Deep Web, The: Murdershow (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Deep Web, The: Murdershow (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh God. Guys, I don't feel so good.

I think I need a minute.

- Twenty bucks says she spews chunks.

- I'm not taking that bet.

Too many cosmos Clare!

Shut up. I am fine, dummy.

Aren't you nice?

- Oh, no. That's disgusting.

- It's a brand new one.

I think it's safe to assume we're not

going to the aforementioned after-party.

Not too interested in partying

with a bunch of coked-up bros.

Plus now I have to deal

with little Miss Puke breath over here.

- I'm fine you skank-ass b*tches.

- Ew!

Let's puke and rally.

Puke and R...

- Somebody's got a booty call.

- Slut.

- What was this guy's name anyways?

- Griffith.

- That sounds like a totally made-up name.

- No.

I think it's like regal,

like a knight in shining armor.

Stranger danger.

He seems like a nice guy.

What could it hurt?

Oh, Jesus Christ.

You barely know this dude.

For all you know

he could be a raging serial k*ller.

I bet he doesn't even bother

to wash his legs when he showers.

Exactly... what?

Are you two going home now,

back to your doing babysitting duty?

f*ck you, hooker.

I'm not a baby. I'm a grown ass...

- No...

- Our ride is arriving soon.

Come with us.

I got boxed wine at home.

We can put on our onesies

and we can watch crappy horror flicks.

I'm going to take my chances

with the serial k*ller.

It's because she definitely wants the D.

- I can't believe you two.

- All right, he's here.

Just text me with his address

when you get to his house, just in case.

- I'll be fine.

- Be safe.

Come on. Bye.


Why are you doing this to me?

f*ck this guy.

assh*le. Men.

Someone there?


You mess with me

you're going to get

a faceful of bear mace m*therf*cker.


Hell, no.

What the f*ck.

What the f*ck?

Oh my God.

Help me.

Welcome to the m*rder show.

Help me.

Police are hesitant to make a connection

to the latest spree of murderers,

but there appear to be

some glaring similarities.

Yeah, I was walking the old dog here

and I saw what I thought

was a mannequin laying on the ground,

just off the path down by the ravine.

- Was it a mannequin?

- Oh, hell no, it was a little girl.

She's all chopped to bits.

The dismembered remains

of an unidentified Caucasian woman

have been found scattered

in a ravine near Interstate 5.

Thank you for joining me today.

I just have a quick statement.

We are currently investigating

a series of murders that may be connected.

This morning we discovered the remains

of what appear to be three more victims.

There is a theory online that these deaths

are coming from some death cult.

The Romero county coroner has released

one of the names of the victims.

Seattle resident, Amanda Newton.

Amanda is the sister of Ethan Newton

that infamous podcaster

who has a track record of ruffling

those police feathers.

Amanda had been missing for two weeks

before her body was found among the remains.

With no end in sight, this k*lling spree

has the entire city on edge

and looking to the Seattle

Police Department for answers.

This is an ongoing investigation.

There are many details

that we have yet to sort through.

What I can tell you

is that the Seattle Police Department

is investigating this case tirelessly

and we will find those responsible.

Can you give us

the names of the other victims?

As I said it's an ongoing investigation.

Once we have further facts,

we'll provide them.

Are you sure this isn't just

another case of more sloppy police work

coming out of your department?

- Good day.

- Can you answer the question, detective?

- All right. All right.

- No, come on, guys.

The only question I'm left with is

did the jury make the wrong decision

or did the police yet again

mishandle a m*rder investigation

and let a k*ller go free?

- I know the answer to that.

- Bigboyblue69, you're on if it bleeds.

- You think you're so smart, don't you?

- Not necessarily.

I got Cs. What did you get?

I'm going to get

a hard on watching you die, scumbag.

Ooh, I think he likes you.

Did you ever think about all the lives

you're ruining with all these lies

and bullshit about the police department?

The people, by the way,

who protect assholes like you.

I'm going to take a shot

in the dark here.

Are you wearing

a Blue Lives Matter shirt right now

with matching hat?

You ain't funny dip shit.

This podcast sucks

just like your blog

and one day you're going to get

what's coming to you.

This guy subscribes to your blog.

I don't even subscribe to your blog.

BigboyBlue69. That's not nice.

Or should I say Trevor Lancaster?


We got your IP address

when you logged into the stream.

