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02x03 - Sex, Lies And Video Tapes

Posted: 10/13/14 07:04
by bunniefuu
[Car wheels squealing on turn.]

♪ [Dramatic music comes up.]

What are you looking at?

[Sound of Jetmir hitting young woman.]

Jetmir's waiting for you.

[Laughter, woman's shrill voice from nearby apartment.]

[Sound of Jetmir tossing peanut at glass.]

So Mr. Donne too good to come himself?

I'll tell him he missed out.

Where's the package?

The car.

The suit.

The accent...

You think you are James Bond, right?

Bond gets smarter villains.

Fetch us some drinks.

Nothing for me.

[Sound of ice cubes falling into glass.]

[Sound of briefcase snapping open.]

Do you know what this is?

Not yours, I gather.

Proof every man is an animal.

Some are lions.

Some are dogs.

But all drink and shit.

And f*ck.

So you're a pimp and a philosopher.

Klara come here.

Let's show him our philosophy.


Isn't she?

What's the matter?

Not your type?

That's all of it.

Our business here is done.

[Sound of envelope hitting table.]

You want the case.

I want the money AND your car.

That wasn't the deal.

The deal has changed.



Okay then.

[Sound of keys dropping on floor, hard body blows.]

[Sound of p*stol firing three times.]

[Sound of powerful kick, Jetmir crashing to floor.]

[Sounds of p*stol sh*ts, b*ll*ts ricocheting off bar.]

[Sound of p*stol cocking without amm*nit*on.]

[Sound of kick to gangster's head.]

[Sound of heavy punches to head and body.]

[Sound of gangster flying through window, crashing to ground.]

Do you mind?

[Jetmir screaming, firing p*stol wildly.]

♪ [Driving music comes up.]

[Sound of women screaming.]

[Sound of elbow blows.]

[Sound of p*stol firing, gangster groaning]

[Sound of gangster attacking Frank with knife.]

[Sound of body kick, gangster groaning.]

[Sounds of fighting.]

[Sound of Jetmir screaming, firing p*stol wildlyl.]

[Sound of bottle breaking, punch to gangster's head.]

[Sound of Frank pushing Jetmir down stairway.]

[Jetmir moaning in pain.]

[Sound of gangsters screaming, Frank's quick footsteps.]


What are you cooking?

[Sound of window shattering.]

[Sound of blow by briefcase to gangster's head.]

[Sound of door slamming.]

[Sound of door opening.]

[Sound of gangster pushing door open.]

[Sound of bead curtain separating.]

[Sound of gangster sliding door open.]

[Sound of kick, gangster falling over rail.]

[Sound of car's tires squealing.]

[Sound of car accelerating rapidly.]

[Sound of Cat's high heels on cobblestone.]

[Cursing in Italian.]

What happened?

Psychotic Albanian... tried to take my car.

He did what?

And he didn't feel much like giving this up.

But you got the dress.

Mr. Donne will be relieved.

[Soft knocking sound coming from car's trunk.]

[Sound of latch opening trunk.]

It's okay.


You speak English?



What's your name?


Klara Elezi.

What are you doing here?

This is my sister.


We come from small town, in Russia.

My uncle... he sold her to a bad man.

I'm sorry, my English is...

It's better than my Russian.

It's okay.

She was taken to border.

I follow.

Then I have no choice...

I give myself to traffickers or I never find her again.

That's how you ended up with Jetmir?

I try to protect my sister.

Then two weeks ago, she disappeared.

You still haven't explained why you're here.

When I see him...

I know he can help me find Mariana.

You want money?

I saved.

I have money.


I wish I could help, but I'm not a private detective.

I'm a transporter.

What is... transporter?

I get paid to deliver things from A to B.

But you must help me!

I wish we could.



Put your money away.

I'll take you to a shelter.

They'll give you some warm clothes, a place to sleep.

I don't need a place to sleep. I need to find my sister!

I don't have a lot of time.

Mariana is young, worth much money.

Jetmir could have sold her, or used her in his dirty films!

Did you try the police?


They will listen to me.

Come on.

I'm not going.

It's not safe for you to be here.

[Sound of Frank's footsteps in hotel corridor.]

[Sound of knock on door.]

[Sound of big door opening.]


Oh, thank God!

Everything went smoothly then?

Except your blackmailer tried to change the deal.

You don't think he'll come after me, do you?

Not if this dress is all he has on you, no.

I feel so stupid.

