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02x10 - Trust

Posted: 11/30/14 19:55
by bunniefuu
[Sound of Frank's speeding motorcycle]

[Sound of screaming tires]

[Sound of honking from alarmed drivers]

[Sound of Frank's motorcycle screeching on turn]

I'm stuck, I can't go anywhere. He's f*cking with me!

[Sound of two more motorcycles accelerating]

[Sound of screeching brakes on Frank's motorcycle]

[Motorcyclist screams in pain]

[Crashing sound against car]

[Sound of screaming motorcycle tires]

[Sounds of wild motorcycle chase]

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up, with powerful beat]

[Sound of screeching motorcycle wheels]

[Sound of emergency switch being punched, siren]

[Sound of shattering glass and metal]

[Sound of man crying out, splashing into river]

[Sound of Frank's motorcycle slowing down to idle]

[Sound of Frank turning off engine]

I have pictured this so many times.

Going some place where Zachary can't find me... where I'll be safe.

I never thought that I would live to see this.

You could go to the police, Miss Marquez.

It's Rose, please.

And no, I can't.

He would k*ll me.

They would protect you.

No one can.

I have to disappear.

Where will you go?

Somewhere warm.

Rio, maybe.

Do you want to come with me?

Wish I could.

Why can't I find a guy like you?

What kind of guy is that?

A good guy.

Thank you, Frank.

You're welcome, Rose.

Here goes nothing.

[Sound of jet engines on private plane starting up]

[Sound of jet plane taking off]

[Frank starting engine and accelerating motorcycle.




... snuck away.

You didn't even say goodbye.

That hurts me, Rose.


I'm sorry, I...

After all I've given you? After all I've done for you?

You don't love me.

Don't tell me what I feel.

Don't tell me who I love.

Okay? Don't...

This is breaking my heart, okay?

Come on.

How did you find me?

You really think there's anyone or anything I can't buy?


Look, don't be so naive!

Everyone is for sale, including your precious transporter.


Okay, okay.

Okay, good?

You look beautiful...

You do.

[Sound of knocking on door]

You're late.

You said 8 o'clock.

I said 8 o'clock sharp. It's 2 minutes past.


Let's go.

Hey, wait, wait, wait...

You planning on riding in the trunk, Mr. Gagnon?

Searching the trunk.

If you understood the lengths these people went to, you would too.


Yeah, I'm good.

[Sound of a*t*matic trunk mechanism]

What are you doing?

Just typing in the route.

I've already mapped it.

There are surveillance cameras in the city, Mr. Martin.

There are surveillance cameras in every city, Mr. Gagnon.

We need to plan a particular path to avoid being seen.

That wasn't part of the deal.

Yeah, I'm sorry Frank, but it is now, okay?

I was up half the night trying to figure this thing out.

You hired me to get you to the border. I'll do that if you let me do my job my way.

No way, Frank.

I need you to follow this route... precisely.

That will take an extra 30 to 40 minutes.

Just do it, please.

No major roads.

As you wish.

Thank you.

[Sound of Frank's car accelerating]

I bet you don't even know how this car works, do you, Frank?

Let me guess, you're going to tell me.


They've changed everything.

I should know, I'm... one of the best programmers in the world...

Or at least I was.

That's interesting.

You think I'm being paranoid.

But I know what's in this case.

And I know what my employers would do to get it back!

Like monitoring police cameras?

If it's connected to a computer somewhere, they can see everything that you do, anywhere that you go.

I'm telling you, it's some scary shit.


Edward Snowden, the NSA?

That's chump change.

Just wait till The New York Times sees this.


Turn around.

It's an accident.


Get me out of here!

If there's trouble, I will.

Now calm down.

Just sit back. Relax.

I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm dead!

Sir, get down! Stop!

Get on the ground now!

Get your hands behind your back!

Let's go!

To the car!

I thought you wouldn't be back until tonight.

So did I.

Are you Frank Martin?

That's right.

