Trinket Box (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Trinket Box (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Trinket Box

You got to go before my family gets back.

But i dont want to

You got to.

My daddy will k*ll you.

They're ways away. He aint never going to catch me.

And the witches? You going out around them too?


Ain't no witches around here.

Oh, you didn't know? Yeah

This land is where they used to burn witches.

You can even hear their whispers at night.

If you listen real close.

There's a lot of bad things that happen around here.

We just don't talk about it.

Mom says to never speak of the devil's work.

But it makes you wonder.

Who knows how many bodies are buried in our yard.

You should have seen your face.

Thank you.

I'm serious.

You got to go.

I'll never leave you.

Go. Go!

Faster faster.

You really going to make me sit here and do this?

Mary Ann! Daddy!

What you doing?

John, Henry!

I can't believe you shame this family

by bringing a n*gg*r in this house.

Im sorry

Having your sister see this.

Im sorry daddy im sorry

Shut up and put your g*dd*mn clothes on.

Mary Ann! Get your behind in here. Now!

James, what happened?

What happened?


Good God child.

What did you do?

I'm sorry, mama. Im sorry. For what?

Mary Ann, what did your sister do?

One of you better speak up right now.

Right now.

Y ou should have known better.

Judith! What were you thinking? Oh my God.

Oh my God you should have known better!

You know better.

Get your sister!

Let's go. Come on.

Henry! Get up! Get up!

Get off me!

Get up! Grab his feet! Get off me! Shut up!

Put him down!

Just don't get it do you?

You don't mix white blood with n*gga blood!

Time you be taught a lesson.

Get him!

Let him up!


James! Oh my God!

Dad? Dad?

Henry, go get the doctor.

Go get the doctor.

Hey, you stay with me.

You stay with me.

Go! Now! Go.

Dont you do this! No no no you stay right here. You stay right here.

Hurry up! Hurry up.



Daddy please wake up.




Mary Ann

Mary Ann


Those boxes kicked my ass.


Did you hear that? Huh?

You don't hear that?

Hear what?



I do hear that.


This is nice.

It is.

Um hmm

It is.


You seem happy.

I am happy.


I love you.

I love you.

You do?

Naughty time.


Hello, sweetheart.

Allow me to introduce myself.

Name is Mrs. Davis.

I'm your neighbor down the road.

It's lovely to meet you.

I'm Ava.

I am so tickled to meet you we only

get so many new faces in this place.

And it's a pleasure to welcome you to the neighborhood.

Well, it's lovely to meet you too.

I would invite you in, but I have to

hop on a work call in a second.

Well, I was wondering who was that

dark fella pulling away just moments ago?

Did he give you any trouble?

You need me to call the sheriff?

Mike, um that's my husband.

He was just, he was heading off to work.

Oh, is that right?

Well, that's just lovely.

You all make a lovely couple.

I won't keep you any longer.

When I almost forgot.

I brought you something.

I used to own a jewelry store in the city.

It's not much, but I have so many of

them just laying around and go on, take it.

It's a necklace.

It's very pretty.

This is, this is lovely. You didn't have to do this Ms. Davis.

Oh, nonsense.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm so sorry.

I'm going to be late to my work hall.

I'm so glad you stopped by.

And I hope to see you around.

It was a pleasure, dear.

Bye bye, now.

Bye bye, now.

Hi, baby.

How was work?


A lot shorter commute than in New York.

Yeah, what is it now, like 12 or 15 minutes?


What's this?

This is something for me, or?

Oh, no, it's just a necklace.

Um, one of our neighbors stopped by after you left.

Her name's Mrs. Davis.

Sweet older lady.

Kind of reminded me of my grandma, actually.

Yeah, that was sweet.

She left you a necklace.

Yeah. Not a big of a deal.

She said she used to own a jewelry store

and she had a bunch of them laying around. I don't know.

Open it.

Its probably just old costume jewelry not worth anything.

