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02x05 - Beacon Of Hope

Posted: 10/27/14 17:33
by bunniefuu
♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

[Voices of children in distance.]

[Children talking.]

Here you go.


What do you say?

[Sound of scraping spoon.]


Are you hungry too?

Not enough food.

"There's not enough food."

"There's not enough food."

Make less on plates.

"Put less on the plates."


You don't know your verbs but you know "whatevs"?


Don't worry about the food.

More is coming.




Haven't I always got what we need?

There's a truck coming tonight.

Until truck, put less on the plates.


[Sound of approaching truck.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[Sound of men jumping to ground and screaming.]

[Sound of truck gate opening.]

[Sound of p*stol firing.]

[Prayers being recited in unison.]

[Voices of children laughing.]

[Sound of vehicles in distance.]

Not a truck.

Three truck.

[Sound of vehicles approaching fast.]

Trucks coming.

"The truck is coming."


Three truck is coming.

Three trucks is coming?

Come on! Come on!

[Sound of vehicles arriving.]

♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

♪ [Music intensifies.]

[Sound of slamming door.]

[Sound of door violently opened.]

[Children screaming.]

[Baby crying.]

[Sound of a*t*matic r*fle firing rounds.]

[Children screaming in panic.]

[Door kicked opened.]

[More rounds of wild a*t*matic r*fle sh**ting.]

[Children sobbing in distance.]

♪ [Rock music comes up.]

Please come in.

Follow me, please.

What does this guy do?

Arbitrage: making money on money.

How did he get my name?

... 24 hours, guys, OK?

Mr. Martin, Cat.

Thank you for coming.

Please, sit down.

This couldn't happen at a worse time.

I'm 24 hours from a three billion dollar takeover of Franken Bear.

Otherwise, I would go to Mauritania myself.

Not a good idea, crossing the local w*rlord.


But not unlike Zac.


My son means well, but... he's strong-willed, to say the least.

Who contacted you?

A local man by the name of Ayoob.

Did he say where we could find him?


It was just that Zac was begging for me to get help.

And also that somehow he's been wounded.


I think he's been shot.

It's a remote area.

A Westerner looking for your son would quickly become a target as well.

I understand that.

But Cat tells me you're the best at what you do.

I will pay any fee you ask.

I'm sure you could afford it.

But I'm not sure success is possible.

What you need is an airlift.

I have had the Embassy on the phone non-stop.

They say it's simply not an option.

This is the first time since he was a teenager Zac has asked me for anything.

Please, Mr. Martin...

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up.]

Bring him home.

And if he's already dead?

Bring him home anyway.

What's your connection?

The father or the son?

I dated Zac when I was stationed in Jordan.

It was a long time ago.

I'm sorry, I should've told you.

Why didn't you?

I didn't want you to feel obligated.

Are you going to do it?

♪ [Suspenseful music builds.]

I'm gonna need you with me.

♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

♪ [Music builds.]

[Sound of SUV doors shutting.]

Awfully quiet, isn't it?

A ghost town.

[Door creaking shut.]

♪ [Dramatic music intensifies.]

♪ [Suspenseful music continues.]

I counted 19 beds.

Nineteen empty beds.

Wherever they went, they left in a hurry.

He was gone before the sh**ting started.

How do you know?

More b*llet holes, and there's no blood here.

What kind of a man sh**t through a closed door?

The kind who sh**t first and asks questions later.

There's Zac.

♪ [Dramatic music comes up and intensifies.]

You OK?

I'm OK.

[Sound of SUV on gravel road.]

Tell me more.



If he's the package, I need his dimensions.


Can't sit still.

Thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and totally believes in his cause.


b*llet holes.

Looks like it was forced off the road.

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up.]

[Sound of engine hood opening.]

Radiator took a hit.

[Sound of metal door opening.]


Hiding place?

Maybe not a good one.

If that was your friend, he lost a lot of blood.

[Man coughing.]

Français? English?

We're looking for a friend.

He was hurt three nights ago.

Put that away... and come with me.

What the hell do you think you are doing?

We told you.

We're looking for Zac Preston.

My guess is he's dead.

And you will be soon, if you don't leave.

We found a bus that was shot up.

Blood in the luggage compartment.

Did you treat him, Doctor?

Zac was a friend.

But Al-Harazi made it clear.

He will k*ll anyone who helps him.

Your friend gets shot and you send him away?

