01x11 - Daisy's Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x11 - Daisy's Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.
It's me, mickey mouse.

Say, you wanna come
inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost forgot.

To make
the clubhouse appear,

We get to say
the magic words--

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!



Hyuck! Here.

[Ruff ruff]

Oh ho! Here.


Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

Mickey: it's the mickey mouse
clubhouse. ha ha!

Welcome to our clubhouse.

[Doorbell chimes]

Sounds like
we've got a visitor.

Hiya, daisy. Nice outfit.

It's my dance costume.

I've been practicing
a special dance

For today's talent show.

Wow. The talent show.

Do you wanna see
my dance?

You betcha!

Hold this, please.

[Dance music playing]

Ok. My dance
goes like this.

Jump forward,
jump backward.

Clap, clap, clap.

March, march, march.

Slide to one side.

to the other side.


[Music ends]

That's great, daisy.

Gee, thanks.

You wanna
see it again?

Heh heh! Sure.

[Playing dance music]

Heh heh.
Ok, if you say so.

Jump forward,
jump back--

Daisy! Daisy!


Donald duck,
what's the big idea?

Uh, I'm sorry,

Oh, no!

My shoe,
it's broken.

Looks like
the heel fell off.

Now I'll never
be able to dance

At the talent show.

Do you mean the talent show
that starts in 15 minutes?

15 Minutes?
Oh, gosh,

What am I
going to do?

I have to fix
my shoe.

I have to practice
my dance.

I have to get
to the talent show.

[Sighs] oh, tiddlywinks.

Ha ha!
Don't worry, daisy.

We'll help you dance
at the talent show.

You will?

we sure will.

'Cause that's what
friends are for.

Heh heh!

That's right.

Gee, thanks,

All: you're welcome.

I have an idea.
Will you help daisy

Do her special dance
at the talent show?

Ha! You will?

Great. Come on.

Let's go get our mouseketools
from the mousekedoer.

♪ Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi,
mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set,
here we go! ♪

♪ You're a thinkin' and
a solvin' work-it-througher ♪

♪ Mouseke-me, mouseker-you,
mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me,
mouseker-you, mousekedoer ♪

Meeska, mooska,


♪ Mouseketools, mouseketools,
mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are
your mouseketools ♪

Ha ha! A battery.

We'll get a charge
out of that.

Ooh. A glue stick.

That's always useful.

Ooh, and of course
the mystery mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.


[Xylophone playing]

Look, it's toodles.
[Ding ding]

Hiya, toodles.

Ha ha! Ho ho ho!
Oh, gosh! Ha ha!

Hey, there. Ho ho!

Toodles is gonna bring us

Our mouseketools
when we need 'em.

[Dinging, rattling]

All right! We've got
our mouseketools.

Oh, goody!

Talent show,
here we come.

Oh, but first,
let's get that shoe fixed.

Time to check
our mouseketools.



So what mouseketool
can we use

To stick the heel
back on daisy's shoe?


The glue stick! Right!

We got ears.
Say, "cheers."

You fixed it.

Thank you,

As good as new.

Come on, daisy. Show us
your special dance.

[Deep breath]


I think
I forgot my dance.

Oh, daisy,
you just need

A little more practice.
That's all.

That's right.

Will you help daisy
practice her dance?

Hot dog! Ha ha!

To dance with daisy,

First you
have to stand up.

Ok, will everyone
please stand up?


[Dance music playing]

Up on your feet,
everybody. Come on.

Now let's all do
daisy's dance.

First jump forward,
toward us.


Now jump backwards,
away from us.


Clap, clap, clap.


March, march, march.

And slide
to one side.

Then slide
to the other side.

Yay! We did it!

Good dancin',


[Cat yowls]

Oh, my goodness.
We better hurry.

That's right.

We can't be late
for the show.

to the toon car.

Hey! Wait for me!

Your door,

It's stuck again.

Oh, uh, mickey,
don't we need

A combination
to open the garage?

Yep, you're right,

Hmm, let's see.

Oh, I remember.

To open the garage
this time,

We have to jump forward
to that circle,

Then jump backwards
to this one.

[Gasps] just like
in my dance--

Jump forward,
jump backward.

I'm gonna need
all of you to help.

Are you ready to jump?


Here we go.

Jump forward.

