces.


No, dammit. Come on!

No, it's okay, there's a whole row!

Go straight, seven paces.

There, to the right.

I don't know if we have that much time!

It's okay. Just listen to my voice,

- and do exactly as I say...


No! No, no, no! The power!

- Sunny? Are you there?


Oh, God!


Damn it!



Okay, okay, okay.

Come on...

Come on.




Okay, okay.


Sunny, are you there? Sunny?





Oh, no! Please, no!

No. No, no, no! [SCREAMS]




- Jake?



Okay, Jake.


Sunny, are you there?

Hey, Sunny! It's okay.
It's me, it's Kye.

It's okay, it's okay. Hey.

Damn it!

It's Kye.


- Oh, my God! Jake!

I thought I lost you!


Now we're even.

Hey! Are you guys okay?


- Okay...
- It's okay. Take your time.

Take your time.

It's okay.




Thank you...

Thank you.

Oh... okay.


... building.

He is... He is gonna be okay.

I can't say the rest of us will be.

There was a breach of the evidence room

and fentanyl was stolen.

The suspect knew to cut
the CCTV wires on the roof,

and where to find the dr*gs.

Last passcode entered

was Leo's.



You know, I am not fan of Leo,

but I just don't see him for this.

No way.

Why would go to such lengths
to cover your tracks,

only to use your own passcode?

He could've assumed
that his code wouldn't register

after cutting the security feed.

I mean, either way, he's now a suspect.

Sir, are you seriously
implying a conspiracy here?

Look, I'm not implying anything.

But Leo processed Victor into Holding,

had access to the coffee,
and is now tied

to a breach of the Evidence Room.

I-If Victor was covering
up a quid pro quo k*lling...

It would be a hell of a motive for Leo.


I don't want it to be him either,

but, right now,

the only people I trust
are in this room.

We don't have much time
before S.I.U. arrives.

Are you up for this?

Yeah. I can do it.

- No, Tess. I'm okay.

I got it.

This is the kind of thing
that'll blow back on me,

and what blows back on me
blows back on you,

and that includes
your consultant position.


Yes, sir. Understood.

All right.

Detective Stott?

Can I have a word?


So, your phone call to Jake

makes it impossible for you
to have poisoned the coffee.

And security footage confirms

you were on the opposite side
of the building.

You're telling me this, why?

I wanted to get your thoughts
before S.I.U. arrived.

Tell me about this undercover op.

You know I can't talk about that.

You'll have to share it with S.I.U.

And it better be clear that
Victor was vital to your case.


What's your impression of Leo?

Uh, well, his record as a detective,

his work ethic, his conduct...

all exemplary.

Vice's loss was Homicide's gain.

Ever hear a rumour

about a revenge k*lling
for Mikey's death?

There are always rumours.

Ada or Leo would have told me
if it came out in pillow talk.

"Pillow talk"?

Vice slang.

Mm. Of course.

Thank you.


[LEO] You should have
gone for the cuffs.

If I'm gonna be perp-walked,

might as well give them
their money's worth.

As awkward for me
as it is for you, pal.

Oh, well, somehow, I doubt that.

It's a formality.

Think of it as a funny story

we'll tell each other
over beers some day.

Mm, you'll have
the better story, buddy.

It's not often one cop
gets to interrogate another,


It's not one-on-one.

What the hell is this?

One of the two of you k*lled Victor.

Let's talk.

Why did you leave Vice?

I mean, it was "the Four Horsemen."

Apparently, you were very close.

After Mikey was k*lled,

the dynamic the four of us had
died with him.

[OVER SPEAKER] I started drinking.

It impacted my work...

my marriage.

I had no choice...
I was going off the rails.

So, was it Mikey's death
that hurt your marriage,

or was it your affair with Ada?


Okay, Jake. Goin' for the k*ll.

[LEO] Wow.

Just announcing
everyone's business now.

It's not a crime.

