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01x03 - Tomorrow Is Tomorrow

Posted: 03/06/24 07:07
by bunniefuu

My name is Toda Mariko.

I am to be your interpreter.

To vanquish our common enemies.

I found this on your ship.

We show this to the Japanese and
he will be hanged for piracy.

He has denied our departure
papers for the Black Ship.

Let this be my burden, Father.


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My apologies, Captain *.

But your Black Ship
must stay where it is.

Toranaga has come to better
understand the great profits

being made from our monopoly
over the China trade.

He has invited us to provide a
report on our rates of exchange.

You men of the cloth
with your impotent pricks.

We bring the profits.

We dictate terms.

And we are here at their pleasure.

Until Toranaga receives this report

you won't get clearance to leave.

I am sitting on one million ducats

that has to get to Macao.

I won't lose this wind.

That pilot should have
been taken care of

before he even reached Osaka.


You forget yourself.

And you forget
I don't work for the Church.

I work for the Crown.

Let it be known

the Black Ship sails tonight.


Get all the cargo on board.

We're leaving anyway.

Hey, hey, wait. Wait.

We-we leave without clearance,

we don't get invited back.

The longer we sit around,
the worse that pilot

makes it for us.
We're on the wind tonight.

The pilot?

He's still alive.

I'll be f*cked.

He's going to bleed me, then?

I'm sorry? I do not understand.

This warlock here, he aims to...

bleed me, to...

release the foulness from my blood.

I'm not familiar with this...

warlock, but I can assure you
this man is a doctor

- who cares for the sick and injured.


What's been said about the assassin?

Only that she belonged
to a very dangerous sect.


She had served as a
palace maid for years.

Some train their whole lives
for a single k*ll.

It is very costly.

A price few could afford.

You refuse... to see it.

What those priests
are capable of, even now.


How much are the Jesuits
paying this one to k*ll me?

[BLACKTHORNE] Oh, my God, dear,
what did he say?

What did the warlock say?

Since you are so upset,

the doctor suggests we send a...

woman to pillow with you instead.

- Pillow?
- Uh,

- it is polite for...

the physical joining of a man and woman.

[GROANS] If he's not a warlock,
he's most certainly a pimp.

Would you prefer a male companion?

- Dear God, where am I?

Who's he?



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May I at least speak
with Toranaga before we go?

I'm afraid it will not be possible.

Yabushige-sama asks

that you stay close
to the litter as we walk.












Did you know?

I think no one knows.

My lord is famous for his trickery.

When he was six years old

his father traded him
to a rival busho.

As a hostage, he learned one truth...

that enemies are everywhere
and friends nowhere.

To show your true heart
is to risk your life.

What happens if he's found?

He will be k*lled.

And all of us.

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No one's going to stop him?



No one's going to stop him.

This is unacceptable.

Peering into ladies' private quarters?!

It's not proper!

Worse than that... it's vulgar!

Unholy perversion!

Am I the only man present

who treasures the purity of a woman?!




Low! A woman's virtue is her glory!

A blight on us all!

My God, the shame of it!


You, sir, are a silly little man!

And your hair
looks like the tail of a pony!


Well, I hope you didn't mind
the part about the pony.


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What happens when Ishido's men
learn who they are escorting?

I'm certain my lord has a plan.

Is it true what you said,

about the purity
of women in your country?

Christ, no.

Foul slatterns and trollop
everywhere in London.

Like your doctor friend.

Whoring women to injured guests.

[SHORT CHUCKLE] You yourself

insinuating that I would have
an interest in casual buggery.

We think pillowing
is necessary to good health.

In fact, some say
the moment of the clouds

and the rain is as near
to heaven as they can get.

The clouds and the rain?

It means...

Thank you, I understand the metaphor.

I've just never
heard it put so poetically.

Especially by a married woman.

I'm assuming that man's your husband.


His name is Toda Hirokatsu,

though friends call him Buntaro.

He is a...

a strong and admired warrior.

And the boy your only child?


Do you have children?


My boy Tudor

and my daughter Lisbeth.

And what are they like?




Get down, fast!


- Is it Ishido-sama?

No, I do not think so.

[r*fle FIRES]


Get back before we're all k*lled.


We have to help him.



[BLACKTHORNE] Come on, to the
galley, while we still have the chance.

[MARIKO] Wait. This crew may
be hostile to Toranaga-sama.

[BLACKTHORNE] Well, I'll be damned.

I know this crew.

You think I'm friendless.



We sailed together out of Ajiro.