I'm Sgt. Farrelly, this is Sgt. Zollo.

We're with the RCMP.

We'd just like to ask you a few questions.

I already gave a statement.

You gave a statement?

Just a few minutes ago.

What happened?

A client was charged with... as*ault and resisting arrest.

Mr. Martin, we're not sure what your talking about.

We're here to ask about Rose Marquez.

Rose Marquez?

You do know Ms. Marquez?

Why are you asking?

She disappeared from her apartment last night at approximately 9: 17 pm.

Her appartment? In Toronto?

She called 911, saying a man was breaking in.

When officers arrived, they found the door forced open and blood.

And why are you here?

Where were you last night, Mr. Martin?

Not breaking into Rose Marquez' appartment.

He was with me. For the past 48 hours.

Ms. Boldieu explained you're a transporter, is that right?

That's right.

Can you give us the name of this client who was arrested for as*ault?

Frank, we already told them we can't give them that information, it's confidential.

It's okay, Jules, under normal circumstances, I agree.

But as he's already in custody, his name is Charles Gagnon.

Alright then, we'll speak to Mr. Gagnon, just to verify your whereabouts today.

In the meantime... we advise you not to leave the country.

Sergeants, I haven't seen Rose Marquez in 9 months.

Why did you think to question me?

Nine months?

That's right.

I wouldn't say anymore without a lawyer.

And you haven't seen or spoken with her since then?

I haven't seen or spoken to Rose Marquez in 9 months.

Write it down, why don't you.

I don't have to write shit down!

We checked Ms. Marquez' call log.

It says you rang her last night just before she called the police.


I can assure you that's not possible.

We assure you it is.

If you have any more questions, this is my card.

We'll be in touch, Mr. Martin.

I didn't want to say it in front of them but where were you last night?

Yeah, around the time that Rose Marquez called the police.

I didn't call her.

And I certainly didn't break down her door.

Are you sure? Because according to this, you did.

Call her, I mean.

What are you talking about?

Your mobile phone record.

It shows an outgoing call to Rose Marquez at 9: 14 pm.

It didn't happen.

What about Frank's car?

Does the navigation system prove he wasn't there?

Someone's gone to a lot of trouble to make me look guilty.



Her apartment's on Palmerston Boulevard.

According to your NAV system, you stopped there at 9: 17 PM.


What about him?

He programmed a new route into this thing this morning.

I let him, I figured it was harmless.

Well then he's the one setting you up.

Can you wipe the NAV system?

Yeah, of course.

Then do it.

Are you sure you want to do that?

That's obstruction of justice.

Just do it.

What the hell?

What is it?

Someone's got major skills, that's what.

I can't wipe the system.

[Cell phone ringing]

That was fast.

Something else?

Are you sure?


I'll tell him.

It's your friend, Sgt. Farrelly.

He says there's no such person as Charles Gagnon getting arrested this morning.

That can't be. I saw it.

You saw someone get arrested.

But the RCMP says there's no such person as Charles Gagnon.

No way, okay? I vetted this guy every which way and backwards before Frank took the job.

I can find him.

Come on.


Frank, I swear to God that he was all over the net and now he's gone, a ghost.

Well, I saw someone get arrested.


Somebody with extraordinary hacking skills.

Whoever this guy is, he can fabricate and wipe whatever he wants... including arrest records.

That's the question then, isn't it?

Who was I driving around?

Come on.

So where we going?

The apartment where I picked him up.

You don't think he'd go back there?


But at least it's a real physical place.


Frank, is there...

Is there anything about this Rose Marquez that you haven't told us?

She was a client... trying to escape an abusive boyfriend.

And you helped her escape from him, right?

The last time I saw her, she was boarding a private jet in Toronto, bound for Brazil.

Who was her boyfriend?


Zachary Schramm.

The Zachary Schramm?


CEO of ZS Trust, largest tech company in Canada?

He was obsessed with Rose, wouldn't let her out of his sight.