Daisy: look!
It's working!

Great. Now jump backwards.

Ooh. It's almost open.

Let's all jump forward
one more time.

Jump forward.

Mickey: bingo!

Ha ha! Good jumping,

Hey! Wait up!

Talent show,
here we come!

Oh! Look.

Daisy: goodness.
It's a bunch of...

All: chickens.

Minnie: dancing chickens,
to be exact.

Daisy: they must be
on their way

To the talent show, too.

Say, uh, we'd better
honk the horn.

[Coughing honks]

It's broken.

Oh, no.

What are we
going to do?

[Gasps] oh, I know.

Jump forward,
jump backward.

Clap, clap, clap.

That's it. We can clap
to warn the animals.

If we all clap,
maybe the chickens will hear us

And move out of the way.

How many chickens
do you see?

Donald: 1, 2, 3.

So let's clap 3 times.

Clap and count with us.

All: 1, 2, 3.

Oh, no. The chickens
don't hear us.

Well, come on.
Let's clap louder.

1, 2, 3.

[Chickens shriek]


Oh, boy! Ha ha!

Minnie: ha ha ha!

Don't look now.

[Gasps] it's a bunch of...

All: cows!


Daisy: cancaning cows,
to be exact.

[Cancan music

How many cows
are there?

Minnie: ooh.
Let's count and see.







So clap with us,
once for each cow.

All: 1,






The cows
don't hear us.

Can you clap louder?


All: 1,





[Cows bellow]

[Fast cancan music playing]

Ha ha ha!

Aw, gosh.

Aw, gosh.

Nothing'll stop us now.


Except for those.

Oh, my.
It's a herd of...

All: elephants!

Daisy: dancing elephants,
that is,

And they're
doing the mambo.

Say, how many elephants
are there?

Minnie: oh, my.
Let's see.








Let's clap once
for each elephant.

All: 1,







Ohh. I guess
the elephants

Don't hear us.

let's do it louder.








[All trumpet]

[Fast mambo music playing]

Hooray! Ha ha!

Ha ha! Gosh.

Good clapping,

We got all the animals
safely out of the way.

Talent show,
here we come.

All: whoa!

Minnie: this hill is big.

What's it called?

Mickey: well,
actually, it's called

The great big hill.

[Car coughing,

Hey, what's
the big idea?

[Car gulps, sighs]

Mickey: oh, no.
We've run out of gas.

Hold on tight, everybody.



Oh, no! We have to get

To the talent show
so I can do my dance.

Now we'll
never make it.

Oh, that's not true.

We can solve this problem.


I have an idea.

Jump forward,
jump backward.

Clap, clap, clap.

March, march, march.

Great idea, daisy.

If we all
march together,

We can make it over
the great big hill.

Well, sounds good to me.

Will you help us march
over the great big hill?

Great. Come on.

Let's march together.

Come on. March with us.

March, march, march.

March, march, march.

All three:
march, march, march.


March, march, march.

March, march, march.



Aah! Oof!

We made it to the top
of the great big hill.

let's hurry.

Minnie: oh, no. Now we
have to go through the maze.

Which path leads

All the way
through the maze?

The first path...

The second path...

Or the third path?

The second path.

Come on, everybody.

Follow me.

Uh-oh. The path is
getting narrower.

And narrower.


I'm stuck.

I know what to do.

Jump forward,
jump backward.

Clap, clap, clap.

March, march, march.

Slide to one side.

Slide to the other side.

Heh. Right, daisy.

Let's all slide to the side
to get through the maze.

Stand up, please.

And slide
to the side.

Hey, it works.

Daisy: whee!

Now let's slide
to the other side.

Slide to the other side.

Oh, it's working.

Keep sliding, everybody.

Now slide to
the other side again.

Go on.
Slide again.

Slide, slide.

We're almost there.

Now slide to the other side
one more time.

Oh, boy, oh, boy.


We got through
the maze.


Ha ha ha ha!

Hooray! We reached
mickey theater.


All: pete!

That's my name.

Now if you
wanna go inside

For the talent show,
it's gonna cost ya.

Hunh! How much?

Well, let's see.

♪ Ah do do do
do do do ♪

Oh, yeah. That'll
be one yellow bow

For each and
every one of you.

Yellow bows?