Open it!

Yep See? Costume Jewelry.

There's an art museum at 12 to 15 minutes away which is great.

I thought we could go together and see it as a couple.

You know what I mean?

Since we're so close to this place now,

it's like. Hey, Mike, are you listening to me?

This is not costume jewelry.

Who gives a stranger something without

expected something in return

She didn't seem like she wanted anything other than a little conversation.

That's it.

But people always expect something in return.

You don't know her intention.

Honey, it's not like I was going to wear it anyway.

I get it.

But why wait till I leave to show up?

The last thing we need is some old

white lady afraid of a black man.

Mike, seriously, do you hear yourself?

You're sounding paranoid again.

I'm not paranoid.

I'm not paranoid.

You hear by yourself all day, alone.

You never know.

Okay, I love how much you care about me, I do.

But really, I think this was just some

sweet older lady looking for some conversation with

new people that just moved in. That's it.

I don't think you have to worry about it.

Alright, look, I'm sorry I'm tripping, but you know why.

Wow, that was college, Mike.

Yeah, but you trust people way too easy.

And that's why that guy almost

mike, seriously, I know what happened. I was there.

You weren't there. Okay?

That was nine years ago, Mike.

Listen, I know you only have my best interest at heart.

But sometimes your love can be suffocating.


Your food's getting cold.

Hey baby.

What's up?

I'm ovulating.


Wait, what?

Wait, is that me or you?

Damn! Go brush your teeth.

The shit smells bad.

f*ck I'm dying over here.

Good night.

None for you. Good night.

I'm not getting none.

Ruined it.

You know I love you, right?


You know what.

You sure about that?

Um hmm. What are you doing?

Dont worry about it.

No. Mike, what are you doing?

What are you talking about?

What are you doing?

What are you talking about?

What are you doing?

You know I love you right?

I love you too.



You seem excited today.

That's funny.

One, you know why?

And two, our client is out sick,

so guess what I get to do today

I get to spend all day reading about babies and parenting.

Is that right?

Mhmm, that's right.

You know I love it when you talk like that, right?


I was serious when I said I wanted a bunch of kids.

It sucked being an only child. I won't do that to our babies.

You're going to make a great mom, okay?

Thank you.

Uh uh, uh uh, nah uh

I got to go to work.

You're the worst.

I got to go to work. Okay.

I love you.

Love you, too.

Drive safe.

Hey, baby.


You okay?

I just came in and you ignored me.

I was just reading.


So you decided to wear it?

What are you talking about?

The necklace.

You decided to wear it?

Oh my God, not this f*cking shit again.

What was that?

It's a f*cking necklace, Mike.

A gift from an old f*cking lady.

Since when do we talk to each other like that, huh?

Since you started acting like a f*cking

child over a g*dd*mn jewelry box.

This is f*cking ridiculous.

No, no, it's not.

You need to grow the f*ck up!


Why aren't you eating?

So, we're not going to talk about what happened earlier?

What do you mean?

Come on Ava, don't f*ck with me.

I genuinely don't know what you're talking about.

And why are you cursing?

So you really don't remember?

No, I really I really don't know.

Okay, okay, so I came home and continued

to speak to you, trying to make

conversation, but obviously that didn't work.

And then you go on and say I'm acting like a

f*cking child, as if I'm some kind of inconvenience to you.

So that doesn't jog any memory, or do

you still think I'm acting like a g*dd*mn child?

I don't, I don't know.


I think I'm going to go to bed.


Oh shit, f*ck.





Hey, are you okay?


Yes yes yes, yes

Come on.

Come back in bed. Get in bed. Im Sorry. It's okay, come on, come on. It's cold. Get in bed baby. Get in bed.

There you go.

f*ck me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hey, baby.

Yeah, pizza is fine.


Love you.


So you're tired huh?

Hmm? What do you mean?

You were asleep when I got home last night and that was...

11 am.

There's pizza in the fridge if you're hungry.