Why didn't she just call the police?

She said she couldn't.

She said that he'd k*ll her.


Our friends are back.

What do we do now?

We lose them.


Under the circumstances, I'd advise you not to break any traffic laws.

Wouldn't dream of it.

[Sound of Frank's car accelerating rapidly]

[Sound of screaming wheels on policeman's car]

[Sound of racing cars and high-pitched engines]

[Sound of Frank's brakes squealing to a stop]

[Sound of policeman's car passing]

[Sound of Frank's car accelerating on turn]

[Sighing] Well, that was easy.

[Sound of Frank knocking on door]

Now what?


This is breaking and entering, you know that?

You can be a real killjoy, you know that?

Has it occurred to you that this is exactly what Gagnon wants Frank to do?

[Sound of door lock clicking open]

Can't say I like what he's done with the place.

It was furnished when I was here three hours ago.

[Sound of a cell phone ringing]

Wait, wait, Frank, don't. Don't pick it up.

It could set off a b*mb or something.

I don't think he's gone to all this trouble just to blow me up.

Mr. Gagnon, I presume.

All business, hey Mr. Transporter?

Destination is all that matters in your line of work?

You need to learn how to...
enjoy the journey.

Are you with Rose Marquez?

You'll be disappointed to hear that I'm not.

What have you done with her?

What have I done with her?

You mean, what have you done with her?

She turns up dead, you spend the rest of your life in prison.

Is she dead?

You wanna know?

Ditch your friends, leave your phone and take mine.

Then get behind the wheel of that slick little car of yours in 90 seconds, or else the deal's off.

Well, if you put it that way.

Oh, and Frank...

No tricks.

I see you with anybody or catch your little nerd friend trying to hack me, I'll make sure they lock you up and throw away the key.

I'm on my way.

Did he just call me "your little nerd friend"?

I'm pretty sure I'm taller than him.

You're not actually going to do this, Frank?

I don't see that I've got a choice.

He's pulling us by the nose.

This is not gonna take us any place good.

I'm buying us time to figure out what he's up to.

Rose's ex-boyfriend, Schramm, runs an IT company.

Yeah, proprietary software for military and governments.

Black box stuff.

You two check into that.

See if there's a connection between Schramm and this mystery client of ours. Here.

How do we contact you?

You won't.

I'll contact you.
♪ [Mysterious music comes up]

Turn over the ignition.

A phrase will appear on the touchscreen.

Read it to me.

"I am going to die."

Don't feel too bad, Frank.

All of us, we gotta go some time.

Now press the screen.

It's a navigation system.

That's right. Follow the route.

Be there in 30 minutes or you're never gonna see Rose Marquez alive again.

That's at least a 45-minute drive.

Not for a man with your skills, Frank.

You better get going.

[Sound of cell phone ringing]


Is he there?

Is who there?

Frank Martin.

You work for him, don't you?

Who is this?

Zachary Schramm. Zachary Schramm.

Just, you put your employer on the line.

He's not here.

You want to explain to us what all this is about?

I think, no...

He k*lled my girlfriend, that's what this is about.

He k*lled my girlfriend.

I can assure you, he didn't.

She told me he was harassing her, that she was scared for her life.

Actually she was scared of you.

That's why she hired Frank in the first place.

No, no, no! We patched things up, Rose moved back in, but he became obsessed with her.

No, that's highly unlikely.

Well, is it? How well do you know this guy?

Tell me, how well do you know him?

Mr. Schramm, who told you about all this?

I got an email, I just, I got this anonymous email and...

So I made contact, that's...



The man who is orchestrating all of this.

Trying to make Frank look guilty.

If he exists, I suggest you find him before the police find your boss.

[Sound of Frank's car on highway]

[Sound of cell phone ringing]

Now what?

Be careful, Frank. You're driving awful fast.

Wouldn't be good if the police pulled you over.

For you I mean. Or Rose.

Wanna tell me something?


