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02x03 - You Don't Have to Understand

Posted: 03/06/24 08:43
by bunniefuu
FAITH: Previously on Will Trent...

- Cricket.

I gotta get back to work, Will.

Well, you also have to heal.

How well am I gonna heal
if I start using again?

'Cause you know that's what's
gonna happen if I don't stay busy.

I pretended for years
like it didn't matter

what you did as long as you came home.

Yeah, and I didn't deserve
that forgiveness, but you do.

I just wanna say that
I'm still in if you are.

I don't know if I am.

- Hello?


Could you have picked
a more disgusting place?



Hey. Hey, it's stuck.
[CHUCKLES] Come on.





♪ Wednesday morning ♪


♪ I got up too early And down... ♪


♪ ... the street I then saw this party ♪


- Pass.



♪ No, no, na, na, na ♪


Congratulations and welcome
back, Detective Polaski.

Thank you.

- Brought you a gift.
- Oh, you're finally giving me Betty.

We are gonna be so happy
together, aren't we, girl?

You know she doesn't
really like you, right?

- But you can hold the leash.

- May I? [SCOFFS]
- Hmm.

- Yeah.
- All right. [CLEARS THROAT]

What hurts the most?

Will... Come on.

You might've been able to fool
them, but you can't fool me.

It's my lower back today.

WILL: All right. [GRUNTS]

- Ooh.

I know.

You can't fool me
either, you know. [SIGHS]

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

- What do you mean by that?

You're playing hooky.

I've never seen you avoid work.

Have you talked to anyone
about the expl*si*n?


I think you should.

You can talk to me.




This is Trent.

ANGIE: Mm-hmm.

WILL: Uh-huh.

- Yeah, I'll be right there.

See? Not avoiding work.

Just avoiding, period.

- I'll take Betty.
- You can't have my dog, Ang.

I am going home, and I
will drop her by your place.

- Tell Nico I'm coming.
- All right.

I'm on to you, all right?

And, Betty, you already know.

- She likes whipped cream, right?

She's lactose intolerant.

ANGIE: No, she's not. Is she?


- [SIGHS] Where's Mitchell?

I thought she was already here.

What is she, transparent?

Deputy Director Wagner, Agent
Trent, I'm Detective Collier.

Not sure why they called you in.

City's breaking ground on a $500
million redevelopment next week.

Think they want any of us here?

What have you got?

Contractor arrived this morning
for an inspection. Found a body.

You'll need one of these.

You look like a mushroom.


Looks like the victim was att*cked
down here, then ran up the stairs.

Body's on the second level, but
techs have the stairs blocked off

- till they finish with the blood trail.
- AMANDA: Well, if the stairs are blocked,

how are we supposed to see the body?

Ooh. Scissor lift. I can operate that.

Oh, good. Fire it up.

COLLIER: Or, we could
wait for the contractor.

I mean, I'm not sure. I
mean, I don't think OSHA...

I don't wait.

Make sure y... you tell Faith
that when she finally shows up.

- You got two seconds, Collier.

See, this is your fault.

Faith's picking up your bad habits.

You've been late to work every
day this week and leaving early.

What, you think you figured out
all of the murders in Atlanta,

you don't need to
come into work anymore?

The next time I go into that
office, I better find you.

And that goes for your partner too.

Mmm. Took you long enough.

How'd you get up here?

Said I was a tech and took the stairs.

There was no way I was taking
that death trap. Mm-mmm.

- Here's the vic.
- AMANDA: Hmm.

- This is new.
- A doorknob to the back.

Looks like it missed the
ribs and punctured the heart.

Either super lucky or super skillful.

It matches the rest of the
doorknobs in the building.

So it's safe to say that our
k*ller did not bring a doorknob

for the purpose of m*rder.

Knife, Glock. Find any other weapons?

[CHUCKLES] Take your pick.

So far we've got a switchblade,
a box cutter, a pair of nunchucks,

along with an abundance of condoms,

needles, pacifiers, and glow sticks.

This place has been
derelict since the '90s.

Every last surface is covered
with prints and bodily fluids.

Well, don't sound so excited.

Hey, help me out. Count of three.

We need to turn him
around. Ready? One, two.

[STRAINS] Up. There... There we go.

This isn't his blood.


There's barely a trickle
from the wound on the back.

Only other wound is
that gash on his arm,

which didn't hit anything major.

Uh, Deputy Director?

