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02x09 - Euphro

Posted: 11/24/14 13:13
by bunniefuu
[Bird calls, peaceful water gurgling]

[Peacefulness interrupted by sound of approaching caravan]

This is him?


Anatole Reichenberg.

In Belarus, he is Vladislav Shushkevich, a family man who gives money to the community.

A man who hides in plain sight is the hardest to find.

I'm sure it wasn't easy to raise this arrest warrant.

Red tape is the same color everywhere.

What kind of man sells counterfeit medicine to sick children?

His dr*gs have k*lled seven kids in Marseille.

Thank you for your persistence, Inspector.

This monster must be stopped.

[Sound of approaching SUVs]

[Sound of muffled footsteps of special police]


I'm a lousy shot anyway.

Reichenberg doesn't know that, and I would not look very good if I let something happen to you.

You're sure he's inside?

It's his new home, he thinks he's meeting the contractor.

Two years you have been waiting to find this man.

What's going through your head?

Tomorrow, I go fishing.

[Sound of breaking in door]

♪ [Dramatic music accelerates]

[Sound of opening door]

Ok clear.

That's not him.

[Alarming sound in other room]



I'm here!

I'm in here!

[Sound of car starting engine]

[Sound of cars driving away]

[Sound of trying locked window]

Oh, c'est pas vrai.

Nom de Dieu.



♪ [Dramatic music comes up]




[Sound of banging p*stol, painful scream]

[Sound of digital ticking on b*mb]

[Digital ticking continues]

[Sound of thunderous expl*si*n]

[Sound of debris falling]

♪ [Hip-hop music comes up]

[Excited voices of models and crew]

I'm looking for Nicole Emily.

She's in makeup.

Thank you.

[Sounds of blows, pained moans]

Evening ladies.

♪ [Hip-hop music comes up again]

[Sound of knife slitting fabric, then kick]

[Violent sounds of fighting, muffled cries]

[More blows, moans, cries]

[Sharp sound of cracking heads]

Nicole Emily?


Your videos.

And this...

What's that for?

To burn them... before any websites try stealing them again.

[Mobile phone ringing]

You're the transporter.

Thank you.


Frank, it's Cat.

There's a problem.

I'm really sorry, but it's about Marcel, Marcel Taconi.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up]

[Sound of dogs barking]

[Dogs barkly more insistently]

Frank Martin?

That's right.

Come with me.

[Sound of roosters crowing, barn door opening]

Well, well, Inspector Tarconi.

Still in one piece then?


No problem.

Elena has taken good care of me. She's my angel of mercy.

How could I resist such compliments?

So, let me change that.

It's a wonder you're still alive.

They couldn't find my remains.

And now my face is all over the news.

Anyone else would turn me in.

Why didn't you?

The police say they're worried about his safety, but offer a reward to turn him in?

Everybody knows they're lying.

You're gonna take him to the Embassy?

No, they'll be watching the Embassy.

And the airports.

Bus and train stations...

So, how are you going to get him over?

Dig a tunnel?

Clothes would get dirty. I was thinking jet pack.

Jet pack? What's a jet pack?

Oh, jet pack, yeah.

Jet pack is good. But I don't like heights.

Oh, I guess we'll just have to drive then.

Cat and Jules are waiting across the border in Lithuania.

But the police will be looking for you.

Frank's done this kind of thing before.

[From outside] Elena!

It's my neighbor.

I'll take care of her.

She likes you.

You think so?

If I was ten years younger...

Ten years?

I made a stupid mistake coming here.

You had a warrant from Europol.

Worthless in a country like this, I knew that.

Obviously you didn't.

His fake medicine has already k*lled seven kids.

I had pictures of the children in my head.

And now more will die.

Why do you say that?

Reichenberg has a shipment.


Euphro? Yes, some kind of code name for more fake medicine, going out tomorrow.

Where from?

I don't know.