Why me?

Why you?

My connection to Rose Marquez is minimal.

That's precisely why you, Frank.

No annoying witnesses to get in the way of the digital story I've constructed.

You're the perfect patsy.

Am I?

Think about it. You're a transporter, all you do is move frome place to place, like a cowboy riding in and out of town.

Usually just this side of the law.

No personal relationships, none of the real-life entanglements most of us can't avoid.

You know, bravo, Frank!

They say no man is an island, but you actually are.

You're not gonna pull this off.

I already have. You don't even know how deep this shit is.

You're an analog man in a digital world.

We'll see.

Yeah, that's right. You will see.

[Sound of man on boat sighing]

You Frank Martin?

That's right.

Ah, good.

Right on time.

A boat rental?

Just like you asked.

Just like I asked?

Yeah, when your assistant called this morning.

Nice fella.

I just need a signature.

This nice fella gave you my credit card number.

There's no extra charges unless you damage the boat.

Seven thousand dollars?

You get what you paid for.

Here you go.

You have a nice day.

You, too.

Oh no, no, no, not that one!

That one.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up]

[Sound of cell phone ringing]

Welcome aboard, Frank.

$7,000 and I can't access the cabin?

I'm getting a little tired of being told what to do.

You do exactly what I say or else I k*ll Rose.

Right now.

I wonder what Zachary Schramm would feel about that.

Oh Frank, you think I'm stupid?

You think you're going to trick me into saying something I shouldn't?

Just for that, I gotta punish Rose, maybe...

Cut off an ear? Or carve a permanent smile on her face?

I don't think you're gonna hurt her.

You're not doing this to save your own skin.

Rose wasn't just another pretty package, was she Frank?

You're right about that, she is a pretty package.

I think you're in love with her.

Don't try that profiler routine with me.

Now get going, matey.

The route's on the navigation system.

[Sound of motorboat's engine accelerating]

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up]

[Sound of motorboat cruising across bay]

Hey Jules...

Got anything?

Yeah, I was able to locate Frank using the GPS in his car.

And where is he?

Well, that's the thing. According to this, Turin, Italy.

You got anything more useful?

Look, this Gagnon guy is really good, I'm...

I'm feeling deeply inadequate.

What about you?

Well, I've been checking public records.

And it seems that Rose Marquez didn't leave.

Just like Schramm said.

He's been paying the rent on her apartment on Palmerston...

That's not all.


Frank's phone.

There's a string of e-mails and texts, begging Rose to leave him, to leave Schramm, swearing he'd k*ll her if she didn't.

[Sound of cruising motorboat]

[Sound of motorboat engine slowing down to idle]

Okay, your move.

[Sound of cell phone ringing]

Well done, Frank.

Our little game is almost over.

You see that cushion on the bench behind you?

Yeah, I see it.

Be a good boy and flip it over.


Great, I'll play along.

Blood. Whose is it?

[Cell phone disconnecting]


It's mine.

May I have it, please?

Already had my fingerprints and DNA on it.

And now it has yours, too.

Tell me what this is about.

Like you don't know.

I don't.

Please, Frank. I am already seasick.

If you keep lying to me, I think I might throw up.

Why am I here?

You're here to save yourself.

Because I double-crossed you, just like you double-crossed me.

You're wrong, Rose.


You are good.

But Zachary told me everything.

That was so cruel. Letting me think that I was free.

Even just for a minute.

You've been lied to, but not by me.

Until this morning, I thought you were in Brazil.

I wasn't in Brazil, Frank! I was stuck here, in this living hell, thanks to you!

I saw you get on the plane. I saw it take off, for real.

No, you delivered me to Zachary!

I didn't know.

I didn't know.

Now what?

You pilot this boat across the lake.

And if I don't?

My friend buries you in enough evidence to keep you in prison forever.

Your friend?


His name isn't important.

All you need to know is that he wants to get me away from Zachary.

Once and for all.