Victor Carrey's outside.
He'd like a word.

- The councilman? What's he doing here?

AMANDA: Man attends a
police athletic fundraiser,

thinks he deserves special privileges.

- Will, where you goin'?
- Blood drip patterns.

It's not from the victim coming up.

It's from someone else going down.

More passive stains,

but the pattern's inconsistent.



Maybe the Glock.

Don't beat yourself up.

It's not even a word.

"WWJD." What would Jesus do?

The purse.

Any keys? Wallet?

Could mean whosever's
purse this is got away.

Folic acid.

VICTOR: There's a ribbon-cutting
ceremony in two days.

I'm aware of that.

Okay, they were supposed to
be setting up the risers today.

Now, if there's a spike in v*olence...

Councilman, I have my best team
on it. We'll keep you in the loop.

Anything I can do to help wrap this

up as quickly and quietly as possible,

just let Ian here know.

Will do. Excuse me.

FAITH: So why is the
councilman babysitting us?

Oh, he's a big law-and-order guy.

Can't shut up about how the crime
rate's fallen in his district.

This redevelopment project is
the cornerstone of his campaign.

- Sounds like a pain in the ass.
- AMANDA: Yes.

Break it down for me. I
heard you found another body.

WILL: In the loading dock.

Also found evidence of the third
person who was here. A woman.

Is she our k*ller?

More likely she was the original target.

The woman, she was... she was up here.

- WILL: Vic one att*cked her.

She struggled.


The young man... vic two... he
interrupted, tried to protect her.


- [g*nsh*t]

Vic one turned on vic
two, shot him three times.


WILL: In the meantime, the
woman, she found a w*apon,

- plunged it in vic one's back.


WILL: She tried to help vic two escape.

That explains the inconsistent
blood stains and drag patterns.

By the time they got to the
loading dock, vic two collapsed.

Too heavy to move.
Probably already dead.


WILL: She was forced
to leave him behind.


If this woman is still out there,

why didn't she call the police?

I'm not sure.

FAITH: Something else.

Based on what was in her purse,

I'd bet money this woman is pregnant.


Has Gina spoken with, uh, affair guy?

Don't know, don't care.
We're moving forward.

- Lock it in the vault.
- Okay.

I'm taking her out
to dinner this weekend.

I already got a babysitter lined up.

And then yesterday, I
stopped by the grocery store

'cause Cooper was complaining
that we were out of pizza pockets.

And then, this morning when Gina
didn't wanna get out of bed,

guess who volunteered
to drop the kids off?

Uh, this guy.

Okay, but she didn't get out of bed?

- You sure she's okay?
- Yeah. She's fine.

It's not like that, okay?
She just didn't sleep well.

- 'Kay.


You told me not to make a big
thing on your first day back.

- Right?
- Yeah. Yeah.


- Got ya!

They were on sale.

- It's good to have you back, Polaski.
- Thanks, Cap.

I'm stronger than ever. I'm
gonna keep up with my PT...

That's great. I don't
care... and I can... Okay.

Pete's got a body for you in the morgue.

[SMACKS LIPS] It's like I was never
even att*cked and almost k*lled.

- ANGIE: Ah, Louise.

The guy with the doorknob
in his back was Dale Sonson,

known triggerman for the Death
Pistons. Also did freelance.

Death Pistons?

Every biker g*ng secretly
wants to be a metal band.


- Any connection to the g*nsh*t victim?
- Not that we can find.

His name was Conrad Warren,

an associate youth pastor at New
Beginnings Community of Faith.

Here is our missing woman.

Isabella Altman: 22,
single, lives alone,

works for the school district.

Coworkers confirm she's pregnant.

- Say she's pretty far along.
- Family?

Driving in from Louisiana

and supposedly had no
idea about the pregnancy.

Someone lured Isabella to that
location, paid Dale to k*ll her,

which means they'll probably try again.

Guess you better stop them.


FAITH: Got it.

Is there a wound on
this guy I'm not seeing?

- He looks... Offensively perfect?
- Yeah.

Who has tricep definition
after they're dead?

Ooh. There's cake.

- It's good.
- Did you bring me a piece?

- Uh.
- Then throw it away.

[SIGHS] Come on, Pete.

Okay. Okay. Oh, oh... All right.

This is Ted Burkle, investment broker.

Dropped dead in the middle of a sauna

at the Ruby Dreams Wellness Center.