If I arrested him, I could stop it.

You never give up, do you, Marcel?

Give up and you die, Frank.

How can I repay you for this, Frank?

I'll start you a tab.

You have to go.

What is it?

My neighbor called the police.

You have a g*n?

The one they gave me.

You need to come with us.

This is my home.

They will punish you for helping me.

Just leave before they get here.

[Sound of police cars pulling up]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up]

[Cacophony of machine g*ns firing all at once]

[Sound of SUV crashing through barn door.

[Sounds of machine g*ns firing wildly]

[Sound of car motors racing]

They're catching up!

[Sound of machine g*n firing]

What are you going to do?


Oh my god!

[Sounds of smashing glass and metal]

Nice trick.


[Sounds of smashing glass and metal]

[Sound of SUV crashing against the ground]


[Sound of clock tolling the hour]

"Michael, look!" said Karl. "There's a big bear in the yard.

"A really scary one with big teeth and claws."

[Sound of imitating angry bear]

[Sound of children laughing]

But Michael said, "I'm not afraid of you."

And Karl saw it was true.

Michael was not afraid.

And he needn't be, either.

Sorry, children.

Can we stop for a moment, please?

[The children in unison] No!

I'll be right back.

[Sound of imitating angry bear again]


He was at the farmhouse, but he got away.

How could you lose an old man? Twice?

This man... entered the country under a false passport.

We believe he is Frank Martin, a transporter.

Apparently he and this Frenchman are friends.

That's bad luck.

And bad timing.

If you're worried about tomorrow, everything is in place, I assure you.

You, a corrupt policeman in a backward country...

You assure me?

I will not fail you, Mr. Reichenberg.

You've already failed me once.

And if you fail me again, who will make up for the millions I lose?

Congratulations, by the way.



Your wife.

How far along is she?

Only a few weeks, but we have not even told anyone.

Your first child, is it not?


Family is a blessing.

You must take care nothing happens to them.

And catch that transporter.

Why are we stopping?

We're not going to get far in a car registered to you.

And frankly, this gearbox is k*lling me.


I assume you know the police are looking for you.

His name's lit the last 20 minutes like a damn Christmas tree!

I'm gonna need a new route out of the country. Overland.

He's going to need a new route.

Where are you?

We're about four clicks from the farmhouse.

Tell Jules to triangulate with my cellphone.

I'm doing it. It'll be on his phone n two minutes.

He's doing it.

That's not a bad job.

From my Army days.

Elena, we have to go now.

I... I can't come with you.

This is my fault.

I should never have got you into this.


You had no choice.

You shouldn't blame yourself. I just want to go home now.

The police know you hid me.

If you go back, they will punish you.

I know what the police will do.

My husband was a journalist.

He wrote stories about the government and corruption.

And now he's gone.

What did they do to him?

They just brought him in for questioning one day.

That was three years ago.

I never saw him again.

Then you can understand why you need to come with us.

This farm is where I grew up, Mr. Martin.

This is my home.

I know it's not easy.

But you're going to have to find a new home.

[Sound of crows in the sky over forest]

[Sound of hunting dogs barking excitedly]

♪ [Anxious music comes up][/i]

[Sound of mobile phone ringing]

Do you have to make that noise?

What noise?

Your gum. It's snapping.

It's nicotine gum. I'm trying to quit.

You prefer that I smoked in here?


What is it?

That cop chasing Frank and Tarconi.

It turns out his name is Dobry Drozd.

And he's made five calls in the past hour to...



It's a village.

What does that mean?

I don't know, I'm just wondering why he's suddenly so interested in the place.

How far is it?

Depending on how you drive.

[Sound of Cat's car accelerating]

[Sound of footsteps on leaves in forest]

Too late for that jet pack?

Okay, let's rest for a minute.

Good idea.


I'm alright. I just need to sit down.

You're flirting with her!

I asked her if she was tired.

She won't sleep with you.