I'm meant to be fighting human trafficking, and here I am sleeping with a bloody prost*tute.

She approached me.

I had no idea...

It was a set-up, Mr. Donne.

You don't have to explain yourself.

[Sound of latches opening on briefcase.]

What is this? Some kind of joke?

Sort this.

I'm already late for the conference.

[Sound of door to hotel suite shutting.]

Rule Number Three, Frank...

You might wanna rethink that one.

Where's that dress?

Help me find Mariana, I will tell you where dress is.

People who try to blackmail me usually regret it.

I need to find my sister.

This isn't the way.

Where's the dress?

You go to Jetmir.

Beat him.

Make him to say where Mariana is.

That plan... has some flaws.

There is a place Mariana could be.

Another brothel.

I know the name!

I can take her.

Caterina can take you.

If you need some time to think about it, I can shut you back in the boot of my car.

[Sound of car trunk opening.]

This is the place?

A lot of the younger girls are taken here.

I'll go inside.

If she's there, I'll bring her to you.

[Sound of motorized floor in operation.]

[Sound of motorized floor shutting off.]

[Sound of Cat's cautious steps on stairway.]

Good evening.

Good evening.

I'm looking for a girl.

What kind of girl would you like?

She's not for me, she's for my employer.

Her name is Mariana.

There is no one here called Mariana.

Dark hair, very young.

All of our girls are over 18.

Of course.

My employer is very... particular.

If something pleases him, he's willing to pay a lot.

Perhaps he's mistaken her name.

Come with me to see the selection.

[Buzzing sound from mobile phone.]

Excuse me.


Okay, good.

Yeah, I'll meet you later.

Tia is nice.

Very sweet-natured.

Ah, Cassandra...

Very popular.


What about this girl?


She's not available anymore.

She isn't available?

Maybe your boss likes someone with red hair?

This girl, in the red dress.

Why isn't she available anymore?

I don't think we have what you're looking for.

Maybe you should leave.

Maybe you want to tell me more.

[Donne's footsteps on cobblestone street.]

You're sure you have it this time?

Looks familiar?

They claimed my...

DNA was on it.

Now we'll never know.


How did it go?

Not well.

Do you still have that slip?

I just gave it to Donne.

Can you get it back?

Might be a little difficult. It's in ashes.

Well, then we have a problem.

Why's that?

The girl who wore it was m*rder*d.

We just destroyed all the evidence.

[Sound of Frank's car accelerating rapidly.]

You've met before I think, haven't you?

Do you mind if I live you alone for 5 minutes? I'm really sorry.

Of course.

Excuse me. Be back.

What are you doing here?

What's happened?

Did you k*ll her?

What are you talking about?

Zeta, the girl you slept with. She's dead.

Oh God... (sighing)


All I know is she was alive when I left her.

If she wasn't... then you used me to destroy evidence, which makes me an accessory to m*rder.

I swear to you, I didn't k*ll her.

I don't know anything about that.

But, uhm...

But "uhm"?

I received this... a few minutes ago.

It's a video from that night.

Must have been somebody with a bloody phone.

From Jetmir?

With a demand for more money.

If I don't pay up by tomorrow, he's gonna post it on the web.

When was this taken?

Four nights ago.


A party at some castle, Landsman's place.

He seems to be friends with everyone.


Gary Landsman.

The movie producer.

Send me the video.


I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Thank you, Mr. Martin.

I'm not doing this for you.

If I find out you're lying to me, I'll k*ll you myself.

Mariana was there.

I know she was.

That woman lied to you.

I don't think so.

That woman told me that girl in the red dress was m*rder*d.

Why would she admit that if she was lying?

There's something I want to show you.

I've just sent it to you.

It's a video of Donne and the girl.

Taken at a party.

The night she was k*lled.

What am I watching for?

Oh my God.

It's Mariana.

Are you sure it's her?

I'm sure!

If your sister was there the night this girl was m*rder*d, she might know who k*lled her.

You can stay here tonight.

I can't pay for this.

We don't expect you to.

I'll get you some proper clothes.

Thank you.

My mother's flat... in Pochep... is smaller than this room.

You could fit in the whole flat in here.


Mariana won't believe me that I stay in a place like this.

You think I'm stupid to think Mariana is alive.


No, I don't.

I don't think you're stupid.

But... if the girl... was m*rder*d.

And Mariana was with her...

Your sister is valuable to someone.

We just have to figure out who.