[Sound of Frank sighing]

[Motorboat engine starting, accelerating]

What are you doing?

My head hurts, I'm taking a break.

You can't take a break! That man's trying to destroy Frank.

You understand that?



Can I ask you a question?


You now when those two cops first came by and accused Frank of being obsessed with this woman.

What did you think?

What do you mean, what did I think?

I don't know, I mean.

How well do you really know the guy?

You've only worked with him a couple months, right?

I don't know Frank at all.

And I know him better than anybody else I've ever met.

You realize that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever?

Frank doesn't trust people. He doesn't let anyone close.

Why do you think that is?

I don't know, he...

He wouldn't tell and I know not to ask.

All I know is that he will always try to do what's right.

Even when everybody else tells him it's too dangerous, including me.

You see that?

Yeah, I guess I do.


Then get back to work.

[Sound of motorboat cruising]

The evidence against me is flimsy at best.

There's more than you know.

Calls, e-mails, texts...

My blood on the cushion.

My hair and fiber in your car trunk.

That's why he was searching.

Zachary's money can't get you out of this.

You have no choice but to help me.

I'll help you, but not because you're blackmailing me.

Because I want to.

I wish I could believe that.

[Sound of motorboat cruising]

How long is it gonna take?

It's hard to concentrate with you sitting so close to me.

This is Sgt. Farrelly and Sgt. Zollo, can we come up please?

Sure, come up.

We're looking for your boss.

He isn't here.

Where is he?

Fun fact, we have no idea.

Fun fact, I got a warrant for his arrest.

On what charge?

At the moment, kidnapping.

I anticipate an upgrade to m*rder, but that's just me.

We've become aware of certain emails and texts he sent to Rose Marquez.

Threatening ones.

If you know where he is, you should tell us.

We don't.

You realize aiding and abetting is a serious crime, right?

Look, we honestly have no idea where he is.

For your sake, I hope not.

I thought you were smart.

I am.

Then find Frank!


[Sound of motorboat slowing down]

Where to now?

It's just up this hill.

How did you get involved with Zachary Schramm?

What do you care?

Humor me.

I interviewed for a job to be his assistant three years ago.

And instead of hiring me, he asked me out.

And became obsessed with you.

I used to think he was Mr. Perfect.

He was handsome, smart, rich.

By the time I found out how twisted he was, it was too late.

I'll get you away from him. For good, this time.

You won't.

Doug will.

So that's his real name? Doug?

He must like you an awful lot, doing all this for you.

That's none of your concern.

What is he? One of Schramm's programmers?

Isn't he concerned about crossing his boss?

He's smarter than Zachary.

He's smarter than anyone.

Does he love you?

I let him think he does.

So you're using him.

I am so deep in hell, I would sleep with the devil if it would get me away from Zachary.

And you trust him? This Doug?

I didn't have a choice.

There's always a choice.

What is this place?

It belongs to Zachary.

He used to take me here.

Right on time, Frank.

I'm never late, Doug.

It slipped, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Planning on k*lling me?

Isn't that about right?

Not in front of Rose, I wasn't.

But uh...

Well, since you brought it up, Frank.

Doug, you're not supposed to hurt him.


A man with Doug's skills doesn't need a transporter.

He needs a fall guy.

A fall guy?

It'll look like I rented the boat to dump your body in the lake.

Then k*lled myself here, at your boyfriend's house.

Terribly tragic, really.

And you knew about this the whole time, and you went along with it?

I didn't know if you knew.

Until now.

Doug, Frank was supposed to transport us.

Both of us. You can't do this.

He's not doing it.

I am.

You were working with him?

The whole time?

I'm sorry, Rose.

I told you everyone's for sale.

Doug's my top man.

Which is why this is such a shame.

[g*n firing]

[Sound of Doug's body hitting water]

Love hurts.

Who's next?

Got something!


Okay, Gagnon, he was a dead end. Schramm pretty much the same.

And you just said you got something.