That's not my name, Douche bag.

Oh but it is,

Officer Trevor Lancaster of the NYPD.

You live on Fairmont Lane in Brooklyn.

Listen, Trevor, buddy.

I don't hate cops.

No, I just want to make sure

they're doing their jobs,

not sitting on the couch at home,

getting angry at some podcast.

Does the 69 in your name pertain

to what year you were born or?

Anonymous caller, you're on the air.

Looks like he's got

one of those mechanical toothbrushes.

Full moon, all the weirdos are out.

Alrighty then.

That's it for this episode.

If you liked what you hear,

make sure to like, comment, and subscribe.

Join us next week

when we blow the lid off a sinister

cold case file in New Orleans

with, A Hard Death in the Big Easy.

Phew. Pretty good!

- We are getting better.

- As angry cop calls are getting pretty frequent.

- Yeah, somebody's got to watch the watchdogs.

- Yeah.

- What are you doing tonight?

- I've got plans.

Plans. What?

Sitting in your tiny apartment

in your tighty whities playing video games?

That's very funny.

No, you should come out with us.

Being the third wheel for you and your

girlfriend does not exactly sound appealing.

- I thought you liked Amber.

- I love Amber.

- I just don't like you.

- Aha.

Well, have fun with your 13-year-old kids

dropping F-bombs.

It's okay.

Hey mom. What?

- What's happening?

- I have to go to Seattle.

- Seattle.

- My sister.

- Ethan?

- Hey Kate.

Oh, my God.

It's so good to see you.

I didn't know you were in town.

I'm in town a couple of days helping

my mom with the funeral arrangements.

- Hey, Clare.

- Hey.

We didn't see you at the funeral.

No, I was there.

My mom wanted me to go up

and say something for Mandy,

but I just couldn't get myself

up there.

It was really hard for me to.

She was my closest family member.

I should go.

I'm supposed to set up

Mandy's memory table at the reception.

Are you guys coming?

I wanted to, but I have to work.

My boss is being a major bitch,

and she's making me

work late on this big project.

Oh, okay.

Are you still working

for that clothing designer?

Yeah. She's such a ballbuster.

She's got this big show coming up

and she's making us hustle

and work

like it has to be done yesterday.

Are you still doing that,

True Crime podcast?

- Yes, I am.

- That's awesome.

Okay, so let's get together before

you go back to the East Coast,

we could do coffee and catch up.

Yes, that sounds good.

- Bye Clare.

- Bye, Ethan.

- It was really nice seeing you again.

- Nice to see you too.

Test. This is Ethan.

I am standing

outside my sister's apartment building.

It has been exactly one week since

her body was found dumped in a ravine.

We buried her today.

This is all very surreal.

Mandy's apartment is an absolute mess.

The telltale signs of a police

investigation are everywhere.

Her things

have been strewn around the apartment.

There is black fingerprint ink

on the doorways and handles.

- Hey mom.

- Hey. Why aren't you at the reception?

I was there.

- I set up Mandy's memory table and left.

- Oh. Yeah.

You did a wonderful job with that.

I just had to get out of there.

It felt like everyone was watching me.

No, I don't think they intended to stare.

They loved your sister and you.

No, they loved her.

- You were right the first part.

- They love you too, Ethan.

Well, are you coming back to the reception?

The family keeps asking about you.

- I'm at Mandy's apartment.

- Oh no. Ethan.

The detective said we should not go there

until they're finished their investigation.

You should not be in there.

It looks like they finished their

investigation. The place is a mess.

- Don't touch anything, okay?

- I won't.

You should be here with the family.

- Why would you go there?

- I had to do something for Mandy.

I thought maybe

because I'm her brother,

I would notice if something

was out of place.

Well, the police assured us

they're doing everything they can.

- Yes, I'm sure they are.

- You can come home, stay at home.

That's okay.

I don't want to be a burden.

- I booked the hotel, remember?

- You are not a burden.

You are all I've got left now,

it's just you and me.

No, I really want you to come

and stay at home.

I just want you to know,

I never wanted you to leave.

We had our differences.

I understand,

but you are my son, Ethan.

I love you.


I will come stay with you.


Okay. I'll see you later then.

The key is still

under the front doormat, if I'm not home.

Okay, bye.


No. No. What the f*ck?

Hey, dude.

Out here

because my husband hates the vape.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

He thinks he's going to give me

popcorn lung.