But what if she's different?

After everything they've done to her.

If she's got half the guts that you have, she's gonna be okay.

She'll be okay.

You must be starving.

How about we get you some room service?

What is room service?

What is room service? Oh...

You'll see.
[Sound of mobile phone ringing]


It's Klara.

Where are you, you little whore?

Somewhere you can't find me.

Better pray I don't.

How is your face?

I loved watching the transporter kick your ass.

You want to die, is that it?

I want my sister.

Dumb bitch!

I told you, I don't know where she is.

Too bad for you then.

Too bad for me?

Bet you'd like to get even with the transporter.

What do you know about that?

I know where he is.

And I will make you a deal.

You give me my sister.

I give you the transporter.

Don't lie to me.

Bring my sister to the market square in an hour.

Call this number when you get there.

Well done.

You ought to be an actress.

Are you okay?

I just hope my sister is.

Where is he?

He's there.


I'm here.

I see you.

Where's the transporter?

Where is Mariana?

She's in the next car. Can't you see?

He says she's in the second car.

Tell him to let her out.

Let her out.

You can come get her.

Once I find the transporter.

The sidewalk cafe.

She's all yours.

[Sound of Frank breaking bottle on gangster's head.]

[Sound of hard punch.]

[Sound of gangster screaming in pain.]

It's not her!

[Sound of gangster hitting the ground.]


It's not her.

No surprise there.

[Sounds of struggle, p*stol going off.]

[Sounds of body blows.]

[Sound of splashing milk.]

[Sound of smashing crate against gangster's head.]

[Sound of Jetmir cocking p*stol.]

[Sound of powerful punch.]

[Sounds of more punches, body blows.]

[Sound of Frank cracking Jetmir's head against windshield.]

You tell your boss I'm coming for him.

[Sound of Jetmir gasping for air.]

Who was the girl?

A decoy in a blue wig.

Her name is Blanka.

Another of Jetmir's girls.

What about Jetmir?

I let him go.

You what?

He's the only one who knows where Mariana is!

And now he'll run back to whoever's pulling his strings.

He was never gonna tell us where to find Mariana.

Now he'll show us.

We just have to wait.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up.]

Where did you learn to fight?

I grew up in a rough neighbourhood.

I want learn to fight like you.

I want to smash Jetmir in his face.

I'd like to see that, actually.

What, I'm stronger than I look, I could train up.

I learn quick.

I wouldn't put anything past you.

This movie producer...


The one whose party Donne went to.

He hasn't had a hit in years, but he's... constantly in the society pages, throwing big parties...

With girls from Jetmir.

Big business for Jetmir.

Maybe good business for Landsman.

You think Jetmir works for him?

It would certainly pay the bills.

[Sound of mobile phone ringing]


Frank Martin, this is Gary Landsman.

I'd like to see you at my estate.


Of course, Mr. Landsman. I'll be there right away.

So he's behind all this.

Now we just have to prove it.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up again.]

Stay here. I won't be long.

Right this way, Mr. Martin.

What do you think is happening?

What if Landsman att*cks Frank?

Landsman won't do that.

And Frank can handle himself.

Will he ask him if he has Mariana?


That would let Landsman know that she's valuable to us.

But then, how are we going to get her?

She could be here.

She could be in danger now!

If you want to find Mariana, you're gonna have to be patient.

[Sounds of reveling on video monitor.]

You know who that is?

Fernando Rivera!


Emilio Rivoli.

You must recognize him.

He's a naughty boy.


He's a very naughty boy.

Anything in a skirt.

I could show you some footage of Emilio.

Make your eyes water.

I'll pass.

So... you're the troublesome transporter.

You've got a good face.

You ever made any films?

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

Straight-talking. I like that.

Come with me.

What's taking so long?

And why all so many security?

We should go and look for Mariana.

Don't be stupid, Klara.

[Sound of car door opening, footsteps.]



Absinthe, banned for nearly a century cause they thought it drove people mad.

You didn't call me here for cocktails, Mr. Landsman.

You're beginning to drive me a little mad, Mr. Martin.

Caused my men a lot of problems.

Your men?

Jetmir works for you?

Of course he does.

You worked that out yourself?

Prostitution more profitable than the movie business?

More profitable more reliable and... perfectly legal in this country, which is nice.

If you're not trafficking in underage girls.

These girls wanna work.

Can I help it if they lie about their age to me?


Why set up Donne?