Cardiac arrest.

Then why are we here?

Burkle was in great shape, a health nut.

No family history of cardiac issues,

so the hospital ordered an autopsy.

Lo and behold,

Ted's blood had an exceedingly
high level of buprenorphine.

That's a pain med.

It can stop your heart if you OD.

- Did he have a prescription?
- Nope, he was poisoned.

Do we know how?

Buprenorphine can be
absorbed a number of ways:

orally, transdermally, rectally.


I'm sure a guy would notice
if someone tried to poison him

- with a suppository.

But it's... it's really
fast-acting, right?

So with a dose that high, it would
have happened just before he died?

- Someone dosed him at the spa.
- Correct.

Oh, Detective Ormewood.
I have something for you.

ANGIE: Mmm-mm.

My divorce attorney.

You'll thank me. She's like a dingo.

I'm not getting a divorce.

You're not? I thought I heard...

- Who told you I was getting a divorce?
- ANGIE: Okay. Come on.

Come on, lock it in the vault.

Come on. Thank you, Pete. Thanks.

MICHAEL: Not getting a divorce, Pete.

Conrad and his parents have been a

part of our church since he was a boy.

And I've never known a kinder heart.

Thank you, Pastor.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren,

did Conrad ever mention
someone named Isabella Altman?

She's a member of our congregation.

I see. Were she and your son...

No, Conrad wasn't her baby's
father, if that's what you're asking.

He counseled her, and he would
never have abused his position.

Uh... Why are you asking about Isabella?

She's missing,

and we believe Conrad was
k*lled trying to protect her.


- Oh, my sweet boy.
- Okay.

Do you know if Isabella had a boyfriend?

Maybe an ex-boyfriend?

Isabella stayed quiet about the father.

I get the sense he's not in the picture.

- She plans on raising the baby herself.
- All right.

Pastor Reggie, would you,
uh, join me in the hallway?

I wanna assure you that I'm
here to help, Agent Trent.

Conrad's parents aren't
exactly trusting of the police.

Oh, I understand.

I guess I'm not exactly
trusting of religious leaders.

Do you have any suspicions

of who the father of
Isabella's baby might be?

Maybe someone else in your congregation?

No, I don't think so.

We're a tight-knit community.

We're not big on shame.

I'd like to believe the
father would come forward.

No offense, Pastor,
but in my experience,

every congregation hides at
least a few liars and hypocrites.

- I'm sure you're right.
- Mmm.

And I'm truly sorry for that.

Whatever led to your mistrust,
just pray it can be healed.

It's my birthday, if
you could believe that.


Teddy was the spa guy, not me,

but he... he wanted me to
join him, but just like a gift.

So you were with your
brother when he collapsed?

Sitting right next to him.

We were in there ten minutes, a... and

I wasn't sure if that was normal.

I had never been to a... a long
sauna or anything like that.

And then when the spa
worker rushed to him

and took his pulse...

that's when I knew.

Could you think of anyone
who was at the spa that day

that might have had a
motive to k*ll your brother?

You know, an ex-girlfriend,

boyfriend, coworkers,
anything like that?

Joel, you can tell us.

Look, I loved my brother.

He could be really generous.

And also he was pretty self-absorbed.

So you're saying you can think of

somebody who might have had a motive?

Not specifically.

I guess I'm just
saying it... it's possible.


Spoke to multiple members of the
gospel choir as well as a few...






- Trent.
- No signs of forced entry

or a struggle in Isabella's apartment.

I'm taking a bunch of stuff
back to the office to process.

How's church?

Well, so far everyone I've spoken to

seems to be devastated
by Conrad's death.

They're worried about Isabella,
and they all love Pastor Reggie.

- Ooh. Do I detect a tone?
- Yes, you do.

That man's hiding something.

You saw how he was running interference.

Will, that's kind of his job.

Why don't you just admit that
there's something about faith,

lowercase F, you have a problem with?

I don't know, maybe faith, lowercase F,

is so far from anything I understand.

- I don't trust it.
- Well, you don't have to understand it.

I mean, that's kind of the point, right?


Yeah, I'll ponder that. Gotta go.




to have dinner with me sometime?



lamp is broken. Let me fix it.


LUCY: You deserve nice things, mijo.

[DISTORTED] You deserve nice things.




REGGIE: If you're
waiting for me, here I am.

Come inside.


WILL: Sitting alone with a young woman.