This isn't about friendship.

I am the only doctor for 100 kilometers.

People need me alive.

Now go. And don't come back!


At least we know where Zac isn't.

Can I see that picture again?

That's the same guy, isn't it?

Standing next to Zac?

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

Speak English?

A little.

What's your name?


Ayoob, you called Zac's father.

He sent us. We're here to get him.

This isn't his grave, is it?

It's a cousin's... k*lled by al-Hazari for helping Zac.

Tell us where he is. Then we'll go.

He says not to trust you.

I know what he says.

Take this to Zac.

It'll prove I'm a friend.

Sayed will take you to a safe place.

You wait there.

That was a good idea. The bracelet.

A gift from Zac.

He'll know it's me.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up.]

This is harder than I thought.

The truth is Zac and I were engaged.

But I broke it off.

And you're not sure you did the right thing?


I hear an engine.

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up.]

[Sound of truck approaching.]

I didn't see Zac or Ayoob.

We've been played.

[Sound of spade shocking and man hitting ground.]

[Woman screaming.]

[Sounds of men fighting.]

[Woman screaming.]

[Sound of axe soaring]

[Man screaming.]

[Man groaning.]

♪ [Dramatic music intensifies.]


I don't know.

[Sound of blow to head.]

So, what are you going to do?

sh**t Zac in cold blood?

k*lling an aid worker will make you more famous than you want to be.

An aid worker?

Is that what you think he is?

Zac Preston is a thief.

What did he steal?

[Sound of hard slap.]

It doesn't matter.

What matters is that it was mine.

[Sound of approaching vehicle.]

[Sound of SUV on gravel road.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[Sound of sharp kick, blow to head.]

[Sound of a*t*matic r*fle sh**ting.]

[Sound of a*t*matic r*fle sh**ting.]

[More sh**ting.]


Get in. I'll drive.


Zac, let him drive!

[Sound of doors slamming.]

[SUV accelerating.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

Why did my father send you?

Why do you think?

I told him to send help, not you and your boyfriend.

He's saving your life, Zac.

Is that what you call it?

He practically served me up to Al-Harazi on a plate, and Ayoob is dead.

His friend betrayed all of us.

[Striking dashboard.] It doesn't change it!

You've only made things worse. Where are you taking me?

Across the border. To Morocco.

I have to make a stop first.

What for?

Does it matter? You work for me.

[Sound of SUV breaking abruptly.]


What are you doing?

[Frank sighing.]

It's your call.

Where is this stop?

It's 20 minutes that way.

You're a pain in the ass, you know that?

I know.

[Sound of SUV accelerating.]

♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

This is where you went hiding?

The Bedouins have no love for Al-Harazi.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...

Yeah, that and payback for some radios I funnelled them a few months ago.

Smart investment.

One of the few worthwhile things I learned from my father.

Just this way...

[Children screaming with joy.]

You gone long time.

"You were gone a long time."

This is Ali.

My right hand.

I see. And Ali's coming with us?


They all are.

Nineteen boys.

Is that a problem?

Getting them past al-Hazari?

That's more than a problem. It's practically impossible.

I understand the difficulty.

I do.

But if I leave these boys behind, he will k*ll each and every one of them, just to punish me.

I can't let that happen.

You can't.

[Voices of children playing.]

What are we going to do?

I have no bloody idea.

I don't know what to say, I'm...


You didn't know this would happen.

I should have.

The job has spun out of control.

And I know you only took it because of me.

[Sound of kicking soccer ball.]

How do that?

Do what?


My father sent Frank and Cat to get us out of here.

You're gonna help them.

This is all he send?


We screwed.

I like this kid.

You know what a map is?

I'm gonna need one.

[Ali whistling.]

You don't look well.

I'm alright.

How did you get that?

They shot at the bus to stop it.

If they'd checked the luggage compartment, I'd be dead right now.

I'm impressed you got the boys away.

Ayoob did, with help from the Bedouins.

Al-Harazi said he'd k*ll one of them each day unless I surrendered.

He told us you're a thief.

He would say that.

What do you mean?

When I came here two years ago, al-Harazi was happy.

Not because I provided shelter for two dozen homeless boys, but because it meant aid flowing to Zouerat.

Aid he could skim and sell off.

That's part of the game. You know that.

He's a parasite, making money off other people's money, he's like my father.

He got greedy and my kids got hungry.