You could blackmail any of the celebrities at the parties.

Donne's not a celebrity. He's more valuable than that.

He's a politician.

Here for the Conference on Human Trafficking.

As I said, prostitution's perfectly legal in this country.

It does demand a steady stream of young girls.

So you squeeze him dry, and then use him to block any laws that may prove to be... bothersome.

[Sound of Landsman laughing.]

Except we're not just talking about prostitution, are we?

We're talking about m*rder.

Who told you that?

Does it matter?

That girl was k*lled the night of your party.

If you say so.

[Sound of whip cracking.]

There you are!

There's something going on in there.

That makes Donne a k*ller.

Doesn't look like a k*ller to me.

But people can surprise you.

Puts you in an awkward position, doesn't it, Mr. Martin?

And you also.

Donne could very well go to the authorities.

If he's innocent.

And then we'd all have some explaining to do.

After all, you helped him to destroy the evidence.

I'm throwing a party tonight, Mr. Martin.

Tell Donne to come and bring the money he owes Jetmir, or that video will be all over the internet.

If they'd seen you, you would've blown everything!

That was close.

She just took off.

But Mariana is in there. I just know it.

You're sure it's her?

Pretty sure.

You've got to go and check.

We will.

How'd you like to go to a party?

♪ [Sultry party music comes up.]

[Sound of party-goers chatting and laughing.]


Good evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Donne.

Enjoy the party.

♪ [Rap party music comes up.]

You're supposed to have fun.

There's Landsman.

Enjoying the party.

In boca lupo...

Good luck.

♪ [Sounds of party-goers, rap music coming up.]

[Sound of mobile phone ringing]


That son-of-a-bitch.


Yeah, I'll be right there.

[Sound of fireworks exploding.]

♪ [Rap party music comes up.]

[Rap music recedes behind Cat.]

[Sounds of more fireworks.].

♪ [Rap music comes up stronger.]

[Muffled laughter in underground quiet.]

[Muffled sounds of passion.]

♪ [Rap party music comes up again.]


Hey man...

[Sound of cracking whip.]

[Woman moaning in ecstasy.]

♪ [Rap music comes up again.]

[Sounds of punches.]

[Sounds of harder punches.]

[Sound of oppresive silence.]

[Sound of Cat's cautious footsteps.]

[Sound of more hard punches voices of party-goers.]

[Sound of crushing punch and Jetmir hitting floor.]

[Silence of basement, sound of Cat's footsteps.]

[Young woman gasping.] It's okay.


Is that your name?


I won't hurt you.


Your sister...

She sent me here.

I'm Cat.

Will you come with me?


Let's go. Come on.

[Sound of women's tenuous footsteps.]

Trust me.

I'll take you to her.

♪ [Rap party music comes back up.]

[Sounds of powerful kicks and punches.]

[Sound of terrible kick, Jetmir screaming in pain.]

[Sound of party-goers reveling]

[Sound of women's footsteps in silent basement.]

[Sound of quick footsteps and erotic feminine moaning.]

We're getting out of here.

♪ [Driving music comes up with persistent hard beat.]

[Sound of fireworks sh**ting into nightsky.]

[Sounds of more fireworks.]

[Sound of doors on Frank's car opening and closing.]

[Sound of Frank's car accelerating.]

You okay?


Your sister was determined to find you.

We really want to help you and your sister, Klara.

Can you help us with something?

A man we know has been accused of a terrible crime.

Did you know a girl named Zeta?

We saw a picture of her in a red dress.

They k*lled her.

She tried to escape and they shot her.

Who shot her?


He told me call him Gary.


I saw him do it and I can swear it to the police.

♪ [Dramatic, hard-driving music comes up.]

[Sound of car smashing into Frank's rear bumper.]

[Sounds of both cars' wheels squealing.]

[Sounds of furious car chase, horns from other cars honking.]

[Sound of Jetmir firing a*t*matic w*apon wildly.]

You okay?

Stay down!

[Sounds of squealing tires, racing motors.]

[Sounds of cars crashing, coming to a stop.]

[Sound of bus honking urgently]

[Car wheels screaming, vehicles crashing.]

[Sound of Jetmir's car crashing.]

[Sound of Frank's car coming to dead stop.]

[Sound of Frank kicking p*stol, punching Jetmir.]

[Sound of Jetmir being banged around and kicked hard.]

[Sound of approaching truck horn.]

♪ [Inspiring symphonic music comes up.]