01x22 - Mickey's Color Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x22 - Mickey's Color Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody,
it's me, mickey mouse!

Say, you want to come inside
my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

[Frog croaking]

Ah, I almost forgot--

To make the clubhouse
appear, we get to say
the magic words--

Miska, mouska,
mickey mouse!

Say it with me.

Miska, mouska,
mickey mouse!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!



Heh, here!

Woof, woof!

Ha ha, here!


Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

Mickey: it's
the mickey mouse clubhouse!

Ha ha!

Welcome to our clubhouse.

We're gonna have
a colorful day today.

So, first, let's--


Uh-oh! What's happening
to the clubhouse?

You're right.
It's losing all its color.

We better call
professor von drake.

Come on!

[Multiple animal sounds]


Hello there, mickey.

How nice of you
to ring-a-ding me up!

we need your help!

All the color
is disappearing
from the clubhouse.

Whoa, boy! That is quite
a colorful conundrum you got.

I'm gonna get
right over there

Faster than you can say...




Boy, that was one
rapid rocket ride
I had there.

Whoa, my.

Everything is looking
not so colorful
in the clubhouse.

Well, what are we gonna do,

To the anywhere area!

Now then!
What we got here

Is the wonderful
rainbow color machine.

Look, the arrow's
moving towards empty.

Just as I suspected.

This rainbow color machine
here should be shining

With all the colors
of the rainbow.

And there's only
one way we're going

To make the colors
to coming back.

We need to collect

One in each color
of the rainbow.

I have here

The von drake
rainbow catcher!

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

Professor, look!
I'm wearin' red!

That's a color
of the rainbow, right?

Yes, it is, mickey.

But, you know, the color
collecting machine

Doesn't accept clothes.

Those is the color
collecting rules.

Come on, sing with us.

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

Gosh, professor,

Collecting all those colors
is gonna be a big job.

You can say that again.

We gonna need you all
to be super color

Will you help us be
super color collectors

And find all the colors
of the rainbow?

You will?

Come on! Let's go get
our mouseke-tools

From the mouseke-doer.

♪ Mouseke-hey,
mouseke-hi, mouseke-ho! ♪

mouseke-set, here we go!

♪ You're a thinkin'
and a solvin'
work-it-through-er ♪

♪ Mouseke-me,
mouseke-doer ♪

♪ Mouseke-me,
mouseke-doer ♪

Miska, mouska

♪ Mouseke-tools
mouseke-tools ♪

♪ Mouseke-tools! ♪

♪ Here are
your mouseke-tools! ♪

Ooh, safety scissors.

Ha ha, my handy
fishing rod.

A shovel?

And the mystery

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look, it's toodles!

Hiya, toodles.

Ha ha, ooh! Oh, gosh!

Hey there! Ooh-ooh!

Toodles is gonna bring us
our mouseke-tools

When we need 'em.

Hot dog!

We got our

Now let's go find
all those colors
of the rainbow.

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

So, can you there
at home

Tell me the first color
we need to find?

[Ding ding ding]

Red, right.

You know, just between us
color collectors,

You're as smart
as the professor.

Ok, super color collectors,

Let's put on our super
color collecting eyes

And look for something red.

If you spot something red,
shout, "red!"

You spot something red?


[Ball squeaks]

Mickey: what is it?

The ball, right!

Pluto's holding
his red ball.

woof, woof!

That a boy, pluto.


We found
the first color
of the rainbow.


Now, can you tell
the professor

What is the next
color we gotta find?

[Ding ding ding]

Orange! Ha ha!

Orange you smart?

All righty,
super color collectors.

Let's use our super
color collecting eyes

And look for something orange.

If spot something orange,
shout, "orange!"

You spot something orange?

What is it?

It's my orange whistle.

Ha, you got it!

[Blows whistle]


You found
the second color
of the rainbow.



Oh, no, professor!

The clubhouse...

Whoa, no, it's
a color catastrophe

We gotta keep
color collecting,
and fast!