Where are we going
to get yellow bows?

Heh heh heh heh.

Minnie: I know.

Why don't we check
the mouseketools?

Good idea, minnie.

Everybody say,
"oh, toodles."

All three: oh, toodles!

[Wheel squeaking]

[Ding ding]

A battery and
the mystery mouseketool.

Will a battery
give us bows?

Nah. That wouldn't work,

And we've already
used the glue stick.

Wow, that means it's time
for the mystery mouseketool.

Everybody say,
"mystery mouseketool."

Minnie, donald, and daisy:
mystery mouseketool.

Mickey: what is it?

A spool of ribbon. Right.

Can we use ribbons
to pay pete with bows?

Donald: no, we can't.

Minnie: ha ha!
Of course we can, donald.

Daisy: we can tie
the ribbons into bows.

Mickey: that's
a great idea, daisy.

We got ears.
Say, "cheers."

[Ding ding]

Oh ho ho!
Ribbons into bows. See?

We need one yellow bow
for each of us.

How many bows do we have?
Count with me.




4. 4. Right.

And how many friends
do we have?

1, 2, 3, 4.
Ha ha ha ha!

Uh-huh. 4.

So do we have
the right number of bows?

You betcha.

4 Bows for 4 friends.

Here you go, pete.

4 Bows, one for each of us.

color me impressed.

I bow to your bows.
Heh heh.

Ho ho. Pete.

Ha ha. Let's go,

Talent show,
here we come.

[Banjo playing]

[Microphone feedback]

Let's give a big round
of applause

For chip and dale.

[Audience cheering]



[Elephant trumpets]

Our final performer
is daisy duck.

Is she out there?

Um, daisy.

Daisy, are you ready
to do your special dance?


Oh, daisy,
this is your big chance.

You can do it.

Yeah, daisy.
Do your dance.

Well, uh, guess daisy
didn't make it

To the talent show tonight,
so, uh...

hold on, goofy.

right here.

Go get 'em.

Well, what do you know?

Presenting daisy duck.

Let's all cheer
for daisy.

Everybody say,
"daisy's dance.

Daisy's dance."

All: daisy's dance.

Daisy's dance.

Daisy's dance.

Daisy's dance.

Heh heh. See, daisy?

Everybody wants
to see you dance.

You do?


You really do!


Dj donald,
music, please.

[Slow music, then stops]

It's not working.

Oh, no. I can't do
my special dance
without the music.

Why don't we check
our mouseketools?

Who do we call?

All: oh, toodles!

Ha ha.
Here he comes.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Cow clapping]

Mickey: can a battery
make the radio work?

Ha ha! You betcha.

Hey, hey, we've used
all our mouseketools.

Say, "super cheer."

[Ding ding]

All right, then.

I'm ready
to do my dance.

Ha ha!

Ho ho ho!
Ha ha ha!

And so are you
and you, too.

[Dance music playing]

Now remember, we jumped
forward and backward

To open the garage,

We clap, clap, clapped to get
the animals out of the way,

We march, march, marched
over the great big hill,

And we went sliding to the side
to get through the maze.

That's right,

Come on,

Let's dance
with daisy.

Stand up,

Ha ha ha!
Get up on your feet.

First jump forward.

Then jump backwards.

Now clap, clap, clap

And march, march, march

And slide to one side

And then slide
to the other side.

All right!

Let's do it again.

Now dance any way you like.



Dance like a duck.

[Cancan music]


Gosh, we helped daisy
dance at the talent show.

Ho, great dancing,

Now it's time to do
the mousekedance.



♪ Hot dog ♪

[Ruff ruff]

♪ hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
the problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

Gee, we had such
a great day today

Helping daisy
do her dance.

We used a glue stick

To stick daisy's heel
back on to her shoe.

Daisy: thanks,

Then we made ribbons
into bows

To pay pete for admission
to mickey theater.

ribbons into bows.

And finally
we used a battery

To fix the radio so daisy
could have music for her dance.

Daisy: I'm so glad
we could dance together.

It was so much fun.

Well, what a hot dog day.

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day,
what ya waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggety dog ♪

♪ Hot dog,
hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

♪ We're sweatin' the scene,
we're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse ♪

♪ Club ♪

♪ House ♪

See you real soon.
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