Is that something you do often?

You do it with Isabella?


Well, sometimes sitting is prayer.

That woman, her three-year-old

has already had five
open-heart surgeries,

and she just found out
he needs to have another.

I was bearing witness,

helping her hold the pain

so she can make it
through the next minute.

And then the minute after that

and the minute after that.

Being human isn't easy.

God has a plan, right?

Is it any better if he does?

Sometimes terrible things happen.

Yes, they do.

All we can do is let God
use us as his instruments

- when the moment asks.
- Mmm.

You and me might have
something in common.

We wanted to do something meaningful.

Maybe because we grew up
feeling we weren't meaningful

in and of ourselves.

Trauma does that to us.

Makes us look for things out there,

distracts us with external goals

so we can avoid the hard work

of accepting our own
frailty, our own worth.

Every human being has
worth, Agent Trent.


- Even murderers?
- Give me a harder one.

I didn't fall off the
pastor truck yesterday.

Every person is more than the
worst things they've done...

or the worst things
that were done to them.

I'm sure I'll be
seeing you soon, Pastor.


Morning. You find
anything in that apartment?

- Hold the door.
- WILL: What?

- I said hold the door.
- WILL: Okay, okay.

Well, I take it we're going somewhere?

You can stop chasing the pastor.

Remember Councilman Carrey
from the crime scene?


This parking pass I found
in Isabella's apartment,

it's from his office building.

Do you know this woman?

Yeah, she was, uh... She worked here.

Isabella Altman. She was
an intern last summer.

What does this have to
do with the crime scene?

- Did something happen to her?
- She's missing.

We believe she might be in danger.

Uh, Ian, it's doing that thing again.

I don't know what
I'm doing wrong, but...

What is it? What's going on?

Isabella's missing.

Intern Isabella.

Oh, my God.

Maybe you'd rather have
this conversation alone.

My wife and I are a team.

Anything that you need to ask,
you can ask in front of her.

And we trust Ian like he's
family. Don't we, hon?

- Mmm.
- Fine.

When was the last time
any of you saw Isabella?

- Not since she worked here, right?
- When was that exactly?

Last summer. She was on the
community transit outreach project.

I... I'm sorry, I'm confused.

Are you saying those two murders
are connected to Isabella?

We need you to tell us
everything you can about her.

- Friends, boyfriends, habits.
- Of course.

Ian, can you see if there
are any of her old files

on the main drive?

Personnel records, emails,
whatever you can find might help.

- Right away.
- You feeling okay, Councilman?

- Yeah.
- Oh, honey.

That poor girl.

- Let's pray for her.
- Yeah. Let's.

You provide food and
beverages to your clients?

We offer water, a
selection of herbal teas

and an organic seed and berry medley.

Who has access to those?

Is... Is there any way they could
have been tampered with, or...

It's possible, but it's all communal.

There'd be no way to target someone.

What am I watching?


SPA OWNER: That's an aufguss.
It's German for "infusion."

It's an ancient therapeutic and
meditative hydrotherapy ritual.

We're one of the only spas in
the United States that offers them.

You don't say.

So, this is what Ted Burkle was,

uh, experiencing when he collapsed?

SPA OWNER: Ted loved aufgusses.

He did at least one a week.

In fact, I know that he and Wolfgang...

uh, that's our aufguss meister...

They were in talks about starting
a sauna franchise together.

And you were okay with that?

I would never stand
in the way of wellness.

- Right.
- Well, so, uh, what happened there?

They couldn't make a deal or...

Honestly, I'm not quite sure.

I think maybe Ted backed out.

We're gonna need to question Wolfgang.

For sure, but not yet. I
wanna see where this goes.


I'm still looking for a money trail,

but I'm telling you that
politician stinks of baby daddy.

- Forensics?
- Our theory was right.

Isabella's prints were on the doorknob.

The g*n belonged to our hired k*ller,

and Conrad's prints
are on the kitchen knife.

- Hmm.
- But there was a second set

of prints on the knife,

belonging to someone
named Leonard Parker.

- Who's Leonard Parker?
- He had a string of arrests in

Philadelphia, some over 20 years ago,

including an outstanding
warrant for being

the getaway driver in an armed robbery,

where an innocent bystander was k*lled.

- That's Pastor Reggie.
- Yes, it is.


So you use these essential oils
in the treatment or whatever?