Please tell me you didn't steal food back from him?

Some of it.

What else could I do?

You put their lives at risk, Zac.

This is happening because of you.

It's because of me they're alive at all.

It's because of you that they're gonna to stay that way.

Excuse me.

[Sound of Zac collapsing.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

Let's get him inside.

It's infected.

How bad?


He may have blood poisoning.

Stupid man, he takes care of everybody but himself.

I'm OK. I'm fine.

[Zac coughing weakly.]

He's not going anywhere.

It's 10 kilometers to the Moroccan border if we take this road.

You know that border is disputed?

Separated by two kilometers of no man's land, littered with land mines to discourage refugees.

I'm hoping we can use that to our advantage.

Even if you can, how do you fit 19 kids on that truck?

I know where there is bus, big enough for everyone.

Yes Ali, we know your bus.

It's got a shot radiator.

I could probably fix it with a hose from the truck.

See? We already work together.

What about Zac?

He won't make it without medicine.

Clinic in Zouaret. It has medicine.

That doctor won't help.

Then I steal.

You steal?

I'm not scared. I'm a sneaky bastard.

That's what Zac says.

OK, but it sounds pretty risky, even for a sneaky bastard.

I'll go.

Look at your face.

Look at my face.

Which face has a better chance not getting k*lled in Zouaret?

Seems like you're a persuasive bastard, too.

OK, then you look through the boxes and take anything that ends with "illin."




Got it ?

And take syringes, needles, for sh*ts.

I don't like needles.

Neither do I, tough guy.

Can you get the Bedouins to help take Zac and the boys to the bus?

We'll meet you there.

We really shouldn't move him.

We don't have a choice.

♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up, SUV approaches.]

Your friend, Zac like her.

You think?

Too much.

He go with her, he not stay with us.

How did you meet Zac?

He caught me stealing shoes.

I think he going to hit me.

Instead he give me job at school.

Why were you stealing shoes?

Shoes bring money.

I was hungry.

Where are your parents?


That's why I come Zouaret.

Zac give me home...


Not just me.

All people.

We call him Melak Zouaret.

You know what is "melak"?


Zac Angel of Zouaret.

Maybe you... melak too.

Sorry, Ali. I'm nobody's angel.

Where are we going?

To the bus.

I can't, not without the kids.

They're coming.



Your bracelet...

Should be in your pocket.

I still don't understand how you got mixed up in all this, Cat.

Your father called for advice.

As it happens, I work for Frank now.

He's good, huh?

He's the best.

We work together. That's all.

[Zac sighing painfully.]

Are you OK?


I'm fine.

You know I still care about you, Cat.

Don't start this, Zac You kept the bracelet all these years.

It must've meant something.

[Horse snorting.]

It means I like jewelry.

Where's Ali?

He's with Frank. They went to steal you some antibiotics.



He told you he's a sneaky bastard, didn't he?

He's the worst thief on the planet.

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up.]

Here, take this.

You get in trouble, you shout as loud as you can, OK?

♪ [Music intensifies.]

[Sound of Ali crawling on gravel.]

[Sound of ladder hitting wall.]

[Night birds cooing.]

[Sound of Ali landing on ground.]

[Sound of squeaky hinges on door.]

[Knife clicking open.]

[Ali picking the lock.]

[Sound of clinic door opening.]

[Ali forcing cabinet.]

[Cabinet door opening.]

[Sound of tin cup falling on floor.]

[Tones of cell phone dialing.]

[Sound of vehicle approaching.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

[Sound of vehicles accelerating, then braking.]

Not so sneaky, Ali.

[Hard slap across Ali's face.]

Pardon me.

Pick on someone your own size.

Where is the kafir?

[Hard punch.]

You're a funny guy, huh?

You want to die for your friend?

He's not my friend.

[Frank coughing.]

So... this is a rescue mission?

You should have brought more men.

I get that a lot.

[Hard punch.]


[Frank coughing.]

You were a soldier, I can tell.

Your training made you hard to break.

Let's see how hard.

[Music intensifies like rapid pulse.]

At three, I cut his throat.


Don't say!



He's at the oasis with the other boys.


See, it wasn't so hard.

[Crack of sharp kick.] Run!

[Objects crashing.]

[Table rolling, hard kicking sound.]

[Hard blow from pole.]

[Sharp head butt and cry.]

[Powerful blow with pole to column.]