It happens when
people work closely together.

It is a when you avenge
a colleague's death.

Wasn't that the very reason
that you left Vice, Leo?

Wasn't that why
the whole dynamic changed?

You know, seeing you work
from this side of the table,

I've got some notes.

It's just not hard to imagine

that there's some pretty hard feelings

between the two of you in the end.

[LEO] We left things amicably.

I wouldn't go that far.

- We were respectful.
- [JAKE] Okay, so we could describe them

as "amicable, respectful feelings"

between the two of you. Is that right?

- Correct.
- Then you left.

I realized I was making a mistake.

You told me you were
gonna leave your marriage.

[LEO] Yeah, and I would have,
if you hadn't retreated.

[ADA, SNAPPING] Retreated?

You're the one
that ran away to Homicide!

Holy moly, this is juicier
than a Georgia peach.

[ADA] Stop playing victim, Leo.

It was hard on everyone.

Hey, Tess?

Can you give me
a better look at Caitlin?


- Ahem.


[LEO] We all have
different ways of coping.

[SUNNY] Tess...

Caitlin is not watching
the interrogation.

She's watching you.




[TESS] Yeah, John, it's me,
did you get my text?

Uh, you're trying to send me a message,

but you can't talk?

Right. So I need your help.

Uh, I have two things on my mind.

Fried chicken and waffles?

No, that's probably just me.

No. We need to work together.

You think that more than
one person did this crime.


And you want me to check the logs

to find out what time

Leo's passcode was used in Evidence?


And then there's the other thing.

You... want to know

how close it was to when
the cameras were disabled?


Thanks, John.

[JAKE] Paying Victor
for a false witness statement...

that's efficient, I'll grant you that.

[LEO] That is ridiculous.

What do you have on me?

Fentanyl is missing
from the Evidence Room,

and the last passcode used was yours.


You know this is a set-up, right, Jake?

[JAKE] I'm just
asking questions here, pal.

That's all.

Okay. Ada was right.

I did abandon Vice.

I gave up everything.

Even you.

You know, I never thought
you'd go this far

to get back at me.

Oh, don't flatter yourself, Leo.

Your departure barely registered.

When I checked Victor into Holding,

I gave Ada
a few minutes alone with him.

She said she needed to talk to him

- ... about an undercover op.
- Hold up!

[JAKE] You allowed Ada
to have a private conversation

with Victor last night?

What'd you talk about?

The case we were working.

He wanted you to drop
the m*rder charge, didn't he?

[ADA] The conversation was short.

- Victor threatened to talk.
- Oh, please!

Leo's desperate enough
to say anything right now.

[SUNNY] I got it!

The time between
Leo's passcode being entered

and the cameras being disabled

was less than a minute.

Bennett said that the CCTV wire
was cut on the roof.

That's not enough time
to get to the Evidence Room,

so you were right, Tess...

this was a two-person job.

If Leo is innocent...

then it has to be the woman behind you.

So, how do we prove it?

[ADA] What are you implying, Campbell?

[JAKE] I'm just asking
a logical question.

Uh... ahem.

Listen. Uh, catch me up later.
Bathroom break.


[JAKE] Let's talk about Victor's phone.

It went missing from Holding last night.

Any reason why that might disappear?

[LEO] I had nothing to do with that.

Neither did I.

Speaking of phones,

if I used Leo to get to Victor,

then why are there no text streams?


Because you approached me personally.


You always did know how to play me.

You're lying right now!

You know, you get that
little furrow in your brow.

Don't listen to her, Jake!

She lies like she breathes.

Find Victor's phone.


The trail will lead right to Ada.

[JAKE] See, I have
a different theory here, Leo.

I think the trail
will lead right to you...

and I think that is why
you removed the phone.

- [BEEP]
- Except he forgot

about the watch.

So, the phone may be missing,

but the smartwatch has
all the phone's metadata on it.