You're jealous.

I saw her first.

You're old enough to be her grandfather.


Why did you come here?

To arrest a very bad man.

What did he do?

He kills sick children.


He makes fake pills, sells them to hospitals who treat children with leukemia.

Doctors believe they are curing the children, but they are only watching them die.

And the police here know that?

It's big business.

They get a cut.

He has another shipment going out tomorrow.

If only I could stop it.

No wonder you want to k*ll this man.

I don't want to k*ll anyone.

Forty years a cop, and you know how many times I fired my g*n?

Only once.


What I remember most... the sound...

The b*llet piercing his chest.

Not a day goes by, I don't hear it.

You're a policeman, too?

Not exactly.

No. Frank is a transporter.

A transporter?

I deliver things.

Like this fellow here.

That must be dangerous.

It can be.

When I first met Frank, he was helping some bank robbers.

But I liked him, so I let him go.

You let me go?


Now, I've heard everything.

If I wanted you, you would go down.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy.

I had him.

He knows it.

[Sound of police car skidding to stop]

[Wild bird calls in the forest]


Are you going to steal it?

Unless you know of a Jeep dealership around here.

You'd better stay out of sight.

I'll stand like a tree.

Come with me, in case we need to do any talking.

If you see anyone, sh**t them.

Sure, Frank.

Good plan.



You don't need to be afraid.

Trust me.

You don't want the police in your home.

How sharp are your eyes?



Where did that come from?



That's for you.


You never saw me, understand?

Can't I leave you alone for five minutes?

Give me a second.

I just told him not to tell anyone that he saw us.

He just wants to know why we've got his Daddy's car.


It's time to go.

[Sound of car accelerating, then receding in distance]

This is the place.


[Sound of cow mooing]

Perfect! A complete dead end.

It's just a truck yard. A complete waste of time.

Can you shut up? I'm trying to think.

I thought Italians were supposed to be easy-going.

I'm French and Italian.

Looks like you got the best of both.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you're uptight like the French, and hot-tempered like the Italians.

Actually, kind of sexy.

You want to live?

Don't ever say that again.


They're leaving.

Yeah, without any cargo. So what?

So they're going to pick something up, genius.

Can you fit a tracker on one of those?

Superior GPS-receiving sensitivity, quad-band modem, GSM frequencies.

Is that a yes, Julian?

Yeah. In my sleep.

Twice on Sunday. Of course.

Where d'you think they're going anyway?

I don't know. That's what I want to find out.

Now what are you waiting for?


I'm going.


[Cursing in Italian]


Totally not like this in the movies!

What the hell is he doing?

[Cursing in English]

[Cursing in Italian]

[Sound of trucks pulling out]

Bumpy ride.

You got any more magic tricks?

You okay?

She's okay!

[Sound of car splashing in water]


I wanted to stay off-road the whole way but... the car can't handle it.


[Sound of coin spinning on floor]

Oh, no.

Can you get past them?

Not a chance.

We've got trouble.

Hold on.

What are you doing?

[Sound of car accelerating]

Oh God!

[Policeman shouting in Belarusian]

[Sound of a*t*matic w*apon firing]

Get down!

[Sound of b*ll*ts hitting car]

[Sound of car striking policeman]

[Sound of cars crashing, tires skidding]

[Sound of Frank running]

What's Frank doing?

If the policeman gets away, he'll radio our position.

[Sound of shot hitting tree]

[Sound of careful footsteps]

[Static on policeman's radio]

[Sound of Frank running through forest]

[Sound of policeman firing w*apon]

[Sound of policeman's careful steps]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up]

[Sound of violent kicks]

[Sounds of hard kicks, blocks and body blows.

[Sound of powerful punch to policeman's head]

Everything alright?

[Sound of car starting and accelerating]

Sorry, Jules. Gotta go.

[Sound of trucks turning off main road]

[Jules groaning]

Okay, okay.