Is that what I think it is?

The Portuguese Black Ship.

Their trading vessel.

[BLACKTHORNE] Ready the oars.

Where's that damn line again?


Let's go back.

For Christ's sake, he can still make it.


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Ah, Mariko-sama.

Do they fish at night here?

If we attempted
to break through those men,

would they board and attack us?

- Yes.
- Then we're sunk.

But they can't sink her.

If you leave without clearance,

you'll ruin any chance
we have left at diplomacy.

I will ruin more than that
with pleasure.

This is not a debate, Captain-General.

It is in your best interest
to follow protocol.

Captain-General, there's,
uh, quite a show upstairs.

Might want to see it, eh?

Ahoy, Inglés. [SHORT CHUCKLE]

Still alive, I see.

- How's your leg?
- Fine.

How's your mother?




I bring you

Lord Yoshii Toranaga,
who seeks an audience.

Ferrying around the man himself?

That's one way to die.


[ALVITO] Toranaga claims
the men in fishing boats are pirates.

He requests an escort
through the harbor.

He's giving clearance for the Black Ship

- to leave Osaka.

Thank him for permission I don't need,

but the price just went up.


Toranaga offers you

- You would retain half the profit.
- Yes.


He's giving us a church in Edo.

He asks us to turn the Christian
lords in his favor.

That is bribery.

And impossible.

Your Eminence, it is a church in Edo.

We will not compel men by faith.

Especially not on this man's behalf.


we could suggest such an idea.

Prayerfully, of course.

There is just one more thing.

That English pilot... he stays behind.


Well done, Martin.

We will be able to hold him
to that promise of a church,

even after he is dead.

The Black Ship
will bring us out of Osaka.

But you must stay.

I'm sorry.



f*ck this.

Captain-sama, sound the drums.


Come on, I thought you
were sailors! Race them out!


[RODRIGUES] Sir, he's
coming up alongside us!

[MAN] Steady. Steady.

How fast can that bitch go, Rodrigues?

You black-eyed son
of a shit-fested whore!

Your lips are on the devil's arse.

They're on your mother's first.

I'll even miss the son of a bitch.

He gets any closer, sink him.

With pleasure, Captain.




Five points to port.

Aye, sir. Five points to port.

- [MAN] Five points!

Five points it is.



My sincerest gratitude!

My sincerest f*ck yourself.

I warned you once, Rodrigues,
they'll never keep me here.

You're not out yet,
you salty whale's tit.

[LAUGHS] Let's see him
ride out of this one.

Bring him over broadside.

Damage the hull, Captain.

Five more points!

Either sink me or let me pass,
but make up your f*cking mind.



By Christ, Black Captain-sama!

Hey, What the hell are you doing?!

You're giving him the edge!

Nah, nah, he already had it.

Well done, you glorious bastards!

Yeah! Yeah!

Well done, you glorious bastards!

Well done!

That's a debt repaid.

God be with you. You'll need him.


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Good morning.

Good morning.

I'll never tire of this weather.

Soon it will be winter.

It is a very difficult season in Japan.

Try England.

Humid in the summer.

Endless winters.

And, of course, famine every six years.

Still, you must
look forward to going home.

To be reunited
with your family, at least.

Last night, you...

asked about my daughter.

The truth is I've never met her.
I left England before she was born.

One year, eleven months,

six days from Amsterdam.

She'll be two years old now.

You serve your lords honorably.

I have no lords.

I left on my own accord.

And this...

this is what beckoned me.

The horizon more than the deep.

The freedom

more than the horizon.

The fair wind.

Be far enough out that you look around,

and there's nothing but open seas.

No yesterday.

No tomorrow.

Just today.

I'm sorry about your husband.

[MARIKO] He thanks you for your bravery.

My lord says this was
a gift from the priests.

[MARIKO] They prove you are a pirate.

Which means death.

My lord says he will have
to have them translated,

and that it will likely
take a long time.

He would like you to assemble a regiment

and teach them your tactics.

I'm sorry, but I'm just a sailor.

I'm not familiar with...


Please tell him
it would be a great honor.

All I ask for in exchange is

the return of my men and my ship.


He has made you hatamoto.

Which is a very great honor.



My lord would like you
to teach him how to dive.

It's best to start from
the top of the gunwale,

jump in headfirst

while extending your hands
to break the water.

Observational learner.

He says again.


How many more times must I do this?

Until he is satisfied.

My lord would like
to race you to the shore.

But I warn you not to let him win.

My Lord hates that.

I wouldn't dare.



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