Wait, what time did you get back?


Like I said I would.


What is wrong with you, Ava?

Where was I when you got back?

What are you talking about?

Just answer the question, Mike.

Where was I when you got back?

In bed, Ava.

Where else would you be?

This f*cking house.

I don't like it.

This is ridiculous. This is f*cking ridiculous.

Nevermind, you wouldnt understand.

Hey hey hey. I'm Sorry.

Babe babe babe, I'm sorry.

Please send talk to me, please.

Please sit.

Sit, sit, sit.

Whats wrong?

I don't know what's real or not anymore.

I can't tell... I can't tell what's real or not anymore.

And I can see you looking at me like i'm talking crazy

but I'm not.

Like I really just need your support right now.

Okay, I'm here.

Okay, I'm here.

Okay, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.

I'm scared.

It's okay. Shhh.

I got you.

Will you please go to the doctor for me?

Please baby, can I make you an appointment?

Let's just get you out of the house, please.

Please, please.



I'm going to take the truck. Okay?


Is it ready?

Yeah. I just have change the spark plug and the oil.

It's nothing that I can't handle.


Come here.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


Mrs. Davis you scared me.

Oh dear, my apologies.

I should have given my keys a good

jingle and a jingle to announce my arrival.

So, what can I do for you?

Nothing really.

I just dropped by to say hello.

See how you were adjusting to

living out here in these parts.

It's something all right.

I just, I just was about to head out, actually.

Where are you headed?

Well, I'm going to go see my doctor.

I haven't been feeling too well.

Anything I can do?

You should come by after your visit.

I have some old remedies that could help you.

What do you say?

Maybe next time.

Oh yeah, there's always next time.

Don't you go forgetting now.

I'll hold you to it.

Hello, ma'am.

You must be Mrs. Davis.

And you are?

Mike, Ava's husband.

She mentioned you stopped by, so

I figured I'd come say hi.

Oh is that right?

Isn't that thoughtful of you?

Such a nice young man.

Ava has to get going.

So it was nice meeting you.

Would you like some sweet tea?


Sweet tea causes diabetes.

Now you have a good day now boy.

r*cist m*therf*cker.

Did you hear that shit?

Okay. Okay

She's just an old lady baby.

Old? Ava.

She called me boy.

And said sweet tea causes diabetes.

The only thing she didn't say was "common amongst n*gg*s."

Mike, come on. Seriously.

What is she going to do?

I can think of a lot of things, Ava.

I love you. I have to go.


Put that back for me, baby.

Love you.


Worry about your f*cking self.

Hi Ava. I'm Dr. Kate.



I see you've got some mixed

emotions and stomach pains.

Yeah, well also the nurses made mention that you

have concern surrounding your memory and sleep walking.

Yeah, all those actually.

Did you ever notice if they were

all happening at the same time?

I'm not too sure.

I've sleepwalked before as a kid.

But the emotional thing and the memory problems and

the stomach pains are all new to me.

Well, why don't I go ahead and check your breathing?


Just sit forward. Thank you.

Thank you.

Just take a deep breath in, please.


Let it out a few more times.

I'll get your back.

And one more time.


Sounds normal.

Now if I could just get you to lay back.

And if you wouldn't mind just lifting your sweater

a little bit up above your stomach there.

Stomach pains, huh?

Now, going to put some pressure.

Just tell me if you feel any pain, okay?

Anything there?


What about here?

Any pain?


Nothing? One more time. Right here.

Any pain at all?

Go ahead and put your shirt down.

Let me ask you, when was your last menstrual cycle?

How was it?

It was interesting.

How come?

I'm pregnant!

I mean, we're pregnant. You're pregnant.

We're having a baby!

We're having a baby!

That's it.

What's it?

The reason you've been acting so damn weird.

You're pregnant.

Everyone says like every time a

woman is pregnant, everybody reacts differently.

And maybe that's what it is.