We already found
red and orange,

So, what's
the next color
we're needing to find?

[Ding ding ding]

Yellow. You got it.

Come on, color collectors,

Let's go find
something yellow.

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

It's worse
than I thought!

We are in quite
a color bind.

Quick, let's use
our super color
collecting eyes

Quick, let's use
our super color
collecting eyes

And look
for something yellow.

If you spot something
yellow, shout, "yellow!"

W-what is it?

Flowers, right!

We gotta get
to those yellow flowers

Before the color
is all gone!

Come on.

Woof, woof!


Oh, my!

all the color
is disappearing!

It sure is. That's why
we're collecting

All the colors
of the rainbow.

And right now, we are
needing a yellow object,

Just like your flowers.
Mind if we borrow one?

Oh, not at all,

But we'll need
to dig it out

Maybe one of those
mouseke-doer tools
can help us!

Good idea, professor.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

All: oh, toodles!

Mickey: safety scissors,

My fishing rod,
a shovel,

Or the mystery mouseke-tool.

What can we use to dig out
the yellow flower?


The shovel, right.

We got ears,
say, "cheers!"

Ok, color collectors.

Help me dig out
the yellow flower

Before it loses
all its color.

Dig, dig, dig.

Oh-ho, why,
thank you.

We did it!

Hoo-hoo, we dug out
the yellow flower.

How about that!

You dug up
the third color
of the rainbow.

Yellow. Ha ha!
Isn't that something?

So, what's the next color
we need to find?

[Ding ding ding]

Green! Right.

Come on, color collectors,

Let's go find
something green.

All: ♪ red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

Ok, time to use
our super color
collecting eyes again

And look
for something green.

If you spot something
green, shout, "green!"

You spot
something green?

What is it?


A green rubber ducky.

Quick! We gotta
go get that ducky!

Bon voyage! Ha ha ha.

Hiya, donald.
Could we borrow
your green ducky?



We're needing a green object

For the rainbow
color machine.

Before all the color
disappears. Look!


We need to get
the green ducky fast!

Hmm. Maybe
a mouseke-tool
can help us?

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles!"

All: oh, toodles!

Mickey: we've got
safety scissors,
my handy fishing rod,

And the mystery

Will the fishing rod help us
get donald's green ducky?

Heh heh. It sure will!

We got ears,
say "cheers!"

Ok, color collectors,
help me cast the fishing line.

Reach way back
with the fishing rod,

Then cast the line forward.

Ready? Lean way back,
and cast!

Oh, boy!
We got the green ducky!

Yes, sir!
That's some fishing you did.

You found the fourth color
of the rainbow.


Now then,
what's the next color
we need to find?

[Ding ding ding]

Blue! Right!

Come on,
color collectors,

Let's go find
something blue!

♪ La la-la,
la la-la ♪

Hey there, daisy.
We're looking
for something blue.

For the rainbow
color machine!

I'd be happy
to help!

I just bought
a blue bow.

It's in
one of these boxes.

Whoo. Sure are a lot of boxes.
Which one's it in?

Oh, uh, heh heh--
I don't remember.

We gotta hurry.

Will you help us
find the box

That has daisy's blue bow?


Say, daisy,
how wide is your bow?

It's this wide.


Is this box wide enough?

No. That box
is too narrow.

How about this one?

Will this box work?

No, that box
is too wide.

Well, is this box
wide enough?

It's a perfect match.

Then this is the box that has
daisy's blue bow inside.

I'll open it!






Daisy: [gasp]
everything is losing
it's color.

We gonna need
one of those mouseke-tooly

To help us
open the box.

Who do we call
when we need

A mouseke-tooly

All: oh, toodles!

Mickey: will safety scissors
help us open the box?

Daisy: of course
they will,

Because they can
cut the ribbon.

We got ears!
Say "cheers!"

Here you go, donald.

Thanks, mickey.

Ok, color collectors,
let's help donald
cut the ribbon.