It's freaking crazy.

- Okay. Goodnight.

- Bye. Hun.

Holy shit.

- You scared the crap out of me, Mom.

- I'm sorry honey.

I thought you heard me

come in the front door.

No, I was out back.

Okay, let me grab this.

- Is everything okay?

- It's fine. I thought I saw

never mind.

It's nothing.


I don't know if I remember

where anything goes.

It's been a long time

since I unloaded groceries in this house.

It's been a long time.

- You had to work late?

- Sort of.

I had to get Mandy's affairs in order.

I had to get

copies of her death certificate

and get her credit cards,

her bank accounts

and utility bills shut down.

Well, I could have helped you

with all that.

No, it's okay.

I, I can take care of it.

Just can't, I still can't believe

I'm doing it for Mandy.

It isn't fair, Ethan.

She had so much life to live,

so much potential.

A mother should not have to bury

her daughter.

I know, mom. I know.

How can someone do that to her?

I don't know but I'm going to find

some answers I promise.

- I'm sorry. Did I poke?

- Yes.

- Please tell me this is not the new dress.

- Yes.

- For the summer line.

- Oh my God, Kate, this is f*cking horrendous.

We can't have our f*cking models

walking down the runway

in this disgusting last season shit.

God, this dress looks like

it's from prom in 1984.

I think that you liked

that this looks like shit.

Yeah, this is part of your game here

or something.

You want to ruin my life

and my f*cking reputation?

No, of course not.

Then why the f*ck would you spend

two f*cking days

working on this disgusting,

drab disaster of a garment?

She looks like she ate

a purple popsicle

shit it out, and then

she put it together on a dress.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

We have six more dresses

to get done by Monday, Kate.

I'm sorry.

I thought this is what you wanted

when you signed off on the design?

Oh, bull f*cking shit,

I would've never signed off

on this unfashionable sack of rubbish.

You're going to need to fix it, tonight.

- No, I can't tonight. I have plans.

- I have plans tonight.

No you f*cking don't.

You don't have any friends.

I never hear your phone ping.

My phone's pinging all the time.

I have plans tonight, and as your boss,

I need you to work late.

That's final,

or else, maybe you need to find

another place to work.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

- Yes.

- Great.

f*cking fix it.

Holy shit. Jason.

Yes ma'am.

See you next Tuesday.

I heard that.

- Ethan?

- Oh hey.

I was wondering if you wanted to have

that talk.

I've had really strange things

happen to me recently.

I can leave as soon as

my boss goes home.

I just have to come back

and do some overtime.

- Meet you at the coffee shop in an hour?

- Okay. Yes, an hour.

Give me your phone.

- Here's my number.

- Thanks.

- See you in an hour.

- See you.


Where are the f*cking fabric swatches?

I asked you for them over an hour ago.

I'm coming, nasty bitch.

- Oh, I f*cking heard that.

- You're the nasty bitch.

You're a nasty bitch.

How have you been dealing

with everything?

Not great.

I feel helpless, like I betrayed her,

but I know I couldn't have done anything

and I still feel all the guilt.


- I think someone's following me.

- Did you see someone?

No. It was too dark.

I've also been receiving weird emails

and disturbing photos.

One of you and Mandy.

What? How?

Let me see the picture.

I can't, it disappeared

before I could save it.

I think they're also using my phone

to take pictures of me.

How could they control your phone?

What are you talking about?

I don't know, but if they could hack

Mandy's computer and my phone,

I think we're dealing

with some very sophisticated hackers.

What else did they send you?

They sent me photos of Mandy's autopsy.

It's horrible.

Why would someone

do something like that?

- I don't know.

- How could they get a hold of those photos?

That's why I need to know

everything you know.

Is there something

you didn't tell the police?

There was one thing.

You know how Mandy and I used to try

and scare each other all the time?

Yes. With the Ouija boards

and all-night slash movie marathons.

We were stuck for months

together in quarantine

and we started looking at this thing

called the Dark Web.

It's a place

where you can be absolutely anonymous.

Really shady shit happens on there,

like websites that sell dr*gs.

I heard you could even hire a hitman.

Anything shitty

you can think of is on there.

Mandy showed me the site

that had live executions on it.

They're called redrums.

Why Redrum?

It sounds like m*rder backwards,

like the kid from the Shining Redrum.

Yes, I get it.