For aromatherapy, I infuse waters with

scents and pour them onto the rocks.

- Oh, please don't touch them.

Uh, sorry, but only I touch them.

- They are absolute grade, extremely rare.

Any chance you might have infused
Ted Burkle's drinking water?

Why would I want to hurt Ted?

We heard you two had a business deal.

[SIGHS] I don't waste energy
fighting the universe's plans.

If it was not to be, it was not to be.

We're gonna have to take these oils

and run some tests on them.

Fine. Just please use
as little as possible.

- What's that on the rock there?
- Where?

ANGIE: Uh, this melted plastic thing.

WOLFGANG: Plastic?

[SCOFFS] We'll have to
replace all the basalt.

Plastic is toxic.

Looks to me like someone's
trying to destroy evidence.

Get your clothes on, Wolfy.

You're running with us.

Come on.

WILL: Do you know who this is,


Tell me.


- Guay Wong.
- Hmm.

He was, uh, k*lled during an
armed robbery in Philadelphia.

I knew you were hiding something.

You've been lying for over 20 years.

I'm not that person anymore.

I started a new life.

Why were your prints on the
knife where Conrad was k*lled?

Because that knife is mine.

It's from the church kitchen.

Mmm. Conrad maybe
took it for protection.

Where's Isabella?


- FAITH: Are you the baby's father?
- No.

- Do you know who is?
- No. That's the truth.

But you know where she is, don't you?

Don't you?

- Don't you?
- Yes. Yes.

See, but this is her choice.

She's scared, man.

I believe you. I do.

And I believe that you
wanted to protect her.

But so do we. So let us help.

Isabella came to the
church after the attack.

She was terrified.

She said the baby's
father sent her a message

saying he missed her and wanted to meet,

but it had to be where
no one else would see.

Isabella had told Conrad.

He must have followed her.

And then you know what happened.

You should've called the police.

She begged me not to.

She stabbed that man.

Conrad died to protect her.

I mean, she feels responsible.

She's terrified that her
baby will be taken away.

And I've tried my best to
convince her to come forward.

But considering my past...

who am I to force her?

If what you're saying is true,
I will do everything that I can

to make sure that Isabella is
never separated from her baby.

So please, tell us where she is.

The church keeps an apartment.

The address is unlisted.

It's a... It's a domestic
v*olence sanctuary.





[SIGHS] Someone got to her.


Well, it looks like your precious
little oils were clean there, Wolfy.

That plasticky stuff?

It's a buprenorphine patch.

We found adhesive on Ted's lower back.

That's how it got in his system.

And they never prescribe those
things without specific instructions

to avoid high temperatures.

So maybe Ted didn't know he had it on,

or maybe he thought
it was something else.

But you knew it was there,
because the second he dropped,

you were over there to peel it
off and throw it on the rocks.

You're in great pain.

- Excuse me?
- WOLFGANG: I can see it.

The tension.

How the waves come,
and you push them away.


- How long has it been?
- Hey.

My partner's pain is none
of your business. All right?

Now back to Ted Burkle.

You two had an
agreement, business plans,

meetings with investors.

See, the thing about rich guys like Ted

is that as they're stringing you along,

they're not realizing

that when they change
their mind on a whim,

they're crushing your dreams.

I wasn't angry at Ted.

It wasn't the right time,
w... with his father dying.

And we agreed to revisit
the plan in the future.

- What do you mean about his father dying?
- Uh, cancer.

He'd been battling it for years,

but Ted told me he's nearing the end.

WILL: Techs are still
processing the scene.

I put out an alert for all
city cameras in the area.

You think it's someone else
connected with the church?

Pastor Reggie says they share use of

the apartment with two other charities.

I am getting the names of everyone
who knows that space exists.

Hmm. Sheltered Haven.

Is that one of the organizations
the church cooperates with?

- Yes, it is.
- What do you know?

Councilman Carrey is a board member.



Let's get Carrey's aide on the phone.



Agents Mitchell and
Trent requesting backup

at the home of Councilman Victor Carrey.

ISABELLA: What do you want?


- Help!
- GBI! Show me your hands!

No, no, no. It... It wasn't me. I
was trying to save her, please.

- [g*nsh*t]

- It's the wife.
- Honey.


- "The wife." Damn right, I'm the wife.




Okay. Okay. Are you... Are
you hurt or is this a...


Yeah. Okay. Second one. Got it.

Okay. All right. Um.