What have you done, Leo?




You have any final words?

I want a lawyer.



[SUNNY] Come on.

Come on, come on.

Tell me you got it?

I got it.

So, you got your guy.

Are we done here?

'Cause we do have
cases of our own to get back to.

Not quite. There's one more
thing I'd like your eyes on.

- What's that?
- Oh. Right here.



[TESS] It's a pretty smart move,

taking the cameras
out of the evidence room...

so I used my own.



Hand it over.



For the record,

it's twice, now,
you have stolen from Evidence.

Detective Avery.

Oh, by the way...

there was no incriminating
metadata on Victor's watch,

because Victor didn't own a watch.

This one's mine.

How could you frame one of your own?

He let us down.

Leo abandoned us just when
we needed him the most.

He didn't have the balls
to do what had to be done.

So you two decided to take
matters into your own hands,

when you realized Victor
was gonna tell the truth?

We had to improvise!

They don't get to k*ll cops.

I mean, can't you see that?

Those days... are gone.

Gotta give it to Jake.

He had me going there.


we did it for Mikey.

He was one of us!

Say something.

You're under arrest for the murders
of Turner Knight and Victor Palmer.


Come on.


[BENNETT] Get 'em outta here.

[JAKE] Come on, let's go.

Come on.

... am gonna take a hot bath

and disappear for the night.

Oh! That sounds delightful.

This is for Accounting. Thank you.

Ah! Damn it.

I forgot.

Matt's gonna make me lasagna tonight.


Things are getting pretty
comfy-cozy between you two.

You know, I would trade a hot bath

for a dinner date, anytime.

Valid point.

It's been quite the day, hasn't it?


Speaking of...

you got locked out earlier,
you doing okay?


As a matter of fact...

Kye helped me.

Okay, knight in shining armour.

You do something nice to thank him?


Please tell me you're doing
something nice for the guy.


Hey, I have my own exercise regimen.

- You do your own thing, okay?

Laying out all these meats,
for crying out loud.

- Sancerre?
- Oh! Uh, oui, madame.

Oh, wow! So you speak French?

- Oui, madame.

Should we toast?


mm, je t'aime bien.

Yeah! What does that mean?

It means I like you.

You're a good person.


I will drink to that.


And learning more French.


Mm. Mm!

Just a second.

I have to take this.

- Oh. Sure.
- I'll be right back.


Tell your mom I say hi!




You got nothing to worry about.

Sunny's perfectly safe.

I got my eye on her, yeah.


Yes, sir. I understand.



Mm! That smells amazing.

Equally amazing is the fact
that it came out of my oven.

I actually can't remember
the last time I turned it on.

[LAUGHS] Technically,
you still haven't.

Fair enough. But why ruin a good streak?

- Yeah.


Listen, I want to tell you...

What is it?

Today was a really hard day.

And it was a reminder
to let people know

they're important.

You trying to tell me I'm important?

Yes. I am.



Only Lucas's timing is that bad.

- You want me to get it?

No, I'll get it.


- Hey.
- Jake?

Yeah. I was just in the hood
and I thought I'd swing by.

You know, figured we could

debrief on the day, like old times?

Oh, y-yeah...

Can I just... um... tch.

I don't know what I would have
done if you hadn't been there today.

Thank you.

When things go crazy like that,
there's no one I trust more.

Is that Jake?

- Oh!
- Come on in, man!

We got plenty of food.

- Sorry, I didn't know you had company.
- Totally cool. Um...

you want to join for dinner?
Uh, Matt made lasagna.

It's just a quick stop.

Yeah. Another time.

[LOUDER] Another time!

All right.

Goodnight. Have a good night.

Yeah. Uh, night.


♪ There's something in the shadows ♪

♪ Cuts you like an arrow ♪

♪ There's fire in your blood ♪

♪ Hanging from that hope ♪

♪ But everybody knows ♪

♪ There's something in the shadows ♪