The site was called m*rder Show.

Every 14 days they would host another.

People would pay in crypto

to see the k*lling live.

- They'd just to watch?

- No, it was interactive.

People would make their bid

and really bad stuff would happen.

- Now this is real?

- Yes.

- Why wouldn't you tell the police that?

- You got to understand.

We assumed it was all fake,

like rubber knives and special effects.

Then one of the viewers

offered to pay our bid,

so Mandy jokingly said,

"Cut her nails,"

and instead,

they k*lled her, cut her throat.

- That's why you didn't tell the cops?

- Yes. We m*rder*d that girl.

You can't blame yourself.

They k*lled that girl. Not you.

It was soon after that

Mandy went missing.

We need to look at that website.

The address always changes.

You need someone to send you a link.

- How'd you end up with one?

- I don't know. Mandy did it on her laptop.

I have a friend who could help us.

Shadow Monkey.

- Shadow Monkey.

- He's a hacker.

He real name is Lester

but online people started calling

him Molester, so he needed to change it.

Wait, I just remembered something.

There was a video.

- What video?

- It was called m*rder show.

We have never formally

introduced ourselves.

We are the darkness.

The shadows.

We are fear.

Humanity lives in a world in what

they believe to be reality.

All of our messages

contain codes.

Solve them. Find our redrum

and we will find you.

m*rder show.

I think I saw something.

Let me go back.

Right there. See that?

- Those letters?

- Yes. It's a Play fair cipher.

I saw it written in Mandy's apartment.

I didn't clue into what it was before.

- What is it?

- A manual symmetric encryption cipher.

It's like a puzzle

that hides a message.

Our father taught us the technique.

Mandy always understood it

better than I did.

Her and dad left each other notes

and different codes.

- What does this code say?

- I can find a decoder online.

- Look.

- Oh shit.

- This is odd.

- Text message?

Yes, but there's no number attached.

Isn't that impossible?

All of our messages

contain codes.

Solve them. Find our redrum

and we will find you.

m*rder show.

That video is twisted, bro.

Really f*cking twisted.

- Have you seen it before?

- No, man.

I like to keep my entertainment light

like watching memes,

cat videos, granny porn.

You are messing

with some dark shit here, bro.

Apparently, clues in this video

point you to the site.

Have you heard of these redrums?

Hells yes,

but they're more like urban legends,

not like Bigfoot

or little green-ass UFO dudes.

We need to find the site.

These guys can hack

your computer and your phone,

and you want me to f*ck with them?

You're tripping, bro.

Why don't you let

the Seattle POPO handle this?

You always brag

about how badass your hacking skills are.

My hacking skills

are legendary badass, buddy.

Look, I'd like to help both of you,

but I've got a sensitive online operation

going on here.

Oh, yes. I know.

Your stupid f*cking website where you leak

all the big movies and video games.

That's such a scumbag thing to do.

I can't believe the FBI

hasn't shut you down yet.

Oh, scumbag.

Who are you calling a scumbag?

- Ew.

- Sorry babe, it's the maid's day off.

The FBI have tried.

They are tenacious little fucks.

I had to move

all of my servers overseas,

but I'm doing service

for the people here, man.

The movie companies,

they make enough money,

it doesn't hurt their bottom line,

so they can suck my limp d*ck.

Whatever, dude, it's just dumb.

I just want to find this website

before they k*ll another girl.

We need to expose it.

It has to be stopped.

Have you ever considered

if you f*ck with their business,

they will come after you?

I guarantee you,

they're already after me.

And you come here?

f*cking great.

You come here? Jesus. f*ck.

They k*lled my sister, man.

They have to be stopped.

Will you quit being such

a selfish f*cking piece of shit

for three seconds and help us?


Those are harsh words, man.


I will help you.

Just chillax for a second. Okay?

Just calm your titties.

There's a lot of new information here,


There's a lot of things

I have to process.

- Really, you're going to get high?

- No, man.

I'm already high as f*ck.

I'm offering some

to your lady friend here.

- No, thanks.

- Are you sure?

It's good stuff, indica,

makes you melt, in da couch.

f*ck you, dude -Indica?


Okay. Okay. Send me the dates.

Let me see what I can figure out.

I practically live on the deep dark web.

I will find the clues in the viral video,

and I will find this f*cking m*rder show.


Now, be gone.

Is that guy for real?