Make scissors
with your fingers.

And go snip, snip, snip.


Look at the blue!

You found the fifth color
of the rainbow--


And would you look at that?

We have only one more color
left to find.

[Ding ding ding]

Purple! Right.

Come on, color collectors,
let's go find something purple

And fast!

Yee-who! Wee!

Look, it's goofy!

Oh, hi, everybody.


Say, goof, you seen anything
around here that's purple?

Hmm. Purple,
you say, huh?

All right,
color collectors,

Let's use our super color
collecting eyes

And look for something purple.

If you spot something purple,
shout, "purple!"

What? You spotted
something purple?

What is it?

Right, those things
in the tree.

Those are purple plums.

If we don't hurry
and get a purple plum
up there,

We're never going to get
our color back.

Gosh, that tree is tall.

Even I can't reach
those plums.

To reach up high,
we're going to need
a mouseke-tool.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles!"

All: oh, toodles!

Wow, we've picked almost all
our mouseke-tools.

oh, boy, oh, boy.

That means it's time for
the mystery mouseke-tool.

Everybody say,
"mystery mouseke-tool."

What's today's
mystery mouseke-tool?

a bunch of blocks!

Mickey: hmm. How can
we use a bunch of blocks
to reach the purple plums?

Professor: we can
build stairs
with the blocks.

That's how.

We picked
all our mouseke-tools.

Say, "super cheers!"

Oh, boy! We're going
to build some stairs!

Ok, color collectors,
let's start with
the biggest block.

Which one
is the biggest block?

That one. Right!

Here, I'll move it!

Ugh. Uhh.

Ok, there's 3 blocks left.

Which one of these
is the biggest?

Right. This one.

♪ Dum-ba-dum-ba ♪


I'm building some stairs.

Only 2 blocks left.
Now, which one of these
is the biggest?

This one.
You bet!

That one was easy!

Well, that means
that this block

Is the smallest one of all.


We built stairs!

We built stairs!

[C.speakertop]oh, my goodness!
What are we going to do?

Hurry, mickey!


Now, reach!
Reach. Reach.


Ooh! Gotcha!


All right!

You have found
the sixth and last color--


Hee hee!
We have now found all

Come on,
color collectors,

Let's take these colors
back to the rainbow
color machine.

Now then, each one
of you have to place
your colorful object

Onto the rainbow color
machine's scanner.

Pluto, you first.

What color does pluto have?

All: red!


What color does mickey have?

All: orange!

Now it's minnie's turn.
What color does she have?

All: yellow!

And donald's ducky there,
what color is that?

All: green!


And what color
does daisy have?

All: blue!

And last but not
the least one,

What color
does goofy have?

All: purple!

We collected
all 6 colors

For the rainbow
color machine.

How about that!

Now we get to sing
the rainbow song

And get those colors
coloring all around
the clubhouse.

Come on,
sing with us.

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪

♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

Goofy: gosh!

♪ Red, orange, yellow ♪


♪ Green, blue, purple ♪

Oh, boy!

Let there be color!



Ha ha. We got our wonderful,
colorful clubhouse back.

Ha ha. Good work,
color collectors!

Hey, look outside!

Well, what
do you know!

It's the wild
and wacky world
of color again!

Come on, everybody,
up on your feet!

Let's do
the mouseke-dance.

All: ♪ hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
no problems solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

Wow, we sure
had fun today

Bringing color
back to the clubhouse.

Which mouseke-tool
did we use to dig out
minnie's yellow flower?

the shovel.

And let's see.

What did we use to get
donald's green ducky?

Daisy: we used
your handy fishing rod!

And then what'd we use
to open daisy's box

And get her blue bow?

Donald: safety scissors.

And finally, which
mouseke-tool did we use

To build stairs
so we could reach
the purple plum?

the blocks.

What a hot dog day!

All: ♪ hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day,
what you waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene,
we're full of beams ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

See you real soon!
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