Isabella, hey. Um.

My name is Will Trent. I'm
a special agent with the GBI.

You, uh... You wanna lie down?

Yeah. Yeah. Why don't you lie down?

That's a great idea. Here we go, okay?




We're... We're gonna be
fine. It's gonna be fine.

[MOUTHING] You should be...
Come... You should come here.







Okay. Um.

I'm so sorry, and I kn...
I know it's unreasonable,

but we need to be quiet. Okay? Um.

If you wanna yell,
here, squeeze my hands.

Squeeze them. There you go.


Okay. Okay. Okay.

I'm gonna need you to look down there.




Yes, ma'am.

Um, I'm... I'm gonna make
my way around. Here we go.

Okay. Easy.

- Okay. Easy.

All right.


I'm gonna take a look now, okay?


This is happening, like,
right now. Right now.

[WILL SIGHS] Oh, um...

I gotta sanitize. I know. I'm sorry.

♪ Time has come today ♪

♪ Young hearts can go their way ♪

Okay, okay.

♪ Time has come today ♪

I wanna push.

- You wanna push?
- Mm-hmm. I wanna push.

That's great. That's great.
That's great. That's great.

I'm... I'm gonna see how we're doing,
okay? I'm just gonna take a...

♪ Now the time has come ♪


- Isabella, I see the head. [LAUGHS]

Oh, my God. This is crazy.

♪ Time has come today ♪

- ♪ Time ♪
- ♪ Time has come today ♪

♪ Time ♪

- Faith?

♪ Time ♪


I sacrificed everything for him.

Erin Carrey, you are under arrest

for the m*rder of Victor Carrey.

- I got her!
- Okay.


- Okay. Hey, Isabella. You wanna yell?

- Uh-huh.

Okay. Go ahead. Make
all the noise you want.

Let it out. Let's go.


He was supposed to be governor. [GASPS]

Push, push, push, push,
push. Come on. Go one more.

[MUFFLED] Push. Come on,
Isabella. You got this.

You got this. Come on. Come on.





- Oh. Oh, my...



Look at you.

It's a boy, Isabella.


My God.

Look what you made.

Isabella? Is she okay?

Oh, she's gonna be fine. Just exhausted.

Your mama's gonna be just fine.

She is so excited to meet you.

She's gonna love you so much.




do you have news?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think we do.

Should we step out?

No, it's fine. He's, uh...
He's pretty out of it.

Yeah, the hospice manager
said your father's new here.

- Before this, he was living with you?
- Yes.

I, uh... I moved him
in with me two years

ago when the cancer started spreading.

It's gotta be stressful,
being a caretaker.

Did your brother help out much?


He, uh, said that he
didn't do well with disease.

Your father was using
buprenorphine patches

for the pain, wasn't he?

Must've been a few left over.


We know you and your brother
have been getting monthly payments

from a family trust.

There's gotta be more
where that comes from, right?

When your father passes?

Don't say that.

It's not like I want him to die.

- I mean, you also don't wanna share.
- Why should I?

I have done everything.


I gave up years of my life.

First, my mother, then my father,

while Ted was out at wellness retreats

or joining a fancy gym
to optimize himself.

I told him I needed help.

And if he had spent one day...

one day taking care of our father...

he would've known what that patch was.

Okay, Joel. It's time to go.

Can I at least say goodbye?

- Yeah. All right.
- MICHAEL: We'll be right outside.

Poor old guy.

Now he's gonna die alone.

Life is relentless.


I could sure use a beer
after this one, you know?

I'm sober, dumbass.

And shouldn't you get home?

I don't have to rush, but...


Yeah, I should go home.





Thank you for letting me see them.

I talked to the DA in Philadelphia.

Promised to take into account
your years of atonement.

I appreciate that.

I hope you make peace with
your ghost, Agent Trent.

'Cause I'm gonna try
to make peace with mine.


Faith tells me you got a confession.

Yeah. Well, Erin Carrey
paid to have Isabella k*lled.

When that went sideways, she
took matters into her own hands.

And when the councilman tried to
stop her, she took care of him too.

So, a birth.

A baby. That... That must have been...




It took my breath away.

"I stood with them
outside the universe...

and then, like a god, I
turned and brought them in."

It's from a poem by Sharon Olds.


It was like that.

What is this? What... What are we doing?

Call it what you like. [CHUCKLES]

Uh. We're sitting.