Okay. Yes, he's a bit eccentric

but he's helped me solve six cold cases.

He might be a maniac but he really

does know what he's talking about.

- Okay. I trust you.

- I think we should call the cops right now.

I think I still have the detective's card

that interviewed me last week.

His name was, Sawchuck,

detective Sawchuck.

What the hell?

There's something wrong with my phone.

Can I try yours?

- What is it?

- A shit ton of messages from my boss.

- I have to go back into work.

- Really? At this hour?

I have to do more overtime

on that project.

Can we just go see the detective

in the morning?

- Yes, I guess so.

- I doubt he would even still be there.

- It's pretty late.

- Yes.

That's true.

It should take me a few hours.

Text me later?

Are you sure you don't want me

to wait with you?

No. I work better alone.

Just text me in like two hours.

- Okay. Two hours.

- Bye.

God, you're kidding me.

Stupid f*cking breaker.


Hello. Is someone there?

Oh, my gosh, you creepy bitch.

Hey, is everything okay?

I heard some weird noises in here.

I'll feel better if I have someone

to talk to while I work.

Is that okay?

Yes, of course. No problem.

I'm just doing some research.

What did you hear?

The front door chime,

but the door was locked,

so it's probably nothing.

- Do you want me to come over there?

- No, it's okay.

I just need to see a friendly face

while I work.

A friendly face?

You have one of those faces,

friendly and handsome.

I've never understood

why you're single.

I don't know.

Aren't you single too?

Yes, single.

I've just been so busy with work,

I don't really have time to date.


No, that's totally my thing too,

between the podcast

and the blog and everything.

That's a shame,

you're a very nice guy.

You're going to make

some girl very, very happy.

Since we're throwing around compliments,

you're one of the most beautiful girls

I've ever met.

I always wanted to ask you out but Mandy

made it pretty clear you were off-limits.

- Wow.

- I'm sorry, I overstepped.

No, I'm glad you said that

because I have something to admit too.

Shit, come on.

- What is it?

- Breaker blew again.

g*dd*mn it.

Okay, stay with me

while I turn it back on.

I think I heard something.

If there is someone out there,

I want to warn you I am armed,

you m*therf*cker.

I think I should head over there.

Probably is just the breaker. This

part of it always creeps me out so bad.

Why is that?

It looks like rows of body bags.

Oh, shit. Yes, that is creepy.

Wait, what was that?

- What?

- I just saw someone cross behind you.

- Are you serious?

- Yes. I saw someone back there.

Ethan, that's not funny

if you're f*cking playing a joke.

Okay. I'm not joking.

I saw someone behind you.

- You're scaring me.

- You need to get out of there, right now.

I can hear a music box.

Can you hear that?

Oh my God, look.

Get out of there now.


Kate, Kate, where are you?

Kate, what happened?

Who the f*ck are you?

You better not touch her.

Do you understand?

Do you know who I am?

I will find you, and I will k*ll you.

You are dead, m*therf*cker.

Help, somebody help me.

Let me out of here.

- Who's there?

- Hello. Help me.

I can't.

They kidnapped me,

and they locked me in this room.

They did that to me too.

Okay. Just try and remain calm.

If you yell and scream, it only gets worse.

Trust me.

- Who is doing this?

- I don't know.

- What's your name?

- It's Clare.

- Clare?

- Yes.

Clare Russell?


- How did you know?

- It's Kate.



Oh my God, Kate. No.

Oh my God.

They got you too.

Yes, they caught me

just after I left Mandy's funeral.

Oh my God.

Why are they doing this to us?

I don't know.

No, no, no, no. Please stop.

Don't hurt me.

Please. Please. Stop. Stop.

No. Leave her alone.

Leave her alone you f*cking bastards.

No. No. No.

Clare, can you hear me?

Clare? Say something.

No, no.

Don't you f*cking touch me with that.

No, no, no, no.

Please don't. Please don't. No.

So your girlfriend got abducted, huh?

Yes. By someone in a mask

and she's not my girlfriend.

You interviewed her,

about my sister's dis...

Yes, I take notes.

What kind of mask?

It looked like a doll or something.

It was all cracked and grungy looking.

- Did you try contacting her?

- Yes. She isn't answering her cell.

It's 4:00 A.M.

Maybe that's got

something to do with it.

I was on FaceTime with her

when they kidnapped her.

I'm just going to throw this out there.