Yeah, maybe.

Oh my God, I'm going to be a daddy.

I got to tell my brother.

But wait but.

One second baby, I got to tell him.

Oh my god, I just got home.

You won't believe this?

I'm about to be a daddy, bro.

Yeah, a whole ass daddy.

I just found out.

Look, I don't even know it could be a boy

or girl, I'm happy regardless, heck it could be twins.

Hey, Dre.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

This is crazy.

Hey Dre.


What's up sis?

Not much.

Just dealing with your big headed brother.

His head is hella big, aint it?

Y'all chill out with all of that, man.

Aight, aight.

My bad. You know I love you bro.

Yeah, whatever, y'all done now.

Can I have my brother back now?

Yeah, no, we're done here.

It's good to hear your voice, Dre.

You too, sis.

Make sure you come visit mom's

soon, y'all are all she talks about.

I will, I will tell her I say hi.

No doubt.

Okay, whatever.

About my babies now I'm about

to have a whole ass, man

Hold up.

Yeah boy, I love my baby.

She fertile than a mug.


Oh love you babe. She fertile.

I love you.

I love you too.

How'd it go?


He's staying out of trouble.

Mom is good.

She said hi by the way.

Just talked about how crazy it is

that I'm about to be a father.

We always talked about how it would be

so different when we had kids.


It's so crazy that is happening right now.

We always talk about how different, how different things would

be when we had our own kids.

And now we never want them to go

through what we went through, it was so hard.

Just promise, we can't do that to them.

Thank you.

Hey baby, have you seen my necklace?

What necklace?

You know what necklace?

Oh, that necklace. Nope.

Haven't seen it.


Hey baby, you sure you haven't seen the necklace?

Babe, I'm sure.

What's the point anyway?

It's just some necklace from some creepy ass old lady.

But it was my necklace.

Is this some type of mood swing or some shit?

Because like you f*cking tripping.

No, I just feel like you're

lying about the g*dd*mn necklace.


Seem like you need some f*cking space.

So what I'm going to do is take my

black ass out here to sleep on the couch.

Is that okay with you?

Fine, whatever.

Yeah, whatever.

What the f*ck ever.

Gosh. Good night.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, baby, baby

Hey, it's me, it's me.

It's okay, I got you, I got you. Okay?

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay, I got you, okay.

Baby. Good morning.

I made you breakfast.

Thank you, baby.

You're welcome.


Here you go.

This is so nice.


Wait, wait let me smell that.

So cute.

So how you feeling?

I feel a lot better.

I'm sorry about last night.

Don't worry about it.

You've been going through a lot these last week, so.

Yeah, well it's Sunday, so what would you like to do?

I think we should go on a walk.

An run into the creepy ass old lady?

I know.

Oh my god, come on.

We're not going to run into her.

We haven't even checked out our neighborhood yet.

That's all right there.

Come on.

All right, it's 9:36.

So what about noon, noon works?

That's perfect.

Well look, you just eat your breakfast, and keep

being cute and daddy will go clean the kitchen.


You like that?

Love you.

I love you too.

Sorry I got to do this.

So good.

Babe, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just morning sickness.

Need any tea?

Yeah, tea is great.

Cold or hot?


Green or mint?

Green. f*cking green, Mike.

Sorry. I'm just I'll be out in a second.


f*ck, Mike.

You scared the shit out of me.

I got your tea.

Thank you.

Wanna talk.





Hey, quick question.

I saw something in the bathroom on your shirt.

What was that?

What are you talking about?

The black stain on your shirt in

the bathroom in the trash can.

What was that?

Oh, that was just from the truck the other day.

But I thought you said...

Wait one second, we'll talk about it in a second, okay?


Hi, mom.


Guess who's here.

Hey, mom.

My favorite son-in-law.

How are you doing?

I'm okay. How are you treating her?

Good, good, good.

I think she has something she

wants to tell you, though.


One second.

Where are you going?