Okay, yeah.

This is where they'll be expecting us to cross the border.

Thanks to your note.

We're not far now.

You're very brave.

You were brave, helping Marcel.

One of the bravest people I've ever met.

I'm still afraid to leave my home.

It feels like... leaving behind my husband.

He's dead, I know that.

But if I was home, I could... imagine he'd be back one day.

We're all set, Frank.

♪ [Dramatic music comes up]

I can't.

You can. You've come this far.

My husband...

I belong here.

We're not going to leave you.

You have to, I'm sorry.

Give us a minute.

Hey. Where's Jules?

I just spoke to him. He's stuck in a truck.

He's outside an old monastery...

Saint Euphrosyne the Holy.

What did you say?

What's the name again?

Saint Euphrosyne.

Euphrosyne... Euphro. Frank, it's the code name.

Reichenberg's shipment.

[Mobile telephone rings]

Frank! Where are you?

We're outside.

Great, come get me.

Working on it. What do you see?

A bunch of badass-looking dudes with shotguns.

How many?

I don't know, maybe six.

How many b*ll*ts left in that g*n?


Cat, what do you have?

Breath mints.

[Sound of truck doors opening]

Oh, crap!


I'm toast!

No, no!

Don't sh**t!

Okay, okay!

No speakee Russki!

You stay here. You two come with me.

English. Kinda.

You work with the transporter.

Yeah. How did you know?

I shouldn't have said that, should I?


The note you received, it was a ruse.

What are you talking about?

The transporter's not headed to the border.

He's here.

I'm on my way.

[Sound of police car accelerating]

It's the counterfeits alright.

Got any ideas?

I was hoping you might.

[Sound of g*nsh*t]

[Sound of g*nsh*t]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up]

Is that gasoline?

We have a plan...

[g*nsh*t resounds]

[Another booming g*nsh*t]

[Another g*nsh*t resounds]

[Another g*nsh*t resounds]

[Another g*nsh*t, closer.]

[Another booming resounds]

[Sound of struggle, powerful blows]

[Another booming g*nsh*t]

[Sound of b*llet tearing into wall]

[Another g*nsh*t, closer]

[Marcel screaming, booming g*nsh*t]

[Sound of w*apon being cocked]

[Marcel screaming, g*nsh*t exploding]

[Frank firing w*apon, booming sound of sh*ts]



[Sound Marcel's footsteps on stairway]


[Sound of p*stol hitting floor]

[Sound of w*apon being cocked]

A board? What good is that going to do you?

[Sound of p*stol being kicked away]

Wait and see.


[w*apon clicks without firing]

Out of b*ll*ts.

I thought so.

[Sound of powerful blow, man screaming as he falls]

[Sound of w*apon being cocked]

[Someone whistling]

[Sound of powerful g*nsh*t]

[Sound of Marcel exhaling]

You take those.

Go on.

Put it down!

[Sound of blows, policeman falling]

[Sound of Frank kicking p*stol]

[Sound of Frank kicking policeman]

[Sound of policeman kicking helplessly]

All done, Frank.


Sorry, Frank.

No worries.

Was it worth it, Inspector?

Stopping you? Of course.

But you haven't stopped me. Not at all.

Set down the petrol.

[Sound of Reichenberg being doused by gasoline]

Let him go.

You're not going to sh**t me, Mr. Martin.

k*ll him, you're a torch.

And if I k*ll her, too?

Look what I found outside.

Drop it, Mr. Martin.

Or they both die.

It's okay, Frank.

He told me my husband is dead.

Yeah, but you're not.

[Booming g*nsh*t]

[Another booming g*nsh*t]

[Sound of Marcel firing p*stol, Reichenberg screaming in pain]

That makes two.

[Sound of burning crates]

Are you ready?

I'm ready.

I'm ready to leave this place.

He nearly shot me then!

♪ [Dramatic music comes up]