Maybe she was playing a trick on you.

Did you think about that?

- A joke? Really?

- Oh, you never know.

She told me that her and Mandy were

into some pretty dark and disturbing stuff,

playing tricks on each other.

That doesn't make sense.

She wouldn't do that to me.

Well, it makes more sense

than someone

in a clown mask kidnapping her.

Don't you think?

Listen, I think whoever did this to Kate

might be the same people

who took my sister.

Come on, you don't see a connection?

I didn't see anything. You did.

It's too early to file

a missing person's report.

The only thing we have to go on

is your word and your word

is dog piss in my books.

You're the assh*le

with the blog and the podcast

that wrote an article

slamming the Seattle Police Department

for being incompetent.

That was about one case.

I never slammed the Seattle Po...

I quote,

"A corrupt and incompetent police force,

bereft of honor and dignity."

If you forgive my incompetence,

when I say you should go home

and sleep it the f*ck off.

You smell like

you've been smoking weed all day.

Didn't you send a car

to check on Kate's store?

Yes, and they reported back.

No forced entry, no suspicious activity,

all locked up.


That's just f*cking great.

I was right.

This department is f*cking incompetent.


Oh my God.

Please let me go.

Please. I won't tell anyone.

No, let him go, you f*cking bastards.

Let him go.

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're hurting him.

Please stop. Stop hurting him.

Stop. Oh my God.

f*ck you.

- Oh my God.

- No. No.

Kate, are you there?

Oh my God, Clare,

it is so good to hear your voice.

I thought they k*lled you.

I don't understand any of this, Kate.

I am so scared.

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

We'll just stay strong.

You're my best friend, Kate.

I just want you to know.

If you do make it out of here alive,

can you please

let my mom know that I love her?

No. No, no, no. Don't say that.

You're going to make it out of here.

I'm going to die in here.

Drop your cocks and grab your socks.

I think I found it.

Wow. How'd you do it?

What are you doing with your phone, man?

I thought it was compromised.

- You shouldn't even.

- I know.

- I just need a picture to show the cops.

- Turn it off.


I have connections bro,

I asked around, someone sent me a link.

- Wait, what? Who?

- I don't know who, man.

I just checked my email and there it was.

It was a Tor link.

- Shit.

- What?

That's how they found Kate and Mandy.

They supplied the link.

- Who? The bad guys?

- Yes.

- That means they know who you are.

- Dude, that's impossible.

I use several VPNs, proxies,

I even forged a fake IP address,

they do not know who I am.

- What?

- I'm untraceable, man.

I cover my tracks.

Your web cam. Is it on?

The red light.

Yes, that means it's on.

Why the f*ck is it on?

- They know what I look like.

- Calm down.

- f*ck.

- Calm down.

- f*ck.

- Where are you going now?

Getting protection.


let those scary m*therf*ckers come.

What about me?

Do you have another g*n?

No, but I got this.

This will protect you.

It's got a can opener.

Wow. Thanks.

God. These are sick fucks.

That's why we need to find

the IP address.

That's not so easy

on the dark web, man.

The whole system's based

on anonymity.

- It's going to take some time.

- Okay, do it.

Look at that counter.

We only have a couple of days

until the next k*ll.

Wait. Holy shit.

They have Clare.

Click on Kate's.

- We need to find that IP address now.

- I'm f*cking on it, man. I'm f*cking on it.

Okay, what is it this time?

I thought we were too incompetent.

I'm sorry about the article.

I was a very angry person back then.

I wrote a lot of stuff I didn't mean.

Oh, you got all the Clickbait

out of your system now?

I don't write articles

like that anymore.

We found the m*rder show.

I'm having a hard time believing you

about that website.

We need evidence.

- You have a link or something?

- It's a dark web link.

You need a special browser

to access it,

but I took some pictures on my phone.

- Okay.

- They're right here.

You, all right?

I seem to have wasted your time.

- What?

- Forget about it.

- I won't bother you with this again.

- The hell you won't.

- Goodnight.

- Hey, wait a minute.

The f*ck is he so fast?

Come on, work baby.

Work baby. Work baby.

- Yo.

- They know everything.

- Who is this?

- It's Ethan.

- What phone number are you calling from?

- It's a burner. They know everything.

- Where are you, man?

- I'm on my way to you.

You need to get out of there.

They're watching everything.