♪ [Music comes up powerfully.]

We're locked in!


[Sound of shelves falling.]

[Al-Harazi barking orders.]

[Men screaming, Al-Harazi giving orders.]

[Sound of jump to ground, SUV doors slamming.]

You are sneaky bastard too!

[Sound of SUV starting and accelerating.]

♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

You OK?

[Children screaming.]

I've been better.

Give Cat the medicine.

Good boy!

[Equipment being ripped out of engine.]

[Rusty engine hood opening.]



Are you OK?

He will be. Thanks to you.

Thanks, kid.



Time to go.

[Sound of desert wind comes up.]

♪ [Music builds.]

[Sound of bus rolling along road.]

Thank you, Frank... for getting us this far.

You can thank Ali, he's quite a boy.

Yeah, he is.

You and Cat are good together...

What is it?


♪ [Music intensifies.]

You can't outrun them.

The thought has occurred to me.

[Sound of a*t*matic r*fles firing.]

Everybody, get down!

[Children screaming.]

[Sound of SUVs accelerating, a*t*matic r*fles sh**ting.]

The border!

I see it.

Tell the boys to grab onto something.

Grab onto something!

[Sound of r*fles wildly firing.]

[Racing motors, Children screaming.]

[Sound of racing vehicles.]

[Soldier shouting.]

[Crashing gate, soldiers screaming.]

[Screaming, Crashing metal and glass.]

[Children cheering.]

[Sound of speeding bus.]

[Children celebrating.]

That say danger!

The mines. We're safe.

As long as we stay on the road.

[More a*t*matic r*fle firing.]

[Al-Harazi screaming orders, sound of SUVs accelerating.]

♪ [Music building, bus accelerating.]

We can't have that, can we?

[Sound of bus accelerating more.]

[Vehicles colliding loudly.]

[Massive expl*si*n.]

[Children cheering.]

You the man!

Never had an audience before.

[Sound of SUV accelerating.]

Al-Harazi's still behind us!

He's not going away. Not without some help.

Here, take the wheel.



Just drive fast.

♪ [Music intensifies.]

You stay up front.

I help, you'll see.

[Sound of r*fles firing, children screaming.]

[Sound of r*fles firing, children shouting.]

Get me some cloths...

Rags, anything.

[a*t*matic r*fle firing.]


♪ [Tense music comes up powerfully.]

[More wild a*t*matic r*fle fire.]

Like this.

[More a*t*matic r*fle fire.]

You OK?

[More a*t*matic r*fle firing.]

[Sound of glass breaking flaming.]

[Al-Harazi screaming.]

[Molotov cocktail striking SUV.]

We're here!

♪ [Music intensifies.]

[Molotov cocktail bursting on SUV.]

[Al-Harazi screaming in panic.]

The bastard doesn't give up.

[More sh*ts firing from outside.]

[More a*t*matic r*fle fire.]

Get down!

[Children screaming in panic.]

[Al-Harazi firing w*apon.]

[Al-Harazi screaming orders.]

[Sound of breaking windows.]

Hold on to something!

[Sound of bus accelerating.]

[Men screaming, tires squealing.]

[Al-Harazi screaming.]

[Sound of bus braking abruptly.]

[Sound of SUV crashing to ground.]

[Sound of massive expl*si*n.]

You are good.


♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

Where's Zac?

What are you doing?

I'm looking for something.

Got it?

Cat's bracelet.


[Sound of SUV burning.]

[Sound of cocking p*stol.]




Not without the package. That's you.

Ali come back!

Ali! Ali!

♪ [Middle Eastern music comes up.]

I think we found the Angel of Zouaret.

♪ [Music comes up.]

[Children shouting.]

Do you want drink?

"Do you want a drink?"

Sure, kid.

Give it here.

I got us a car.

There's a jet waiting in Ouarzazate.

Thank you, but these boys still need me.

You didn't think I'd actually leave, did you?

No, not really.

You got me across the border, Frank.

I'll make sure my father pays you.

Well, I can't say it's been a pleasure...

I'll see you around, Mr. Martin.

Why don't you show me what you can do with that ball?

This is the part where you tell me what a terrible mistake that you made.


You risked your life, came all the way here.

Why do that if you don't still love me?

Because the world's a better place with you in it.


You're gonna want this back.

You keep it.

I don't need it anymore.

♪ [Music comes up.]