I'm going to talk to my mom a little.


Bye, love you.

So it's that bad, huh?

No, it's not bad at all, actually.


We're pregnant.

I mean, I'm pregnant.

What?! Oh, my God.

Best news I have ever heard.

Ever heard.

I've been collecting grandchildren clothes for years.

You just don't know about it.

You're crazy, mom.

Is it a boy or girl?

I have a lot for both.

I don't know. We just found out yesterday.

Oh, my God.

I'm so excited.

How's he taking it?

Oh, I'd say he's pretty damn happy.

He ran around the house calling his brother,

so yeah, he took it pretty well.

I remember him telling us he didn't have a

dad growing up and that he really wanted to

change the cycle and become the greatest dad.

And he's going to be the greatest dad.

Yeah, he will.

I mean, his desire to be such a great dad, has

made me want to be a mom that much more.

I remember in high school, you really didn't

want to be a mom at all.

You said, you're never going to be a mom.

You're going to be the greatest mom.

I know, that's so crazy.

I don't know.

I think it's just his stress from work and my past trauma

has held us back, so yeah.

Well, he got a promotion. Your job is going well.

You're pregnant.

Oh, my God.

I can't wait till your dad.

He's going to freak out.

I'm pregnant, mom.

Can you guys come this weekend for dinner?

Yeah, actually, that's perfect.

How about Saturday morning we'll

head over, we'll tell Mike.

Sounds great.

I have to get off the phone right now.

I love you so much.

I cannot tell you how excited I am. I love you.

I love that baby.

It's growing.

It's just the beginning.

I will be a grandmother.

You are.

I love you.

I love you.



That was good.

Okay, I am so full.

I should probably clean up.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, my mom wants us to come over next weekend.

Oh, really?


Yeah, after I told her the news.

That be nice. Fun.

Yeah. I miss them.

It'd be nice to see them.

Me, too.

You know, I was thinking.


Are you listening to me?

What are you talking about?


Sorry, baby.

I just felt a little weird right now.

It's okay.

Hey, baby, I got it.

I got.

Told you I got it.

What am I gonna do with you?

Thank you.

For what?

For everything.

You're welcome.

Imma go shower now.


Oh, it's baby time?

No more jeans.

No more.

No more jeans for me.

Take care of my baby.






f*cking sleepwalking again.



Ava, Ava, Ava f*ck!



Ava, Ava, Ava! Baby, baby, f*ck!

Are you okay? You okay?

I don't want to be here anymore.

Come on, come over here. Please get up.

Sit for me. Sit for me.

Stay right here.

Stay right here, okay? Oh f*ck.

Just stay right here.

Don't f*cking move. Just stay right there. Don't move.



What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?



Oh shit!



Come on, come on, come on.

Shit, shit.


Please don't. Please don't. Stop baby, stop baby.

Please, please, please.

Don't make me do this. Don't make me k*ll you.


I found my next one in.


What do you think?

I like it.

I love it.


It's nice, the setup they got here, too.

It looks really nice. Yeah.

I wonder if we get to keep it.

Let's talk and find out.

This is great.

Yes. We really love it.

Yeah, we love it.

Quick question, though.

What, what happened with the house?

Like, a month ago, it was for sale, and then it

went off the market, and now it's for sale again.

Well, the husband got a job promotion and placement

in New York, so we accommodated the change.

They moved out a few days ago.

Oh, okay.

Well, then we'll take it. Good.

We'll just need a signature.

Thomas, who is that?

I umm.

I don't know.

Who's Mary Ann Davis?

That's my mother.

She owns the property.

I just do all the heavy lifting.

That's nice, keeping it all in the family.


Oh um, the furniture, does it come with the house?

It never leaves.

All right.


Oh, hi.

Hello. I'm Mrs. Davis

your neighbor down the road.

Just wanted to drop by and say hello.

Well, hello.

And you are?

I'm Thomas.

Trinket Box
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