The phones, the computers,

every g*dd*mn thing.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

I went to show Detective Sawchuck

the screenshots we had.

All that shit was gone from my phone.

They replaced it all

with photos of their victims.

Holy f*cking shit.

I think they might try and frame us

for the murders.


How could they do that man?

- I found the f*cking IP address, bro.

- You did?

Oh my God.

Write it down and get out of there.

Hello? Hello?

Oh yes, b*tches.


Oh, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

You f*cking whore.

God, f*ck, oh my God.

You f*cking psycho,

you cut off my hand.

f*ck. Look, you guys are

gonna pay for this.

We know where you're broadcasting from.

We have your f*cking asses.

f*ck you too. I won't

Now, listen to me, listen to me,

I'll f*cking pay you, I've got money,

in my bag, in my bag

look into my wallet.

There's a thousand dollars there

just take it, just take it.

Look, see, I'm not lying,

I'm not lying, just take it.

I'll wipe everything off my computer,

and I won't say anything, just...



Oh, God. Claire, no.

No. No.

Please. Please help.

Somebody help me. Please.

No. Help.

Please. Please. Please. Help me.

Please help me. Please.

Please just... Help.

You m*therf*ckers. Let her go.

- Ethan, is that you?

- Kate, where are you?

- I'm in the cell next to yours.

- I'm going to get us out of here.

I promise.

It's so nice to hear your voice.

I never thought

I was going to hear it again,

but no one gets out of here alive.

No one.

No f*cking way.

We're getting out of here. Okay?

I've got a f*cking can opener.

We're going to be okay, Kate.

It's okay,

but it's the only way out of here, death,

and I'm not afraid of them anymore.

Oh my God, Ethan, how did you get out?


- I am so happy to see you.

- I'm happy to see you too.

We got to get you out of here.

We're not out of this yet.

We got to keep going.

- They could be watching.

- I don't think so.

- We can't leave Clare.

- We're not leaving anyone behind.

Come on.

It's the control room.

Somebody's in there.

Stay here. Shit.


f*ck you.


Come on.

She's alive.

- I thought you stabbed her?

- I did.

Let me see the knife.

There's no blood.

She must be wearing

some sort of body armor or something.

If we get the clown when he's not

looking, we could save Claire.

- Okay.

- On three.

On three.

One, two, three.

Oh, my God.

- Clare.

- What is it?

- They k*lled her.

- Oh, my God. They k*lled her.

It's a trap.



Argh, f*ck.

Die, you m*therf*cker, die.

How's that for a m*rder show?

You sick fucks.



- The f*cking bitch is still in here.

- Where?

I don't know, but I'm not

letting her get away.

Oh, shit.

Yes, let's just go.

Go, go, get out, go, get out of the car.

Detective, any comments about

the bodies that were found last night?

Like I told you guys before,

yes, there were more bodies found.

Are they connected to the crime scene

up in Snohomish County?

I can neither confirm nor deny.

Do you think this has anything to do

with the m*rder of Amanda Newton?

I can't comment on that.

There's a theory online that this

is all the result of some death cult.

- Do you care to comment on that?

- Enough with the Death Cult.

Detective. Come on.

Come on, come on.

You have any comments

about the Death Cult?

Let us do our jobs.

Cut it.

- Thank you.

- No problem.

Oh my God, this is such an honor.

Nice to meet you.

Your hand must get tired

from all this signing.

Yes, it's worth it.

I love meeting you all.

- We love you too.

- Who should I make it out to...

- Can you make it out to Miles?

- To Miles, my biggest fan.

- Thank you.

- No problem.


Can you sign this for me?

Yeah. No problem.

Thanks, I'm a huge fan.


- I'm taking out the trash.

- Oh, thank you. I was going to do it.

- You're so sweet.

- I beat you to it.

- I love when you do adult stuff.

- I know you do.

Taking out the trash,

is so f*cking hot.

- Hold that thought until I get back though.

- I will.

Lot 367,

he's a podcaster and a blogger

whose most recent work,

The m*rder show,

is quickly climbing the charts

and becoming a nationwide best seller.

Welcome, Ethan Newton to the auction.

Can I start the bidding at $100?

One and a one, I see $200.

Two and a two.

Can I get a three, three.

Three and a three.

$300. Three and a three. Oh wow.

Hold on, I see $10,000. Going once,

going twice. Sold.

To the lady in the

front row for $10,000.
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