Yeah, Schramm, I mean, he's like a gazillionaire, he's got to have a bodyguard, right?


Say hello to Patton Grasmick, chief of security for ZS Trust.

And say hello to the triangulation of his cell phone.

On the lake?

Wherever Schramm goes, his security chief goes.

You are smart.

Did you ever doubt it?

Let's go.

You are a very dangerous man, Mr. Martin.

Rose, Rose, Rose...

You never learned.

You had Doug approach me?

You planned this whole thing?

You took the bait.

I know you better than you do.

I only wanted to be alone.

I tried.

I tried and I tried.

Mr. Martin...

She was never the girl I needed her to be.

You understand.

I do.

You're a psychopath.



They say a lot of CEOs are.

It's good for business.

[Sound of knocking on car window]

It's about Frank.

What about him?

He's in trouble.

You know where he is now?

We do.


We need a ride.

Alright, get in.

Hurry up!

[Sound of police car engine starting]

If you're going to k*ll us, Zachary, then just shut up and get it over with.

Now she gets angry.

Women, can't live with them... can't live with them.

Why haven't you k*lled us yet?

The technology that got you here also makes it exceedingly difficult to stage a m*rder-su1c1de.

Powder burns, blood spatter.

Very hard to fake.

What are you going to do?

Oh, I'm not gonna do anything.

It's what Mr. Martin's going to do.

Frank would never hurt me.

I know that now.

Well, he already has, according to the police. Doug made sure of that.

The only thing he didn't give the police was your dead body.

It's called k*lling two birds with one stone.

What are you doing?

This phone is in a house.

It's got some tunneling protocol.

In English, please.

The house. I think it belongs to Schramm.

You can't seriously expect me to sh**t her.

I seriously expect you to do just that.

You're going to k*ll us anyway.

Why would I make it easy for you?

What are the names of your two friends?

Your associates, cohorts...

Caterina and Jules.

They're on their way here with two men they believe to be RCMP.

They're your men.


They'll k*ll your associates if you don't do what I say.

But if you do...

When they arrive, they'll find your dead body on the floor and Rose's pretty corpse beside it.

Two b*ll*ts in the clip, Mr. Martin.

Make 'em count.


Is that Schramm's house?

Yup, he's got the whole place wired up.

There. It's Frank.

Oh shit!

This is not good.

♪ [Suspenseful music with hard beat comes up]

You've got to stop this!


I don't know, just do something!

I'm sorry, Rose.


I'm sorry, Frank.

For everything.

♪ [Music rises to dramatic crescendo]

[Sound of alarm, rapid g*nshots]

[Sound of hard kick to body]

[Sounds of powerful body blows]

[Sound of hard punch]

[More violent punches, blows]

[Sound of both men falling to floor]

[More hard punches]

[Sound of powerful blow, shattering glass]

Is he... ?


Just unconscious.


I feel like such a fool for mistrusting you.

You've saved my life.

Not yet I haven't.

See if you can find some gaffer tape?

What are you gonna do?

Finish this.


That's him. That's Gagnon.

[Sound of cautious steps on stairway]

Oh God, no!


It can't be.

But it is.

We were too late.

[Sound of Frank delivering hard blows to fake policemen]



Awake from that sleep of death.

Are you okay?

Reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated.

And mine.

I still don't get it.

Why did you just as*ault those cops?

They weren't cops.

They were working for Schramm.


Let's call the real ones, shall we?

♪ [Eerie music comes up]

Think you can get me onto another plane to Rio, Frank?

For real this time?

That won't be necessary.

Zachary isn't dead.

Whatever they charge him with, he'll still beat it and come after me.

I don't think so. Not this time.

I recovered this footage from Schramm's CCTV.

Dead to rights.

He's not getting out of this one.

Let's take that to the police.

[Sound of approaching sirens]

I can't believe it.

You're finally free.

Are you sure?

Trust me.

♪ [Exotic music comes up]